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Performance Analysis of an OpenStack Private Cloud

Performance Analysis of an OpenStack Private Cloud
Tamas Pflanzner1, Roland Tornyai1, Balazs Gibizer2, Anita Schmidt2and Attila Kertesz1
1Software Engineering Department, University of Szeged, 6720 Szeged, Dugonics ter 13, Hungary
2Ericsson Hungary, 1476 Budapest, Konyves Kalman krt. 11, Hungary
{tampfla,tornyai,keratt}, {balazs.gibizer,}
Cloud Computing, Performance analysis, OpenStack
Cloud Computing is a novel technology offering flexible resource provisions for business stakehold-
ers to manage IT applications and data responding to new customer demands. It is not an easy
task to determine the performance of the ported applications in advance. The virtualized nature
of these environments always represent a certain level of performance degradation, which is also
dependent on the types of resources and application scenarios. In this paper we have set up a
performance evaluation environment within a private OpenStack deployment, and defined general
use cases to be executed and evaluated in this cloud. These test cases are used for investigating
the internal behavior of OpenStack in terms of computing and networking capabilities of its provi-
sioned virtual machines. The results of our investigation reveal the performance of general usage
scenarios in a local cloud, give an insight for businesses planning to move to the cloud and provide
hints where further development or fine tuning is needed in order to improve OpenStack systems.
Cloud Computing is a diverse research area, its
novel technology offers on-demand access to com-
putational, infrastructure and data resources op-
erated remotely. This concept has been ini-
tiated by commercial companies to allow elas-
tic construction of virtual infrastructures, and
its technical motivation has been introduced in
[Buyya et al., 2009][Vaquero et al., 2008]. Cloud
solutions enable businesses to outsource the oper-
ation and management processes of IT infrastruc-
ture and services, therefore their applicants can
concentrate on their core competencies. Never-
theless it is not an easy task to determine the
performance of the ported applications in ad-
vance. The virtualized nature of these environ-
ments always represent a certain level of perfor-
mance degradation, which is also dependent on
the types of resources used and application sce-
narios applied.
In this paper we have set up a perfor-
mance evaluation environment using Rally
[Ishanov, 2013] within a private Mirantis
[Mirantis, 2015b] OpenStack deployment, and
defined general use cases to be executed and
evaluated in this local cloud. The main contri-
butions of this paper are (i) the automated Rally
performance evaluation environment, and (ii) the
predefined set of test cases used for investigating
the internal behavior of OpenStack in terms
of computing and networking capabilities of
its provisioned virtual machines. The results
of our investigation reveal the performance of
general usage scenarios in a private cloud, give
an insight for business stakeholders planning
to move to the cloud and provide hints where
further development is needed in OpenStack.
The remainder of this paper is as follows: Sec-
tion 2 gives an overview of the related works, and
Section 3 introduces the installation of our pri-
vate cloud. Section 4 defines the test cases and
presents their evaluation. Finally, Section 5 con-
cludes the paper.
Cloud monitoring is closely related to bench-
marking, and nowadays it is a widely studied re-
search area and several solutions have emerged
both from the academic and commercial fields.
Fatema et al. [Fatema et al., 2014] created a sur-
vey of 21 monitoring tools applicable for cloud
systems. They introduced the practical capabili-
ties that an ideal monitoring tool should possess
to serve the objectives in these operational areas.
Based on these capabilities, they also presented a
taxonomy and analysed these monitoring tools to
determine their strengths and weaknesses. Most
of these cloud monitoring tools offer their services
at the Software as a Service (SaaS) level that can
be used to monitor third party cloud installa-
tions. To realize this, third party clouds must
support the installation and execution of SaaS
agents. Many cloud monitoring tools are capable
of monitoring at the infrastructure and applica-
tion levels, while some others can only monitor
one of those levels.
Concerning cloud benchmarking, Ficco et al.
[Ficco et al., 2015] defined the roles of bench-
marking and monitoring of service performance
in Cloud Computing, and presented a survey on
related solutions. They argued that in general
benchmarking tools should be more flexible, and
the usage of a single performance index is not ac-
ceptable and workload definition should be cus-
tomizable according to user specific needs. Leit-
ner et al. [Leitner and Cito, 2014] performed a
benchmarking of public cloud providers by set-
ting up hypotheses relating to the nature of per-
formance variations, and validated these hypothe-
ses on Amazon EC2 and Google Compute Engine.
