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Abstract and Figures

Predicting trends in stock market prices has been an area of interest for researchers for many years due to its complex and dynamic nature. Intrinsic volatility in stock market across the globe makes the task of prediction challenging. Forecasting and diffusion modeling, although effective can't be the panacea to the diverse range of problems encountered in prediction, short-term or otherwise. Market risk, strongly correlated with forecasting errors, needs to be minimized to ensure minimal risk in investment. The authors propose to minimize forecasting error by treating the forecasting problem as a classification problem, a popular suite of algorithms in Machine learning. In this paper, we propose a novel way to minimize the risk of investment in stock market by predicting the returns of a stock using a class of powerful machine learning algorithms known as ensemble learning. Some of the technical indicators such as Relative Strength Index (RSI), stochastic oscillator etc are used as inputs to train our model. The learning model used is an ensemble of multiple decision trees. The algorithm is shown to outperform existing algo- rithms found in the literature. Out of Bag (OOB) error estimates have been found to be encouraging. Key Words: Random Forest Classifier, stock price forecasting, Exponential smoothing, feature extraction, OOB error and convergence.
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May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
To appear in Applied Mathematical Finance
Vol. 00, No. 00, Month 20XX, 1–20
Predicting the direction of stock market prices
using random forest
Luckyson Khaidem Snehanshu Saha Sudeepa Roy Dey
(Received 00 Month 20XX; accepted 00 Month 20XX)
Abstract Predicting trends in stock market prices has been an area of interest for researchers
for many years due to its complex and dynamic nature. Intrinsic volatility in stock market across
the globe makes the task of prediction challenging. Forecasting and diffusion modeling, although
effective can’t be the panacea to the diverse range of problems encountered in prediction, short-term
or otherwise. Market risk, strongly correlated with forecasting errors, needs to be minimized to
ensure minimal risk in investment. The authors propose to minimize forecasting error by treating
the forecasting problem as a classification problem, a popular suite of algorithms in Machine
learning. In this paper, we propose a novel way to minimize the risk of investment in stock
market by predicting the returns of a stock using a class of powerful machine learning algorithms
known as ensemble learning. Some of the technical indicators such as Relative Strength Index
(RSI), stochastic oscillator etc are used as inputs to train our model. The learning model used
is an ensemble of multiple decision trees. The algorithm is shown to outperform existing algo-
rithms found in the literature. Out of Bag (OOB) error estimates have been found to be encouraging.
Key Words: Random Forest Classifier, stock price forecasting, Exponential smoothing, feature
extraction, OOB error and convergence.
1. Introduction
Predicting the trends in stock market prices is a very challenging task due to the many uncertainties
involved and many variables that influence the market value in a particular day such as economic
conditions, investors’ sentiments towards a particular company, political events etc. Because of
this, stock markets are susceptible to quick changes, causing random fluctuations in the stock price.
Stock market series are generally dynamic, non-parametric, chaotic and noisy in nature and hence,
stock market price movement is considered to be a random process with fluctuations which are more
pronounced for short time windows. However, some stocks usually tend to develop linear trends over
long-term time windows. Due to the chaotic and highly volatile nature of stock behavior, investments
in share market comes with high risk. In order to minimize the risk involved, advanced knowledge
of stock price movement in the future is required. Traders are more likely to buy a stock whose
value is expected to increase in the future. On the other hand, traders are likely to refrain from
buying a stock whose value is expected to fall in the future. So, there is a need for accurately
predicting the trends in stock market prices in order to maximize capital gain and minimize loss.
Among the major methodologies used to predict stock price behavior, the following are particularly
noteworthy: (1) Technical Analysis, (2) Time Series Forecasting (3) Machine Learning and Data
Mining (Hellstrom and Holmstromm (1998)) and (4) modeling and predicting volatility of stocks
using differential equations (Saha, Routh and Goswami (2014)). This paper mainly focuses on the
third approach as the data sets associated with stock market prediction problem are too big to be
handled with non-data mining methods. (Widom (1995))
Application of Machine learning models in stock market behavior is quite a recent phenomenon.
The approach is a departure from traditional forecasting and diffusion type methods. Early models
used in stock forecasting involved statistical methods such as time series model and multivariate
arXiv:1605.00003v1 [cs.LG] 29 Apr 2016
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
analysis (Gencay (1999), Timmermann and Granger (2004), Bao and Yang (2008)). The stock
price movement was treated as a function of time series and solved as a regression problem. However,
predicting the exact values of the stock price is really difficult due to its chaotic nature and high
volatility. Stock prediction performs better when it is treated as classification problem instead of
a regression problem. The goal is to design an intelligent model that learns from the market data
using machine learning techniques and forecast the future trends in stock price movement. The
predictive output from our model may be used to support decision making for people who invest in
stock markets. Researchers have used a variety of algorithms such as SVM, Neural Network, Naive
Bayesian Classifier etc. We will discuss the works done by other authors in the next section.
2. Related Work
The use of prediction algorithms to determine future trends in stock market prices contradict a basic
rule in finance known as the Efficient Market Hypothesis (Fama and Malkiel (1970)). It states that
current stock prices fully reflect all the relevant information. It implies that if someone were to gain
an advantage by analyzing historical stock data, then the entire market will become aware of this
advantage and as a result, the price of the share will be corrected. This is a highly controversial
and often disputed theory. Although it is generally accepted, there are many researchers who have
rejected this theory by using algorithms that can model more complex dynamics of the financial
system (Malkiel (2003)).
Several algorithms have been used in stock prediction such as SVM, Neural Network, Linear
Discriminant Analysis, Linear Regression, KNN and Naive Bayesian Classifier. Literature survey
revealed that SVM has been used most of the time in stock prediction research. Li, Li and Yang
(2014) have considered sensitivity of stock prices to external condition. The external conditions
taken into consideration include daily quotes of commodity prices such as gold, crude oil, nature
gas, corn and cotton in 2 foreign currencies (EUR, JPY). In addition to that, they collected daily
trading data of 2666 U.S stocks trading (or once traded) at NYSE or NASDAQ from 2000-01-01
to 2014-11-10. This dataset includes everyday open price, close price, highest price, lowest price
and trading volume of every stock. Features were derived using the information from the historical
stock data as well as external variables which were mentioned earlier in this section. It was found
that logistic regression turned out to be the best model with a success rate of 55.65%. In Dai and
Zhang (2013), the training data used in their research was 3M Stock data. The data contains daily
stock information ranging from 1/9/2008 to 11/8/2013 (1471 data points). Multiple algorithms
were chosen to train the prediction system. These algorithms are Logistic Regression, Quadratic
Discriminant Analysis, and SVM. These algorithms were applied to next day model which predicted
the outcome of the stock price on the next day and long term model, which predicted the outcome
of the stock price for the next ndays. The next day prediction model produced accuracy results
ranging from 44.52% to 58.2%. Dai and Zhang (2013) have justified their results by stating that
US stock market is semi-strong efficient, meaning that neither fundamental nor technical analysis
can be used to achieve superior gain. However, the long-term prediction model produced better
results which peaked when the time window was 44. SVM reported the highest accuracy of 79.3%.
