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Title: Weights and Importance in Composite Indicators: Mind the Gap
Name: William Becker1, Paolo Paruolo1, Michaela Saisana1, Andrea Saltelli23
Affil./Addr. 1: European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Via Enrico Fermi, 2749
21027 Ispra VA, Italy
email: william.becker, paolo.paruolo,
Affil./Addr. 2: Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT)
University of Bergen (UIB), Norway
Affil./Addr. 3: Institut de Ciencia i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA)
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain
Weights and Importance in Composite
Indicators: Mind the Gap
Summary. Multi-dimensional measures (often termed composite indicators) are popular tools in
the public discourse for assessing the performance of countries on human development, perceived
corruption, innovation, competitiveness, or other complex phenomena. These measures combine a set
of variables using an aggregation formula, which is often a weighted arithmetic average. The values
of the weights are usually meant to reflect the variables importance in the index. This paper uses
measures drawn from global sensitivity analysis, specifically the Pearson correlation ratio, to discuss
to what extent the importance of each variable coincides with the intentions of the developers. Two
nonparametric regression approaches are used to provide alternative estimates of the correlation ratios,
which are compared with linear measures. The relative advantages of different estimation procedures
are discussed. Three case studies are investigated: the Resource Governance Index, the Good Country
Index, and the Financial Secrecy Index.
Composite indicators are aggregations of observable variables (indicators) that aim to quantify under-
lying concepts that are not directly observable, such as competitiveness, freedom of press or climate
hazards. Composite indicators are employed for many purposes, including policy monitoring, and they
are called in several different ways; for instance they are also referred to as “performance indices”.
Hardly any newspaper can resist the temptation of commenting on an international country
ranking. The popularity of rankings owes to two main reasons. First, their simplicity. They provide a
summary picture of the multiple facets or dimensions of complex, multidimensional phenomena in a
way that facilitates evaluation and comparison. Second, rankings force institutions and governments
to question their standards; rankings are drivers of behaviour and of change (Kelley and Simmons,
Hence, it comes at no surprise that there has been a turbulent growth of performance in-
dices over the past two decades. Bandura (2011) provides a comprehensive inventory of over 400
country-level indexes monitoring complex phenomena from economic progress to educational quality.
Similarly, a more recent inventory by the United Nations (Yang, 2014) details 101 composite mea-
sures of human well-being and progress, covering a broad range of themes from happiness-adjusted
income to environmentally-adjusted income, from child development to information and communi-
cation technology development. Several of those indices have been cited online more than a million
The construction of a composite indicator requires several choices; it involves a number of
steps in which the developer must make decisions regarding which variables to include in the composite
index, and how to aggregate them. These steps involve first, developing a conceptual framework, then
selecting and treating data sets. Next, a multivariate analysis is often performed to identify principal
components and correlations. The data are then normalised, for example by scaling onto the unit
interval or adjusting by mean and variance.
The step discussed in this chapter is the aggregation step, where typically the variables are
combined in a weighted average to give the resulting value of the composite indicator. Apart from
the decision of which kind of weighted average to use (e.g. arithmetic, geometric), the developer must
select values of weights to apply to each variable. The values of these weights can have a large impact
on the subsequent rankings of the composite indicator. Understanding the impact of weights on the
output composite indicator is hence important.
A possible misconception is that the weight assigned to a variable can be directly interpreted as
a measure of importance of the variable to the resulting value of the composite indicator. However this
is true only under very restrictive assumptions; different variances and correlations among variables,
for instance, prevent the weights from corresponding to the variables’ importance.
A common practice in composite indicator construction is to set the weights of each input
variable to be equal, with the intention to make each input variable contribute equally to the value
of the composite indicator. This is usually done because choosing weights other than equal would
impose questionable assumptions on the relative importance of each variable. However, as shown in
this chapter, nominal weights rarely coincide with variable importance, because of dependence between
input variables, or – when the variables have not been standardized to have the same variance, simply
because of variance differences among inputs.
In this chapter, tools from sensitivity analysis are applied to address the question: how depen-
dent is the composite indicator, considered as an output variable, with respect to each single measured
variable (the input variable) which is used to build it? This question concerns the relative importance
of input variables in the composite indicator, where the terms input and output follow the terminology
used in uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, the wider subject of this book.
