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Elasmobranch captures in the Fijian pelagic longline fishery


Abstract and Figures

Pelagic longline fisheries for relatively fecund tuna and tuna‐like species can have large adverse effects on incidentally caught species with low‐fecundity, including elasmobranchs. Analyses of observer programme data from the Fiji longline fishery from 2011 to 2014 were conducted to characterize the shark and ray catch composition and identify factors that significantly explained standardized catch rates. Catch data were fitted to generalized linear models to identify potentially significant explanatory variables. With a nominal catch rate of 0.610 elasmobranchs per 1000 hooks, a total of 27 species of elasmobranchs were captured, 48% of which are categorized as Threatened under the IUCN Red List. Sharks and rays made up 2.4% and 1.4%, respectively, of total fish catch. Blue sharks and pelagic stingrays accounted for 51% and 99% of caught sharks and rays, respectively. There was near elimination of ‘shark lines’, branchlines set at or near the sea surface via attachment directly to floats, after 2011. Of caught elasmobranchs, 35% were finned, 11% had the entire carcass retained, and the remainder was released alive or discarded dead. Finning of elasmobranchs listed in CITES Appendix II was not observed in 2014. There were significantly higher standardized shark and ray catch rates on narrower J‐shaped hooks than on wider circle hooks. Based on findings from previous studies on single factor effects of hook width and shape, the smaller minimum width of the J‐shaped hooks may have caused the higher shark and ray catch rates. For sharks, the effect of hook width may have exceeded the effect of hook shape, where small increases in shark catch rates have been observed on circle vs J‐shaped hooks. Shark and ray standardized catch rates were lowest in the latter half of the year. Focusing effort during the second half of the year could reduce elasmobranch catch rates. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Elasmobranch captures in the Fijian pelagic longline shery
The University of the South Pacic, Suva, Fiji
Hawaii Pacic University, Honolulu, USA
1. Pelagic longline sheries for relatively fecund tuna and tuna-like species can have large adverse effects on
incidentally caught species with low-fecundity, including elasmobranchs.
2. Analyses of observer programme data from the Fiji longline shery from 2011 to 2014 were conducted to
characterize the shark and ray catch composition and identify factors that signicantly explained standardized
catch rates. Catch data were tted to generalized linear models to identify potentially signicant explanatory
3. With a nominal catch rate of 0.610 elasmobranchs per 1000 hooks, a total of 27 species of elasmobranchs were
captured, 48% of which are categorized as Threatened under the IUCN Red List. Sharks and rays made up 2.4%
and 1.4%, respectively, of total sh catch. Blue sharks and pelagic stingrays accounted for 51% and 99% of caught
sharks and rays, respectively.
4. There was near elimination of shark lines, branchlines set at or near the sea surface via attachment directly to
oats, after 2011.
5. Of caught elasmobranchs, 35% were nned, 11% had the entire carcass retained, and the remainder was
released alive or discarded dead. Finning of elasmobranchs listed in CITES Appendix II was not observed in 2014.
6. There were signicantly higher standardized shark and ray catch rates on narrower J-shaped hooks than on
wider circle hooks. Based on ndings from previous studies on single factor effects of hook width and shape, the
smaller minimum width of the J-shaped hooks may have caused the higher shark and ray catch rates. For sharks,
the effect of hook width may have exceeded the effect of hook shape, where small increases in shark catch rates
have been observed on circle vs J-shaped hooks.
7. Shark and ray standardized catch rates were lowest in the latter half of the year. Focusing effort during the
second half of the year could reduce elasmobranch catch rates.
Copyright #2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received 19 November 2015; Revised 04 March 2016; Accepted 25 March 2016
KEY WORDS: conservation evaluation; endangered species; sh; shing; ocean; protected species
Mortality in pelagic sheries directly impacts both
market and non-market species, and can have
broad effects on community and ecosystem
structure, processes and stability (Goñi, 1998;
Stevens et al., 2000; Piovano et al., 2009, 2010;
*Correspondence to: Susanna Piovano, The University of the South Pacic, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Laucala campus, private mail
bag, Suva, Fiji. Email:
Copyright #2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. (2016)
Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2666
Gilman et al., 2013a, b; Polovina and
Woodworth-Jefcoats, 2013). Fisheries that target
species with r-selected life-history characteristics,
including high fecundity, fast growth, and high
natural mortality rates, such as tuna and tuna-like
species (Scombridae), can have strong effects on
incidentally caught species with k-selected
life-history strategies, including low fecundity and
slow growth, such as elasmobranchs (Dulvy et al.,
2008; Gilman, 2011; Croll et al., 2015). As a result
of their life-history characteristics and behaviours
such as forming aggregations for mating and
pupping and at nursery grounds, elasmobranchs
and other k-selected species have low resistance
and resilience to even low levels of anthropogenic
sources of mortality (Casey and Myers, 1998;
Musick, 1999; Hall et al., 2000; Stevens et al.,
2000; Dulvy et al., 2008). Longline shing
mortality affects the abundance of pelagic sharks
much more strongly than most other pelagic apex
predator species, where even moderate shing
mortality rates can trigger large population
declines for some species (Musick et al., 2000;
Kitchell et al., 2002).
Some species of elasmobranchs captured in
pelagic longline sheries are at risk of global
extinction, and some populations are at risk of
extirpation (Dulvy et al., 2014; IUCN, 2015).
There has been increasing concern in recent
decades over the sustainability of elasmobranch
mortality rates in pelagic longline sheries, over
the broad, community- and ecosystem-level effects
from declines in abundance of species and sizes of
elasmobranchs selectively caught by pelagic
longline sheries, as well as over the adverse
socio-economic effects on longline sheries from
shark interactions (Musick et al., 2000; Stevens
et al., 2000; Ward and Myers, 2005; Clarke et al.,
2006, 2011, 2013, 2014; Dulvy et al., 2008; Ferretti
et al., 2008, 2010; Gilman et al., 2008a, 2012;
Mandelman et al., 2008; Cortes et al., 2010; Worm
et al., 2013). Longline shing mortality of some
elasmobranch species has the capacity to be
sustainably managed if robust harvest strategies
were adopted and there was high compliance with
harvest controls (Walker, 1998; Musick et al., 2000).
Mitigating shing mortality of incidentally
caught species that are relatively vulnerable to
extinction owing to their life-history characteristics
and susceptibility to capture and mortality in
sheries, which is one element of ecosystem-based
sheries management, has received substantial
international attention since the late 1990s (Clarke
et al., 2014; Gilman et al., 2014). A range of
effective and commercially viable methods to
mitigate problematic pelagic longline bycatch has
been developed, although there has been mixed
progress in uptake of these best practices (Gilman,
2011; Piovano et al., 2012; Gilman et al., 2014).
With increasing pelagic shing catch and effort
since the early 1950s, biomass and exploitation
rate limit reference points of some stocks of main
market species of tunas have been exceeded
(Williams and Terawasi, 2014; ISSF, 2015). While
the observed declines in abundance of highly
fecund, broadcast spawning, market species are
unlikely to result in irreparable harm or loss of
populations, longline sheries may cause broader
protracted or permanent changes to the structure
and functioning of pelagic ecosystems (Myers
et al., 1999; Essington, 2010; Gilman et al.,
2013a). There is increasing understanding of
community- and ecosystem-level effects of the
selective removals of pelagic apex predators by
pelagic longline sheries, largely from species- and
more recently size-based ecosystem trophic
interaction models and some empirical studies
(Cox et al., 2002; Kitchell et al., 2002; Hinke
et al., 2004; Polovina et al., 2009; Polovina and
Woodworth-Jefcoats, 2013). Collateral, indirect
effects of pelagic longline and other tuna sheries
include, for example, altered pelagic trophic
structure and processes, where the selective
removal of older age classes of a subset of species
of a pelagic ecosystem apex predator guild has
cascading effects on the pelagic ecosystem food
web. For example, pelagic longline selective
removal of apex predators has resulted in a
top-down trophic effect by releasing pressure and
increasing abundance of mid-trophic level species,
altering the ecosystem size structure with a decline
in abundance of large-sized species of sh and
increase in abundance of smaller-sized species, and
possibly altering the lengthfrequency distribution
of populations subject to shing mortality (Ward
and Myers, 2005; Gilman et al., 2012). The
Copyright #2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. (2016)
selective removal of some species from the pelagic
ecosystem apex predators guild may alter the
relative abundance of species within this trophic
level, while the selective removal of large
individuals could be a driver favouring genotypes
for maturation at an earlier age, smaller-size and
slower-growth, potentially altering the
lengthfrequency distributions (size structure) and
evolutionary characteristics of affected populations
(Stevens et al., 2000; Ward and Myers, 2005; Zhou
et al., 2010; Gilman et al., 2012).
