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Benefits and Costs of Earthquake Early Warning



Earthquake early warning (EEW) is the rapid detection of earthquakes underway and the alerting of people and infrastructure in harms way. Public warning systems are now operational in Mexico and Japan, and smaller-scale systems deliver alerts to specific users in Turkey, Taiwan, China, Romania, and the United States. The warnings can arrive seconds to minutes before strong shaking, and a review of early warning applications around the world shows this time can be used to reduce the impact of an earthquake by many sectors of society. Individuals can use the alert time to drop, cover, and hold on, reducing injuries and fatalities, or if alert time allows, evacuate hazardous buildings. Train derailments can be reduced, chemical splits limited, patients in hospitals protected, fire ignitions prevented; workers in hazardous environments protected from fall/pinch hazards, reducing head injuries and/or death. It is impossible to complete an exhaustive list of applications and savings generated by a warning system in the United States, but the benefits clearly outweigh the costs. Three lives saved, two semiconductor plants warned, one Bay Area Rapid Transit train slowed, a 1% reduction in nonfatal injuries, and a 0.25% avoidance of gas-related fire damage would each save enough money to pay for 1 year of operation of a public warning system for the entire U.S. West Coast. EEWcould also reduce the number of injuries in earthquakes by more than 50%.
Benefits and Costs of Earthquake Early
by Jennifer A. Strauss and Richard M. Allen
Earthquake early warning (EEW) is the rapid detection of
earthquakes underway and the alerting of people and infra-
structure in harms way. Public warning systems are now opera-
tional in Mexico and Japan, and smaller-scale systems deliver
alerts to specific users in Turkey,Taiwan, China, Romania, and
the United States. The warnings can arrive seconds to minutes
before strong shaking, and a review of early warning applica-
tions around the world shows this time can be used to reduce
the impact of an earthquake by many sectors of society. Indi-
viduals can use the alert time to drop, cover, and hold on,
reducing injuries and fatalities, or if alert time allows, evacuate
hazardous buildings. Train derailments can be reduced, chemi-
cal splits limited, patients in hospitals protected, fire ignitions
prevented; workers in hazardous environments protected from
fall/pinch hazards, reducing head injuries and/or death. It is
impossible to complete an exhaustive list of applications and
savings generated by a warning system in the United States,
but the benefits clearly outweigh the costs. Three lives saved,
two semiconductor plants warned, one Bay Area Rapid Transit
train slowed, a 1% reduction in nonfatal injuries, and a 0.25%
avoidance of gas-related fire damage would each save enough
money to pay for 1 year of operation of a public warning sys-
tem for the entire U.S. West Coast. EEW could also reduce the
number of injuries in earthquakes by more than 50%.
Earthquake early warning (EEW) can provide a few seconds to
a few minutes of warning prior to ground shaking at a given
location. EEW is used publically, and prototypically, in several
countries around the world, with the aim of reducing the dam-
age, costs, and casualties resulting from an earthquake. Actions
taken in response to the alerts range from personal safety ap-
proaches (such as drop, cover, and hold on) to automated con-
trols and situational awareness. In this article, we provide a
summary of the status of EEW around the world for the non-
specialist and provide examples of cost-saving response actions.
This article is intended for prospective users of early warning,
government officials setting policies, and others outside of the
seismological community, illustrating the broad landscape of
mitigation possibilities that early warning provides.
Unlike seismic retrofits, where a direct costbenefit of
damage reduction is readily made, early warning mitigates
many hidden costs that are difficult to monetarily delineate but
are ultimately crucial for long-term resiliency postrupture. At-
tempts to calculate potential annual loss reductions specifically
resulting from EEW actions are difficult, due to the fact that
few outside of the seismological community are aware of the
technical capabilities. For that reason, we here illustrate known
possible savings from EEW and show that EEW can aid in mit-
igation for broad-risk categories, including reducing train de-
railments and chemical spills, isolating radioactive sources,
protecting patients, reducing fall/pinch hazards, and reducing
head injuries and/or death. Though we cannot a priori deter-
mine which individual risks will occur in any given earthquake,
the savings are so significant and so diverse that a robust EEW
system would be a good return on investment. Saving three
individual lives, or alerting two semiconductor plants, or pre-
venting the derailment of one Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
train, would each individually save enough money to pay for
one year of operation of the system for the entire U.S. West
Coast. The savings are not limited to just the risks outlined in
this article, even though these alone would be sufficient to jus-
tify the costs of a warning system.
EEW, like warnings for other natural disasters such as torna-
does, hurricanes, and tsunamis, is a forecast of activity that is
imminent. However, unlike hurricane warnings, which can
come days in advance of severe weather, or tsunami warnings,
which build over the course of a few minutes to a few hours
before the tsunami makes landfall, earthquakes have a much
shorter lead time, shorter even than a funnel cloud that starts
spiraling toward the earth. A warning could be just seconds.
This short warning time is a product of the physical proc-
ess of an earthquake rupture. A schematic regional EEWsystem
doi: 10.1785/0220150149 Seismological Research Letters Volume 87, Number 3 May/June 2016 765
is outlined in Figure 1. In essence, EEW uses seismometers to
detect the first signature of an earthquake (Pwave, yellow arc),
to process the waveform information, and to forecast the in-
tensity of shaking that will arrive after the Swave (red arc). For
local EEW installations, the Pwave is detected onsite (i.e., at
the user location), and the difference between the P- and
S-wave arrival times defines the maximum alert time. For
regional networks, the Pwaves are detected by sensors closest
to the epicenter, and estimates are immediately relayed to
earthquake alerting applications (TV, smartphones, radio,
etc.) to provide businesses, citizens, and emergency responders
more advance knowledge of the expected arrival and intensity
of shaking at their location.
Heaton et al. (1985) proposed a model for a computerized
seismic alert network, which laid the groundwork for the EEW
systems in place around the world today. They proposed that
this computer-backed system could protect hazardous chemi-
cals, initiate electrical isolation, and protect fixed-rail transport
systems, hospitals, fire stations, etc. These ideas have now been
tested, and some are operational for several EEW systems
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in partnership with the
University of California at Berkeley, the California Institute of
Technology, and the University of Washington, with support
from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, created an
EEW initiative called ShakeAlert (Fig. 2). This system incor-
porates existing sensors from the California Integrated Seismic
Network and the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network and
sends alerts to a cadre of test usersover 50 groups including
the BART, the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles, Boeing,
and Intel. It is currently an end-to-end demonstration system,
and conversion to a more redundant and robust production
prototype is underway, with a view toward limited rollouts
Figure 1. Representative illustration of the regional earthquake
early warning concept. Provided by Erin Burkett (U.S. Geological
Survey [USGS]) and Jeff Goertzen (Orange County Register).