This chapter highlights how the relative importance of input variables should not be confused
with the nominal weights that are used to construct the composite indicator. Other aspects that
influence the issue of the importance of input variables are the dependence between variables and the
possible nonlinear transformations applied to input variables in the aggregation. The chapter reviews
an earlier proposal of some of the present authors, see Paruolo et al (2013), to measure the relative
importance with the Pearson correlation ratio between the composite indicator and the input variables.
Indeed, this measure of importance differs from the nominal weights used in the aggregation.
The chosen measure of importance in this chapter is the Pearson’s correlation ratio, which is
a variance-based measure that accounts for (possibly nonlinear) dependence between input variables
and the output. It is exactly equivalent to the main effect index or first order sensitivity index (as it is
more widely referred to), but is termed the correlation ratio here, first to avoid confusion of the term
“index” with composite indices, and second to emphasise that it is used as a measure of nonlinear
dependence, rather than uncertainty. This distinction is explained in a little more detail later.
According to the authors’ experience, the fact that weights are not measures of importance
is rather counter intuitive at first sight. The proof of this fact is that most developers do indeed use
weights with the intention to tune the importance of variables in the composite index. As shown in
Paruolo et al (2013), a simple glance at the scatterplots of the composite indicator versus its input
variables is sufficient to convince the reader that the relative importance of variables may be quite
far from what the weights would imply. Denote the output of a composite indicator as y, which is a
function of several input variables x1, x2, ... Now, consider an example in which inputs x1and x2are
correlated with each other, but both independent from a third input x3. In this case, the scatterplots
of yagainst each input variable would show (qualitatively) that—even if the three variables have equal
weights and variances—the importance of x1and x2(in terms of the effect on y) would be larger than
that of x3due to the dependence between x1and x2.
This example is important because in general, the variables in a composite indicator are
correlated; they need to be, as one assumes that they concur to describe a unique latent phenomenon.
In spite of this rule, the reader is now asked to entertain the following thought experiment, where a
composite indicator is built using just two uncorrelated variables (or pillars) with the same variance.
The purpose of the experiment is to show the counter-intuitiveness of the relation between weights
and importance. As a rule, weights in a composite indicator are set by their developers to add up to
one. Thus if one wishes to have, for example, variable x1more important than x2one could assign
weight w1= 0.9 to x1and w2= 0.1 to the x2. This would imply that x1drives ymuch more than x2.
Would this translate into a quantitative statement such as “x1accounts for 90% of the variance
of y, while x2accounts for 10%”? No, because if one decomposes the variance of yaccording its
uncorrelated inputs, the fractional importance of a given variable xi(i.e. the correlation ratio just
mentioned) is w2
ifor the case where all variables have the same variance, (this is an exercise
in the sensitivity analysis handbook Saltelli et al (2008)). In the case above, this implies fractional
importance measures of x1and x2equal to 99% and 1% respectively. Thus in order for the weights
to add up to one, and have target importance 90% and 10%, weights should in fact be equal to 3/4
and 1/4, respectively.
Further justification for using the correlation ratio as the right importance measure to use for
variables importance is provided in the remainder of this chapter, where the idea of target fractional
variance to be achieved is discussed by judicious assignment of weights for the realistic case where the
variables are not independent.
The correlation ratio can be estimated non-invasively (i.e. with only a set of input values
and corresponding output values, and no explicit modelling of uncertainties as in (Saisana et al,
2005)), using relatively simple, nonlinear regression tools; Paruolo et al (2013) proposed to use non-
parametric, local linear, kernel regression. This method is similar to the one in Da Veiga et al (2009),
but does not require to use an independent sample from the marginal distribution of xto estimate the
variance of the conditional expectation. In this chapter, the use of penalised splines is also reviewed
in this context, see Ruppert et al (2003). The relative merits of different estimation methods for the
conditional expectations are discussed. Results obtained for nonlinear regression are compared to with
those obtained by linear regression, and the added value of nonlinearity is assessed in concrete cases
The approach of this chapter lends itself to the possibility of selecting nominal weights which
imply the intended importance (correlation ratios) of each input variable by searching through the
“weight-space”(for a short discussion on reverse engineering the weights see (Paruolo et al, 2013)).
An additional feature of this approach is that, as by-product of the analysis, it provides an estimate
of the conditional expectation of the composite indicator as a function of a single input variable. The
local slope of this conditional expectation answers the related research question: ‘how much would the
composite indicator increase for a marginal increase of the input variable (averaged over variations
in other variables)?’. This question may be of interest when discussing alternative policy measures
geared to influence different input variables.
