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Hang cleans and hang snatches produce similar improvements in female collegiate athletes



Olympic weightlifting movements and their variations are believed to be among the most effective ways to improve power, strength, and speed in athletes. This study investigated the effects of two Olympic weightlifting variations (hang cleans and hang snatches), on power (vertical jump height), strength (1RM back squat), and speed (40-yard sprint) in female collegiate athletes. 23 NCAA Division I female athletes were randomly assigned to either a hang clean group or hang snatch group. Athletes participated in two workout sessions a week for six weeks, performing either hang cleans or hang snatches for five sets of three repetitions with a load of 80-85% 1RM, concurrent with their existing, season-specific, resistance training program. Vertical jump height, 1RM back squat, and 40-yard sprint all had a significant, positive improvement from pre-training to post-training in both groups (p≤0.01). However, when comparing the gain scores between groups, there was no significant difference between the hang clean and hang snatch groups for any of the three dependent variables (i.e., vertical jump height, p=0.46; 1RM back squat, p=0.20; and 40-yard sprint, p=0.46). Short-term training emphasizing hang cleans or hang snatches produced similar improvements in power, strength, and speed in female collegiate athletes. This provides strength and conditioning professionals with two viable programmatic options in athletic-based exercises to improve power, strength, and speed.
Biology of Sport, Vol. 33 No3, 2016 251
Hang cleans and hang snatches in female athletes
Strength and conditioning coaches routinely employ resistance train-
ing to enhance performance-based neuromuscular capabilities such
as force and power. Resistance training improves one’s ability to in-
crease force and power through both neural and morphological ad-
aptations. Neurologically, key adaptations include enhanced afferent
neural drive, motor unit recruitment and ring frequency, contractile
rate of force development (RFD), and contractile impulse at any time
point [1, 2]. During rapid movements these adaptations allow for
increased force and velocity (and therefore power) early in the force-
time curve, key to optimal sport performance in activities like sprint-
ing, jumping, and throwing. Morphologically, resistance training also
induces adaptations that increase one’s ability to generate force and
power, such as increased cross-sectional area of muscle bers, pref-
erential hypertrophy of type II bers, and a shift in ber subtype ex-
pression (e.g., IIX to IIA) [3, 4].
Weightlifting exercises, such as the snatch and clean and jerk, are
high force, high velocity movements that are routinely used in the
training of athletes for increased strength and power [5, 6, 7]. Re-
searchers have recognized that limited intervention research exists to
support the effectiveness of these movements, especially in female
Hang cleans and hang snatches produce similar improvements in
female collegiate athletes
, DeBeliso M
, Sevene TG
, Adams KJ
Southern Utah University, Physical Education and Human Performance Department, Cedar City, UT, USA
California State University Monterey Bay, Kinesiology Department, Seaside, CA, USA
ABSTRACT: Olympic weightlifting movements and their variations are believed to be among the most
effective ways to improve power, strength, and speed in athletes. This study investigated the effects of two
Olympic weightlifting variations (hang cleans and hang snatches), on power (vertical jump height), strength
(1RM back squat), and speed (40-yard sprint) in female collegiate athletes. 23 NCAA Division I female athletes
were randomly assigned to either a hang clean group or hang snatch group. Athletes participated in two
workout sessions a week for six weeks, performing either hang cleans or hang snatches for ve sets of three
repetitions with a load of 80-85% 1RM, concurrent with their existing, season-specic, resistance training
program. Vertical jump height, 1RM back squat, and 40-yard sprint all had a signicant, positive improvement
from pre-training to post-training in both groups (p0.01). However, when comparing the gain scores between
groups, there was no signicant difference between the hang clean and hang snatch groups for any of the
three dependent variables (i.e., vertical jump height, p=0.46; 1RM back squat, p=0.20; and 40-yard sprint,
p=0.46). Short-term training emphasizing hang cleans or hang snatches produced similar improvements in
power, strength, and speed in female collegiate athletes. This provides strength and conditioning professionals
with two viable programmatic options in athletic-based exercises to improve power, strength, and speed.
Ayers JL, DeBeliso M, Sevene TG, Adams KJ. Hang cleans and hang snatches produce similar
improvements in female collegiate athletes. Biol Sport. 2016;33(3):251–256.
Received: 2015-10-20; Reviewed: 2016-01-09; Re-submitted: 2016-03-03; Accepted: 2016-03-07; Published: 2016-05-10.
athletes [6, 8-13]. However, despite the lack of scientic evidence,
practitioners and researchers maintain a widespread belief that weight-
lifting exercises, and their variations (e.g., hang cleans and hang
snatches), are highly effective at improving athletic performance [5-7,
10, 11, 14-16]. Practitioners and researchers hypothesize that due
to their involvement of sport-related, explosive triple extension move-
ments (i.e., hip, knee, and ankle), weightlifting exercises mimic spe-
cic requirements involved in athletic movements (e.g., rapid agility
actions, sprinting, jumping etc.) [5-10]; and combined with weightlift-
ing’s ability to require an individual to exhibit high velocity against
heavy loads while performing complex movement, suggests high po-
tential for increasing RFD and transfer to sport performance [5-11].
Weightlifting variations, such as hang cleans and hang snatches, are
derivatives of full weightlifting movements that also involve triple ex-
tension with high velocity, high force loads. These weightlifting varia-
tions are often used in strength and conditioning programs, as these
movements likely achieve the same goals, yet require less time for the
athlete to learn and become procient [14, 17-20].
Of the many variations of weightlifting movements, the hang
positions of the clean and snatch are considered to be the “power
Original Paper
Biol. Sport 2016;33:251-256
Key words:
power production
Corresponding author:
Kent Adams
Kinesiology Department
California State University
Monterey Bay
100 Campus Center, Valley Hall
Seaside, CA 93955-8001
831-582-3737 Fax
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Ayers JL et al.
positions”. Furthermore, it is well known that the highest peak pow-
er output and ground reaction forces occur during the explosive
pulling phase (e.g., from the mid-thigh into triple extension, which
also denes the hang position) [17, 19, 21-24]. In female athletes,
the hang position has been shown to be faster and more power
oriented than the more strength oriented rst phase of the full pull[21-
24]. For these reasons, many practitioners argue that hang cleans
and hang snatches allow the athlete to produce a high rate of force
development (RFD) and a high power output without completion of
the more technical complete lift from the oor [14, 18-20, 25].
