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Oil bearing seals and aircraft cabin air contamination


Abstract and Figures

On board aircraft, the common use of engine compressor, pressurised air to seal the oil bearing chamber and as a source for the cabin bleed air supply provides a mechanism for low-level oil leakage in routine engine operations. Although this problem was identified in the 1950s with the advent of synthetic jet engine oils, the problem remains ongoing today with over-reliance on seal failure conditions only.
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ISSN 1350-4789
July-April 2016
Hydratight’s latest SCT makes critical tasks in
the nuclear industry safer
ISSN 1350-4789/16 © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This journal and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by Elsevier Ltd, and the following terms and conditions apply to their use:
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Hydratight’s latest SCT makes
critical tasks in the nuclear
industry safer 1
Oil collector ring prevents oil
leakage into ship’s engine room 2
Intelligent gasket tagging reveals
flange content 2
Change gasket gains
TA Luft accreditation 2
Seal supply system complies with
API 682 Fourth Edition 3
Dow launches Molykote
brand grease with
double-duty technology 4
Company News
Federal-Mogul receives merger
proposal from Icahn Enterprises 4
Greene, Tweed opens elastomer
centre for semiconductor market 4
SKF secures major contract in the
marine segment 5
Donation aims to encourage more
women into engineering 5
ChemChina acquires KraussMaffei 6
Flexitallic supports growth of
family-owned business 1, 16
Conferences and Meetings News
71st STLE Annual Meeting and
Exhibition takes place in May 6
Publications of Interest
Medium molecular-weight
polyisobutylene market analysed 6
Oil bearing seals and aircraft
cabin air contamination 7
Recently Published Papers 10
In Brief 3 & 5
Patents 12
Events Calendar 16
ISSN 1350-4789
April 2016
Joint integrity company Hydratight
Ltd has designed a piece of technol-
ogy which brings greater safety and
efficiency to nuclear power plants.
The company says that it has already secured
four orders for its newly-launched lightweight
Self-Contained Tensioner (SCT) across the
USA and Asia.
‘The SCT has been in development for two
years and in live tests has reduced typical ten-
sioning time from up to four hours to under
an hour, with 25% less manpower, resulting
in lower potential RAD exposure time and
greatly-reduced reactor downtime,’ explained
Gavin Coopey, Global Nuclear Market Leader,
This product is described as an advanced, reac-
tor pressure vessel (RPV) stud tensioner. It needs
only a power source – no hydraulic connections
or remote pump-control unit, says the firm.
Coopey continued: ‘In other systems, ten-
sioners must be connected to a central control
unit. Both the new lightweight SCT and our
original Hydratight SCT streamline the whole
process. They eliminate the separate control
unit as each of these tensioners has its own
built-in pumping control system.’
‘Crucially, each lightweight SCT networks to
the other units, and each one displays the read-
ings of the others in use. This means in a typi-
cal set-up, one operator can control all devices.’
According to Hydratight, the lightweight
SCT system is the next step in its already suc-
cessful RPV tensioning and operator safety pro-
grammes. It says that it is 20% lighter than the
previous comparable system, which means that
it is more easily manoeuvred around the RPV.
‘The success of this product to date is testa-
ment to the sophistication of the new technol-
ogy and the business benefits it can bring,’
concluded Coopey.
Hydratight Ltd, Bentley Road South, Darlaston,
West Midlands WS10 8LQ, UK. Tel: +44 121 5050600,
Fax: +44 121 5050800, Web:
Hydratight Pte Ltd, 83 Joo Koon Circle, Unit 01–03,
629109 Singapore. Tel: +65 6515 4971,
Fax: +65 6515 4972, Email:
Hydratight Inc, 1102 Hall Court, Deer Park, TX 77536,
USA. Tel: +1 713 860 4200, Fax: +1 713 860 4201,
Visit us today at:
Hydratight Ltd’s latest Self-Contained
Tensioner is 20% lighter than the previous
comparable system.
Flexitallic supports growth of family-owned business
International sealing products man-
ufacturer Flexitallic Ltd is support-
ing the development of a family-run
business based in Warwickshire, UK,
after it reached a distribution agree-
ment that will enable the company
to significantly expand the range
of products that it offers industry.
Continued on page 16...
April 2016 Sealing Technology 7
Oil bearing seals and aircraft
cabin air contamination
The use of compressed “bleed” air for aircraft
ventilation and pressurisation systems com-
menced in military jet aircraft in the late
1940s and was seen as “fortuitous”. However,
early commercial jet aircraft, such as the
not take air from the compressor to supply
the breathing/ventilation air, but instead they
relied on drawing air from outside the aircraft
using separate blowers or compressors.
The introduction of synthetic jet engine oils
– replacing mineral oils – was required for the
new higher performing and higher tempera-
ture turbine engines, however, the toxicity was
deemed speculative.
The use of air bled off the compressor (bleed
air) to supply the pressurised and breathing air
supply was utilised on military jet aircraft in the
early 1950s, such as the Boeing B-52 and North
American Aviation F100 Super Sabre using the
Pratt & Whitney J57 engine. This was soon
followed by the French manufactured SudSE
210 Caravelle in 1955 – the first commercial air-
craft to use the bleed air system – and then the
Boeing 727, 737 and DC9 in the early 1960s.
