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Abstract and Figures

An atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion system (ABEP) ingests the particles of the residual atmosphere and uses them as propellant for an electric thruster to counteract the drag. The system theoretically allows orbiting for unlimited time without on board propellant storage. A new range of altitudes, e.g. 120-250 km in LEO, for permanent orbiting can be accessed, thereby enabling new scientific missions while reducing costs. ABEP can be conceptually applied to any planet with atmosphere. The intake is the device that collects the atmosphere particles and drives them to the thruster. Its nontrivial design requires deep understanding of the flow physics. In this paper, we present the outcome of our Balancing Model (BM) applied to intake designs of JAXA and BUSEK. Optimization of the intake toward the use of IPG6-S, a small scale inductively heated plasma generator (IPG) as thruster candidate, has been performed and results are hereby presented.
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SP2016 3124981
Francesco Romano (1), Tilman Binder (1) , Georg Herdrich (1), Stefanos Fasoulas (1), Tony Sch¨
onherr (2)
(1) Institute of Space Systems (IRS), University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 29, 70569, Stuttgart, Germany,
(2) ESA/ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands,
Atmosphere-Breathing Electric Propulsion - ABEP
- RAM-EP - VLEO - Inductively Heated Plasma
Thruster - IPT - Intake - EFD
An atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion system
(ABEP) [1] ingests the particles of the residual
atmosphere and uses them as propellant for an
electric thruster to counteract the drag. The
system theoretically allows orbiting for unlimited
time without on-board propellant storage. A new
range of altitudes, e.g. 120-250 km in LEO, for
permanent orbiting can be accessed, thereby
enabling new scientific missions while reducing
costs. ABEP can be conceptually applied to any
planet with atmosphere. The intake is the device
that collects the atmosphere particles and drives
them to the thruster. Its nontrivial design requires
deep understanding of the flow physics. In this
paper, we present the outcome of our Balancing
Model (BM) [2] applied to intake designs of JAXA
and BUSEK. Optimization of the intake toward the
use of IPG6-S, a small scale inductively heated
plasma generator (IPG) as thruster candidate, has
been performed and results are hereby presented.
Very low Earth orbits are of great interest for many
scientific, civil, and military purposes. Recently
ESA’s mission GOCE ended; it provided detailed
information of the Earth’s geomagnetic field by
orbiting as low as 229 km [3] using ion thrusters to
compensate the drag. The amount of propellant
on board is a limiting lifetime factor for such a
mission, in particular if the S/C is orbiting very low
around a planet with atmosphere. The atmosphere
is indeed responsible for the drag, which slows down
the S/C and reduces its total mission lifetime. It
is also a limiting factor in terms of costs, as more
drag to be compensated for a longer time means
an increased amount of propellant to be carried
on-board, which again increases the total mass. The
lifetime of a S/C orbiting in LEO can be significantly
increased by applying an efficient propulsion system
that compensates the drag.
The basic idea of an ABEP is of using the particles
of the residual atmosphere as propellant and to
process them through a device for generating thrust.
This will decrease, ideally nullify, the on board
propellant requirement and will generate thrust to
partially or fully compensate the drag. A conceptual
scheme of a S/C with ABEP is shown in Fig. 1.
Flight Direction Solar Array
Solar Array
Intake Exhaust
S/C Core
Figure 1: ABEP Concept
In this section the atmosphere of Earth and Mars will
be analyzed as the environment dictates the design
of mission and propulsion system. Atmospheric
models and databases provides the composition of
particles collected by the propulsion system, their
density, temperature and pressure profile provides
information for the S/C and mission design.
2.1 Earth’s Atmosphere
Earth’s atmosphere extends from ground to space
and it is composed of various gases, mostly
nitrogen and oxygen. However, depending on
2.2 Mars’ Atmosphere 3 INTAKE
the altitude, species concentrations vary, as it is
shown within Fig. 2. The altitude range of interest
for ABEP is below 250 km for being competitive
against conventional EP according to [4] and above
120 km due to heating effects [5], [6]. To gain
the most reliable values, a proper atmospheric
model has to be chosen. The chosen model
for Earth is the NRLMSISE-00, compared to the
common MSISE-90, it provides better estimation
of the density below 350 km of altitude and it is
the most accurate model for residual atmosphere’s
composition in LEO and VLEO [7]. The data have
been generated through the NRLMSISE-00 model
website [7]. Inputs are the date, geographical
coordinates and solar activity values, F10.7and Ap.
Care must be taken regarding the solar activity that
cycles every 11 years. At the maximum solar activity,
the atmosphere will be compressed and, therefore,
for the same altitude density will be greater, the
opposite happens at the time of minimum solar
activity. This effect is more evident on higher than
on lower altitudes [5].
h, km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 250
n, m -3
10 11
10 13
10 15
10 17
10 20
NRLMSISE-00 Mean Solar Activity
F10.7 = F10.7 avg = 140, Ap = 15 He
Figure 2: Earth’s atmosphere composition
From Fig. 2 can be seen that for the altitude of
interest for ABEP the main components are atomic
oxygen O and nitrogen N2with a not-negligible
contribution of O2and Ar, the latter at low altitudes.
2.2 Mars’ Atmosphere
Mars’ atmosphere is much thinner compared to
Earth’s and it is mainly composed of carbon dioxide,
with addition of oxygen and other species depending
on the altitude. The pressure at the surface is 1%
of that on Earth and the low density results in a
much less inertia of the atmosphere, which leads in
a quick respond to any change. The altitude range of
ABEP is closer to the planet’s surface compared to
the Earth case. According to BUSEK a maximum of
180 km is set. A minimum of 80 km is chosen, that
is a value close to the Karman line for Mars and
also represents the altitude at which dust particles
have been detected in the highest dust storm activity
period by S/C [8]. The temperature profile itself is
different than that on Earth, temperature decreases
with increasing altitude until about 100 to 120 km,
where the temperature starts increasing again due
to extreme UV heating [8]. To perform the analysis,
the Mars Climate Database (MCD) Version 5.2 has
been selected [9]. It can simulate up to 350 km in the
thermosphere and accounts for dust storm and solar
activity. According to Fig. 3, the particles ingested by
the ABEP system will be mostly CO2and O. A first
important consideration of using CO2as propellant
is that the energy for ionization will be higher than
for other gases such as N2or O2due to frozen
losses. Another important consideration is regarding
the probable ingestion of dust particles by the ABEP
system, this might influence the performance of the
system and eventually deteriorate the S/C surfaces
at first [10] and the ABEP system.