The purpose of this study was to address gaps in the literature
related to weightlifting variations, since to our knowledge, despite
widespread belief of efcacy, no previous studies have investigated
performance outcomes from training that emphasized hang cleans
or hang snatches in female collegiate athletes. We assessed the ef-
fects of six weeks of training, emphasizing either hang cleans or hang
snatches, on the power, strength, and speed of female collegiate
athletes. Using actual competitive female athletes who were par-
ticipating in their sport-specic strength and conditioning programs
allowed for the investigation of a “real-world” training scenario and
helped place the results in context. We hypothesize that training with
hang cleans or hang snatches will increase the athlete’s power,
strength, and speed. Furthermore, based on similar biomechan-
ics[22] and relative loading, there will be no difference between the
training groups.
Participants were 23 NCAA Division I female athletes from
the teams of volleyball (n = 10) and softball (n = 13). Mean age
was 20.1 ± 1.0 yrs (range = 18 - 22 yrs); mean mass was 73.6 ±
9.3 kg; mean height was 173.6 ± 8.6 cm. As in most collegiate
teams, the athletes represented a range of training history; speci-
cally, in this case, they had a certied strength and conditioning coach
employed by the university who trained them in weightlifting, includ-
ing specic training in hang cleans and hang snatches, with indi-
vidual experience ranging from a minimum of 6 months to more than
4 years (i.e., from second semester freshman through senior status).
This ensured that all participants had a training foundation for the
specic movements used in this study. Participants were volunteers,
and all signed informed consent forms approved by the University
Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to data collection. Permission
was also obtained from all coaches prior to recruiting the participants
for this study. Participants were asked to maintain their normal nu-
tritional and recovery practices during the six-week intervention.
However, no food logs or recovery diaries were used by participants
in this study.
Two different sports teams were used in this study to ensure adequate
sample size. A matched pair process was used for group assignment
to ensure that each group was closely balanced and had participant
representation from each team. To do this, the randomization process
was repeated individually for both the volleyball and softball teams,
using initial vertical jump scores as the matching variable. Participants
were divided into either the hang clean group (n = 11) or hang snatch
group (n = 12) as follows: vertical jump height scores were rank
ordered from highest to lowest within each team. Participants with
the top two highest scores were then randomly assigned into the
experimental groups. The third and fourth highest scores were then
randomly assigned into groups, continuing until all participants were
assigned. Vertical jump was chosen as the matching variable due to
its practical relationship to power and simplicity in testing. Of note,
after pre-testing, the groups were reassessed and no difference ex-
isted between groups in the dependent variables (vertical jump height,
1RM back squat, and 40-yard sprint). There was no control group
that performed different weightlifting movements, since the sport
coaches did not approve of having some athletes do a third type of
programmed team training. We recognize this as a limitation.
Power, strength, and speed and were measured by the vertical jump,
one-repetition maximum (1RM) back squat, and 40-yard (37 m)
sprint test[26]. These dependent variables were chosen to represent
sport-related targets for transfer of training from weightlifting move-
ments. For all testing, participants warmed up according to their
normal training program. Next, a countermovement vertical jump test
using a Vertec (Sports Imports, Columbus, Ohio) was performed.
Three maximal attempts were allowed, with 45 60 sec. rest between
attempts; the highest jump score was used for analysis. Then, the
1RM back squat. For a successful attempt, the athlete had to break
parallel (i.e., her hips had to go below her knees). Three to ve
maximal attempts took place, with three to four minutes between
each maximal effort. For the 40-yard (37 m) sprint test, after warm-
up each athlete ran a trial sprint with her next two sprints recorded.
Three to four minutes of rest occurred between sprints. Time was
recorded manually with a stopwatch by one test administrator expe-
rienced in manual timing of sprints. The average of two trials was
recorded to the nearest 0.1 second.
All training and evaluation sessions were held in campus facilities
under the instruction of the strength and conditioning coach. In order
to ensure consistency and reliability with test administration, post-
testing after the six week training program was identical to each
participant’s pre-test, including administrator, time of day, warm-up,
environment, and facilities. The aforementioned dependent variables
are all considered valid and reliable when following recommended
testing protocols [26].
Training Programs
This study was carried out during the 2013 spring semester.Hang
clean and hang snatch training sessions took place twice a week for
six weeks, with a minimum of 48 hours between each session, total-
ing 12 training sessions for this study. During each session, athletes
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Biology of Sport, Vol. 33 No3, 2016
Hang cleans and hang snatches in female athletes
Softball Training for Weeks 1 – 6 (exercises, sets x repetitions)
performed either hang cleans or hang snatches for ve sets of three
repetitions (5 x 3) at 80-85% 1RM as their primary movement,
representing a volume and intensity that may enhance both strength
and power simultaneously [5, 6, 16]. The 1RM was determined from
prior testing by the strength and conditioning coach, who also mon-
itored and adjusted the training load to maintain ~ 3 RM per set.
The hang position started above the knee (midthigh) for both lifts,
and the catch was employed for all repetitions (i.e., rack position in
a quarter-squat with subsequent extension into a fully upright stance).
Athletes were encouraged to be ballistic and move the loaded bar
through the range of motion with maximal acceleration during each
repetition. The volleyball team incorporated these sessions into their
strength-based, off-season workouts (Table 1). The volleyball players
also participated in routine individual and small group sport-specic
practices two to three times per week. The softball team was ap-
proaching in-season training and their peak strength and maintenance
workouts are reected in Table 2. Softball team practices also took
place ve to six times per week. As previously mentioned, the groups
were closely balanced with members of each team, thereby helping
to control for differences in team-specic training prescriptions.
