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Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s)


Abstract and Figures

Cloud computing is a strongly growing business, and more and more companies are entering the market of cloud services. With a broader range of such services, the choice between them becomes in- creasingly difficult and many businesses, which want to replace their internal IT infrastructure through an external cloud solution, are faced with a challenging choice. This paper provides a methodology to facili- tate the selection of the most suitable cloud service containing a tech- nological suitability analysis as well as a service comparison using eight well-defined cloud computing characteristics.
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Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s)
Manuel R¨osch
Department of Informatics,
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract. Cloud computing is a strongly growing business, and more
and more companies are entering the market of cloud services. With a
broader range of such services, the choice between them becomes in-
creasingly dicult and many businesses, which want to replace their
internal IT infrastructure through an external cloud solution, are faced
with a challenging choice. This paper provides a methodology to facili-
tate the selection of the most suitable cloud service containing a tech-
nological suitability analysis as well as a service comparison using eight
well-dened cloud computing characteristics.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Cloud Service, Service Selection, Multi-
Criteria Decision Making, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Decision Support,
Technological Suitability Analysis
1 Introduction
According to [3] the usage cloud computing will more than triple from 2014 to
2019, which means that in coming years, many companies will face the deci-
sion between dierent cloud service oers. Therefore, it is a relevant research
topic to improve and facilitate such a decision process, especially because com-
plex deployment options arose with the introduction of cloud computing. So
far, companies have bought a xed hard- and software infrastructure over which
they have full control and access for a more or less xed price. However, with
the introduction of cloud services, dierent options arose which all underlie dif-
ferent contracts varying in the pricing model, the allowed control over hard- and
software as well as the guaranteed performance. Besides, there are new risks like
a vendor lock-in where a customer cannot easily switch to a competitor’s ser-
vice because he built a certain dependence on the service provider through the
usage of proprietary technology. All these issues result in a challenging decision
between distinct services and providers.
In literature, dierent tools and techniques can be found that support such a
decision but many of them only compare similar services or service models based
on few attributes like cost or performance [9][11]. This work, in contrast, brings
up a broader perspective, considering various aspects of the decision process.
The remainder of this work is structured as follows. Section 2 gives an
overview of the dierent types of cloud services, and Section 3 presents essen-
tial cloud service characteristics. The actual cloud service selection process is
2 Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s)
covered in Section 4 presenting a methodology containing ve well-dened steps
to select the right cloud service. Finally, Section 5 summarizes this work, draws
conclusions and discusses future work.
2 Denition and Types of Cloud Computing Services
This section starts with the denition of cloud computing to ensure a common
understanding of the term, which is required for the rest of this work. The
denition used for this purpose is from the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST):
“Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand
network access to a shared pool of congurable computing resources (e.g., net-
works, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provi-
sioned and released with minimal management eort or service provider inter-
action.” [20]
This denition contains all the key aspects of cloud computing and should be
used as an indicator to which kind of services the selection guideline, presented
in this paper, applies.
2.1 Service Models
Besides that denition, the NIST [20] suggests that cloud services can be classi-
ed into three distinct service models:
Software as a Service (SaaS)
SaaS describes applications, which are stored on the infrastructure of a cloud
service provider and can be accessed by the customer over the Internet from
various devices either through thin client interfaces (e.g. web browsers) or a
program interface. The customer does not have to manage the infrastructure
and the application on which he is working, and the customization is strongly
limited to the options directly provided. [20]
Salesforce [22] and Google Apps [13] are prominent examples of SaaS. [14]
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
PaaS provides to the customer a managed higher-level software infrastruc-
ture where supported classes of applications can be deployed. The infrastruc-
ture is congured and maintained by the service provider, and it is abstracted
away below the platform so that the user has limited control over it. PaaS
providers usually support only certain specic programming languages, li-
braries, services and tools. [20]
As an example for a PaaS, the Google App Engine [12] can be brought up.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
IaaS oers an infrastructure on which a customer can deploy his software on
virtual machines. Thereby, he has full control over his own virtual machine
and can control and congure it according to his requirements. The virtual
Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s) 3
machines can be rented for the desired time (e.g. only one hour), and the
infrastructure is dynamically scalable to the needs of the customer. [20]
Amazon Elastic Compute Clouds (Amazon EC2) [2] is a popular example of
IaaS. [14]
3 Essential Characteristics of Cloud Services
The selection of the essential cloud service characteristics diers among liter-
ature [8][10][14][17][20][23]. The characteristics used in this work are based on
the Service Measurement Index (SMI) [8] which is developed by the Cloud Ser-
vices Measurement Initiative Consortium (CSMIC) to help organizations mea-
sure cloud-based services based on their requirements. The SMI contains more
than 40 characteristics and because this is too much for the scope of this work,
a selection of the 21 most important SMI characteristics is used. These 21 char-
acteristics are determined by a study from Siegel and Perdue in which several
interviews with CSMIC members and SMI clients were performed. [23] These
ndings are also supported by [7] which came to a similar set of attributes.
