
New hire perceptions of their own and their employer’s obligations: a study of psychological contracts

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... The parties involved in the contract are not necessarily aware of these obligations [45]. Rousseau [38] made significant contributions to the understanding of psychological contracts. And defines the psychological contract as an employee's belief regarding mutual obligations, which creates the impression of obligation based on "promises rather than expectations" (such as fair pay, job security) and obligations towards the organization like loyalty, discipline, sacrifices [38]. ...
... Rousseau [38] made significant contributions to the understanding of psychological contracts. And defines the psychological contract as an employee's belief regarding mutual obligations, which creates the impression of obligation based on "promises rather than expectations" (such as fair pay, job security) and obligations towards the organization like loyalty, discipline, sacrifices [38]. The contract is a binding commitment to an exchange agreement between two or more parties [39], where the employee is aware of the obligations in the psychological contract without the explicit declaration of the organization [43] [38]. ...
... And defines the psychological contract as an employee's belief regarding mutual obligations, which creates the impression of obligation based on "promises rather than expectations" (such as fair pay, job security) and obligations towards the organization like loyalty, discipline, sacrifices [38]. The contract is a binding commitment to an exchange agreement between two or more parties [39], where the employee is aware of the obligations in the psychological contract without the explicit declaration of the organization [43] [38]. The employees' perceptions of promises in the psychological contract depend on their understanding of the organization's practices and future intentions [8]. ...
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This study investigates the role of psychological contract fulfillment as a mediator between worker performance and organizational citizenship behavior. The psychological contract encompasses the reciprocal anticipations and responsibilities that exist between employees and the company. Worker performance encompasses the manner in which employees carry out their job duties and accomplish performance objectives. Organizational citizenship behavior, being an optional habit, can significantly enhance employee performance beyond the formal job expectations. The study will be conducted within a specific organizational context, and data will be collected through a survey given to the academic and administrative staff at seven universities in Saudi Arabia. The hypotheses will be tested and the mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior will be explored through statistical studies, including mediation analysis. The results will contribute to a more comprehensive comprehension of the impact of psychological contract fulfillment on worker performance through corporate citizenship behavior, offering valuable insights for firms aiming to improve employee performance.
... A key focus within the academic literature surrounding the psychological contract has been on academia itself (Rousseau, 1990). Several authors including Costa and Oliveira (2022), Gu et al. (2021), Moussa (2019) and Sewpersad et al. (2019) have all recently considered the psychological contract of academics in response to the changing face of academia. ...
... Each academic appears to speak fondly of their institution and, despite the career shocks that have impacted [1] and [2], there would appear to be a relational psychological contract (Rousseau, 1990). The second-career academic [3] actually made reference to the transactional psychological contracts (Rousseau, 1990) of her previous employments linking into her ultimate resignations due to psychological contract breach, in which management "had not kept their word". ...
... Each academic appears to speak fondly of their institution and, despite the career shocks that have impacted [1] and [2], there would appear to be a relational psychological contract (Rousseau, 1990). The second-career academic [3] actually made reference to the transactional psychological contracts (Rousseau, 1990) of her previous employments linking into her ultimate resignations due to psychological contract breach, in which management "had not kept their word". She talks about "loyalty" to the University for giving her the opportunity and developing her "self-belief". ...
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This paper considers the career paths of four academics at different stages in their career, examining key aspects in the trajectory of their journey to where they are now. The paper considers a range of key issues, pitfalls and barriers, and challenges they have faced in order to provide an insight into the differing journeys that academics may take. The research uses a combined auto-ethnographic and reflective approach to gather and interpret the experiences of the four individuals, in essence developing a reflective account on their personal journeys. The four academics were specifically chosen based on their different career paths, providing important opportunities to develop more in-depth reflective accounts of their stories. While they have all taken different trajectories, findings suggest significant overlap exists around issues such as imposter syndrome, psychological contract and identity. These issues, it would appear, have an interrelated impact upon the individual and, as such, cannot be separated effectively. The paper contributes to understandings of how academic careers progress, and may provide invaluable guidance to new entrants, or those considering entry into the world of academia.
... Contrato é um termo utilizado para representar um acordo mútuo de, ao menos, duas partes sobre um dado objeto (Milhomem, 2010). Ou seja, contratos são compromissos assumidos voluntariamente, com base em direitos e deveres de duas ou mais partes, cujo objetivo é reger as relações e orientar as ações futuras dos atores envolvidos (Freese & Schalk, 2005;Rousseau, 1990). Na mesma linha de raciocínio, Gonçalves (2008) Apesar de prescritivos, os contratos de trabalho são também constituídos por aspectos subjetivos, perceptivos e intangíveis (Rousseau, 1995). ...
... A primeira aconteceu entre 1958 e 1989, tendo como principais pesquisadores Argyris (1960), Levinson, Price, Munden, Mandl e Solley (1962) e Schein (1965Schein ( ,1980. A segunda fase, e atual, tem como alicerce a base teórica de Rousseau (1989Rousseau ( , 1990. Argyris (1960) "Promisses, Moral, and Law" (1981) para afirmar que as promessas e as obrigações precisam ser compreendidas no contexto social. ...
... Diante da generalidade e multiplicidade de interpretações a respeito do construto contratos psicológicos, diversos pesquisadores têm somado esforços com a finalidade de delinear suas dimensões (Krivokapic-Shoki et al., 2006;Rousseau, 1990;Rousseau & Tijoriwala,1998;Sels et al., 2003;Shore & Barkesdale, 1998). Rousseau e Tijoriwala (1998) sugerem haver três tipos de classificação de contratos psicológicos que se traduzem em medidas distintas: conteúdo, traço e estado de contrato. ...
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English: Psychological contract is the perception of an exchange agreement between employee and employer in the work relationship. The construct presents a valuable tool to people management, presenting direct relations with job satisfaction, job attitudes and behavior, commitment and productivity. In the last 20 years the situation of higher education in Brazil increased the differentiation between higher education institutions, public and private, and especially the relationship of teachers with the institutions in which they work. This quantitative approach to research aimed to compare the psychological contracts of teachers of higher education institutions of the public and private sectors in terms of their content and evaluation of the contract.The survey sample included 156 teachers from various institutions of higher learning in Brazil. The instrument used was composed of two scales – responsibilities of employees and responsibilities of employers – adapted from the study of academics proposed by Shoko-Krivokapic and O'Neil (2008) in Australia. Regarding the content, it was concluded that there are more similarities than differences between the content of psychological contracts of different public and private institutions. The evaluation of contracts difference in the types of institution noted that practitioners of public institutions have higher ratings fulfillment of contracts than private institutions professionals in all aspects of content of psychological contracts. In the analysis of socio-demographic variables sex, age, length of experience and titling only gender indicate difference on the Justice and reward factor – employer responsibility – in the difference type of institution. Português: Contratos psicológicos de trabalho são percepções de concordância a respeito de trocas estabelecidas entre empregado e empregador, nas relações de trabalho. O construto apresentase como valiosa ferramenta para a gestão de pessoas, por apresentar relações diretas com satisfação, atitudes, comportamento, comprometimento e produtividade. Nos últimos 20 anos, a situação da educação superior no Brasil acentuou a diferenciação entre as instituições de ensino superior públicas e privadas, e principalmente a relação dos docentes com as instituições em que trabalham. Esta pesquisa, de abordagem quantitativa, teve o objetivo de comparar os contratos psicológicos de professores de instituições de ensino superior dos setores públicos e privados, em termos dos seus conteúdos e avaliação dos estados de contrato. A amostra da pesquisa contou com 156 docentes de diversas instituições de ensino superior do país. O instrumento utilizado foi composto por duas escalas – responsabilidades de empregados e responsabilidades de empregadores – adaptadas do estudo realizado com docentes proposto por Krivokapic-Shoko e O’Neil (2008) na Austrália. A respeito dos conteúdos, concluiu-se que existem mais similaridades do que diferenças entre os conteúdos de contratos psicológicos de profissionais de instituições públicas e privadas diferentes. A avaliação dos estados de contratos, na diferença dos tipos de instituição, apontou que profissionais de instituições públicas apresentam maiores avaliações de estados de contratos do que profissionais de instituições privadas em todas as dimensões de conteúdos de contratos psicológicos. Em análise das variáveis sociodemográficas sexo, faixa etária, tempo de experiência e titulação, apenas o sexo indicou fazer diferença junto ao fator Justiça e Recompensa – responsabilidade do empregador – na diferença de tipos de instituição.
... The psychological contract represents a mutual exchange of obligations between two individuals (Levinson, 1962;Argyris, 1973;Rousseau, 1989 Rousseau, 1989Rousseau, , 1990Schein, 1965). It's noteworthy that within an organizational context, an employer may engage in numerous psychological contracts (Shore et al., 2004). ...