In Xinjie (2014), the authors have used 3 stocks (AAPL, MSFT, AMZN) that have time span
available from 2010-01-04 to 2014-12-10. Various technical indicators such as RSI, On balance
Volume, Williams %R etc are used as features. Out of 84 features, an extremely randomized tree
algorithm was implemented as described in Geurts and Louppe (2011), for the selection of the
most relevant features. These features were then fed to an rbf Kernelized SVM for training. Devi,
Bhaskaran and Kumar (2015) has proposed a model which uses hybrid cuckoo search with support
vector machine (With Gaussian kernel). Cuckoo search method is an optimization technique used
to optimize the parameters of support vector machine. The proposed model used technical indicators
such as RSI, Money Flow Index, EMA, Stochastic Oscillator and MACD . The data used in the
proposed system consists of daily closing prices of BSE-Sensex and CNX - Nifty from Yahoo finance
from January 2013 to July 2014. Giacomel, Galante and Pareira (2015) proposes a trading agent
based on a neural network ensemble, that predicts if one stock is going to rise or fall. They evaluated
their model in two databases: The North American and the Brazilian stock market. Boonpeng and
Jeatrakul (2016) implemented a One vs All and One vs One neural network to classify Buy, hold
or Sell data and compared their performance with a traditional neural network. Historical data of
Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) of seven years (date 03/01/2007 to 29/08/2014) was selected.
It was found that OAA-NN performed better than OAO-NN and traditional NN models, producing
an average accuracy of 72.50%.
The literature survey helps us conclude that Ensemble learning algorithms have remained unex-
ploited in the problem of stock market prediction. We will be using an ensemble learning method
known as Random Forest to build our predictive model. Random forest is a multitude of decision
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
trees whose output is the mode of the outputs from the individual trees.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 3discusses about data and the op-
erations implemented on data that include cleaning, pre-processing, feature extraction, testing for
linear separability and learning the data via random forest ensemble. Section 4traces the algorithm
by using graph description language and computes the OOB error. Section 5contains a brief out-
line on OOB error and convergence estimate. The next section documents the results obtained,
followed by a comparative study establishing the superiority of the proposed algorithm. We conclude
by summarizing our work in section 7.1.
3. Methodology and Analysis
Data Collection
Exponential Smoothing
Feature Extraction
Ensemble Learning
Stock Market Prediction
Fig 1: Proposed Methodology
The learning algorithm used in our paper is random forest. The time series data is acquired,
smoothed and technical indicators are extracted. Technical indicators are parameters which pro-
vide insights to the expected stock price behavior in future. These technical indicators are then used
to train the random forest. The details of each step will be discussed in this section.
3.1 Data Preprocessing
The time series historical stock data is first exponentially smoothed. Exponential smoothing applies
more weightage to the recent observation and exponentially decreasing weights to past observations.
The exponentially smoothed statistic of a series Ycan be recursively calculated as:
for t > 0, St=αYt+ (1 α)St1(2)
where αis the smoothing factor and 0 < α < 1. Larger values of αreduce the level of smoothing.
When α= 1, the smoothed statistic becomes equal to the actual observation. The smoothed statistic
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
Stcan be calculated as soon as two observations are available. This smoothing removes random
variation or noise from the historical data allowing the model to easily identify long term price
trend in the stock price behavior. Technical indicators are then calculated from the exponentially
smoothed time series data which are later organized into feature matrix. The target to be predicted
in the ith day is calculated as follows:
targeti=S ign(closei+dclosei) (3)
where dis the number of days after which the prediction is to be made. When the value of targetiis
+1, it indicates that there is a positive shift in the price after ddays and -1 indicates that there is
a negative shift after ddays. The targetivalues are assigned as labels to the ith row in the feature
3.2 Feature Extraction
Technical Indicators are important parameters that are calculated from time series stock data that
aim to forecast financial market direction. They are tools which are widely used by investors to
check for bearish or bullish signals. The technical indicators which we have used are listed below
Relative Strength Index
The formula for caculating RSI is:
RSI = 100 100
1 + RS (4)
RS =Average Gain Over past 14 days
Average Loss Over past 14 days (5)
RSI is a popular momentum indicator which determines whether the stock is overbought
or oversold. A stock is said to be overbought when the demand unjustifiably pushes
the price upwards. This condition is generallyt interpreted as a sign that the stock is
overvalued and the price is likely to go down. A stock is said to be oversold when the price
goes down sharply to a level below its true value. This is a result caused due to panic
selling. RSI ranges from 0 to 100 and generally, when RSI is above 70, it may indicate
that the stock is overbought and when RSI is below 30, it may indicate the stock is oversold.
Stochastic Oscillator
The formula for calculating Stochastic Oscillator is:
%K= 100 (CL14)
(H14 L14) (6)
C = Current Closing Price
L14 = Lowest Low over the past 14 days
H14 = Highest High over the past 14 days
Stochastic Oscillator follows the speed or the momentum of the price. As a rule,
momentum changes before the price changes. It measures the level of the closing price
relative to low-high range over a period of time.
Williams %R
Williams %R is calculated as follows:
%R=(H14 C)
(H14 L14) ∗ −100 (7)
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
C = Current Closing Price
L14 = Lowest Low over the past 14 days
H14 = Highest High over the past 14 days
Williams %R ranges from -100 to 0. When its value is above -20, it indicates a sell signal
and when its value is below -80, it indicates a buy signal.
Moving Average Convergence Divergence
The formula for calculating MACD is:
MACD =EMA12(C)EMA26 (C) (8)
SignalLine =EM A9(M ACD) (9)
MACD = Moving Average Convergence Divergence
C= Closing Price series
EM An= n day Exponential Moving Average
EMA stands for Exponential Moving Average. When the MACD goes below the SingalLine,
it indicates a sell signal. When it goes above the SignalLine, it indicates a buy signal.
