Content uploaded by Sanya Sagar
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All content in this area was uploaded by Sanya Sagar on May 09, 2016
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C a f a n ac u acy of he BDI-II and B I
Pred c or Cutoff BR Cla sif cation
BDI II ≥14 57 7% Mild AUC
95% CI
83- 97
Cri erion
76- 94
Cri erion
≥20 34 9% Moderate AUC
95% CI
86- 97
80- 95
≥29 21 1% Severe AUC
95% CI
93-1 00
78- 95
BAI ≥860 4% Mild AUC
95% CI
60- 87
74- 95
≥16 30 2% Moderate AUC
95% CI
77- 96
77- 96
≥26 9 4% Severe AUC
95% CI
No e BDI II Beck Depres ion n entory – Second Edi ion raw core) BAI B ck Anxiety Inven ory
(r w score) PAI P Persona ity Asses ment Inventory – Depres ion cale (T- core) PAI
Persona ity Asses ment Inventory – Anxiety cale (T- core) BR Ba e ate of scor s n he c in cal
range (% of pat ents with score above a g ven cu o f)
75- 96
No e BDI II Beck Depres ion n entory – Second Edi ion raw core) BAI B ck Anxiety Inven ory
(r w score) PAI P Persona ity Asses ment Inventory – Depres ion cale (T- core) PAI
Persona ity Asses ment Inventory – Anxiety cale (T- core) BR Ba e ate of scor s n he c in cal
range (% of pat ents with score above a g ven cu o f)
86-1 0
No e BDI II Beck Depres ion n entory – Second Edi ion raw core) BAI B ck Anxiety Inven ory
(r w score) PAI P Persona ity Asses ment Inventory – Depres ion cale (T- core) PAI
Persona ity Asses ment Inventory – Anxiety cale (T- core) BR Ba e ate of scor s n he c in cal
range (% of pat ents with score above a g ven cu o f)
The Relationship Between Depression and Anxiety Screeners and
Personality Tests An Exploratory Study In A Mixed Clinical Sample
Sanya Sagar1 Jesse N. Baker2 Laszlo A. Erdodi1 Robert M. Roth3
Depar ment of Psychology Unive sity of Windsor School of Soc al Work Unive sity of Windsor Depa tment of
Psychia ry Geis l School of Med cine at Dar mouth
Pre ented at he 6 Annual Conference of the C nad an Assoc ation of Cogn t ve & Behavioural Therapies Ham l on Ontar o May 5 7 2016
! BDI- I BAI and PAI were
adm nis ered to a m xed c inic l
samp e of 72 pat en s 46% ma e
MAge 41 5 ME uca on 13 7
MF IQ 102 1) c inica ly refer ed
for neuropsycho ogical
as essment for elf reported
cogni ive dec ine The samp e
had mainly psychia ric prim ry
d agnoses (88 4%) consis ing of
depress on (37 1%) anxiety
8 6%) ADHD (7 1%) and
b po ar d sorder 2 9%)
! Correla ion coef ic ents be ween
he BDI-II/BAI and the PAI
Depr ssion and Anxiety sca es
were compu ed a ong w th
overa l clas if cat on accuracy
AUC) of the BDI II and BAI
us ng the PAI as cr ter on
! Even hough hey only ons st of 21 fac -val d i ems BDI- I and BAI produced high
AUC va ues ( 84- 97) aga nst the PAI a more robust 344- tem symptom inventory in
this sample of neuropsychia ric pati n s Thus c inic ans a e ju ti ied n us ng the BDI-
II and BAI o measure dep ession and anx ety
! The cor ela ions between the BDI-II and BAI [ 52) 68 p < 001] as well as the PAI
Depress on and Anxi ty sc les [ 72) 68 p < 001] n combinat on w th he pat ern of
AUC va ues ugges s h t a common fac or of d ffuse emot onal di tress is dr v ng se f-
repo ted symp om seve ity on these scal s
! The tem content of the BDI- I and BAI has the s ronge t a fin ty o af ective
components of depress on and anxiety and is le s sens t ve to phys ologi al symptoms
as me sured on the PAI
! The Beck Depre sion Inventory
– Second Edit on (BDI II) and
he Beck Anxiety Inventory
BAI) re wo commonly used
se f- epo t sc eeners or
depress on and anxiety
re pe tively
! The present study aimed to
dete mine the evel of agreement
between the BDI-II/BAI and the
Personal ty Ass ssment Inven ory
PAI) a more ex en ive measure
of emot onal and per ona ity
func ioning