80 100 120 140 160 180
h, km
n, m3
MCD 5.2, Mean Solar Activity
Figure 3: Mars’ atmosphere composition
The intake is the device that collects and delivers the
atmosphere particles to the propulsion system. Its
design is non-trivial because of the flow condition in
which the S/C is orbiting. The probability of collisions
between particles is very low and the velocity of the
flow is, with good approximation, that of the orbiting
S/C. Considering Earth orbit, this is about 7.8 km/s,
for Mars orbit about 3.5 km/s, in the considered
altitude ranges. The flow is dominated by collision
at the walls rather than inter-particle collisions, as
the Knudsen number Kn =λ/L is high. The most
advanced approach of intake design for ABEP is of
including an inlet structure that let the atmosphere
particles to flow in and stop them from escaping after
they are reflected back by the intake surfaces. A
conceptual scheme of an intake for ABEP is shown
in Fig. 4. This approach of atmosphere trapping has
been developed in the most advanced intake designs
presented by BUSEK [11], [12] and JAXA [13], [14].
Flight Direction
Inlet structure
Figure 4: Intake Concept
A very important parameter needed to evaluate
the performance of the intake is the collection
efficiency ηc, see Eq. 1, and it represents the number
of particles that finally flows through the thruster,
Nthr divided by incoming number of particles ˙
According to the analysis in [2], ηcfor the JAXA case
is of about 40% and of 20% for the BUSEK case, but
it has to be considered that ˙
Nin is reduced for the
JAXA case, as only a fraction of the total front area
is open (see Sec. 3.1).
3.1 JAXA
Fujita’s study [13] considers a by-pass-like design
in which atmosphere particles enter through a ring
section, as shown in Fig. 5. Particles reach the
back of the intake hitting a 45steep surface,
the diffuser/reflector, and are afterwards scattered
on the back of the satellite core and to the
thruster’s acceleration grids. An Electron Cyclotron
Resonance (ECR) device ionizes the particles in
the ionization chamber, that is the region on the
back of the satellite core. Ionized particles are
afterwards extracted through accelerating grids to
produce thrust.
Figure 5: JAXA’s intake design, [13]
BUSEK Inc. [12] studied the MArs Breathing Hall
Effect Thruster (MABHET), a S/C with an ABEP
system. In this design, the intake is a long tube of
3.7 m length and 0.6 m diameter, with a honeycomb
structure in the front composed of many small ducts.
The intake is designed as a long tube in order to
achieve a higher density region at the back part due
to the presence of an assumed ”collision cascade”
phenomena. A total pressure increment of 100 was
observed in DSMC [12]. The design is shown in
Fig. 6.
Figure 6: BUSEK’s intake design, [12]
An inductively heated plasma thruster (IPT), is a
concept of electric propulsion system that is based
on inductively coupled plasma sources (ICP). It is
mainly composed of a cylindrical discharge channel,
in which the propellant is fed and, afterwards, ionized
by induction. The induction is provided by an RF AC
current fed coil, as shown in Fig. 7.
Figure 7: Inductive plasma
In detail, an axial time-varying magnetic field
is generated together with an azimuthal electric
field. They cause the gas particles to excite and
to release free electrons. A chain reaction is
established and plasma is formed. This has to
be accelerated and expelled from the propulsion
system to produce thrust. Some acceleration is
provided by Lorentz force, however, a proper stage
for plasma acceleration is needed to increase the
thruster efficiency and amount of thrust to a useful
level. The advantage of such a device in ABEP
application, when compared to the conventional
electric propulsion systems such as GIT and HET,
is the absence of electrodes, components that are
in direct contact with the plasma. Lifetime of
current EP technologies is driven by decrease of
performance due to degradation of acceleration grids
(GIT) and erosion of discharge channels (HET) in
time. This issue amplifies when using aggressive
propellants, such as atomic O, highly present in
ABEP Earth’s orbit altitude range. Moreover, an
IPT does not need a neutralizer, as the plasma
leaving the discharge channel is already neutral.
Therefore, the use of an IPT is an attractive
solution for ABEP application, first because much
longer mission are expected, especially due to
the possibility of full drag compensation while at
the same time requiring no propellant on-board,
and second because of the extended flexibility in
propellant utilization. The Institute of Space System
(IRS) of the University Stuttgart in Germany, has
decades of experience on inductively heated plasma
generators that have been, and are, used for reentry
condition simulations [15]. IPG6-S is a small scale
inductively heated plasma generator available at the
laboratories of IRS, and it has been selected for
ABEP application as thruster candidate, due to its
size and power level. IPG6-S is made of a 5.5 turns
coil wrapped around a discharge channel made of
quartz, that has an outer diameter of 40 mm and a
length of 180 mm, see Fig. 8. The power supply
delivers up to 20 kW power at 4 MHz. This has been
successfully operated with a mass flow of air and O2
from 0.2120 mg/sfor ABEP analysis at input
power levels up to 3.5 kW [5].
Figure 8: IPG6-S operating with air
In the following, an analytical model [2] for the
evaluation of a generic ABEP intake configuration
is presented. The generic design is made of an
inlet section, and a chamber section. In the latter
all particles are assumed to have impacted the walls
with complete accommodation, therefore proceeding
only with thermal movement. These particle flows
are the backflow through the intake, and the flow
through the outlet. The outlet can be represented by
thruster’s acceleration grids, as in the JAXA design,
an injection device or a further stage of compression.
By balancing these flows, the conditions in the
separate sections can be estimated. The basic
assumptions for the analytical model are following
the nomenclature of Fig. 9.
pin, nin ,
Tin, vin
Intake Control Volume, Chamber
pch, nch ,
Tch, vch
Figure 9: Balancing Model Scheme
Ain and Aout are the respective cross sections
for the inflow and the outflow representing those of
the chamber section. The parameters of the inflow
are known from the atmospheric model: number
density nin, pressure pin, temperature Tin and the
S/C velocity vin.Θis the transmittance into a specific
direction through a single structure. It is defined
as the fraction of particles that passes through the
exit section against the amount of particles which
have originally entered the structure at the start
section, as part of them are scattered. For the
model, three transmittances are to be set: one for
the incoming flow, one for the backflow coming from
the chamber (accounting for two values through the
intake part), and a third for the outflow. Based
on these transmittances, the respective particle
flows can be defined. ˙
Nint.1is the flow of
particles passing through the intake section to the
chamber section, ˙
Nint.2is the backflow that goes
back to the atmosphere after having reached the
chamber section, and ˙
Nout is the net outflow. Main
assumptions of the model in its here presented
version are:
Free molecular flow - no collisions;
Ideal gas and single species;
Complete diffusive accommodation, α= 1;
Fixed temperature, Tch =Twall;
Only thermal velocity inside the chamber.