Price Rate of Change
It is calculated as follows:
P ROC (t) = C(t)C(tn)
PROC(t) = Price Rate of Change at time t
C(t) = Closing price at time t
It measures the most recent change in price with respect to the price in n days ago.
On Balance Volume
This technical indicator is used to find buying and selling trends of a stock. The
formula for calculating On balance volume is:
OBV (t) =
OBV (t1) + V ol(t)if C(t)> C(t1)
OBV (t1) V ol(t)if C(t)< C(t1)
OBV (t1) if C(t)=C(t1)
OBV(t) = On Balance Volume at time t
Vol(t) = Trading Volume at time t
C(t) = Closing price at time t
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
3.3 Test for linear separability
Fig 2: Test for linear separability
Before feeding the training data to the Random Forest Classifier, the two classes of data are tested
for linear separability by finding their convex hulls. Linear Separability is a property of two sets of
data points where the two sets are said to be linearly separable if there exists a hyperplane such that
all the points in one set lies on one side of the hyperplane and all the points in other set lies on the
other side of the hyperplane.
Mathematically, two sets of points X0and X1in ndimensional Euclidean space are said to be
linearly separable if there exists an ndimensional normal vector Wof a hyperplane and a scalar
k, such that every point xX0gives WTx>kand every point xX1gives WTx<k. Two sets
can be checked for linearly separability by constructing their convex hulls.
The convex hull of a set of points Xis its subset which forms the smallest convex polygon that
contains all the points in X. A polygon is said to be convex if a line joining any two points on
the polygon also lies on the polygon. In order to check for Linear Separability, the convex hulls for
the two classes are constructed. If the convex hulls intersect each other, then the classes are said
to be linearly inseparable. Principle component analysis is performed to reduce the dimensionality
of the extracted features into two dimensions. This is done so that the convex hull can be easily
visualized in 2 dimensions. The convex hull test reveals that the classes are not linearly separable
as the convex hulls almost overlap. This observation concludes that Linear Discriminant Analysis
cannot be applied to classify our data and hence, providing a stronger justification to why Random
Forest Classifier is used. Another important reason is that since each decision trees in the forest
operate on the random subspace of the feature space, it leads to the automatic selection of the most
relevant subset of features. Before discussing the RF algorithm, we will be looking at some key
definitions in the following section.
3.4 Key Definitions
Assume there are n data points D = {(xi, yi)}n
i=1 and feature vectors {xi}n
i=1 with stated outcomes.
Each feature vector is d- dimensional.
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
Definition 1: We define a classification tree where each node is endowed with a binary
decision if xi<=k or not ; where kis some threshold. The topmost node in the classification tree
contains all the data points and the set of data is subdivided among the children of each node as
defined by the classification . The process of subdivision continues until every node below has data
belonging to one class only. Each node is characterized by the feature, xiand threshold kchosen
in such a way that minimizes diversity among the children nodes. This is often referred as gini
Definition 2: X= (X1, ..., Xd)is an array of random variables defined on probability
space called as random vectors. The joint distribution of X1, ..., Xdis a measure on µon Rd,
µ(A) = P(XA),ARdwhere d= 1, ...., m. For example, Let x= (xi, ...., xd)be an array
of data points. Each feature xiis defined as a random variable with some distribution. Then the
random vector Xhas joint distribution identical to the data points, x.
Definition 3: Let us represent hk(x) = h(x|θk)implying decision tree kleading to a classifier
hk(x). Thus, a random forest is a classifier based on a family of classifiers h(x|θ1), ...., h(x|θk),
built on a classification tree with model parameters θkrandomly chosen from model random vector
θ. Each classifier, hk(x) = h(x|θk)is a predictor of the number of training samples. y=+
1is the
outcome associated with input data, xfor the final classification function, f(x).
Next, we describe the working of the Random Forest learner by exploiting the key concepts defined
3.5 Random Forest
Decision trees can be used for various machine learning applications. But trees that are grown really
deep to learn highly irregular patterns tend to overfit the training sets. A slight noise in the data may
cause the tree to grow in a completely different manner. This is because of the fact that decision trees
have very low bias and high variance. Random Forest overcomes this problem by training multiple
decision trees on different subspace of the feature space at the cost of slightly increased bias. This
means none of the trees in the forest sees the entire training data. The data is recursively split into
partitions. At a particular node, the split is done by asking a question on an attribute. The choice
for the splitting criterion is based on some impurity measures such as Shannon Entropy or Gini
Gini impurity is used as the function to measure the quality of split in each node. Gini impurity
at node N is given by
g(N) = X
P(ωi)P(ωj) (12)
where P(ωi)is the proportion of the population with class label i. Another function which can be
used to judge the quality of split is Shannon Entropy. It measures the disorder in the information
content. In Decision trees, Shannon entropy is used to measure the unpredictability in the informa-
tion contained in a particular node of a tree (In this context, it measures how mixed the population
in a node is). The entropy in a node Ncan be calculated as follows
H(N) =
P(ωi)log2(P(ωi)) (13)
where dis number of classes considered and P(ωi)is the proportion of the population labeled as i.
Entropy is the highest when all the classes are contained in equal proportion in the node. It is the
lowest when there is only one class present in a node (when the node is pure).
The obvious heuristic approach to choose the best splitting decision at a node is the one that
reduces the impurity as much as possible. In order words, the best split is characterized by the
highest gain in information or the highest reduction in impurity. The information gain due to a
split can be calculated as follows
I(N) = I(N)PLI(NL)PRI(NL) (14)
where I(N)is the impurity measure (Gini or Shannon Entropy) of node N,PLis the proportion
of the population in node Nthat goes to the left child of Nafter the split and similarly, PRis the
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
proportion of the population in node Nthat goes to the right child after the split. NLand NRare
the left and right child of Nrespectively.
At the heart of all ensemble machine learning algorithms is Bootstrap aggregating, also known as
bagging. This method improves the stability and accuracy of learning algorithms. At the same time,
it also reduces variance and overfitting which is a common problem while constructing Decision
trees.Given a sample dataset Dof size n, bagging generates Bnew sets of size n
0by sampling
uniformly from Dwith replacement. With this knowledge, we can now summarize the algorithm of
random forest classifier as follows
Algorithm 1 Random Forest Classifier
1: procedure RandomForestClassifier(D).D is the labeled training data
2: forest = new Array()
3: for do i= 0 to B
4: Di= Bagging(D).Bootstrap Aggregation
5: Ti= new DecisionTree()
6: featuresi= RandomFeatureSelection(Di)
7: Ti.train(Di,featuresi)
8: forest.add(Ti)
9: end for
10: return forest
11: end procedure
4. Tracing the RF algorithm
In this section we will trace the Random Forest algorithm for a particular test sample. To begin with,
we trained a random forest using the Apple Dataset for a time window of 30 days. We generated
graph description language files describing the forest. The output of this process is 30 .dot files that
corresponds to 30 decision trees in the random forest. These files are found in found in https:
// drive. google. com/ open? id= 0B980lHZhHCf1Y0s1Q3AwbjVCWGM . Next, we wrote a python script
that reads all the .dot files and traces the RF algorithm for a test sample.