Statistical Analysis
The three dependent variables in this study (i.e., vertical jump height,
1RM back squat, and 40-yard sprint) were compared pre- and post-
training with a dependent t-test. A gain score was also calculated for
each dependent variable (post-pre training intervention). Dependent
variable gain scores were then compared between each group with
an independent t-test. Statistical signicance was set at p<0.05.
Volleyball Training for Weeks 1 – 6 (exercises, sets x repetitions)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Hang Clean or Snatch* 5 x 3 Hang Clean or Snatch* 5 x 3 BB Rev. Lunge 3 x 8
w/DB Bench 3 x 15
Bench Press x 3, 3, 10, 8, 6, 4 Front Squat x 3, 3, 10, 8, 6, 4 Pullup 3 x 15
w/Chinup w/Hip Stretch w/RDL 3 x 10
S-Arm DB Bench 3 x 10 Bulgarian DL 3 x 6 S-Arm OHP 3 x 10
w/Ring Row 3 x 10 w/Pistol Squat 3 x 6
External Rotation 2 x 6 Hamstring Slider 2 x 10 S-Leg DB Row 3 x 10
Face Pull 3 x 15 TKE 2 x 10 3-Way DBR 3 x 10
Note: * depending on group assignment; BB=barbell; DB=dumbbell; S=single; DL=deadlift; RDL=Romanian DL; TKE=terminal knee extension;
OHP=overhead press; DBR=DB raise
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Weeks 1 - 2
Hang Clean or Snatch* 5 x 3 Hang Clean or Snatch* 5 x 3 Broad Jumps 5 x 3
Bench Press x 3, 3, 2, 2, 2 Front Squat 5 x 3 Squat x 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
Chinup 4 x 6 Glute/Ham Raise 4 x 6 RDL 4 x 6
Push Press 3 x 8 DL 3 x 5 DB Lat. Lunge 3 x 8
w/DB Row 3 x 6 w/Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 5 DB Rev. Lunge 3 x 6
BB Rollout 3 x 10 Toes to Bar 3 x 10 Med. Ball Toss 3 x 8
Weeks 3 - 4
Hang Clean or Snatch* 5 x 3 Hang Clean or Snatch* 5 x 3 NA
Squat 4 x 3 DL 4 x 3
w/Pullup 4 x 5
Bench Press 4 x 3 Push Press 3 x 6
w/Chinup 4 x 5 w/DB Stepup 3 x 6
BB Rev. Lunge 3 x 5 DB Crawl 3 x 20m
w/Bar Rotation 3 x 10
Weeks 5 - 6
Hang Clean or Snatch* 5 x 3 Hang Clean or Snatch* 5 x 3 NA
Squat 4 x 4 DL 4 x 3
w/Bench Press 4 x 5
Incline Press 4 x 3 Front Squat 3 x 4
w/Pullup 4 x 5 w/DB Stepup 3 x 6
BB Rev. Lunge 3 x 5 Overhead Press 3 x 5
w/Bar Rotation 3 x 10 w/Toes to Bar 3 x 10
Note: *depending on group assignment; BB=barbell; DB=dumbbell; DL=deadlift; RDL=Romanian DL.
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Ayers JL et al.
Assuming an effect size of 1.2 standard deviations is meaningful, a
statistical power of .76 can be achieved with 11 participants per
study group [27].
Twenty-three female athletes participated (hang clean group, n = 11;
hang snatch group, n = 12). At pre-test, no difference existed between
the groups in age, mass, or height, nor (as previously stated) in the
dependent variables (vertical jump height, 1RM back squat, and
40-yard sprint). Results indicated a signicant, positive improvement
from pre-training to post-training for both groups in vertical jump
height, 1RM back squat, and 40-yard sprint (p0.01) (Figures 1-3).
When comparing the gain scores between each group, there was no
signicant difference between the hang clean and hang snatch groups
for any of the three dependent variables tested (vertical jump height,
p=0.46; 1RM back squat, p=0.20; and 40-yard sprint, p=0.46)
(Table 3).
This study investigated the effects of two movement variations of
weightlifting (i.e., hang cleans or hang snatches), on power, strength,
and speed in Division I female collegiate athletes. Original predictions
were that six weeks of either hang clean or hang snatch training would
signicantly increase the athlete’s power, strength, and speed. Our
results support this hypothesis, hang cleans and hang snatches appear
to be approximately equal in effectively improving vertical jump ( ±
9.9%), 1RM back squat ( ± 8.8%), and 40-yard sprint (- 3.5%).
These results may potentially help practitioners make science-based
decisions in training design when attempting to optimize outcomes
related to power, strength, and speed in a wide-range of female ath-
letes in terms of training experience, prociency, and training phase.
As previously stated, limited research exists on outcomes related to
weightlifting movements, such as hang cleans and hang snatches [5,
Pre Post Gain
Vertical Jump (cm)
Snatch 52.3 ± 8.6 57.2 ± 8.6 5.1 ± 3.3*
Clean 51.3 ± 7.4 56.4 ± 7.4 5.1 ± 1.8*
40-yard Sprint (sec)
Snatch 5.81 ± 0.32 5.60 ± 0.30 -0.20 ± 0.25*
Clean 5.93 ± 0.31 5.72 ± 0.31 -0.21 ± 0.25*
1RM Back Squat (kg)
Snatch 78.4 ± 11.4 84.9 ± 11.7 6.5 ± 3.2*
Clean 81.4 ± 9.6 88.9 ± 9.2 7.5 ± 2.4*
Group Scores on Vertical Jump, 40-yard Sprint, and
1RM Back Squat.
Note: *signicantly different pre to post, p0.01, with no difference in
gain scores between groups
Vertical jump height scores (cm) for each group.
Note: * Signicant improvement from pre-training to post-training,
1RM back squat scores (kg) for each group.
Note: * Signicant improvement from pre-training to post-training,
40-yard sprint scores (seconds) for each group.
