
Research on fault motion and segmentation characteristic of Kouquan Fault in Datong Basin by numerical simulation

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... It is also worth noting that right-lateral displacement on the NE-striking western and eastern segments of the NLSF (arranged in right-stepping, en-echelon style) will form a releasing bend along the EW-striking middle segment of the fault (Figure 2b), where shows no geomorphic evidence of lateral strike-slip based on our and other researcher's observations (e.g., Deng et al., 1994;Duan & Fang, 1995;Xu, Nobuyuki, et al., 1996); Future studies should focus on the partitioning and transfer of tectonic strain across these fault segments. The Kouquan Fault is another major fault in the northern SGS that is previously thought to be a right-lateral strike-slip fault, with slip rates of 0.8-3.6 mm/yr (Figure 2b; Ding & Lu, 1983;Li et al., 2013;Wang et al., 1996). Active fault investigations in recent years, for instance, by Xu et al. (2011), claim that there is hardly convincing evidence for dextral strike-slip. ...
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The Shanxi Graben System (SGS) is one of the first‐order Cenozoic tectonic features in North China. Understanding the kinematics of this tectonic system is crucial for deciphering the mechanism of continental rifting and the deformation pattern across North China. Although the SGS has long been thought to be a right‐lateral, transtensional shear zone, the geologic and geomorphologic evidence for dextral strike‐slip along its internal faults was slim and even controversial. Field investigations, interpretations of satellite imagery, and construction of decimeter‐scale digital elevation models from unmanned aerial vehicle surveys were used in this work to investigate the tectonic geomorphology of the eastern segment of the North Liulengshan Fault (NLSF) in the northern SGS. Although this fault segment was previously thought to be a pure normal fault, the presence of geomorphic features such as right‐laterally offset terrace risers and gullies, along with an analysis of fault‐slip data, suggests a component of right‐lateral strike‐slip displacement. Combined with optically stimulated luminescence dating of offset fluvial terraces, the late Quaternary right‐lateral strike‐slip and vertical slip rates of this fault segment are both estimated to be ∼0.2–0.3 mm/yr. The discovery of dextral strike‐slip along the NLSF provides compelling direct evidence for determining the dextral transtensional kinematics of the SGS. This puts new constraints on our knowledge that the evolution of the SGS is primarily driven by the outward expansion and growth of the Tibetan Plateau and supports the “bookshelf” rotation kinematic model for North China.
... The NNE-trending fault zone includes the Kouquan Fault, Hengshan Piedmont Fault, and the Cailiangshan East Piedmont Fault. The Kouquan Fault is dominated by normal faulting but may have a dextral strike-slip component with vertical slip rates of 0.2-0.5 mm/yr (Ding & Lu, 1983;Li et al., 2013;Xu et al., 2011). The NW-trending faults in the study area include the Zhangjiakou Fault, Ximalin Fault, and other blind faults in the Huaizhuo and Yanfan basins; they are characterized by left-lateral strike-slip movement. ...
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Spatial patterns in fault activity were examined along the Yanggao‐Tianzhen Fault (YTF) in the northern Shanxi Graben, North China. First, we reconstructed the distribution of fault slips and quantified slip rates at seven sites along the fault, based on satellite image interpretation, field investigation, topographic surveying, and optically stimulated luminescence dating. The T3 terraces and their contemporaneous alluvial fans with a best‐estimate age of 31.7 ± 1.4 kyr were used as strain markers to estimate slip magnitudes. We determined vertical slip and dip‐slip rates of ∼0.10–0.31 mm/yr and ∼0.11–0.37 mm/yr, respectively, at the surface. Assuming fault dips of 40 ± 10° at seismogenic depths, we predicted extension rates of ∼0.17–0.55 mm/yr. This suggests that at least 10% and up to 28%–54% (95% confidence interval) of the total extension of the northern Shanxi Graben is inhomogeneously partitioned by different sections of the YTF. We also evaluated the along‐fault relative tectonic activity by analyzing of five widely used geomorphic indices: hypsometric integral, basin elongation ratio, asymmetric factor, valley‐floor‐width‐to‐height ratio, and mountain front sinuosity. The determined fault slip rates and geomorphic indices demonstrate that the most prominent fault activity center occurred in the middle of the fault, and that fault activity wanes toward the fault tips. Moreover, the fault activity is highly heterogeneous and fluctuates along the fault strike, which may be attributed to either fault segmentation and linkage or the possible strike‐slip component of motion along the fault. Further exploration of fault kinematics and paleoseismic history is warranted.
Flavonoids are the most common group of polyphenolic compounds and abundant in dietary fruits and vegetables. Diet high in vegetables or dietary flavonoid supplements is associated with reduced mortality rate for patients with breast cancer. Many studies have been proposed for mechanisms linking flavonoids to improving chemotherapy efficacy in many types of cancers, but data on this issue is still limited. Herein, we report on a new mechanism through which dietary flavonoids inhibit DNA damage checkpoints and repair pathways. We found that dietary flavonoids could inhibit Chk1 phosphorylation and decrease clonogenic cell growth once breast cancer cells receive ultraviolet irradiation, cisplatin, or etoposide treatment. Since the ATR-Chk1 pathway mainly involves response to DNA replication stress, we propose that flavonoid derivatives reduce the side effect of chemotherapy by improving the sensitivity of cycling cells. Therefore, we propose that increasing intake of common dietary flavonoids is beneficial to breast cancer patients who are receiving DNA-damaging chemotherapy, such as cisplatin or etoposide-based therapy.
Through simultaneous inversion of earthquake hypocenters and velocity structure, we obtained the precise locations of earthquakes occurring from 1981 to 2013 in northern Shanxi and the 3D velocity structure, and analyzed emphatically the Kouquan Fault. The result of earthquake relocation shows that earthquakes are concentrated in the central-north segment of Kouquan Fault and the distribution is sparse towards both south and north end of the fault, which indicates that the strong activity is in the central-north segment of Kouquan Fault and the seismicity becomes weaker towards both ends. The result of velocity structure shows that the earthquake concentrated segment of Kouquan Fault is on the side of relative low-velocity area in the high-velocity body, and the south segment of Kouquan Fault is the continuous low velocity. We can recognize the velocity gradient zone from the obvious depression near the Kouquan Fault, which, as we preliminarily speculate, may be the evidence of the presence of Kouquan Fault(or basement detachment)at the deep part. The parallel velocity profile (velocity ratio profile) to Kouquan Fault shows that the earthquake cluster in the central-north segment of Kouquan Fault is located in the abrupt change zone from high to low velocity(from high to low velocity ratio). © 2015, Editorial Office of Seismology and Geology. All right reserved.
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