
Aphrodisiac plants as human spermatozoa capacitants

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The use of natural products has impacted various aspects of medicine including sexual and reproductive health, through their deleterious effect on sperm cells or as aphrodisiacs. The mechanisms of sexual performance and sperm cells quality of several aphrodisiac plants have been studied, in order of evaluating the possibility of enhancing sperm capacitation. In this literature review, the pharmacological and traditional uses of 20 aphrodisiac plants that could be used as natural agents with effect on human sperm capacitation are reported. © 2015, CITA Publicaciones y Documentacion. All rights reserved.

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Phoenix dactylifera L (Date palm) belonging to family Arecaceae, called 'Nakhla' and the 'Tree of Life' by the Arabs, is considered as one of the oldest cultivated fruit trees. It is believed to be indigenous to the countries around the Arabian Gulf. Many Middle Easterners believe that consumption of date fruits, particularly in the morning on an empty stomach, can reverse the actions of any toxic material that the subject may have been exposed to. Different parts of this plant are traditionally claimed to be used for the treatment of a broad spectrum of ailments including memory disturbances, fever, loss of consciousness and nervous disorders. There has been a tremendous interest in this plant as evidenced by the voluminous work in last few decades. Therefore, we aimed to compile an up to date and comprehensive review of Phoenix dactylifera that covers its traditional and folk medicine uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology including various preclinical and clinical studies.
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Problem statement: The increasing prevalence of sexual dysfunction and the limitation of therapeutic efficacy nowadays give rise to the requirement of novel therapeutic strategy. Kaempferia parviflora or Krachai-Dun has been long term used in Thai traditional folklore to treat this condition. Unfortunately, no scientific document is available until now. Therefore, this study was undertaken to determine the effect of this medicinal plant on male sexual behavior of aging rats subjected to stress. Approach: Aging rats were divided into 2 groups; the vehicle+stress and the K.parviflora+stress. All animals were administered the assigned substance 45 m before they were subjected to the 12-hr stress exposure for 3 weeks. They were determined male sexual behaviors including both latency and frequency of mounting, intromission and ejaculation behaviors after single dose and every week until the end of experimental period. In order to investigate the possible underlying mechanism, we also determined the alteration of DA1-immunopositive stained neurons density in hypothalamus. Results: Our results showed that after the single administration of the plant extract, the intromission frequency increased, it was also found the rats subjected K.parviflora treatment significantly increased the frequency of mounting, intromission and ejaculation while decreased the latencies of all sexual behaviors mentioned earlier. Moreover, K.parviflora also increased D1-immunopositive stained neurons density in hypothalamus. Therefore, the aphrodisiac activity of K.parviflora might be attributed in part to the enhanced dopaminergic function in hypothalamus. Conclusion: Present findings provide experimental evidence that the crude extract of K.parviflora can enhance male sexual behaviors. Therefore, it will be further developed as the functional food or health product for men especially for men who are risk for sexual dysfunction.
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α-glycosidase in-vitro inhibitory activity and hypoglycemic effect by oral administration in rats of arecanut ethanol extracts have been investigated. Arecanut extract showed in-vitro inhibitory activity of intestinal α-glucosiadse enzymes maltase and sucrase and IC50 values of maltase and sucrase activity was found to be 12μg/ml and 30 μg/ml of arecanut extract respectively. The purpose of study is to know that arecanut extract alpha-glycosidase inhibition could reduce intestinal absorption of monosaccharides by inhibiting disaccharide hydrolysis. The post prandial elevation in blood glucose level at 30 and 60 min after administration of maltose with ethanol arecanut extracts (250 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg doses) showed significant suppression compared to control group rats. These results suggest that the arecanut extract has potent α-glucosidase inhibitors and would be effective in suppression of elevation in blood glucose after oral administration of maltose to rats.
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The rhizomes of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn have been traditionally acclaimed as aphrodisiac. In the present study ethanolic extract of rhizomes was evaluated for its effect on orientation behavior and spermatogenesis inalbino rats. A change in orientation behavior was assessed by orientation towards female, towards environment, towards self and type of mobility. Administration of 100 mg/Kg b. w. of ethanolic extract had pronounced effect onorientation of male towards the female rats. Males treated with the extractdisplayed more frequent and vigorous anogenital sniffing and mounting as compared to untreated animals. The increased spermatogenesis in treated groupwas confirmed by change in histoarchitecture as evidenced by increase in number of spermatocyte and spermatids. These findings support the folk use ofthis plant as aphrodisiac. Industrial relevance: Study proposes to elucidate and demarcate the potential of Rasayan herbs in the treatment as well as uprooting the causes of disease; which is the underlying principle of Rasayana therapy. This leads to discovery of newer phytoconstituents with betteractivities and provide source of new biomolecules for biotechnologists to work on. The study explore the utilization of Rasyana herbs for effective management of sexual dysfunction. It brings out a competent literature on rasayana, validating their utilization. It gives a larger platform for the herbal cultivators by providing scientific support and data to the traditionalunvalidated herbal drugs as rejuvenative tonics.
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Background: There is a rapidly growing trend in the consumption of herbal remedies in the developing countries. The Phoenix dactylifera date palm pollen (DPP) is used in the traditional medicine for male infertility. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of orally administered DPP on the reproductive system of adult male rats. Methods: Fifty Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained according to standard laboratory conditions. They were divided into five groups (n=10) and received daily gavages of aqueous suspensions DPP containing 30, 60, 120 and 240 mg/kg, for 35 consecutive days. At the end the sperm was collected from ductus deferens under anesthesia and their numbers, motility, and morphology were determined under light microscopy. The DNA integrity or denaturation was also evaluated by acridine orange staining. The weight of the testis and reproductive appendages was also determined, and after tissue processing, their histology were studied by light microscope. Results: The comparative evaluation between control and experimental groups revealed that consumption of DPP suspensions improved the sperm count, motility, morphology, and DNA quality with a concomitant increase in the weights of testis and epididymis. It did not significantly affect the weight of the prostate and the seminal vesicle or the histology of the reproductive tissues. Conclusion: Date palm pollen seems to cure male infertility by improving the quality of sperm parameters. However, fur
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El Khat es un árbol de hoja perenne que crece en determinados lugares del Este de África y de la Península Arábiga. Las hojas del Khat contienen efectos estimulantes y se mastican con frecuencia en aquellos países en donde crece. Debido a la disponibilidad del transporte aéreo, esta droga se ha extendido a la Europa Occidental y a América. En este artículo revisaremos todos aquellos aspectos relacionados con las consecuencias del Khat, su uso y su abuso en los diferentes lugares del mundo.