Note: * Signicant improvement from pre-training to post=training,
* *
* *
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Biology of Sport, Vol. 33 No3, 2016
Hang cleans and hang snatches in female athletes
6, 8-13, 28]. Specically, a review of the literature revealed no stud-
ies on the effects of hang cleans or hang snatches on power, strength,
and speed in Division I female athletes. However, in agreement with
other generalized weightlifting research [8, 9, 12, 13], expert opin-
[5-7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 29-33], and biomechanical observa-
[21, 22], our results support that hang cleans and hang snatch-
es, performed over the short term with the same relative loads, offer
similar potential for signicant improvements in power, strength, and
speed in female collegiate athletes. Both movements require high
force at high velocity, are ballistic, require a high RFD, and have
similar biomechanics and acceleration proles as many athletic ac-
tions such as jumping and sprinting [4-7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 28]. Train-
ing intensities of both lifts can also span a wide range of the force-
velocity curve, which is critical to optimizing both the force and
velocity components of power [4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 16].
In their writings, O’Shea [11] and others [4-10, 12, 16, 28,33]
routinely discuss the relationship of these athletic-type full body lifts
to explosive-based athletic performance involving strength, speed,
and power, and this study supports their contentions. Combined with
mental focus by the athlete on the intent to be ballistic and acceler-
ate through the entire range of motion, our results support the high
potential for transfer of this type of training to athletic performance[5-
7, 10-14, 18, 19, 28, 33].
Regarding possible limitations, rst, as mentioned earlier, the lack
of a control group limits interpretation of the results. Second, this
was a six-week study that focused on a narrow window of time
representing a typical strength and conditioning training block; lon-
ger term training may reveal different results. As previously stated,
this study was conducted during real-world, university-based, com-
petitive training and as such had limitations in duration, secondary
movements, etc. Third, both teams were in different parts of their
training year, incorporating the added movements during appropriate
phases of their program [6]. While primary exercises were similar,
secondary exercises had some variation between teams. The authors
believe this limitation was practically addressed by the balanced
training groups in both team composition and performance measures.
Each training group had equal representation from the two teams
who participated in their specic team’s supplemental training and
were matched in the dependent variables. A fourth limitation may
be maturation, due to each athlete being at different levels of phys-
iological development (e.g., second semester freshman to senior).
Per this, our results demonstrate the possible effectiveness of hang
cleans and hang snatches in improving athletic-based performance
outcomes despite individual training history. Finally, assessing the
magnitude of strength changes for the two weightlifting variations
would have also helped elucidate possible meaning of this short term
Practically speaking, our results support hang cleans and hang
snatches as valid choices for the strength and conditioning coach to
utilize when designing short-term training cycles for potentially in-
creasing power, strength, and speed in female collegiate athletes.
Since increases in power, strength, and speed were similar between
movements, either variation may be used interchangeably in the
training program. Practitioners who favor one movement over the
other may feel more comfortable in their training choice; and this
study supports exibility in choice as merited. For example, if an
athlete has difculty mastering the skills of a specic weightlifting
exercise, they can focus their efforts on the variation they feel more
comfortable and condent with performing; which may ultimately
provide an atmosphere more conducive to technical prociency. This
means that training of the athlete may optimize transfer of perfor-
mance improvements from practice to competition.
To our knowledge this is the rst study to demonstrate the athletic-
based performance responses of Division I female collegiate athletes
to a short-term training program emphasizing either hang cleans or
hang snatches. Our results demonstrate the signicant positive effects
this type of weightlifting training may have on power, strength, and
speed. Though only volleyball and softball athletes participated in
this study, it is reasonable to presume that these ndings may be
applied to female athletes of all sports which require power, strength,
and speed. More research is merited to support this notion of ath-
letic transfer of power, strength, and speed between multiple sports.
Thus we suggest that future studies on weightlifting training employ
a control group, compare weightlifting variations to the full weightlift-
ing movements, assess the effects of the catch, monitor nutrition and
recovery practices, use athletes in similar phases of training and
competition, and add pre- and post-testing on measures such as RFD,
body composition, and the changes in the specic lifts utilized.
The authors would like to thank the Southern Utah University Wom-
en’s Volleyball and Softball teams for their participation and coop-
eration with this study. And, a big thank you to the respective sport
and strength coaches for supporting this project. In addition, Dr. J.P.
O’Shea’s guidance related to weightlifting is not forgotten.
Conict of interests: No funding was received for this research. The
authors have no conict of interest related to this research.
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... Los preparadores físicos utilizan habitualmente el entrenamiento con sobrecarga para mejorar las capacidades neuromusculares de las deportistas, tales como la fuerza y la potencia (Baker y Nance, 1999;Cormie et al., 2011a;Hackett et al., 2016). Estas mejoras se producen a través de adaptaciones tanto neurales como morfológicas (Aagaard et al., 2002;Ayers et al., 2016;Soto y Bautista, 2022). ...
... Los ejercicios olímpicos son movimientos de una alta demanda de fuerza y velocidad que se utilizan de forma rutinaria en el entrenamiento de las deportistas para la mejora de la generación de potencia (Hori et al., 2008;MacKenzie et al., 2014;Hermassi et al., 2019). Los investigadores han reconocido que existe una cantidad limitada de estudios que respalden la efectividad de estos movimientos, especialmente en atletas femeninas (Ayers et al., 2016;Hoffman et al., 2004). Sin embargo, a pesar de la falta de evidencia científica, los preparadores físicos mantienen una creencia generalizada de que los ejercicios olímpicos y sus variantes (por ejemplo, con salidas colgadas o con carácter unilateral) son altamente efectivos para mejorar el rendimiento deportivo (Scherfenberg y Burns, 2013;Lopes dos Santos, 2019;MacKenzie et al., 2014;McBride et al., 2011). ...
... Las variantes de los levantamientos olímpicos, vienen derivados de los movimientos completos, manteniendo la generación explosiva de triple flexo-extensión. De esta forma, se cree que estos movimientos pueden lograr los mismos objetivos, requiriendo un menor tiempo de aprendizaje (Ayers et al., 2016;Suchomel et al., 2020). De las muchas variantes de los movimientos olímpicos, las posiciones suspendidas o colgadas (a partir de ahora hang) se consideran las "posiciones de potencia", debido a la bibliografía científica existente mostrando que la producción de potencia pico y las fuerzas de reacción del suelo más altas ocurren durante la fase del segundo y tercer tirón (desde la mitad del muslo hasta la triple extensión) (Comfort et al., 2011). ...
