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International Journal of Botany Studies
ISSN: 2455-541X, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12
Volume 1; Issue 3; March 2016; Page No. 47-52
Convolvulaceae: A taxonomically and medicinally important morning glory family
Rajia Sultana, Mahbubur Rahman AHM
Plant Taxonomy Laboratory, Department of Botany, Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi,
Taxonomically and medicinally important morning glory family of Convolvulaceae at Rajshahi district was carried out. A total of
9 species under 2 genera belonging to the family Convolvulaceae were collected and identified. Out of the total number of species
Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L., Ipomoea aquatica Forssk., Ipomoea alba L., Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamk., Ipomoea fistulosa Mart.
ex Choisy were common and Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet., Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth., Ipomoea pes-tigridis L., Ipomoea quamoclit L.
was rare species in the study area. For each species English name, botanical name, synonyms, local name, status of occurrence,
habit, habitat, flowering and fruiting time, chromosome number, distribution Taxonomic description and medicinal uses have been
Keywords: Convolvulaceae, Taxonomy, Medicinal Uses, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
1. Introduction
The family Convolvulaceae of about 55 genera and 1650
species, distributed in both tropical and temperate regions of
the world. About 20 genera and over 150 species have been
reported from India. Some of the largely represented genera
with their number of approximately reported species are
Ipomoea (500, Morning glory), Convolvulus (250, blindweed,
or wild morning glory), Jacquemontia (120), Evolvulus (100)
and Calystegia (25).
The family important as a source of food, for drugs, for several
ornamentals etc. Plant used for edible purposes include (i)
Ipomoea batatas (Sweet potato or Shakarkandi), of which
fleshy roots are eaten because of their rich content of sugar and
starch, and are also used for production of industrial alcohol,
pectin, starch and sugar-syrup; (ii) Ipomoea aquatica (Nari-ka-
Sag), of which leaves and young shoots are used as vegetable
(iii) Calonyctin muricatum, of which floral pedicels are eaten,
(iv) Calystegia sepium, of which roots are cooked and eaten,
(v) Rivea hypocrateriformis, of which young shoots and leaves
are used as vegetable. Plants of medicinal value include (i)
Evolvulus alsinoides, used as a bitter tonic, (ii) Exogonium
purge, yields the drug ‘jalap’ used as a purgative, (iii) Ipomoea
violacea, of which seeds contain d-lysergic acid amide and are
hallucinogenic. Plants of ornamentals value include (i)
Argyreia speciosa (elehant creeper), Calonyction aculeatum
(moon flower), Ipomoea carica (railway creeper), I. coccinea
(star Ipomoea), Ipomoea fisulosa, I. lobata, I. purpurea
(morning glory), I. quamoclit (Cyperus vine), I. tuberosa
(wood rose), I. violacea (heavenly blue), and Porana
paniculata (Christmas vine) [63].
The Family Convolvulaceae consists of about 50 genera and
1500 species widespread in tropical and subtropical regions of
the world. In Bangladesh, this family is represented by 15
genera and 55 species [1].
The importance of studying local floristic diversity and
medicinal uses has been realized and carried out in Bangladesh
by [14-61, 62, 64-67]. The main objectives of the present study are to
explore, identify, medicinal aspects and document the family
Convolvulaceae of Rajshahi district, Bangladesh.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Study area
Rajshahi district is a district in North-Western Bangladesh. It is
a part of the Rajshahi division. The metropolitan city of
Rajshahi is in Rajshahi district. The Rajshahi district is
bounded by Naogaon district to the north, Natore district to the
east, and Chapai Nawabganj district and the river Padma to the
south. The Rajshahi district has a sub-tropical monsoon
climate, typical of Bangladesh, which falls within a low rainfall
zone of the country. 75 percent rainfall occurs during June-
September. The annual rainfall is 1350 mm. Temperature of
the area is low in January varies from 9.0C to 14.1C. From
February an increasing trend of temperature is found up to
April and thereafter temperature start to decline. In April
temperature varies from 22.6C to 36.9C. The mean relative
humidity is found to be low in March (65%) and high in July-
September (88-89%) [4].