It was soon recognised that engine bleed air
used for the air conditioning ventilation
supply was increasingly subject to unacceptable
The compressor bearing seals, which were
leaking oil, were identified as the main source
of contamination. Both the military and
civil aviation industry were receiving reports
of adverse effects related to the presence of
smoke and fumes associated with the thermal
decomposition of the engine oils that had
leaked into the gas turbine compressors and
then into the bleed air supply. US military
studies were, therefore, undertaken into the
inhalation toxicity of the heated oils. These
found that the ester-base stocks of the syn-
thetic oils and their pyrolysis products when
exposed to temperatures above 260°C (600°F)
rapidly became very toxic.
The system of utilising the compressor
bleed air to supply aircraft breathing air is
used in almost all commercial transport air-
craft except for the new Boeing Dreamliner
system, drawing in fresh air directly from out-
side, rather through the engines.
Bleed air (used on most aircraft) is not filtered
before it enters the air supply. Air is diverted
from the mainstream gas path for a variety of
purposes, including cooling, sealing and cabin
pressurisation. A variety of air and oil seals are
required in order to minimise the amount of
engine air used so as to reduce the adverse effects
on power and efficiency of the engine.
Oil leakage seen
in three ways
Oil is supplied under high pressure to all main
shaft bearings, with oil seals required to prevent
too much air leaking into the bearing chamber
and loss of oil out of the chamber. Oil leakage
out of the bearing chamber may cause aircraft
oil pollution, cabin odour or visible smoke with
the use of bleed air.
There is a “general acceptance” that cabin air
can be contaminated by compounds released
from pyrolysed oil from engines and occurs
“with some regularity”.[1, 2] This is increasingly
supported by a wide variety of sources.[3]
Oil leakage is essentially seen in three ways:
• sealbearingfailureorminorsystemsfailures,
• sealbearingfailure,maintenance
• design.
Both seal failure and maintenance irregulari-
ties are regarded as rare. However, the seal-
ing design requirement to seal the oil in the
bearing chamber across the whole engine
operating range, including transients, is rarely
referenced, but a normal function of engine
operation. Therefore, this background third
category – the design factors involved in the
use of pressurised oil bearing seals – warrants
closer review.
Bearing chamber oil seals are required to
seal across the whole engine operating range,
including transients – momentary changes in
engine operating conditions. However, it is
increasingly recognised that all bearing seals
leak as a design feature of using a pressurised
sealing system, and that the seals are less
efficient during transients.
Improvements in seal design continue and
are recommended. Leakage of oil into the air
supply is seen as a design feature with the use
of compressor-generated bleed air, along with
low-level leakage at various phases of flight
and residual oil contamination.
A few examples that recognise normal
aircraft/engine operation low-level oil leakage
• oilsealleakageisreportedtooccurduring
certain events, such as engine switching,
top of descent, older aircraft with chronic
vapours “continuously leak through seals in
• oilleakingfrombearingscanbeeither
“slowly varying and somewhat continuous
orsporadicandquiteintermittent”;[5] and
• background,lowlevelsofoiladditivesand
other substances are expected in normal
It is apparent that there are differing views
on how oil leakage from the bearing chamber
may contaminate the aircraft bleed air sup-
ply – that is, as a rare failure or maintenance
problem or low-level chronic leakage as part of
the normal operation using the pressurised oil
bearing chamber and bleed air supply systems.
Therefore, a closer look at the key types of
bearing seals used in aircraft turbine engines is
Dr Susan Michaelis PhD, ATPL, Michaelis Aviation Consulting, Horsham, West
Sussex, UK
On board aircraft, the common use of engine compressor, pressurised air to seal the
oil bearing chamber and as a source for the cabin bleed air supply provides a mech-
anism for low-level oil leakage in routine engine operations. Although this problem
was identified in the 1950s with the advent of synthetic jet engine oils, the problem
remains ongoing today with over-reliance on seal failure conditions only.
Sealing Technology April 2016
Engine bearing
compartment sealing
The philosophy behind engine bearing com-
partment sealing (Figure 1) involves using pres-
surised air to maintain the bearing compart-
ment at a lower pressure than its surroundings,
therefore inducing an inward flow to prevent
an outward oil leak.
The pressurised oil bearing seals used in
most aircraft today are generally clearance lab-
yrinth seals or mechanical contact face seals –
both of which rely on compressor pressurised
air as part of the sealing function. Both types
of seals are responsive to variations in engine
operating conditions.
Labyrinth (clearance) non-contact seals
(Figure 2) rely on tight clearances and a con-
trolled leakage of air to reduce pressure over
the seal, so as to keep the oil in the sump.
Higher air-pressure on the outside of the seal,
compared with the lower pressure air and oil
pressure in the sump, should keep the oil from
migrating out of the sump over the seal.
Labyrinth seals are often used to seal bear-
ing compartments and are seen as low cost,
reliable, simple and subject to reduced wear.