The particle flow ˙
Nin into the intake which can be
collected is calculated using free stream conditions
and inflow area; the actually collected flow is reduced
by the transmittance Θint.1.
Based on the for-mentioned hypotheses, the
macroscopic velocity of the collected particles in ˙
will be zero and a superposed backflow will not
influence the inflow as it is a free molecular flow.
Starting from the temperature of the particles inside
the chamber, the thermal mass flux Γ, defined in
Eq. 3, according to [16, p.151], can be calculated.
Γ(n, T )xi=nrmpkBTch
Therefore, it is possible to apply Γto determine
backflow and outflow in the chamber as following:
Nint.2=Γ(nch, Tch )
Nout =Γ(nch, Tch )
AoutΘout +˙
Naccel. (5)
The continuity equation, see Eq. 6, can be
applied which states that the net amount of particles
flowing through a control volume, in this case the
chamber section, must be zero. ˙
Naccel. is the
accelerated particle flow actively extracted by the
thruster. This value depends on the operation point
of the thruster and its acceleration process. It is
expected that a minimum nis needed inside the
chamber for ignition. Therefore, the focus is at the
situation before ignition, ˙
Naccel. = 0.
Nout (6)
The assumption of no macroscopic velocity in the
chamber is as in Eq. 7:
NinΘint.1=Γ(nch , Tch)
(AinΘint.2+Aout Θout)(7)
Therefore Γcan be extracted and, thus, the
density nch inside the chamber from Eq. 3 results
nch = Γ(nch, Tch )s2π
The pressure can be calculated by applying the
ideal gas condition as:
pch =nchkBTch (9)
Collection Efficiency ηcin Eq. 10, pressure ratio
in Eq. 11 and number density ratio in Eq. 12 are
important values for the evaluation of an intake.
Aout Θint.2+ 1 (10)
AinΘint.2+Aout Θout s2π
AinΘint.2+Aout Θout s2π
This model has been verified through
particle-based Monte Carlo simulations [2]. Intake
efficiencies, pressures and mass flows have been
evaluated for different geometries, in particular for
the use of IPG6-S as thruster candidate for the ABEP
The balancing model has been used to extend the
performance evaluation of the JAXA and BUSEK
intake concepts as well as with adapted geometry
to IPG6-S. As explained before, the JAXA concept
has a ring intake region and the BUSEK concept is a
long tube that terminates with a converging cone to
the thruster. Both of them incorporate a honeycomb
structure of ducts in the front to limit the backflow.
In this study is also considered that the front area of
the S/C is dominated by the intake, therefore its size
determines the major contribution to the drag. The
evaluation has been performed for both Mars and
Earth orbits into respective ABEP altitude ranges.
6.1 Inlet Structure of Ducts
For both concepts, a honeycomb inlet structure of
ducts is foreseen. From our precedent study [2]
it has been found that, even though the incoming
flow is very collimated due to very high velocity and
low density, not all the particles will flow through
a single duct without impacting its walls, therefore,
losing energy, thus, velocity. It has been shown that
the transmittance can be divided into a directly and
indirectly passing part and that both parts depend,
in the applicable velocity regime, only on the thermal
to macroscopic velocity ratio multiplied by L/R.
Together with the known Clausing factors [17] for the
backflow, a direct geometry with optimal Θcan be
determined. Sensibility analysis has been performed
for the given intake design.
6.2 Intake Outlet
The outlet area of the intake, has been set, in both
cases, to that of IPG6-S. The discharge channel of
IPG6-S has an outer diameter of dout =40 mm with
a wall thickness t=1.5 mm [5]. Therefore, Aout =
int =1.075 ×103m2, where dint =dout 2×t=
37 mm. The transmittance is at first approximation
Θ = 1. This has been set as the fixed geometry for
all the intakes.
The first analysis consists in the BM applied to the
baseline intakes of BUSEK and JAXA, respectively
at 110 km Mars orbit and 140 km Earth orbit, with the
outlet area of IPG6-S while the inflow areas are kept
the same. MCD v5.2 and NRLMSISE-00 have been
used to determine the inflow conditions.
Ain Af˙mthr pch ηc
m2m2mg/s Pa %
JAXA 0.271 1.057 0.151 0.112 2.28
BUSEK 0.283 0.283 1.001 0.562 2.88
Table 1: JAXA, BUSEK applied to IPG6-S
Results in Tab. 1 show that ηcis very low for
both cases, ˙mthr is also small for the operation of
IPG6-S, especially in the JAXA design. This might
not be enough to produce enough thrust for full drag
compensation but also for ignition and sustainment
of the discharge itself. Therefore, an optimization of
the intake is necessary to increase ηcand ˙mthr for
the application to IPG6-S as candidate thruster.
7.1 Areas, Intake Efficiency and Mass
Commencing with analytical evaluations, the area
ratio between inlet and outlet (Ain/Aout), as can be
also seen in Eq. 10, directly influences the intake
efficiency ηc. Considering constant transmittances
Θ, higher values of ηcare obtained for very small
Aout . If Aout is kept constant, Ain has to be reduced
to increase ηc. This can be explained by the fact
that the thermal flux inside the chamber section is
uniform in all directions. A smaller Ain will therefore
favor ˙
Nout over the backflow. However, a smaller Ain
will decrease ˙
Nin and in total also ˙mthr. If a higher
˙mthr is required, ηcwill decrease, pointing the fact
that a maximum value for both ηcand ˙mthr, based
on the BM, cannot be achieved at the same time.
Pressure in the chamber pch has the same behavior
of ˙mthr . These considerations can be seen in Fig. 10
and Fig. 11.
7.2 JAXA-Design and IPG6-S
The design of JAXA has been modified to fit with
the Aout given by IPG6-S discharge channel. In this
analysis, the altitude has been set to 140 km in Earth
orbit that corresponds to nin =0.7737 ×1017 m3
according to NRLMSISE-00, and the ratio between
inlet and core area has been kept constant
to maintain the ring transmittance of the same
value. Ain has been varied for sensitivity analysis
purposes, in the range 1.0×1040.271 m2, the
latter is the JAXA value, and the L/R of the ducts
and their corresponding Θiterated for each Ain to
obtain ηc,max. In the plots, results from Ain =
0.04 m2on, are estimation of the curve, by not
further optimizing L/R ducts ratio because the upper
limit of available data is reached. This is still
a good approximation since the most values are
not changing anymore. Moreover, the required ce
for the electric thruster, considering continuous full
drag compensation, exceeds for those high Ain an
unrealistic value of 100 km/sanyway. Results are
shown in Fig. 10.