Previous studies that have assessed elasmobranch
catches in longline sheries have largely been from
developed countries, with very few papers focusing
or including the Pacic Small Island Developing
States (Gilman et al., 2008b, 2015; Bromhead
et al., 2012; Godin et al., 2012; Favaro and Cote,
2015). Fiji, in the south-west Pacic Ocean, is
composed of about 300 islands and has an exclusive
economic zone (EEZ) of about 1 290 000 km
national commercial shery focuses on tunas
captured by pelagic longline gear. The domestic
industrial tuna longline eet developed in the 1990s
and in these last 20 years has targeted primarily
albacore tuna (Gillett, 2007; Fiji Offshore Fisheries
Division, 2015). In 2014, there were 60 longline
vessels licensed to sh in the Fiji EEZ, of which 50
were Fiji-agged, and an additional 45 Fiji-agged
vessels were authorized to sh exclusively on the
high seas and in EEZs of other PacicIsland
States (Fiji Offshore Fisheries Division, 2015). In
2014, the Fiji national eet landed 6703t of
albacore tuna (50% of total retained catch), 3558t
of yellown tuna (26%), 1560t of bigeye tuna
(12%), and 1667t of other market species (billshes
and tuna-like species, 12%) (Fiji Offshore Fisheries
Division, 2015). The Fiji albacore tuna longline
shery was certied according to the Marine
Stewardship Council standards on 13 December
2012. Between 1999 and 2005, an estimated 78
90% of caught sharks were nned and their
carcasses discarded (SPC unpublished data cited in
Thomson, 2007).
The goal of this study was to assess the impact of
the Fijian longline shery on elasmobranchs by
analysing the Fiji Observer Programme 20112014
dataset (1) to identify the groups of sharks
(Selachii) and rays (Batoidea) most heavily caught,
and (2) to identify potentially signicant variables
inuencing catch rates of Selachii and Batoidea.
Findings will help to improve the understanding of
elasmobranch longline shing mortality in Pacic
Small Island Developing States.
Fiji Observer Programme (FOP) data for the Fiji
longline tuna shery were analysed. The Fiji
longline observer programme dataset is subject to
government condentiality restrictions for the
protection of condential sheries statistics. Third
parties require authorization from Fiji Department
of Fisheries to obtain access to data.
FOP data provided for this study by the Fiji
Department of Fisheries, Offshore Division,
covered 2367 longline sets, 85.80% targeting tunas,
0.08% targeting both tunas and swordsh, and
1.27% targeting both tunas and sharks. No
information on target species was recorded for the
remaining 12.85% of the sets. The study period,
based on availability of FOP data for the Fiji
longline shery, was from January 2011 to
December 2014. During this period, the observer
coverage rate increased from 3.0% to 16.7% (Fiji
Offshore Fisheries Division, 2015). FOP adheres
to the Secretariat of the Pacic Community data
collection protocols for tuna shery observer
programmes (SPC, 2011) and Fijis observers are
certied under the SPC/FFA PIRFO standards
(Fiji Offshore Fisheries Division, 2013).
Statistical analysis
Generalized linear models (GLMs) were used to
identify potentially signicant variables inuencing
catch rates of Selachii and Batoidea in longline
sets targeting only tunas (2031 sets). Only sets with
information for all variables selected for inclusion
as GLM terms were included in the study sample
(1679 sets). Explanatory variables considered for
inclusion in the model were the continuous
variable number of hooks(centring was done
before the analysis) and factors type of hook
(J-shaped hooks, including J and Japanese tuna
hooks; circle hooks; and sets employing a mix of
Copyright #2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. (2016)
J-shaped and circle hooks in various proportions);
bait size(weight was used for this variable, which
included two categories of small and large baits,
determined using the median of weights used per
set); branchline distance(the distance between
two consecutive branchlines was used; the variable
was made up of two categories of short and long
distance determined using median branchline
distance in a set); year(2011, 2012, 2013 and
2014); and quarter(four 3-month periods
categories were used: 1st quarter: JanuaryMarch,
2nd quarter: AprilJune, 3rd quarter
JulySeptember, 4th quarter: OctoberDecember).
The best tting model was selected based on
analysis of Akaikes Information Criterion (AIC),
where the model with the lowest AIC value and
the smallest difference in AIC values (ΔAIC) had
the best t to the dataset. GLMs were run with R
statistical software version 3.2.0 (R Core Team,
2015) with packages doBy (Højsgaard and
Halekoh, 2014), pscl (Jackman, 2015) and MASS
(Venables and Ripley, 2002).
In total, 3859 elasmobranch captures were
recorded, with an overall nominal catch per unit
effort (CPUE) of 0.610 elasmobranchs per 1000
hooks (Table 1). Of the 3815 elasmobranchs
observed captured for which information on the
fate was recorded, 34.6% had ns retained and the
remaining carcass discarded, 10.9% had the entire
carcass retained, 45.8% were released alive, and
8.7% were discarded dead.
Selachii constituted 2.4% of the total number of sh
captured and composed 62.6% of the overall
number of elasmobranchs caught. In total, 27
Table 1. Elasmobranchs capture per unit of effort (CPUE number of shark captures per 1000 hooks), separated for subclass, family (in alphabetical
order) and species (in alphabetical order)
Common English name Scientic name CPUE per 1000 hooks IUCN category
Dasyatidae Pelagic stingray Pteroplatytrigon violacea 0.2252 LC
Mobulidae Giant oceanic manta ray Manta birostris 0.0021 VU
Alopiidae Pelagic thresher Alopias pelagicus 0.0022 VU
Bigeye thresher Alopias superciliosus 0.0081 VU
Thresher shark Alopias vulpinus 0.0003 VU
Carcharhinidae Silvertip shark Carcharhinus albimarginatus 0.0022 NT
Grey reef shark Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos 0.0013 NT
Bronze whaler Carcharhinus brachyurus 0.0100 NT
Silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis 0.0430 NT
Galapagos shark Carcharhinus galapagensis 0.0003 NT
Blacktip shark Carcharhinus limbatus 0.0027 NT
Oceanic whitetip shark Carcharhinus longimanus 0.0174 VU
Blacktip reef shark Carcharhinus melanopterus 0.0003 NT
Sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus 0.0016 VU
Tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier 0.0014 NT
Blue shark Prionace glauca 0.1932 NT
Whitetip reef shark Triaenodon obesus 0.0005 NT
Dalatiidae Kiten shark Dalatias licha 0.0002 NT
Cookiecutter shark Isistius brasiliensis 0.0014 LC
Lamnidae Great white shark Carcharodon carcharias 0.0002 VU
Shortn mako Isurus oxyrhinchus 0.0670 VU
Longn mako Isurus paucus 0.0144 VU
Somniosidae Velvet dogsh Zameus squamulosus 0.0003
Sphyrnidae Scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewini 0.0030 EN
Great hammerhead Sphyrna mokarran 0.0019 EN
Smooth hammerhead Sphyrna zygaena 0.0024 EN
Triakidae Whiskery shark Galeorhinus galeus 0.0005 VU
IUCN category (LC = Least Concern, NT = Near Threatened, VU = Vulnerable, EN = Endangered) is provided for those species with adequate data
(IUCN, 2015).
Copyright #2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. (2016)
species of Selachii were observed captured
(Table 1). Blue shark Prionace glauca was the
predominant Selachii captured (50.6% of Selachii).