Figure 2. (a) ShakeAlert UserDisplay showing a snapshot of
the warning from a simulation of the 1989 Loma Prieta earth-
quake. The red star is the epicentral location, and the yellow
and red circles are the Pand Swavefronts. The key alert infor-
mation is the shaking intensity and time of the Swave (repre-
senting onset of strong shaking) at the users location. This is
the warning at University of California, Berkeley, as indicated by
the location of the blue house icon. The UserDisplay is a java-
based application that can run on any computer and is available
to ShakeAlert test users. (b) MyEEW smartphone app for the
same scenario event. An audible alert with the shaking intensity
at the users location is first received automatically (top of left
screenshot). When the user touches the notification, a simple
screen shows the expected shaking intensity at the userslo-
cation and counts down until the S-wave arrival (middle screen-
shot). By touching the Maplink (top right) a screen with more
information is displayed showing a map of the event and user
location and the magnitude, in addition to the shaking intensity
and countdown (right screenshot).
766 Seismological Research Letters Volume 87, Number 3 May/June 2016
in the near future. The system currently combines single-sta-
tion algorithms (OnSite, Bose et al., 2012), with multistation
approaches (ElarmS, Serdar Kuyuk et al., 2013; Virtual Seis-
mologist, Cua et al., 2009) to provide the quickest and most
accurate alerts possible. Speed is critical for the U.S. West
Coast, because fault lines and their associated hazards coincide
with areas of high population density. Learning from other sys-
tems in operation today worldwide, the ShakeAlert project also
augments the traditional seismic results with Global Position-
ing System (Grapenthin et al., 2014a,b) and Bayesian ap-
proaches (Bose et al., 2014).
ShakeAlert successfully alerted test users for both the 2014
M6.0 South Napa earthquake (Brocher et al., 2015;Dreger
et al., 2015) and the 2014 M5.1 La Habra earthquake (Hauks-
son et al., 2014). The BART system in San Francisco activated
its hazard mitigation protocol, which triggers trains to auto-
matically slow or stop, depending on predetermined condi-
tions. However, no trains were running at 3:20 a.m. when the
Napa earthquake occurred.
Mexico is home to the oldest public EEW system in the
world. The effort began in 1991 with Mexicos strong-motion
accelerometer network, which monitored large subduction
zone earthquakes off of the western coast and alerted citizens
of Mexico City that heavy shaking was on its way. El Sistema
de Alerta Sísmica Mexicano (SASMEX) now sends alerts to
Mexico City, Oaxaca, Acapulco, Chilpancingo, and most re-
cently Morelia via TV, AM/FM radio, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration weather radios, and the Mexican
Hazard Alert System (Espinosa-Aranda and Petel, 2014). In
2009, the 230 registered users for the system were surveyed,
and 91% respondents considered EEW a useful tool for their
institution as a civil protection measure and maintain a positive
view of the system as a whole (Suarez et al., 2009). The city of
Acapulco received 24 s of warning from SASMEX for the
M7.2 Guerrero earthquake on Good Friday, 2014. Mexico
City (situated almost 400 km away) was provided more than
68 s of early warning (see Data and Resources).
The Japanese EEW system successfully alerted several mil-
lion people near the epicenter, providing 1520 s of early warn-
ing, for the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and tsunami
(Fujinawa and Noda, 2013). Ninety percent of the people
alerted were able to take action in response to the warning to
aid in their survival; this high rate of effectiveness was a result
of EEW education and training (Fujinawa and Noda, 2013).
Post-earthquake surveys indicated that almost 80% of respon-
dents were alerted by the EEW and were prompted to take
action. About 82%91% of respondents (the rate varies de-
pending on the survey group) thought favorably of the EEW
system. The system has been in operation since October 2007
and is arguably the most advanced EEW system in the world.
The alerts and automated responses are tied into the high-
speed rail infrastructure, schools, and businesses, and many pri-
vate sector groups provide value-added services to augment the
public alerts provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency.
In June 2015, the Chinese government approved a project
to construct EEW systems in four large regions of the country:
north China, southeast Coastal, the northsouth seismic belt,
and northwestern Xinjiang. The project builds on demonstra-
tions systems that have been running in the Capitol City Zone,
Lanzhou City, and the Fujian Province for several years. The
project will deploy 2000 broadband and strong-motion seismic
stations, an additional 3000 strong-motion sensors, and it
plans to start delivering warning by 2020.
The Seismic eArly warning For EuRope (SAFER) and
Real-time EArthquake risK reducTion (REAKT) projects in-
volved many institutions in Europe funded to explore the pos-
sibility of warning across Europe. A system in Bucharest, above
the deep Vrancea subduction earthquakes, provides a prelimi-
nary shake map to a nuclear research facility within 45sof
the origin time (Zschau et al., 2009). A regional EEW system is
undergoing testing in the Irpinia region east of Naples and
could provide 816 s warning to the city (Zollo et al., 2009).
EEW was implemented in Istanbul in 2002 in response to the
1999 earthquakes. The system provides traffic control for the
Fatih Sultan Mehmet suspension bridge and Marmaray tube
tunnel across the Bosporus Straits as well as the regulator stations
and natural gas valves for the Istanbul Natural Gas Distribution
Network (Alcik et al.,2009). Finally, a demonstration warning
system is operational in Switzerland, and alerts are being deliv-
ered to nuclear power plants (Cauzzi et al.,2014).
Other groups worldwide are also working toward better
earthquake response through early warning. Taiwan is cur-
rently testing its own EEW system, with alerts sent to users in
the railway and disaster-prevention sectors. Hsiao et al. (2009)
discussed that, between 2001 and 2009, 225 alerts were gen-
erated for events greater than M4.5 both inland and off the
coast, with a latency time of 20 s after the origin time of the
earthquake (Hsiao et al., 2009). Israeli Seismic Network scien-
tists are working with University of California, Berkeley, to
implement the Earthquake Alarms Systems (ElarmS) algorithm
in Israel. The system is running in both real time and in real-
time playback modes with a new visualization tool called
ElarmS Visualization System (ElViS). As the technology gains
deeper global penetration, inhabitants of other high-fault-haz-
ard zones will begin looking toward EEW as a possible solution
to their own risk exposure.