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Ginseng is often referred to as the King of all herbs, and is found to be a promising agent to improve general well-being. Ginseng has also been reputed as an aphrodisiac, and is used to treat sexual dysfunction as well as to enhance sexual behavior in traditional Chinese medical practices. Data from animal studies have shown a positive correlation among ginseng, libido, and copulatory performances, and these effects have been confirmed in case-control studies in human. In addition, ginseng is found to improve the sperm quality and count of healthy individuals as well as patients with treatment-related infertility. These actions are mostly attributed to ginsenosides, the major pharmacological active components of ginseng. This review compiles the current knowledge about the multifaceted effects of ginseng on male reproductive function, and also focuses on its mechanisms of action that may represent novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of male reproductive diseases or disorders.
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Procreation was an important moral and religious issue and aphrodisiacs were sought to ensure both male and female potency. Sexual dysfunction is an inability to achieve a normal sexual intercourse, including premature ejaculation, retrograded, retarded or inhibited ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, arousal difficulties (reduced libido), compulsive sexual behavior, orgasmic disorder, and failure of detumescence. The introduction of the first pharmacologically approved remedy for impotence, Viagra (sildenafil) in 1990s caused a wave of public attention, propelled in part by heavy advertising. The search for such substances dates back millennia. An aphrodisiac is an agent (food or drug) that arouses sexual desire. The hunt for natural supplement from medicinal plants is being intensified mainly because of its fewer side effects. In this review, we have mentioned the pharmacologically tested (either in man or animal or in both) aphrodisiac plants, which have claimed for its uses.
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Vajikarana or Vrishya chikitsa is a one of eight major specialty of the Ashtanga Ayurveda. This subject is concerned with aphrodisiacs, virility and improving health of progeny. As per Charak Samhita, by proper use of these formulations, one becomes endowed with good physique, potency, strength, and complexion and sexually exhilarated and sexually potent. This in turn is helpful in many common sexual dysfunctions, including Infertility, Premature Ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction. The therapy is preceded by living in strict compliance with the directions mentioned in Ayurvedic classics, various methods of body cleansing and other non-medicinal strategies like sexual health promoting conduct, behavior and diet. Certain individualized herbal and herbo-mineral combinations are administered as per the nature of a person according to the Ayurveda. Many limitations need to be considered before considering the use of theses therapy like lack of scientific studies, possibilities of adulteration in the herbal and herbo-mineral combinations available in market and possibilities of unexpected side-effects etc., The article calls upon initiating research in this area so that claims of ancient Ayurvedic texts could be substantiated and vajikaran therapy may be utilized by modern medicine.
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Currently there exists increasing preoccupation concerning sexual and reproductive health among teenagers; in spite of the availability of different contraceptive methods, the number of undesired pregnancies is steadily increasing. Among the products presently available for birth control, spermicides are a means that can be totally controlled by the woman and are very reliable compared to other contraceptives in common use. However, they cause irritation in the vaginal epithelium due to their tensoactive effect on cellular membranes which might enhance the risk of acquiring sexually transmissible diseases. In searching for new alternatives, it was observed that a wide variety of plants have spermicidal activity. Hence it is interesting to consider potential contraceptives of vegetable origin, as they may constitute a key tool to prevent undesired pregnancies in general, and in particular in vulnerable groups such as teenagers and young women.
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Csesslpinis benthsmisns (8aill.) Herend. and Zarucchi (Mezoneuron benthsmisnum Baill.) (Caesalpiniaceae) has been traditionally used in management of erectile dysfunction, dysentery, urethral discharges, skin diseases and wounds. Despite a long tradition of use in the treatment of various ailments, no systematic pharmacognostic standardization work has been carried outon C. benthsmisns. One major obstacle in the systematic exploration of the plant may be the non-availability of authentic plant material. In the present investigation, various pharmacoqnoetic standards for the plant have been generated including the macro and micro morphological studies, one of the WHO accepted parameters for identification of medicinal plants by way of establishing the salient diagnostic characters and constants. This was carried out on the leaves and root bark of C. benthsmisns. The leaves were bipinnate, oblong, with entire margin. The apex was obtuse, and possessed a symmetric base and reticulates venation. The terminal leaves were however obovate in shape. Actinocytic and paracytic types of stomata were observed. Trichomes were uniseriate and unicellular and epidermal cells were found to be wavy. Surface data analysis revealed the stomatal index to be 1.69% to 11.11%for the upper surface and 16.94% to 28.52% for the lower surface. Veinislet number was recorded as 12.5 to 16.5 whilsttheveinlet termination number was 22.25 to 35 with palisade ratio ranging between 11.25 and 13.75. The water- soluble extractive value was 9.2% and 3.7% for the leaves and root bark respectively. Whilst the alcohol-soluble extractive value for the leaves was found to be 6.7% and 2.6% for the root bark. The total ash value determinations were observed to be 5.6% for the leaves and 7.9% for the root bark. The result of this , study may be useful in setting diagnostic indices for the identification and preparation of a monograp~ for the plant.