2.2 Methods of the study
Taxonomic investigation on the family Convolvulaceae
growing throughout the Rajshahi district was carried out from
September 2014 to October 2015. A total of 9 species under 2
genera of the family Convolvulaceae were collected and
identified. Information on local uses of plants was collected
from various localities of Rajshahi district. The plants were
tagged with signified data, local and other characteristic about
the plant species. The specimens were pressed in a presser with
blotting paper between the adjacent specimens. The blotting
papers and newspapers were changed from time to time
depending upon the weather and situation of plant. Dried
species were treated by 2% solution of Mercuric Chloride and
Ethyl Alcohol, mounting of specimens was made on standard
herbarium techniques.
2.3 Identification
The plant specimens were identified by consulting different
Floras and literatures, viz, Ahmed et al. [1], Hooker [7], Prain
[13], Kiritikar and Basu [11] and by comparing with the
herbarium specimens available at the Herbarium, Department
of Botany, Rajshahi University. For updated nomenclature of
the species Ahmed et al. [1], Huq [8] and Pasha and Uddin [12].
Voucher specimens are deposited in the Herbarium,
Department of Botany, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.
3. Results and Discussion
The plant materials collected from the study area using the
identification methods and medicinal information was
accumulated and described below.
1. Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L.
Synonyms: Convolvulus nummularius L., Volvulopsis
nummularium L.
English name: Roundleaf Bindweed.
Local name: Bhuiokra.
Status of occurrence: Common.
Habit: Herb.
Habitat: Open of fields; roadsides, waste places.
Flowering and fruiting time: Throughout the year.
Distribution: Africa, Malaysia and Myanmar. In Bangladesh,
it is found in all districts [1].
Chromosome number: 2n = 24 [5].
Taxonomic description: A perennial herb with prostrate stem,
often pilose at the nodes with short trichomes to glabrate.
Leaves broadly ovate to orbicular. Flowers 1-2 in axils, rarely
more, up to 5 mm high, pedicels 2-6 mm long. Fruit a globose
capsule, 3-4 mm across, often reflexed at maturity.
Medicinal Uses: Whole plant is used as epilepsy and paralysis.
Fig 1: Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L.
2. Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.
Synonym: Ipomoea reptans Poir.
English name: Swamp Cabbage.
Local name: Kalmi.
Status of occurrence: Frequent.
Habit: Aquatic herb.
Habitat: Wet lowlands, tanks or ditches.
Flowering and fruiting time: January to December.
Distribution: Circum-tropical. In Bangladesh, it is found
throughout the country [1].
Chromosome number: 2n = 30 [5].
Taxonomic description: A glabrous trailer on ground or
floating on water, stem hollow, rooting at the nodes. Leaves 5-
12.5 cm long, ovate, ovate-oblong, deltoid, lanceolate or linear,
base cordate, sagittate or hastate. Flowers 1-few in axillary
cymes. Corolla 2.5-5 cm long funnel-shaped, pink of pale lilac.
Capsule 8 mm, ovoid to globose.
Medicinal Uses: Plants are anthelmintic and carminative;
useful in leucoderma, leprosy, fever, jaundice, biliousness,
bronchitis and liver complaints. It is considered very
wholesome for females who suffer from nervous and general
debility. The juice of the plant is used as an emetic in cases of
arsenic or opium poisoning; it is also used in liver complaints.
Leaves and seeds are cooling. The buds are used in the
treatment of ringworm. Flower juice is given to inflamed eyes
as a drop. The root juice is administered in cases of diarrhea.
Fig 2: Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.
3. Ipomoea alba L.
Synnonyms: Ipomoea bona-nox L; Calonyction bona-nox
English name: The moon flower, tropical white morning
Local name: Dudhikalmi.
Status of occurrence: Frequent.
Habit: Herb.
Habitat: Roadsides jungles, waste places.
Flowering and fruiting time: Throughout the year..
Distribution: India and Myanmar. In Bangladesh, it is found
in Bandarban, Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Manikganj, Pabna and
Rajshahi districts [1].
Chromosome number: 2n = 30 [5].
Taxonomic description: A twinner with milky juice. Leaves
7-21 cm long, ovate to oblong or orbicular, entire or 3-lobed,
cordate at base, acuminate. Flowers one to several in axillary
cymes; corolla 7-12 cm long, salver-shaped, white with
greenish midpetalline bands. Capsules 1.5-3.5 cm long, ovoid.