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Coaches use olympic exercise training to improve the power generation of athletes, as it has a high potential to increase the ratio of force development, and thus, sports performance. The aim of this study was to describe the effects of an intervention using the hang power clean in elite female handball players. Fifteen players from the same team participated, who competed in the Spanish first division (DHF guerreras Iberdrola) during the 2021-2022 season (age: 25.2 ±2.4 years, weight: 70.4 ±7.9 kg, height: 171.2 ±5.3 cm). The players were evaluated both at the beginning and at the end of the 6-week intervention, in two types of vertical jump: Abalakov and Double contact jump. The results showed significant improvements from pre- to post-test in all the variables analyzed, with the exception of those related to starting speed. This information seems to indicate that a short training program in which hang power clean work is emphasized could increase the vertical jump capacity of professional handball players, as well as improve their muscular stiffness. The results found can be extrapolated to other female athletes in which the force management requirements are similar.
... Como se aprecia en la tabla 4, en el primer estudio de Ayers et al. (2016), las dos intervenciones basadas en Hang clean y Hang Snatch mostraron mejoras significativas en CMJ pre y post intervención (p ≤ 0,01). ...
... Se ha descrito que la capacidad de salto y la potencia se correlacionan con el rendimiento deportivo, por lo tanto mejorar la fuerza máxima y/o la velocidad aumentaría la producción de potencia, lo que llevaría a mejorar el desempeño en el juego (Darmiento, Galpin, & Brown, 2012). El voleibol, uno de los deportes con más presencia en los artículos de esta revisión (Ayers et al., 2016;Helland et al., 2017;Ýnce, 2019), es una actividad con mucha demanda de la capacidad de salto, en consecuencia el rendimiento en este deporte depende altamente de la capacidad de realizar esfuerzos repetidos de potencia máxima o cercana a la máxima (Holmberg, 2013). El protocolo de Ince (2019), fue aplicado solo a jugadores de voleibol y se caracterizó por implementar ejercicios de EMH estilo Split (Split hang Snatch, Split clean, Split jerk). ...
... De particular interés son los resultados de protocolos de EMH que utilizaron derivados de tipo colgante (Hang clean, Hang Snatch, Hang high pull), los que resultaron en mejoras significativas en la capacidad de salto evaluada en CMJ y SJ (Ayers et al., 2016;Ciacci & Bartolomei, 2018;Oranchuk et al., 2019;Hermassi et al.,2019). Estos resultados confirman los beneficios de los ejercicios colgantes, como el Hang power clean que mejora la potencia del tren inferior y la RFD (Ronai & Scibek, 2016), el cual tiene una alta correlación con la capacidad de salto y esprint (Hori et al., 2008). ...
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La capacidad de generar máxima potencia neuromuscular es el factor más importante y determinante en el rendimiento atlético. Debido a esto, el entrenamiento con movimientos de Halterofilia (EMH) y sus derivados es uno de los métodos más usados, ya que la evidencia muestra que genera adaptaciones de fuerza-potencia superiores comparadas con el entrenamiento de fuerza tradicional, de salto y de kettlebells. Objetivo: Identificar los efectos del EMH en la capacidad de salto, esprint y cambio de dirección (COD) en población deportista. Método: Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva en diferentes bases de datos, como PUBMED, Sportdiscus (EBSCO), Scopus y Web of Science (WOS) bajo modelo PRISMA. Los trabajos revisados fueron experimentales con y sin grupo de control, entre los años 2000 y 2020. Resultados: El EMH produce mejoras significativas en las capacidades de salto, de esprint y de COD en población deportista. Conclusión: El EMH genera mejoras significativas en el rendimiento de salto, carreras y cambio de dirección bajo distintos protocolos. Existe evidencia que sustenta la aplicación de EMH, recomendando sus derivados centrados en el segundo tirón y aquellos que utilicen el ciclo de estiramiento-acortamiento en sus variantes colgantes. Abstract: The ability to generate maximum power is the most important and determining neuromuscular function in sports performance. Therefore, weightlifting training (WT) and its derivatives is one of the most widely used methods, generating superior strength-power adaptations compared to traditional strength training, jumping and kettlebell training. Objective: To identify the effects of WT on the ability to jump, sprint and change of direction (COD) in athletes. Method: An exhaustive search was carried out in different databases, such as PUBMED, Sportdiscus (EBSCO), Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) under the PRISMA model. The reviewed papers were experimental with and without a control group, between the years 2000 and 2020. Results: The WT produces significant improvements in jump, sprint and in change of direction capacities in the sport population. Conclusion: WT generates significant improvements in jumping, running and change of direction performance under different protocols. There is evidence supporting the use of WT, suggesting its derivatives focused on the second pull and those that use the stretch-shortening cycle in their hanging variants.
... Olympic weightlifting movements and their variation are believed to be among the most effective way to improve Power, strength and speed in athletes [1] . Olympic-style weightlifting is a registered sport that incorporates the use of two independent lifts that require the athlete to lift a loaded barbell from the floor to an overhead position in an explosive manner. ...
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The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between Split styles Snatch training protocol (twice a week for 6 weeks) on upper body muscular endurance and lower body explosive power (Legs) of male (n-50) Kyorugi taekwondo athletes (Age 18-25). The subjects for the study were selected randomly from different training centers in NCR and Delhi, India. All the subjects voluntarily agreed to Participate and had three-year experience of Participation in the National, University and State Competitions in different body weight Category. The split Snatch training was used during one of the resistance training session for three days a week for 6 weeks and loads were increased every week. The pre and post upper body muscular endurance was measured by push up test in counting (Maximum in 1 Minute) and standing broad jump test (SBJ) was used for lower body explosive power in Meters/ Cm and data was recorded. The R 4.1.0 statistic software program was used, with the help of Mean, Standard Deviation (S.D.), and T-test to determine the relationship between split Snatch training protocol with upper body muscular endurance and lower body (Legs) explosive muscles power of taekwondo athletes. The significance level was determined as P < 0.05. After 6 weeks of Split styles Snatch Training the result of the study indicates that split styles snatch is significantly correlated to upper body muscular endurance (0.01) and explosive muscles power (0.03).