Figure 1 gives an overview of the proposed essential characteristics, and Sub-
section 3.1 to 3.7 explain them in more detail.
assurance financial
ce securi
ty & priva
cy usabili
Cloud Service
Provider contract/
SLA verification
Ease of doing
and transition
Service response
Access control &
privilege management
Data privacy and
data loss
Data integrity
Fig. 1. The essential cloud service characteristics based on the SMI [8] and [23].
3.1 Accountablity
This category contains attributes related to the properties of the provider orga-
nization. Relevant attributes are:
4 Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s)
Provider Contract/Service Level Agreement (SLA) verication: Most
cloud services are subject to a contract and/or SLA. Such a contract respectively
agreement contains important information about the abilities and the attitude
of a provider. Central are the availability and performance guarantees as well as
the compensation if such a guarantee cannot be fullled. The question is thereby
if the contract/agreement is adequate to manage the cloud service and also
mitigates the risk of a service failure on an agreeable level. Besides, a contract
can contain important provisions on the rights over the clients’ data, software
licenses, and intellectual property. [8]
Compliance: This attribute is about the provider’s attitude towards his com-
mitments and evaluates if the provider follows the promised standards, processes
and policies. [8]
Ease of doing business: Providers dier in how they interact with their cus-
tomers and because interactions are on a regular basis (e.g. monthly billing
process) it is crucial that these interactions take place in such a manner that it
is easy for the client to do his business. Important are the provider’s business
stability and transparency so that a client can plan in advance and do not face
any surprises as well as the simplicity of the whole billing process. Besides, com-
munication is also a central point. In the best case, the provider can be contacted
by phone, and competent and professional help is provided. [8]
Provider Certication: Certicates guarantee that specic standards and
guidelines are fullled by a provider. Because cloud services are compared to
traditional IT infrastructure less transparent regarding the whole techniques
and mechanisms in the background, certicates can be used as a starting point
to evaluate hidden aspects of a service. The client should go through all the
provider’s certicates and assess if the certicate is important and useful con-
cerning his requirements. [8]
3.2 Agility
This category contains attributes related to the user’s possibilities to change di-
rection, strategy or tactics quickly with a particular service. Relevant attributes
Scalability: Especially for cloud services, scalability is a central attribute be-
cause it is one of the sales arguments that resources can be easily scaled ac-
cording to the requirements of the user. There should be either an automatic or
straightforward manual way to do it. [10]
Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s) 5
Portability: There are several scenarios where it is necessary to move a service
from one to another provider (legal reasons, prices or new requirements). To
keep such a service relocation within a certain price and time limit, portability
should be guaranteed. Portability ensures that there is no vendor lock-in, which
is a big issue with several cloud service providers. [8]
Extensibility: Sooner or later, a service are faced with the demand of new
features because business requirements have changed. To satisfy such a demand,
a service should be extensible so that features can be easily added according to
the requirements. [8]
3.3 Assurance
This category contains attributes related to the stability of a service and how
likely it will work as specied. Relevant attributes are:
Availability: The unavailability of a service can cause both, nancial damage
and reputation loss. Therefore, it is recommended to spend some eort on evalu-
ating the availability of a service. Besides the SLA, some independent measure-
ment should be considered (if available) or test measurements can be performed.
Reliability: The attribute reliability is about the duration of error-free service
operation under certain conditions. A high reliability is crucial that a service is
useful for a customer and should be ensured by a service provider. [10]
Resiliency/Fault tolerance: It is frustrating, for an end-user, if the system
often crashes because of minor errors or insignicant hardware faults. Hence, the
system should be resilient towards small issues and the users should be actively
hindered to crash the system. [8]
3.4 Financial
This category contains attributes related to the money spent on the service.