Medicinal Uses: The root bark possesses purgative properties.
Leaves are used in filariasis, constipation, boils and wounds
Fig 3: Ipomoea alba L.
4. Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamk.
Synnonym: Convolvulus batatus L.
English name: Sweet potato.
Local name: Misti alu.
Status of occurrence: Frequent.
Habit: Prostrate herb.
Habitat: Cultivated.
Flowering and fruiting time: December to May.
Distribution: A native of America now cultivated throughout
the tropics and subtropics. In Bangladesh, it is cultivated
throughout the country [1].
Chromosome number: 2n = 30 [5].
Taxonomic description: A prostrate herb with trailing stem
and tuberous roots; tubers red, white or rarely yellow. Leaves
ovate-cordate, acute angular or more or less lobed. Flowers 1-
several in axillary cymes. Corolla 3-4.5 cm campanulate to
funnel-shaped, pale violat. Capsule ovoid, rarely formed.
Medicinal Uses: Plant is used as anti-diabetic. Whole plant or
its infusion is used in low fever and skin diseases. Root is
aphrodisiac and laxative; useful in strangury and diarrhea. Leaf
paste with salt is applied to whitlow. Leaves are good source of
vitamin B and C [68].
Fig 4: Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamk.
5. Ipomoea fistulosa Mart. ex Choisy
Synonyms: Batatas crassicaulis Benth, Ipomoea crassicaulis
B. L. Rob.
English name: Bush morning glory.
Local name: Dholkolmi.
Status of occurrence: Common.
Habit: Shrub.
Habitat: Fallow lands, roadsides and sides of water bodies.
Flowering and fruiting time: Throughout the year.
Distribution: Tropical Africa and Asia elsewhere cultivated
for flowers or naturalized. In Bangladesh, it is found all over
the country [1].
Chromosome number: 2n = 30 [5].
Taxonomic description: A shrub, up to 2.5 m tall, branches
ascending, usually fistular, containing milky juice. Leaves
ovate to ovate-oblong, base cordate to truncate, acuminate.
Flowers few to many in axillary and terminal cymes. Fruit a
capsule, ovoid, pale brown, 2- or incompletely 4-celled, 4-
Medicinal Uses: Not known.
Fig 5: Ipomoea fistulosa Mart. ex Choisy
6. Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet.
Synonyms: Convolvulus cairicus L., Ipomoea palmata Forssk.
English name: Railway creeper.
Local name: Rail lata.
Status of occurrence: Frequent.
Habit: Perennial herb.
Habitat: Roadsides, waste places, bushes.
Flowering and fruiting time: Throughout the year.
Distribution: Tropical Africa and Asia cultivated elsewhere
for flowers or naturalized. In Bangladesh, it is found in Dhaka,
Mymensingh, Rajshahi and Sylhet districts [1].
Chromosome number: 2n = 30 [5].
Taxonomic description: A perennial herb, with a tuberous
root. Leaves palmately cut to the base usually into 5 segments,
each segment ovate or lanceolate to ovate or elliptic. Flowers 1
to few, in axillary cymes. Fruit a capsule smooth, 4-valved.
Medicinal Uses: Not known.
Fig 6: Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet.
7. Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth.
Synonyms: Ipomoea hederacea Sensu C.B. Clarke.,
Convolvulus nil L.
English name: White-edge Morning Glory.
Local name: Nil Kalmi.
Status of occurrence: Frequent.
Habit: Herb.
Habitat: Waste places, roadsides and bushes.
Flowering and fruiting time: October to December.
Distribution: Circum-tropical distribution. In Bangladesh, it is
found in Dhaka, Habiganj, Mymensingh and Rangpur districts
Chromosome number: 2n = 30 [5].
Taxonomic description: A twiner, stem sparsely retrosely
hirsute. Leaves broadly ovate to orbicular, entire or 3-lobed,
base cordate, apex acuminate, pilose with short appressed
hairs. Flowers 1 to several in axillary umbellate cymes. Fruit a
globose capsule.