Risk exposure refers to the potential loss of life, personal injury,
economic injury, and property damage resulting from natural
hazards by assessing the vulnerability of people, buildings, and
infrastructure to natural hazards (Federal Emergency Manage-
ment Agency [FEMA], 2014). EEW is a tool that can reduce
risk through personal preparedness, situational awareness, and
automated controls. Personal preparedness (including drop,
cover, and hold on) prevents the most common injuries during
an earthquakethose resulting from falling and flying
objectsand increases the safety of the population, particularly
in schools and public places (Zschau et al., 2009;Earthquake
Country Alliance, 2014a). The elderly and persons with dis-
abilities are disproportionally affected by natural disasters
Seismological Research Letters Volume 87, Number 3 May/June 2016 767
and, as such, could most directly benefit from early warnings
and a clear preparedness plan (Brittingham and Wachtendorf,
2013;Earthquake Country Alliance, 2014b). Situational
awareness provided by EEW allows civil protection authorities
advance notice for more rapid and efficient mobilization and
adaptable response (Zschau et al., 2009). Awareness of the lo-
cation, extent, and intensity of the coming shaking allows
responders to assess the impact and their potential next steps.
Protecting critical structures (e.g., hospitals, air traffic con-
trol facilities, schools, and businesses) through EEW-automated
controls allows them to remain operational and is crucial for
long-term resiliency. Earthquake-induced secondary effects
(e.g., fires and industrial accidents) are reduced through the
application of computer-initiated controls that can safeguard
operations, transport systems, and lifelines, thus allowing social
facilities to return to normal as soon as possible (Heaton et al.,
1985;Zschau et al., 2009).
Since 2003, EEW actions in a hospital setting have been imple-
mented and tested at the National Hospital Organization Dis-
aster Medical Center in Japan. Stopping surgery safely and
temporarily disconnecting ventilator tubes are easy and highly
effective ways to prevent fatal errors in the emergency room
during an earthquake (Horiuchi, 2009). Opening doors to pro-
vide egress routes, closing blinds/curtains to minimize glass
debris, and raising awareness of falling hazards aid in reducing
risk to both staff and patients. Securing radioactive sources and
bringing equipment into a safe mode can also effectively pro-
tect people in radiography departments. In the operating room,
staff can stabilize a patient quickly and easily in response to an
early warning. Hazard mitigation plans involving EEW for hos-
pitals must consider the proximity of their staff to the actions
they need to implement as well as the time required to com-
plete said actions for each department independently.
Schools are another sector where staffs need to protect them-
selves as well as a vulnerable population. General protective mea-
sures such as closing curtains to prevent injuries from broken
glass, opening classroom doors to ensure egress, and raising aware-
ness of falling hazards are applicable for schools just as it is for
hospitals. Many schools in Japan are equipped with EEW,and
installation in all schoolsisunderway(Fujinawa and Noda,
2013). Schools receive arrival time and seismic strength informa-
tion and forward alerts to loudspeakers, announcement systems,
and TV receivers in classrooms (Motosaka and Homma, 2009).
On 14 June 2008, the staff of the junior high school in Shiroishi
City (110 km from epicenter of the M6.9 IwateMiyagi Nairiku
earthquake, Japan) took action with 21 s of early warning,
allowing 102 students (including 10 disabled students) to drop,
cover, and hold on to avoided injury.
Police, Fire, and Other Emergency Response Groups
Police, fire, and other emergency-response groups may be in-
volved in rescue efforts and cleanup operations that may be
compromised by aftershocks. Opening firehouse bay doors
in advance of shaking to prevent jamming and activating
municipal Emergency Operations Centers before communica-
tions are lost aids response. Fire and Police departments also
benefit from situational awareness of the forecasted severity of
the shaking. Often, first responders rely on mutual aid from
outside areas to augment their efforts. Simply knowing in ad-
vance which municipalities are going to be affected and which
ones could be called upon for assistance helps to streamline the
process after the event, particularly if communications become
During heavy shaking, an elevator car and counterweight can
move out of alignment becoming jammed. Elevator stoppage
through earthquake detection or early warning protects the
occupants and system. Almost half of the elevators Otis main-
tains in Japan are already equipped with earthquake detectors,
which return the elevators to the ground floor when strong
shaking is detected so passengers can exit (Layne, 2011). Some
16,700 elevators performed an emergency shutdown during the
Tohoku-Oki earthquake in 2011, which meant that first
responders did not have to devote time and resources to rescue
any trapped or injured passengers (Layne, 2011). Other eleva-
tors are linked to EEW systems, allowing safe shutdown before
strong shaking starts. further protecting occupants.
The best-documented example of manufacturing resilience due
to EEW comes from the OKI semiconductor factory in Miyagi
Prefecture, Japan. Early warning alerts trigger isolation of the
hazardous chemical systems and prompt the lithography tables
to move to a safe position in advance of shaking (Allen et al.,
2009). Several automated controls in a manufacturing context
reduce cascading failures, such as shutting off gas valves to pre-
vent secondary hazards and protection of personnel. The Horia
Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering,
Romania, prevents cascading failure by automatically securing
their nuclear source (Ionescu et al.,2007).
Other Lifelines
Predetermined risk scenarios used in conjunction with EEW
(Pittore et al., 2014) provide lifelines and emergency respond-
ers a framework of immediate estimates of damage types and
locations. Municipalities could assess activation of mutual-aid
deployment to/from neighboring cities. The Salvation Army
could predetermine which divisions would be impacted under
various earthquake scenarios and implement planning and re-
sponse accordingly (John McKnight, Director of Emergency
and Disaster Services the Salvation Army, personal comm.,
March 2015). Real-time seismic motions for lifelines such as
dams could be compared with predetermined models to inform
disaster prevention actions in the aftermath of an earthquake
(Pagano and Sica, 2012). These actions include the monitoring
of earthquake-induced effects, characterization of dam safety
conditions, and alarming those nearby to reduce exposure.