... Instead, this domain serves as a platform for immediate gains derived from the employment circumstance, such as remuneration and professional credentials (Millward and Hopkins, 1998). In a study by Miles & Snow (1980), as referenced, transactional contracts are characterized by specific monetizable transactions-like compensation for attendancebetween involved parties, occurring over a defined temporal span, akin to instances of provisional employment or engagement by "buyer"-oriented enterprises (Rousseau, 1990). The notion of "transactional psychological contracts" pertains to scenarios wherein employees do not anticipate enduring "relational" interactions with their employing organization, rooted in loyalty and occupational stability. ...
... This perspective resonates with the prevailing sentiment regarding labor market adaptability and the structural reconfiguration of employment connections (Cullinane and Dundon, 2006). Such contracts embody distinctive features, including highly competitive salary structures and the conspicuous absence of protracted commitments (Rousseau, 1990). The negotiation of transactional contracts typically involves explicit deliberations and necessitates formal accord from both contracting parties (Conway and Briner, 2005). ...
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The psychological contract is a pivotal concept in understanding contemporary employment dynamics. It embodies a mutual exchange of obligations between individuals, shaping their expectations, perceptions, and interactions within the workplace/organisation/industry. This paper explores diverse definitions of the psychological contract, highlighting its dynamic nature and variable interpretations. The dimensions of the psychological contract (transactional and relational contract), surrounds aspects such as mutual expectations, obligations, and socio-emotional exchanges.
... In the work context, this relationship is established between employee and employer. It consists of commitments and expectations in the employment relationship that go beyond the legal employment contract, constituting what employees understand to be the company's commitments and what they owe in return (Rousseau, 1990). It is when the organisation promises the worker something that needs to be formalised in writing. ...
... Psychological contract obligations encompass various forms of loyalty and job security, even without formal commitment. According to Rousseau (1990) and Zhao, Wayne, Glibkowski, and Bravo (2007), two critical obligations prevail within psychological contracts: economic or monetary and relational or socio-emotional. Economic or monetary obligations are the most prevalent and involve remuneration for specific work-related activities, as exemplified by the adage "a fair day's work for a fair day's wages" (McDermott et al., 2013). ...
... Relational obligations involve socio-emotional resources, such as mutual support and concern between employer and employee (Rousseau, 1990). Social and interpersonal concerns predominate in arrangements that generate high-commitment jobs. ...
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Drawing upon established theories such as exchange theory, social capital, reasoned action, and psychological contracts, this scholarly article aims to delve into the intricate dynamics of how psychological contracts impact individual motivations to share knowledge, consequently influencing the outcomes of startups. Employing a qualitative research approach, the study utilised in-depth personal interviews and focus groups to gather data, which was subsequently subjected to meticulous content analysis using the NVivo software. The research adopted a triangulation approach, considering data from startups across diverse industries and varying levels of maturity, with insights gleaned from the perspectives of founding partners, directors, and employees. It is important to note that most existing studies predominantly focus on well-established organisations of various sizes, primarily within Anglo-Saxon countries. In contrast, this study pioneers an examination of how psychological contracts affect knowledge sharing in multi-levels: (i) micro - individual, (ii) meso – intra organisational, and (iii) macro – inter organisations, specifically within startups from emerging economies, thereby taking into account their unique idiosyncrasies. The findings shed light on employees' primary perceptions of their obligations and the organisation’s commitments. Moreover, they unveil how contextual and situational factors influence the advance of social relations and subsequently impact knowledge sharing within startups, directly affecting individual and organisational outcomes.
... Nowadays, psychological contracts are considered an essential influence on competency levels. Psychological contracts refer to the implicit expectations, commitments, and beliefs between employees and organizations, beyond formal contracts [8]. Teacher psychological contracts denote the mutual responsibilities perceived by teachers in their relationship with the school [9]. ...
... Given the substantial variance in the content of psychological contracts, several scholars have distilled various dimensions of the psychological contracts. Rousseau [8] extracted "transactional contract" and "relational contract", with the former focusing on the contract relationship based on economic exchange, and the latter emphasizing social and emotional exchange. Meanwhile, Shapiro and Kessler [24] proposed "transactional obligations", "training obligations", and "relational obligations" from the perspective of organizational responsibility. ...
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In response to the epochal demand for high-quality development in early childhood education in China, it is imperative and necessary to improve the competency level of early childhood educators. The study aims to investigate the relationship between psychological contracts and teacher competency, and to verify the mediating roles of job crafting and professional identity in the relationship between psychological contracts and teacher competency. This study employed validated measurement scales regarding psychological contracts, teachers' professional identity, job crafting, and teacher competency. Each of these scales has established internal consistency coefficients. Data were collected from 318 early childhood teachers in Sichuan, China. The results highlight the significant impact of psychological contracts on the prediction of teacher competency. It is worth mentioning that the psychological contracts, together with their distinct components such as normative responsibility and development responsibility, have a direct and favorable impact on teacher competency. This implies that developing the psychological contracts might be an effective technique for improving teacher competence. The individual mediation of job crafting and professional identity in the link between psychological contracts and teacher competency has been well-established. However, the combined or chain mediating influence of these factors provides a unique and valuable perspective on the phenomenon of job crafting leading to professional identity, which in turn impacts teacher competency. The study found that psychological contracts have a positive predictive effect on teacher competency, while job crafting and professional identity both have independent and chain mediating roles in the relationship between psychological contracts and teacher competency. Therefore, this study suggests a comprehensive enhancement of the psychological contracts level from aspects such as normative responsibility, interpersonal responsibility, and development responsibility. By stimulating job crafting and professional identity levels in both internal and external environments, we can improve the competency level of early childhood educators.
... This study is framed within the Social Exchange Theory, which posits that employees are likely to leave their jobs when organizations fail to fulfill specific expectations. These expectations, often unwritten and encapsulated in psychological contracts, involve perceived mutual obligations between employees and employers (Rousseau, 1990). As employees enter the workforce, they develop personal expectations beyond the formal employment contract, expecting reciprocal actions from the company. ...
... Employees, in the economic sense, anticipate perks such as increased pay, training, and promotion due to good performance. In the context of this study, a crucial expectation is a pay raise following training (Rousseau, 1990). The Social Exchange Theory is pertinent to this study as it highlights that employees expect both transactional and relational benefits from the psychological contract at the workplace. ...
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The study aimed to investigate the relationship between on-the-job training and employee turnover in Safaricom Ltd, employing a case study research strategy. The research targeted 67 employees from job groups 4 and 5, selected through stratified proportionate sampling, with the sole research tool being a questionnaire. The findings revealed the significance of on-the-job training in Safaricom Ltd, emphasizing the need for organizational investment. However, it also highlighted that such training often leads to employee turnover due to factors such as the pursuit of higher pay, competition from other organizations seeking trained skills, aspirations for promotion and improved working conditions, and the breach of psychological contracts post-training. The consequences of turnover for organizations include revenue loss, delays in achieving organizational goals, diminished competitiveness, and skill shortages. Importantly, the study established a clear connection between on-the-job training and employee turnover, leading to several recommendations. Managers are urged to thoroughly understand the impact of on-the-job training on turnover before initiating such programs, facilitating the implementation of measures to mitigate turnover consequences. These measures may include budgeting for increased pay, implementing strategies to discourage turnover, and revising employment contracts. Additionally, well-planned training programs can anticipate turnover by preparing for suitable replacements, and organizations can minimize losses associated with training-related turnover by hiring individuals with existing requisite skills.
... The consequences of the dark side of leadership can be explained using a psychological perspective. This review employs two popular psychological theories: the Conservation of Resources (Hobfoll, 1989;Hobfoll, Halbesleben, Neveu, & Westman, 2018) and the Psychological Contract Theory (Robinson & Rousseau, 1994;Rousseau, 1989Rousseau, , 1990Rousseau, , 2005. ...
... On the other hand, the Psychological Contract theory discusses employees' expectations of leaders before they join an organization, which is a psychological expectation formed by employees rather than a written agreement because they expect good things to happen at work (Lambert, Edwards, & Cable, 2003;Robinson, 1996;Rousseau, 1990). The "Psychological Contract" is breached when employees feel the organization is not treating them as expected due to the dark leaders' behaviors (Ghani et al., 2020;Pradhan, Srivastava, & Mishra, 2019;Wei & Si, 2013). ...