A number of distributions were initially
considered to model the count data in a GLM
framework (Zuur et al., 2009): Poisson,
zero-altered Poisson (ZAP), negative binomial
(NB) and zero-altered negative binomial (ZANB).
The Poisson distribution is commonly used to
model count data, but initial model explorations
indicated that the observed counts were
zero-inated. A hurdle model using a ZAP
distribution was then used, which substantially
improved the t. Hurdle models are designed to
account for two different processes being
responsible for captures (versus non-capture) and
for the number of sh captured (i.e. a different
process is responsible for inuencing the number
of captures). Owing to overdispersion, a NB
model was tted, which further improved the t
compared with the Poisson models. Finally a
hurdle model using a ZANB distribution was
applied, which resulted in a small but signicant
additional increase in model t (Table 2).
All four models were clearly distinguishable
based on ΔAIC values (Table 2). The ZANB
model best explained shark captures (Table 2).
ZANB is a hurdle model that models the
probability that a zero value (no capture) is
observed based on zeros (no capture of sharks on
the set) versus non-zeros (at least one capture of
sharks in a set). Probability of capture was
signicantly inuenced by quarter and type of
hooks (Table 3). The odds ratio was 0.7220 (95%
Table 3. Signicant variables modelled with ZANB (with coefcient estimate, standard error SE, and probability P). (A) Zeros component (binomial distribution). (B) Count component
(truncated negative binomial distribution)
Selachii Batoidea
Zeros component Counts component Zeros component Counts component
estimate SE P
estimate SE P
estimate SE P
estimate SE P
Year 2013 1.5309 0.4995 0.002
Quarter 2nd quarter 0.2746 0.1216 0.024
3rd quarter 0.3257 0.1480 0.028 0.5550 0.1622 <0.001 0.6988 0.1457 <0.001 0.6988 0.1457 <0.001
4th quarter 0.5379 0.1524 <0.001 0.3667 0.1720 0.033 0.9240 0.1652 <0.001 0.8074 0.1681 <0.001
Type of hooks J 0.4127 0.1356 0.002 1.3645 0.1455 <0.001 0.7393 0.1234 <0.001
Mix 0.6714 0.1890 <0.001 0.6334 0.1686 <0.001
Number of hooks 0.0003 <0.001 <0.001 0.0002 0.0001 0.018 0.0003 0.0001 0.011
Bait size Small bait 0.3246 0.1215 0.008 0.4778 0.1157 <0.001
distance Short 0.4831 0.1162 <0.001 0.2511 0.1118 0.025
Table 2. Model comparison using Akaikes Information Criterion
(AIC). Models compared used Poisson distribution (Poisson),
zero-altered Poisson distribution (ZAP), negative binomial
distribution (NB) and zero-altered negative binomial (ZANB).
ZANB 4700.03 0.00
NB 4707.03 7.00
ZAP 4978.84 278.81
Poisson 5435.96 735.93
ZANB 3542.35 0.00
NB 3570.47 28.12
ZAP 3570.57 28.22
Poisson 3887.14 344.79
Copyright #2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. (2016)
CI: 0.54020.9650) in the 3rd quarter of the year
and 0.5840 (95% CI: 0.43320.7872) in the 4th
quarter, compared with the 1st quarter of the year,
which was used as the reference category for this
factor. The odds ratio of a capture in sets using
only J-shaped hooks was 1.5109 (95% CI: 1.1584
1.9708) relative to sets using only circle hooks,
and 1.9569 (95% CI: 1.35112.8344) for sets
using a mix of J-shaped and circle hooks, again
relative to sets with 100% circle hooks. The
second part of ZANB modelled the non-zero
observations by excluding the zero values with a
truncated negative binomial distribution. The
number of captures was signicantly inuenced
by factors year and quarter, and by the
covariate number of hooks (Table 3). In detail,
the odds ratio for the number of captures in
2013 was 4.6221 (95% CI: 1.736512.3028) that
in 2011. With respect to quarter, the odds ratio
for the number of sharks captured in the 3rd
quarter was 0.5741 (95% CI: 0.41770.7889)
that in the 1st quarter of the year, and in the
4th quarter the odds ratio was 0.6930 (95% CI:
0.49470.9709) that in the 1st quarter. The odds
ratio for the number of sharks captured also
increased with increasing number of hooks per
set (1.0003, 95% CI: 1.00011.0004).
Shark species in CITES appendix II
Captures of oceanic whitetip shark Carcharhinus
When using the full dataset, which includes
longline sets targeting both tunas and sharks, for
the period 20112012, all 17 oceanic whitetips
captured were discarded after nning (a practice
in which ns are removed and retained, while
the rest of the body is discarded at sea). In 2013,
62 oceanic whitetips were captured, of which for
13% the entire sh was retained, 60% were
discarded after nning, 8% were discarded dead
and 19% were released alive. Of the 30 whitetip
sharks captured in 2014, for 7% the entire sh
was retained, 3% were discarded after nning,
27% were discarded dead and 63% released alive
(Figure 1).
Captures of hammerhead sharks Sphyrna lewini,
Sphyrna mokarran and Sphyrna zygaena
When using the full dataset, 46 hammerhead
sharks were captured in the period 20112014,
87% of which were caught during 2013. The
majority of hammerheads (80%) were discarded
after nning (Figure 2). In 2014 only two
hammerheads were observed captured, of which
one was retained and the other released alive.
Captures of great white shark Carcharodon
A single specimen was captured in 2013, which was
Batoidea constituted 1.4% of the total number of
sh captured and 37.4% of the total number of
captured elasmobranchs. Pelagic stingrays
Pteroplatytrigon violacea made up 98.7% of the
rays (Table 1).
Figure 2. Fate of hammerhead sharks Sphyrna lewini,Sphyrna
mokarran and Sphyrna zygaena after capture in the longline gear
(cumulative data expressed as percentage per year, N = 46).
Figure 1. Fate of oceanic whitetip sharks Carcharhinus longimanus after
capture in the longline gear (expressed as percentage per year, N = 109).
Copyright #2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. (2016)
As was done for the Selachii, a number of
distributions were initially considered to model the
Batoidea count data in a GLM framework:
Poisson, ZAP, NB and ZANB.
Models were clearly distinguishable based on
ΔAIC values except ZAP and NB (Table 2), for
which ΔAIC was 0.10. The best tting model to
explain rays captures was ZANB, which scored
the lowest AIC. As explained previously in the
Selachii section, ZANB is a hurdle model that
allows the separation of variables inuencing the
probability of a capture (using the category 0 for
no capture and the category 1 for at least one
capture recorded in a set) from those that
inuence the number of captures (where only
observation of captures are used, and no capture
observations are excluded). Probability of capture
was signicantly inuenced by several factors
(quarter, type of hooks, bait size, and branchline
distance) and by the continuous variable number
of hooks (Table 3). The odds ratio of a capture in
the 3rd quarter was 0.2503 (95% CI: 0.1807
0.3466), compared with the 1st quarter, while the
odds ratio of capture in the 4th quarter was 0.3969
(95% CI: 0.28720.5487) relative to the 1st
quarter. The odds ratio of capture on J-shaped
hooks was 3.9137 (95% CI: 2.94275.2053) relative
to sets using only circle hooks. The odds ratio for
small bait was 1.3834 (95% CI: 1.09031.7554),
and that of short branchlines distance (a proxy to
indicate shallower hook soak depth) was 0.6168
(95% CI: 0.49120.7746). The odds ratio of a
capture with an increasing number of hooks per
set was 1.0002 (95% CI: 1.000041.0004). The
same factors (quarter, type of hook, bait size, and
branchline distance) and the continuous variable
number of hooks per set also signicantly
inuenced the number of rays captured (Table 3).