768 Seismological Research Letters Volume 87, Number 3 May/June 2016
Alerts can also trigger rapid checks of dam safety conditions
with regard to possible collapse scenarios.
Transportation Systems
Transportation systems including airports, railways, and road-
ways are important to safeguard with EEW, not only to protect
passengers but also to ensure the smooth flow of goods needed
for recovery efforts in and out of the impacted area. For air-
ports, personal safety within the terminal would center on
drop, cover, and hold on. Outside the terminal, air traffic con-
trollers with the situational awareness of a coming event can
better manage air traffic. Planes can stop taxiing; baggage han-
dlers can get away from hazardous situations; and planes on
approach can go around until the shaking is over and the run-
ways have been inspected.
The BART in San Francisco is the first transportation sys-
tem in the United States with an end-to-end early warning sys-
tem. BART uses both the ShakeAlert system and on-track
accelerometers (set to trigger at a defined threshold of 0:1g)
to slow and/or stop the trains in safe configurations. On
24 August 2014, the M6.0 South Napa earthquake shook
the Bay Area at 3:20 a.m. The BART operations center in
Oakland, California, received 8 s of early warning before
the S-wave arrival. The system preformed as desired; however,
no actions were ultimately taken, because no trains were run-
ning at the time.
The Shinkansen high-speed trains in Japan have an
impressive track record of performance in earthquakes, due
to engineering controls for the trains and EEW. No passengers
or staff were injured during the Great Tohoku earthquake in
2011, and only one train running in test mode derailed. The S-
wave detector at Cape Kinkazan triggered (120 Gal threshold),
and the emergency brakes were automatically applied to all 33
trains. The first tremors hit the trains nearest the epicenter in
Sendai 912 s after the alert, whereas the strongest shaking
took another minute to arrive (Shimamura and Keyaki, 2013).
Railways also benefit from warnings that arrive too late to
fully complete automated controlsas seen during the 2004
Niigataken Chuetsu earthquake. Train Toki 325 traveled into
the affected region and was jolted by the Pwave without warn-
ing. It received an alarm from the Compact Earthquake De-
tection and Alarm System (UrEDAS) 0.6 s later, and the power
supply was interrupted to slow the train. The driver applied the
emergency brake 1.5 s later after recognizing the Compact
UrEDAS alarm and 1.2 s later the heaviest shaking begannot
nearly enough time to fully slow the train from 204 km=hto a
safe speed. Although the train did ultimately derail, the EEW
provided crucial 1.2 s to slow the train before peak shaking and
thus the derailment was noncatastrophic (Nakamura, 2008).
Drivers on roadways may be unable to identify the shaking
as coming from an earthquake, so alerts on signage can bring
awareness and prompt actions such as preventing motorists
from entering bridges and tunnels. The California Department
of Transportation (Caltrans) made use of an EEW system to
protect workers during the small but hazardous (due to all the
unstable debris) aftershocks of the Loma Prieta earthquake.
The radio receiver at the Caltrans headquarters at the damaged
Cypress St. section of the I-880 freeway in Oakland received a
20 s warning before the M4.5 aftershock on 2 November
1989. In the first six months of operation, the system generated
triggers for all twelve M>3:7aftershocks for which trigger
documentation is preserved, did not generate triggers on any
M3:6aftershocks, and produced only one false trigger (Ba-
kun et al., 1994).
A fully implemented public warning system for the West Coast
of the United States would cost $16.1 million per year above
the current USGS funding levels for the Earthquake Hazards
Program (see Fig. 3), which would finance personnel to run the
system, ongoing improvements and upgrades for the instru-
mentation, and continuing research and development (R&D)
to maintain state-of-the-art alert methods. This does not in-
clude one-time costs of $38 million to increase the station den-
sity of the existing networks and upgrade old seismometers to
current standards (Burkett et al., 2014;Given et al., 2014).
The costs are well defined. The savings are envisioned
through a varied landscape of possibilities. Previous costben-
efit studies in California were assembled before the Internet
and trust in automated controls (Holden, 1989). Now society
not only counts on automation as a part of daily life, but we
have a wealth of information from other countries and their
experience with early warning to inform our choices.
In both the 1989 Loma Prieta and 1994 Northridge earth-
quakes, more than 50% of the injuries were caused by falls and
falling hazards (Shoaf et al., 1998). This includes all the injuries
caused by nonstructural hazards such as falling ceiling tiles,
lighting fixtures, bookcases, and so on. If everyone received
a few seconds of warning, and if everyone dropped, took cover,
and held on, then early warning could reduce the number of
injuries by more than 50% in future earthquakes. Porter et al.
(2006) estimated the cost of injuries in the Northridge earth-
quake to be $1.82.9 billion (in 2005 equivalent dollars), so
EEW could provide $11.5 billion in savings in a future similar
The cost of injuries represents 3%4% of the estimated
$50 billion in direct capital losses and direct business interrup-
tion losses. Taking this 3%4% ratio as indicative of future
events, the economic value of future earthquake injuries
the amount that the U.S. government would deem appropriate
to expend to prevent all such injuriesis on the order of $200
million per year (in 2005 dollars, based on the $4.4 billion
expected annual loss due to earthquakes each year (Porter et al.,
2006). The cost of EEW is $16.1 million per year; a mere 1%
reduction of the injuries in the Northridge earthquake is equiv-
alent to the cost of the system for 1 year (see Fig. 3).
According to FEMAs costbenefit methodology for haz-
ard mitigation projects, the current value of a statistical life in
the United States is $6.6 million (see Fig. 3). Therefore, it
stands to reason that if three deaths per year, on average,
are avoided through implementation of EEW, the system pays
Seismological Research Letters Volume 87, Number 3 May/June 2016 769
for itself (John D. Schelling, Interim Mitigation & Recovery
Section Manager Washington Military Department, Emer-
gency Management Division, testimony before the United
States House Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee
on Energy and Mineral Resources, 10 June 2014).