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This study aims to review the adverse effects of the dark side of leadership on employees’ psychological states, including distress and anxiety, after the COVID-19 pandemic, through the lens of psychological theories. A literature review was used to examine the dark side of leadership, which included any form of abusive, toxic, or destructive behaviors and characteristics that negatively affect the psychological states of employees. The effect on employees’ psychological state is crucial as it can influence their attitudes and performance. The Conservation of Resources and the Psychological Contract theory were employed to explain the emergence of the dark leaders’ behaviors and their consequences on employees’ psychological states in anticipation of extreme organizational changes after the pandemic. The employees’ psychological resources could be depleted due to exposure to abusive leaders while adapting to organizational changes post the pandemic. Also, the mistreatments from the destructive leaders could breach the employees’ psychological contract. The emergence of dark leadership practices might cause psychological distress. Previous psychological studies suggest that the psychological resources of employees can be replenished by seeking social support, while the organization can contribute by implementing intervention programs.
... Inicialmente, se interpretó el contrato psicológico como las expectativas sobre las obligaciones recíprocas que integran una relación de intercambio entre un empleado y su empresa. Más recientemente, algunos autores (ROUSSEAU, 1990; han redefinido el contrato psicológico substituyendo el término expectativas por el de obligaciones. El contrato psicológico no son sólo las expectativas, o lo que el empleado espera recibir de la organización, sino que son las creencias que los empleados tienen respecto a las obligaciones mutuas que caracterizan la relación de intercambio entre el empleado y su organización. ...
... El contrato psicológico incluye referencias a diferentes contenidos y distintos tipos de obligaciones. Las obligaciones de la empresa habitualmente consideradas son promoción, salario alto, paga basada en el desempeño, formación, desarrollo de carrera y estabilidad en el empleo a largo plazo (ROUSSEAU, 1990;ROBINSON, KRAATZ y ROUSSEAU, 1994;ROBINSON y MORRISON, 1995), responsabilidades y atribuciones del puesto, o determinados tipos de beneficios (planes de pensiones, seguros médicos o protección familiar como guarderías, etc.). Por parte del trabajador, las obligaciones se refieren al desempeño adecuado en calidad y cantidad, lealtad con la empresa, confidencialidad de la información, honestidad y permanencia en la empresa a largo plazo. ...
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Este trabajo ha sido seleccionado y obtenido el Accésit Especial Premio Estudios Financieros 2002 en la Modalidad de RECURSOS HUMANOS. Los expertos en Recursos Humanos cada vez prestan mayor atención a la justicia organizacional y al contrato psicológico, puesto que ofrecen una perspectiva novedosa sobre la relación entre individuo y organización, y por sus implicaciones sobre el comportamiento de los empleados. La justicia organizacional estudia aquellas condiciones del trabajo o de la organización que hacen que una persona se sienta tratada justa o injustamente, y las consecuencias que estas percepciones tienen para las actitudes y comportamientos de los trabajadores. El contrato psicológico se refiere a las creencias que el empleado tiene sobre sus obligaciones y las de la organización derivadas de la relación de intercambio entre ambos.
... The psychological contract refers to an unwritten contract between a company and the employee, which is perceived through expectations based on his/her contribution to the company's business achievement (Mathis et al., 2015). Psychological contract theory believes the existence of both parties, i.e., the company and the employee, expect one another explicitly or implicitly (Rousseau, 1990). Employee's perspective expectations may include career promotion, performance-based-salary increase, financial security, and other non-financial aspects, including comforts and conduciveness at the workplace. ...
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p>This study analyzes factors that have implications for employee retention in IT-Startup companies. This study aims to explain factors that contribute to employee retention with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. Employer branding, psychological contract, organizational commitment and job environment are predictors of employee retention. This quantitative study applied a purposive sampling technique, involving 350 employees in IT startup companies as respondents. They were employees who have worked for the company for at least 3 years, held at least a staff-level position, and work in an IT startup company. Data were analyzed using Structural equation modeling (SEM) to depict the direct and indirect effects of the factors on employee retention. Job satisfaction was examined as the mediating variable. The study showed that the employer branding, organizational commitment, and job environment directly affected employees’ job satisfaction. These three variables also indirectly affected employee retention. Meanwhile psychological contract was found not to directly affect employees’ job satisfaction and not to indirectly affect the employee retention IT startups are recommended to improve their psychological contract in order to enhance the employees’ job satisfaction. Employees’ professionalism and contribution are pivotal in improving the company’s business quality. Organizations should be able to meet employees’ need comprehensively according to the business achievement.</p
... Secondly, manager's appreciation and trust also increase EE. This phenomenon could be interpreted by the construct of relational-contract (Rousseau, 1990), which describes a situation where employees expect a long-lasting relational process with their managers and the organisation. That is, employee will be more committed to their jobs (a form of engagement; Kahn, 1990), if they perceive trust and appreciation from their managers. ...
Purpose Various employee engagement strategies are proposed to boost organisational performance and business prosperity. Interestingly scholars criticise that these strategies may not always work and mixed views are proposed, leaving a glaring knowledge gap. Drawing on the theories of high-performance-work-practices (HPWPs), this paper aims to conduct a qualitative study, aiming to explore how strategies affect employee engagement and analyse the underlying mechanism. Design/methodology/approach This paper gathers research data by interviewing five managers and 15 employees in the hospitality sector. It analyses data through thematic analysis and adopts “Abilities Motivation Opportunities” (AMO) model in improving the analytic rigour. Ethical practices are arranged throughout the project, including consent form, anonymity in participation, confidentiality in responses, freedom to withdraw and data protection. Findings Research findings have advanced employee engagement literatures in two ways. On the one hand, when managers recognise employees’ job ability and effort, employees support engagement strategies. On the other hand, however, if managers do not appreciate employees’ job ability and effort, engagement strategies may not necessarily work. Practical implications This paper suggests managers display a positive attitude towards subordinates, such as appreciating subordinates’ effort and showing trust and support, if they wish their engagement strategies maximise to the full potential, particularly when managers’ trust is perceived important by employees. Maintaining a healthy communication channel between managers and subordinates also benefits the employee engagement, working morale and overall performance. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the current research is the first in its kind, examining hotel employee engagement practice and its implications on performance management in the sector of Nigeria hospitality. Unlike prior studies which link HPWPs to performance directly, our research findings have clarified how HPWPs affect performance through the underlying factors. These are employee engagement and managers’ attitude towards employees.
... Bu davranışlar arasında hırsızlık (120 milyar dolar), işyeri şiddeti (4,2 milyar dolar) ve dolandırıcılık faaliyetleri (900 milyar dolardan fazla gideri oluşturmaktadır (Banks, Whelpley, Oh, ve Shin, 2012). Bu çalışmada üretkenlik karşıtı iş davranışları algısını, bir çalışanın kuruluşunun yükümlülüklerini veya hedeflerini yerine getirmemesi olarak tanımlamak mümkündür (Rousseau, 1990). ...
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, etik liderlik ile üretkenlik karşıtı iş davranışları arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koyarken iş tatmininin rolünü incelemektir. Çalışma Bayburt ve Erzurum illerinde faaliyette bulunan özel banka çalışanlarını kapsamaktadır. Bu amaçla çalışmaya katılacak olan banka personeline gönüllülük esasına dayanarak anketler dağıtılmıştır. Katılımcıların anketlere verdiği cevaplar SPSS 22 programı yardımıyla analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular ve analizler sonucunda, özel banka çalışanlarının algıladığı etik liderlik davranışı güçlendikçe iş yerindeki üretkenlik karşıtı davranışlarının zayıfladığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca algılanan etik liderlik davranışının güçlü olması banka çalışanlarının iş tatmini duygularını yüksek oranda artırmaktadır. Son olarak, iş tatmini duygusu yüksek olan banka çalışanlarının üretkenlik karşıtı iş davranışı sergileme düzeyleri azalmaktadır. Etik liderlik davranışları ile üretkenlik karşıtı iş davranışları arasındaki ilişkide iş tatmini kısmi aracılık rolü üstlenmektedir.
... The starting point of Macneil's work was the distinction between the transactional approach and the relational approach. For each typology corresponds a set of standards (Rousseau, 1990, Rousseau & McLean Parks, 1993 illustrated in Table 5 below. The transactional approach represents primitive market interactions, where the parties seek only to maximize their short-term profits and are not interested in maintaining the relationship. ...
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Purpose: Investigate to what extent relational governance mechanisms can mitigate conflict. Method: We use a Structural equation model with smart PLS. Results: The dimensions of relational governance (solidarity, mutuality, participation and flexibility) have opposite effects on conflict. However, there is an evidence that relational governance help in mitigating tensions in the interorganisationnel relations. Originality/relevance: Studying the mechanisms that mitigate conflict in its escalation process.
