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Energy Efficiency of Full Pipelining: A Case Study for Matrix Multiplication
Peipei Zhou,∗Hyunseok Park,∗Zhenman Fang,∗Jason Cong,∗Andr´
e DeHon†
∗UCLA, Dept. of Computer Science, Los Angeles, CA 90095
†University of Pennsylvania, Dept. of ESE, 200 S. 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Email: {memoryzpp,parkhyu,zhenman,cong},
Abstract—Customized pipeline designs that minimize the
pipeline initiation interval (II) maximize the throughput of
FPGA accelerators designed with high-level synthesis (HLS).
What is the impact of minimizing II on energy efficiency? Using
a matrix-multiply accelerator, we show that matrix multiplies
with II>1 can sometimes reduce dynamic energy below II=1
due to interconnect savings, but II=1 always achieves energy
close to the minimum. We also identify sources of inefficient
mapping in the commercial tool flow.
1. Introduction
To meet the ever-increasing demand for high computation
performance and energy efficiency, numerous commodity
acceleration platforms have been proposed and developed,
including the well-known many integrated cores (MICs, or In-
tel Xeon Phi processors), graphical processing units (GPUs),
field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and application-
specific integrated circuits (ASICs) [
]. The utilization
wall [
] has stimulated interest in FPGAs, since FPGAs
provide both low power and customization capability to
accelerate different applications (more flexible than ASICs).
Compared to the general-purpose MICs and GPUs,
FPGAs allow designers to look beyond parallelization and
customize accelerators. The customized pipeline design has
been one of the most successful and widely used optimiza-
tions to improve the performance of FPGA accelerators
]. At the same time, the recent success of commercial
HLS tools like Xilinx Vivado HLS [
] has made design
space exploration for a customized pipeline easier compared
to conventional register transfer level (RTL) designs.
Among various tunable parameters in such pipeline
customization, the pipeline initiation interval (II)—which
is defined as the number of cycles between two consecu-
tive pipeline iterations [
]—is one of the most important
customization parameters since it reflects the throughput
of the pipeline design and has been widely studied (e.g.
]). Most prior studies, except [
], have focused on
minimizing the pipeline II so as to maximize the throughput
of FPGA accelerators. Meanwhile, there are also examples
] indicating that smaller pipeline II can reduce the energy
consumption of FPGA logic gates. Motivated by these
studies, this paper begins to explore a key question: Does a
customized pipeline with the minimum II always minimize
energy? If not, how does the pipeline II affect the energy
To get initial insight into this question, we focus on
the classical matrix-multiplication algorithm specified in
C for HLS. We build an analytical model of the energy
consumption for the kernel as a function of matrix dimension,
, and pipeline
, including the effects of computational,
interconnect, memory, and leakage energy. This allows us to
identify how the energy should scale with problem size and
. We synthesize the HLS kernel with Vivado HLS and fit
constants within the analytical model. Along the way, we
identify sources of inefficiency in the commercial tool flow
that can cause the HLS solution to diverge from the ideal
scaling for the matrix-multiply kernel, which include:
1. Missing opportunities for register sharing.
2. Missing opportunities for address generator sharing.
3. Lack of power-gating for unused memory banks.
We find that the logic component of energy remains flat,
while memory and leakage components increase with
, but
interconnect can decrease with increasing
. Interconnect
savings are large enough that we can identify cases where
II > 1
minimizes energy. Nonetheless, we see that the
increasing energy term is modest, such that the
II = 1
is always within a few percent for matrix-multiplies that can
fit on a single FPGA today. The energy framework identified
here should translate to other HLS kernels, but will have
different compute and interconnect scaling that should be
characterized and better understood in future work.