The odds ratio of the number of rays captured was
0.7599 (95% CI: 0.59880.9644) in the 2nd quarter
of the year, 0.4972 (95% CI: 0.37370.6616) in the
3rd quarter, and 0.4460 (95% CI: 0.32080.6200)
in the 4th quarter, relative to the 1st quarter. For
the type of hook, the odds ratio of number of
captures on sets with 100% J-shaped hooks was
2.0945 (95% CI: 1.64472.6674) relative to sets
using only circle hooks, and was 1.8840 (95% CI:
1.35382.6218) for sets using a mix of circle and
J-shaped hooks relative to sets using only circle
hooks. The odds ratio for small bait size was
1.6122 (95% CI: 1.28052.0227), and 0.7780 (95%
CI: 0.62490.9686) for short branchline distance.
The odds ratio for the number of rays captured
also increased with increasing number of hooks
per set (1.0003, 95% CI: 1.00011.0005).
Ray species in CITES appendix II
Captures of manta ray Manta birostris
Using the full dataset, which includes longline sets
targeting both tunas and sharks, 13 manta rays
were captured in the period 20112014, of which
77% were captured during 2014. 39% of manta
rays were nned with the remaining carcass
discarded (Figure 3).
On-board observers recorded the use of shark lines
in more than half of observed sets in 2011 (59% of
sets monitored), while in the next 2 years it
dropped to about 1% (0.8% in 2012 and 1.1% in
2013). In 2014 there were no records of shark line
use. This rapid decline in shark line use was likely
a response to a national ban on shark lines that
came into effect in 2012 (Fiji Offshore Division,
2013). This preceded the adoption in 2014 of a
replacement conservation and management
measure (CMM) on sharks by the Western and
Central Pacic Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)
that allowed parties, including Fiji, to either ban
the use of wire leaders on branchlines or the use of
shark lines (WCPFC, 2014). Shark lines place
baited hooks near the surface by attaching
branchlines directly to oats instead of to the
Figure 3. Fate of manta ray Manta birostris after capture in the longline
gear (expressed as percentage, N = 13).
Copyright #2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. (2016)
mainline, and large pieces of tuna or incidental
catch are often used for bait. Catch rates of some
shark species on shark lines have been found to be
signicantly higher and haulback survival rates
signicantly lower than on hooks between oats
(Bromhead et al., 2012; Caneco et al., 2014;
Gilman and Hall, 2015). Banning shark lines
effectively reduces shark catch rates and does not
pose a conict with by-catch mitigation of other
taxonomic groups of conservation concern
(Gilman et al., 2016).
Hook type had a signicant effect on capture
probability for both shark and ray standardized
catch rate models. The odds of shark capture
on sets that used only J-shaped hooks were
about 1.5 times greater than on sets that used
only circle hooks. Sets using only J-shaped
hooks had even greater odds of capturing rays,
estimated to be about 4 times higher than sets
using only circle hooks. There are potential
confounding factors in this variable, because
several sizes of hooks with different minimum
widths were deployed, even within the same set,
and because the J-shaped hook category
included both Japanese tuna hooks and J hooks,
shank, but have differences in other design
elements (e.g. Japanese tuna hooks have a bend
in the upper portion of the shank, J hooks have
a straight shank). Hook shape and minimum
affect shark and ray catch rates (reviewed in
Gilman and Hall, 2015; Gilman et al., 2016).
Most previous studies have found higher shark
catch rates on circle hooks than on J-shaped
hooks, and lower ray catch rates the wider the
hook (Vega and Licandeo, 2009; Ward et al.,
2009; Piovano et al., 2010; Curran and Beverly,
2012; Serafy et al., 2012; Andraka et al., 2013).
However, as in the current study, most of these
past studies had simultaneous variability in
hook shape and width, leader material and
other potentially signicant explanatory
variables. Circle hooks tend to result in lower
rates of foul hooking and tend to catch in the
corner of the mouth, while J-shaped hooks tend
to result in deep hooking. Owing to the
prevalent hooking location, when non-wire
leaders are used, J-shaped hooks are expected to
result in lower shark catch rates than circle
hooks, as deeply-hooked sharks are able to bite
through the non-wire leader, while mouth-
hooked sharks cannot escape by biting through
the leader. For species that tend to be caught
by ingesting a baited hook, hook size affects
susceptibility to capture, as the larger the hook,
the lower the probability that an organism can
titinitsmouth(Yokotaet al., 2012).
Type of hooks, bait size and branchline distance
inuenced the number of rays captured but not
that of sharks. In sets using J-shaped hooks (either
all hooks were J-shaped or a portion of the hooks
were J-shaped), the use of small bait resulted in an
increased capture rate of rays, while short
branchline distance (<17 m) (an indicator that the
gear soaked at a relatively shallow soak depth),
decreased the odds of ray capture. While no
signicant interaction among these factors was
observed in the current study, J-shaped hooks and
small-sized bait were found to be associated with a
higher capture rate of pelagic stingrays in a
longline shery in the Mediterranean Sea (Piovano
et al., 2010). In accordance with a WCPFC CMM
designed to reduce sea turtle bycatch (WCPFC,
2008), Fiji Fisheries Offshore Division has
required the use of dehookers for turtles hooked in
the mouth or foul hooked in the body, and line-
cutters when hooks are ingested deeply (Fiji
Offshore Division, 2013). The measure also
prescribes sea turtle bycatch mitigation measures
by shallow-set longline sheries targeting
swordsh (either use largecircle hooks, sh bait,
or other measure approved by the Commission).
Even though this requirement was not prescribed
for use by longline sheries targeting tunas, the
Fiji Fisheries Offshore Division has encouraged
the use of circle hooks by the Fiji longline shery
in order to contribute to reducing sea turtle
bycatch (Fiji Offshore Division, 2013, 2015).
The variable number of hooks per set was a
signicant term in the standardized shark and ray
catch rate models. The number of hooks deployed
per set is a measure of relative longline shing
effort routinely included in catch rate
standardization models. Based on the observed
effect of this variable, a reduction in the number
Copyright #2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. (2016)
of vessels and/or a reduction in the number of
larger vessels, which are capable of deploying a
larger number of hooks per set and to sh in less
favourable weather conditions than smaller
vessels, would reduce shark and ray catch levels.
The number of Fiji-licensed longline vessels
decreased from 121 in 2011 to 105 in 2014, and
during this same period the number of longline
vessels longer than 31 m decreased from 59% to
45% (Fiji Offshore Fisheries Division, 2015).
The variable season also signicantly inuenced
both shark and ray standardized catch rates. In
the 3rd and 4th quarters there were lower
standardized catch rates, which was a larger effect
for sharks than rays. Changes in El Niño Southern
Oscillation (ENSO) phases and other large-scale
climate variability such as Pacic Decadal
Oscillation phases which occurred during the study
period may have resulted in inter-annual and
longer-scale changes in the relative abundance of
shark species within the sherys shing grounds,
inuencing catch rates (Lehodey, 2001; Lehodey
et al., 2015). For example, the onset of an El Niño
phase in 2013, and the observed 2.5 times higher
nominal shark catch rate in the Fiji shery in 2013
relative to 2012, suggests that ENSO phase affects
shark relative abundance and catch rates.
Unfortunately, any correlation between capture
rates and relative abundance of sharks due to
responses to ENSO or other cyclical climate
variability is difcult to test owing to a lack of
information on shark relative abundance.
Global levels of reported landings of sharks and
rays has increased steadily from 1950, peaking in
2003, followed by a small (15%) decline (Davidson
et al., 2015). The majority of elasmobranchs are
long-lived, with late age-at-maturity and low
fecundity. This slow life-history strategy makes
sharks less able to cope with direct or indirect
mortality due to shing activities (Dulvy et al.,
2008). As a result, several shark species have been
classied as Near Threatened or Threatened
according to IUCN categories (IUCN, 2015). Of
the 27 species of sharks observed captured in the
Fiji shery, 41% are Near Threatened under the
IUCN Red List, and 48% are categorized as
Threatened (either Vulnerable or Endangered)
(Table 1).
The oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus
longimanus), scalloped hammerhead shark
(Sphyrna lewini), great hammerhead shark
(Sphyrna mokarran), smooth hammerhead shark
(Sphyrna zygaena), and manta rays (Manta spp.)
were included in CITES Appendix II in 2014.
is a member of the Western and Central Pacic
Fisheries Commission, which has adopted a
binding measure that bans the retention of oceanic
whitetip sharks (WCPFC, 2011). Data collected by
on-board observers show that even though the
shery has not fully complied with the measure, a
clear improvement was detected from 2011 to
2014: the percentage of oceanic whitetips released
alive increased from 0% in 2011 to 63% in 2014
(Figure 1). Also, while 100% of oceanic whitetips
were nned in 2011 and 2012, and 60% were
nned in 2013, only 3% were nned in 2014. Large
reductions in shing mortality rates may be
needed to address the poor conservation status of
some shark populations (Casey and Myers, 1998).
For example, a reduction in shing mortality rate
of about 40% and 60% was proposed by Myers
and Worm (2005) as needed to ensure the survival
of oceanic whitetip and scalloped hammerhead
sharks in the Atlantic Ocean.
Capture rates of hammerhead sharks were highly
variable by year during the 4 year time series. Most
were captured in 2013. Most caught hammerheads
were nned (80%). In 2014 only two hammerheads
were captured, one was retained, and none were
nned (Figure 2). Manta rays also exhibited a
signicant difference in captures by year, with the
highest nominal catch rate occurring in 2014.
Altogether, more than half the manta rays
captured were either nned (39%) or retained
(30%) (Figure 3). Even though the total mortality
rate of manta rays recorded for the Fiji longline
shery was high, the number caught was low. In
2014 33% of caught manta rays were released alive
and 10% discarded dead (and thus not retained
nor nned). In Fiji, the authority for marine
species listed in Appendix II of CITES is the
Department of Fisheries. Compliance with the
CITES Appendix II listing of hammerheads and
Decision of 12/06/2013, to come into effect on 14/09/2014 (see
Copyright #2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. (2016)
manta rays (Mobula spp.) will likely result in further
reductions in nning of these species.
The two elasmobranch species with the highest
capture rate in the Fiji longline shery were
pelagic stingray and blue shark. Neither species is
categorized as Threatened by IUCN (the former is
listed as LC, the latter as NT; IUCN, 2015). Their
capture is common in pelagic longline sheries
throughout the Pacic, Atlantic and Indian
Oceans, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea
(Domingo et al., 2005; Gilman et al., 2008b;
Piovano et al., 2009, 2010). They are considered
less sensitive to shing mortality due to their
relatively high fecundity rate and resilience
(Cortes, 2002), but an increase in their capture
rates in the last decade has raised concern
(Davidson et al., 2015). In Fiji, blue shark was
already the most common elasmobranch captured
by the domestic longline eet more than 15 years
ago, while at that time pelagic stingray was not
even in the top ve elasmobranch species by
number of captures (Swamy, 1999). The increase
in pelagic stingray captures might be the result of
a higher observer coverage rate and improvements
in observer data recording as bycatch became an
increasingly prominent issue. Or there may have
been an increase in pelagic stingray local
abundance, which in the tropical Pacic Ocean
may have resulted from a decline in predation
caused by reductions in local abundance of apex
predator species that prey on pelagic stingrays,
and a decline in competition from reduced local
abundance of sympatric competitors (Ward and
Myers, 2005; Baum and Worm, 2009).
Proper data collection and stock assessment are
the most useful tools to identify the pressure that
shark populations can sustain. Increased on-
board observer coverage rates and improvements
in data collection protocols for pelagic longline
eets is necessary to support more robust
statistical analyses, including to improve the
accuracy and precision of elasmobranch catch
and survival rate estimates. This in turn would
enable improved accuracy of assessments of the
population-level effects of shing mortality on
pelagic sharks and rays. A key improvement
needed in longline observer data collection is to
accurately identify all caught elasmobranchs to
species level. As our knowledge of basic
biological information for most elasmobranch
stocks is severely decient (Dulvy et al., 2014;
Croll et al., 2015), increased on-board observer
coverage rates would also contribute to lling
these critical information gaps, for example, by
documenting sex, maturity, and reproductive
stage of both rare and common elasmobranch
species captured in longline sheries.
It has been argued that management of activities
to protect sharks should focus on identifying levels
of sustainable catch, rather than prohibiting shark
shing (Clarke et al., 2013). Longline shing
mortality of some elasmobranch stocks has the
capacity to be sustainably managed if robust
harvest strategies are adopted and high
compliance with harvest control rules, one element
of a harvest strategy, occurs (Walker, 1998;
Musick et al., 2000). However, there are decits in
fundamental biological information for most
elasmobranch stocks (Walker, 1998; Shotton,
1999; Musick et al., 2000). There is also high
uncertainty in estimates of shing mortality levels,
in particular of rare, but also of common
elasmobranch stocks caught in pelagic longline
sheries (Worm et al., 2013; Clarke et al., 2006,
2014; Gilman et al., 2016). These information gaps
need to be lled in order for management systems
to develop harvest strategies with high certainty of
achieving sustainable exploitation.
We are greatful Fiji Fisheries Department Director
Aisake Batibasaga and Offshore Fisheries Division
Principal Fisheries Ofcer Anare Raiwalui for
supporting this project and giving access to the
Fiji Observer Programme dataset, and Offshore
Fisheries Division Senior Fisheries Ofcer Netani
Tavaga for providing the dataset. We
acknowledge and thank Fiji longline observers for
their data collection. Conversations with Yonat
Swimmer were instrumental in drafting this
research project. This project was endorsed by Fiji
Fisheries Department and funded by US NOAA
NMFS Pacic Islands Fisheries Science Center
(WE-133F-14-SE-3230). Insightful comments
Copyright #2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. (2016)
provided by two anonymous peer reviewers and by
the editor John Baxter greatly improved the
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Springer: New York.
Copyright #2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. (2016)
... There have been opposing findings regarding the impact of hook shape on by-catch. Traditionally, J-shaped hooks (J-type hooks) have had the reputation of resulting in a high by-catch of protected, endangered, or threatened species (PET species), and replacing them with circle hooks (C-type hooks) has been shown to be especially effective in reducing the by-catch of marine turtles (Piovano and Gilman, 2017). Moreover, the use of C-type hooks is considered a relatively low-cost by-catch mitigation tool; therefore, a large number of studies exist globally about the C-type hook effect on by-catch (e.g. ...
... Measures to mitigate the impact of PLL by-catch include adaptations of the gear, fishing area, bait, soak time, and setting and hauling times of the longline (Bigelow and Maunder, 2007;Coelho et al., 2012;Gilman et al., 2016). The adaptations of the gear include the distance between floats, which affects the hook fishing depth (Afonso et al., 2012), the material of the leaders and/or branch lines (e.g., wire or nylon) (Afonso et al., 2012), the use of repellent (e.g., chemical or magnetic) (Lucas and Berggren, 2022), and hook size and shape (Piovano and Gilman, 2017). The gear modification that is the most commonly tested is hook shape (e.g., Kim et al., 2006;Piovano et al., 2009;Ward et al., 2009;Sales et al., 2010;Pacheco et al., 2011;Afonso et al., 2012;Coelho et al., 2012;Godin et al., 2012;Gilman et al., 2016;Piovano and Gilman, 2017;Guo et al., 2022) probably for being a relatively low-cost by-catch mitigation measure (Gilman et al., 2016). ...
... The adaptations of the gear include the distance between floats, which affects the hook fishing depth (Afonso et al., 2012), the material of the leaders and/or branch lines (e.g., wire or nylon) (Afonso et al., 2012), the use of repellent (e.g., chemical or magnetic) (Lucas and Berggren, 2022), and hook size and shape (Piovano and Gilman, 2017). The gear modification that is the most commonly tested is hook shape (e.g., Kim et al., 2006;Piovano et al., 2009;Ward et al., 2009;Sales et al., 2010;Pacheco et al., 2011;Afonso et al., 2012;Coelho et al., 2012;Godin et al., 2012;Gilman et al., 2016;Piovano and Gilman, 2017;Guo et al., 2022) probably for being a relatively low-cost by-catch mitigation measure (Gilman et al., 2016). ...
