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The Black Sea plankton algoflora is characterized by considerable diversity. Including brackish-water, fresh-water and bentho-plankton forms occurring in the different parts, it consists of about 750 species (Ivanov, 1965; Pitsyk, 1968).
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... Key species in our studies only partly differed from those observed in previous studies conducted since 1950s. The following species most often dominated the phytoplankton in May-June: diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima, Pseudosolenia calcar-avis, Proboscia alata, Chaetoceros curvisetus, Dactyliosolen fragilissimus, dinoflagellates Prorocentrum cordatum, Prorocentrum micans, Scrippsiella trochoidea, coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (Senicheva, 1980;Gvarishvili, 1988;Vedernikov & Mikaelyan, 1989;Georgieva, 1993;Eker-Develi & Kideys, 2003;Pautova et al., 2007). All these species are dominant nowadays. ...
In many regions phosphorus limits coccolithophore growth, whereas nitrogen generally controls development of diatoms. We tested the hypothesis that a change in nutrient composition defines the alternation of these algae. Data on phytoplankton, nutrients, chlorophyll and primary production were obtained in May-June from 2002 to 2012. Coccolithophore bloom dynamics were analysed using satellite images of particular inorganic carbon (PIC). In some years coccolithophore bloom occupied the sea interior and has spread on shelf areas. Most frequently blooms occurred in the coastal waters and were absent in the deep basin. Diatoms and coccolithophores interchangeably prevailed in phytoplankton. In the coastal waters, high biomass of diatoms corresponded to the increased ammonium. In the deep basin, PIC was positively correlated with phosphate and negatively with the sea air temperature in February indicating that the bottom-up flux of pycnocline waters during winter convection is the main driver of coccolithophore bloom. In the coastal zone, high concentrations of phosphate and PIC corresponded to high precipitation periods. Thus, independent from origin, phosphorus might have determined the development of coccolithophores both in the coastal and deep waters. In general, diatoms predominated in phytoplankton at high nitrogen:phosphorus ratio, whereas coccolithophores at low.
Data on the diversity of dinoflagellates of the Black Sea (BS) obtained from all BS countries
(Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine) from 1886 to 2018 are critically
ummarized. The revised list of the BS Dinoflagellata includes 420 species (447 including
infraspecific taxa) from 92 genera that belong to 47 families, 16 orders and 4 classes. This
significantly exceeds the number of dinoflagellate taxa previously cited for the BS. This is
mainly due to an increased interest in phytoplankton in recent decades and to international
cooperation. Additionally, climate change and intensification of international shipping have
contributed to the appearance of invasive species of dinoflagellates in various areas of the
sea. The list also includes freshwater species recorded from the less saline areas of the sea.
Recent progress in taxonomy has expanded our knowledge about diversity of the BS
dinoflagellates; however, the leading orders remained unchanged. Peridiniales (124
species/129 including infraspecific taxa), Gymnodiniales (96/96), Gonyaulacales (73/91),
Dinophysiales (40/41), Prorocentrales (23/25) and Amphidiniales (21/22) include 85% of the
species found. Genera with the highest species richness are Protoperidinium (59/62),
Gymnodinium (48/48), Ceratium (34/52), Dinophysis (33/34), Prorocentrum (22/24),
Amphidinium (21/22), Gyrodinium (20/20), Gonyaulax (19/19) and Oxytoxum (14/14). Fiftytwo
genera are represented in the BS by one species each, 201 species and infraspecific.
Characteristics of qualitative composition of the Black Sea phytoplankton. Research of the Black and Azov Seas plankton
A I Ivanov
Biology and productivity of mass species of the Black Sea phytobenthos. Biological productivity of the southern seas
Jan 1974
A A Kalugina-Gutkina
AA Kalugina-Gutkina
On methods of phytoplankton sample concentrating
Y I Sorokin
YI Sorokin
Phytoplankton in Sevastopol area and general overview of the Black Sea phytoplankton
Jan 1948
N V Morozova-Vodyanitskaya
NV Morozova-Vodyanitskaya
On relations of algae in the Black Sea phytocenosis. Hydrobiological researches of the northeastern Black Sea
Jan 1973
I V Morozova-Vodyanitskaya
IV Morozova-Vodyanitskaya
Research of the Black Sea phytoplankton in 1953-1963. Biological research of the Black Sea and its fishery resources
Jan 1968
G K Pitsyk
GK Pitsyk
Rate and conditions of division of sea diatoms in cultures
Jan 1959
N V Morozova-Vodyanitskaya
L A Lanskaya
NV Morozova-Vodyanitskaya
Characteristics of qualitative composition of the Black Sea phytoplankton. Research of the Black and Azov Seas plankton. Kiev. “Naukova dumka