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Strategic measures for competitive internationalization of higher education and research

  • STINT, The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education
  • Lindholmen Science Park


Strategic internationalization is critical for the competitiveness of individual universities as well as the knowledge system of nations. We present some of the challenges that have been identified in a series of interviews with the leaderships at several universities in Sweden. We also present strategic measures intended to tackle some of these challenges. Although the universities have significant operational volume there is a lack of models for risk management of international ventures. An increased internationalization that is both successful and sustainable is considered to require competence, systematic routines and structures. New opportunities in internationalization also set new demands on the leaderships and organizations in a globalized academic landscape. International research cooperation is so far predominantly driven by entrepreneurial academicians in an ad hoc manner. They often lack interaction with the university management, which means that the success they have is often not exploited in the international strategies of the university. When they are capitalized it is primarily in a bottom-up approach. There is evidently a need of resources to manage the opportunities and challenges related to internationalization, in terms of time, funds, and competence. Aside from traditional financial support, alternative measures to support the university leaderships in their management of strategic and systematic internationalization are needed. Four distinct actions intended to strengthen a university in a foreign region or market are presented.
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The globalization origin is an area rather than education, however, education due to its mutual and deep relationship with different wisdom areas and human life elements is perforce to be affected by globalization. The main goal of the present study is to investigate the Strategies for internationalization of the educational program in technical - engineering fields, as well as possible obstacles in this path and study the role of communicative, political, service and university strategies in the internationalization of universities and higher education institutions from the Academic Staff’s viewpoints based on gender and university degree. This descriptive-survey study was conducted in all faculty members’ in Engineering faculty in universities of Kurdistan province in Iranian academic years of 2012-13. 70 faculty members were selected as the participants of the study using random sampling method. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire based on the Likert five-option scale and included 32 items in four communicative (8 items), political (7 items), service (6 items) and university (11 items) strategies. Parametric statistic tests including one-sample t-test, independent test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe’s test were used for data analysis using SPSS 16 software. No significant difference was observed between the opinions of male and female faculty members regarding the strategies effective in internationalization of universities and higher education institutions. The difference of the faculty members with different academic degrees regarding the effect of political strategy on internationalization of universities was not significant, while, this difference was significant for communicative, political, service and university strategies.
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