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Introduction Longline fishing gear has a higher by-catch rate than any other type of commercial fishing gear. Nowadays, there is an urgent need to find efficient management strategies to mitigate by-catch and the use of new hook types could be one of them. This study investigates the effects of a longline fishery (which targets swordfish, Xiphias gladius, in the South Adriatic Sea) replacing the traditional J-type hook with a circle hook (C-type hook) on target and by-catch species. Methods For this purpose, a fishing trip of nine days – with seven fishing sets – was monitored. For both targeted swordfish and by-catch specimens caught (i.e., blue shark, Prionace glauca; pelagic stingray, Pteroplatytrygon violacea; and loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta), data about the hook type used (J-type vs. C-type), the specimen size, and their capture condition were collected. Results and discussion With all species, we observed no significant difference in catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) or specimen lengths between the two hook types. In addition, the hook type did not significantly affect the capture condition of swordfish, pelagic stingray, or loggerhead turtle specimens; however, it significantly affected the capture condition of blue sharks. The percentage of blue shark specimens found in healthy condition was higher when using a C-type hook (71.5%) than when using a J-type hook (22.6%). Overall, these preliminary results suggest that the use of a C-type hook improves the condition of by-caught blue sharks without affecting the CPUE or size of the target species. In conclusion, the use of a C-type hook could reduce the detrimental effects of by-catch on some species in the Adriatic Sea; however, this finding needs to be confirmed by a study with a larger sample size.
... Two peer-reviewed papers focused on oceanic and reef manta rays [28,29], one paper described two deep-water species of skates in Fiji [27], one source reported range extensions and records of devil rays for the Indo-West Pacific [64], while another documented ray bycatch in Fiji's pelagic longline fishery [65]. Overall, limited peer-reviewed scientific data exist on Fiji's rays, with much of the available information derived from sources such as IUCN assessments [66], 'Rays of the World', and the gray literature [45,47,[67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74]. ...
... Nonetheless, Red List assessments serve as indicators of at-risk ray species in Fiji, particularly when additional data are unavailable. Incidental captures of the broad cowtail ray [47], oceanic manta ray, and pelagic stingray occur in Fiji's pelagic longline tuna fishery [65]. On a national legislative level, the EPS that Fiji adopted in 2002 regulates the landing and trade of all species as listed on CITES Appendices I, II, and III [68]. ...
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Over recent decades, elasmobranchs (sharks, rays, and skates) have been increasingly recognized among the world’s most threatened marine wildlife, leading to heightened scientific attention. However, batoids (rays and skates) are relatively understudied, especially in Large Ocean States of the Pacific. This synthesis compiles insights on batoid diversity and occurrence in Fiji’s waters by integrating a literature review, participatory science programs such as the Great Fiji Shark Count (GFSC) Initiative, Projects Abroad Fiji (PA), Manta Project Fiji (MPF), and iNaturalist, along with environmental DNA. Nineteen batoid species from seven families were identified: 19 species from the literature, 12 from participatory science programs, and six from eDNA analysis. Notably, this study provides the first photographic evidence for the bentfin devil ray (Mobula thurstoni, Lloyd, 1908) in Fiji. GFSC data indicated the highest species diversity in the Western Division, with spotted eagle rays (Aetobatus ocellatus, Kuhl, 1823) and maskrays (Neotrygon sp.) being observed most. In-person interviews conducted by PA provided information on the occurrence of wedgefishes and potentially sawfishes. MPF records and iNaturalist uploads were dominated by reef manta rays (M. alfredi, Krefft, 1868), while the pink whipray (Pateobatis fai, Jordan and Seale, 1906) yielded the most DNA sequences. Overall, 68.4% of the species face an elevated extinction risk based on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List criteria. Although caution is warranted with older literature-based records for the giant guitarfish (Glaucostegus typus, Anonymous [Bennett], 1830), giant stingaree (Plesiobatis daviesi, Wallace, 1967), and the lack of sawfish verification, this synthesis highlights the effectiveness of a combined methodological approach in establishing a reference point for the diversity and occurrence of this understudied taxon in Fiji.
... For example, near real-time management of discarding in Alaskan fisheries is achieved using the high-quality data recorded through a full coverage observers program (Kennelly 2016). Data may also be used to monitor the bycatch of vulnerable species (Piovano and Gilman 2017). Observers can also act as a bridge between science and industry (Mangi et al. 2015), which may contribute to increased compliance with legislation such as the Landing Obligation. ...
... However, the main issue is the often-limited coverage of observers programs due to high costs, lack of human resources and/or safety concerns, among others. Observer programs in Scotland and England for example only covered 0.3% of the fishing fleet in 2013 (Course 2015) and observer programs in Fiji only covered 16.7% of the long-line fishery (Piovano and Gilman 2017). A low coverage may not guarantee that the data collected is representative of the whole fleet. ...
A scavenger is an animal that feeds on dead animals (carrion) that it has not killed itself. Fisheries discards are often seen as an important food source for marine scavengers so the reduction of discards due to the Landing Obligation may affect their populations. The literature on scavenging in marine ecosystems is considerable, due to its importance in the trophic ecology of many species. Although discards undoubtedly contribute to these species’ food sources, few can be seen to be solely dependent on carrion (including discards). Ecosystem models predicted that discards contributed very little to the diet of scavengers at a regional scale. A reduction in discards through the Landing Obligation may therefore affect populations for a few species in some areas, but generally this is unlikely to be the case. But it is challenging to identify how important discards might be to scavengers, as they are taxonomically diverse and vary in the role they play in scavenging interactions.
... For example, near real-time management of discarding in Alaskan fisheries is achieved using the high-quality data recorded through a full coverage observers program (Kennelly 2016). Data may also be used to monitor the bycatch of vulnerable species (Piovano and Gilman 2017). Observers can also act as a bridge between science and industry (Mangi et al. 2015), which may contribute to increased compliance with legislation such as the Landing Obligation. ...
... However, the main issue is the often-limited coverage of observers programs due to high costs, lack of human resources and/or safety concerns, among others. Observer programs in Scotland and England for example only covered 0.3% of the fishing fleet in 2013 (Course 2015) and observer programs in Fiji only covered 16.7% of the long-line fishery (Piovano and Gilman 2017). A low coverage may not guarantee that the data collected is representative of the whole fleet. ...
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Fisheries regulations aim to maintain fishing mortality and fishing impacts within sustainable limits. Although sustainability is in the long-term interest of fishers, the regulations themselves are usually not in the short-term interest of the individual fisher because they restrict the fisher’s economic activity. Therefore, as is the case with all regulations, the temptation exists for non-compliance and dishonest reporting. In the EU and elsewhere, top-down, complex regulations, often leading to unintended consequences, with complex and non-transparent governance-science interactions, may decrease the credibility and legitimacy of fisheries management among fishers. This, in turn, may decrease the motivation to comply and report honestly. The Landing Obligation may make things worse because following the regulation to the letter would often strongly and negatively impact the individual fishers’ economic situation. Behavioural science suggests factors that may influence compliance and honesty. Compliance is not necessarily a function of the economic benefits and costs of rule violation: compliance may be more or less, depending on intrinsic motivations. An increased level of self-decision may lead to greater buy-in to sustainable fishing practices and voluntary compliance to catch limits and the Landing Obligation. All else being equal, people in small and self-selected groups are inherently more likely to behave “prosocially”. In this chapter, some key recommendations based on behavioural science are given for changes in institutional settings that may increase voluntary compliance and sustainable fishing practices. However, transition to a system allowing for more freedom from top-down regulation, with more self-governance, may be difficult due to institutional and cultural barriers and therefore may take many years.
... For example, near real-time management of discarding in Alaskan fisheries is achieved using the high-quality data recorded through a full coverage observers program (Kennelly 2016). Data may also be used to monitor the bycatch of vulnerable species (Piovano and Gilman 2017). Observers can also act as a bridge between science and industry (Mangi et al. 2015), which may contribute to increased compliance with legislation such as the Landing Obligation. ...