4.1 Graph Description Language
Graph Description Language is a structured language that is used to describe graphs that can be
understood both by humans and computers. It can be used to describe both directed and undirected
graphs. A graph description language begins with the graph keyword to define a new graph and the
nodes are defined within curly braces. The relationship between nodes are specified using double
hyphen (–) for an undirected graph and arrows (-¿) for a directed graph. The following is an
example examples of a Graph Description Language.
graph gr aph name {
abc ;
bd ;
4.2 Trace output
For the sake of convenience, we will be showing the trace of only 3 trees out of 30 trees
in the forest. For trace of the entire forest, check: https: // drive. google. com/ open? id=
0B980lHZhHCf1T3dvNDJsVzFfaFE . We take a test sample with the following features and run our
trace script.
RSI: 91.638968318801957
Stochastic Oscillator: 88.201032228068314
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
Fig 3: An undirected graph
Williams: -11.798967771931691
Moving Average Convergence Divergence: 5.9734426013145026
Price Rate of Change: 0.11162583681857041
On Balance Volume: 6697423901.3580704
For Tree 0:
At node 0:(MACD=5.97344260131) <= -8.6232?
False: Go to Node 10
At node 10:(Stochastic Oscillator=88.2010322281) <= 80.9531?
False: Go to Node 134
At node 134:(MACD=5.97344260131) <= 10.2566?
True: Go to Node 135
At node 135:(RSI=91.6389683188) <= 97.9258?
True: Go to Node 136
At node 136:(MACD=5.97344260131) <= -1.7542?
False: Go to Node 140
At node 140:(Price Rate Of Change=0.0412189145804) <= 0.0708?
True: Go to Node 141
At node 141:(MACD=5.97344260131) <= 9.2993?
True: Go to Node 142
At node 142:(MACD=5.97344260131) <= 7.7531?
True: Go to Node 143
At node 143:(On Balance Volume=23722858211.2) <= 24938491904.0?
True: Go to Node 144
At node 144:(Williams=-11.7989677719) <= -15.7228?
False: Go to Node 154
Leaf Node 154 is labeled as Rise
For Tree 1:
At node 0:(MACD=5.97344260131) <= -8.3677?
False: Go to Node 8
At node 8:(RSI=91.6389683188) <= 42.5156?
False: Go to Node 56
At node 56:(MACD=5.97344260131) <= 9.888?
True: Go to Node 57
At node 57:(Price Rate Of Change=0.0412189145804) <= 0.0612?
True: Go to Node 58
At node 58:(Stochastic Oscillator=88.2010322281) <= 80.3201?
False: Go to Node 108
At node 108:(On Balance Volume=23722858211.2) <= 19212566528.0?
False: Go to Node 110
At node 110:(Price Rate Of Change=0.0412189145804) <= -0.0245?
False: Go to Node 112
At node 112:(Price Rate Of Change=0.0412189145804) <= 0.0554?
True: Go to Node 113
At node 113:(On Balance Volume=23722858211.2) <= 19823968256.0?
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
False: Go to Node 115
Leaf Node 115 is labeled as Rise
For Tree 2:
At node 0:(Stochastic Oscillator=88.2010322281) <= 13.7965?
False: Go to Node 10
At node 10:(On Balance Volume=23722858211.2) <= 26287554560.0?
True: Go to Node 11
At node 11:(Price Rate Of Change=0.0412189145804) <= -0.0649?
False: Go to Node 19
At node 19:(Stochastic Oscillator=88.2010322281) <= 80.6269?
False: Go to Node 121
At node 121:(MACD=5.97344260131) <= 12.8322?
True: Go to Node 122
At node 122:(MACD=5.97344260131) <= 3.3398?
False: Go to Node 132
At node 132:(Price Rate Of Change=0.0412189145804) <= 0.0816?
True: Go to Node 133
At node 133:(Price Rate Of Change=0.0412189145804) <= 0.08?
True: Go to Node 134
At node 134:(RSI=91.6389683188) <= 97.229?
True: Go to Node 135
Leaf Node 135 is labeled as Rise
29 of the trees in forest predict a rise in price while a single tree predicts a fall in price. As a
result, the output of the ensemble is Rise. This prediction matches with the actual label assigned
to the test sample. Each tree recursively divides the feature space into multiple partitions and each
partition is given a label that indicates whether the closing price will rise or fall after 30 days.
Looking at the decision trees in the forest, it is really hard to fathom why the data is split on a
particular attribute, especially when the same attribute may be used to split the data further down
along the tree. To understand why a particular split is chosen at a node, we need to to be familiar
with the concept of impurity measures such as Shannon Entropy and Gini impurity. The decision
rules learned by the trees may not be easily understood due to complexities in the underlying pattern
of the training data. This is where random forests lose some favor with a technically minded person
who likes to know what is under the hood.
It should be noted here that our algorithm converges as the number of trees in the forest increases.
We calculated out of bag (OOB) error of the classifier with respect to the apple dataset for proof
of convergence. In the table given below, the first column indicates the the time window after which
the prediction is to be made, the second column indicates the number of trees in the forest, the third
column indicates the size of the training sample used and the last column is the OOB error rate.
Trading Period (Days) No. of Trees Sample Size OOB error
30 5 6590 0.241729893778
30 25 6590 0.149165402124
30 45 6590 0.127617602428
30 65 6590 0.123672230653
60 5 6545 0.198472116119
60 25 6545 0.0890756302521
60 45 6545 0.0786860198625
60 65 6545 0.0707410236822
90 5 6500 0.191384615385
90 25 6500 0.0741538461538
90 45 6500 0.0647692307692
90 65 6500 0.0555384615385
Fig 4: OOB error calcuation
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As observed, the error rate decreases as the number of trees in the forest is increased. More details
about error rates and convergence will be discussed in the next section.