The remainder of this chapter is organised as follows: the construction of composite indicators
and some measures of variables’ importance are reviewed first, including the correlation ratio. A
description is then given of linear and nonlinear approaches to estimation of the correlation ratio.
Three case studies are used to illustrate the relative merits of each estimation approach: the Resource
Governance Index, which aims to measure transparency and accountability in the oil, gas and mining
sectors; the Financial Secrecy Index, which measures secrecy and scope for abuse in the financial
sector for each country; and the Good Country Index, which aims to measure to what extent a given
country contributes to the some preestablished normative ’goods’ for humanity. In these case studies,
the relative strengths of the correlation ratio compared to linear measures of dependence are also
Measures of Importance and Transformations
Transformations and Weighting
Consider the case of a composite indicator y(output) calculated aggregating over dinput variables
xi. The most common aggregation scheme is the weighted arithmetic average, i.e.
wixji , j = 1,2,· · · , n (1)
where xji is the normalised score of individual j(e.g., country) based on the value Xji of the ith
raw variable i= 1, . . . , d and wiis the nominal weight assigned to the i-th variable Xior xi. Input
variables are usually normalised according to the min-max normalisation method, see Bandura (2011),
xji =Xj i −Xmin,i
Xmax,i −Xmin,i
where Xmax,i and Xmin,i are the upper and lower values respectively for the variable Xi; in this case
all scores xji vary in [0,1]. Xmax,i and Xmin,i could be replaced by maximal and minimal values for
the Xithat do not depend on the sample observations.
A popular alternative to the min-max normalisation in (2) is given by the standardisation
xji =Xj i −E (Xi)
pV (Xi),(3)
where E (Xi) and V (Xi) are the mean and variances of the original variables Xi. Here E (Xi) and
V (Xi) can be estimated by the sample mean and variance. Note that (3) guarantees equal variances,
while transformation (2) does not.
In fact, transformation (2) scales each input variable onto [0,1], but allows for different means
and variances. On the other hand, (3) transforms all variables such that they have a mean of zero and
a variance of one. Importantly however, both transformations do not affect the correlation structure
of variables, because both are linear transformations of the original variables and correlations are
invariant with respect to linear transformations.
The weight, wi, attached to each variable, xi, is usually chosen so as to reflect the importance
of that variable with respect to the concept being measured. The ratios wi/w`can be taken to be the
“revealed target relative importance” of inputs iand `because they measure the substitution effect
between xiand x`, i.e. how much x`must be increased to offset or balance a unit decrease in xi, see
Decancq and Lugo (2013).
One of the central messages in this chapter is that the target importance does not usually
coincide with the “true” importance of each variable, as defined by the correlation ratio, as shown
above for the trivial case of two uncorrelated variables. In order to better understand the contribution
of each input variable to the output of the composite indicator, measures of linear and nonlinear
dependence may be used; these are reviewed in the following section.
Importance measures
In the following, the sample index subscript j(usually representing the country or region) is dropped
unless it is needed for clarity. Let also the expected value and variance of ybe E(y) = µyand V(y) = σ2
Similarly, the means and variances of each xiare denoted as {µi}d
i=1 and {σ2
i=1 respectively.
For any given composite indicator, one can define measures of importance of each of the input
variables with respect to the output values of the composite indicator. One approach for assessing the
influence of each input variable xion the composite indicator is to measure the dependence of yon
xi, where from here on, variables are assumed to be normalised – see equations (2) and (3).
Assume that
yj=fi(xj,i) + εj(4)
where fi(xj,i) is an appropriate function, possibly nonlinear, that models E(yj|xi) – the conditional
expectation of ygiven xi– and εjis an error term. Dependence of yon xican be measured in a
number of ways. The covariance and correlation between xiand y, for example, are defined as
cov(y, xi) := E[(y−µy)(xi−µi)], Ri:= corr(y, xi) := cov(y, xi)
Remark here that corr(y, xi) is a standardised version of the covariance, called the Pearson product-
moment correlation coefficient, which scales the covariance onto the interval [−1,1]. In the case of a
simple linear regression of yon xi, the square of the correlation coefficient gives the well-known linear
coefficient of determination R2, i.e. R2
i:= corr2(y, xi), which takes values in [0,1].