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Plants have played significant roles as medicine during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care in many rural areas of the world. In addition to this, plants have been used for centuries to treat infertility and related reproduction problems. The aim of this paper was to review the current status of plant species used in maternal healthcare, including infertility, in South Africa, in terms of scientific evaluation for efficacy and safety. In addition to this, the role of medicinal plants as a tool in achieving the MDG5 of reducing maternal mortality by 2015 was evaluated. A search was done with the aid of Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, peer-reviewed papers, and books, using keywords such as child birth, labour pain, maternal health, maternal mortality, menstrual pains, and postpartum. The plants listed in the different research articles were classified according to their use and the target effect of a plant extract or compound on reproductive function. Eighty-four plant species were found to be used to treat infertility and related problems. Twenty plant species are used during pregnancy, while 26 plant species are used to ease childbirth. For postpartum healing and any problems after childbirth, nine plant species were recorded. Unhealthy pregnancy and birth complications are among the factors that contribute to the loss of cognitive potential in the developing world's children, condemning them to impoverished lives. The best way to keep a country poor is to rob its children of their full developmental potential. In this respect, medicinal plants play a significant role in reducing maternal mortality and ensuring the birth of healthy children.
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Bada Gokhru (Pedalium murex L.) is perhaps the most useful traditional medicinal plant in India. Each part of the neem tree has some medicinal property and is thus commercially exploitable. During the last five decades, apart from the chemistry of the Pedalium murex compounds, considerable progress has been achieved regarding the biological activity and medicinal applications of this plant. It is now considered as a valuable source of unique natural products for development of medicines against various diseases and also for the development of industrial products. This review gives a bird's eye view mainly on the biological activities of some of this compounds isolated, pharmacological actions of the extracts, clinical studies and plausible medicinal applications of gokharu along with their safety evaluation.
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This study aims to evaluate the protective effects of American ginseng administered by gastric intubation on sperm vital quality in adult male rats treated with cyclophosphamide (CP). In this experimental study, 28 Adult male Wistar rats were assigned to four groups, seven rats in each. The animals allocated to control, CP treated, Ginseng treated and CP-Ginseng treated groups. Rats were treated with CP (6.1 mg/kg/day, i.p) for 6 weeks. American ginseng was used at a dose of 500 mg/kg/day during treatment. Sperm analysis (motion, count, morphology and viability) were evaluated at the end of the experiments. Sperm motion was assessed by Computer-Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA). The data were analyzed using GB stat software. Probability values of p<0.05 and p<0.01 were considered significant. The epididymal sperm counts in the groups that received CP showed significant decreases compared to the control group. Also dead and abnormal sperms significantly increased following CP treatment compared with control. The motility of caudal sperm was reduced significantly with CP treatment. Therefore, according to the results of this study, co-administration of CP and American ginseng can improve these parameters. American ginseng can prevent the cytotoxic effects of CP on sperm quality factors.
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Garlic is probably one of the earliest known medicinal plants, which used from ancient time to cure different disease conditions in human. Garlic’s principal medicinal uses are to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, fight infections, and prevent cancer. The active constituents are sulfur-containing compounds that are rapidly absorbed and metabolized. Numerous studies suggest that garlic lowers total cholesterol concentrations by approximately 10%, favorably altering HDL/LDL ratios. Literature survey support garlic’s effectiveness as a mild antihypertensive, lowering blood pressure by 5-7%. Garlic inhibits platelet aggregation and enhances fibrinolytic activity, reducing clots on damaged endothelium. Another important use of garlic is as antidiabetic. Garlic controls the blood sugar level by different types of mechanisms. In vitro studies and animal data suggest that garlic may help to prevent some solid tumors. Therefore garlic is also effective in the cancer prevention. There are no studies evaluating its effectiveness in treating children or pregnant or nursing women. The other proposed uses of garlic include the hepatoprotective, antihelmentics, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal and wound healing.
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A water extract of Allium sativum (garlic) was given to male and female mice in drinking water (100 mg/kg/day) for three months. There was a significant increase in the weight of seminal vesicles and epididymides of male animals as compared to controls and the sperm count was significantly elevated. There was no increase in the body weight of the test animals, and weights of heart, liver and spleen were reduced as compared to controls. Haematological studies revealed an increase in WBC and a decrease in RBC levels of the test animals. Three-day intraperitonial treatment (500 mg/kg) with the A. sativum extract failed to exhibit any estrogenic or antiestrogenic activity.
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Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. (family Amaryllidaceae) is an endangered rasayana herb which is popularly known as "Kali Musli". The plant is native to India, and holds a special position as a potent adaptogen and aphrodisiac in Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is an important ingredient of many Ayurvedic preparations and is considered to have aphrodisiac, immunostimulant, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, anticancer and antidiabetic activities. Various chemical constituents like mucilage, phenolic glycosides, saponins and aliphatic compounds from the plant have been reported. The plant is also considered as an important component of various herbal preparations of the Chinese and Kampo medicine. The present review is an attempt to enumerate various biologically tested activities and evaluation of different phytochemicals present in this important medicinal plant.
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Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton. (Small cardamom) fruit powder was evaluated for its antihypertensive potential and its effect on some of the cardiovascular risk factors in individuals with stage 1 hypertension. Twenty, newly diagnosed individuals with primary hypertension of stage 1 were administered 3 g of cardamom powder in two divided doses for 12 weeks. Blood pressure was recorded initially and at 4 weeks interval for 3 months. Blood samples were also collected initially and at 4 weeks interval for estimation of lipid profile, fibrinogen and fibrinolysis. Total antioxidant status, however, was assessed initially and at the end of the study. Administration of 3 g cardamom powder significantly (p<0.001) decreased systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure and significantly (p<0.05) increased fibrinolytic activity at the end of 12th week. Total antioxidant status was also significantly (p<0.05) increased by 90% at the end of 3 months. However, fibrinogen and lipid levels were not significantly altered. All study subjects experienced a feeling of well being without any side-effects. Thus, the present study demonstrates that small cardamom effectively reduces blood pressure, enhances fibrinolysis and improves antioxidant status, without significantly altering blood lipids and fibrinogen levels in stage 1 hypertensive individuals.