2. Related Work in Energy Modeling
FPGA energy models have been widely used to provide
guidance in design space explorations. Recent studies in [
developed analytical models to characterize energy consump-
tion of designs ranging from a sequential design (processor)
to a spatial design (FPGA), using Rent’s rule [
] as a
modeling tool. Earlier works [
] employed models
to provide in-depth analysis of FPGA power decomposition
and the impact of look-up table (LUT) size, cluster size,
and segment lengths on power consumption. Recent work
introduced FPGA memory models to analyze the effect of the
memory architecture (including block size, banking, physical
spacing) and parallelism on an application’s energy efficiency
]. While these works present detailed energy models, they
do not directly address the microarchitectural structure that
results from tuning the II in HLS designs. To the best of
our knowledge, this work is the first to model the impact of
the pipeline II on energy consumption of FPGA accelerators
from a high-level perspective.
3. Matrix-Multiplication Kernel
v o i d matrix multiply ( float a [N ] [ N ] ,
float b [ N ] [ N ] , float c [ N ] [ N ] ) {
i n t i , j , k , p ;
k l o o p : for ( k = 0 ; k <N; k ++ ) {
i l o o p : for ( i = 0 ; i <N ; i ++) {
/ / i l o o p PI PE LIN E I I = I I i
p l o o p : for ( p = 0 ; p <N; p += N / I I i ) {
# p ra mg a HLS P IP ELI NE I I = 1
j l o o p : for ( j = 0 ; j <N / I I i ; j ++ ) {
# p ra gm a HLS UNROLL
c [ i ] [ p + j ] += a [ i ] [ k ] ∗b [ k ] [ p+ j ] ;
} } } } }
Listing 1: Pseudo code of square matrix multiplication
Figure 1: Architecture for N = 6, II = 1
Figure 2: Architecture for N = 6, II = N = 6
To make it easier to understand, we use square
matrix-multiplication as an example to demonstrate the en-
ergy model for mapping applications with perfectly shareable
processing elements (PEs) onto a commodity FPGA. As
shown in Listing 1, to pipeline the
i loop
with a specific
II (e.g., II i = 1), we change the increment value of the
p index in the
p loop
and apply the HLS PIPELINE
pragma. Consequently, the inner-most
j loop
will be unrolled
automatically (HLS UNROLL pragma is shown to illustrate
this unroll but not needed explicitly). In the
j loop
II i
elements within one row of the c matrix,
c[i][p+ 1]
... ,
II i −1]
are updated using
II i
elements within one row of
b[k][p+ 1]
, ... ,
II i −1]
i loop
(i.e., II i, for
simplicity, we will directly use II for II i in the rest of the
paper) determines the throughput, resource utilization, and
dynamic energy to execute this matrix multiplication kernel.
Please note that the most straightforward matrix-multiply
algorithm would not have had a separate
p loop
j loop
However, when we initially used that description, Vivado
HLS did not share the local registers optimally when we
. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show the architecture for N
= 6, II = 1 and II = N = 6 respectively when registers are
perfectly shared.
The resources and cycles to finish the matrix multiplica-
tion kernel can be generalized in terms of problem size
and PIPELINE II of the i loop.
There are
multiplier(s) and
adder(s), and each
computes II elements within one row. The number of
input/output registers and temporary registers
between multipliers and adders is N
II .
There are
independent memory bank(s) for the
each with
column(s). It is the same for the
Only one memory bank is needed for the
matrix since
a[i][k]is shared within one i loop iteration.
3. The number of cycles to finish the kernel is N2×II .
TABLE 1: HLS reported resource usage for multiplier and
adder under different IIs, N=24
II 1 2 3 4 6 8 12 24
DSP 120 60 40 30 20 15 10 5
FF 8520 4260 2840 2130 1420 1065 710 355
LUT 8376 4188 2792 2094 1396 1047 698 349
4. Energy Model
4.1. Computation Energy
The computation energy includes arithmetic energy
(multiply-add operations) and register energy for holding
the inputs, outputs, and temporaries. We can perfectly share
these PEs and registers by factor of II, making the total PE
and register energy consumption:
Ecompute ∝N
II ×N2×II=N3(1)
For Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs, each multiply-add needs three
DSP48E [
] for the floating-point multiplier and two
DSP48E for the adder along with a fixed number of LUTs
and FFs. Table 1 shows the resource usage for multipliers
and adders decreasing as
since PEs are perfectly shared.