With this study they showed that there were sub-
stantial differences in the performance of different
public cloud providers. Our aim is to investigate
a local, private cloud based on OpenStack.
The primary goal of the CloudHarmony
[Cloudharmony, 2014] is to make cloud services
comparable, therefore they provide objective, in-
dependent performance comparisons between dif-
ferent cloud providers. Using these data, cus-
tomers can quickly compare providers and have
reasonable expectations for cloud performance.
However, CloudHarmony can only provide quan-
titative performance data in a raw form produced
by benchmark tools and cannot present refined
qualitative information created from processed
benchmark results.
Ceilometer [OpenStack, 2015a] is an Open-
Stack project designed to provide an infrastruc-
ture to collect measurements within OpenStack
so that only one agent is needed to collect the
data. The primary targets of the project are
monitoring and metering, but the framework can
be extended to collect usage for other needs.
Rally [Ishanov, 2013] is a more advanced solu-
tion for benchmarking and profiling OpenStack-
based clouds. Its tools allow users or develop-
ers to specify some kind of synthetic workload to
stresstest OpenStack clouds and get the low-level
profiling results. Rally is able to collect mon-
itored information about executing specific sce-
narios, like provisioning a thousand virtual ma-
chines (VM), and shows how a cloud performs on
average in that environment. Since cloud opera-
tors typically do not run user workloads, therefore
Rally provides an engine that allows developers
to specify real-life workloads and runs on existing
OpenStack clouds. The results generated from
these kinds of benchmarks are more high level,
but they allow users to identify bottlenecks on a
specific cloud. In our work we used and extended
Rally scenarios to benchmark our private cloud.
OpenStack [OpenStack, 2015c] is a global
collaboration of developers and cloud comput-
ing technologists producing the ubiquitous open
source cloud computing platform for public and
private clouds. It aims to deliver solutions for
all types of clouds by being simple to implement,
massively scalable, and feature rich. The tech-
nology consists of a series of interrelated projects
delivering various components for a cloud infras-
tructure solution. It has 13 official distributions
[OpenStack, 2015b], and we have chosen Miran-
tis [Mirantis, 2015b] for the base distribution of
our private cloud, since it is the most flexible
and open distribution of OpenStack. It inte-
grates core OpenStack, key related projects and
third party plugins to offer community innova-
tions with the testing, support and reliability of
enterprise software.
When calculating resources for an OpenStack
environment, we should consider the resources re-
quired for expanding our planned environment.
This calculation can be done manually with the
help of the example calculation [Mirantis, 2014a]
or by an automatic tool, like the Bill of Materials
calculator. The OpenStack Hardware Bill of Ma-
terials (BOM) calculator [Mirantis, 2014b] helps
anyone building a cloud to identify how much
Table 1: Hardware parameters of our private OpenStack cloud.
Type 1 Type 2
System IBM BladeCenter HS21 BladeCenter LS21
CPU 8x 2.66GHz Xeon E5430 4x 2.4GHz Opt. 2216HE
RAM 4x 2GB, 8GB total 4x 1GB, 4GB total
DISK 1 drive, 68.4 GB total 1 drive, 35GB total
INTERFACE 2x 1.0 Gbps
Number of nodes by type
3x Type 1 1x Type 2
2x Type 1 + 8 GB RAM, 16 GB total 1x Type 2 + 500 GB DISK
2x Type 1 + 700 GB DISK
hardware and which server model they need to
build compute services for a cloud. In our case
we had some dedicated resources for setting up
our planned cloud, therefore we only had to per-
form a validity check [Mirantis, 2015a] to be sure
that our hardware pool is capable of hosting an
OpenStack cloud. The parameters of our dedi-
cated hardware are shown in Table 1.
Mirantis consists of three main components
[Mirantis, 2015b]: (i) Mirantis OpenStack hard-
ened packages, (ii) Fuel for OpenStack, and (iii)
Mirantis Support. The hardened packages in-
clude the core OpenStack projects, updated with
each stable release of OpenStack, and support-
ing a broad range of operating systems, hypervi-
sors, and deployment topologies, including sup-
port for high availability, fixes for reported but
yet not merged defects to the community source,
and Mirantis-developed packages, such as Sahara
and Murano. Fuel is a lifecycle management ap-
plication that deploys multiple OpenStack clouds
from a single interface and then enables users
to manage those clouds post deployment. One
can add nodes, remove nodes, or even remove
clouds, restoring those resources to the available
resources pool, and it also eases the complexities
of network and storage configurations through a
simple-to-use graphical user experience. It in-
cludes tested reference architectures and an open
library to ease configuration changes.