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Erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE) are the two most prevalent male sexual dysfunctions. To present the updated version of 2009 European Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines on ED and PE. A systematic review of the recent literature on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of ED and PE was performed. Levels of evidence and grades of recommendation were assigned. ED is highly prevalent, and 5-20% of men have moderate to severe ED. ED shares common risk factors with cardiovascular disease. Diagnosis is based on medical and sexual history, including validated questionnaires. Physical examination and laboratory testing must be tailored to the patient's complaints and risk factors. Treatment is based on phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5-Is), including sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil. PDE5-Is have high efficacy and safety rates, even in difficult-to-treat populations such as patients with diabetes mellitus. Treatment options for patients who do not respond to PDE5-Is or for whom PDE5-Is are contraindicated include intracavernous injections, intraurethral alprostadil, vacuum constriction devices, or implantation of a penile prosthesis. PE has prevalence rates of 20-30%. PE may be classified as lifelong (primary) or acquired (secondary). Diagnosis is based on medical and sexual history assessing intravaginal ejaculatory latency time, perceived control, distress, and interpersonal difficulty related to the ejaculatory dysfunction. Physical examination and laboratory testing may be needed in selected patients only. Pharmacotherapy is the basis of treatment in lifelong PE, including daily dosing of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and topical anaesthetics. Dapoxetine is the only drug approved for the on-demand treatment of PE in Europe. Behavioural techniques may be efficacious as a monotherapy or in combination with pharmacotherapy. Recurrence is likely to occur after treatment withdrawal. These EAU guidelines summarise the present information on ED and PE. The extended version of the guidelines is available at the EAU Web site (
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This review summarizes the current state of knowledge on Lepidium meyenii (maca), a cruciferous plant (Brassicaceae family) which is cultivated exclusively at an altitude of 4,000-4,500 m in the Peruvian Central Andes. Maca is traditionally used for its nutritional and presumed medicinal properties. Over the past 20 years, interest in maca has increased in many parts of the world, and since 2005 maca is considered one of the seven Peruvian flag products. Maca is exported as powder, capsules, pills, flour, liquor, and extracts. There are different types of maca with differ-ent colors ranging from white to black. We have studied the pharmacological effects of 3 types; yellow, black, and red maca. Evidence from experimental studies indicates effects of maca on nutrition, fertility, memory, and mood. Black maca has better effects on sperm production than yellow maca which has only moderate effects. Red maca, however, has no effect on sperm production. However, red maca has been shown to reduce prostate size in rats in which prostate hyperplasia had been induced with testosterone enanthate; yellow maca has shown moderate effects here, whereas black maca has not shown any effects. Randomized clinical trials have shown that maca has favorable effects on energy and mood, may decrease anxiety and improve sexual desire. Maca has also been shown to improve sperm production, sperm motility, and semen volume. Serum levels of testosterone, estradiol, LH, FSH, and prolactin were not affected. The exact mechanisms of action are still unclear, but so far research clearly indicates that various bioactive constituents contribute to the clinical effects reported.
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In folk medicine, Turnera diffusa Wild (Turnera diffusa, Turneraceae) is considered as an aphrodisiac, but its ability to restore copulation in sexually inhibited subjects has not been reported. To determine whether Turnera diffusa recovers sexual behavior in sexually exhausted (SExh) male rats and to identify the main components in an aqueous extract. SExh males were treated with Turnera diffusa, 20-80 mg/kg, yohimbine, 2 mg/kg, or vehicle. Yohimbine and Turnera diffusa (80 mg/kg) significantly increased the percentage of males achieving one ejaculatory series and resuming a second one. In addition, Turnera diffusa significantly reduced the post-ejaculatory interval. These effects were not associated to an increase in locomotor activity or anxiety-like behaviors. The HPLC-ESI-MS analysis showed the presence of caffeine, arbutine, and flavonoids as the main compounds in the active extract. The results support the use of Turnera diffusa as an aphrodisiac in traditional medicine and suggest possible therapeutic properties of Turnera diffusa on sexual dysfunction. The flavonoids present in active extract may participate in its pro-sexual effect, which is analogous to those produced by yohimbine, suggesting a shared mechanism of action.
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Guaraná (Paullinia cupana H.B.K., Sapindaceae) is a rainforest vine that was domesticated in the Amazon for its caffeine-rich fruits. Guaraná has long been used as a tonic and to treat various disorders in Brazil and abroad and became a national soda in Brazil about a century ago. In the last two decades or so, guaraná has emerged as a key ingredient in various 'sports' and energy drinks as well as concoctions that allegedly boost one's libido. For some time, guaraná's high caffeine content was thought to be a detriment because of health concerns about excessive intake of caffeine-rich drinks. But it is precisely this quality, and the fact that it has a mysterious name and comes from an exotic land, that has propelled guaraná into a global beverage.
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Numerous collecting expeditions of Theobroma cacao L. germplasm have been undertaken in Latin-America. However, most of this germplasm has not contributed to cacao improvement because its relationship to cultivated selections was poorly understood. Germplasm labeling errors have impeded breeding and confounded the interpretation of diversity analyses. To improve the understanding of the origin, classification, and population differentiation within the species, 1241 accessions covering a large geographic sampling were genotyped with 106 microsatellite markers. After discarding mislabeled samples, 10 genetic clusters, as opposed to the two genetic groups traditionally recognized within T. cacao, were found by applying Bayesian statistics. This leads us to propose a new classification of the cacao germplasm that will enhance its management. The results also provide new insights into the diversification of Amazon species in general, with the pattern of differentiation of the populations studied supporting the palaeoarches hypothesis of species diversification. The origin of the traditional cacao cultivars is also enlightened in this study.