... While doubtlessly mental agreements can go facing a possibly boundless amount of scholarly perceptual designs (Rousseau, 1995), certain lawfully restricting terms (for example a charming benefits group, pay joined to execution, for the most part secure business, extraordinary entryways for progression, forceful compensation versus sensible treatment, calling improvement, support, open correspondence, communitarian working environment) are supposed to bundle together along estimations of focus (financial, social), consolidation (degree and flexibility), stretch of time (length of the relationship), formalization (detail of execution requirements), and significant quality (obvious and express). Furthermore, not any more gathered level, Rousseau conceptualized the mental agreement in two designs, portrayed by the sort of relationship saw to win among laborer and business: ' esteem based' and 'social' (Robinson, Kraatz andRousseau, 1990, Rousseau andParks, 1993;Herriot, Manning, and Kidd;, . These two kinds of definitive relationship have been depicted as takes later. ...
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The research study was pursued with an attempt to Study the Role of Psychological Contract in the Employees Engagement with specific objectives of Learning the Role of Psychological Contract in the Employees Engagement, identifying the numerousmagnitudes of Employee Engagement, studying the impact of Psychological Contract on every aspect of Employee Engagement and studying the impact of age, tenure and gender on Employee Engagement. Stratified random sampling technique was adopted as means of data collection from 600 full-time employees working in private HEI in Uttarakhand using structured and self-administered questionnaires: PC Questionnaire and ER Questionnaire checking their validity and reliability. The need of the study was to establish relationship between employee engagement or retention with the psychological contracts and the outcomesestablish the same.Many Organisations willantagonize difficulties in the coming years. Major amongst the most imperiousproblems will be procuring, preparing, overseeing and holding millennial employees. A theoretical commitment of this examination is that it joins two territories of research not already explored together with regards to establishments; psychological contracts and worker retention. The outcomes show that there is a solid connection between psychological contract satisfaction and employee engagement, however the relationship does not seem, by all accounts, to be directed by some other factor, for example, age, gender or tenure. Following specific results were from a practical perspective, there is a growing interest in understanding employee engagement, as it is perceived that the growth and prosperity of organizations will rely heavily on the committed and competent workforce. The suggestion that the relationship between PCfulfilment and ER are positively related irrespective of age and gender is indicative of the fact that management need to pay more focus on the fulfilment of motivating psychological contract rather than adherence to merely hygiene factors.
... Reciprocal norms could also extend to employer-employer actions, requiring employees to return the positive treatment they receive from their workplace (see Firmansyah and Rahajeng Perugini et al. (2003); Mowday, Porter, and Steers (1982) and Rousseau (1989;1990)). ...
... The definition given by Rousseau (1990) highlights employees perception of the existence of mutual obligations deposited with the employer. ...
Management is an art of getting things done through and with the people in formally organized groups. It is an art of creating an environment in which people can perform and individuals and can co-operate towards attainment of group goals. Management Study HQ describes Management as a set of principles relating to the functions of planning, directing and controlling, and the application of these principles in harnessing physical, financial, human and informational resources efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals. A good management is the backbone of all successful organizations. And to assist business and non-business organizations in their quest for excellence, growth and contribution to the economy and society, Management Book Series covers research knowledge that exists in the world in various management sectors of business through peer review chapters. The content of the book is as follows
... Formal employment contracts reinforce the psychological agreement between employer and employee, with employers providing inducements in exchange for commitments (Rousseau, 1990). Fulfilling PC leads to dedicated and satisfied employees, strongly correlating with employee engagement (Braganza et al., 2021). ...
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only consisted of one paragraph This comprehensive study thoroughly examines the psychological contract literature by reviewing 134 papers published from 1989 to 2022. It extensively explores various aspects, including the conceptual framework, classifications, influencing factors, measurement criteria, and evolutionary trends of psychological contracts. Through a critical analysis, this paper reveals that certain areas within the realm of psychological contracts have reached a saturation point, with a wealth of existing research. It highlights the need for a paradigm shift towards studies conducted from the employer's standpoint, which can offer invaluable insights into the dynamics of psychological contracts. In essence, this review encapsulates the existing knowledge on psychological contracts and maps out a roadmap for future research, emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives and methodological approaches
... As expectativas são subjetivas e dependem de vários aspectos, como o histórico entre as partes e a personalidade do indivíduo (Millward;Brewerton, 2000), assim como o contexto e os aspectos culturais que podem influenciar em tais decisões (Rao, 2021). O desejo de desligamento da empresa por parte dos trabalhadores denota o contrato transacional mencionado por Rousseau (1990) Rousseau (1995) considera a organização como um sistema vivo e dinâmico, cuja interação depende das múltiplas relações estabelecidas nesse contexto. Contudo, no ambiente de trabalho dos motoristas de aplicativo não há uma interação direta e física com a organização, o que prejudica um bom relacionamento entre as partes. ...
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Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar os contratos psicológicos de motoristas de aplicativo considerando o caráter subjetivo de tal relação. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva de caráter qualitativo para o levantamento e a análise dos resultados. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas de modo individual com 5 motoristas de aplicativo. Para o tratamento dos dados, utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados encontrados apontam para a necessidade financeira, falta de emprego e saturação do mercado de trabalho, configurando alguns elementos que os levam a exercer a profissão. A valorização do trabalho ocorre por meio da flexibilidade de horário, autonomia e transporte de pessoas. Identificou-se que o tipo de contrato psicológico mais próximo da realidade dos motoristas de aplicativo é o contrato alienacional, caracterizado por trabalhos específicos, esporádicos, de trocas econômicas, relações virtuais e tecnológicas, achado relevante que merece aprofundamento em estudos futuros.
... As stated in [3], there are two different forms of the psychological contract, namely the transactional (new) psychological contract and the relational (old) psychological contract. According to [4] and [5], the fundamental distinction between these two forms of psychological contract is the duration of the employment contract (temporary or permanent), exchange of resources (tangible and intangible), degree of specificity and others. Employees who build transactions with a psychological contract conclude the organisation as a source of income. ...
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Modern forms of work relations that have arisen as a consequence of economic, organisational, demographic, cultural and technological changes in the society and the increasing reliance on temporary work and significantly affect the content of the psychological contract built by employees. The research examines the influence of different employment patterns on employees' psychological contract in educational institutions in the Leskovac and Vlasotince area. Using the descriptive method, the comparison method, the sampling method, the χ2 test, the correlation coefficient and the Mann-Whitney U test, the dependence was examined, as well as the degree of agreement between the observed phenomena. The survey contains questions that are adjustments to the questionnaire that Denise M. Rousseau used in her research. The paper defines four hypotheses, presents the research results, and the reached conclusions. Observing the relationship between job permanence and the content of a psychological contract can help increase work performance and job satisfaction. The work can be helpful to experts in the field of human resource management but also to all interested parties who want to get acquainted with this topic.
... Our theoretical framework and research model both suggest the essence of the psychological contract is that the stakeholders who are involved and sign the contract establish mutual perceptions of the psychological expectations of the contract, including work responsibilities of each other and commitment that are essential in reciprocal business exchanges (Rousseau, 1982). Depending on different organizational concerns and perspectives, a contract can be viewed as relational or transactional (Anderson & Schalk, 1998;Rousseau, 1990). The relational view focuses on the emotional basis, trust, and obligation of the two contractual parties of stakeholders. ...
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The demand for information technology outsourcing (ITO) providing large-scale professional services has developed into a mature and essential industry for many organizations. Against this backdrop, managing the internal workplace relationship and organizational commitment levels between the vendor firm providing critical ITO services and the vendor’s employees performing the work for the external client is a significant emerging challenge for all involved parties. Contracts in various formats and structures (transactional or psychological) are often applied as a universal tool to govern the complex ITO relationship. However, the formal or transactional contract may not be enough to ensure employee commitment to position the ITO relationship for success. This paper investigates the impact that the psychological contract has on organizational commitment across different matching patterns between the outsourcing vendor and the vendor's employees. Building upon empirical findings and theoretical perspectives of a systematic grounded theory-based literature review, business observations, and best practices, we develop a theoretical framework that categorizes the matching patterns of the vendor-employee psychological contract into four types: Vendor Dominant, Employee Dominant, Mutual Relational, and Mutual Transactional. Our findings from an analysis of 562 survey participants demonstrate that the employee's relational psychological contract has a higher positive influence on organizational commitment than the employee's transactional psychological contract in both matching and mismatching situations. The implications and future research avenues of study are discussed.
... | International Journal of Scientific and Management Research 6(12)[45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61] ...