However, these seals are subject to high air-
leakage rates over the seals and, given the
clearance, oil may therefore leak out with a
reversal of pressure, which means they are not
seen in isolation to provide a complete barrier
to leakage. In addition, labyrinth seals do not
respond well to dynamics with increases in
seal clearances during shaft movements and
Mechanical positive contact seals, carbon
face seals (Figure 3) rely on precision flat
faces, held in sealing contact by a combination
of the force of a spring and positive system
pressure, to ensure adequate loading of the
carbon elements to minimise leakage and
wear. These seals are also often used to seal
bearing sumps. However, they are regarded as
more expensive, more complex, maintenance
intensive, with a shorter service life and more
subject to wear, particularly during transients.
Carbon seals use a thin film of oil between
the faces. This is typically 1-µm thick, which
is thick enough to provide lubrication of the
contact faces and long life, but thin enough to
minimise oil leakage into the compressor.[7]
This type of seal will leak a very small
amount of oil vapour, estimated between a few
ppm to 10 cc/min.[8] Increased speed and small
increases in clearance between the faces can
cause higher oil leakage over the seal.
Whilst carbon seals are more tolerant of
pressure differentials at varying stages of flight
than labyrinth seals, they are more tempera-
ture critical, with oil coking occurring on the
flat faces, causing distortion with thermal and
pressure effects.
Oil leaks more
than realised
A common aspect of using labyrinth and carbon
contact seals includes relying on compressor-
pressurised air over the seal and, therefore, this
is responsive to variations in engine operating
conditions. In addition, sealing of the bearing
compartments is recognised as being difficult.
Common assumptions associated with the
use of both types of seals are that oil will not
leak out of the sump if the pressure is always
positive – with higher pressure outside and
lower pressure inside the chamber. This positive
gradient is assumed to ensure leakage is always
into the chamber.
It is also often stated that absence of seal/
bearing failure and the avoidance of reverse
pressures will ensure that oil leakage out of the
chamber does not occur. However, the litera-
ture suggests this is not always the case and oil
does leak more than generally realised for sev-
eral reasons, which are summarised below.
• Apositivegradientisdifficulttomaintain
under all operating conditions.
• Oilmayflowoppositetothepositive
pressure gradient with both types of seals.
Pressures generated in the oil film between
the mechanical (carbon) face seals can cause
liquid in the film to overcome the pressure
gradient and leak both with and against the
pressure gradient. [9] Dalton’s law of partial
pressures, in which a gas tries to create a
constant partial pressure, indicates that
high-pressure air will not actually prevent
oil vapour from permeating through the
Figure 1. Bearing sump (ExxonMobil 2009).
Figure 4. The propensity of partial pressures
to cause vapour leakage against the pressure
gradient (Journal of Biological Physics and
Chemistry, Vol 14, 2014).
Figure 2. Fluid and abradable lined labyrinth
seal (‘The Jet Engine’, Rolls-Royce, 2005).
Figure 3. Typical carbon seal (‘The Jet Engine’,
Rolls-Royce, 2005).
April 2016 Sealing Technology 9
labyrinth against the pressure gradient[9]
(see Figure 4).
• Reversepressure(higherpressureonthe
chamber side of the seal than outside) and
changes in pressure gradients do occur at
various transient phases of flight, allowing
leakage in the opposite direction.
Industry recognition of seal leakage as a
function of design includes: ‘Increased oil
leakage may occur when the engine or APU
is started and the seals are not at operational
pressure and temperature or during transient
operations such as acceleration or deceleration.
Some systems rely upon internal pressure to
maintain the sealing interface, which may open
up on shut-down allowing some oil to exit the
oil wetted side of the seal. Upon start-up, the
oil will be entrained into the air entering the
compressor, with the seal interface again estab-
lished once the engine internal pressure returns
to operating norms.’ [10]
The volume of leakage for both seal types
depends on the seal design, clearance and
pressure differential across the seal – with a
face seal allowing considerable leakage should
the face open with the reverse pressure,
unless this is taken into account at the
design stage.[9]
Just about all known seals will leak – with
seals designed to limit leakage and no such
thing as a seal that does not leak – even if a
very small amount, perhaps an emission occurs
rather than leakage.[9]
Zero leakage is said to be an oxymoron.[11]
Only very small amounts of oil need to leak
to generate a noticeable cabin odour[12] and
it will be possible to smell oil before high oil
consumption is noticed.[13] Light oil contami-
nation – well below permissible leakage levels
– is often difficult to confirm during inspec-
tion procedures.
The aviation industry is seen as unique
in that environmental aspects drive sealing
requirements as opposed to regulatory emission
limits, as occurs in other critical industries, and
the general environment.[14]
Customer satisfaction – a cabin free of smells
– and performance parameters drive aerospace
sealing technology.[11, 14] Where emission lim-
its apply, single, double or tandem seals may
be used. However, few limits apply to the aero-
space industry where leakage may be defined as
10 000 ppm or as a visible mist.[14]
Low-level leakage
The question of low-level leakage, well below
the permissible engine oil consumption level,
is at the heart of the issue, with some suggest-
ing that oil leakage refers to amounts above
the manufacturer stated permissible leakage
rate, identified purely to prevent in-flight
Lower-level leakage, or what some may call
emissions, is suggested by some to be not seen
in the same light and importance.
