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Onset of kairomone sensitivity and the development
of inducible morphological defenses in Daphnia pulex
Linda C. Weiss .Esther Heilgenberg .Lisa Deussen .
Sina M. Becker .Sebastian Kruppert .Ralph Tollrian
Received: 14 December 2015 / Revised: 1 May 2016 / Accepted: 2 May 2016 / Published online: 9 May 2016
ÓSpringer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
Abstract The micro-crustacean Daphnia pulex is a
model species for studying predator-induced defenses.
When exposed to chemical cues released by its
predator, the phantom midge larvae Chaoborus
(Diptera), it develops protective neckteeth that reduce
the predator’s success of predation in the juvenile
instars. Defensive traits need to be expressed as soon
as possible, which requires an early sensitivity to
predator cues. We investigated the exact kairomone-
sensitive period in three D. pulex strains and the
timeline of neckteeth expression in early juvenile
instars. We divided embryonic development into five
major stages based on successive morphological
landmarks. We exposed animals in these develop-
mental stages to kairomones in order to determine the
sensitive periods for neckteeth expression in the 1st
and 2nd juvenile instar. Our results indicate that
kairomone sensitivity starts during embryogenesis
when compound eye spots begin to fuse and egg
membranes are shed. Neckteeth develop with a stage-
dependent time lag, being shorter when exposed in the
first kairomone-sensitive stage and longer when
exposed in the following developmental stages. Evo-
lution of early kairomone sensitivity and fast defense
development is a crucial step in D. pulex’s defenses
against Chaoborus as it allows for protection of the
most vulnerable juvenile stages.
Keywords Daphnia Kairomone-sensitive stages
Chaoborus Inducible defenses Time lags
The evolutionary ‘arms race’ between predators and
prey has generated various anti-predator adaptations.
These adaptations may even be inducible, so that they
develop only upon an increased predation risk.
Inducible defenses include morphological peculiari-
ties (e.g., thorns, spines, strengthened body armor),
behavioral changes (e.g., adaptive migration patterns),
and life-history shifts (e.g., somatic growth traded for
reproduction (DeWitt, 1998; Tollrian & Harvell,
Four factors have emerged as relevant in the
evolution of inducible anti-predator phenotypes:
(i) heterogeneous predation risk, (ii) reliable cues
indicating a potential risk, (iii) the defense must be
Handling editor: Piet Spaak
Electronic supplementary material The online version of
this article (doi:10.1007/s10750-016-2809-4) contains supple-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
L. C. Weiss (&)E. Heilgenberg L. Deussen
S. M. Becker S. Kruppert R. Tollrian
Department of Animal Ecology, Evolution and
Biodiversity, Ruhr-University Bochum, Universita
150, 44801 Bochum, Germany
e-mail: linda.weiss@rub.de
Hydrobiologia (2016) 779:135–145
DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-2809-4
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