... However, the main issue is the often-limited coverage of observers programs due to high costs, lack of human resources and/or safety concerns, among others. Observer programs in Scotland and England for example only covered 0.3% of the fishing fleet in 2013 (Course 2015) and observer programs in Fiji only covered 16.7% of the long-line fishery (Piovano and Gilman 2017). A low coverage may not guarantee that the data collected is representative of the whole fleet. ...
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A key requirement for the successful implementation of the Landing Obligation is the need to monitor and regulate unwanted catches at sea. This issue is particularly challenging because of the large number of vessels and trips that need to be monitored and the remoteness of vessels at sea. Several options exist in theory, ranging from patrol vessels to onboard observers and self-sampling. Increasingly though, technology is developing to provide remote Electronic Monitoring (EM) with cameras at lower costs. This chapter first provides an overall synthesis of the pro’s and con’s of several monitoring tools and technologies. Four EM technologies already trialled in EU fisheries are then summarised. We conclude that it is now possible to conduct reliable and cost-effective monitoring of unwanted catches at sea, especially if various options are used in combination. However, effective monitoring is a necessary condition for the successful implementation of the Landing Obligation but insufficient unless it is implemented with a high level of coverage and with the support of the fishing industry.
... At-vessel mortality was severe for juveniles, all caught dead, except the largest shortfin mako observed (the only shark alive, and released into the sea, at the time of capture) and the newborn spinetail devil ray (disentangled from the gear and left at sea). Species identity was not ascertained in the limited number of catch escapes observed, as the larger specimens of other marine vertebrates are generally able, like sharks and rays, to escape capture by longline (Gilman et al., 2016;Piovano and Gilman, 2017;Papageorgiou et al., 2022). The high uncertainty on species identity in escapes, plus the limited number of the latter, suggests that escapes by the larger individuals of the elasmobranch species sampled may have occurred on a few occasions, i.e., the size structure observed has a very low probability to be affected by a size-related resistance-dependent selectivity of the gear. ...
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Bycatch of cartilaginous species is considered one of the main drivers for the dramatic declines observed in many populations. Pelagic longlines and passive nets impact many species depending on their life stage and habitat use. Here, we present an updated list of incidental catches collected through a 4-year fishery-dependent survey. We documented the bycatch of four critically endangered species, particularly 13 individuals of Isurus oxyrinchus, Prionace glauca, and Mobula mobular by longlines and one specimen of Lamna nasus by trammel nets in the Asinara Gulf (Northern Sardinia, Italy). As almost all specimens were juveniles or newborns, we explored and discussed the potential drivers explaining their prevalence in the sample. Despite our low sample size, of the four possible options discussed, the role of the Asinara Gulf as an Important Shark and Ray Area (ISRA) for large pelagic elasmobranch species is one worth considering.
... Fiji reaffirmed their domestic ambitions at the UN Ocean Conference in New York in 2017 by committing to the ''conservation and management of all species of sharks and rays and their critical habitats within Fijian waters'' (United Nations, 2017). Surprisingly, to date, there are no documented records of M. birostris in Fiji's waters after the resurrection of M. alfredi in 2009 besides brief mentions in the catch statistics of Fijian longline pelagic fisheries (Piovano & Gilman, 2017). Earlier records of Manta birostris can be found in Fijian literature, for example, a 300-400 kg specimen recorded off Rotuma in 1983(Fijian Fisheries Division, 1983. ...
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Until the revision of the genus Manta in 2009, when a second manta species (Manta alfredi) was resurrected based on morphological and meristic data, all available records in Fijian literature were recorded as Manta birostris. Subsequently, documented sightings were recorded as M. alfredi. Another reclassification of the genus Manta was undertaken in 2018 when both manta ray species (Manta alfredi, Manta birostris) were moved to Mobula based on phylogenetic analysis. Here, we present the first unequivocal evidence of oceanic manta ray (Mobula birostris) occurrence in Fijian. We provide photographic identification of ten M. birostris individuals from two sites and discuss our findings in the context of local environmental parameters and other recorded sightings in the South Pacific region. In light of the global extinction risk of M. birostris and the recent reclassification from Vulnerable to Endangered on the Red List of Threatened Species, the expansion of their known distribution range to Fijian waters and the recurrence of individuals over consecutive years in the same location adds valuable information for the development of effective and data-driven conservation strategies.
... Elasmobranchs are partially targeted directly for the high value of shark products, such as fins, gills and teeth, but also occur frequently as bycatch (Glaus et al., 2015(Glaus et al., , 2019a). An analysis of elasmobranchs caught in Fiji waters by offshore fishing fleets between 2011 and 2014 recorded a total of twenty-seven species, half of which were categorized as threatened in the IUCN Red List (Piovano and Gilman, 2017). Essential fish habitats for sharks have been identified in Fiji waters with potential nursery areas for bull sharks located in the Rewa, Navua, Sigatoka and Ba Rivers and for the endangered scalloped hammerhead sharks in the Rewa and Ba Estuary (Glaus et al., 2019b;Marie et al., 2017;Vierus et al., 2018). ...
... An increasingly clear picture of shark species distribution and abundance throughout Fiji is emerging (Cardeñosa et al., 2017;Marie et al., 2017;Piovano & Gilman, 2017;Vierus et al., 2018). Our multiple-year assessment of three rivers in Fiji provides a first attempt at delineating essential habitats and at the identification of environmental parameters likely shaping neonate bull shark's distribution patterns. ...
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Coastal and estuarine systems provide critical shark habitats due to their relatively high productivity and shallow, protected waters. The young (neonates, young‐of‐the‐year, and juveniles) of many coastal shark species occupy a diverse range of habitats and areas where they experience environmental variability, including acute and seasonal shifts in local salinities and temperatures. Although the location and functioning of essential shark habitats has been a focus in recent shark research, there is a paucity of data from the South Pacific. In this study, we document the temporal and spatial distribution, age class composition, and environmental parameters of young bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) in the Rewa, Sigatoka, and Navua Rivers, Fiji's three largest riverine systems. One hundred and seventy‐two young bull sharks were captured in fisheries‐independent surveys from January 2016 to April 2018. The vast majority of the captures were neonates. Seasonality in patterns of occurrence of neonate individuals suggests a defined parturition period during summer. Environmental parameters between the Rewa and the Sigatoka River differed significantly, as did the recorded young bull sharks abundance. According to the surveys, young bull sharks occur in all three rivers with the Rewa River likely representing essential habitat for newly born bull sharks. These results enhance the understanding of bull shark ecology in Fiji and provide a scientific basis for the implementation of local conservation strategies that contribute to the protection of critical habitats.
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The rapid expansion of human activities threatens ocean-wide biodiversity. Numerous marine animal populations have declined, yet it remains unclear whether these trends are symptomatic of a chronic accumulation of global marine extinction risk. We present the first systematic analysis of threat for a globally distributed lineage of 1,041 chondrichthyan fishes-sharks, rays, and chimaeras. We estimate that one-quarter are threatened according to IUCN Red List criteria due to overfishing (targeted and incidental). Large-bodied, shallow-water species are at greatest risk and five out of the seven most threatened families are rays. Overall chondrichthyan extinction risk is substantially higher than for most other vertebrates, and only one-third of species are considered safe. Population depletion has occurred throughout the world's ice-free waters, but is particularly prevalent in the Indo-Pacific Biodiversity Triangle and Mediterranean Sea. Improved management of fisheries and trade is urgently needed to avoid extinctions and promote population recovery.