5. OOB error and Convergence of the Random Forest
Given an ensemble of decision trees h1(X), h2(x), h3(x), ..., hk(x), as in Breiman (2001) we define
margin function as
mg(X, Y ) = avkI(hk(X) = Y)maxj6=YavkI(hk(X) = j) (15)
where X, Y are randomly distributed vectors from which the training set is drawn. Here, I(.)is the
indicator function. The generalization error is given by
P E=PX,Y (mg(X, Y )<0) (16)
The Xand Ysubscripts indicate that probability is calculated over X, Y space. In random forests,
the kth decision tree hk(x)can be represented as h(x, θk)where xis the input vector and θkis the
bootstrapped dataset which is used to train the kth tree. For a sequence of bootstrapped sample sets
θ1, θ2, ..., θkwhich are generated from the original dataset θ, it is found that P Econverges to
PX,Y (Pθ(h(X, θ) = Y)maxj6=YPθ(h(X, ) = j)<0) (17)
The proof can be found in appendix I in Breiman (2001). To practically prove this theorem with
respect to our dataset, the generalization error is estimated using out of bags estimates Bylander
and Hanzlik (1999). The out of Bag (OOB) error measures the prediction error of Random forests
algorithm and other machine learning algorithms which are based on Bootstrap aggregation.
Note: The average margin of the ensemble of classifiers is the extent to which the average vote
count for the correct class flag exceeds the count for the next best class flag.
5.1 Random forest as ensembles: An analytical exploration
As defined earlier, a Random Forest model specifies θas classification tree marker for h(X|θ)and
a fixed probability distribution for θfor diversity determination in trees is known.
The margin function of an RF is:
marginRF (x, y ) = Pθ(h(x|θ) = y)maxj6=yPθ(h(x|θ) = j) (18)
The strength of the forest is defined as the expected value of the margin:
s=Ex,y(marginRF (x, y)) (19)
The generalization error is bounded above by Chebyshev’s inequality and is given as
Error =Px,y(marginRF (x, y)<0) Px,y (|marg inRF (x, y)s| ≥ s)var(marginRF (x, y))
Remark: We know that the average margin of the ensemble of classifiers is the extent to which
the average vote count for the correct class flag exceeds the count for the next best class flag.
The Strength of the forest is the expected value of this margin. When the margin function gives a
negative value, it means that an error has been made in classification. The generalization error is
the probability that the margin is a negative value. Since margin itself is a random variable, equation
(20) shows that it is bounded above by its variance divided by the square of the threshold. As the
strength of the forest grows, error in classification decreases.
we present below, the Chebyshev’s inequality as the inspiration for the error bound.
Chebyshev’s inequality: Let Xbe any random variable (not necessarily non-negative) and
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
C>0. Then,
P(|XE(X)| ≥ c)var(x)
Remark: It’s easy to relate the inequality to the error bound of the Random Forest learner.
Proof of Chebyshev’s inequality: We require a couple of definitions before the formal
A) Indicator Random Variable
I(Xc) = (1if Xc
0Otherwise (22)
B) Measurable space
E(X) = X
P(x)X(x) = µ(24)
Define, A ={x|X(x)E(x)c}
Thus, var(X) = X
=c2P(A) = c2P(|XE(X)| ≥ c)
c2P(|XE(X)| ≥ c)
Remark: This means that the probability of the deviation of a data point from its expected value
being greater than c, a threshold, is bounded above by the variance of the data points divided by the
square of the threshold, c. As c increases, the upper bound decreases which implies the probability
of a large deviation of a data point from its expected value is less likely.
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
5.2 OOB error visualization
After creating all the decision trees in the forest, for each training sample Zi= (Xi, Yi)in the
original training set T, we select all bagged sets Tkwhich does not contain Zi. This set contains
bootstrap datasets which do not contain a particular training sample from the original training
dataset. These sets are called out of bags examples. There are nsuch sets for each ndata samples in
the original training dataset. OOB error is the average error for each Zicalculated using predictions
from the trees that do not contain ziin their respective bootstrap sample. OOB error is an estimate
of generalization error which measures how accurately the random forest predicts previously unseen
data. We plotted the OOB error rate for our random forest classifier using the AAPL dataset.
Fig 5: OOB error rate vs Number of estimators
From the above plot, we can see that the OOB error rate decreases dramatically as more number of
trees are added in the forest. However, a limiting value of the OOB error rate is reached eventually.
The plot shows that the Random Forest converges as more number of trees are added in the forest.
This result also explains why random forests do not overfit as more number of trees are added into
the ensemble.
6. Results
Using the prediction result produced by our model we can decide whether to buy or sell our stock.
If the prediction is +1, which means the price is expected to rise after ndays then the suggested
trading decision is to buy the stock. Whereas, if the prediction is -1, it means the price is expected
to fall after ndays and the suggested trading decision is to sell the stock. Any wrong prediction can
cause the trader a great deal of money. Hence, the model should be evaluated for its robustness. The
parameters that are used to evaluate the robustness of a binary classifier are accuracy, precision,
recall (also known as sensitivity) and specificity. The formula to calculate these parameters are
given below:
Accuracy =tp +tn
tp +tn +fp +fn (25)
P recision =tp
tp +fp (26)
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
Recall =tp
tp +fn (27)
Specif icity =tn
tn +fp (28)
tp = Number of true positive values
tn = Number of true negative values
fp = Number of false positive values
fn = Number of false negative values
Accuracy measures the portion of all testing samples classified correctly. Recall (also known as
sensitivity) measures the ability of a classifier to correctly identify positive labels while specificity
measures the classifier’s ability to correctly identify negative labels. And precision measures the pro-
portion of all correctly identified samples in a population of samples which are classified as positive
labels. We calculate these parameters for the next 1 Month, 2 Months and 3 Months prediction
model using AAPL, GE dataset (Which are listed on NASDAQ) and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.
(Which is traded in Korean Stock Exchange). The results are provided in the tables below:
Trading Period Accuracy% Precision Recall Specificity
1 month 86.8396 0.881818 0.870736 0.865702
2 months 90.6433 0.910321 0.92599 0.880899
3 months 93.9664 0.942004 0.950355 0.926174
Fig 6: Results for Samsung dataset
Trading Period Accuracy% Precision Recall Specificity
1 month 88.264 0.89263 0.90724 0.84848
2 months 93.065 0.94154 0.93858 0.91973
3 months 94.533 0.94548 0.96120 0.92341
Fig 7: Results for Apple Inc. dataset
Trading Period Accuracy% Precision Recall Specificity
1 month 84.717 0.85531 0.87637 0.80968
2 months 90.831 0.91338 0.93099 0.87659
3 months 92.543 0.93128 0.94557 0.89516
Fig 8: Results for GE Dataset
6.1 Receiver Operating Characteristic
The Receiver Operating Characteristic is a graphical method to evaluate the performance of a binary
classifier. A curve is drawn by plotting True Positive Rate (sensitivity) against False Positive Rate
(1 - specificity) at various threshold values. ROC curve shows the trade- off between sensitivity and
specificity. When the curve comes closer to the left-hand border and the top border of the ROC
space, it indicates that the test is accurate. The closer the curve is to the top and left-hand border,
the more accurate the test is. If the curve is close to the 45 degrees diagonal of the ROC space, it
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
means that the test is not accurate. ROC curves can be used to select the optimal model and discard
the suboptimal ones.