The coefficient of determination is used to measure the goodness-of-fit of an ordinary linear
regression: as such R2
iis a measure of linear dependence. Because of (5), the covariance cov(y, xi),
the correlation corr(y, xi), and the coefficient of determination R2
iare all related measures of linear
dependence. In sample, the coefficient of determination R2
ican be computed as
SSreg,i /SStot ,(6)
where SSreg,i =Pn
fi(xi,j )−¯y)2is the sum of squares explained by the linear regression, ¯y:=
j=1 yjis the sample average, b
fi(xi,j ) = b
β1xi,j is the linear fit for observation yjand
SStot =Pj(yj−¯y)2is the total sum of squares. R2
ican hence be seen as the ratio of the sum of
squares explained by the linear regression of yon xi, and the total sum of squares of y.
If the relationship between yon xiis nonlinear, R2
imay underestimate the degree of depen-
dence. The proposed measure in this chapter is the correlation ratio,Si,i= 1,2, ..., d also widely
known as the first order sensitivity index, or main effect index (see Chapter on Variance-based Sensi-
tivity Analysis: Theory and Estimation Algorithms). This measure is meant to measure the (possibly
nonlinear) influence of each variable on the composite indicator. The correlation ratio can be inter-
preted as the expected variance reduction of the composite indicator, if a given variable were fixed.
The correlation ratio is traditionally denoted as η2
iand was introduced by Pearson (1905); to follow
the wider literature on sensitivity analysis it is referred to here as Si. Both the correlation ratio and
the first order sensitivity index are defined as:
i:= Vxi(Ex∼i(y|xi))
V (y),(7)
where x∼iis defined as the vector containing all the variables (x1, . . . , xd) except variable xiand
Ex∼i(y|xi) denotes the conditional expectation of ygiven xi, e.g. with xifixed at one value in
its interval of variation. The notation employed here stresses that the expectation in Ex∼i(y|xi) is
computed with respect to the distribution of x∼i, i.e. with respect to all other input variables; while
the subscript xiused the outer variance signifies that the variance is taken over all possible values of
xi. In the following the variance and expected value subscripts are dropped to economise on notation.
The conditional expectation E (y|xi) is known as the main effect of xion y, and it describes
the expected value of y(the composite indicator) averaged over all input variables except xi, keeping
xifixed. As such, E (y|xi) is a function of xiand is here denoted as fi(xi). This function is not
typically known, however it can be estimated by performing a (nonlinear) regression of yon xi.
Various approaches for this problem are discussed in the following section; any of them delivers a
fitted value mj:= b
fi(xi,j ) corresponding to the prediction of yj. The correlation ratio Sican then be
computed in sample as
where ¯m:= n−1Pn
j=1 mj,mj:= ˆm(xji ) and ˆm(·) is the estimate of m(·) := fi(·). Eq. (8) mimics (6).
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Linear regression
Penalised spline
Fig. 1: Parabolic conditional mean with linear and penalised spline fits. Here
corr(x1, y) = 0.91, R2
1= 0.82, and S1= 0.91 (using the penalised spline estimate).
The correlation ratio Siis closely connected with the measure R2
iof linear dependence dis-
cussed previously. More specifically, R2
iequals Siwhen fi(xi) is linear: note that the main effect is
dependent on the functional form of the composite indicator and the dependence structure between
variables. This shows that, in the linear case, Siis also related to the covariance and correlation
coefficients by the associations discussed earlier.
In order to illustrate why linear measures of importance would not be sufficient for nonlinear
dependence, Figure 1 plots data generated using the relationship y= 0.2 + x2
1+0.1u, with u∼ N (0,1)
independent of x1, which is generated drawing from a uniform distribution on [0,1]. The conditional
mean E (y|x1) = x2
1is here nonlinear (a branch of a parabola). The linear regression through the
data in Figure 1 gives R2= 0.82, while the correlation ratio Siis is 0.91, as estimated by a nonlinear
(penalised spline) regression.
In this case the strong dependency between yand x1would be underestimated by the linear
measure R2
i, but it is captured by the correlation ratio Si: about 91% of the variance in yis explained
by the correlation ratio (using a nonlinear conditional mean specification), and about 9% of it would
be missed by a linear regression model.