The major part of oil consumption is per-
missible leakage past seals, oil leaks and escape
of mist or aerosol through the oil system
breather.[15, 16] Over the years there has been
awareness within the oil sealing community
that the oil seals were subject to leakage. Some
examples include statements such as: “carbon
seals must function as seals not flow restric-
“future research needs to include transient
ogy has not kept pace with advances in major
engine components”.
Conflicting views
There are conflicting views on which of the
commonly used seal types are more effective,
with some suggesting conversion from laby-
rinth seals to mechanical carbon seals, given the
higher labyrinth air leakage rates. OEMs are
said to be satisfied with labyrinth seals to seal
many bearing sumps for many years to come.
Improvements in seal design are available,
including brush seals and other advanced seal
types.[11] Axial lift mechanical seals are sug-
gested to have a number of benefits, including
no oil loss in reverse pressures – eliminating oil
pollution in the cabin.[17] Whilst some aspects
of seals are suggested to have come a long way
in recent years, [8] the concerns about oil fumes
in the aircraft cabin remain ongoing.[3,18&19]
Other factors
There are various factors related to exposure
to oil fumes and other aircraft fluids that can
enter the air supply via the bleed air system.
These are summarised in the sections below.
Hazardous substances
The substances in the oils and fluids are classi-
fied as hazardous under the EU Classification
(CLP) and REACH regulations, with one
substance listed as a Substance of Very High
Concern (SVHC) under REACH article 57.
Additionally, a number of substances are
listed as endocrine disruptors. These sub-
stances attract a wide variety of adverse effects
under the various official databases, including
International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC)
and Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB).
Many of these are the effects that are com-
monly being reported.
Flight safety
There is a wide range of organisations recog-
nising that exposure to these substances in
flight can compromise flight safety: A 2015
International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) guidance circular reports that ‘par-
ticular concerns have been raised regarding
the negative impact on flight safety when crew
members are exposed to oil or hydraulic fluid
fumes or smoke, and experience acute symp-
toms in flight.’
Impairment associated with exposure is
documented at levels around 32%, despite
wide recognition that crews are frequently
not reporting fume events and crews are not
always acting appropriately subsequent to
Adverse health effects
The published literature supports that a wide
variety of adverse health effects, associated
with fume events, is being reported. Effects are
Of 274 UK pilots who participated in a
health survey, focusing on a particular aircraft
type acknowledged for higher than average oil
seal leakage, 13% were retired with ill health
or deceased. The findings were consistent with
exposure to jet oils, and fluids including organ-
ophosphates (OPs) and supported the emerging
discrete occupational and public health issue,
termed “Aerotoxic syndrome”.[3]
A number of studies undertaken into OPs in
the engine oils have identified tricresyl phos-
phate (TCP) in air, swab and high-efficiency
particulate air (HEPA) filter samples in normal
flights, without fume events, ranging from
17–95% of samples/flights undertaken.
Fume events are often said to be very rare.
However, a UK Government sponsored com-
mittee suggested that such events were being
reported by pilots in 1% of flights.[20]
Sealing Technology April 2016
A review of US Government databases
reports 2.1 events per 10 000 departures, along
with recognition of under-reporting[21] widely
noticed elsewhere. However, there is increasing
recognition that background or low levels of
the fluids substances are being found routinely,
supporting the suggestion that low-level leakage
occurs as a function of design and operation
using the bleed air system.[3]
The literature supports an increasing number
of studies that have been done, or are currently
on-going, indicating concern with exposure to
the substances in the lubricants.
In one example, a University of Washington
study on biomarkers associated with triaryl
phosphates (TAPs), including TCP, identified
that one of the commercial formulations of TCP,
DURAD 125, is inhibiting a number of enzymes.
A German environmental research centre
study has identified that functional neurotoxicity
is observed with very low TOCP (isomer of TCP
or tri-o-cresyl phosphate isomer) concentrations,
and in the absence of structural damage.
Industry initiatives
Whilst studies into the effects of exposure to
the synthetic lubricants commenced in the early
1950s, they have continued to increase in
number over the last one to two decades.
A few on-going examples include:
• twoEASA-sponsoredstudiesintothecabin
• REACHreviewofTCP;
• ICAOfumeeventsguidancecircular;
• IATAmedicalresponseguidancetofumeevents;
• CENcabinairqualitystandarddevelopment;
• EUCleanskydevelopmentofelectric
compressor for the environmental control
• twocasesbeforetheUKCoroner’sCourt.
The way forward
Some continue to suggest that there is no
evidence of a link between exposure to the
fumes and adverse effects and that the term
Aerotoxic syndrome has not been medically rec-
ognised as yet. However, the evidence available
is extensive and a toxic mechanism cannot be
ruled out and acute effects have been officially
recognised with long-term effects reported.[18]
Therefore, it would make complete sense
to enact a variety of solutions that do exist, or
could be implemented. These include bleed-
Importantly, seal providers should be brought
in at the start of the design process.
It is clearly recognised that the oil seals do
leak or emit low levels of fluids. These low
levels, clearly below the permissible oil con-
sumption level, have been regarded as negligible
and safe. The focus has been on secondary air
leakage and its effect on engine performance,
rather than lower levels of oil leakage – yet
awareness of the lubricant leakage does exist.