An OpenStack environment contains a set of
specialized nodes and roles. When planning an
OpenStack deployment, a proper mix of node
types must be determined and selected what roles
will be installed on each, therefore each node
should be assigned by a role denoting a specific
component. Fuel is capable of deploying these
roles to the nodes [Mirantis, 2015c] of our sys-
tem. The most important nodes are the fol-
lowings [Mirantis, 2015d]: a Controller node ini-
tiates orchestration activities and offers impor-
tant services like identity management, web dash-
board and scheduler. A Compute node han-
dles the VMs lifecycle and includes the nova-
compute service that creates, manages and ter-
minates virtual machine instances. Considering
storage nodes, Cinder LVM is the default block
storage backend for Cinder and Glance compo-
nents [OpenStack, 2015e]. Block storage can be
used for database storage, expandable file system
or providing a server with access to raw block
level devices. Ceph is a scalable storage solu-
tion that replicates data across the other nodes,
and it supports both object and block storage.
The absolute minimum requirement for a highly-
available OpenStack deployment is to allocate 4
nodes: 3 Controller nodes, combined with stor-
age, and 1 Compute node. In production envi-
ronments, it is highly recommended to separate
storage nodes from controllers to avoid resource
contention, isolate failure domains, and to be able
to optimize hardware configurations for specific
To start the deployment process, we created
some initial cloud installations with different con-
figurations, in which we did not use all the avail-
able machines dedicated for our private cloud.
These different configurations aimed at both non-
HA and HA systems, and we experimented with
different network topologies like the basic nova-
network flat DHCP and neutron with GRE seg-
mentation. We also deployed the first environ-
ments with the default LVM storage, but later we
switched to Ceph. Once we arrived to a reliable
distribution of components, we created a short
documentation about the configuration of our
planned cloud system, and shared it with our col-
leagues at Ericsson. In order to arrive to a more
enterprise-like cloud deployment, we changed the
network settings to separate the management net-
work from the storage and Compute network, be-
cause the storage network can produce big load of
network traffic and it can slow down the manage-
ment network. As a result we removed the storage
roles from the controller nodes. Since we did not
have big hard drives in these nodes, we did not
lose significant storage capacity. Though in the
OpenStack documentation the storage role is not
recommended for the controllers, in a small cloud
(having 4-10 nodes) it can be reasonable. Finally
we arrived to the deployment shown in Table 2.
After reviewing and considering benchmark-
ing solutions from the literature, we selected
Rally [OpenStack, 2015f] as the main benchmark-
ing solution for the performance analysis of our
private OpenStack cloud. We defined several sce-
narios to analyze the performance characteristics
of our cloud. In some cases we also used the
Python API of OpenStack [OpenStack, 2015d] to
create specific test scenarios. In the following sub-
sections we introduce these scenarios, and present
the result of our experiments.
4.1 Benchmarking scenarios
OpenStack is a really big ecosystem of coopera-
tive services, and when something fails, performs
slowly or does not scale, it is really hard to an-
swer questions on what, why and where it has
happened. Rally [OpenStack, 2015f] can help to
answer these questions, therefore it is used by
developers to make sure that a newly developed
code works fine and helps to improve OpenStack.
Some typical use cases for Rally can help to con-
figure OpenStack for a specific hardware, or they
can show the OpenStack quality by time with
historical data of benchmarks. Rally consists of
4 main components: Server Providers to handle
VMs, Deploy Engines to deploy the OpenStack
cloud, Verification to run tempest (or other tests),
collect the results and present them in a human
readable form, and Benchmark engine to write
parameterized benchmark scenarios.
Our goal is to provide test cases that can mea-
sure the performance of a private cloud, could
help in finding bottlenecks and can be used to en-
sure that our cloud will be working as expected
in a close to real life utilization. The VM lifecy-
cle handling (start, snapshot and stop), user han-
dling, networks and migration will be in the focus
of our benchmarking tests. In the first round of
experiments we will benchmark specific parts of
the cloud without stress testing other parts, and
later these tests will be repeated with artificially
generated stress on the system. As a future work,
these test cases could be used to compare differ-
ent infrastructure configurations, for example to
compare the native OpenStack and Mirantis de-
fault settings, or other custom configurations.