Relevant attributes are:
On-going costs: Cloud service providers’ typical pricing models are based on
the resources needed by the customer. Resources can either be, in the case of
PaaS/IaaS, the used infrastructure (e.g. CPU, RAM or memory) or, in the case
of SaaS, the number of users who use the service. There are also other pricing
schemes and providers often have a price calculator or at least a price table where
a user can estimate the monthly costs. A sophisticated evaluation of the ongoing
expenses should consider more than only the height of the monthly payments.
Relevant are also the payment possibilities (e.g. monthly or yearly, payment
automation) and if the payment rules are transparent, scalable and predictable.
6 Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s)
Acquisition and transition cost: During the period of setup and deploy-
ment of a service, there can be some initial costs. These costs arise because the
provider charges a payment for the service setup or because there are some ex-
penses during the development, migration and deployment of a service. Besides,
costs may occur due to the necessary restructuring of infrastructure or human
resources. [10] Additionally, hidden or non-obvious costs like the expenses for the
employee training can have a big inuence on the total initial costs, considering
that both, the recruitment of trainers and the loss of employee working hours
must be taken into account. [10]
3.5 Performance
This category contains attributes related to the features and functions provided
by the service. Relevant attributes are:
Service response time: This attribute measures the time between a service
request and the availability of its response. A low response time guarantees
auent interaction with the service what is important for a satisfying user
experience. The geographic location of a cloud service and its servers often has
a big impact, and therefore, a service should be located not too far away from
its users. Independent measurements should be considered (if available) or test
measurements can be performed to get an accurate opinion about this attribute.
Functionality: Every service provides a certain functionality, and a customer
should examine the range of available functions and features. The more features
a service has, the more likely is it that current and future tasks can be resolved.
Functionality can, depending on the service, include dierent attributes but it
is to mention that the functionalities concerning agility, assurance, security and
usability are most likely covered by the other categories and should be considered
there. [8]
Interoperability: If the service has interfaces, which can be linked to other
services, it can be extended and the power of dierent services can be united.
Such an interoperability can increase the total potential of a system and is,
therefore, a relevant attribute. [10]
3.6 Security and Privacy
This category contains attributes related to the eectiveness of a cloud service
provider’s service and data access control. Relevant attributes are:
Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s) 7
Access control/privilege management: A service should contain measures
to ensure condentiality and data privacy. This can be assured by encrypted
connections and sophisticated access control mechanisms, which includes, for
example, a multi-stage login process. With such measures, it is ensured the data
can only be used and modied by personnel with appropriate privileges. [8][14]
Data privacy and data loss: Data theft and data loss usually result in nan-
cial or reputational damage. Either because the lost work has to be repeated or
because important business secrets are disclosed. Therefore, a service provider
should ensure a high level of data privacy and sophisticated methods against
data loss. [8]
Integrity: Service integrity means that the data is in an accurate and consistent
state over the entire life-cycle, and the user can be condent that it is valid. To
ensure integrity, a service must provide a secure connection establishment to
prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and besides it must be aware of concurrent
data modications and handle it appropriately. [8][14]
3.7 Usability
This category contains attributes related to the ease of service usage. Relevant
attributes are:
Accessibility: A service should be operable by users with disabilities. Accessi-
bility measures to which degree this is possible. [8] The Web content accessibility
guideline of the World Wide Web Consortium [26] contains important attributes
like perceptibility, operability, understandability and robustness, which can be
used to examine how accessible the service is.
Learnability: To get the acceptance of the users of a service, it is crucial that
a service underlies a steep learning curve. Otherwise, the frustration potential
is high and some user might refuse a service before all the capabilities of the
service are revealed. Besides, it is also a question of money: If the learnability
is poor, the costs for employee training and/or for software developers are much
higher. [8]
Suitablity: The attribute suitability covers the aspect how close the available
features comply with the user’s requirements. Suitability is crucial because the
existence of certain features may decide if a service is useful for a customer or
not. [10]
8 Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s)
4 Cloud Service Selection
In this section, a guideline for selecting the right cloud service is provided using
ave-step selection methodology as illustrated in Figure 2. Each of the ve steps
is explained in the Subsection 4.1 to 4.5 in more detail.