Fig 9: ROC curves corresponding to AAPL dataset
Fig 10: ROC curves corresponding to GE dataset
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
Fig 11: ROC curves corresponding to Samsung dataset
As we can see from the ROC curves, the 90 Day model proves to be the most optimal model.
The area under the ROC curve is a really important parameter for evaluating the performance of a
binary classifier. Accuracy is measured by the area under the ROC curve. An area of 1 represents an
excellent classifier; an area of .5 represents a worthless classifier which produces random outputs.
In other words , the area measures discrimination, that is, the ability of the classifier to correctly
classify a positive shift and a negative shift in stock prices in case of our problem. T he area under
the ROC curve is above 0.9 for all three models using all three datasets. This means our classifier
is excellent.
7. Discussion and Conclusion
The robustness and accuracy of the proposed algorithm in contrast with he ones present in literature
need to be discussed. We’ll perform a comparative analysis between the results found in Dai and
Zhang (2013) and Xinjie (2014) with the results produced by our model for the same dataset. In Dai
and Zhang (2013), the authors selected 3M stock which contained daily data ranging from 1/9/2008
to 11/8/2013. They have used four supervised learning algorithms, i.e Logistic Regression, Gaussian
Discriminant Analysis, Quadratic Discriminant Analysis, and SVM. Their results are summarized
in the Fig 12.
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
Fig 12: Results from Dai and Zhang (2013)
Fig 13: Results for 3M stock obtained with our model
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
From the plot in Fig 12:, we can see that for SVM and QDA model, the accuracy increases when
the time window increases. Furthermore, SVM gives the highest accuracy when the time window is
44 days (79.3%). Its also the most stable model.
Using the same dataset as in Dai and Zhang (2013), we calculated the accuracy for various time
widows using the model we have built. The results which we have found is visualized as a graph in
Fig 6. As we can see from this graph, the accuracy peaked at 96.92% when the time window is 88
days. This is clearly a better result than the one found in Dai and Zhang (2013).
For our next comparative, we will be looking at the result obtained in Xinjie (2014). The author
of Xinjie (2014) have chosen three datasets for the study, i.e AAPL, MSFT and AMZN. The time
span of the stock data ranges from 2010-01-04 to 2014-12-10. Xinjie (2014) has used an extremely
randomized tree algorithm to select a subset of features from a total of 84 technical indicators. These
features are then fed to an SVM with rbf kernel for training to predict the next 3-day, next 5-day,
next 7-day and next 10-day trend. The results are given in the table below.
Company/Accuracy Next 3-day Next 5-day Next 7-day Next 10-day
Apple 73.4% 71.41% 70.25% 71.13%
Amazon 63% 65% 61.5% 71.25%
Microsoft 64.5% 73% 77.125% 77.25%
Fig 14: Results from Xinjie (2014)
We calculated the accuracy result for the same datasets using our prediction model and obtained
the results which given in fig 15.
Company/Accuracy Next 3-day Next 5-day Next 7-day Next 10-day
Apple 85.197% 83.88% 88.11% 92.08%
Amazon 86.51% 88.49% 85.14% 87.46%
Microsoft 84.59% 83.88% 89.47% 86.46%
Fig 15: Results obtained using our model
Devi, Bhaskaran and Kumar (2015) used BSE-SENSEX and CNX-NIFTY datasets to predict
next day outcome using SVM with Cuckoo Search optimization. The results are summarized in the
bar charts below.
Fig 16: Comparing Accuracies of CS-SVM as obtained in Devi(2015) and RF for BSE-SENSEX
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
Fig 17: Comparing Accuracies of CS-SVM as obtained in Devi(2015) and RF for BSE-SENSEX
SVM with Cuckoo search optimization performs really well giving accuracy results of above
80%. However, the Random Forest classifier still performs better than the model proposed in Devi,
Bhaskaran and Kumar (2015).
From the comparative analysis we have done in this section, we can confidently say that our model
outperforms the models as seen in various papers in our literature survey. We believe that this is
due to the lack of proper data processing in Li, Li and Yang (2014),Dai and Zhang (2013),Xin-
jie (2014),Devi, Bhaskaran and Kumar (2015). In this paper, we have performed exponential
smoothing which is a rule of thumb technique for smoothing time series data. Exponential smooth-
ing removes random variation in the data and makes the learning process more easier. But in none
of the papers we have reviewed, have used exponential smoothing to smooth their data. Another
important reason could be the inherent non linearity in data. This fact discourages the use of linear
classifiers. However in Li, Li and Yang (2014), the authors have used linear classifier algorithm:
Logistic Regression as their supervised learning algorithm which yielded a success rate of 55.65%.
We believe that the use of SVM in Dai and Zhang (2013) and Xinjie (2014) is not very wise. Due
to that fact that the two classes in consideration (rise or fall) are linearly inseparable, researchers
are compelled to use SVM with non linear kernels such as Gaussian kernel or Radial Basis Func-
tion. Despite many advantages of SVMs, from a practical point of view, they have some drawbacks.
An important practical question that is not entirely solved, is the selection of the kernel function
parameters - for Gaussian kernels the width parameter σ- and the value of in the loss insensitive
function (Horvth (2003) in Suykens et al.).
7.1 Conclusion
Predicting stock market due to its non linear, dynamic and complex nature is really difficult. How-
ever in the recent years, machine learning techniques have proved effective in stock forecasting.
Many algorithms such as SVM, ANN etc. have been studied for robustness in predicting stock mar-
ket. However, ensemble learning methods have remained unexploited in this field. In this paper, we
have used random forest classifier to build our predictive model and our model has produced really
impressive results. The model is proved to be really robust in predicting future direction of stock
movement. The robustness of our model has been evaluated by calculating various parameters such
as accuracy, precision, recall and specificity. For all the datasets we have used i.e, AAPL, MSFT
and Samsung, we were able to achieve accuracy in the range 85-95% for long term prediction. ROC
curves were also plotted to evaluate our model. The curves graphically proved the robustness of our
model. It was also proved that our classification algorithm converges as more number of trees are
added to the random forest.