Organizational managers and the academic community have converged in recent years in recognizing human capital as a valuable resource at the base of operating in markets that are increasingly based on knowledge and skills. This perspective has been reinforced by the rapid development of organizational competition, at the level of locating, attracting and maintaining the appropriate labor force. Competition between organizations, known as the 'war for talent', has become a central issue in strategic human resource management and has been argued to be increasingly intense. The reason behind, may be that jobs are becoming more and more complex, while achieving high levels of organizational performance requires more and more innovative solutions to problems that depend on highly skilled and quality workers. Organizations should develop processes to enhance understanding of the behaviors and attitudes of talented employees (potential and existing). These should keep pace with contemporary social and demographic trends and the strengthening of the labor force migration phenomenon. The concept of employer brand, on the one hand, has to do with attracting strong talent, but equally important is the attraction and retention of the right employees, in the right conditions, contexts and constraints. This article dealt with the concept of employer brand, having as research objective the thorough study of the concept, analyzing the Heineken organization based on the case study technique. The organization was chosen as it is a prime example of employer branding, which can provide valuable lessons for today's organizations.
... In this line, different contributions centered on the services sector and implicitly in the health care services, emphasized the necessity to implement marketing communication principles, favoring the satisfaction of the service providers and their greater engagement to build stronger relationships with their external consumers [33]. This relationship between marketing communications and the provider's satisfaction is justified based on the theoretical principle of the "psychological contact" [34], and on the need to increase the quality, delivery, and the value of their provided services [35]. ...
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The performance of a health care organization is impacted by how its management handles problems caused by disruptions in communication and shows concern for the ongoing enhancement of the communication process. Any health care organization's marketing communication approach is essential since it has an impact on both personnel and consumer satisfaction. From the perspective of physiotherapists, the current study aims to explore the connections between the perceived quality of health care services, marketing communications and job satisfaction. The sample comprised 114 individuals, the majority of whom were women, and whose average age was 39,74 (±9,56). Their average experience in the health care organization was 12,44 years (± 8,95). A self-administered questionnaire that contained socio-demographic items and specific items to collect data about the importance of marketing communication, job satisfaction, and perceived quality, was used as the research instrument. The results revealed that physiotherapists' job satisfaction is positively influenced by both marketing communication and the perceived quality of care. However, to be more effective, health care managers need to offer specialized trainings to physiotherapists in order to motivate them and strengthen reliability and responsiveness when providing services.
... A psychological contract IS defined as "an employee's beliefs regarding mutual expectations and obligations, in the context of his relationship with the organization, which shape this relationship and govern the employee's behaviour" (Freese, 2007: 24). This definition of psychological contract encompasses the expectations and obligations of the employee and the organisation from the employee's perspective, restricting the psychological contract to an intra-individual level (Rousseau, 1990). Thus psychological contract is a subjective, individual perception of obligations of the employer towards the employee and the employee towards the organisation (Freese & Schalk, 1993). ...
This study investigated how psychological contract violation and motivational strategies predict job performance of employees. Two hundred and thirty-two non-teaching staff (118 males and 114 females) of the University of Ibadan participated in the study. Seventy seven (33.2%) of the participants were aged between 31 and 40,99 (42.7%) had worked for less than 5 years in the university while 83 (35.8%) of the respondents had spent 10 years or more working in the same institution. Three standardized instruments were used for data collection. Robinson & Rousseau’s (1994) psychological contract violation scale measured psychological contract violation. The scale has 12-items and an alpha reliability of 0.92. Motivational factor scale (Kovach, 1995; Wong, Siu & Tsang, 1999) measured motivational strategies. It is also 12- items. A revalidation of this scale produced an alpha reliability of 0.80. Job performance was measured using health and work performance scale developed by Attridge (2003). It is a 7 item scale with a Cronbach alpha of 0.89. Three hypotheses were tested for this research. The intercorrelations of the demographic variables showed that gender and age of the respondents were not significantly related to job performance. There was also no significant relationship between marital status and job performance. The inter-correlations of the main variables of the research showed that there was significant positive relationship between psychological contract violation and job performance (r = 0.157; P<.05); motivational strategies did not significantly correlate with job performance. A 2 x 2 ANOVA (used to test hypothesis one) revealed that psychological contract violation had significant main effect on the respondents’ job performance (F (1,231) = 5.34; P<.05). Findings further revealed that respondents who scored high (X =13.81) on psychological contract violation put up better job performance than their counterparts that scored low (X = 12.47) on psychological contract violation. Results of independent t-test revealed that motivational strategies did not have significant influence on the participants’ job performance- However, independent t-test results revealed that psychological contract violation had a significant influence on the respondents’ job performance (t (230) ,~ 2.44; P<.05). Furthermore, mean scores revealed that participants who scored high (X ~ 14.56) on psychological contract violation recorded better job performance than their counterparts that scored low (X = 13.06) 0n psychological contract violation. Results provided insight into the way, manner, and times that psychological contract violation and lack of motivational strategies are most experienced. Suggestions were made in line with the findings of the study while implications for future research for organisational practice were highlighted.
... This mixed message promises to complicate the boundaryless career and will surely have a bearing on people's psychological contract with their employer. Rousseau (1990) ...
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Definitions of work, non work activities, and careers are changing in America, Japan, and parts of Europe. A decade-and-a-half of corporate downsizing and broad-based deindustrialization has seen employers reduce staffs, shut down facilities, and make more use of consultants and the contingent workforce. As a result, notions of cradle-to-grave job security have been shattered, along with the psychological contract binding people to companies (DeMeuse and Tornow, 1990; Rousseau and Wade Benzoni, 1995). Leisure time is decreasing in the United States (Schor, 1991), and recent surveys find over half of the nation’s workers pining for more time with family and friends (Galinsky and Friedman, 1993). It seems working people are struggling to manage the boundaries between work and other parts of their lives, while trying to preserve some semblance of a career in the face of an uncertain future.
... Rousseau, for example, offers the psychological contract perspective. According to him, the psychological contract refers to the perceived expectations and responsibilities that exist between individuals and their organizations [8]. ...
As a significant research object in the realm of organizational behavior, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has received extensive attention from researchers since it was proposed. Through a comprehensive analysis of a large number of English and Chinese literature, this article sorts out five important theoretical basis, including individual positive affect, social exchange theory, psychological contract, covenant relationships and equity theory. It also clarifies the concept and development of OCB and provide an overview of the current research in this field. Job satisfaction, perceived fairness, perceived supervisor support, and leadership styles have all been found to have significant effects on OCB. In academic circles, there are three main views about the association between OCB and organizational performance, showing that their relationship is still not clear enough. It turns out that positive effects are still the mainstream, while more and more scholars are studying on negative effects. Overall, this review article provides a comprehensive theoretical and practical reference for studying OCB and offers insights and guidance for the future development trend.
... In the field of nursing, it refers to nurses' comprehension and perception about the reciprocal responsibilities that nurses and hospitals must provide for [25], including the nurse's responsibility to the hospital and the hospital's responsibility to the nurse. These commitments may include pay for performance, promotion opportunities, and training and level of responsibility provided [26]. PC can arise through overt promises, previous interactions and observations the employee makes. ...
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Background The turnover intention (TI) of nurses is common, posing a threat to modern healthcare organizations. Psychological contract (PC) is a predictor of TI, affecting significantly nurse’s TI. However, the extent of the association between PC and nurse’s TI is unknown. We performed a meta-analysis to quantitatively analyze the relationship between PC and nurse’s TI. Methods We searched nine electronic databases from inception to July 2023. Observational studies were included using a retrieval strategy related to PC and TI. Meta-analyses of common effect and random effect models were performed using R software with Spearman or Pearson correlation coefficients. Meta-regression, subgroup analysis, publication bias, and sensitivity analysis were also carried out . Results Eighteen studies including 8,908 nurses were identified. Based on various PC-related perspectives, 16 studies explored nurses’ TI in terms of the content and three-dimensional structure of PC. Of these, 9 studies reported the negative direction of the correlation between PC and TI (r ranged from − 0.20 to -0.45), whereas 7 studies reported the positive direction of the correlation between PC and TI (r ranged from 0.32 to 0.50). The PC total and its dimensions were found to have moderately significant associations with TI, with the exception of the PCE and PCE-I. Additional, 2 studies reported the relationship between the outcome of PC and TI, the PCF, PCB, and PCV were powerful predictors of nurses’ TI. Meta-regression and subgroup analysis found that only nurses working in specialized departments might be the source of heterogeneity. Conclusions To our knowledge, this was the first meta-analysis to quantitatively examine the relationship between PC and TI among nurses. The findings reaffirmed the necessity for healthcare administrators and the medical profession to valued nurse’ good interpersonal, social support, humanistic environment, and meet nurses’ psychological and spiritual needs in addition to their material demands. Moderators of the connection between PC and TI, based on meta-regression and subgroup analyses, should be carefully explored as they may aid in identifying nurses’ TI. Additional, longitudinal research, as well as mixed research, should be conducted to more comprehensively explore the relationship between PC and TI.