Final Selection
Cloud Service
Rating using AHP
Initial Cloud
Service Selection
Fig. 2. The ve step cloud service selection process.
4.1 Preparation
Arst and fundamental step is the preparation. The aim of this step is to
get an overview of cloud technology and the available cloud services. This is
necessary for all the following steps. Important is thereby the understanding of
the denition of cloud computing so that this guideline is not applied to wrong
products or services. Besides, the three service models, as well as the essential
characteristics, should be well understood so that this service selection guideline
can be applied correctly and professionally.
A comprehensive understanding of cloud computing increases the eciency
and eectiveness of the whole selection process, and therefore, a deeper under-
standing is desirable. The book [24] about cloud computing is recommended for
that purpose as well as [1] and [19] which present and compare distinct cloud
services. There also exist online cloud service directories like Cloudsquare [4] and
Coudxl [5] which can be visited for the exploration of dierent services.
Furthermore, it is also advised that the websites of cloud service providers
are directly visited, and their oers examined because information in literature
can be outdated [3]. In addition, it is suggested to use Internet search engines
to explore new service options and providers, especially in the area of SaaS.
Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s) 9
4.2 Suitability Analysis
The next step is a suitability analysis where the user has to ensure that the
technology of cloud computing is suitable under given requirements otherwise
it might be better to stop the cloud service selection process and retain the
existing system or change to another alternative. To facilitate the suitability
analysis, this paper provides a checklist containing eight prerequisites for cloud
computing. These eight points, based on the work of [17], are summarized in
Table 1.
Table 1. The eight prerequisites of cloud technology.
Characteristic Prerequisites
1. Elasticity Software architecture supports scaling out or
scaling up to a bigger server is sucient
2. Communications Bandwidth speed and latency within and be-
tween the cloud are acceptable
3. Processing CPU power as well as memory of cloud ser-
vice instances are sucient considering the ex-
pected operating load
4. Availability/
There are services underlying a suitable SLA
or it is possible to reach the demanded avail-
ability by mixing locations and providers
5. Security requirements There is a provider which meets your desired
security requirements (multi-factor authenti-
cation or encrypted data transfer)
6. Data condentiality
and privacy
Data condentiality and privacy guarantees
are suciently high
7. Access to hardware/
bespoke hardware
The required access to hardware components
or bespoke hardware is provided
8. Regulatory
The required regulatory requirements are com-
Although the checklist is not exhaustive, many aspects are covered concerning
a suitability analysis and therefore, it can be used as a rst assessment whether
or not to use a cloud service and proceed with further analysis.
Point 1-3 in Table 1 cover technical properties of cloud services. Point 1
checks if the deployed service can take advantage of the elasticity of cloud ser-
vices, and 2 and 3 verify that communication and processing capabilities are
sucient for the service user. If one of these points are not fullled it is chal-
lenging to take full advantage of cloud services. [17]
Point 4-6 in Table 1 are related to the risks of cloud service usage. In case
these points are not fully satised, the usage of a cloud service is still possible
but brings some risks with it. In a further risk analysis, it should be evaluated if
switching to a cloud infrastructure is worth the risk or if an alternative option
is more reasonable. [17]
10 Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s)
Point 7 and 8 in Table 1 examine crucial prerequisites of cloud services
that are hardly changeable. If either of them does not comply with the user’s
requirements, it is likely that the use of a cloud service is inhibited, and other
alternatives should be taken into account. [17]
4.3 Initial Cloud Service Selection
After having determined cloud technology as suitable, the next step has the
objective to identify a set of possible cloud services. Such a pre-selection is
necessary because the rating of services is demanding and time-consuming and
therefore, it can be applied only to a small number and not for all of them.
First, it should be determined which of the service models are suitable. Table
2 serves as a guideline and summarizes when to use and when not to use the
dierent service models, and it should be applied to determine, which of them
t best the requirements.
Table 2. Service model selection key points based on [16].