4.2. Memory Energy
In order to fully pipeline the matrix multiplication, each
PE needs to access each column of the
matrix simulta-
neously. HLS provides comprehensive partition pragmas [
to easily partition an array into individual memory banks. For
example, we use the complete partition pragma to partition
along the column direction. Each column,
, becomes
an individual memory block.
As II increases, the number of simultaneous accesses
to the
matrix decreases, which means more columns can
be placed in the same memory bank with size of
In this design, cyclic partition pragma is applied to the
matricies to automatically split the memory along the
column direction in
equally sized blocks interleaving the
original array.
In general, there are
II b
banks; within each, II
columns of data are stored. We need to consider the total
memory energy when accessing these banks. In total, there
memory reads,
memory reads and writes, and
memory reads, which we could safely ignore when N
is large enough. Each memory access is from a logic memory
bank with size of
. On Xilinx 7 series FPGAs, all
the logic memory banks are constructed using the embedded
BRAM18K memory banks on the chip [17].
If we activate a single BRAM for each read within a
bank, the total energy reading from BRAMs is constant at:
Emem ∝N
II ×N2×II=N3(2)
When the logical memory bank size is larger than
physical BRAM18K bank size, it needs to be constructed
using multiple BRAM18K banks, and the area of each logical
memory bank increases. This impacts the wiring as we see
in the next section.
4.3. Interconnect Wire Energy
The wire energy can be decomposed into wires within
PEs and wires connecting PEs and memory. Wiring within
the PE is fixed and will scale with the compute energy. ∝N
II ×N2×II=N3(3)
Figure 3: Routing of broadcasting a[i][k] to all 24 multipliers,
Wire transferring broadcast data
. In this matrix-
multiply algorithm, broadcast wires must transfer
the memory bank storing the amatrix to the multipliers as
shown in Fig. 3. The BRAM blocks storing the
matrix are
close to the input register, Ain, and close to one multiplier.
This broadcast should take energy proportional to the total
area of all the PEs it is feeding.
As II increases, the total
PE area scales as
, until we can no longer fit
elements of the
matrix into a single BRAM. Thus the total
energy for broadcasting a[i][k]is:
Ewire.share.A ∝N
II ×N2=N3
II (4)
, this scaling changes in
interesting ways. At this point, the total layout area for
all the PEs becomes dictated by BRAMs not DSPs, and the
area does not change with II. If we must broadcast to all the
BRAMs, this means the broadcast energy does not shrink
with II.
Ewire.share.A ∝N2×N2=N4(5)
However, we really only need to broadcast to a few BRAMs
within a PE, allowing the broadcast energy to continue to
shrink with increasing II. Current synthesis tools do not
exploit this opportunity.
Wire transferring private data
. When the logical mem-
ory bank size
is smaller than size of the physical
BRAM18K bank (18432 bits, 576 floating-point numbers),
the wiring between the private
matrix memory banks
and the PE logic is constant, so the total energy for wiring
also scales proportionally, independent of II:
Ewire.priv .B,C ∝N
II ×N2×II=N3(6)
When the logical memory bank size is larger than
physical BRAM18K bank size, the wiring between the private
memory banks and the PE logic also grows as the
square root of the memory capacity or
. Thus, the
total energy routing memory is
Ewire.priv .B,C ∝N
] shows the H-tree layout has linear layout area, which implies
linear wirelength in the area, which in turn implies linear energy.
4.4. Leakage
During the computation, the FPGA will also leak energy
proportional to the time for the computation and the resources
that leak during the computation. If we put nothing else on
the FPGA and use a fixed size FPGA that does not offer
any power gating for unused components, leakage increases
with runtime and hence II:
Eleak ∝N2×II ×EF P GA leak (8)
However, if we use a design with perfect power gating
of unused components, the leakage should scale with the
utilized logic. For the case where N×II < BRAM 18K:
Eleak ∝N
II ×N2×II =N3(9)
If we exploit the smaller resources of the
II > 1
to use a smaller FPGA, we can get some of the effects of
Eq. 9. Similarly, if we exploit the smaller resource utilization
of the
II > 1
to put additional logic onto the FPGA that
fills the resources unused by the matrix-multiply, the leakage
attributable to the multiply should scale closer to Eq. 9.