Our model can be used for devising new strategies for trading or to perform stock portfolio man-
agement, changing stocks according to trends prediction. For future work, we could build random
forest models to predict trends for short time window in terms of hours or minutes. Ensembles
of different machine learning algorithms can also be checked for its robustness in stock prediction.
We also recommend exploration of the application of Deep Learning practices in Stock Forecast-
ing. These practices involve learning weight coefficients on large directed and layered graph. Deep
Learning models, known earlier as problematic in training, are now being embraced in stock price
estimation due to the recent advances.
The model proposed indicates, for the first time, to the best of our knowledge the nonlinear nature
of the problem and the futility of using linear discriminant type machine learning algorithms. The
accuracy reported is not pure chance but is based solidly on the understanding that the problem is
May 3, 2016 Applied Mathematical Finance main
not linearly separable and hence the entire suite of SVM type classifiers or related machine learning
algorithms should not work very well. The solution approach adopted is a paradigm shift in this
class of problems and minor modifications may work very well for slight variations in the problem
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Supplementary resource (1)

... This study utilizes historical stock price data from the United States of America (US) Apple Inc., which includes key financial indicators such as opening price, closing price, daily highs and lows, and trading volume. Sourced from a reputable financial database that monitors the market activity of various stocks [10], this dataset serves as a critical foundation for training and testing KNN and neural network models aimed at forecasting future stock prices. In the preprocessing phase, the data undergoes several key transformations, including normalization, scaling, and whitening. ...
... [10] demonstrated KNN's high accuracy when combined with RF under specific conditions. ...
Full-text available
This study delves into the utilization of machine learning techniques for predicting stock prices, a critical area that heavily influences financial planning and investment decisions. The research focuses on constructing and assessing the effectiveness of various predictive models, with an emphasis on K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). Using Apple Inc.'s stock data as a case study, the findings reveal that the KNN model demonstrates superior predictive accuracy compared to LSTM and RNN models, suggesting that it may be more effective for stock price forecasting under certain conditions. This comparative analysis highlights the importance of selecting the appropriate model for financial forecasting and showcases the potential advantages of traditional machine learning models like KNN in comparison to more complex deep learning approaches. These results highlight the significance of selecting models that suit the underlying data characteristics. Despite the complexity of LSTM and RNN, the simpler KNN model demonstrates superior performance, suggesting that advanced models may not always guarantee better outcomes. This insight provides valuable guidance for investors and analysts in optimizing stock prediction methods and refining investment strategies by considering model simplicity and effectiveness over complexity. The findings emphasize the importance of model selection in financial forecasting, where simpler methods can sometimes yield more accurate results.
... The authors focus on the feature of Random Forest in handling data with huge dimensions and its resisting overfitting characteristic; meanwhile, the authors argue that by considering many financial indicators and macroeconomic variables, their model achieves higher accuracy and reliability compared with traditional methods. The research proves that there are patterns of complicated combinations existing in the finance data that can be caught efficiently by Random Forest, offering valuable knowledge about the dynamics of the stock market and enlightening investors about good choices [11]. Chen and Guestrin introduced XGBoost claiming it to be an efficient scalable implementation of gradient boosting decision trees. ...
Full-text available
This research proposes a Meta learning framework for financial time series forecasting, designed to rapidly adapt to novel market conditions with minimal retraining. The framework operates in two stages: 1) pretraining on a diverse set of financial datasets, including stocks (e.g., MSFT, AAPL) and cryptocurrencies (e.g., BTC, ETH), and 2) fine-tuning on recent data to adapt to new markets. The model utilizes XGBoost with dynamic feature engineering, which adjusts technical indicators (e.g., Relative Strength Index, Bollinger Bands) to account for evolving market conditions. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves significant improvements in Root Mean Squared Error (15%) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (10%) compared to traditional methods, such as simple moving averages and exponential smoothing. These findings highlight the framework's robustness, scalability, and ability to manage dynamic market behaviors, making it an effective tool for both short-term traders and long-term investors. Compared to LSTM-GARCH, the proposed Meta learning model achieves an RMSE of 0.82 (versus up to 10.11), an MAE of 0.61 (versus up to 8.39), and a DA of 67.33% (versus up to 50.44%). INDEX TERMS Meta-learning techniques, financial market prediction, gradient boosting algorithms, advanced feature selection, dynamic predictive models, machine learning in finance, adaptive forecasting approaches.
... When differentiation, a series's current values are deducted from its historical values d times [14]. The relationship between a measurement and the residual error of a moving average model applied to lag-time independent data is leveraged by the MA(q) Moving Average model.Three basic approaches are combined by the ARIMA methodology [20]: Autocorrelation: First, as indicated by the "p" esteem in the representation, auto-replace estimates of a specific time arrangement information are relapsed alone slacked esteems. ...
The stock market is a place where one can create fortune without physical activity. Stock market is one kind of financial market-place in which buyers and sellers trade the company's shares in the open market. Nowadays, everybody is interested in the stock market. Many people are losing money simply because of proper ignorance over the stock market. In this research, Simulations are going to check the machine learning algorithms to analyze the feature stock price and market behavior. These computer algorithms have been employed to forecast share values in the stock market to prevent losses and increase wealth. Artificial intelligence will examine information testimony for strategic insight. A simple difference between system learning and historical recursive text analysis is, while the popular algorithms simply scan a text for some specific keywords, machine learning understands what those words actually mean.
... Researchers also apply supervised machine learnings like support vector machines and artificial neural networks as the simulated model to predict the stocks' performance [6]. What is more, researchers also apply a popular suite of algorithms called Random Forest Classifier to predict the direction of stock market based on Relative Strength Index and stochastic oscillator [7]. Besides, Meher has utilized random forest algorithm to construct model to forecasting stock prices of fintech companies of India [8]. ...