There has been reluctance by the OEMs to
change seal types, address low-level leakage and
implement more advanced sealing technology.
However, given that most current commercial
aircraft use the compressor pressurised air for both
sealing the oil bearing chamber and the cabin air
supply, this common path cannot preclude low-
level leakage of oil in normal engine operations.
It is no longer possible to suggest oil leak-
age may only contaminate the air supply when
bearing/seals fail or are not working as intended.
Given the six-decade-old history of oil leakage
into the air supply, low-level leakage in normal
operations and the evidence rapidly growing, the
above solutions need to be implemented.
1. AAIB(2013)AAIBBulletin:5/2013;
2. AAIB (2004) 1/2004 (EW/C2000/11/4)
BAe 146 G-JEAK.
3. Michaelis S., PhD Thesis, ‘Health And
Flight Safety Implications from Exposure
to Contaminated Air in Aircraft’ UNSW,
Australia (2010).
4. de Boer et al. Chemosphere, 9 June 2014.
5. Overfelt ACER – Airliner Cabin
Environment Research. Proposed Test
Plans for a Study of Bleed Air Quality in
Commercial Airliners, June 2013.
6. Spengler. J.D. et al. In-flight/onboard
monitoring: Report no: RITE-ACER-
CoE-2012-6 (2012).
7. Flitney, R., ‘Seals and Sealing Handbook’,
5th edition (2007).
8. Boyce,M.,‘GasTurbineEngineering
Handbook, 4th Edition (2011).
9. Flitney, R., Journal of Biological Physics
10. SAE Society of Automotive Engineers,
Aerospace Information Report
AIR4766/2 (2005).
11. Chupp, R. et al., Sealing in Turbomachinery,
NASA/TM-2006-214341 (2006).
12. Airbus, ‘A Clean APU Means Clean Cabin
Air‘ FAST #52 (2013).
13. SHK Statens Haverikommission,
Report RL 2001:41e on 12 November
14. Hendricks, C. Environmental and
customer-driven seal requirements. Seals
Flow Code Development-93 NASA
CP 10134 p 67 (1993).
15. Edge, R. and Squires, A., ‘Lubricant
Evaluation and Systems Design for Aircraft
Gas Turbine Engines’ Rolls-Royce, SAE
690424, 1969.
16. ExxonMobil, Jet Engine Oil Consumption.
Tech Topic. 2014.
17. Tran, H. et al. High-performance Lift
Augmentation Dynamic Seals for Turbine
Bearing Compartments, Sealing Technology
2004 (January 2004) pp 5–10.
Paper on Cabin Air. England (2013).
19. German Federal Bureau of Aircraft
20. UK Committee on the Toxicity (COT),
Review of Cabin air. Final Report. (2007).
21. Shehadi, M., et al. (2015). Indoor Air,
pp. 1–11.
Dr Susan Michaelis PhD, ATPL, Michaelis Aviation
Consulting, Office 2, The Courtyard, 30 Worthing Road,
Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1SL, UK.
Tel: +44 7880 554 551,
(This article is based on a presentation by
the author at BHR Group’s 23rd International
Conference on Fluid Sealing that was held in
Manchester, UK, on 2-3 March 2016.)
Published Papers
• J.StarcevicandV.L.Popov,BerlinUniversity
of Technology, Berlin, Germany, and Tomsk
Berlin University of Technology, Berlin,
Germany: ‘Plastic properties of polytetrafluor-
oethylene (PTFE) under conditions of high
pressure and shear’, Wear, Volumes 326–327,
15 March 2015, pages 84–87. The authors
of this study investigated, experimentally, the
behaviour of a thin sheet of polytetrafluoro-
ethylene (PTFE) between a steel plate and
a cylindrical steel indenter under combined
action of a high normal force and torsion.
Under these actions the PTFE layer is par-
tially squeezed out of the contact area. The
thickness of the remaining layer is studied
as function of the applied normal force, the
torsion angle and the radius of the indenter.
... Even during normal operation, bleed air can be contaminated with, among others, engine oil or hydraulic fluids leaking into the ECS (Crump et al., 2011;Harrison and Mackenzie Ross, 2016; for review see Bolton (2009) and Hageman et al. (2022)). When leaking, the engine oil and hydraulic fluid are exposed to high temperature and pressure leading to the evaporation, thermal decomposition and/or pyrolytic degradation of their constituents (Bolton, 2009;Michaelis, 2016Michaelis, , 2011Hageman et al., 2022). In severe cases (0.1 %; Shehadi et al., 2015), the so called "fume events", the contamination becomes clearly noticeable in mists, fumes, vapors, and smoke in the cabin (National Research Council (US) Committee, 2002;Shehadi et al., 2015; for review see Bolton (2009) and Hageman et al. (2022)). ...
... Engine oils and hydraulic fluids are mixtures containing a large number of potentially toxic chemicals (Bolton, 2009;Michaelis, 2016Michaelis, , 2011 for review see Schuchardt et al., 2019 andHageman et al., 2022). The resulting fume contamination is therefore diverse but due to decomposition and/or pyrolysis, the fume composition is hard to predict and may exhibit different or even higher neurotoxic potency than the original engine oil or hydraulic fluid (Centers, 1992;van Netten and Leung, 2001;Wright, 2008). ...