Figure 10: JAXA Design Performance
Fig. 10 shows that for an increasing Ain, and
a constant transmittance of the ring section, ˙mthr
and pch have an asymptotic-like behavior, while ηc
decreases. The drag Dis also plotted and it is
calculated based on Afof the intake and a CD= 2.2
for Earth [5] and CD= 3 for Mars [11], by Eq. 13
In Tab. 2 the values for at intersection of ˙mthr and pch
curves with ηcare shown, as well as the points for
which ˙mthr is about 90% and 95% of the asymptotic
value. asymp represents the difference of ˙mthr in
percentage from the asymptotic value.
Ain ˙mthr pch ηcasy mp.
m2mg/s Pa %
0.041 0.120 0.088 0.120 20.5
0.055 0.126 0.094 0.094 16.6
0.083 0.136 0.101 0.067 10.1
0.132 0.144 0.107 0.045 5.0
0.271 0.151 0.110 0.023
Table 2: JAXA Optimization
7.3 BUSEK-Design and IPG6-S
Analogous to the JAXA design, the design of
BUSEK has been modified to fit with the Aout given
by IPG6-S discharge channel. In this analysis,
the altitude has been set to 110 km in Mars orbit
considering only CO2, corresponding to nin =
5.028 ×1017 m3, according to MCD v5.2. Ain has
been varied, for sensitivity analysis purposes, in the
range 1.0×1040.2827 m2, the latter is the BUSEK
value, and, again, the L/R of the ducts optimized
for each Ain to obtain ηc,max. Results from Ain =
0.17 m2on, are the same as explained for the JAXA
case. The L-to-Rof the section after the ducts part
has been kept constant to maintain its transmittance
at the same value. Results are shown in Fig. 11.
Figure 11: BUSEK Design Performance
In Tab. 3 the values for at intersection of ˙mthr and
pch curves with ηcare shown, as well as the points for
which ˙mthr is about 90% and 95% of the asymptotic
value. asymp represents the difference of ˙mthr in
percentage from the asymptotic value.
Ain ˙mthr pch ηcasy mp.
m2mg/s Pa %
0.009 0.393 0.221 0.393 61.5
0.014 0.500 0.281 0.281 50.1
0.122 0.919 0.516 0.061 9.9
0.174 0.969 0.544 0.045 5.0
0.283 1.020 0.570 0.029
Table 3: BUSEK Optimization
7.4 EFD Design (IPG6-S)
The BUSEK-like design, compared to the JAXA’s
one, shows generally a slightly higher collection
efficiency combined with a smaller total front area
that leads to less drag produced by the intake. The
difference is that Ain of the JAXA design is the
area of the inlet ring, to which the S/C core in the
middle has to be added. Therefore, further analysis
has been done with such a design, that from now
on, will be named the Enhanced Funnel Design
(EFD). The EFD design is thus applied to IPG6-S
for both Earth’s and Mars’ orbits and investigation
regarding its optimization as function of altitude, for
different Ain/Aout, see Tab. 4, and L/R for the
inlet structure and for the main duct is conducted.
For Earth’s orbit, a variation of the altitude from
120 250 km, see [5], has been done. This implies
a variation of components and their concentration,
see Fig. 2, together with nin, Tin , vin, combined with
10 different Ain and their corresponding L/R duct
ratios for ηc,max. Results show ˙mthr, Fig. 12 and pch ,
Fig. 13, as function of hand Ain /Aout. For Mars’
orbit, a variation of the altitude from 88 180 km has
been done. This implies a variation of components
and their concentration, see Fig. 3, together with
nin, Tin , vin, combined with 10 different Ain and their
corresponding L/R duct ratios for ηc,max.Results
show ˙mthr , Fig. 14 and pch , Fig. 15, as function of
hand Ain/Aout. The dashed line are, again, those
corresponding to not completely optimized ducts
Ain Ain/Aout
1.075 ×1040.1
5.376 ×1040.5
1.075 ×1031
2.150 ×1032
5.376 ×1035
1.075 ×10210
2.150 ×10220
5.376 ×10250
1.075 ×101100
2.796 ×101260
Table 4: Variation of Ain
120 160 200 250
˙mthr ,mg/s
Aout = 0.001075 m2
EFD IPG6-S @ Earth BM
Ain/A out
Figure 12: Mass flow, EFD @ Earth
Figure 13: Chamber Pressure, EFD @ Earth
Figure 14: Mass flow, EFD @ Mars
Figure 15: Chamber Pressure, EFD @ Mars
In Fig. 16 and 17 the required exhaust velocity ce
for the thruster, in case of full drag compensation, is
plotted as a function of hand Ain/Aout (now in the
range 1to 260) for both Earth and Mars orbit. ceis
calculated as a function of the collectible ˙mthr and
the respective D, Eq. 13, given by the variation on
Ain (Af=Ain), see Eq. 14:
ce=D(Ain, h)
˙mthr (Ain , h, ηc)(14)
Dashed line in the plots are estimation performed by
not further optimizing L/R ducts ratios, because the
upper limit of available data is reached. This is still
a good approximation since the most values are not
changing anymore.
Figure 16: Required cefor T /D = 1, EFD @ Earth
Figure 17: Required cefor T /D = 1, EFD @ Mars
The increase and sharp jump in the required ce
in Mars orbit, Fig. 17, is due to the temperature
profile of the atmosphere that, around h=120 km,
suffers from a sudden increase due to UV radiation
heating [9].
The results shown in Fig. 12, 13, 14, and 15 show
that increasing Ain/Aout increases the theoretically
collectible mass flow and the achievable pch.
Increasing Ain/Aout, in this case only Ain , as Aout is
kept constant as that of IPG6-S, makes sense only
until a certain ratio, as the increase of Ain directly
enlarges the drag that has to be counteracted. By
calculating the increase of ˙mthr over Ain/Aout , it
can be also seen that, for the same enlargement
of Ain/Aout, the ˙mthr gain reduces, Tab. 5. With
an increasing Ain/Aout,ηcdecreases continuously,
Dincreases linearly, and less than 10% increase
of ∆ ˙mthr is achieved for a ∆(Ain/Aout) = 100.
Therefore its maximum value should not exceed
Ain/Aout <100. For space reason, in Tab. 5 the
following renaming has been done: Ain,i /Aout,i =
ARiand Ain,i+1/Aout,i+1 =ARi+1
Ain/Aout ∆(Ain/Aout) ∆ ˙mthr
˙mthr,i+1 ˙mthr,i
-% %
12 100 74 75
25 150 84 88
510 200 41 47
10 20 200 28 35
20 50 150 23 34
50 100 100 10 16
100 260 160 7.513
Table 5: Ain
Aout vs ∆ ˙mthr Earth and Mars averaged
The difference of the curve shape for Mars
and Earth case is due to the different density
vs altitude profile in the respective ABEP altitude
ranges. Moreover, the mass of CO2is higher
than that of the components of Earth’s atmosphere.