... Morris et al. (2022), compared strength and power between powerlifters, Olympic lifters, and sprinters, observing that the Olympic lifters group showed significantly higher peaks in strength, power, and jump height than the other groups [36]. Other studies found that athletes with better performance in exercises such as the Hang Power Clean, Hang Clean, and Hang Snatch achieved superior and significant results in jumping performance, exhibiting 8 higher levels of peak strength and power (p ≤ 0.01) [50]. This aligns with the findings, who noted that Olympic weightlifting training alone is effective for improving sprint speed and power, potentially enhancing strength and power when combined with vertical jump training [36]. ...
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Improving performance and promoting sustainability in women's handball are key objectives to maximize the potential of female players and ensure the long-term viability of the sport. In this context, training with Olympic movements and their derivatives improves the development of strength, power, and speed, which are determinants of performance in team sports. The aim of this study was to determine if training with Olympic movements produces significant improvements in jumping, throwing, sprinting, and change of direction performance in women handball players. Twenty-one female handball players participated in the study (10 for the control group and 11 for the intervention group). Age ranged from 15 to 17 years. All participants performed four assessment tests (Abalakov Test, throw test, 20-meter Sprint and V-Cut Test) to determine jump height, throwing speed, running speed, and change of direction ability. Measurements were carried out before and after the intervention. For six weeks, the control group performed the strength work established by the club twice a week while the intervention group additionally performed training with Olympic movements. Significant differences (p <0.05) were found between the pre and post measurement of the control group and the intervention group in jump height, throwing speed and running speed, being higher in the intervention group. For the change of direction, no significant differences were found. Between groups, significant differences were observed at the end of the intervention for jump height and running speed. The conclusion of this study was that, by training with Olympic movements, in addition to regular training, could produce greater improvements in jumping performance, throwing speed and running speed in female handball players.
... Morris et al. (2022), compared 358 strength and power between powerlifters, Olympic lifters, and sprinters, observing that 359 the Olympic lifters group showed significantly higher peaks in strength, power, and jump 360 height than the other groups [38]. Other studies found that athletes with better perfor-361 mance in exercises such as the Hang Power Clean, Hang Clean, and Hang Snatch achieved 362 superior and significant results in jumping performance, exhibiting higher levels of peak 363 strength and power (p ≤ 0.01) [55]. This aligns with the findings, who noted that Olympic 364 weightlifting training alone is effective for improving sprint speed and power, potentially 365 enhancing strength and power when combined with vertical jump training [38]. ...
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Improving women’s handball through increased performance and sustainability is crucial. Strength training, especially with Olympic movements, develops strength, power, and speed, key factors for success in team sports. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the impact of Olympic movements on performance variables such as jumps, throws, sprints, and changes of direction, and additionally, to promote a more sustainable and holistic approach to overall health and wellbeing. Twenty-one women handball players were divided into two groups (the experimental group (EG) [n = 11; age: 15.91 ± 0.70 years; BMI: 21.37] and the control group (CG) [n = 10; age: 15.60 ± 0.52; BMI: 22.31]). All participants performed four assessment tests to determine jump height (Abalakov test), throwing speed (throw test), running speed (20 m sprint) and change of direction ability (V-cut test). Measurements were carried out before and after the intervention. For six weeks, the control group performed the strength work established by the club twice a week while the intervention group additionally performed training with Olympic movements. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between the pre and post measurement of the control group and the intervention group in jump height, throwing speed, and running speed, being higher in the intervention group. For change of direction, no significant differences were found. Between groups, significant differences were observed at the end of the intervention for jump height and running speed. The conclusion of this study is that the experimental group achieved greater improvements in jumping performance, throwing speed, and running speed in women handball players.
... Progressive increases in volume load result in the greatest hypertrophic adaptations (29,98,211,245), achieved via moderate loads (60-80% 1RM) performed for relatively high repetitions (8)(9)(10)(11)(12) repetitions) (98,110,246), with the associated metabolic stress providing a potential stimulus for muscle hypertrophy and endurance related adaptations (93,243,244). Interestingly, weekly volume load, rather than training frequency, seems to dictate the magnitude of hypertrophic adaptations, with greater improvements from more frequent training if there is an increase in total volume load (98,247,250). ...
Comfort, P, Haff, GG, Suchomel, TJ, Soriano, MA, Pierce, KC, Hornsby, WG, Haff, EE, Sommerfield, LM, Chavda, S, Morris, SJ, Fry, AC, and Stone, MH. National Strength and Conditioning Association position statement on weightlifting for sports performance. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2022-The origins of weightlifting and feats of strength span back to ancient Egypt, China, and Greece, with the introduction of weightlifting into the Olympic Games in 1896. However, it was not until the 1950s that training based on weightlifting was adopted by strength coaches working with team sports and athletics, with weightlifting research in peer-reviewed journals becoming prominent since the 1970s. Over the past few decades, researchers have focused on the use of weightlifting-based training to enhance performance in nonweightlifters because of the biomechanical similarities (e.g., rapid forceful extension of the hips, knees, and ankles) associated with the second pull phase of the clean and snatch, the drive/thrust phase of the jerk and athletic tasks such as jumping and sprinting. The highest force, rate of force development, and power outputs have been reported during such movements, highlighting the potential for such tasks to enhance these key physical qualities in athletes. In addition, the ability to manipulate barbell load across the extensive range of weightlifting exercises and their derivatives permits the strength and conditioning coach the opportunity to emphasize the development of strength-speed and speed-strength, as required for the individual athlete. As such, the results of numerous longitudinal studies and subsequent meta-analyses demonstrate the inclusion of weightlifting exercises into strength and conditioning programs results in greater improvements in force-production characteristics and performance in athletic tasks than general resistance training or plyometric training alone. However, it is essential that such exercises are appropriately programmed adopting a sequential approach across training blocks (including exercise variation, loads, and volumes) to ensure the desired adaptations, whereas strength and conditioning coaches emphasize appropriate technique and skill development of athletes performing such exercises.
