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New records of humpback whales in Nicaragua: extension of the migratory route of the Southern Pacific Breeding stock G?

  • Association ELI-S
  • Independent Researcher


In the light of environmental conservation and management it is important to get insights into movement patterns of animals, especially for migrating animals such as the humpback whales. Humpback whales in the South Pacific (G stock) migrate to Costa Rica which is the most Northern part of their breeding ground according to the IWC. Humpback whales haven’t been studied in Nicaragua until now. A pioneer project is in progress and in this context a feasibility assessment has been done from 17 to 21 of August 2015, both North of Nicaragua in Padre Ramos and South of Nicaragua in San Juan del Sur with a total effort time of 21,5h. Several recent observations of humpback whales occurrences in San Juan del Sur in August 2015 suggests an extension of the breeding ground of the breeding stock G. Several sightings were reported by touristic operators during august 2015 with mentioning of time, location and group type. On the 17th of august, a mother-calf pair was observed during a scientific boat survey in San Juan del Sur and behavioral data, geographic position, distance to the coast, depth, water temperature and photo-identification of dorsal fins were taken. The 5 sightings suggest a potential extension of the actual breeding ground for the Southern Pacific humpback whale population (Stock G).
New records of humpback whales in Nicaragua: extension of the
migratory route of the Southern Pacific Breeding stock G?
Photo: Gaby Barathieu
Joëlle De Weerdt & Victoria Pouey-Santalou
RIEMMCCA Workshop - 12 December 2015
21st biennial conference on the biology of Marine Mammals
Bridging the past toward the future
Context & Method Study site Acknowledgements
Cetacean Conservation in Nicaragua
Little research has been done in the Pacific coast of the country
- Cascadia Research from 2003-2007 in Northern Nicaragua on Humpback whales
No official data on other cetacean species
Lack of data on the migration route of humpback whales both for Northern and
Southern hemisphere populations in Nicaragua
Increasing coastal pressures :
Construction of the canal of Nicaragua by HKND group, end 2015
Occasional scientific boat based surveys in Nicaragua & Costa Rica, August 2015
Results Conclusions & perspectives
Study sites Nicaragua
Context & Method Study site Acknowledgements
Results Conclusions & perspectives
Results Humpback whale
Context & Method Study site Acknowledgements
Results Conclusions & perspectives
Results Humpback whale
Context & Method Study site Acknowledgements
Results Conclusions & perspectives
Results Humpback whale
Total effort time : 21.5 h
Date Time Type Behavior
09:30 AM
09:00 AM
10:30 AM
4 adults
Surface active
WANTED: Mother dorsal fin
Table 1: Opportunistic and scientific observations
Context & Method Study site Acknowledgements
Results Conclusions & perspectives
Topic Observation
Class I
- furled
The behavioral state of the calf was monitored
continuously and classified using two mutually
exclusive behavioral states: travel and stalled.
Class I shorter dives and more frequent single
intermittent breaths.
Dorsal fin angle measured three times with line tool
of GIMP.
Results Humpback whale
Table 3: Calf description and classification
Topic Observation
Observation time
30 min
Distance to the
Table 2: Environmental parameters
Context & Method Study site Results Acknowledgements
Conclusions & perspectives
Results Other species 2015
Species Date # of ind. Sighting type
dolphin 01 Feb 2015 4-6 Opportunistic
07 Feb 2015 20 Opportunistic
07 Feb 2015 5 Opportunistic
02 Aug 2015 20 Opportunistic
18 Aug 2015 15-20 Research
30 Aug 2015 UK Opportunistic
25 Oct 2015 8-12 Opportunistic
dolphin 17 Aug 2015 2 Research
whales 04 Aug 2015 8 Opportunistic
Table 4: Summary of sightings in 2015 of other cetacean species in San Juan del Sur
Resident population of spotted dolphins?
Spinner dolphins in coastal areas?
Context & Method Study site Results Conclusions & perspectives Acknowledgements
Results - Other species - 2015
Other cetacean species in San Juan del Sur
Context & Method Study site Results Conclusions & perspectives Acknowledgements
Several sightings suggesting an extension of the migration route?
Link with global warming or large scale climate El Niño?
Presence of young calves (Class I): environmental conditions indicate potential
breeding area
From January to March 2016: cetacean survey in both PR and SJDS According
to finance: July-September 2016?
Generating first scientific cetacean database in Pacific coast of Nicaragua
Comparing photo-identification data with other research groups of Central
America and beyond
Creation of a catalogue for all cetacean species in Nicaragua
Education activities for children, tourists and local communities
Conclusions & perspectives
Context & Method Study site Results Acknowledgements
Conclusions & Perspectives
Raul Ruiz Boat (Nicaragua)
Gena Abarca (University of Managua, UNAN)
Els Vermeulen (University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa)
Julie Morin-Rivat (Ulg/GxABT, Belgium)
Paso Pacifico (Nicaragua)
Context & Method Study site Results Conclusions & Perspectives Acknowledgements
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