The temperature of Mars’ atmosphere is lower than
that of Earth’s in the respective altitude ranges.
Both these factors increases the intake ηcaccording
to [2]. It has to be noted that ηcremains almost
constant in the ABEP altitude ranges for both Earth
and Mars. Atmosphere’s density is higher in Mars
orbit at 88 km than in Earth’s at 120 km, and this
leads to a higher mass flow for the Mars case. In
the optimization for an IPT thruster, a compromise
between the required ˙mthr ,pch and the amount of
drag to be compensated has to be found. In Fig. 16
and 17 can be seen that the required cefor very high
Ain/Aout exceeds 100 km/s, when conventional EP
estimates a maximum of 50 km/s. The required ce
is lower in Mars orbit and, again, this would place
Mars orbit as a more suitable candidate for a full
drag compensation ABEP application. The tendency
of the curve suggest that an altitude slightly below
120 km would be favorable for ABEP application due
to a lower required ceand a better atmosphere
Further analysis is required to estimate the heat
load on the S/C in low orbits around Earth and
Mars to better evaluate an eventual limitation due
to overheating of the S/C. Additionally, further
analysis regarding gas-surface interactions should
be done including accommodation and molecule
recombination. The major next step is to operate
IPG6-S with the parameters found in this research
to evaluate its performance. In particular a minimum
pressure of ignition and minimum mass flow have
to be experimentally and theoretically investigated
to determine the minimum conditions for ignition
and operation. The application of a nozzle to
IPG6-S is in progress and this will aid the estimation
of the exhaust velocity to be compared to the
required ceevaluated in this research. Due
to the limited pch, if this is not enough for an
IPT, the use of a Knudsen compressor might be
included. A Knudsen compressor is a passive
device that uses a difference of temperature to
increase the pressure of a very rarefied flow and
it is based on the phenomena of thermal creep
flow. Experimental studies operated also in the
low pressure regime [18], 1< p < 100 Pa, and
an increase of pressure of a factor of 10 has been
achieved with a 33 stages Knudsen compressor and
the total required power, to sustain a T=100 K, is
of P=1.1 W [19]. A concept applied to IPT is shown
in Fig. 18.
Knudsen Compressor
Chamber Injector
𝑝"# > 𝑝%&'()*
Figure 18: IPT with Knudsen Compressor
This concept includes a chamber in which the
propellant is transferred and compressed by the
Knudsen compressor. A passive injector releases
the particles only after a certain pressure threshold
is reached. The propellant reaches the IPT and it
is ionized and expelled at high velocity for thrust
generation, therefore, the operation of IPT will be
intermittent and transient higher ˙mthr might be
F. Romano gratefully thanks for the financial support
the Landesgraduiertenf ¨
orderung of the University of
Stuttgart .
The authors thank Mr. Pietro Carlo Boldini for his
very valuable contribution in this research.
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... The respective parameters are shown in Table 1. The spacecraft is assumed to be equipped with the Enhanced Funnel Design (EFD) intake [8] shown in Figure 2 (right), as well as the RF Helicon-based Plasma Thruster (IPT), both developed at the Institute of Space Systems of the University of Stuttgart [3,4]. The thruster is unique due to its antenna design, it is compatible with different propellant species due to its electrodeless design which increases its lifetime and also eliminates the need for a neutralizer by ejecting a quasi-neutral plasma. ...
... For the thruster efficiency , the maximum value for a Helicon plasma thruster achieved in literature to date of = 0.20 is used [9]. In the case of the intake efficiency , a value for the EFD of = 0.43 is used [8]. In addition, a second value of , = 0.70 is used to gauge the results at better intake designs. ...
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Operating satellites in Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) benefits the already expanding New Space industry in applications including Earth Observation and beyond. However, long-term operations at such low altitudes require propulsion systems which compensate the large atmospheric drag forces, so that, when using conventional propulsion systems, the amount of storable propellant limits the maximum mission lifetime. The latter can be avoided by employing Atmosphere-Breathing Electric Propulsion (ABEP) system, which collects the residual atmospheric particles and use them as propellant for an electric thruster. Thus, the requirement of on-board propellant storage can ideally be nullified. At the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) of the University of Stuttgart, an intake and a RF Helicon-based Plasma Thruster (IPT) for ABEP system are developed within the Horizons 2020 funded DISCOVERER project. In order to assess possible future use cases, this paper proposes and analyzes several novel ABEP based mission scenarios. Beginning with technology demonstration mission in VLEO, more complex mission scenarios are derived and discussed in detail. These include, amongst others, orbit maintenance around Mars as well as refuelling and space tug missions. The results show that the potential of ABEP system can exceed drag compensation missions and show that a multitude of different future mission applications exist.
... Electric THrustER (AETHER) [8] project, or the different designs proposed by universities [9][10][11], and additionally the proposal for Mars in the Martian Atmosphere Breathing Hall Effect Thruster (MABHET) [4]. Generally, the ABEP systems target lower orbits, where the atmosphere is dense enough to provide an adequate mass flow rate, which is determined by the thrust required to prevent unplanned deorbiting. ...
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Atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion systems provide a competitive advantage for the lower orbit altitudes since the propellant is collected directly from the atmosphere. The effectiveness of this technology depends on crucial aspects such as the collection and compression performance characterization, as well as the drag estimation and compensation. In the first part of this study, the lower Mars and Earth atmospheric characterization is derived based on current models and mission data. This characterization is a reliable dataset for the boundary conditions for the simulations carried out in the second part of this study. The proposed computational framework based on the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method aims to investigate the collection and compression performances and to estimate the drag. The numerical comparison with a literature case validates the numerical setup presented in this study. The effect of different gas-surface interaction models is investigated by comparing the results yielded by the Maxwellian model (fully specular and partially diffuse reflection) and the Cercignani-Lampis-Lord model. Since the intermolecular collisions can become more relevant at the inlet of the ionization stage, both the variable hard and variable soft sphere models are briefly examined, as well as the inclusion of gas-phase reactions. Finally, the simulation results of the two cases for the low Mars orbit (150 and 140 km) are compared to the Earth case (180 km).
... Several concepts were presented as reported in numerous recent review studies [1][2][3] and recent works [4,5], both targeting Low Earth Orbits (LEO) and Very Low Earth Orbits (VLEO) with projects such as the RAM-EP [5] by the European Space Agency (ESA), the studies in collaboration with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) [6,7], the Air-breathing Electric THrustER (AETHER) [8] project, or the different designs proposed by universities [9][10][11], and additionally the proposal for Mars in the Martian Atmosphere Breathing Hall Effect Thruster (MABHET) [4]. Generally, the ABEP systems target lower orbits, where the atmosphere is dense enough to provide an adequate mass flow rate, which is determined by the thrust required to prevent unplanned deorbiting. ...