When to use When not to use
SaaS undierentiated vanilla oerings
without competitive advantage
signicant interplay between or-
ganization and the outside world
is needed e.g. newsletter software
signicant need for web or mobile
access e.g. collaboration software
regular demand spikes
extremely fast processing of real-
time data is required
legislation and other regulations
prohibit externally hosted data
existing on-premise solution ful-
lls all the organization’s needs
PaaS external parties interact with the
development process
developers wish to automate test-
ing and deployment services
highly portable application
proprietary languages or ap-
proaches impact development
proprietary language causes ven-
dor lock-in
customization of the underlying
hardware/software is required
IaaS irregular/volatile demand spikes
new organizations without the
capital to invest in hardware
scaling hardware is problematic
(e.g. fast growing organization)
to limit capital expenditure
(move to operating expenditure)
for specic business lines, trial or
temporary infrastructural needs
data storage and processing out-
sourcing are dicult due to regu-
latory compliance
highest levels of performance are
required and on-premise or ded-
icated hosted infrastructure has
the capacity to meet the organi-
zation’s needs
Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s) 11
Having found suitable service model(s) the number of available options is
decreased, and the selection facilitated. What follows the service model selection
is the exploration and selection of services. To explore the dierent services,
there are the lists of distinct cloud service products in [1] and [19] as well as
online cloud service directories like [4] and [5]. Furthermore, it is suggested that
search engines are used to explore the most-recent services that are possibly not
listed in the mentioned literature and service directories.
4.4 Cloud Service Rating using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
The next step, after the selection of potential cloud services, is to compare and
rank them. This ranking can be interpreted as a multi-criteria decision-making
problem and this work uses the AHP method, which is well-known in literature
[10][11][15][21], to solve this problem.
The AHP method expects for every solution of the problem one or more
criteria which are hierarchically structured so that each criterion has some sub-
criteria respectively a sub-criteria hierarchy. On each level of the criteria hierar-
chy, weights are assigned and normalized so that the sub-criteria weights of each
criterion sum up to one. On the lowest level of the criteria hierarchy, the criteria
are then rated, and these ratings are normalized as well. [21]
After the rating is done, the weights are multiplied all the hierarchy down and
the resulting weight is multiplied with the associated rating. The resultant score
of this calculation is summed up with the score of other criteria for a particular
solution, and this results in a nal score that can be compared to the scores of
the other solutions. [21]
In the following, it is explained how the AHP method can be applied to a
cloud service selection problem. The method is explained in three steps (weight-
ing, rating, scoring) using ratings based on [7] for Google Apps (P1) and Oce
365 (P2) and ctive weights.
Weighting: The rst step of the AHP process is the weighting of the dierent
SMI categories and the weighting of the attributes of each category according to
their estimated relative importance. The weightings of all category weights, as
well as the attribute weights, has to be normalized. The result of the weighting
can be seen in Table 4 in the rst two columns.
Although the categories and attribute hierarchy is well-selected, it can and
should be adapted to the requirements of the user who can also expand it with
more attributes or more hierarchy levels.
Rating: The step that follows the weighting is the rating. This step assigns a
rating to each of the attributes. This work proposes a four-star rating scale where
each attribute gets a certain number of stars assigned. The proposed rating scale
is based on the improved mean opinion score scale of [18] and is presented in
Table 3.
12 Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s)
Table 3. Proposed rating scaled based on [18].
Rating Description
���� Excellent/Perfect
��� Good
�� Ordinary
After the assignment of a rating to all the attributes of each provider, it is
necessary to normalize them. Although, dierent normalization techniques can
be applied for that [21], this paper suggests a linear normalization using Equation
1 to normalize attribute ratings.
n=1 AttributeRatingn
Scoring: In a next step, the weighted ratings of each attribute are calculated by
multiplying the attribute weighting with the corresponding category weighting
and the attribute rating. Equation 2 and 3 illustrate this calculation, and Equa-
tion 4 shows an exemplary calculation using the weightings and ratings from
Table 4.
ScoreP rovideri=N
n=1(W eig htAttributen
·RatingP rovideri,Attr ibten)(2)
Rp1,a1Rp2,a1... Rpn,a1
Rp1,a2Rp2,a2... Rpn,a2
... ... ... ...
Rp1anRp2an... Rpnan
0.12 ·0.5
0.12 ·0.3
0.429 0.571
0.500 0.500
0.571 0.429
0.500 0.500
0.571 0.429
0.800 0.200
0.571 0.429
0.482 T
After the calculation and summation of all the weighted ratings, there is a
resulting score that represents the relative suitability of a provider: The higher
the score, the more suitable the provider is. In case of P1 (Google Apps) and P2
(Oce 365) in Table 4, P2 has a higher score and would therefore be considered
as the more suitable solution.
Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s) 13
Table 4. AHP provider rating using ratings based on [7] for the SaaS products Google
Apps (P1) and Oce 365 (P2).
Category Attribute Rating Star/Normalized Score
Weights Weights P1 P2 P1 P2
Accountablity 0.20 Provider Contract/
SLA verication 0.4 ��� 0.43 ���� 0.57 0.034 0.046
Compliance 0.3 ��� 0.50 ��� 0.50 0.030 0.030
Ease of doing
business 0.2 ���� 0.57 ��� 0.43 0.023 0.017
certication 0.1 ���� 0.50 ���� 0.50 0.010 0.010
Agility 0.12 Scalability 0.5 ���� 0.57 ��� 0.43 0.034 0.026
Portability 0.3 ���� 0.80 0.20 0.029 0.007
Extensibility 0.2 0.50 0.50 0.012 0.012
Assurance 0.08 Availability 0.4 ���� 0.50 ���� 0.50 0.016 0.016
Reliability 0.3 ���� 0.57 ��� 0.43 0.014 0.010
Fault tolerance 0.3 ��� 0.50 ��� 0.50 0.012 0.012
Financial 0.15 On-going costs 0.7 ��� 0.60 �� 0.40 0.063 0.042
Acquisition and
transition cost 0.3 ��� 0.60 �� 0.40 0.027 0.018
Performance 0.10 Service response
time 0.4 ���� 0.57 ��� 0.43 0.023 0.017
Functionality 0.3 ��� 0.43 ���� 0.57 0.013 0.017
Interoperability 0.3 �� 0.50 �� 0.50 0.015 0.015
Security and
Privacy 0.25
Access control/
0.5 ���� 0.50 ���� 0.50 0.063 0.063
Data privacy and
data loss 0.3 ��� 0.43 ���� 0.57 0.032 0.043
Data integrity 0.2 ��� 0.43 ���� 0.57 0.021 0.029
Usability 0.10 Accessibility 0.4 ��� 0.43 ���� 0.57 0.017 0.023
Learnability 0.3 ��� 0.43 ���� 0.57 0.013 0.017
Suitablity 0.3 ���� 0.57 ��� 0.43 0.017 0.013
Total Score 0.518 0.482
14 Selecting the Right Cloud Service(s)
4.5 Final Selection
In the nal selection step, the two or three best-ranked options are further in-
vestigated. This paper suggests a test installation as well as the usage of cloud
computing modeling and simulation tools like CloudSim [6] or SPECI [25] to per-
form further analysis and comparison. Besides, an exhaustive Internet research
about the highest ranked solutions may bring some important insights, which
can lead to an elaborated nal selection.
5 Conclusion and Future Work
The market of cloud computing is strongly growing, and more and more busi-
nesses consider a change to cloud technology [3]. The resulting selection of a
suitable cloud service satisfying the requirements best is a challenging task.
This paper provides a comprehensive methodology for determining (1) whether
cloud technology is applicable to a particular customer and (2) which service
ts most to the customer’s requirements. For the latter determination, 21 well-
dened cloud service characteristics based on the SMI [23] and [8] are compared,
weighted and ranked using the AHP method. This structured method applied to
the well-selected service characteristics and attributes ensure a comprehensible
and transparent way to make an elaborated and unbiased decision.
For future work, the proposed methodology must be tested in a real-world
scenario, and possible shortcomings must be evaluated. In addition, the usage of
the proposed selection guideline could be facilitated by building a web interface
that guides the user through all the ve steps and automatically calculates the
scores of the AHP provider comparison. Besides, the process of exploring cloud
services must be facilitated. This could be done by building a comprehensive
online cloud service directory with elaborated search and ltering possibilities
that allows to compare providers and their oers and there should be also some
direct information about the service characteristics so that the comparison and
rating are facilitated.