... For instance, Lee (2018) found that employees perceived unfairness in and distrusted algorithmic decisions on hiring and performance evaluation, while generally accepting mundane decisions, such as the ones on scheduling and work assignments. When employees perceive that algorithmic decisions lack procedural and distributive fairness, they may feel that the psychological contract has been broken (i.e., they may believe that the employer failed to fulfill its promises, Rousseau 1989). This may lead to decreased organizational commitment, trust, and work effort. ...
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The increasing adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the practices of human resource management (HRM). We propose a typology of HR–AI collaboration systems across the dimensions of task characteristics (routine vs. non-routine; low vs. high cognitive complexity) and social acceptability of such systems among organizational members. We discuss how organizations should design HR–AI collaboration systems in light of issues of AI explainability, high stakes contexts, and threat to employees’ professional identities. We point out important design considerations that may affect employees' perceptions of organizational fairness and emphasize HR professionals' role in the design process. We conclude by discussing how our Point of View article contributes to literatures on organization design and human–AI collaboration and suggesting potential avenues for future research.
... The study results also show that there is a significant relationship between work value and work adjustment, p=0.000. (Locke, 2016;Lyons, 2020;Porter, 2014 (Rousseau, 2020;Saks, 2020;Schneider, 2017 and social support in the workplace. By creating conditions that support optimal work adjustment, organizations can maximize the level of job involvement, which in turn can increase productivity, employee retention, and overall organizational success (Tett, 2021;Van Vianen, 2021;Warr, 2019). ...
Work adjustment refers to the extent to which employees feel that their work is in line with their values and expectations. One important aspect that needs to be understood is the role of work adjustment in shaping job involvement in hotel industry employees in Ambon, Indonesia. Work adjustment includes the extent to which work matches employees' personal values, their expectations of the job, and their suitability for the tasks at hand. Work values are an important factor influencing work adjustment, because individual values play a large role in determining the extent to which someone feels involved and satisfied in their work. This study aimed to determine the role of work adjustment on job involvement based on work values: a study of hotel industry employees in Ambon, Indonesia. This study is research with a quantitative approach and uses primary data obtained from a survey process using a questionnaire, where the survey process was carried out online. The independent variable in this study is job involvement (Y). The dependent variables in this study are work value (X1), work adjustment (X2). The study results show that there is a significant relationship between work value and job involvement, p=0.000. The study results also show that there is a significant relationship between work adjustment and job involvement, p=0.000. The study results also show that there is a significant relationship between work value and work adjustment, p=0.000. In conclusion, work values play a role in work adjustment and work adjustment will play a role in job involvement in hotel industry employees in Ambon, Indonesia.
... İstikrar ve sadakat, ilişkisel sözleşme boyutunun özellikleridir. Bu sözleşme türünde işveren çalışanın çıkarlarını ve refahını sağlamayı taahhüt ederken çalışan kurumunu desteklemek, kurumun ihtiyaç ve beklentilerini yerine getirmeyi de taahhüt etmektedir (Rousseau, 1990). ...
Bu araştırmada, okul yöneticilerinin dönüşümcü liderlik davranışı ve öğretmenlerin psikolojik sözleşme algıları arasındaki ilişki, ortaöğretim kurumlarında görevli öğretmenlerin görüşüne göre incelenmiştir. Araştırmaya Ankara iline bağlı dokuz metropoliten ilçede görev yapmakta olan 389 öğretmen katılmıştır. Araştırma verisi Dönüşümcü Liderlik Davranışı Envanteri ve Psikolojik Sözleşme Envanteri ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma verisi, betimsel istatistikler ve regresyon analizi ile çözümlenmiştir. Bulgular okul yöneticilerinin dönüşümcü liderlik davranışını yüksek düzeyde gösterdikleri sonucunu vermiştir. Araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlerin psikolojik sözleşme puanlarının da yüksek düzeyde olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda dönüşümcü liderlik ile psikolojik sözleşme arasında pozitif yönde orta düzeyde ilişki olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Çoklu regresyon analizi sonucu dönüşümcü liderliğin öğretmenlerin psikolojik sözleşme algılarının anlamlı bir yordayıcısı olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlar okul yöneticilerinin dönüşümcü liderlik davranışının öğretmenlerin psikolojik sözleşme algısını pozitif yönde oluşturmada önemli bir etken olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu kapsamda okul yöneticilerinin dönüşümcü liderlik kapasitelerini artırmaya yönelik politikalar geliştirilmesi ve okul yöneticilerinin dönüşümcü liderlik uygulamalarını teşvik edici düzenlemeler yapılması önerilmiştir.
... The concept of psychological contract (PC) was explored by Denise Rousseau based on Argyris' idea which is to define the implicit relationship between workers and their foreman. Rousseau (1990) stated that PC is a term in the organization that defines fulfillment and non-fulfillment. Obligations, expectations, and promises of both entities will be measured in organizational relationships reciprocally. ...
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Objective: Research on EER (employee-employer relationship) has always attracted the attention of researchers in the field of Human Resources Management. Every organization and company always strive to be at the forefront and get employees who are competent in their respective fields besides having high and sustainable commitment to their organization. One of the antecedents of sustainable organizational commitment is the fulfilment of the psychological contract. Unfortunately, the psychological contracts that have been studied so far have only considered mundane transactional and relational aspects. In fact, worldly exchanges will not last forever. Need to review the psychological contract from a spiritual perspective which rewards are more lasting and can be felt in this world and the hereafter. No doubt, these exchanges are only believed by people who believe in the afterlife or people who have religion and belief in God. This study aims to investigate the indicators of the psychological contract from a spiritual perspective, namely from an Islamic perspective. The psychological contract from an Islamic perspective in this study becomes a mediating variable between authentic leadership and sustainable organizational commitment. In addition, trust in leaders is also used as a moderating variable between authentic leadership and spiritual psychological contracts. Methods: Respondents in this study were Muslim lecturers at Muhammadiyah universities accredited A throughout Indonesia. There are 6 universities that come across the requirements located in the cities of Yogyakarta, Malang (East Java), Surakarta (Central Java), Jakarta, and Medan (North Sumatra). The questionnaire was distributed via Google form using a 6-point Likert scale and processed using structural equation modeling (SEM) with the Partial Least Squares (Smart PLS) 3.0 technique. The number of respondents who filled out the questionnaire completely was 121. Results: This research produced several findings, i.e.: (1). Authentic leadership has a positive effect on fulfilling the spiritual psychological contract, (2). The spiritual psychological contract affects organizational commitment, (3). Trust (in the leader) has a positive effect on fulfilling the spiritual psychological contract, (4). The spiritual psychological contract becomes a mediator of the positive influence of authentic leadership on organizational commitment, (5). The spiritual psychological contract also mediates the effect of trust (in the leader) on organizational commitment. (6) authentic leadership has no direct effect on organizational commitment, and (7). Trust (in the leader) does not moderate the effect of authentic leadership on the spiritual psychological contract. Originality: This study adds one of the 2 previously known dimensions (transactional and relational), namely the liturgical dimension. This study also explores the dimensions of the spiritual psychological contract, although the term used still adopts the two previous psychological contract terms. However, the sources that are referred to all dimensions come from the verses of the Al Quran and Al Hadith which are the main sources of Islamic law. This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah universities which requires all members to prioritize Islamic da'wah, without neglecting financial needs, but financial needs are not the main goal. Implication: An authentic leader is characterized by listening to the opinions of subordinates, being a role model for his subordinates, being willing to guide and motivate, being aware of his own qualities, wanting to convey information on the achievements of the organization and his team, as well as strategies to achieve their goals, and respect the differences within the institution, will bring about subordinates' desire to fulfill their spiritual psychological contract. Likewise, leaders who want to recognize the superiority of subordinates, give flexibility in choosing work projects, give challenging assignments, facilitate growth, and intend to build relationships, as contained in indicators of trust in the leader, will be able to increase the desire of subordinates to fulfill their spiritual psychological contract. Spiritual psychological contracts are a novelty in this study, especially with the addition of one dimension in this variable, namely the liturgical contract. Authentic leadership and trust in the leader are able to arouse followers to fulfil their spiritual psychological contract which also has an impact on increasing their organizational commitment in sustainable manner.
... For instance, training is a significant indicator of EmpRet, since employees are susceptible to the support they receive, which determines their retention level (Lee and Bruvold, 2003;Koster et al., 2011). In addition, employees are keen to gain more skills and knowledge to enhance their capabilities and employability as an exchange of their contribution to their organizations (Rousseau, 1990). ...