Full-text available
As US Federal Reverse Systems has continued to raise federal funds in the past few years in order to curb inflation, this has had a huge impact on chinese capital market. Investors and financial institude are actively engaged in predicting stock returns to maximize their investment income. This study constructs a model to analyze and predict the financial factor of stock income based on supervised machine learning methods and evaluate the results. The datasample is extracted from wind, for the period half a year before and after the recent federal funds rate hike. Utilizing machine learning packages in R, this paper construct models based on linear discriminant analysis, decision tree and random forest models. After constructing estimation models, this paper visualizes the prediction result by utilizing drawing package in R. It has been found that the random forest algorithm predicting model generates very successful results for the financial factor prediction as the model accuracy reaches 99%. According to the analysis, relevant model to predict financial factors and non-financial factors based on non-linear supervised machine learning algorithm can be built by investors or hedge fund agency to estimate stock performance in the future. This study also investigates the economic result of the Federal Funds Rate hikes, which is instructive for investors to make well-informed decisions.
... Meta learning is especially grounded in the capacity to leverage knowledge learned from one task to be used on another. [15]. Chen and Guestrin (2016) introduced XGBoost claiming it to be an efficient scalable implementation of gradient boosting decision trees. ...
Full-text available
It represents a meta learning framework for financial time series forecasting that can adapt pretty easily to new financial market datasets with very small retrains. In this methodology, it works in two stages: the first one is the training of the meta-model on multiples of financial time series, and the other adapts this meta-model to a novel market based on the latest available data. This work improves the adaptability of the model over a wide range of financial instruments with dynamic feature augmentation. The performance results of the adapted model compared against baseline methods show better accuracy and adaptability. The contribution of this research is towards analyzing the time series of financials, which provides an easily applicable solution for building flexible models adaptable for forecasting deployable across different financial instruments.
... When the data is examined for the relevant period, it is observed that Model 2 has 87,5% "Hedge" result and the remaining 12,5% might have had more effect on the results than anticipated. Similar situation is observed in case of Model 7, where 83,3% "Hedge" is present in model data, whereas only 16% "Hedge" is actualized in test data, which might Khaidem et al. (2016) has a similar motivation, which approaches the forecasting problem as a classification topic and uses RFT. Their findings urge them to use the algorithm in order to reduce prediction errors. ...
Full-text available
Stock markets are places where investors meet the companies who seek capital to expand their business. One of the aims of investors is to hedge their capital against inflation and valuation of reserve currency, US Dollar. In this study, we apply various machine learning algorithms to predict hedge-ability of Turkiye’s and Germany’s stock markets. For this purpose, the automotive industry became subject for both countries. The outcomes of the study indicate machine learning algorithms are promising for prediction. However, they lack consistency and precision. Yet, it is possible to distinguish certain algorithms and try to improve performances with additional inputs, parameter tuning and more data. The algorithms should be combined with other methods for better results. It might also be beneficial if the study is supported by the views of sector experts.
Financial engineering such as trading decision is an emerging research area and also has great commercial potentials. A successful stock buying/selling generally occurs near price trend turning point. Traditional technical analysis relies on some statistics (i.e. technical indicators) to predict turning point of the trend. However, these indicators can not guarantee the accuracy of prediction in chaotic domain. In this paper, we propose an intelligent financial trading system through a new approach: learn trading strategy by probabilistic model from high-level representation of time series–turning points and technical indicators. The main contributions of this paper are two-fold. First, we utilize high-level representation (turning point and technical indicators). High-level representation has several advantages such as insensitive to noise and intuitive to human being. However, it is rarely used in past research. Technical indicator is the knowledge from professional investors, which can generally characterize the market. Second, by combining high-level representation with probabilistic model, the randomness and uncertainty of chaotic system is further reduced. In this way, we achieve great results (comprehensive experiments on S&P500 components) in a chaotic domain in which the prediction is thought impossible in the past.
The efficient market hypothesis gives rise to forecasting tests that mirror those adopted when testing the optimality of a forecast in the context of a given information set. However, there are also important differences arising from the fact that market efficiency tests rely on establishing profitable trading opportunities in ‘real time’. Forecasters constantly search for predictable patterns and affect prices when they attempt to exploit trading opportunities. Stable forecasting patterns are therefore unlikely to persist for long periods of time and will self-destruct when discovered by a large number of investors. This gives rise to non-stationarities in the time series of financial returns and complicates both formal tests of market efficiency and the search for successful forecasting approaches.
Conference Paper
We provide a method for estimating the generalization error of a bag using out-of-bag estimates. In bagging, each pre- dictor (single hypothesis) is learned from a bootstrap sam- ple of the training examples; the output of a bag (a set of predictors) on an example is determined by voting. The out- of-bag estimate is based on recording the votes of each pre- dictor on those training examples omitted from its bootstrap sample. Because no additional predictors are generated, the out-of-bag estimate requires considerably less time than 10- fold cross-validation. We address the question of how to use the out-of-bag estimate to estimate generalization error. Our experiments on several datasets show that the out-of-bag estimate and 10-fold cross-validation have very inaccurate (much too optimistic) confidence levels. We can improve the out-of-bag estimate by incorporating a correction.
Research on this project was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. I am indebted to Arthur Laffer, Robert Aliber, Ray Ball, Michael Jensen, James Lorie, Merton Miller, Charles Nelson, Richard Roll, William Taylor, and Ross Watts for their helpful comments.
This paper investigates the predictability of spot foreign exchange rate returns from past buy-sell signals of the simple technical trading rules by using the nearest neighbors and the feedforward network regressions. The optimal choices for nearest neighbors, hidden units in a feedforward network and the training set are determined by the cross validation method which minimizes the mean square error. Although this method is computationally expensive the results indicate that it has the advantage of avoiding overfitting in noisy environments and indicate that simple technical rules provide significant forecast improvements for the current returns over the random walk model.
Revolutions often spawn counterrevolutions and the efficient market hypothesis in finance is no exception. The intellectual dominance of the efficient-market revolution has more been challenged by economists who stress psychological and behaviorial elements of stock-price determination and by econometricians who argue that stock returns are, to a considerable extent, predictable. This survey examines the attacks on the efficient market hypothesis and the relationship between predictability and efficiency. I conclude that our stock markets are more efficient and less predictable than many recent academic papers would have us believe.
The topic of data warehousing encompasses architectures, algorithms, and tools for bringing together selected data from multiple databases or other information sources into a single repository, called a data warehouse, suitable for direct querying or analysis. In recent years data warehousing has become a prom inent buzzword in the database industry, but attention from the database research community has been lim ited. In this paper we motivate the concept of a data warehouse, we outline a general data warehousing arch itecture, and we propose a number of technical issues arising from the architecture that we believe are suitable topics for exploratory research. 1 Introduction Prov iding integrated access to multiple, distributed, heterogeneous databases and other information sources has become one of the leading issues in database research and industry [6]. In the research commun ity, most approaches to the data integration prob lem are based on the following very genera l two-step ...