One of the best documented returns on investment for
private industry is that of the OKI semiconductor factory in
Miyagi Prefecture, which experienced $15 million U.S. in losses
due to fire, equipment damage, and loss of productivity in two
moderate earthquakes (M7.1 and 6.4) in 2003. They invested
$600,000 U.S. in retrofits and EEW controls to automatically
shut down hazardous chemical systems and manipulate sensi-
tive equipment into a safe position. In two similar subsequent
earthquakes, the losses were reduced to only $200,000 U.S. (Al-
len et al., 2009), a savings of $7.7 million U.S. per earthquake
(see Fig. 3). There are over 1000 semiconductor companies in
California alone (see Data and Resources), thus protecting just
two of them annually with EEW and retrofits would pay for the
system as a whole.
The Reliability Engineering group for the BART analyzes
passenger flow models for the entire system. Taking Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday averages from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.,
3040 trains are moving at any given time, totaling 300400
individual cars in motion (Kevin Copley, Manager of Com-
puter Systems Engineering at BART, personal comm., March
2015). Preventing derailment of one single train during the
workday could save 10 individual rail cars. At a total project
cost of $3.3 million per car, that translates to a possible $33
million of savings, equivalent to 2 years of operation of Shake-
Alert (see Fig. 3). This calculation considers just the cost for
train-car replacement alone; the cost savings of avoiding inju-
ries to passengers would increase the benefit substantially. As an
example, the 12 May 2015 derailment of the Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, Amtrak train number 188 resulted in 8 fatalities
and 200 injuries at a cost in excess of $9.2 million (National
Transportation Safety Board, 2015).
Other transportation sectors have similarly large assets to
protect. The cost of a single modern airplane, such as the Air-
bus A318 with a list price of $74 million (see Data and Re-
sources), is well in excess of the cost of a 10-car BART
train. Protecting such large capital investments though the use
of an early warning system to divert planes on approach during
heavy shaking could reduce the risk of a costly crash, not only
in the monetary terms for the plane itself, but also for the crew
and passengers who would remain safely on board.
In both the United States and Japan, fire was the single
most destructive seismic agent of damage in the twentieth cen-
tury (Scawthorn et al., 2005). For an M7 earthquake on the
Hayward fault, the loss estimates to fire are around $50 billion
(Charles Scawthorn, after Fires and the Hayward Earthquake
Workshop, written communication, October 2014). This loss
quantity only considers the residential and building replace-
ment value. The total number of ignitions is estimated to be
around 1000, with 25% of those stemming from gas connec-
tions and underground lines. Some gas valves during the 1994
Northridge earthquake had seismic shut-offs installed, which
helped reduce ignition (Scawthorn et al., 2005); implementa-
tion of EEW-based shut-offs would be able to boost their effect.
If only one quarter of 1% (0.25%) of the damage due to gas-
related ignitions could be prevented by early warning, a savings
of $31.25 million could be realized (see Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Comparison of the cost of running a U.S. West Coast early warning system (orange) with some of the identifiable savings
(green). All disks are scaled relative to the white disk representing $10 million.
770 Seismological Research Letters Volume 87, Number 3 May/June 2016
Implementation of EEW systems is increasing around the
world: Mexico, Japan, Europe, Israel, Taiwan, China, and now
the United States, all have systems and provide alerts to users.
There are now real-life demonstrations of the benefits of EEW.
Building occupants in Mexico are able to evacuate structures
that are likely to collapse in an earthquake. School children
took shelter during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Trains
can be slowed to reduce the risk of derailment. Factory workers
using heavy machinery can reduce crush injuries or pinch haz-
ards with advanced notice of shaking. This is not an exhaustive
list, but rather a snapshot of the critical lifelines and industries
that could benefit from early warning.
EEW is not a panacea, nor a replacement for robust infra-
structure or seismic retrofits. EEW is a tool that augments risk
mitigation efforts both before and after a rupture. The benefits
clearly outweigh the costs. Three lives saved, two semiconduc-
tor plants warned, one BARTtrain slowed, a 1% reduction in
nonfatal injuries, a 0.25% avoidance in gas-related fire damage,
could each in theory save enough money to pay for one year of
operation of the system for the entire U.S. West Coast. EEW
could also reduce the number of injuries in earthquakes by
more than 50%.
These specific examples represent just the beginning of
what will be a much longer list of possible applications for
EEW.AsEEW technology becomes better known and under-
stood, as EEW system are further implemented around the
world, and as our world becomes ever more interconnected
and automated, more and more businesses will be able to iden-
tify appropriate applications to safeguard their own assets. It
therefore seems clear that the savings substantially outweigh
the costs of implementing EEW.
The video of the early warning alert can be found at https:// (last accessed Feb-
ruary 2016). The semiconductor companies in California list-
ing can be found at
(last accessed March 2015). Airbus A318 listing can be found
(last accessed April 2015).
dation through Grant Number GBMF3024 to University of
California, Berkeley, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)/
National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Award
G12AC20348. The authors would also like to thank Kevin
Copley at Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), John McKnight
of The Salvation Army, and Margaret Vinci at Caltech for
their insight.
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Jennifer A. Strauss
Richard M. Allen
Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
University of California, Berkeley
215 McCone Hall, Number 4760
Berkeley, California 94720 U.S.A.
Published Online 23 March 2016
772 Seismological Research Letters Volume 87, Number 3 May/June 2016
... Di sisi lain, terdapat gelombang-S atau gelombang sekunder yang bergerak dengan kecepatan yang lebih rendah daripada gelombang-P, namun memiliki potensi untuk menciptakan guncangan intens yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan yang serius [3]. Konsekuensi yang mungkin timbul dari kejadian bencana gempa bumi meliputi hilangnya nyawa, luka-luka, kerusakan properti, dan bahkan dapat berpengaruh pada sektor ekonomi [4]. ...