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Atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion systems provide a competitive advantage for the lower orbit altitudes sincethe propellant is collected directly from the atmosphere. The effectiveness of thistechnology depends on crucial aspects such as the collection and compression performance characterization, as well as thedrag estimation and compensation. In the first part of this study, the lower Mars and Earth atmospheric characterizationis derived based on current models and mission data. This characterization is a reliable dataset for the boundaryconditions for the simulations carried out in the second part of this study. The proposed computational framework basedon the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method aims to investigate the collection and compression performances and toestimate the drag. The numerical comparison with a literature case validates the numerical setup presented in thisstudy. The effect of different gas-surface interaction models is investigated by comparing the results yielded by theMaxwellian model (fully specular and partially diffuse reflection) and the Cercignani-Lampis-Lord model. Since theintermolecular collisions can become more relevant at the inlet of the ionization stage, both the variable hard and variable soft sphere models are briefly examined, as well as the inclusion of gas-phase reactions. Finally, thesimulation results of the two cases for the low Mars orbit (150 and 140 km) are compared to the Earth case (180 km).
... With a reasonable design, a parabolic intake can achieve g c = 94% with specular particle reflections. Romano et al. [26][27][28][29][30] extended Jackson and Marshall's results and designed an intake that can achieve g c = 45.8%. ...
Atmosphere-Breathing Electric Propulsion (ABEP) can compensate for lost momentum of spacecraft operating in Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) which has been widely concerned due to its excellent commercial potential. It is a key technology to improve the capture efficiency of intakes, which collect and compress the atmosphere for ABEP. In this paper, the mechanism of the capture section affecting capture efficiency is investigated by Test Particle Monte Carlo (TPMC) simulations with 3D intake models. The inner surface smoothness and average collision number are determined to be key factors affecting capture efficiency, and a negative effect growth model is accordingly established. When the inner surface smoothness is less than 0.2, the highest capture efficiency and its corresponding average collision number interval are independent of the capture section’s geometry and its mesh size. When the inner surface smoothness is higher than 0.2, the capture efficiency will decrease by installing any capture section. Based on the present results, the manufacturing process and material selection are suggested to be prioritized during the intake geometry design in engineering projects. Then, the highest capture efficiency can be achieved by adjusting the length and mesh size of the capture section.
... Recent progress in air-breathing electric propulsion make Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) satellites a reality in the upcoming years [1]. In this context, orbits as low as 100 km are deemed possible for Earth Observation (EO) satellites [2,3,4]. In such conditions, the drag and heat flux estimations are paramount for the proper design of such satellites. ...
... The intake device developed by University of Stuttgart [61,62] are based on the transmission theory of rarefied flows [63,64]. The proposed intake design consists of honeycomb type ducts and a long slender cylindrical tube (called Enhanced Funnel Design, EFD) [65]. ...
Increasing interest in development of very low Earth orbit (VLEO) has attracted more and more researchers to study atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion (ABEP) system in past several decades. This system can use rarefied atmospheric particles as the propellant of electric thrusters, and maintain a long lifetime mission without carrying any propellant from ground. As the key component of system, intake device can realize the collection and compression of atmospheric particles within limited frontal area, which determines the performance of whole ABEP system. This review summarizes the previous studies to develop intake devices, evaluates the corresponding performance and understands the model involved, including atmosphere model, flow physic model and so on. In addition, several continued researches for intake device are also presented, including ground experiment technologies, intake surface material development, space compressor and liquefaction technology. Wherever possible, comments have been provided to provide useful reference to researchers engaged in intake device for ABEP system.
Conference Paper
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Challenging space missions at very low altitudes face significant atmospheric drag, requiring efficient propulsion such as Atmosphere-Breathing Electric Propulsion (ABEP) to extend mission lifetime. ABEP captures atmospheric particles, using them as propellant for an electric thruster, reducing dependence on limited on-board propellant and could extend missions in Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) and celestial bodies with atmosphere like Mars. The Institute of Space Systems (IRS), under the EU H2020 DISCOVERER, ESA Ram-CLEP, and CRC ATLAS projects, is developing a high-efficiency specular intake and an advanced helicon plasma thruster for ABEP. This study uses the numerical tool PICLas and it's Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method's (DSMC) to analyse the effect of solar activity and intake lengths on important key parameters, such as intake efficiency, mass flow rate, and pressure. The results show that efficiency decreases with higher solar activity, longer intakes and higher altitudes, with temperature having a greater effect on efficiency due to its influence on thermal velocity and molecular speed ratio. Flexible ABEP operation is recommended to accommodate varying solar activity, suggesting lower altitudes during low solar activity and higher altitudes during high solar activity.
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Air-breathing electric propulsion (ABEP) allows for lowering the altitude of spacecraft operations below 250 km, in the so-called Very Low Earth Orbits (VLEOs). Operations in VLEOs will give radical advantages in terms of orbit accessibility, payload performance, protection from radiations, and end-of-life disposal. ABEP combines an intake to collect the residual atmosphere in front of the spacecraft and an electric thruster to ionize and accelerate the atmospheric particles. Such residual gas can be exploited as a renewable resource not only to keep the spacecraft on a VLEO, but also to remove the main limiting factor of spacecraft lifetime, i.e., the amount of stored propellant. Several realizations of the ABEP concept have been proposed, but the few end-to-end experimental campaigns highlighted the need to improve the concept functional design and the representativeness of simulated atmospheric flows. The difficulty in recreating the VLEO environment in a laboratory limits the data available to validate scaling laws and modelling efforts. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the main research and development efforts on the ABEP technology.
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In order to extend the orbital lifetime of spacecraft operating in Very-Low Earth Orbit (VLEO), Atmosphere-Breathing Electric Propulsion (ABEP) can be employed for atmospheric drag compensation. The concept is based on the ingestion of rarefied atmospheric particles to be used as propellant for an electric thruster, thereby removing the need for onboard propellant. The present paper aims to design and analyse a passive ABEP intake optimised for the RF Helicon-based Plasma Thruster (IPT), which is selected as the most promising system due to its electrodeless design, as it removes the issue of thruster corrosion, and reduced susceptibility to atmospheric variations. This is achieved by implementing the analytical model, referred to as the Balancing Model (BM), along with its main performance parameters. The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) solver dsmcFoam+ is thus employed to simulate the transmission probability of cylinders and hexagonal prisms with non-zero entrance velocity, yielding a mean percentage error of 2% when compared to independent DSMC results. In addition, a novel DSMC transmittance investigation of square prisms is performed. Various design configurations are optimised for circular and hexagonal intakes based on the functional requirements of the thruster, leading to a maximum collection efficiency of 45% for a cylindrical intake with a hexagonal honeycomb. The optimal intake is hence simulated via DSMC, showing a good accuracy with the BM with or without intermolecular collisions, yielding a percentage error of 0.22% in the former case and 5.53% in the latter one. The variation of incidence flow angle, accommodation coefficient and thruster transmission probability is finally investigated, and the results are validated by the agreement shown with values retrieved from the literature.