In most airplanes, cabin air is extracted from the turbine compressors, so-called bleed air. Bleed air can become contaminated by leakage of engine oil or hydraulic fluid and possible neurotoxic constituents, like triphenyl phosphate (TPhP) and tributyl phosphate (TBP). The aim of this study was to characterize the neurotoxic hazard of TBP and TPhP, and to compare this with the possible hazard of fumes originating from engine oils and hydraulic fluids in vitro. Effects on spontaneous neuronal activity were recorded in rat primary cortical cultures grown on microelectrode arrays following exposure for 0.5h (acute), and 24h and 48h (prolonged) to TBP and TPhP (0.01 - 100µM) or fume extracts (1 - 100µg/mL) prepared from four selected engine oils and two hydraulic fluids by a laboratory bleed air simulator. TPhP and TBP concentration-dependently reduced neuronal activity with equal potency, particularly during acute exposure (TPhP IC50: 10 - 12µM; TBP IC50: 15 - 18µM). Engine oil-derived fume extracts persistently reduced neuronal activity. Hydraulic fluid-derived fume extracts showed a stronger inhibition during 0.5h exposure, but the degree of inhibition attenuates during 48h. Overall, fume extracts from hydraulic fluids were more potent than those from engine oils, in particular during 0.5h exposure, although the higher toxicity is unlikely to be due only to higher levels of TBP and TPhP in hydraulic fluids. Our combined data show that bleed air contaminants originating from selected engine oils or hydraulic fluids exhibit neurotoxic hazard in vitro, with fumes derived from the selected hydraulic fluids being most potent.
... In addition to outside air quality, internal pollution sources such This incidental situation, commonly referred to as fume event, is well known and documented. 16,17 It may lead to gas phase or mist pollution of the cabin with engine oil which comprises hazardous chemicals such as organophosphates (OPs). 18 Besides fume events, passengers themselves (and their activities) represent the major pollution source during flight. ...
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On most modern airliners, cabin air pressurization, heating, and renewal are mainly achieved using air supplied from the gas turbine engines during flight. This air intake impairs the motors yield and needs to be conditioned, leading to energy overconsumption. Recent advances in thermal management enable aircraft manufacturers to reduce further the intake airflow needed to maintain cabin temperature at high altitude. Nevertheless, for lower air renewal rates, an appropriate air filtration system will be needed to maintain acceptable air quality in the cabin. In this context, Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (CS2JU) project EC2S (Environment Control Secondary System) aims at developing an integrated filtration system to be implemented in existing cabin air management systems (so‐called environmental control system—ECS). The EC2S unit will include three filtration units addressing separately volatile organic compounds (VOCs), CO2, and particulate matter (PM). Circulated air in the ECS is conventionally filtered on pleated HEPA filters that generate substantial pressure drop. Since the EC2S VOCs and CO2 filtration units would generate additional pressure drop in the ECS system, electrostatic precipitation is foreseen as a low flow resistance alternative for PM removal. This paper reports the development and performance assessment of a two‐stage electrostatic precipitator (ESP) designed for aircraft recirculated air filtration. The ESP prototype presents high single‐pass particle collection rates (i.e., over 90% for airborne particles with an aerodynamic diameter of 0.5 μm or larger), low‐pressure drop (i.e., 4 Pa at nominal flowrate), and a limited ozone generation rate (i.e., below 8 mg h−1).
... There are three ways that jet engine oil can contaminate the bleed air, being the air that is bled from the engine compressor stages to the cabin air that is delivered to passengers and crew: (i) by design: jet engines need minimal seal clearance to operate and thereby permit low level oil leakage into the aircraft cabin during normal flight operations; (ii) by seal bearing failure or minor systems failures, including worn seals; and (iii) maintenance irregularities or design deficiency. 1 This paper deals with the effects of the latter two categories, when noticeable amounts of jet engine oil or even externally ingested hydraulic fluid contaminate the aircraft occupants' breathing air. In recent years, there has been growing concern about the health and flight safety implications from such contaminations, which are commonly called fume events, or alternatively named cabin air contamination events. ...
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This paper describes fragmentation of information problems in relation to information dissemination from bleed air contamination reports on aircraft. Chemical contamination of the bleed air supply system may cause crew impairment and can negatively impact flight safety. By comparing and contrasting official investigation reports with other information sources, the validity of the available information is scrutinized. The results display a lack of centralized data about fume events. Additionally, there is inconsistency between data from different sources. Fragmentation of information makes it difficult for pilots and decision makers to accurately assess the extent of the problem.
... seal wear or seal failure) (4). The use of pressurized air from the engine compressor to both seal the oil-bearing chamber and supply cabin bleed air provides a mechanism for low-level oil leakage in routine engine operations (4,15). While many experts have suggested that oil leakage is associated only with rare failure events, others now recognize that chronic exposure is caused by the so-called tiny amounts of oil vapours released by oil leaking continuously over the seals during engine power changes (4,16). ...