... This training can elicit advantageous training stimuli, including increased RFD, by augmenting neural activation and increasing intra and interneuromuscular coordination (28,30). These ballistic-type movements share kinetic and kinematic similarities with sporting movements such as sprinting and jumping, which have postulated to transfer to sports performance (1,28). In addition, these ballistic-type modalities have been advocated to enable female athletes to produce higher forces and velocities S&C Recommendations for Ladies Gaelic Football VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2023 (28). ...
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Ladies Gaelic football (LGF) is a traditional , amateur Gaelic sport played by female athletes. LGF is an invasion-based field sport involving high-intensity, intermittent match play. There is currently a paucity of research on intercounty (elite level) LGF despite a growing interest in the male version of the game. This article aims to provide strength and conditioning recommendations for LGF with particular focus on the intercounty level of play. Recommendations within this article include a needs analysis, female injury epidemiology , physical and physiological demands, female physiology, strength training, and specific conditioning guidelines based on the sport. Additional recommendations include an LGF-specific testing battery, a proposed periodization cycle, and sports-specific speed and agility development.
... T he Olympic weightlifting movements (snatch, clean and jerk) and their variations (snatch and clean deadlift, high pull, etc.) have been widely used in order to improve performance in many sports [2,12,22] and in functional fitness programs [25]. Although it requires a long time to acquire the necessary skills to perform the movements with a proper technique, this modality of training has been shown to be effective in improving lower limb power, speed and agility [20]. ...
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Introduction. The Olympic weightlifting movements (snatch, clean and jerk) and their variations (snatch and clean deadlift, high pull, etc.) have been widely used in order to improve performance in many sports, but there are no normative data, nor data on reliability of kinematic parameters for power snatch from recreational weightlifters. Aim of Study. This study aimed to quantify the reliability and the minimal detectable change of kinematic parameters from bar displacement during a power snatch movement in non professional (i.e., recreationally trained) weightlifters. Material and Methods. Sixteen healthy (13 male), trained, but non-competitive weightlifters, volunteeredto participate in this study. Each volunteer performed 2 power snatches at 60% of their RM. The barbell path was recorded using a high-speed camera and the data was processed offline to obtain barbell position coordinates. Elapsed time to complete the movement, trunk and knee position at catching, the kinematic parameters from horizontal and vertical bar displacements, vertical velocity and acceleration were obtained for each of the 5 movement phases (1st pull, transition, 2nd pull, turnover and drop). Descriptive data, intraclass coefficient correlation (ICC) and minimal detectable change (MDC) from each studied variable were obtained and presented. Results. Our results indicated low to excellent reliability for studied variables, with the initial phases of the lift (i.e., 1st pull, transition and 2nd pull) displaying better reliability, while the later phases of the movement (turnover and drop) exhibited poorer reliability for a majority of variables. Conclusions.The presented data, with a comprehensive description of normative data obtained from the power snatch of recreational weightlifters could help coaches to evaluate power snatch performance as a conditioning tool for recreational athletes.
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Ensuring internal validity is the key procedure when planning the study design. Numerous systematic reviews have demonstrated that considerations for internal validity do not receive adequate attention in the primary research in sport sciences. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to review methodological procedures in current literature where the effects of resistance training on strength, speed, and endurance performance in athletes were analyzed. A computer-based literature searches of SPORTDiscus, Scopus, Medline, and Web of Science was conducted. The internal validity of individual studies was assessed using the PEDro scale. Peer-reviewed studies were accepted only if they met all the following eligibility criteria: (a) healthy male and female athletes between the ages of 18-65 years; (b) training program based on resistance exercises; (c) training program lasted for at least 4 weeks or 12 training sessions, with at least two sessions per week; (d) the study reported maximum strength, speed, or endurance outcomes; and (e) systematic reviews, cohort studies, case-control studies, cross-sectional studies were excluded. Of the 6,516 articles identified, 133 studies were selected for rating by the PEDro scale. Sixty-eight percent of the included studies used random allocation to groups, but only one reported concealed allocation. Baseline data are presented in almost 69% of the studies. Thirty-eight percent of studies demonstrated adequate follow-up of participants. The plan to follow the intention-to-treat or stating that all participants received training intervention or control conditions as allocated were reported in only 1.5% of studies. The procedure of blinding of assessors was also satisfied in only 1.5% of the studies. The current study highlights the gaps in designing and reporting research in the field of strength and conditioning. Randomization, blinding of assessors, reporting of attrition, and intention-to-treat analysis should be more fully addressed to reduce threats to internal validity in primary research.
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The clean grip midthigh pull and snatch grip midthigh pull are exercises that focus on reinforcing the double knee bend and triple extension involved in weightlifting movements. As a result, these pulling movements are used with the purpose of making an athlete more efficient at producing force with an overload stimulus in the peak power position. In addition, these exercises can be used as a teaching modality for the progressive development of the full clean or snatch.
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This review article examines previous weightlifting literature and provides a rationale for the use of weightlifting pulling derivatives that eliminate the catch phase for athletes who are not competitive weightlifters. Practitioners should emphasize the completion of the triple extension movement during the second pull phase that is characteristic of weightlifting movements as this is likely to have the greatest transference to athletic performance that is dependent on hip, knee, and ankle extension. The clean pull, snatch pull, hang high pull, jump shrug, and mid-thigh pull are weightlifting pulling derivatives that can be used in the teaching progression of the full weightlifting movements and are thus less complex with regard to exercise technique. Previous literature suggests that the clean pull, snatch pull, hang high pull, jump shrug, and mid-thigh pull may provide a training stimulus that is as good as, if not better than, weightlifting movements that include the catch phase. Weightlifting pulling derivatives can be implemented throughout the training year, but an emphasis and de-emphasis should be used in order to meet the goals of particular training phases. When implementing weightlifting pulling derivatives, athletes must make a maximum effort, understand that pulling derivatives can be used for both technique work and building strength–power characteristics, and be coached with proper exercise technique. Future research should consider examining the effect of various loads on kinetic and kinematic characteristics of weightlifting pulling derivatives, training with full weightlifting movements as compared to training with weightlifting pulling derivatives, and how kinetic and kinematic variables vary between derivatives of the snatch.