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... Microsoft Azure stekao je velik broj korisnika jer nudi kombinacije s uslugama poput MS Teams i Office 365 platforme, koje su popularne za organizacijske potrebe (Vailshery, 2022). Odabir pružatelja usluga računarstva u oblaku ovisi o mnogo faktora, među kojima su neki od najvažnijih pouzdanost pružatelja, financijski aspekt, performanse, sigurnost i prikladnost u odnosu na svrhu korištenja (Rösch, 2016). AWS je trenutno vodeći pružatelj usluga po tržišnom udjelu i opsegu servisa, a ključan razlog za odabir u ovom radu proizlazi iz usporedbi koje pokazuju njegove prednosti za upravljanje velikim podacima (ProjectPro, 2022). ...
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SAŽETAK Količina nastalih informacija svakim se danom povećava, a time rastu i zahtjevi za kapacitetom računalnih resursa kojima se one obrađuju i analiziraju. Rastuću ulogu u obradi podataka ima računarstvo u oblaku. Budući da se korištenje usluga u oblaku uobičajeno temelji na plaćanju po potrošnji, poznavanjem mogućnosti optimizacije i efikasnog korištenja resursa moguće je upravljati željenim performansama i troškovima. U ovom radu opisani su i prikazani na praktičnom primjeru različiti postupci koji se mogu provesti u svrhu optimizacije podataka i SQL upita, a prilikom korištenja usluga u oblaku za rad s velikim podacima. Opisani postupci uključuju odabir formata i provedbu kompresije podataka, ali i razne druge mogućnosti značajne za rad u oblaku, poput particioniranja podataka i planiranja strukture SQL upita. U praktičnom dijelu rada, nad podacima različitih obilježja proveden je niz SQL upita kako bi se usporedile performanse u odnosu na primijenjene postupke i obilježja upita. Temeljem navedenih postupaka i prikupljenih rezultata, može se zaključiti kako postoji veći broj mogućnosti putem kojih se može optimizirati provedba SQL upita. Važnost ovih postupaka sastoji se u njihovom doprinosu učinkovitom i isplativom korištenju usluga u oblaku prilikom rada s velikim podacima. Ključne riječi: SQL, optimizacija, veliki podaci, računarstvo u oblaku, Amazon Web Services 1. UVOD U suvremenom poslovanju sve veći udio uspjeha organizacija ovisi o kvaliteti informacija na temelju kojih se donose odluke. Količina novih i obrađenih informacija svakim danom sve se više povećava, što znači da se postavljaju i sve veći zahtjevi po pitanju kapaciteta resursa kojima se te informacije analiziraju. Važnu ulogu i potencijal u upravljanju podacima ima računarstvo u oblaku (engl. cloud computing), budući da korisnicima pruža resurse i mogućnosti dostupne bez
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Cloud Computing is an innovation ideas that helps in reducing the computing cost. Cloud Computing offers better computing through improved utilization and reduced administration and infrastructure costs. Cloud computing is the long-held dream of computing as a utility. Cloud Computing is the combination of Software as a Service (SaaS) and Utility Computing. Cloud computing shares characteristics with autonomic computing, peer to peer, grid computing, client server model, mainframe computer and utility computing. It has various open source resources which gives different platform for better computing utilization. Cloud computing are managed by Cloud Management tools, loaded and tested by various other software testing tools. Cloud computing modelling and simulation is done by CloudSim or SPECI or GroundSim or DCSim on the basis of testing benchmark. The application of Cloud Computing is discussed.
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Cloud Computing is revolutionizing the Information Technology (IT) industry by enabling organizations to have flexible costs by buying a service instead of owning their assets. Nevertheless, decision makers (DM) in IT organizations have difficulties in evaluating Cloud services because there are no guidelines or any structured form to decide what Cloud services they should use. In this paper, we propose a model based on a set of criteria to evaluate Cloud services that consists in six groups of thirty measurement criteria. In order to evaluate our proposal we have made demonstrations with Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365. We have also made twelve interviews with clients, suppliers, and experts of Cloud services. The results showed that the model was globally accepted and can help the decision-making about Cloud services.
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Migrating existing enterprise software to cloud platforms involves the comparison of competing cloud deployment options (CDOs). A CDO comprises a combination of a specific cloud environment, deployment architecture, and runtime reconfiguration rules for dynamic resource scaling. Our simulator CDOSim can evaluate CDOs, e.g., regarding response times and costs. However, the design space to be searched for well-suited solutions is extremely huge. In this paper, we approach this optimization problem with the novel genetic algorithm CDOXplorer. It uses techniques of the search-based software engineering field and CDOSim to assess the fitness of CDOs. An experimental evaluation that employs, among others, the cloud environments Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Windows Azure, shows that CDOXplorer can find solutions that surpass those of other state-of-the-art techniques by up to 60%. Our experiment code and data and an implementation of CDOXplorer are available as open source software.