In all scenarios we will use three types of VM
flavors: (i) small (fS) - 1 VCPU; 1536 MB RAM,
(ii) medium (fM) - 2 VCPU; 3072 MB RAM and
(iii) big (fB) - 4 VCPU; 6144 MB RAM. The
following OS images will be used for the testing
VMs: Ubuntu, Xubuntu, CirrOS. Our basic test
scenarios are the followings:
1. VM start and stop: The most basic VM oper-
ations are to start and stop a VM. In this sce-
nario we perform these operations, and mea-
sure the time taken to start a VM and decom-
missioning it. The VM will be booted from
image and from volume too.
2. VM start, create snapshot, stop: Creating a
snapshot is an important feature of a cloud.
Therefore in this scenario we start a VM, save
a snapshot of the machine, then decommission
it. The two subscenarios are when the VM is
booted from an image and from a volume.
3. Create and delete image: The image creation
and deletion are usual operations. In this case
we measure the time taken to create a new VM
image, and to delete an existing VM image
4. Create and attach volume: In this scenario we
will test the storage performance by creating
a volume and attaching it to a VM.
5. Create and delete networks: In this scenario
we examine the networking behavior of the
cloud by creating and removing networks.
6. Create and delete subnets: In this case we
will measure subnet creation and deletion by
creating a given number of subnets and then
delete them.
7. Internal connection between VMs: In this sce-
nario we will measure the internal connection
reliability between VMs by transferring data
between them.
8. External connection: In this scenario we will
measure the external connection reliability by
downloading and uploading 1 GB data from
and to a remote location.
Table 2: Deployment parameters of our private OpenStack cloud.
Distribution Mirantis 5.0.1 (OpenStack Icehouse)
Extra components Ceilometer, High Availibilty (HA)
Operating System Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise)
Hypervisor KVM
Storage backend Ceph
Network (Nova FlatDHCP) Network #1: Public, Storage, VM
Network #2: Admin, Management
Fuel Master node 1x Type 2
Controller nodes 2x Type 1
Controller, telemetry, MongoDB 1x Type 1
Compute, Storage - Ceph nodes 2x Type 1+ 8GB RAM
2x Type 1 + 700GB DISK
Storage Cinder 1x Type 2 + 500GB DISK
9. Migration: Migration is also an important fea-
ture of a cloud, therefore we will test live mi-
gration capabilities in this scenario.
To fully test the cloud environment, we need
to examine the performance in scenarios with ar-
tificially generated background load, where spe-
cific operations could also affect the overall per-
formance. Therefore we will examine the follow-
ing cases:
Concurrency: User handling and parallel op-
erations are important in a cloud, so we will
execute several scenarios concurrently.
Stress: We will use dedicated stressing VMs
(executing Phoronix benchmarks) to inten-
sively use the allocated resources of the cloud,
and measure how the VM behavior will change
compared to the original scenarios.
Disk: We will also perform scenarios with
varying disk sizes. The basic test case scenar-
ios will be executed in different circumstances,
which are specified by the above three factors.
As a result we have 8 test categories, but not
all of them will be used for each scenario. Ta-
ble 3 shows the defined test case categories.
Table 3: Test case categories for cloud benchmarking.
Category Concurrency Stress Disk
Concerning the built-in Rally scenarios, we
had to create JSON parameter files that specify
the details of the actual test. Nevertheless for an
actual scenario we had different test cases, which
had to be defined by different JSON parameters.
Therefore we developed a Java application that
is able to generate custom JSON description files
for the different cases. The Java application has a
Constants class, where the JSON parameters can
be modified in one place, like the used image for
the VMs or the flavors. The BaseScenario class
represents a general scenario and defines some
general methods like using different flavors or set-
ting the concurrency of a test case. We created
some other classes, which are used for the JSON
generation with GSON (Google Java library to
convert Java object to JSONs). Every scenario
has its own Java class, for example the Scenario01
class, where we can define additional capabilities
that are extensions to the general BaseScenario.
To run test cases in an automated way, we used
a bash script.
Because of the intensive development progress
in the Rally development, we tried to use the lat-
est version, but we also wanted to have all the
used versions, in case an exact test recreation
would be needed. That is why we have multiple
Rally folders with different versions. The script
iterates on all the folders in the Scenarios folder
and generates HTML reports.