4.5. Total Energy
Putting all the energy components together and assuming
perfect power gating (Eq. 9), we have total energy as the
Etotal =Ecompute +Ememory +Ewire +Eleak
N3c1 + c2
II ,
if N×II ≤BRAM18K
N3c3 + c4×N+c5×II0.5,
if N×II > BRAM18K
5. Results
For small
, when the design is not memory dominated,
we can expect to see decreasing energy until
N×II =
driven by broadcast wiring energy. Beyond
that, we expect to see energy increase with
due to wiring
energy between BRAMs and computation within a PE.
We mapped the HLS designs to an Virtix-7 XC7VX485T
using Vivado 2015.1.5. We simulated each mapped design
in Vivado with random
matricies. We then used the
Switching Activity Interchange format (SAIF) file generated
from post-implementation simulation to estimate the energy
required by the mapped designs. From the mapped designs,
we used linear regression fit to determine the constants
in Eq. 10.
Fig. 4 shows how the energy components scale with
from the Vivado mapped designs along with the total energy
model from our fit model. We can see the mostly flat DSP and
logic energies that match the analytic description. We also see
that the interconnect energy and the overall energy drop with
increasing to
II = 16
. We see
the interconnect energy grow after that as expected. However,
we also see that BRAM energy, rather than remaining flat,
increases with
II = 16
. Here, Vivado mapped
designs are unnecessarily activating all of the BRAMs, not
just the BRAM that holds the data needed on each cycle. This
makes the total design energy unreasonably high for large
It should be possible to avoid activating the unused BRAMs
as illustrated in [
]. Making the perfect power gating
assumption, we see that energy is minimized at
II = 8
However, the effect is small and the benefit over
II = 1
Figure 4: Energy Scaling with II for
N= 64
Matrix Multiply
Figure 5: Scaling with Nfor Matrix Multiply
less than 3%. If we get less than perfect power gating, this
effect will easily be dominated by an increase in leakage
energy with II.
Fig. 5 shows how energy scales with
, including how
this effects the optimal
and our model fit. The
the minimum energy point decreases with
since larger
means the single BRAM capacity is reached at a lower
. Since all energy components scale as
for the region
, the energy proportions remain
the same as Ngrows.
Note that all the PEs are generating the same addresses
for their local
memories. Consequently, the design can
use a single address generator for all the BRAMs. However,
for some values of
, Vivado HLS will not share the
address generators, resulting in much larger logic energy at
those design points. Also, as we pointed out earlier, without
adding the
loop in Listing 1, the HLS tool fails to share
the registers properly.
6. Conclusion and Future Work
Interconnect energy within our matrix-multiply kernel is
minimized for an II that is typically greater than one. With
efficient power gating or alternate use of chip resources, this
can lead to minimum total energy at a point other than the
fully pipelined, II=1 point. Nonetheless, the effect is small
and the fully pipelined design often uses the least energy in
practice, both due to leakage and other discrete and non-ideal
scaling effects.
The energy modeling framework illustrated here should
be adaptable to other kernels. However, there is good reason
to believe that kernels will differ in how they scale in key
areas. We expect interconnect energy to scale differently
for other tasks or even implementations of the same task.
For example, using the systolic-array implementation of
matrix multiply [
], one may see different scaling. Our
matrix-multiply kernel had near perfect sharing of logic as
II increased, which will not be the case for less regular tasks.
Consequently, it will be useful to characterize how these
components scale for other tasks and develop a suitably
parameterized energy model that can be adapted to various
tasks characteristics. Ultimately, we hope model generation
can be automated and provide high-level guidance for
designers. As illustrated here, these models may also help to
identify inefficiencies in current mapping tools that should
be addressed to achieve energy efficient designs.
This work is partially supported by the Center for
Domain-Specific Computing under the Intel Award 20134321
and NSF Award CCF-1436827. It is also supported in part by
C-FAR, one of the six centers of STARnet, a Semiconductor
Research Corporation program sponsored by MARCO and
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