Relation to sensitivity analysis
The correlation ratio is widely used in the discipline of variance-based sensitivity analysis of computer
models, typically under the name of “first order sensitivity index”, “main effect index” or “Sobol’
index”. It is important to recognise that sensitivity analysis, as it is commonly performed in physical
sciences and engineering, is concerned with analysing the effects of uncertainty in model input variables
on the model output. Each input variable therefore has an associated probability distribution p(xi)
which attempts to characterise the uncertainty in the value of xi, either as a result of lack of knowledge
or inherent variability. The “sensitivity analysis” described in this chapter, on the other hand, does
not deal with uncertainty in the inputs of a composite indicator (although this is also an important
area of research—see e.g. Saisana et al (2011)). Instead, it quantifies the contribution of each input to
the composite indicator, as a result of the weight and aggregation of the indicator and the distribution
and inter-dependence of each input variable, by measuring the nonlinear dependence of the composite
indicator on each of its input variables. The distributions p(xi) of each input variable do not therefore
characterise uncertainty in xi—rather, they simply represent the distribution of entities (e.g. countries,
institutions) in the variable xi. Indeed, these distributions are often discrete: they represent a finite
number of entities, such as countries or regions. It is therefore to emphasise that the application here
is distinct from uncertainty analysis that the term “correlation ratio” is used, as opposed to “first
order/main effect index”, as more widely used elsewhere.
Usually in sensitivity analysis, as it is applied in physical models in science and engineering,
one finds Pd
i=1 Si≤1 when studying a generic nonlinear output function with independent input
variables, see Saltelli et al (2000); Li et al (2010). In this setting, the variance of the model output
can be decomposed into portions that can be uniquely attributed to each variable and subset of
variables. In the case of composite indicators, the input variables are almost certainly (positively)
correlated, and it is usually the case that Pd
i=1 Si>1. Furthermore, the correlation ratios here are
not interpreted in terms of a variance decomposition—they are simply used as nonlinear measures
of correlation. However, even for the case of non-independent inputs, the Simeasure preserves its
meaning of expected fractional reduction of the output variance that would be achieved if a variable
could be fixed (Saltelli and Tarantola, 2002).
In order to estimate fi(xi), a wide number of approaches are available. Two nonlinear re-
gression approaches are discussed in the next section; both offer a flexible framework for estimating
nonlinear main effects.
Estimating Main Effects
This section reviews the estimation of the conditional expectation E (y|xi) using polynomial (lin-
ear) regression, penalised splines and non-parametric regression. There are many other ways of mod-
elling E (y|xi), such as Gaussian processes (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006); see also the chapter
on Sampling-based Procedures for Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis in this book, and Storlie and
Helton (2008). The methods reviewed here are chosen for comparison purposes and because they
have some attractive properties. Specifically, the linear regression model is considered here as the
simplest model of the conditional expectation; kernel non-parametric regression is considered as the
opposite polar leading example of nonlinear models for the conditional expectations; this method was
employed in Paruolo et al (2013) in the context of composite indicators. As an additional method to
estimate the nonlinear regression function, penalised splines are also investigated here, which share
similar properties in smoothing nonlinear data with kernel non-parametric regression; moreover, they
are computationally fast (and so can cope with large datasets). Note that in this section the variable
subscript iis dropped, since the techniques here all refer to regression of yon a single variable x.
Polynomial Regression
Consider a set of bivariate data consisting of npairs of observations {xj, yj}, j = 1,2, ..., n, a integer
p(the degree of the polynomial) and the model
yj=β0+β1xj+· · · +βpxp
j+jj= 1,2, ..., n (9)
in which the βh,h= 0, . . . , p are coefficients and jis an error term. This can be rewritten in
matrix form using the p+ 1 column vectors xj= (1, xj, x2
j, ..., xp
j)>,β= (β0, β1, . . . , βp)>and the
n-dimensional column vectors y= (y1, y2, ..., yn)>and = (1, 2, ..., n)>. Next, one can define the
n×(p+ 1) design matrix X= (x1,...,xn)>so as to rewrite (9) as
Minimising the sum of squared residuals with respect to βgives the well-known expression
β= (X>X)−1X>y.(11)
In case p= 1, (11) gives the linear regression coefficients b
β1, which can be used to calculate R2.
Note that in cases where p > 1, (10) is nonlinear with respect to x, but is still linear with respect
to its parameters β. Therefore quadratic, cubic and higher-order regressions (and indeed other basis
functions that can be used with (10)) are often referred to as linear regression, depending on the
Penalised Splines
One approach to smoothing nonlinear data is the penalised spline. Penalised splines are also referred to
as semiparametric regression, given that they are an extension of linear parametric regression (linear
in the parameters), but also have the capabilities of nonparametric regression (i.e. local polynomial
regression), such as the flexibility to accommodate nonlinear trends in the data (Ruppert et al, 2003).