Concerning Scenario 7 and 8, we planned to
use custom scripts inside Rally. We created
these scripts, but we experienced problems re-
lated to network access during executing these
cases. Rally generates special user accounts for
each case, and sometimes in the custom scripts
not all created entities can be modified or ac-
cessed. To overcome these problems, we used the
Table 4: Summary of the performance analysis results.
Scenario No Stress Stress
No Concurrency Concurrency No Concurrency Concurrency
number fS fM fB fS fM fB fS fM fB fS fM fB
1/Image 87 86 92 180 163 158 119 105 126 307 164 191
1/Volume 101 101 109 290 208 301 120 118 126 278 233 307
2 183 189 185 316 329 288 208 202 210 397 421 373
3 8 11 7 12
5 0.304 0.549 0.287 0.426
6 0.598 0.858 0.624 0.923
7Upload / Download N/A
32.079 / 246.398 N/A
8 61.703 N/A
9 90 96 97 165 181 N/A 110 109 N/A 203 214 N/A
OpenStack Python API to create custom scripts
for these scenarios and execute them without us-
ing Rally.
4.2 Evaluation results
In this subsection we present the results of our
performance analysis of our private OpenStack
cloud installed at the Software Engineering De-
partment (SED) of the University of Szeged, Hun-
gary. Table 4 summarizes the measured values for
all cases (in seconds), while Figure 1 shows the
charts generated by Rally for a specific test cases
of Scenario 2.
4.3 Discussions
In Scenario 1 more than 95% of the execution
time was spent on VM booting. The flavor of
the VM made minimal difference in time, but
in the concurrent cases the measurements with
big flavors resulted in only 60% success ratio.
Also in the concurrent cases the measured boot-
ing time was in average twice as much as in the
non-current cases (4 VMs were started in the con-
current tests at the same time).
Within this scenario we also investigated boot-
ing from volume instead of an image. We found
that the average booting time took 10% more in
non-concurrent cases, and more than 40% exe-
cution time increase in concurrent cases, and we
also experienced higher deviations. The number
of errors were also increased, the usual error type
was: Block Device Mapping is Invalid.
Concerning different flavors for Scenario 2 we
arrived to a similar conclusion, i.e. in the mea-
sured times there was minimal difference, but the
concurrent test cases with big flavors had only
30% success rate. The image creation and VM
booting had around 45% of the measured time
each (as shown in Fig. 1). The concurrent exe-
cutions almost doubled the measured time of the
scenarios. For the second round of experiments
using stressing VMs on the nodes, we experienced
around 10% increase for non-concurrent cases and
30% increase for the concurrent ones.
In Scenario 3 image creation took most of the
time, while deletion had 20% to 40% of the over-
all measurement time. In the concurrent cases it
took around 1.5 times more to perform the same
tasks. It is interesting that for the concurrent sce-
narios image deletion took longer than in the non-
concurrent cases, compared to the performance
degradation of image creation cases.
Concerning Scenario 4, all measurements have
failed (due to timeout operations). After investi-
gating the problem, we found that it seems to be
a bug in Rally, since attaching volumes to VMs
through the web interface works well, and can be
performed within 1-2 seconds. Therefore we did
not detail these results in Table 4.
In Scenario 5, for the concurrent cases we ex-
perienced around 10% increase in execution time
for creating and deleting networks. The creation
and deletion ratio not changed in a significant
way, the deletion ratio raised from 30% to 35%.
In Scenario 6, we examined subnet manage-
ment. Both in the non-concurrent and concur-
rent cases we experienced 40% failures due to ten-
ant network unavailability. The concurrent cases
took a bit more than twice as much time to per-
Scenarios 7 and 8 have been implemented
in customs scripts using the OpenStack Python
API. The results for data transfers show that up-
loading to an external server was 10 times faster
Figure 1: Detailed results and charts for the concurrent test case of Scenario 2 with medium VM flavor.
in average (because it was within the same build-
ing) than the downloading from a server (located
in Germany). Concerning the internal connection
between VMs within the cloud we found that it
was twice slower than the external upload to a
remote server within the building. During the
data transfers we experienced a couple of errors
with the following types: 113 - ’No route to host’
and 111 - ’Connection refused’. These cases were
During the evaluation of Scenario 9 we had a
hardware failure in one of the computing nodes,
which resulted in high number of errors. Concern-
ing the successful cases, we experienced nearly
50% time increase in concurrent cases to the non-
concurrent ones.