The effect of (-)-cathinone, caffeine and their combinations was studied on the sexual behaviour of male rats. Male sexual activities were assessed by recording the erectile responses (grooming of genitalis, yawning/stretching and homosexual mounting), in the absence of females. The copulatory behaviour was observed by caging males with receptive females brought into oestrus with s.c. injection of oestradiol benzoate and progesterone. The copulatory pattern of male rats (mounting, intromissions, ejaculations and refractory period) was recorded. The oral treatment of cathinone (5 mg kg-1 day-1), caffeine (50 mg kg-1 day-1) and their combinations for 15 days increased arousal (motivation) in male rats as evidenced by increased mounting performance and anogenital investigatory behaviour. However, erectile and ejaculatory responses, measured in the present study, showed no stimulant effect. It is conceivable from the present results that cathinone, the psychostimulant constituent of khat modified masculine pattern behaviour and caffeine also changed the effect of cathinone when administered concomitantly. However, our data provide no evidence that cathinone could be considered as an aphrodisiac.
Cocoa and chocolate have been acclaimed for several years for their possible medicinal and heart benefits. It is only recently, however, that some of these claims have been more clearly identified and studied. Recent epidemiological and clinical studies, for example, have shown that dietary supplementation With flavonoid-rich cocoa and chocolate may exert a protective effect on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation, which has been associated with a reduced risk of developing atherosclerosis. Some of the identified benefits of flavonoid-rich cocoa and chocolate include antioxidant properties, reduced blood pressure via the induction of nitric-oxide (NO)-dependent vasodilation in men, improved endothelial function, increased insulin sensitivity, decreased platelet activation and function, as well as modulated immune function and inflammation. Furthermore, chocolate has been reported to release phenylethylamine and serotonin into the human system, producing some aphrodisiac and mood-lifting effects. Since these claims could have implications for the consumption levels of cocoa and chocolate products on the global market, understanding the critical factors involved and their potential benefits are currently thought to be of great importance to consumers.
Introducción: del origen y del fundamento de la mitología / Kart Kerenyi / - El niño original / Kart Kerenyi / - Acerca de la psicología del arquetipo del niño / C.G.Jung / - La doncella divina / Kart Kerenyi / - Acerca del aspecto psicológico de la figura de la core / C.G. Jung .
This overview is focused on Panax ginseng, one of the most commonly used herbal remedies. The currently available data regarding its clinical efficacy is somewhat confusing, despite the fact that many clinical trials and systematic reviews have been published. The risks of Panax ginseng seem to be only minor. Numerous mechanisms of action have been described. Future studies of this fascinating herbal remedy seem warranted but they should overcome the methodological limitations of the previous research.
Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau & Fernandes (Liliaceae) is a very popular herb in traditional Indian medicine and constitute a group of herbs used as 'Rasayan' or adaptogen Thirteen species of Chlorophytum have been reported from India [2,14,17,18,] All these species differ in appearance, native species are sold as 'Safed musli' in the Indian drug market. Major biochemical constituents of safed musli are carbohydrates 42%, protein 80-90%, fibres 3 - 4%, saponins 2 -17% and alkaloids 15 - 25% [3]. Primarily saponins and alkaloids impart medicinal value. Chlorophytum borivilianum has therapeutic application in ayurvedic system of medicine [2,3,17] Fasciculated roots of Chlorophytum borrivillianum is used as tonic and constitute and important ingredient of 20 ayuervedic and unani preparation. Roots are used for the preparation of nutritional tonic used in general sexual weakness. Administration of Chlorophytum borivilianum root power also increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes and vitamin C levels which may have enhanced the antioxidant capacity of the live]. Chlorophytum tuberosum Baker commonly referred as Safed Musli has been widely used as a potent Rasayna drug in Ayurveda as a rejuvenator and tonic. The aqueous extract of Chlorophytum borivilianum(250mg/kg for 7 days) significantly reverted levels of plasma glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol and serum corticosterone and also reduced the ulcer index, adrenal gland weight more as effectively as standard drugs(diazepam) in rats.
Medicinal use of basil, Ocimum basilicum, dates back to ancient times in Iran, China, and India. This herb has been used since ancient times as a medicine and food and it is known that the antioxidant effect of O. basilicum is beneficial to spermatogenesis, so it was hypothesized that this herb might also provide protection to sperm parameters. Male Wistar rats (n = 30) were allocated to three groups, a control group (n = 10) and two treatment groups (n = 20). The first treatment group received O. basilicum extract (1.5 g/kg body weight), the second extract group received O. basilicum extract (3g/kg body weight) for 40 consecutive days. Animals were maintained under standard conditions. At the conclusion of the test period rat testes tissues were removed from all group members, before sperm was collected from the epididymis and prepared for analysis. Total testosterone serum, sperm concentration, percentage of sperm viability and sperm motility were significantly increased in the experimental group, which received 1.5 g/kg body weight O. basilicum extract (p < 0.05), compared to control group. LH, FSH hormones, morphology and testes weights for both experimental and control groups were similar. Results indicate that administration of 1.5 g/kg body weight of O. basilicum extract significantly increased sperm percentage, viability, motility and total serum testosterone. This suggested that O. basilicum extract may be a promising treatment for enhancing healthy sperm parameters.
El objetivo de éste artículo fue realizar una revisión bibliográfica que permitiera referir algunos datos históricos, generalidades, uso, ventajas y desventajas sobre los espermicidas. Mediante el uso de diferentes bases de datos biomédicas, utilizando los términos Anticoncepción, Espermato-zoide, Espermicidas, Nonoxinol-9, Microbicida y Productos naturales se realizó una revisión de la literatura y para esto, se seleccionaron diferen-tes artículos científicos, documentos y manuales que permitieron la reali-zación del presente manuscrito, encontrando que desde hace muchos años la anticoncepción ha sido un tema de gran interés en el mundo tratando aspectos como el control de la natalidad y algunas infecciones de transmi-sión sexual. Con el tiempo se han desarrollado métodos anticonceptivos, entre ellos los espermicidas de origen sintético, que cuentan con una multiplicidad de ventajas y desventajas. Sin embargo, diferentes organi-zaciones han planteado la necesidad de buscar nuevos compuestos activos con propiedades espermicidas y microbicidas, que presenten mínimos efectos secundarios; entre estos nuevos compuestos, se destacan en el presente artículo aquellos espermicidas derivados de productos naturales.