Medicinal Uses: Seeds are purgative and used as a substitute
for the drug Jalap. It is also used as anthelmintic [9].
Fig 7: Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth.
8. Ipomoea pes-tigridis L.
Synonym: Not known.
English name: Bind weed.
Local name: Langui lata.
Status of occurrence: Frequent.
Habit: Herb.
Habitat: Waste places, roadsides and bushes.
Flowering and fruiting time: May to August.
Distribution: From East tropical Africa and Mascarene Islands
through tropical Asia up to Malaysia. In Bangladesh, it is found
in Rajshahi, Rangpur and Dinajpur districts [1].
Chromosome number: 2n = 28, 30 [5].
Taxonomic description: A slender, annual twiner, stem
patently hirsute. Leaves 3.8-10 cm diam., palmately divided up
to the base with 5-9 segments, segments elliptic to elliptic-
oblong, densely appressed or patently hairy. Flowers few in
head-like involucrate axillary cymes; corolla 3-4 cm long,
funnel-shaped, white. Capsule 5 mm, ovoid, papery, concealed
in the calyx.
Medicinal Uses: Roots are purgative; used for the treatment of
bolis, carbuncles and dog-bites.
Fig 8: Ipomoea pes-tigridis L.
9. Ipomoea quamoclit L.
Synonyms: Quamoclit pinnata Boj., Quamoclit vulgaris
English name: Star glory.
Local name: Taru lata, gatephul.
Status of occurrence: Frequent.
Habit: Annual herb.
Habitat: Gardens.
Flowering and fruiting time: July to September.
Distribution: Circum-tropical. In Bangladesh, it is cultivated
in different gardens as an ornamental herb [1].
Chromosome number: 2n = 30 [5].
Taxonomic description: A slender annual, twiner. Leaves 7.5-
12.5 cm long, pinnately cut, up to the midrib into many pairs of
linear to filform patent segments. Flowers 1-few in axillary
cymes. Corolla salver-shaped, red, tube 2.5-3.5 cm long.
Capsule ovoid about 1 cm long.
Medicinal Uses: The plant is considered cooling and
purgative; used in cancer and Breast pain. Pounded leaves are
applied to bleeding piles and as a plaster to carbuncles [68].
Fig 9: Ipomoea quamoclit L.
Based on this study, a preliminary plant list of Convolvulaceae
family at Rajshahi, Bangladesh conducted during July 2014 to
August 2015. A total of 9 species belonging to 2 genera of the
family were recorded. The collected information is comparable
with the result of other studies in Bangladesh. A total of 5
species belonging to 2 genera of the family Convolvulaceae
were recorded in Khagrachhari district [9]. A total of 2 species
belonged to 2 genera of the family Convolvulaceae are
documented in Habiganj district [3]. A total of 9 species
belonging to 4 genera of the family Convolvulaceae are
recorded in Teknaf wildlife sanctuary [64]. A total of 5 species
belonging to 3 genera of the family Convolvulaceae are
recorded in Munshiganj district, Bangladesh [62]. No published
information recorded on the family Convolvulaceae at Rajshahi
district, Bangladesh.
The important medicinal values of Convolvulaceae family of
Rajshahi district were highlighted. A total of 9 medicinal plant
species belonging to 2 genera were collected and recorded for
their use in various ailments. These medicinal plants are used
by them to cure the following diseases, especially for
anthelmintic, jaundice, leprosy, bronchitis, constipation,
diarrhea, fever, skin diseases, biliousness, boils, dog-bite,
filariasis, wound and others. The collected medicinal
information of those plant species is in agreement with the
result of other studies done in Bangladesh [68, 10, 6, 2].
4. Conclusion
Taxonomically and medicinally important morning glory
family of Convolvulaceae at Rajshahi district was carried out.
A total of 9 species under 2 genera belonging to the family
Convolvulaceae were collected and identified. The older
people of the area knew the importance of these plants and they
transfer their knowledge to the younger. This is the first
research work on Convolvulaceae family attempt in this area in
which medicinally important plants were identified, classified
and collected. The result showed that this area contain a
valuable plant species which need conservation and proper
5. Acknowledgements
The authors are grateful to the local people of Rajshahi district
for their co-operation and help during the research work.
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