Cloud computing offers on-demand access to
computational, infrastructure and data resources
operated from a remote source. This novel tech-
nology has opened new ways of flexible resource
provisions for businesses to manage IT applica-
tions and data responding to new demands from
customers. Nevertheless it is not an easy task to
determine the performance of the ported applica-
tions in advance.
In this paper we proposed a set of general
cloud test cases and evaluated a private Open-
Stack cloud deployment with a performance eval-
uation environment based on Rally. These test
cases were used for investigating the internal be-
havior of OpenStack components in terms of com-
puting and networking capabilities of its provi-
sioned virtual machines.
The results of our investigation showed the
performance of general usage scenarios in a local
cloud. In general we can conclude that stressing a
private cloud with targeted workloads does intro-
duce some performance degradation, but the sys-
tem returns to normal operation after the stress-
ing load. We also experienced failures in certain
cases, which means that fresh cloud deployments
need to be fine-tuned for certain scenarios. We
believe that we managed to give an insight of
cloud behavior with our test cases for businesses
planning to move to the cloud. In our future work
will continue investigating OpenStack behavior
with additional test cases derived from real world
The research leading to these results has re-
ceived funding from Ericsson Hungary Ltd.
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... Komputasi awan menawarkan akses sesuai permintaan sumber daya komputasi, infrastruktur dan data dioperasikan dari sumber jarak jauh. Teknologi baru ini telah membuka cara baru sumber daya yang fleksibel ketentuan untuk bisnis untuk mengelola aplikasi IT dan data menanggapi tuntutan baru dari pelanggan [4]. Konsep Cloud adalah mengubah hardware-dedicated menjadi software-dedicated sehingga Cloud menjadi salah satu solusi yang lebih praktis dan dengan biaya minimal [5], karena jika terjadi penurunan performa tidak perlu menambah komponen secara fisik melainkan menambah secara logic. ...
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Era Pandemi menyebabkan peningkatan penggunaan aplikasi konferensi video yang tiba-tiba dan siginifikan. Bagi perusahaan harus segera beradaptasi dalam hal aplikasi komunikasi. Salah satu aplikasi yang bisa digunakan yaitu openmeetings. Openmeetings adalah aplikasi yang digunakan sebagai pengatur konferensi yang terinstal pada server. Umumnya server dibangun menggunakan komponen fisik, namun memiliki keterbatasan sehingga seringkali mengalami penurunan performa dalam segi kecepatan server dalam menjalankan layanan. Salah satu upaya meningkatkan performa server harus menambah atau mengganti perangkat keras sehingga kurang menguntungkan pada biaya operasional. Konsep Cloud selain dapat mengefisienkan biaya operasional server juga handal dalam hal ketersedian layanan. Cloud merupakan sebuah model Client-server, dapat diakses oleh pengguna dimana saja dan kapan saja. Membangun Cloud salah satunya dapat menggunakan openstack, merupakan software open source untuk membangun cloud. Penelitian dilakukan perbandingan harga cloud dengan komponen fisik serta pengujian Video Conference yang di jalankan dalam Cloud untuk mengetahui kinerja Cloud dari sisi Quality of Service (QoS) meliputi delay, packetloss, jitter dan throughput. Hasilnya disimpulkan menggunakan cloud lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan menggunakan server fisik. nilai rata-rata terbesar pada sisi upload adakah throughput sebesar 639.85kbps, delay sebesar 30.22ms, jitter sebesar 10.35ms dan packetloss sebesar 0.94%, untuk nilai rata-rata terbesar pada sisi download adalah throughput sebesar 1,856.55kbps, delay sebesar 10.19ms, jitter sebesar 6.18ms dan packetloss sebesar 0.87%.
... Performance evaluation environment with open stack deployment, the test cases investigate the internal behavior of open stack in terms of computing. The results in terms of performance usage in uploading and downloading developments is improved with open stack methodologies [56]. ...