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This paper summarizes the results of the RAM-EP system concept study. The study involved the investigation of the feasibility of using electric propulsion together with gas collected from the atmosphere to provide thrust to counteract the S/C altitude decay caused by drag. This is in order to allow orbit altitude control with a defined thrust profile and within the typical budgets of an Earth Observation type of mission. The final objective was to enable low altitude missions (below at least 250 km) and / or long lifetime missions above 250 km. Moreover the study aimed to apply the concept to a reference technology demonstration mission that could be of interest for Earth Observation.
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An air-breathing electric propulsion system (RAM-EP) ingests the air of the residual atmosphere through an Air-Intake and uses it as propellant for an electric thruster. Key component of the system is the Air-Intake, which has the task of collecting atmosphere particles and directing them into the thruster, accompanied by compression. Studies have considered different configurations, and have shown the feasibility of the device. Within this paper an overview of the current Air-Intake designs is given. Results of DSMC simulations, performed with our in-house code PICLas, are presented and compared to those from the respective publications. Moreover, the influence of simplifying assumptions, such as free molecular or hyperthermal flow, is shown. Additionally, a simple analytical model based on transmittances and the balance of particle flows is derived, applicable for the analysis and further possible optimization of a generic Air-Intake design. The model is compared to the results of DSMC simulations and a sensitivity analysis of the basic parameters is performed. Regarding the assumption of hyperthermal flow, results shows that part of the particles will interact with the lateral structures of the Air-Intake and therefore will be scattered loosing their macroscopic velocity. Moreover, the implementation of straws into the Air-Intake simulations needed particular attention. A deeper investigation over their single transmittances has been done. Through the balancing model a sensitivity analysis over their L/R ratio has been performed and results show how a low ratio would lead to higher densities and collection efficiencies.
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Challenging types of mission scenarios include those in Earth orbit (i.e., LEO, GEO), where the residual atmosphere, especially at low altitudes, creates significant drag to the S/Cs and forces their orbit to decay. For drag compensation propulsion systems can be used requiring on-board propellant and electric power. Enhancing lifetime of Earth-orbiting satellites without any substantial increase in costs is an important objective for governmental as well as commercial operators. An air-breathing electric propulsion system (RAM-EP) ingests the air of the residual atmosphere through a mechanical intake and uses it as propellant for an electric thruster. This system theoretically allows a S/C to orbit for an unlimited time without carrying propellant on board. Moreover a new range of altitudes (120-250 km) can be accessed, filling the gap between ramjet atmospheric propulsion and LEO space propulsion, thereby enabling many new scientific missions. Preliminary studies according to [2] have shown that the propellant flow necessary for electrostatic propulsion exceeds the available mass intake with reasonable limits, and that electrode erosion due to aggressive gases, such as oxygen, highly present in LEO, might limit the thrusters lifetime. The electrode-less design of inductive plasma generators - IPG - solves this issue. Characterisation of such plasma generators using pure O2 and CO2 gases exists and shows significant electric-to-thermal coupling efficiencies [10]. A system analysis is shown within this work to derive main design drivers for a RAM-EP mission application. Atmospheric modelling, orbit considerations, heat fluxes, drag force, air intake, and available mass flow for a wide altitude range have been investigated. Preliminary results have shown that full drag compensation is possible. The small-scale inductive plasma generator IPG6-S of the University of Stuttgart is continually improved and used as test bed for RAM-EP using IPG source. A set of mass flows has been defined, depending on altitude, inlet area, and intake efficiency to simulate relevant mission conditions. IPG6-S has been tested for mass flow rates between 120 mg/s down to 0:25 mg/s with air and O2. Mean mass-specific energies of the plasma ave been assessed and used to estimate exhaust velocities for the system analysis.
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Electric space propulsion was conceived as a more efficient and suitable propulsion system in size for medium-size and small-satellite missions compared to conven- tional chemical engines. Very challenging types of mission scenarios include those in Earth orbit (i.e., LEO, GEO), where the residual atmosphere, especially at low altitudes, creates significant drag to spacecrafts and forces their orbit to decay. For drag compensation propulsion systems are used requiring on-board propellant and electric power. Enhancing the lifetime of Earth-orbiting satellites without any substantial increase in costs is an important objective for governmental as well as commercial operators. An air-breathing electric propulsion system (RAM-EP) ingests the air of the residual atmosphere through a mechanical intake and uses it as propellant for an electric thruster. This system theoretically allows a S/C to orbit for an unlim- ited time without carrying propellant on board. Moreover, with such a propul- sion system, a new range of altitudes (120-250km) can be accessed, filling the gap between ramjet atmospheric propulsion and low Earth orbit - LEO - space propulsion, thereby enabling many new scientific missions. Preliminary studies have shown that the propellant flow necessary for electro- static propulsion exceeds the available mass intake with reasonable limits, and that electrode erosion due to aggressive gases, such as oxygen, which is highly present in LEO, might limit thruster efficiency and lifetime. The electrode-less design of inductive plasma generators or IPGs can handle those aggressive gases with no harmful effects. Characterisation of such plasma generators using pure O2 and CO2 gases exists and shows highly electric-to-thermal coupling efficien- cies [1]. A system analysis is shown within this work to derive the main design drivers for a RAM-EP mission application. Atmospheric modelling, orbit considerations, heat fluxes, drag force, air intake, and available mass flow for a wide altitude range have been investigated. Preliminary results show that partial to full drag compensation is possible. The small-scale inductive plasma generator IPG6-S of the University of Stuttgart is continually improved, and is used as a test bed for a RAM-EP system using an IPG source. A set of mass flows has been defined, depending on altitude, inlet area, and intake efficiency to simulate relevant mis- sion conditions. IPG6-S has been tested for mass flow rates between 220mg/s down to 0.25 mg/s with air and pure oxygen. The mean mass-specific energies of the plasma plume were assessed and are used to estimate the exhaust velocities for the system analysis of the RAM-EP concept.