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Batuan yang terus-menerus ditekan akhirnya akan mengalami patah, terutama jika batas kemampuan batuan untuk menahan tekanan telah terlampaui. Patahan tersebut dapat menjadi salah satu pemicu terjadinya gempa bumi. Gempa bumi adalah getaran dalam bumi yang timbul karena pelepasan secara mendadak energi yang terakumulasi dalam batuan yang mengalami deformasi. Untuk mengurangi konsekuensi bencana yang diakibatkan oleh gempa bumi, diperlukan sistem peringatan dini gempa bumi yang terintegrasi. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan utama menciptakan seismometer yang ekonomis, efektif, dan portabel. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga berfokus pada pengembangan GUI berbasis python untuk menampilkan grafik tiga komponen seismometer secara real-time. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari beberapa tahap, meliputi desain perancangan, persiapan peralatan dan komponen, pembuatan perangkat, pemrograman perangkat dengan Arduino IDE, serta pembuatan Graphical User Interface (GUI) menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Python. Seismometer yang dibangun ini mendeteksi gempa bumi dengan sensor ADXL335 yang dipasang pada sistem mikrokontroler Arduino Uno. ADXL335 adalah sistem pengukuran percepatan triaxial. Sensor ini memiliki bandwith frekuensi yang dapat disesuaikan yang mencakup 0,5 Hz hingga 1.600 Hz untuk sumbu X dan Y, dan 0,5 Hz hingga 550 Hz untuk sumbu Z. Jika mendeteksi getaran dengan amplitudo dan energi yang tinggi, alat ini dapat memberikan peringatan berupa alarm. Untuk memantau data gelombang dari ketiga komponen secara real-time, perangkat ini sudah terintegrasi dengan GUI berbasis Python. Sensor akan menghasilkan nilai ADC yang tinggi saat gelombang atau gempa dengan amplitudo besar terjadi. Grafik menunjukkan gelombang amplitudo besar yang menunjukkan gempa bumi. Berdasarkan perbandingan dengan aplikasi Vibrometer pada sumbu X memiliki galat rata-rata 0.0518, pada sumbu Y memiliki galat rata-rata 0.049 serta pada sumbu Z memiliki galat rata-rata sebesar 0.093.
... EEW systems have effectively minimized casualties from the Shinkansen train incident during the 2004 Niigata Chuetsu, Japan, earthquake (e.g., Nakamura, Morikawa, & Shimatani, 2000;Nakamura, Saita, & Sato, 2011). The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system in California has an EEW-triggered automated train-braking mechanism (e.g., Strauss & Allen, 2016). ...
... EEW information is released prior to the arrival of destructive seismic waves in the surrounding areas of the epicenter, which includes magnitude, ground motion intensity, and other relevant parameters. This advance notice provides businesses and the public with crucial seconds to tens of seconds to take necessary earthquake emergency measures, thereby reducing potential casualties and property losses (Allen & Kanamori, 2003;Cremen et al., 2022;Strauss & Allen, 2016). EEW systems also offer safety assurance services for major infrastructure projects. ...
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Earthquake early warning (EEW) is of great significance in mitigating seismic disasters. Traditional EEW algorithms, which are knowledge‐driven approaches, rely on seismologists' analysis. The limited intensity measures were extracted by seismologists from P‐wave signals. And there is considerable uncertainty for predicting epicentral distance, magnitude, peak ground acceleration (PGA), and peak ground velocity (PGV). Currently, data‐driven deep learning methods with the strong learning abilities do not consider knowledge information from seismologists in EEW; thus, there is unexplored potential in enhancing the performance of deep learning models for EEW. Here, we construct the Data‐knowledge driven Hybrid deep Learning network (DHLnet) for EEW using the waveform input, knowledge embedding, convolutional neural network and graph convolutional network, aiming to integrate knowledge information from knowledge‐driven methods and the strong learning ability of data‐driven deep learning methods, that is, improving the performance of EEW. For the same test data set, compared with knowledge‐driven methods and data‐driven deep learning models, we demonstrate that DHLnet enhances the timeliness and robustness in predicting the epicentral distance, magnitude, PGA, and PGV during 10 s time window following the arrival of P‐wave. Furthermore, to validate the generalization and robustness of the DHLnet in EEW, we applied the trained DHLnet to an independent data set, within first few seconds after an earthquake occurs, DHLnet can provide robust magnitude estimation, epicentral distance estimation and high alarm accuracy. The potential of the proposed network is to enhance the performance of EEW systems and provides new insights into the exploration of deep learning methods for EEW domain.
... Despite its advantages, the implementation of EEWSs on a national scale has encountered significant technical and non-technical challenges. Among these challenges, extreme implementation costs [13,14,15,4] and high operating and maintenance costs are the most critical [11]. Therefore, spending on high-end EEW at a national scale may not be economically viable even in countries considered prone to large-scale EQs [16,4]. ...
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We introduce a novel LoRa-based multi-hop communication architecture as an alternative to the public internet for earthquake early warning (EEW). We examine its effectiveness in generating a meaningful warning window for the New Zealand-based decentralised EEW sensor network implemented by the CRISiSLab operating with the adapted Propagation of Local Undamped Motion (PLUM)-based earthquake detection and node-level data processing. LoRa, popular for low-power, long-range applications, has the disadvantage of long transmission time for time-critical tasks like EEW. Our network overcomes this limitation by broadcasting EEWs via multiple short hops with a low spreading factor (SF). The network includes end nodes that generate warnings and relay nodes that broadcast them. Benchmarking with simulations against CRISiSLab’s EEW system performance with internet connectivity shows that an SF of 8 can disseminate warnings across a 30 km urban area within 2.4 s, respectively. This approach is also resilient, with the availability of multiple routes for a message to travel. Our LoRa-based system achieves a 1–6 s warning window, slightly behind the 1.5–6.75 s of the internet-based performance of CRISiSLab’s system. Nevertheless, our novel network is effective for timely mental preparation, simple protective actions, and automation. Experiments with Lilygo LoRa32 prototype devices are presented as a practical demonstration.
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Earthquake early warning (EEW) alerts may give people valuable seconds to take protective action, such as drop, cover and hold on, before earthquake shaking starts. In order for individuals to take protective action, they need to receive the alert, understand the alert message, and have enough contextual knowledge to take appropriate protective action. Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH+) persons do not have equitable access to earthquake information, warning systems, training, and participation in disaster decision-making at all levels. Despite international policies for emergency alerts to be accessible to people with disabilities, there are no research publications that specifically address the effectiveness of EEW alerts for DHH+ communities. Missed notifications and misunderstandings about elements of the EEW alert message can delay the response time of DHH+ persons. Furthermore, unequal access to earthquake drills and preparedness information can leave DHH+ persons with insufficient context to take protective action when receiving alerts. The existing gaps in effectiveness of the EEW alerts stem from language inequities for DHH+ persons in our schools, workplaces and families, which we analyze by applying linguistic anthropological and sociolinguistic frameworks to examine the nexus of DHH+ communities’ languages and EEW messaging. To advance language equity in EEW alerting, inclusion of DHH+ communities can improve messaging and reduce misunderstandings so that DHH+ persons can quickly take protective action when they receive an alert.