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Today, many cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) frameworks exist. Users, developers, and administrators have to make a decision about which environment is best suited for them. Unfortunately, the comparison of such frameworks is difficult because either users do not have access to all of them or they are comparing the performance of such systems on different resources, which make it difficult to obtain objective comparisons. Hence, the community benefits from the availability of a testbed on which comparisons between the IaaS frameworks can be conducted. FutureGrid aims to offer a number of IaaS including Nimbus, Eucalyptus, OpenStack, and OpenNebula. One of the important features that FutureGrid provides is not only the ability to compare between IaaS frameworks, but also to compare them in regards to bare-metal and traditional high-performance computing services. In this paper, we outline some of our initial findings by providing such a testbed. As one of our conclusions, we also present our work on making access to the various infrastructures on FutureGrid easier.
Cloud Computing Basics covers the main aspects of this fast moving technology so that both practitioners and students will be able to understand cloud computing. The author highlights the key aspects of this technology that a potential user might want to investigate before deciding to adopt this service. This book explains how cloud services can be used to augment existing services such as storage, backup and recovery. Addressing the details on how cloud security works and what the users must be prepared for when they move their data to the cloud. Also this book discusses how businesses could prepare for compliance with the laws as well as industry standards such as the Payment Card Industry.
Conference Paper
The Cloud Services Measurement Initiative Consortium (CSMIC) was formed to address the need for industry-wide, globally accepted measures for calculating the benefits and risks of cloud-computing services. A global team is developing a standard measurement framework, called the Service Measurement Index (SMI). SMI involves the application of consistent, meaningful measures that are designed to enable comparison of current cloud-based services with non-cloud services or cloud services available from multiple providers. Cloud Services characteristics where measures are being documented and tested include: Accountability, Agility, Assurance, Financials, Performance, Security and Privacy, and Usability. The SMI will address a total of 51 attributes. Given concerns in the literature and popular press about provider capabilities, cost, security and data privacy and data loss, as well as the flexibility that moving to cloud services promises, this paper provides examples of measures for these attributes.
The popularity of cloud computing and IaaS has spawned numerous cloud service providers which offer various cloud services, including IaaS, to cloud users. These services vary considerably in terms of their performance and cost and the selection of a suitable cloud service becomes a complex decision making issue for a cloud service user. Furthermore, the cloud services have several attributes all of which are the criteria that have to be taken into account when making a service selection decision. In the presence of these multiple criteria, a compromise has to be made because in most real-world situations, no single service exceeds all other services in all criteria but one service may be better in terms of some of the criteria while other services may outperform it if judged on the basis of the remaining criteria. Multi-criteria decision-making is a sub-field in operations research that deals with the techniques to solve such multi-criteria problems. There are several methods of multicriteria decision-making. In this paper, we use key multi-criteria decision-making methods for IaaS cloud service selection in a case study which contains five basic performance measurements of thirteen cloud services by a third party monitoring service. We demonstrate the use of these multi-criteria methods for cloud service selection and compare the results obtained by using each method to find out how the choice of a particular MCDM method affects the outcome of the decision-making process for IaaS cloud service selection.
Cloud computing is a highly discussed topic in the technical and economic world, and many of the big players of the software industry have entered the development of cloud services. Several companies what to explore the possibilities and benefits of incorporating such cloud computing services in their business, as well as the possibilities to offer own cloud services. However, with the amount of cloud computing services increasing quickly, the need for a taxonomy framework rises. This paper examines the available cloud computing services and identifies and explains their main characteristics. Next, this paper organizes these characteristics and proposes a tree-structured taxonomy. This taxonomy allows quick classifications of the different cloud computing services and makes it easier to compare them. Based on existing taxonomies, this taxonomy provides more detailed characteristics and hierarchies. Additionally, the taxonomy offers a common terminology and baseline information for easy communication. Finally, the taxonomy is explained and verified using existing cloud services as examples. KeywordsCloud computing–Taxonomy–Classification–Comparison