Introduction: spermicides are contraceptive methods aimed at either immobilizing or killing spermatozoa. Objective: evaluate the spermicidal and cytotoxic activity of extracts of Sapindus saponaria L. (jaboncillo) on human spermatozoa and the HeLa cell line, respectively. Methods: semen samples from healthy individuals were incubated with extracts of Sapindus saponaria L. and their fractions. Sperm motility and viability were measured before and after each treatment. Additionally, the cytotoxic effect of the extract on the HeLa cell line was assessed by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxy methoxy phenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium MTS assay. Results: maximum spermicidal effect was observed when semen samples were incubated with the polar fraction of Sapindus saponaria L. leaf extract after 5 minutes of treatment (p
Background Areca catechu L. (Areca nut) has been of value in the management of male sexual disorders. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the aphrodisiac effect of A. catechu along with another plant, Pedalium murex L, which is used in herbal aphrodisiac formulations. Methods Three month old ovariectomized female rats weighing 175–250 g were divided into four groups of six animals each. Three month old male rats weighing 200–350 g were also selected for this study. The males were also divided into four groups of six animals. The general mating behaviour, libido and potency, were studied and compared with the standard reference testosterone group. Results Oral administration of the extract at a dose of 150 mg/kg body weight produced significant augmentation of sexual activity in male rats. It significantly increased the mounting frequency, intromission frequency, intromission latency and caused significant reduction in the mounting latency and post-ejaculatory interval. The extract was also observed to be devoid of any adverse effects. Conclusion There was a sustained increase in the sexual activity of normal male rats without any conspicuous adverse effects indicating that A. catechu possesses aphrodisiac activity. The present study thus provides a scientific rationale for the traditional use of Areca nut in the management of male sexual disorders.
Objetivo: Evaluar la reacción acrosomal inducida por el ionóforo de calcio en espermatozoides de un grupo de individuos con fertilidad desconocida. Método: Cada individuo donó una muestra de semen la cual fue evaluada para determinar la cantidad de espermatozoides que presentaban reacción acrosomal al estimularlos con el ionóforo de calcio después de la capacitación espermática. Se utilizó la lectina Pisum sativum aglutinina (microscopía de fluorescencia) y el anticuerpo anti-CD46 (citometría de flujo). Resultados: Cinco de los seis individuos presentaron un aumento en el número de espermatozoides reaccionados al estimularlos con ionóforo de calcio comparado con el porcentaje de espermatozoides que presentaron reacción acrosomal espontánea tanto por microscopía de fluorescencia (7.4 +/- 2.4 vs 22.5 +/- 10.1), como por citometría de flujo (8.5 +/- 2.8 vs 25.4 +/- 6.0); en el otro individuo los valores de la reacción acrosomal con el ionóforo de calcio fueron similares a los de la reacción espontánea. Conclusiones: Ambas técnicas son útiles para evaluar in vitro la capacidad de los espermatozoides para sufrir la reacción acrosomal posterior a la capacitación, sin necesidad de que exista fusión entre el espermatozoide y el oocito, pero la citometría de flujo es mas objetiva y permite visualizar un mayor número de células. De otro lado, aunque el individuo que no respondió al estímulo con el ionóforo de calcio tiene fertilidad desconocida, los resultados obtenidos permiten proponer que la evaluación de la reacción acrosomal podría ser una herramienta útil en el estudio de los hombres que consultan por infertilidad.
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Corchorus depressus Linn. has been used as an aphrodisiac in traditional Indian medicine to treat male sexual dysfunction and impotency. Aim of the study: The petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, n-butanol and aqueous fractions of 95% methanol extract of Corchorus depressus were screened initially for their in vitro aphrodisiac activity on rabbit corpus cavernosum smooth muscle. The chloroform fraction (CDC) was found to be the most active and therefore investigated further on general mating behavior, libido and potency of normal male Wistar albino rats in comparison with the standard drug, Sildenafil citrate. Materials and methods: Animals were divided into the following groups: Control, SC CDC 100, CDC 200, and CDC 400, who received saline, Sildenafil citrate or the chloroform fraction of Corchorus depressus at doses of 100, 200 or 400mg/kg b.wt., respectively. The route of administration for all the groups was oral dosing, which was once in a day for 45 days. To analyze the mating behavior, female rats with estrus phase were used. Results: The chloroform fraction of methanolic extract of Corchorus depressus significantly reduced ML, IL, PEI and III. There was a significant increase in the MF, IF and EL and serum testosterone levels throughout the study period. The potency test significantly increased erections, quick flips, long flips and total reflex. In vitro aphrodisiac activity was significantly higher in chloroform fraction at a concentration of 25.0mg/ml, which induced 71.4% relaxation. The combined results of the above mentioned models indicate that the chloroform fraction of Corchorus depressus produces a significant increase in sexual activity as exhibited by 25mg/ml in vitro and 400mg/kg in vivo. In comparison with the control, all the drug-treated groups have shown drug-induced effects for a few parameters. Conclusions: In vitro and in vivo studies provide valuable experimental evidence that the chloroform fraction of methanolic extract of Corchorus depressus possesses aphrodisiac property. This study further substantiates the ethnopharmacological claims of Corchorus depressus as a sexual stimulating agent and offers a significant potential for studying the effect on male sexual response and its dysfunctions.
Objective To evaluate the spermicidal activity of Passiflora edulis extract on human spermatozoa.Methods Human spermatozoa were incubated with P. edulis extracts and their motility and viability were evaluated; additionally, the cytotoxic effect of the extracts was evaluated by the tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction assay.ResultsThe motility and viability were decreased immediately after treatment with a 21% dilution of the supernatant of the extract of P. edulis (P<0.001). No cytotoxic effect of the extracts studied was found on proliferation of MDBK and VERO cells.Conclusion These results may open the way for the use of P. edulis as a spermicidal product with less adverse effects.