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Storage in cloud computing is the fundamental service which is widely used by consumers of cloud. Cloud offer many advantages such as flexibility, elasticity, scalability and sharing of data among users. However, cloud storage throws many privacy and security challenges. Especially, the most significant problem is access control mechanism which ensures sharing of dataonly to authorized users. Most of the cloud service providers offer Role Based Access Control (RBAC) where users are grouped into roles and access is given to resources based on roles. The problem with this scheme is that once a role gets access to a resource, further restrictions are not possible, where there are security limitations for which data owner needs to restrict access to a part of an object but not entire object. This work proposes to useSwift, an object storage service in open source cloud named OpenStack. Swift restricts access to objects using Access Control Lists (ACLs). As per ACL, users can gain access to an object. However, once access is given, users can access the complete object without further restrictions. The proposed work is evaluated in real cloud environment Amazon cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Open stack cloud. A framework termed Predicate Based Access Control (PBAC) is proposed to render fine grained access control to Swift storage. Access is provided to predicates that are part of an object. Instead of following an “all or nothing” approach, an access control mechanism that makes the Swift storage and retrieval more secure is preferred.
... OpenStack is a distributed collection of open source cloud computing software projects that enterprises or cloud providers can adopt for creating, managing, and deploying infrastructure cloud services [32]. 4.04.5-server ...
Given the development of the Cloud Computing recently, clients and customers using the Cloud for both individual and business needs have expanded to an uncommon scale. This has normally prompted the expanded deployments of Cloud data centers over the globe. As a result, Cloud data centers are seen to be monstrous energy consumers and natural polluters. They require an extraordinary measure of regular energy which has made an effect on the energy supply and natural conditions of the environment. This is the reason why the vulnerability of persistent energy supply, later on, is being referred to. In this way, there is a need of an energy-aware cloud-based system which automatically and efficiently manages and optimize cloud computing data center resources by considering energy consumption as an essential Quality of Service (QoS) parameter. This paper, focus on the energy utilization of the data centers and how this can be limited so as to make the cloud computing greener. Thus, a new autonomic resource optimization manager has been proposed to avail the most optimum level of resources with reduced server energy consumption. The proposed framework has been verified theoretically and tested experimentally. The experimental analysis has demonstrated that the effectiveness of the proposed solution is greater than the state-of-the-art methods in terms of the achieved results related to reducing energy consumption and response time in cloud computing data centers.
... Performance evaluation environment with open stack deployment, the test cases investigate the internal behavior of open stack in terms of computing. The results in terms of performance usage in uploading and downloading developments is improved with open stack methodologies [56]. ...
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Emphasis on security for providing Access Control in Cloud computing environment plays a significant role. Cloud computing provides number of benefits such as resource sharing, low speculation and large storage space. Huge amount of information stored in cloud can be accessed from anywhere, anytime on pay-per use basis. Resources in cloud should be accessed only by the authorized clients. Access Control in cloud computing has become a critical issue due to increasing number of users experiencing dynamic changes. Authentication, authorization and approval of the access ensuring liability of entities from login credentials including passwords and biometric scan is essential. Also, the federated authentication management is secured. Current approaches require large-scale distributed access control in cloud environment. Data security and access control are the drawbacks in existing access control schemes. Due to the drawbacks in exist-ing access control schemes such as privacy of information when susceptible information is stored in intermediary service provider a fed-erated identity access management is essential. Access control applications majorly concentrate on Healthcare, Government Organiza-tions, Commercial, Critical Infrastructure and Financial Institutions. This review illustrates a detailed study of access control models in cloud computing and various cloud identity management schemes.
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Cloud computing is one of the frontier technologies, which over the last decade has gained a widespread commercial and educational user base. OpenStack is one of the popular open source cloud management platforms for establishing a private or public Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IAAS) cloud. Although OpenStack started with very few core modules, it now houses nearly 38 modules and is quite complex. Such a complex software bundle is bound to have an impact on the underlying hardware utilization of the host system. The objective is to monitor the usage of system resources by OpenStack on commodity hardware. This paper analyzes the effect of OpenStack on the host machine's hardware. An extensive empirical evaluation has been done on different types of hardware, at different virtualization levels and with different flavours of operating systems comparing the CPU utilization, memory consumption, disk I/O, network, and I/O requests. OpenStack was deployed using Devstack on a single node. The novel aspect of this work is monitoring the resource usage by OpenStack without creating virtual machines on commodity hardware. From the analysis of data, it is observed that standalone machine with Ubuntu server operating system is the least effected by OpenStack and thereby has more available resources for computation of user workloads. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2020-01246 Full Text: PDF
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Cloud computing is one of the frontier technologies, which over the last decade has gained a widespread commercial and educational user base. OpenStack is one of the popular open-source cloud management platforms for establishing a private or public Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IAAS) cloud. Although OpenStack started with very few core modules, it now houses nearly 38 modules and is quite complex. Such a complex software bundle is bound to have an impact on the underlying hardware utilization of the host system. This paper analyzes the effect of OpenStack on the host machine’s hardware. For this purpose, an extensive empirical evaluation has been done on different types of hardware, different virtualization levels and with different flavors of operating systems comparing the CPU utilization, and memory consumption. OpenStack was deployed using Devstack on a single node. From the results it is evident that standalone machine with Ubuntu server operating system is the least affected by OpenStack and thereby has more available resources for computation of user workloads.