Natural disasters cause significant damage and human losses, emphasizing the need for predictive systems and efficient warning mechanisms. Exploring the potential of an internet of things (IoT)-driven early warning system (EWS) is crucial for detecting and notifying individuals about diverse disasters like earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and landslides. In a disaster, the device transmits data to the microcontroller, where it undergoes validation and processing using ML algorithms to predict disaster possibilities. Data from edge nodes reaches the cloud via a gateway, with fog nodes filtering and accessing it. After verification, persistent alarming weather conditions trigger a warning alert, conveyed promptly to individuals in disaster-prone regions through diverse communication channels. An IoT-based open-source application with a user-friendly interface continuously monitors parameters like water intensity and rainfall during floods, and ground vibrations for earthquakes. Alerts are generated when parameters exceed set thresholds, providing a cost-effective disaster detection solution with timely alerts to vulnerable communities.
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Online Material: Movie of wave propagation, GPS coseismic displacements, rupture velocity, waveform comparisons, geologic and 3D seismic structure, and moment rate functions. On 24 August 2014 at 10:20:44.06 UTC, a large earthquake struck the north San Francisco Bay region, approximately 10 km south‐southwest of Napa, California, causing local damage in older wood frame and masonry buildings, road surfaces, sidewalks, and masonry wall structures (Bray et al. , 2014). Using long‐period (50–20 s) three‐component, complete displacement records, the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL) estimated the scalar seismic moment at 1.32×1018 N·m for a depth of 11 km, corresponding to a moment magnitude of M w 6.0. The strike/dip/rake from the seismic moment tensor solution was 155°/82°/−172°, which is in overall agreement with the trends of structures comprising the West Napa fault system (Fig. 1). Geologic mapping revealed an approximately 14 km long surface rupture with 40–45 cm maximum observed slip on a complex multibranched fault system (Bray et al. , 2014; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute [EERI], 2014; Mike Oskin and Alex Morelan, written comm., 2014). The largest surface offsets were found on a northwest‐striking trend located approximately 1.8 km west of the mapped West Napa fault. Aftershocks are generally located west of the western branch of the surface fault, which had the largest offsets, and indicate a westward dip of the primary fault plane (Fig. 2). Figure 1. Locations of Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BDSN) stations are shown as labeled squares. Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) Global Positioning System (GPS) sites are shown as circles, and the positions of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) returns are small gray squares. San Francisco and Napa Valley are indicated by SF and NV. The Berkeley Seismological Laboratory focal mechanism is shown, and the thick line shows the mapped surface trace (EERI, 2014). Figure 2. (a) Coseismic fault‐slip model based on the joint inversion of …
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Recently, progress has been made to demonstrate feasibility and benefits of including real-time GPS (rtGPS) in earthquake early warning and rapid response systems. Most concepts, however, have yet to be integrated into operational environments. The Berkeley Seismological Laboratory runs an rtGPS based finite fault inversion scheme in real-time. This system (G-larmS) detected the 2014 Mw 6.0 South Napa earthquake in California. We review G-larmS’ performance during this event and 13 aftershocks and present rtGPS observations and real-time modeling results for the main shock. The first distributed slip model and magnitude estimates were available 24 s after the event origin time, which, after optimizations, was reduced to 14 s (≈8 s S-wave travel time, ≈6 s data latency). G-larmS’ solutions for the aftershocks (that had no measurable surface displacements) demonstrate that, in combination with the seismic early warning magnitude, Mw 6.0 is our current resolution limit.
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Over the last decade, increasing attention has been paid by the international community to the topic of earthquake early warning (EEW) systems, as a viable solution to protect specific hazard‐prone targets (major cities or critical infrastructure) against harmful seismic events. The aim of the EEW system is to detect the occurrence of an earthquake and to determine its relevant characteristics (such as location and magnitude) early enough to predict the ground shaking at the target site before the S ‐wave arrival. Possible emergency protocols that can be activated upon event detection range from slowing down or stopping rail traffic (Nakamura, 2004; Horiuchi et al. , 2005; Espinosa‐Aranda et al. , 2011), safely shutting down or activating protective measure of critical infrastructures such as nuclear power plants (Saita et al. , 2008), to broadcasting alerts to the general public (Wenzel and Lungu, 2000; Lee and Espinosa‐Aranda, 2002; Allen and Kanamori, 2003; Horiuchi et al. , 2005; Wu et al. , 2007). Only few systems have been actually implemented and are currently operational. Examples of regional applications are the systems operating in California, Japan, and Taiwan, whereas targeted systems have been developed, for instance, in Mexico, Irpinia (Italy), and Vrancea (Romania). We refer the interested readers to the comprehensive references in Wenzel and Zschau (2014). Despite the potential benefits of EEW system, several factors so far hindered their widespread application especially in economically developing countries. When the distance between the seismic sources and the exposed target is too short for instance, or there is no technological infrastructure supporting real‐time, automatic operations, the information provided by the EEW system cannot be exploited for pre‐event actions. In these cases, which occur remarkably often in many seismic regions, the level of ground shaking predicted by the system can still be used as input …
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Moment magnitudes for large earthquakes (Mw≥7.0) derived in real-time from near field seismic data can be underestimated due to instrument limitations, ground tilting, and saturation of frequency/amplitude-magnitude relationships. Real-time high-rate GPS resolves the build-up of static surface displacements with the S-Wave arrival (assuming non-supershear rupture), thus enabling the estimation of slip on a finite fault and the event's geodetic moment. Recently, a range of high-rate GPS strategies has been demonstrated on off-line data. Here, we present the first operational system for real-time GPS-enhanced earthquake early warning as implemented at the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL) and currently analyzing real-time data for Northern California. The BSL generates real-time position estimates operationally using data from 62 GPS stations in Northern California. A fully triangulated network defines 170+ station pairs processed with the software trackRT. The BSL uses G-larmS, the Geodetic Alarm System, to analyze these positioning time series, and determine static offsets and pre-event quality parameters. G-larmS derives and broadcasts finite fault and magnitude information through least-squares inversion of the static offsets for slip based on a-priori fault orientation and location information. This system tightly integrates seismic alarm systems (CISN-ShakeAlert, ElarmS-2) as it uses their P-wave detections to trigger its processing; quality control runs continuously. We use a synthetic Hayward Fault earthquake scenario on real-time streams to demonstrate recovery of slip and magnitude. Re-analysis of the Mw7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake tests the impact of dynamic motions on offset estimation. Using these test cases, we explore sensitivities to disturbances of a-priori constraints (origin time, location, fault strike/dip).