Pedalium murex Linn. has been used as Vajikaran Rasayana (aphrodisiac) in traditional Indian medicine to treat male sexual dysfunction and impotency. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of P. murex fruits extract on sexual behaviors and testosterone level of male rats during and past withdrawal of treatment. The extract (50, 100,150mg/kg body weight/day) and sildenafil citrate (5mg/kg body weight/day) were administered orally by gavages for 28 days to male Wistar albino rats. Penile erection index (PEI), mount latency (ML), intromission latency (IL), ejaculation latency (EL), mounting frequency (MF), intromission frequency (IF), post ejaculatory interval (PEjI) and serum testosterone levels were studied at day 0, 15, 28 during treatment. They were further evaluated after day 7 and 15 past discontinuation of the treatment. In-vitro nitric oxide release activity was also investigated in human corpus cavernosal cell line. The ethanolic extract significantly reduced the ML, IL, EL and PEjI (p<0.05). There was a significant increase in the PEI, MF and IF and serum testosterone level (p<0.05) throughout the period of study. Ethanolic extract produced a significant effect on sexual behavior and serum testosterone level past withdrawal of the treatment. In-vitro nitric oxide release was significantly higher in extract and sildenafil citrate compared to the control group. Present findings provide experimental in-vivo and in-vitro evidence that the ethanolic extract of P. murex fruits possesses aphrodisiac property. Study lends growing support for the traditional use of P. murex as a sexual stimulating agent and offers a significant potential for studying the effect on male sexual response and its dysfunctions. The findings justify the concept of Rasayana as rejuvenative tonics and support their role in prevention or delay of the aging process.
Infertility is the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. In the present study, herbal composition prepared by using medicinal plants having aphrodisiac potentials was administered orally to the albino rats for 40 days and to the oligospermic patients for 90 days in order to prove the efficacy of herbal composition. Herbal composition was the mixture (powder form) of the medicinal plants namely, Mucuna pruriens (Linn), Chlorophytum borivillianum (Sant and Fernand), and Eulophia campestris (Wall). In the neem oil treated albino rats, there was significant reduction in almost all the parameters viz. body weight, testes and epididymes weight, sperm density and motility, serum levels of testosterone, FSH, and LH compared with control rats. Treatment with said herbal composition for 40 days results significant increased in the body weight, testis, and epididymes weight in rats. Concomitantly the sperm motility and the sperm density were significantly increased. After 90 days of treatment with this herbal composition, sperm density vis-a-vis motility was increased in oligozoospermic patients as a result of elevation in serum testosterone levels. No side effects were noticed during the entire duration of the trial.
The area of natural product research is rapidly progressing from traditional medicine to modern medicine having proper scientific basis of its usage. However, identifying the active constituent or the basis of its mechanism holds the key to synthesis of these drugs in the laboratory. Traditional Indian literature such as Ayurveda has listed several plant and animal based resources for treatment of almost every ailment. Erectile dysfunction and male sexual debilities are among the most explored areas in traditional medicine. A number of natural products, mostly plant based, have been claimed to cure erectile dysfunction and related male sexual debilities. These products often are aphrodisiac and have multi-fold effects on male reproductive system. This review aims at compiling the animal and plant based resources which bear promise of treating loss of libido and erectile dysfunction. A special emphasis is paid to find out scientific basis of their usage. The identification of potential resources could help undertake further studies to establish their possible mechanism of action; opening the doors to proper clinical trials for human use.
In the present study, the effect of four Vajikaran Rasayana herbs on penile erection, sperm count, seminal fructose content in vivo and nitric oxide (NO) release in vitro was assessed. Lyophilised aqueous extracts of Asparagus racemosus Willd. (AR), Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. F. (CB), Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. (CO), and Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. Don) Soo (DH) were orally administered at 100 mg/kg body weight to Wistar strain male albino rats. Penile erection index and sperm count were determined by visual observation; the seminal fructose concentration was measured spectrophotometrically using resorcinol reagent; and NO release was assessed in a mouse macrophage cell line (RAW264) spectrophotometrically using a commercial Griess reagent kit. Penile erection index, sperm count, seminal fructose concentration and in vitro NO release were the parameters measured. A significant effect on the sperm count, seminal fructose content and penile erection index was observed upon treatment with the extracts. The effect of extracts on inducible NO release in vitro directly correlated with the enhanced erectile function in vivo. The aphrodisiac claims attributed to the four Vajikaran Rasayana herbs were tested and a distinctive effect of all extracts tested was observed, with C. borivilianum showing a highly significant response for all parameters measured in vivo and in vitro. The present study also provides a good correlation between the in vivo improvement of penile erection and in vitro NO releasing activity of the extracts. Increase in seminal fructose levels and sperm count further validates the role of these herbs in improving reproductive function.
An aphrodisiac is a type of food or drink that has the effect of making those who eat or drink it more aroused in a sexual way. Aphrodisiacs can be categorized according to their mode of action into three groups: substances that increase libido (i.e., sexual desire, arousal), substances that increase sexual potency (i.e., effectiveness of erection) and substances that increase sexual pleasure. Some well-known aphrodisiacs are Tribulus terrestrins, Withania somnifera, Eurycoma longifolia, Avena sativa, Ginko biloba, and Psoralea coryifolia. Ethnobotanical surveys have indicated a large number of plants as aphrodisiacs. The paper reviews the recent scientific validation on traditionally used herbal plants as aphrodisiac herbs for the management of sexual disorder erectile dysfunction.
Examen de dos motivos centrales mitológicos: el del niño divino y el de la doncella divina, que en la figura de Perséfone caracterizó los misterios de Eleusis. Tanto en un caso como en otro lo que verdaderamente importa es la dimensión de lo humano que se refleja en los mitos. Los estudios reunidos en este libro aportan numerosos materiales poco conocidos que contribuyen a u mejor conocimiento del pensamiento mitológico común a toda la humanidad.
Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers), is an Andean crop that grows between 3,800 and 4,500 m a.s.l. The persistent interest in this plant is based on its assumed effects on fertility of male mammals due to the prevalence of certain, partially specific, secondary compounds. The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of maca supplementation on quality and quantity of semen, mating behavior, and clinical status of peripubertal breeding bulls. The experiment followed a cross-over design lasting for 23 wk with 3 wk of adaptation and baseline measurements, and 2 x 10 wk of treatment feeding thus covering two times the complete 8-wk spermatogenic cycle. Seventy-eight 55 wk to 84 wk old breeding bulls received either no maca (control) or maca (233 mg dried hypocotyls/kg body weight/day) for 10 wk followed by 10 wk without maca (maca early) or maca only in the last 10 wk (maca late). Measurements were always made in the last 2 wk of each period. Apart from standard analyses, ejaculates were analyzed by flow cytometry. Data was evaluated by analysis of variance considering the repeated measurement structure of the data. Significant treatment by measurement period indicated direct or carry-over effects of maca. Maca supplementation had no direct effect on body weight, testes circumference, rectal temperature, mating behavior, and ejaculate volume. However, supplementing maca in the first 10 wk period increased the number of sperms in the second 10 wk period, i.e., when the animals no longer received maca. The DNA fragmentation index and the visually assessed motility of the sperms of bulls, that initially showed a borderline sperm quality, were significantly improved with early maca supplementation, while no such effect was observed in the two other groups. No effects occurred in the proportion of intact sperm plasma membranes or acrosomes or both. In conclusion, maca supplementation seems to improve sperm quantity and quality of bulls to a certain degree, while mating behavior appears unaffected.
The search for a remedy or a prescription that can enhance sexual function and/or treat male erectile dysfunction has been an obsession throughout known history. Whether it was an Eastern civilization or a Western one, religious or atheist, man's aspiration for a better or best "manhood" has been a history-time goal. This review will discuss the current research done on the most popular natural aphrodisiacs and examine the weight of evidence to support or discourage the use of any of these substances to enhance sexual desire and/or function. Review of the current evidence on the use of natural substances as aphrodisiacs. Efficacy of natural aphrodisiacs in enhancing sexual function in men and women. There is little evidence from literature to recommend the usage of natural aphrodisiacs for the enhancement of sexual desire and/or performance. Data on yohimbine's efficacy does not support the wide use of the drug, which has only mild effects in the treatment of psychogenic ED. Although there's a positive trend towards recommending ginseng as an effective aphrodisiac, however, more in depth studies involving large number of subjects and its mechanism of action are needed before definite conclusions could be reached. Data on the use of natural aphrodisiacs in women is limited. The current body of objective evidence does not support the use of any natural aphrodisiac as an effective treatment for male or female sexual dysfunctions. Potent men and men with ED will continue the search for natural aphrodisiacs despite the current disappointing data on their effectiveness. Care should be taken regarding the fraud addition of sildenafil analogues to natural aphrodisiacs.
In the present study, we examined the effect of Allium tuberosum seeds extract upon the expression of male rat sexual behavior, in order to know whether Allium tuberosum seeds extract possess aphrodisiac property. The aphrodisiac activity of Allium tuberosum seeds n-BuOH extract was investigated in male rats. The extract (500 mg/kg body weight/day) and L-dopa (100 mg/kg body weight/day) were administered orally by gavages for 40 days. Mount latency (ML), intromission latency (IL), ejaculation latency (EL),mounting frequency (MF), intromission frequency (IF), ejaculation frequency (EF) and post-ejaculatory interval (PEI) were the parameters observed before and during the sexual behavior study at day 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40. The n-BuOH extract reduced significantly ML, IL, EL and PEI (p < 0.05). The extract also increased significantly MF, IF and EF (p < 0.05). These effects were observed in sexually active and inactive male rats. Present findings provide experimental evidence that the n-BuOH extract preparation of Allium tuberosum seeds possesses aphrodisiac property.
Thirty years ago, on July 25, Steptoe and Edwards reported the birth of Louise Joy Brown, the first successful “Test-Tube” baby (1). This achievement followed a lack of success of in vitro fertilization experiments for almost 80 years since the first attempts in 1878. These early failures were due mainly to a lack of comprehension of sperm physiology. In the early 1950s, Chang (2) and Austin (3) demonstrated independently that sperm had to be in the female reproductive tract for a finite period before acquiring fertilizing capacity. This phenomenon is known as sperm capacitation. What made this finding a necessary step for the consequent development of in vitro fertilization was the understanding that certain factors in the female were needed for the sperm to become fertile. A logical follow-up of the discovery of sperm capacitation occurred some years later when Chang demonstrated mammalian in vitro fertilization conclusively by showing that eggs from a black rabbit fertilized in vitro by capacitated sperm from a black male, and transferred to a white female, resulted in the birth of a litter of black offspring (4).
The roots of Asparagus racemosus, Chlorophytum borivilianum, and rhizomes of Curculigo orchioides are popular for their aphrodisiac and immunostimulatory properties. The herbs have been traditionally used as Vajikaran Rasayana herbs because of their putative positive influence on sexual performance in humans. Lyophilized aqueous extracts obtained from the roots of A. racemosus, C. borivilianum, and rhizomes of C. orchioides were studied for sexual behavior effects in male albino rats and compared with untreated control group animals (total N = 60). The rats were evaluated for effect of treatments on anabolic effect. Seven measures of sexual behavior were evaluated. Administration of 200 mg/kg body weight of the aqueous extracts had pronounced anabolic effect in treated animals as evidenced by weight gains in the body and reproductive organs. There was a significant variation in the sexual behavior of animals as reflected by reduction of mount latency, ejaculation latency, post ejaculatory latency, intromission latency, and an increase of mount frequency. Penile erection (indicated by Penile Erection Index) was also considerably enhanced. Reduced hesitation time (an indicator of attraction towards female in treated rats) also indicated an improvement in sexual behavior of extract treated animals. The observed effects appear to be attributable to the testosterone-like effects of the extracts. Nitric oxide based intervention may also be involved as observable from the improved penile erection. The present results, therefore, support the folklore claim for the usefulness of these herbs and provide a scientific basis for their purported traditional usage.