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The new NRLMSISE-00 empirical atmospheric model extends from the ground to the exobase and is a major upgrade of the MSISE-90 model in the thermosphere. The new model and the associated NRLMSIS database now include the following data: (1) total mass density from satellite accelerometers and from orbit determination (including the Jacchia and Barlier data sets), (2) temperature from incoherent scatter radar covering 1981-1997, and (3) molecular oxygen number density, [O2], from solar ultraviolet occultation aboard the Solar Maximum Mission. A new component, ``anomalous oxygen,'' allows for appreciable O+ and hot atomic oxygen contributions to the total mass density at high altitudes and applies primarily to drag estimation above 500 km. Extensive tables compare our entire database to the NRLMSISE-00, MSISE-90, and Jacchia-70 models for different altitude bands and levels of geomagnetic activity. We also explore scientific issues related to the new data sets in the NRLMSIS database. Especially noteworthy is the solar activity dependence of the Jacchia data, with which we study a large O+ contribution to the total mass density under the combination of summer, low solar activity, high latitude, and high altitude. Under these conditions, except at very low solar activity, the Jacchia data and the Jacchia-70 model indeed show a significantly higher total mass density than does MSISE-90. However, under the corresponding winter conditions, the MSIS-class models represent a noticeable improvement relative to Jacchia-70 over a wide range of F10.7. Considering the two regimes together, NRLMSISE-00 achieves an improvement over both MSISE-90 and Jacchia-70 by incorporating advantages of each.
Conference Paper
The low-pressure pumping limit of the MEMS Knudsen Compressor, a thermal transpiration pump, is identified and discussed. The practical low-pressure limit is due to a requirement for an approach to continuum flow in the connector section, it is roughly 10mTorr. A previously developed transitional flow model was used to size several Knudsen Compressor cascades that operate down to the low-pressure limit. Designs based on previous experimental Knudsen Compressors do not provide the necessary pumping efficiency. A design, employing carefully sized capillaries etched in aerogel transpiration membranes, is shown to result in a viable device. A cascade incorporating this design provides a gas flow rate of 3E16 mol/sec, while pumping from a pressure of 10mTorr to 1 atm. It requires a volume of 73 cm3 and 2.0 W. Design considerations are outlined for MEMS Knudsen Compressors operating at their lower pressure limit. A primary concern, efficiently transitioning from the capillary section to the connector at constant temperature is discussed.
Very low earth orbit satellites enable researchers to find out about aeronomy, accurate gravity and magnetic field mapping, and high-resolution earth surveillance. They orbit the earth at an altitude of lower than 250 km, where the effect of atmospheric drag cannot be discounted. In order to use this orbit, some kind of propulsion for drag make-up is required and propellant mass increase proportionally to the mission time. The Air Breathing Ion Engine (ABIE) is a new type of electric propulsion system which can be used to compensate the drag of a satellite. In the ABIE propulsion system, the low density atmosphere surrounding the satellite is taken in and used as the propellant for the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion engines to reduce the required propellant mass. Therefore ABIE is a promising propulsion system for aerodynamic drag free missions longer than two years. Feasibility and performance of the ABIE depend on the compression ratio and an air intake efficiency. Generally, pressure of a discharge camber is lower than a propellant tank pressure in propulsion system, and the propellant flows to the reaction chambcr from the tank. In the case of ABIE, a static pressure of atmosphere which corresponds to tank pressure is lower than the discharge chamber pressure. The air intake is the most important component to realize the ABIE. The temperature of the atmosphere is from 700K to HOOK at 200km, which is sufficiently low compared with the orbital velocity of 8km/s. Therefore, it can be said it is a uniform and well collimated supersonic flow parallel to the orbital direction. Moreover, the density is thin enough and it is a free molecular flow. The air intake consists of a collimator section and a reflector section. The collimator section will be composed of gaps between concentric cylinders. This part does not intercept the entering neutral particles, and they impact the reflection part on the downstream side directly. However, the backflow from the discharge chamber to the upstream side through the collimator section cannot easily leak out, because it is thermalized to the same level of temperature as the chamber walls and it has a velocity in a random direction. We simulate the relation between the ABIE and the rarefied atmosphere on such a super low earth orbit in a vacuum chamber. We verified the pressure rise inside the air intake.
Dust is common close to the martian surface, but no known process can lift appreciable concentrations of particles to altitudes above ~150 kilometers.We present observations of dust at altitudes ranging from 150 to above 1000 kilometers by the Langmuir Probe and Wave instrument on the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution spacecraft. Based on its distribution, we interpret this dust to be interplanetary in origin. A comparison with laboratory measurements indicates that the dust grain size ranges from 1 to 12 micrometers, assuming a typical grain velocity of ~18 kilometers per second. These direct observations of dust entering the martian atmosphere improve our understanding of the sources, sinks, and transport of interplanetary dust throughout the inner solar system and the associated impacts on Mars's atmosphere.
The air-breathing ion engine (ABIE) is a new type of electric propulsion system to be used to compensate the aerodynamic drag of the satellite orbiting at extremely low altitudes. To save the propellant mass for a long operation lifetime, it inhales the low-density atmosphere surrounding the satellite and use it as the propellant of ion engines. Since feasibility and performance of the ABIE depend strongly on the compression ratio and the air-intake efficiency, numerical analysis has been performed by means of the direct-simulation Monte-Carlo method to clarify the characteristics of the air-intake performance in highly rarefied flows. Influences of the flight altitude, the aspect-ratio of the air-intake duct, and the angle of attack are investigated.
To extend the lifetime of commercial and scientific satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) and below (100–250 km of altitude) recent years showed an increased activity in the field of air-breathing electric propulsion as well as beamed-energy propulsion systems. However, preliminary studies showed that the propellant flow necessary for electrostatic propulsion at these altitudes exceeds the mass intake possible within reasonable limits, and that electrode erosion due to oxygen flow might limit the lifetime of eventual thruster systems. The pulsed plasma thruster (PPT), however, can be successfully operated with smaller mass intake and at relatively low power. This makes it an interesting candidate for air-breathing application in LEO and its feasibility is investigated within this paper. An analysis of such an air-breathing PPT system shows that for altitudes between 150 and 250 km, drag compensation is at least partially feasible assuming a thrust-to-power ratio of 30 mN/kW and a specific impulse of 5000 s. Further, to avoid electrode erosion, inductively heated electrothermal plasma generator technology is discussed to derive a possible propulsion system that can handle gaseous propellant without unfavorable side effects. Current technology can be used to create an estimated 4.4 mN of thrust per 1 mg/s of mass flow rate, which is sufficient to compensate the drag for small satellites in altitudes between 150 and 250 km.