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The California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN) is developing an earthquake early warning (EEW) demonstration system for the state of California. Within this CISN ShakeAlert project, three algorithms are being tested, one of which is the network-based Earthquake Alarm Systems (ElarmS) EEW system. Over the last three years, the ElarmS algorithms have undergone a large-scale reassessment and have been recoded to solve technological and methodological challenges. The improved algorithms in the new production-grade version of the ElarmS version 2 (referred to as ElarmS-2 or E2) code maximize the current seismic network's configuration, hardware, and software performance capabilities, improving both the speed of the early warning processing and the accuracy of the warnings. E2 is designed as a modular code and consists of a new event monitor module with an improved associator that allows for more rapid association with fewer triggers, while also adding several new alert filter checks that help minimize false alarms. Here, we outline the methodology and summarize the performance of this new online real-time system. The online performance from 2 October 2012 to 15 February 2013 shows, on average, ElarmS currently issues an alert 8: 68 +/- 3: 73 s after the first P-wave detection for all events across California. This time is reduced by 2 s in regions with dense station instrumentation. Standard deviations of magnitude, origin time are 0.4 magnitude units, 1.2 s, and the median location errors is 3.8 km. E2 successfully detected 26 of 29 earthquakes (M-ANSS > 3: 5) across California, while issuing two false alarms. E2 is now delivering alerts to ShakeAlert, which in turn distributes warnings to test users.
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We propose a new algorithm to rapidly determine earthquake source and ground-motion parameters for earthquake early warning (EEW). This algorithm uses the acceleration, velocity, and displacement waveforms of a single three-component broadband (BB) or strong-motion (SM) sensor to perform real-time earthquake/noise discrimination and near/far source classification. When an earthquake is detected, the algorithm estimates the moment magnitude M, epicentral distance Δ, and peak ground velocity (PGV) at the site of observation. The algorithm was constructed by using an artificial neural network (ANN) approach. Our training and test datasets consist of 2431 three-component SM and BB records of 161 crustal earthquakes in California, Japan, and Taiwan with 3:1 ≤ M ≤ 7:6 at Δ≤ 115 km. First estimates be-come available at t 0 ˆ 0:25 s after the P pick and are regularly updated. We find that displacement and velocity waveforms are most relevant for the estimation of M and PGV, while acceleration is important for earthquake/noise discrimination. Including site corrections reduces the errors up to 10%. The estimates improve by an additional 10% if we use both the vertical and horizontal components of recorded ground motions. The uncertainties of the predicted parameters decrease with increasing time window length t 0 ; larger magnitude events show a slower decay of these uncertainties than small earthquakes. We compare our approach with the τ c algorithm and find that our prediction errors are around 60% smaller. However, in general there is a limitation to the prediction accuracy an EEW system can provide if based on single-sensor observations.
Nowadays natural disasters phenomena as hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis or earthquakes, are still difficult to prevent. Based on signaling of the phenomenon appearance in the destructive area, important human losses and material damages are avoided. For that reason, WARNING turns into a key objective, both in theoretical and practical research. For the earthquakes, warning intervals are nevertheless very short — seconds to maximum one minute (Mexico City case). Even if the time window is reduced, automated decision measures are possible in case of a well organized system like important facilities. In Romania, the major seismic risk zone is located in Vrancea region. The earthquakes occurring in this area are the main sources for the seismic hazard on Romanian territory. Seismotectonic characteristics of the Vrancea region offers the opportunity to create and develop a rapid seismic warning system. This system is simple, reasonably low-priced, robust and allows warning in an approximately 25 seconds time window for Bucharest. Warning signal obtained is sent to the responsible factors and specific users in order to control automated blocking of the installations and to carry out the required protection actions.
A well-developed public earthquake early warning (EEW) system has been operating in Japan since October 2007. At the time of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and tsunami (also known as 3.11), several million people near the epicenter received theEEWabout 15 to 20 seconds before the most severe shaking occurred, and many more people in surrounding districts had greater lead time before less severe shaking started. Some 90% of these people were able to take advance actions to save their own lives and those of family members or to take other actions according to prior planning. Some actions were taken based on intuitive responses to the alerts. This high rate of effectiveness is assured to be the result of education regarding the EEW system, both in schools and in society at large. In spite of some shortcomings, the proven effectiveness of EEW has led Japan to strengthen the already extensive seismic- and tsunami-monitoring networks offshore, east of the Japan island arc at 150 sites, and to provide a special terminal for advanced uses of EEW in schools with more than 53,000 students. Efforts are also underway to improve analysis and dissemination schemes.
The 11 March 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and tsunami that devastated coastal communities in three Japanese prefectures resulted in tremendous loss of life, loss of property, and community disruption. Yet research on the disaster pointed to differential impacts for people with disabilities compared to the rest of the population. Reconnaissance fieldwork took place in Miyagi and Iwate Prefectures 3, 10, and 17 months after the disaster. Interviews and observations point to situated access as a contributor to how and to what extent people with disabilities (PWD) received resources and services. That is, the ability of evacuees to acquire and utilize information, material resources, or services was based both on the physical location of the individual or group (including shelter type to where they evacuated) and the social standpoint or circumstances of the individual or group within that physical location. We offer a close examination of the effect of situational access for people with disabilities in particular. Where limitations were present, they often led to additional disparities.
This paper describes the use of Flex Hose for use by water and fire departments to address the Fire Following Earthquake issue. This paper starts with a history of the 1923 fire that destroyed part of the City of Berkeley. The paper describes how the water system infrastructure was insufficient to control this fire. This paper then discusses the pipe replacement and flex hose options that water utilities and fire departments can use to limit this kind of threat in modern cities for both urban-interface fires and fire following earthquake threats. For a comprehensive examination of Fire Following Earthquake and urban conflagration issues, see FFE (2004), a 350 page report edited by Charles Scawthorn, John Eidinger and Anshel Schiff.