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This study examines the relationship between high-performance work practices (HPWPs) and employee retention in the hospitality industry. A survey was conducted among 1319 hotel employees in Jordan, resulting in a high response rate. The data were analyzed using various statistical methods, including descriptive, linear regression, hierarchical regression, and Macro-process-plugin analysis. The analysis showed that HPWPs have a direct impact on employee retention and an indirect effect on employee well-being and psychological capital. Furthermore, it is the first study to identify employee well-being and psychological capital as a moderated mediation mechanism between HPWPs and employee outcomes in tourism and hospitality. The paper presents significant theoretical contributions, practical implications, and recommendations for the industry, particularly during the post-COVID19 era.
... The concept was developed in contemporary research by organizational scholar Denise Rousseau (1989) as a psychological contract (PC) and has been evolving constantly. Rousseau (1990), viewed PC as a term in the organization which defines the fulfillment and non-fulfillment of obligations, expectations, and promises of organizational relationships reciprocally. PC is an individual's belief about reciprocal obligations that become contractual when the individual believes that he or she owes a certain contribution to the employer in exchange for certain inducements. ...
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Based on the Western value system, research on the psychological contract has received immense attention from human resources management researchers. However, psychological contract from the spiritual perspective has not been much explored. This empirical study attempts to enrich the understanding of the psychological contract phenomenon from a spiritual perspective. This is a research paper to explore the dimensionalities of a spiritual psychological contract with examined both inner (structure) and outer (measurement) models via Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). A survey of 108 employees in business organizations in Indonesia, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, and Taiwan was drawn for the study using a nonprobability convenience sampling procedure to obtain a more representative sample. The construct validity of the spiritual psychological contract (SPC) via SmartPLS 3.2.7 software led to the major finding; the SPC measurement model in the business organizational context is explained by three components i.e., transactional, relational, and liturgical contract. This is a new insight into psychological contract research and needs further studies to explore it.
... A contract as a promise from American standpoint is "unilateral" (Samek, 1965) in nature. And this may help us understand Rousseau"s and her followers view on psychological contract as one party concept (Rousseau, 1990). In case of the reliance school, a contract is a bilateral relationship and the consideration or bargain or negotiation is its basic fabric (Jaffey, 1977). ...
Researchers have argued that the construct of psychological contract in its current form and application lacks clarity and validity. However the debate has stagnated but the research has continued being carried out without considering the diverging views on the subject. This article aims at bridging the gap on the operational definition of the construct, the content of the contract relevant for workplace and the influence on attitudes and behavior. This is articulated through knowledge blending of the theories of law, linguistic and social psychology. The foundation of the construct stems from the assumption that for two parties to draw maximum benefits from their relationship they have to develop commitment and cooperation. The process begins when the party processing the power and effect undertakes to satisfy the needs or interest of the referent other who in turn reciprocate with increased trust and loyalty. In a relationship the psychological contract is the feelings or beliefs held by one party that the other party has adopted to satisfy their need/desire/interest/goal. The content of psychological contract is based on workplace needs frame around Hertzberg two factor to correspond with the different types of equity sensitivity predispositions. This article seeks to theoretically present clarity to the construct of psychological contract in a coherent manner that joins together the current two schools of thought namely classical and reliance (two parties).
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PeSumber daya manusia merupakan aset penting dalam mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif di sektor industri yang penuh tantangan. Pengelolaan SDM yang efektif menjadi kunci utama keberhasilan, dengan SDM berkualitas mampu menciptakan nilai kompetitif melalui intelegensi, kreativitas, dan imajinasi. Pemberdayaan karyawan, termasuk aspek psikologis seperti makna, kompetensi, penentuan nasib sendiri, dan dampak pekerjaan, adalah strategi penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan hubungan pemberdayaan, kontrak psikologis, dan iklim inovatif terhadap employee engagement. Dengan metode purposive sampling, penelitian ini mengumpulkan data dari 103 responden menggunakan kuesioner. Pengujian menggunakan SPSS 25 menunjukkan bahwa penelitian ini menunjukkan variabel pemberdayaan dan kontrak psikologis berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap employee engagement, sedangkan variabel iklim inovatif berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap employee engagement.
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The aim of this study is to determine the effect of person-environment fit on attitude towards work. The study demonstrates how person-environment fit is understood and measured at different levels. In particular, how employees' individual adaptations are evaluated in the work environment and the effects of these adaptations on their attitudes towards work have been investigated. In addition, it was investigated how person-environment harmony in the workplace shapes employees' attitudes towards work and its effects on their job performance. The method section of the research states that 261 employees were reached by convenience sampling method and various scales were used to understand the relationship between person-environment fit and attitude towards work. In the research, the elements of person-environment fit, person-job fit and person-supervisor fit were emphasized, and how these elements affected the attitude towards work was tested with regression analysis. According to the analysis results, it was determined that general person-environment fit and especially person-supervisor fit had a positive effect on attitude towards work, but this effect was low. These findings highlight the importance of person-environment fit in the workplace, revealing the potential effects of job attitudes and thus job performance on management strategies and human resources policies. JEL Kodları: M10, M54, C31 Benzerlik Oranı: %11 ÖZ Bu çalışmanın amacı kişi çevre uyumunun işe karşı tutuma etkisinin belirlenmesidir. Çalışma kişi-çevre uyumunun farklı düzeylerde nasıl anlaşıldığını ve ölçüldüğünü göstermektedir. Özellikle, iş ortamında çalışanların bireysel uyumlarının nasıl değerlendirildiği ve bu uyumların işe karşı tutumları üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca işyerindeki kişi-çevre uyumunun çalışanların işe karşı tutumlarını nasıl şekillendirdiğini ve iş performanslarına olan etkileri araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın yöntem bölümü, 261 çalışana kolayda örneklem yöntemiyle ulaşıldığını ve kişi-çevre uyumu ile işe karşı tutum arasındaki ilişkiyi anlamak için çeşitli ölçeklerin kullanıldığını belirtmektedir. Araştırmada, kişi-çevre uyumu, kişi-iş uyumu ve kişi-yönetici uyumu unsurları üzerinde durulmuş ve bu unsurların işe karşı tutumu nasıl etkilediği regresyon analizi ile test edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, genel kişi-çevre uyumu ve özellikle kişi-yönetici uyumunun işe karşı tutum üzerinde pozitif yönde etkili olduğu ancak bu etkinin düşük olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu bulgular, işyerinde kişi-çevre uyumunun önemini vurgulayarak, işe karşı tutumun ve dolayısıyla iş performansının yönetim stratejileri ve insan kaynakları politikaları üzerindeki potansiyel etkilerini açığa çıkarmaktadır.
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This qualitative study investigates the influence of organizational culture on procurement practices across multiple industries, aiming to enrich understanding of how cultural dynamics shape decision-making, supplier relationships, and strategic outcomes within procurement departments. Through semi-structured interviews with procurement professionals, organizational leaders, and industry experts, data were gathered to explore the impact of leadership styles, ethical frameworks, industry dynamics, and external influences on procurement strategies. Findings reveal that transformational leadership fosters innovation, strategic alignment, and long-term partnerships in procurement, whereas transactional and autocratic styles may prioritize cost efficiency over broader strategic goals. Ethical cultures within organizations significantly influence supplier selection criteria and procurement decisions, highlighting the importance of integrating ethical standards consistently to mitigate risks and enhance organizational reputation. Industry-specific dynamics necessitate adaptive procurement strategies tailored to technological advancements, regulatory requirements, and market conditions. Effective supplier relationship management practices, emphasizing trust, transparency, and mutual value creation, enhance procurement effectiveness and resilience. Organizational structures, including centralized, decentralized, and hybrid models, play crucial roles in optimizing procurement operations. Learning cultures promoting continuous improvement and knowledge sharing foster innovation and resilience in procurement practices. External factors such as market volatility, regulatory changes, and geopolitical risks underscore the need for adaptive procurement strategies and robust risk management practices. This study contributes to theoretical insights and practical implications for aligning organizational culture with strategic procurement objectives to optimize effectiveness, mitigate risks, and drive sustainable value creation across supply chains.
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This study addresses a crucial theoretical gap by investigating how supervisors’ supervisory styles and subordinates’ careerist orientation jointly influence subordinate creativity. It examines the direct impact of two supervisor styles—supportive and noncontrolling supervision—on subordinates’ creativity and the moderating role of careerist orientation. Data were collected via surveys from nonprofit Nepalese NGOs, resulting in 499 responses. The study used AMOS for data purification and hierarchical regression for hypothesis testing by employing positivist methodology and deductive reasoning. Results reveal that supportive behavior positively impacts subordinates’ creativity, while noncontrolling supervision has a negative impact. Moreover, the study uncovers nuanced differences: supportive supervision positively affects creativity for individuals with low career orientation; however, this effect diminishes for those with high career orientation. Similarly, the positive impact of noncontrolling supervision on creativity is pronounced for low career orientation employees, but it turns harmful for high career orientation individuals. These findings hold implications for theoretical understanding and practical implementation, offering insights into the complex interplay between supervisory styles, careerist orientation, and creativity. The study contributes to future research directions and managerial strategies for fostering creativity.