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Weightlifting is a dynamic strength and power sport in which two, multijoint, whole-body lifts are performed in competition; the snatch and clean and jerk. During the performance of these lifts, weightlifters have achieved some of the highest absolute and relative peak power outputs reported in the literature. The training structure of competitive weightlifters is characterized by the frequent use of high-intensity resistance exercise movements. Varied coaching and training philosophies currently exist around the world and further research is required to substantiate the best type of training programme for male and female weightlifters of various age groups. As competitive weightlifting is contested over eight male and seven female body weight categories, the anthropometric characteristics of the athletes widely ranges. The body compositions of weightlifters are similar to that of athletes of comparable body mass in other strength and power sports. However, the shorter height and limb lengths of weightlifters provide mechanical advantages when lifting heavy loads by reducing the mechanical torque and the vertical distance that the barbell must be displaced. Furthermore, the shorter body dimensions coincide with a greater mean skeletal muscle cross-sectional area that is advantageous to weightlifting performance. Weightlifting training induces a high metabolic cost. Although dietary records demonstrate that weightlifters typically meet their required daily energy intake, weightlifters have been shown to over consume protein and fat at the expense of adequate carbohydrate. The resulting macronutrient imbalance may not yield optimal performance gains. Cross-sectional data suggest that weightlifting training induces type IIX to IIA fibre-type transformation. Furthermore, weightlifters exhibit hypertrophy of type II fibres that is advantageous to weightlifting performance and maximal force production. As such, the isometric peak force and contractile rate of force development of weightlifters is ~15–20% and ~13–16% greater, respectively, than in other strength and power athletes. In addition, weightlifting training has been shown to reduce the typical sex-related difference in the expression of neuromuscular strength and power. However, this apparent sex-related difference appears to be augmented with increasing adult age demonstrating that women undergo a greater age-related decline in muscle shortening velocity and peak power when compared with men. Weightlifting training and competition has been shown to induce significant structural and functional adaptations of the cardiovascular system. The collective evidence shows that these adaptations are physiological as opposed to pathological. Finally, the acute exercise-induced testosterone, cortisol and growth hormone responses of weightlifters have similarities to that of following conventional strength and hypertrophy protocols involving large muscle mass exercises. The routine assessment of the basal testosterone: cortisol ratio may be beneficial when attempting to quantify the adaptive responses to weightlifting training. As competitive weightlifting is becoming increasingly popular around the world, further research addressing the physiological responses and adaptations of female weightlifters and younger (i.e. ≤17 years of age) and older (i.e. ≥35 years of age) weightlifters of both sexes is required.
High-Performance Training for Sports changed the landscape of athletic conditioning and sport performance when first published in 2014. Now the second edition builds on that groundbreaking work with the latest and most effective philosophies, protocols and programs for developing today’s athletes. High-Performance Training for Sports, Second Edition, features contributions from global leaders in athletic performance training, coaching and rehabilitation. This all-star team shares the cutting-edge knowledge and techniques they’ve used with Olympians, elite athletes and teams from professional sport leagues around the world to help you accomplish three critical goals for your athletes: Establish and develop resilienceCultivate athletic capabilitiesEnhance and sustain performance Whether you are seeking to maximize the readiness of high-performance athletes for a season or are assisting athletes who are returning to play after injury, this definitive guide provides the best advice and practices. High-Performance Training for Sports is an essential resource for those who wish to excel as a strength and conditioning coach, trainer, rehabilitator or athlete.
Films taken at the first Women’s World Weightlifting Championship were analyzed to determine the average power output during the total pulling phase, and the second pull phase, for the heaviest successful snatch and clean lift of gold medalists in each of nine body-weight divisions. Comparisons were made with previously published data on power output by male lifters in World and Olympic competition. Average relative power output values were one and a half to two times greater for both men and women when only the second pull phase of each lift was analyzed. Results show that women can generate higher short-term power outputs than previously documented, but lower than for men in absolute values and relative to body mass. Male/female comparisons in other high power sport events and basic strength measures are discussed. The high power outputs suggest the value of including the types of lifts analyzed in training programs to improve short-term power output.
The objective of this study was to compare the kinematic and kinetic differences in snatch performances of elite 69-kg men and women weightlifters, the only category common to both genders. The heaviest lifts performed by 9 men and 9 women weightlifters competing in 69-kg weight class in Group A in the 2010 World Weightlifting Championship were analyzed. The snatch lifts were recorded using 2 cameras (PAL). Points on the barbell and body were manually digitized by using Ariel Performance Analysis System. The results showed that maximal extension angle of the ankle and knee during the first pull, the knee angle at the end of the transition phase, and maximal extension angle of the knee in the second pull were significantly greater in men (p < 0.05). The angular velocity of the hip was significantly greater in men during the first pull (p < 0.05). During the second pull, women showed significantly greater maximal angular velocity at the hip and ankle joints (p < 0.05). Moreover, the maximal vertical linear velocity of the barbell was significantly greater in women (p < 0.05). The absolute mechanical work and power output in the first pull and power output in the second pull were significantly greater in men (p < 0.05). However, the relative mechanical work was significantly greater in women during the second pull (p < 0.05). The results revealed that in 69-kg weight class, women were less efficient than men in the first pull, which is strength oriented, whereas they were as efficient as men in the second pull, which is more power oriented. Key pointsWomen weightlifters should do assistant exercises to strengthen their ankle flexor and knee extensor muscles in order to increase their maximal strength in the first pull.Women weightlifters should be able to execute a deeper and faster knee flexion in the transition phase in order to obtain a greater explosive strength during the second pull.