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Elasmobranch mortality in pelagic longline fisheries poses a risk to some populations, alters the distribution of abundance between sympatric competitors, changing ecosystem structure, processes and stability. Individual and synergistic effects on elasmobranch catch and survival from pelagic longline gear factors, including methods prescribed to mitigate bycatch of other vulnerable taxa, were determined. Overall relative risk of higher circle vs. J-shaped hook shark catch rates conditioned on potentially informative moderators, from 30 studies, was estimated using an inverse-precision weighted mixed-effects meta-regression modeling approach. Sharks had a 1.20 times (95% CI: 1.03-1.39) significantly higher pooled relative risk of capture on circle hooks, with two significant moderators. The pooled relative risk estimate of ray circle hook catch from 15 studies was not significant (RR=1.22, 95% CI: 0.89-1.66) with no significant moderators. From a literature review, wire leaders had higher shark catch and haulback mortality than monofilament. Interacting effects of hook, bait and leader affect shark catch rates: hook shape and width and bait type determine hooking position and ability to sever monofilament leaders. Circle hooks increased elasmobranch catch but reduced haulback mortality and deep hooking relative to J-shaped hooks of the same or narrower width. Using fish vs. squid for bait increased shark catch and deep hooking. Pelagic stingray (Pteroplatytrygon violacea) catch and mortality were lower on wider hooks. Using circle instead of J-shaped hooks and fish instead of squid for bait, while benefitting sea turtles, odontocetes and possibly seabirds, exacerbates elasmobranch catch and injury, therefore warranting fishery-specific assessments to determine relative risks.
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Manta and devil rays of the subfamily Mobulinae (mobulids) are rarely studied, large, pelagic elasmobranchs, with all eight of well‐evaluated species listed on the IUCN Red List as threatened or near threatened. Mobulids have life history characteristics (matrotrophic reproduction, extremely low fecundity, and delayed age of first reproduction) that make them exceptionally susceptible to overexploitation. Targeted and bycatch mortality from fisheries is a globally important and increasing threat, and targeted fisheries are incentivized by the high value of the global trade in mobulid gill plates. Fisheries bycatch of mobulids is substantial in tuna purse seine fisheries. Thirteen fisheries in 12 countries specifically targeting mobulids, and 30 fisheries in 23 countries with mobulid bycatch were identified. Aside from a few recently enacted national restrictions on capture, there is no comprehensive monitoring, assessment or control of mobulid fisheries or bycatch. Recent listing through the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) may benefit mobulids of the genus Manta (manta rays), but none of the mobulids in the genus Mobula (devil rays) are protected. The relative economic costs of catch mitigation are minimal, particularly compared with a broad range of other, more complicated, marine conservation issues. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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The Joint Tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations’ (RFMOs’) Bycatch Technical Working Group prioritized adopting minimum data fields and standardized collection protocols to enable interoperability of the tuna RFMOs’ observer-collected bycatch datasets. Standardizing data fields, data collection protocols and database formats enables meaningful comparisons between the RFMOs, facilitates the integration and pooling of datasets within and across regions necessary to support large spatial scale analyses, and allows training materials and courses for observers to be standardized within and across regions. Harmonizing longline observer data and improving the quality of data collection methods across the tuna RFMOs also promises to improve assessments of fishery effects on bycatch species including more robust stock assessments, identify factors that significantly explain catch and survival rates, and evaluate the performance of bycatch mitigation methods. A January 2015 meeting of experts on observer longline bycatch data identified a need for a systematic review of existing information collected by the tuna RFMOs’ longline observer programmes in order to identify priority gaps. The group recommended developing a comprehensive list of variables that could be collected through tuna RFMO human and electronic monitoring onboard observer programmes that have documented significant effects on catch and mortality rates of species of conservation concern that are susceptible to capture in pelagic longline fisheries to facilitate identifying gaps in priority fields collected by each of the tuna RFMOs’ longline observer programmes. A study to implement this recommendation was commissioned by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission with funding provided by the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (Common Oceans) Tuna Project. This report presents the results of this study. A total of 28 priority fields organized into four categories (vessel characteristics and equipment, gear characteristics and fishing methods, catch, and environmental parameters) were identified based on their importance for monitoring and managing catch and survival. For each prioritized variable, a review was presented of evidence of its significant effect on longline catch and survival rates and the mechanism for its significant effect. Existing data collection protocols by each of the five tuna RFMOs were summarized for each prioritized variable, however, it was recommended that these be verified by each tuna RFMO Secretariat. Alternative and recommended harmonized data collection protocols were described for each variable based on current practices by the five tuna RFMOs, practicality for collection in onboard observer programmes and expected data quality.
A guide to using S environments to perform statistical analyses providing both an introduction to the use of S and a course in modern statistical methods. The emphasis is on presenting practical problems and full analyses of real data sets.
Elasmobranch mortality in pelagic longline fisheries poses a risk to some populations, alters the distribution of abundance between sympatric competitors, changing ecosystem structure, processes and stability. Individual and synergistic effects on elasmobranch catch and survival from pelagic longline gear factors, including methods prescribed to mitigate bycatch of other vulnerable taxa, were determined. Overall relative risk of higher circle vs. J-shaped hook shark catch rates conditioned on potentially informative moderators, from 30 studies, was estimated using an inverse-precision weighted mixed-effects meta-regression modeling approach. Sharks had a 1.20 times (95% CI: 1.03-1.39) significantly higher pooled relative risk of capture on circle hooks, with two significant moderators. The pooled relative risk estimate of ray circle hook catch from 15 studies was not significant (RR=1.22, 95% CI: 0.89-1.66) with no significant moderators. From a literature review, wire leaders had higher shark catch and haulback mortality than monofilament. Interacting effects of hook, bait and leader affect shark catch rates: hook shape and width and bait type determine hooking position and ability to sever monofilament leaders. Circle hooks increased elasmobranch catch but reduced haulback mortality and deep hooking relative to J-shaped hooks of the same or narrower width. Using fish vs. squid for bait increased shark catch and deep hooking. Pelagic stingray (Pteroplatytrygon violacea) catch and mortality were lower on wider hooks. Using circle instead of J-shaped hooks and fish instead of squid for bait, while benefitting sea turtles, odontocetes and possibly seabirds, exacerbates elasmobranch catch and injury, therefore warranting fishery-specific assessments to determine relative risks.
1. Pelagic longline fisheries impact both market and vulnerable bycatch species and can have broad effects on community structure and processes. 2. Observer data from the Palau longline fishery were analysed to identify opportunities to mitigate vulnerable species bycatch, determine temporal trends in local abundance, and assess changes following a ban on shark retention and wire leaders. Catch and haulback condition data for bigeye and yellowfin tunas, blue and silky sharks and pelagic stingrays were fitted to standardized catch and survival rate models. 3. The fishery caught silky and blue sharks, olive Ridley sea turtles and other species of conservation concern. 4. Changing from shallow sets to deep daytime sets might reduce shark and sea turtle catch rates but increase turtle haulback mortality rates, maintain economically viable tuna catch rates, but increase catch rates of pelagic stingrays, a lower conservation concern than main caught species of sharks and turtles. 5. Focusing fishing effort during the middle of the calendar year would maximize yellowfin tuna and minimize silky shark standardized catch rates, but maximize blue shark catch rates. 6. A large decline in shark fishing mortality rate very likely occurred following a ban on shark retention and wire leaders. This was due to large reductions in the nominal shark catch rate and shark retention, partially offset by decreases in the shark haulback survival rate and pre-catch survival rate. Significantly higher blue shark and lower pelagic stingray nominal catch rates occurred on wire vs. monofilament leaders. Significantly higher blue shark and lower yellowfin tuna nominal catch rates occurred on sets using shallow ‘shark lines’. It is a research priority to compare the probability of shark pre-catch survival after escaping from monofilament leaders with an ingested hook and trailing line to the survival probability when captured on wire leaders.
The presence of the pelagic ray Dasyatis violacea (Bonaparte, 1832) in Uruguayan waters has been monitored since April 1998, the beginning of the National Observer Programme on board the Uruguayan tuna fleet (PNOFA). These are the first records of these species for the South Atlantic off Uruguay. Its distribution within the area is analysed, based on 13 trips made from April 1998 to September 2001 from 26 to 37°S. Five hundred and twenty five specimens were caught during this period. The presence of the species appears to be closely associated with the highest values of surface water temperature, with CPUE being relatively low below 20°C. The southern border of its distribution is around 36°S. Dasyatis violacea is part of a well-defined warm water fauna that reaches Uruguayan and northern Argentinean waters following warm subtropical waters. The incidental capture of D. violacea in the area reaches significant levels; the species is always discarded. We suggest that this bycatch is important and should be monitored from a conservation point of view.