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Background: Concerns related to adverse health effects experienced by aircrew exposed to aircraft contaminated air have been ongoing for over 6 decades. Unfiltered breathing air is supplied to the cabin via the engine compressor. The likelihood that oil leaking over the engine oil seals may enter the cabin air supply has prompted continuing debate about the hazards associated with exposure to neurotoxic substances and to the thermally degraded or pyrolysed mixture. In this study, we undertook an in-depth investigation of aircrew involved in suspected aircraft contaminated air events. Methods: Two studies were conducted to review the circumstances and symptoms of a cohort of aircrew working in the pressurized air environment of aircraft. A table of effects was then used for categorizing symptoms and reviewing other sources of data related to aircraft fluids and selected other conditions. Results: Both acute and chronic exposures to neurotoxic and a wide range of thermally degraded substances were confirmed, along with a clear pattern of acute and chronic adverse effects. The latter were supported by medical findings and diagnoses, notably involving the neurological, neurobehavioural and respiratory systems. Conclusion: A clear cause and effect relationship has been identified linking the symptoms, diagnoses and findings to the occupational environment. Recognition of this new occupational disorder and a clear medical investigation protocol are urgently needed
... The reported frequency of fume events varies widely including 2.1 events per 10,000 departures [6], oil fumes in 1% of flights [7] and seals leaking as a function of the design and operation of oil seals reliant upon compressed air [8] [9]. ...
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There are certification and airworthiness requirements relevant to the provision of clean breathing air in the crew and passenger compartments. There have been continuing reports and studies over the years regarding oil fumes in aircraft, including impaired crew performance. Oil fumes are viewed in varying ways ranging from rare seal bearing failures, to low level leakage in normal flight. A Masters of Science (MSc) research degree was undertaken to assess whether there is any gap between the certification requirements for the provision of clean air in crew and passenger compartments, and the theoretical and practical implementation of the requirements using the bleed air system. A comprehensive literature search reviewed applicable certification standards, documented and theoretical understanding of oil leakage. Two types of interviews were conducted to address the research questions. Key aviation regulators were questioned about the process by which they certify and ensure compliance with the clean air requirements. Aerospace engineers and sealing professionals were interviewed about their understanding of how oil may leak past compressor oil bearing seals, and into the air supply under various flight conditions. The outcome of the research showed that there is a gap between the clean air certification requirements, and the theoretical and practical implementation of the requirements using the bleed air system. Low level oil leakage into the aircraft cabin in normal flight operations is a function of the design of the engine lubricating system and bleed air systems, both utilising pressurised air. The use of the bleed air system to supply the regulatory required air quality standards is not being met or being enforced as required.
... seal wear or seal failure) (4). The use of pressurized air from the engine compressor to both seal the oil-bearing chamber and supply cabin bleed air provides a mechanism for low-level oil leakage in routine engine operations (4,15). While many experts have suggested that oil leakage is associated only with rare failure events, others now recognize that chronic exposure is caused by the so-called tiny amounts of oil vapours released by oil leaking continuously over the seals during engine power changes (4, 16). ...
Contamination of aircraft cabin air can result from leakage of engine oils and hydraulic fluids into bleed air. This may cause adverse health effects in cabin crews and passengers. To realistically mimic inhalation exposure to aircraft cabin bleed-air contaminants, a mini bleed-air contaminants simulator (Mini-BACS) was constructed and connected to an air-liquid interface (ALI) aerosol exposure system (AES). This unique “Mini-BACS + AES” setup provides steady conditions to perform ALI exposure of the mono- and co-culture lung models to fumes from pyrolysis of aircraft engine oils and hydraulic fluids at respectively 200 °C and 350 °C. Meanwhile, physicochemical characteristics of test atmospheres were continuously monitored during the entire ALI exposure, including chemical composition, particle number concentration (PNC) and particles size distribution (PSD). Additional off-line chemical characterization was also performed for the generated fume. We started with submerged exposure to fumes generated from 4 types of engine oil (Fume A, B, C, and D) and 2 types of hydraulic fluid (Fume E and F). Following submerged exposures, Fume E and F as well as Fume A and B exerted the highest toxicity, which were therefore further tested under ALI exposure conditions. ALI exposures reveal that these selected engine oil (0–100 mg/m³) and hydraulic fluid (0–90 mg/m³) fumes at tested dose-ranges can impair epithelial barrier functions, induce cytotoxicity, produce pro-inflammatory responses, and reduce cell viability. Hydraulic fluid fumes are more toxic than engine oil fumes on the mass concentration basis. This may be related to higher abundance of organophosphates (OPs, ≈2800 µg/m³) and smaller particle size (≈50 nm) of hydraulic fluid fumes. Our results suggest that exposure to engine oil and hydraulic fluid fumes can induce considerable lung toxicity, clearly reflecting the potential health risks of contaminated aircraft cabin air.
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We present strong evidence for the presence of aerosols of Nano-particles (also termed Ultrafine Particles (UFPs) in aerosol science) in the breathing air of pressurized aircraft using engine bleed air architecture. The physical and chemical nature of engine oils and the high temperatures attained in aircraft jet engines (up to 1,700°C in the oil circulation and up to 30,000°C in the bearings) explain why UFPs are to be expected. A discussion of oil seals used in gas turbine engines concludes that they will permit UFPs to cross them and enter the breathing air supply, in conjunction with a complex mixture of chemicals such triaryl phosphates which are neurotoxic. A consideration of the toxicology of Nano-particles concludes that their continual presence over a typical working lifetime of up to 20,000 hours in aircrew will predispose them to chronic respiratory problems and will exacerbate the translocation of neurotoxic substances across the blood brain barrier.
The Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook has been the standard for engineers involved in the design, selection, and operation of gas turbines. This revision includes new case histories, the latest techniques, and new designs to comply with recently passed legislation. By keeping the book up to date with new, emerging topics, Boyce ensures that this book will remain the standard and most widely used book in this field.The new Third Edition of the Gas Turbine Engineering Hand Book updates the book to cover the new generation of Advanced gas Turbines. It examines the benefit and some of the major problems that have been encountered by these new turbines. The book keeps abreast of the environmental changes and the industries answer to these new regulations. A new chapter on case histories has been added to enable the engineer in the field to keep abreast of problems that are being encountered and the solutions that have resulted in solving them.
Wherever machinery operates there will be seals of some kind ensuring that the machine remains lubricated, the fluid being pumped does not leak, or the gas does not enter the atmosphere. Seals are ubiquitous, in industry, the home, transport and many other places. This 5th edition of a long-established title covers all types of seal by application: static, rotary, reciprocating etc. The book bears little resemblance to its predecessors, and Robert Flitney has re-planned and re-written every aspect of the subject. No engineer, designer or manufacturer of seals can afford to be without this unique resource. *Wide engineering market *Bang up to date! *Only one near competitor, now outdated.
Conventional bearing shaft seal systems used in gas turbine engines are often limited to a sliding velocity of about 100 m/s, differential pressure of 3 bar, gas temperature of 300°C and a seal life less than 8000 h. Advanced engines will require bearing shaft seal systems to operate up to sliding velocity of 200 m/s, differential pressure of 6 bar, gas temperature of 500°C and seal life in excess of 30 000 hours. For seals operating in these advanced conditions, a design with no rubbing contact will be required to achieve long life and reliability. A good validated approach is the use of a gas lift augmentation seal. The design objective for a seal of this type is to have the faces of the seal seek an equilibrium position to avoid any contact. The gap must be small enough to ensure a minimal air leakage, but it must be large enough to limit power dissipation, due to shear in the gas film, and face deformation by shaft displacement, misalignment and vibration. Dynamic seals for a bearing compartment have the following main functions: provide static and dynamic sealing in order to prevent oil leakage from the bearing oil compartment to the air compartment and consequently no oil smell pollution by the use of bleed air; control air leakage to the bearing oil compartment in order to improve performance of the engine and to reduce oil consumption; reduce volume of the oil tank and lubrication system and hence provide weight reduction; to operate in extreme conditions of temperature and with normal and reverse pressure; and reduce the mean time between overhaul (MTBO) and have a very long life. Techspace Aero and Burgmann have carried out design, development and testing of lift augmentation carbon seals and demonstrated that high life and performance levels of these seals are possible in a gas turbine engine environment.
Clearance control is of paramount importance to turbomachinery designers and is required to meet today's aggressive power output, efficiency, and operational life goals. Excessive clearances lead to losses in cycle efficiency, How instabilities, and hot gas ingestion into disk cavities. Insufficient clearances limit coolant flows and cause interface rubbing, overheating downstream components and damaging interfaces, thus limiting component life. Designers have put renewed attention on clearance control, as it is often the most cost-effective method to enhance system performance. Advanced concepts and proper material selection continue to play important roles in maintaining interface clearances to enable the system to meet design goals. This work presents an overview of turbomachinery seating to control clearances. Areas covered include characteristics of gas and steam turbine sealing applications and environments, benefits of sealing, types of standard static and dynamics seals, advanced seal designs, as well as life and limitations issues.
The Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook has been the standard for engineers involved in the design, selection, and operation of gas turbines. This revision includes new case histories, the latest techniques, and new designs to comply with recently passed legislation. By keeping the book up to date with new, emerging topics, Boyce ensures that this book will remain the standard and most widely used book in this field.The new Third Edition of the Gas Turbine Engineering Hand Book updates the book to cover the new generation of Advanced gas Turbines. It examines the benefit and some of the major problems that have been encountered by these new turbines. The book keeps abreast of the environmental changes and the industries answer to these new regulations. A new chapter on case histories has been added to enable the engineer in the field to keep abreast of problems that are being encountered and the solutions that have resulted in solving them.
Public awareness of environmental hazards, well-publicized effects of hazardous leakages (Three Mile Island, Challenger), and a general concern for planet earth have precipitated emission limits that drive the design requirements for seals applications. Types of seals, barrier fluids, and the necessity of thin lubricating films and stable turbomachine operation to minimize leakage and material losses generated by rubbing contact are discussed.
Proposed Test Plans for a Study of Bleed Air Quality in Commercial Airliners
  • Acer-Airliner Cabin Environment Overfelt
  • Research
Overfelt ACER-Airliner Cabin Environment Research. Proposed Test Plans for a Study of Bleed Air Quality in Commercial Airliners, June 2013.