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Buku ini menyoroti konsep adab karsa sebagai fondasi utama dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, menggabungkan etika, moralitas, dan kesadaran diri tinggi. Berbagai aspek Manajemen Pendidikan Islam dibahas, termasuk pembuatan kurikulum berbasis nilai-nilai Islam, kepemimpinan yang beretika, pengelolaan sumber daya yang adil, dan penciptaan lingkungan belajar yang penuh kasih sayang. Ini juga membahas metode dan praktik untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan yang menyeluruh dan berkelanjutan, serta dampak adab karsa dalam hubungan antara guru, siswa, pemimpin, dan masyarakat dalam Pendidikan Islam. Selain itu, buku ini mengidentifikasi masalah dan kesulitan dalam menerapkan adab karsa dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Islam dan memberikan metode untuk mengatasinya. Tujuannya adalah memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang pentingnya adab karsa dalam membangun lingkungan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan beretika, serta memberikan panduan praktis bagi para pemimpin dan pengelola lembaga Pendidikan Islam.
This study aimed to explore the life experiences of cyber cops as sentries in cyberspace during the COVID-19 pandemic in RACU 7. Specifically, this sought to answer the following specific problems: experiences of the informants as cyber cops during the COVID-19 pandemic, coping with the challenges they encountered, and how they tried to solve the situation and aspirations of the informants to improve quality service. The phenomenological and qualitative approach in this study was utilized through interviews as the critical process in gathering data. There were ten (10) selected police officers with a cyber cop badge. They were chosen randomly, but they met the minimum qualifications. The research location is at Cebu PPO Compound, Cebu City, where RACU 7 holds the office. A validated interview guide aided by the voice recorder to transcribe the informants' responses was used. Utilization of Colaizzi's method, a phenomenological analysis procedure, was used to analyze the responses of the informants during the interview. Results revealed that in the informants' experiences as cyber cops during the COVID-19 pandemic, the themes generated were Performing Duties Amidst the Pandemic, Maintaining a Good Image, and Encountering Insufficiency of Personnel and Supplies. In coping with the challenges encountered and how they try to solve the situation, the following themes were created: Expanding Cyber Cops Strategies and Having the Cyber Cops Initiative. For the aspirations of the informants, themes identified were the adaptation of advanced technology and the expansion of organizational support. It was recommended that PNP-ACG design a program that would address issues in times of crisis like the pandemic and extend services prospective complainants could easily access. Moreover, the PNP organization should produce more well-trained cyber cops.
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This article presents a literature review on Symbolic Interactionism, Social Exchange, and Expectation Violation Theories and their relevance to the Psychological Contract. The review is part of a doctoral thesis on the socialization process and can be helpful to Human Resource Managers (HRM), scholars, and practitioners. The review's findings show that while there are many studies on the newcomer's adaptation in the international literature, there are very few academic studies on this topic in the Brazilian context where the cost of losing a job can induce a golden cage behavior as we see in the public sector companies. Therefore, the review provides a new perspective on the socialization process of a firm's newcomer by combining the theories above, which have not been studied together before.
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Bu araştırmanın amacı liderin güç kaynaklarının psikolojik sözleşme üzerindeki etkisinde iletişim doyumunun aracılık rolünün belirlenmesidir. Nicel araştırma deseninin benimsendiği çalışmada örneklemi Yozgat’ta faaliyet gösteren küçük, orta ve büyük ölçekteki işletmelerde çalışanlar oluşturmaktadır. Kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle ulaşılan 338 kişiyle çevrimiçi anket yoluyla veriler toplanmıştır. Toplanan verilerin analiz edilmesinde kısmi en küçük kareler yol analizi (PLS-SEM) tercih edilmiş olup Smart-PLS istatistik programı kullanılarak analiz gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma verilerinden elde edilen bulgulara göre liderin güç kaynaklarının psikolojik sözleşme üzerindeki etkisinde iletişim doyumunun aracılık rolünün olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra liderin güç kaynakları iletişim doyumunu ve iletişim doyumu da psikolojik sözleşmeyi etkilemektedir. Liderin güç kaynakları psikolojik sözleşmeyi %60 oranında ve iletişim doyumunu %56 oranında açıklamaktadır. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar göz önünde bulundurulduğunda liderin elinde bulundurduğu güç, hem iletişim doyumunu güçlendirmekte hem de süreç içerisinde devam eden psikolojik sözleşmeyi anlamlı kılmaktadır.
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Orientation: The global skills crisis, ‘the great resignation’, and technological advancements have impacted the higher education (HE) sector in South Africa. Staff retention is at risk because of the specialised skills sought by institutions, making employment relationships and skill retention top priorities.Research purpose: The aim of this study was to explore the influence of socio-demographic differences on the relationship between psychological contract preferences and staff retention among South African HE employees.Motivation for the study: High staff turnover in South African HE sector and inability to retain crucial skilled employees pose challenges for HE institutions (HEIs) in a complex and diverse environment.Research approach/design and method: A cross-sectional quantitative survey was conducted on a purposively selected population of full-time employees, both academic and administrative, with a final random sample of participants (N = 493) employed in an open-distance HEI in South Africa. Inferential statistics, specifically tests for significant mean differences, were performed.Main findings: Higher education employees from different race, gender, age, job level and tenure groups differ considerably in terms of their psychological contract preferences and their satisfaction with organisational retention practices.Practical/managerial implications: Interventions for HE staff retention should prioritise strengthening diverse employees’ psychological contracts, meeting their needs, and ensuring fulfilment of promises and commitments in the employment relationship.Contribution/value-add: This paper’s unique contribution lies in the new insight it provides into the psychological contract and retention-related preferences of diverse employees in the South African HE context.
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Despite recognising the importance of emotions for careers, researchers rarely explore how career‐related practices invoke emotions and the implications for professionals’ career aspirations and behaviours. Drawing on 50 interviews with lawyers on the partner track and human resource (HR) professionals, we develop the concept of an emotions career. The emotions career consists of four stages, each characterised by different primary emotions and socio‐emotional dynamics. We find that career practices and social interactions elicit emotions that regulate professionals’ career aspirations and trajectories. Thus, professionals become emotionally invested in their careers, which in turn contributes to the maintenance of existing career systems. To better support professionals, we suggest that HR practitioners develop greater awareness of the emotional dynamics associated with careers and engage in career conversations, while organisational leaders should, collectively, consider ways to challenge negative perceptions of alternative career paths, generating more diverse thinking about careers.
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Los estudios generacionales se han incrementado para solucionar problemáticas presentadas en las organizaciones a partir de las diferentes maneras en qué se concibe el trabajo. El propósito de esta investigación es analizar relaciones entre valores de trabajo e individuos de la generación X, millennials y generación Z de Santander. Se seleccionó una muestra de 519 participantes y desde una metodología cuantitativa, utilizando técnicas descriptivas y correlacionales, se encontraron hallazgos relevantes para las empresas Santandereanas. Se concluye que para los millennials y la generación Z es absolutamente esencial los valores de extrínsecos a diferencia de la generación X, quienes consideran importante tener acceso a la información y el equilibrio en su vida personal / laboral. Frente a los intrínsecos, se presentó que para los millennials y la generación X son absolutamente esenciales, mientras que para la generación Z se considera poco importante desempeñar un cargo que le brinde un sentido personal de logro o tener libertad para tomar decisiones sobre su trabajo. En los de prestigio se encontró que tanto para los millennials como para la generación X es absolutamente esencial hacer un trabajo que tenga impacto en la organización, además de autoridad para dirigir el trabajo de otros. Esto difiere de la generación Z para quienes es poco importante tener un trabajo prestigioso o altamente considerado por otros. Finalmente, en los valores sociales se identificó que para los millennials y la generación X, es absolutamente esencial tener compañeros agradables y trabajar en un ambiente divertido, mientras que, para la generación Z estos valores se consideran poco importantes. En conclusión, estos resultados reflejan las diferencias en los valores de trabajo que presentan las generaciones que actualmente confluyen en un mismo entorno laboral. Para las organizaciones es necesario identificar cómo está compuesta su fuerza de trabajo para luego revisar los valores que priman en cada grupo y, finalmente, diseñar o reestructurar políticas de talento humano que permitan cumplir con las expectativas e intereses de cada parte. Llevar a la práctica estas orientaciones permitirán que las compañías puedan ser más asertivas en la gestión de personal y consolidar de esta manera, la marca empleadora con la que puedan ser más atractivas para atraer y fidelizar a las distintas generaciones.
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