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Private IaaS clouds offer an attractive environment to be used in enterprise and scientific fields providing advantages such as scalability, security and avoids dependence on third parties. However, one of the challenges is to port applications to the cloud environment without compromising performance. In response to this, the goal of this text is to characterize the application''s performance in private IaaS clouds using scientific and enterprise applications. Therefore, the CloudStack was used to manage clouds and KVM and LXC-based were deployed as virtualization technologies. To represent real-world applications from the scientific and enterprise fields, it was used the NPB-OMP and PARSEC suite. These applications were benchmarked to characterize the high-performance and multi-tenancy environment. The statistical method was used to verify if there were significant differences among the clouds in each proposed environment. The results reveal that scientific and enterprise workloads are statistically different in the majority of the experiments performed in KVM and LXC-based clouds, however, there are results with non-significant differences.
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The Cloud paradigm has largely been adopted in several different contexts and applied to an incredibly large set of technologies. It is an opportunity for IT users to reduce costs and increase efficiency providing an alternative way of using IT services. It represents both a technology for using computing infrastructures in a more efficient way and a business model for selling computing resources. It gives to small and medium enterprises the possibility of using services and technologies that were prerogative of large ones, by paying only for the resources needed and avoiding upfront investment. The possibility of dynamically acquire and use resources and services on the base of a pay-per-use model, implies incredible flexibility in terms of management, which is otherwise often hard to address. On the other hand, because of this flexibility new problems emerge, which involve the evaluation and monitoring of the quality of the acquired resources and services. This chapter presents a survey on the solutions and technologies proposed by research and open community to face such issues.
Benchmarking the performance of public cloud providers is a common research topic. Previous research has already extensively evaluated the performance of different cloud platforms for different use cases, and under different constraints and experiment setups. In this paper, we present a principled, large-scale literature review to collect and codify existing research regarding the predictability of performance in public Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds. We formulate 15 hypotheses relating to the nature of performance variations in IaaS systems, to the factors of influence of performance variations, and how to compare different instance types. In a second step, we conduct extensive real-life experimentation on Amazon EC2 and Google Compute Engine to empirically validate those hypotheses. At the time of our research, performance in EC2 was substantially less predictable than in GCE. Further, we show that hardware heterogeneity is in practice less prevalent than anticipated by earlier research, while multi-tenancy has a dramatic impact on performance and predictability.
With the significant advances in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) over the last half century, there is an increasingly perceived vision that computing will one day be the 5th utility (after water, electricity, gas, and telephony). This computing utility, like all other four existing utilities, will provide the basic level of computing service that is considered essential to meet the everyday needs of the general community. To deliver this vision, a number of computing paradigms have been proposed, of which the latest one is known as Cloud computing. Hence, in this paper, we define Cloud computing and provide the architecture for creating Clouds with market-oriented resource allocation by leveraging technologies such as Virtual Machines (VMs). We also provide insights on market-based resource management strategies that encompass both customer-driven service management and computational risk management to sustain Service Level Agreement (SLA)-oriented resource allocation. In addition, we reveal our early thoughts on interconnecting Clouds for dynamically creating global Cloud exchanges and markets. Then, we present some representative Cloud platforms, especially those developed in industries, along with our current work towards realizing market-oriented resource allocation of Clouds as realized in Aneka enterprise Cloud technology. Furthermore, we highlight the difference between High Performance Computing (HPC) workload and Internet-based services workload. We also describe a meta-negotiation infrastructure to establish global Cloud exchanges and markets, and illustrate a case study of harnessing ‘Storage Clouds’ for high performance content delivery. Finally, we conclude with the need for convergence of competing IT paradigms to deliver our 21st century vision.
Openstack benchmarking on softlayer with rally
  • K Ishanov
[Ishanov, 2013] Ishanov, K. (2013). Openstack benchmarking on softlayer with rally.