The basis function which is the heart of the spline model is given by (x−κh)p
+, where the
“+” subscript denotes the positive part; in other words, for any number u,u+=uif uis positive,
and equals zero otherwise. The κhparameter is called the “knot” of the basis function; it is a value of
xat which the spline is “split”. Splines are constructed by using a number h= 0,1,2, ..., H of spline
basis functions with different knots κh. Specifically, the polynomial β0+β1xj+· · · +βpxp
jin (9) is
extended to give
β0+β1x+... +βpxp+
where again β·are coefficients to be estimated.
Since the model is linear with respect to its coefficients, it is possible to write it in the same
form as (9) replacing xj= (1, xj, x2
j, ..., xp
j)>with xj= (1, xj, x2
j, ..., xp
and β= (β0, β1, . . . , βp)>with β= (β0, β1, . . . , βp, βp1, . . . , βpK )>. When p= 1, this is known as a
linear spline. In practice, quadratic or cubic splines are normally used (corresponding to p= 2 or 3
respectively), because they result in a smooth fit to the data. In the applications here a value of p= 3
is used.
The coefficients may be directly estimated by using (11), however this tends to result in a fit
which is too “rough”—in other words it fluctuates too much and is drawn too much to individual data
points rather than following the smoother underlying trend. This is known as overfitting. To overcome
this problem, the estimator (11) can be constrained to limit the influence of the spline basis terms,
resulting in a smoother fit.
This results in what is known as penalised splines. To do this, βis chosen to minimise the
sum of squared residuals, under the constraint that PH
h=1 β2
pk =β>Dβ< C, where Cis a positive
constant and D= diag 0(p+1)×(p+1) ,IH. The constraint reduces the influence of the last additional
Hterms PH
h=1 βph(x−κh)p
+in (12) to avoid over-fitting the data, and results in the penalised spline
model. The constraining of regression parameters shares similarities with other approaches such as
ridge regression (see e.g. Hastie et al (2001)), and LASSO (Tibshirani, 1996).
The constrained minimisation problem is solved by
βλ= (X>X+λD)−1X>y(13)
where λplays the role of a Lagrange multiplier for the penalisation. High λvalues result in a very
smooth fit, whereas low values give a rough fit which is closer to interpolating the data points. The
smoothing parameter λneeds to be optimised, and this is done using a cross-validation approach,
in which a search algorithm is used to find the value of λthat minimises the average squared error
resulting from removing a point from the set of training data and predicting at that point. The fact that
penalised splines are only a short step from linear regression means that they can exploit well-known
properties to give fast order-nalgorithms for the calculation of cross-validation measures, therefore
the fitting of a penalised spline can be very fast. More details on this can be found in Ruppert et al
(2003) Section 5.3.
The spline model requires the specification of the knots κh; here they are placed at equally-
spaced quantiles of the unique xivalues, and the number of knots is chosen from a set of candidate H
values, as the number of knots which results in the best fit according to a measure of cross-validation.
This procedure is described in more detail in Ruppert et al (2003) Section 5.5.
In the applications in this chapter, the spline models are deliberately constrained to be quite
simple fits to the data. To do this, the spline is allowed to have K= 0,1,2,3,4 knots, where the
optimal number is chosen as that which minimises the cross-validation measure. In the case of H= 0
the spline is reduced to the polynomial model, which in this work is cubic, since pis set to 3.
Finally, note that in the following work “penalised splines” will sometimes be referred to
simply as “splines”. All splines used in this investigation are penalised cubic splines.
Local polynomial regression
Another approach to nonlinear regression is local polynomial regression, also referred to as kernel
smoothing—see e.g. Bowman and Azzalini (1997). Kernel smoothing works by averaging a number of
weighted polynomial regressions, centred at different values of x. The regression b
f(x) is chosen here
to be local linear, and the estimation is performed minimizing the weighted sum of squares, where
weights are proportional to a kernel function with bandwith b. The kernel function gives the strongest
weight to squared residuals corresponding to points close to xjfor observation j, which reflects the
belief that the closer two points are to each other in x, the more likely they are to have similar values
in y.
A commonly-used kernel function is the Gaussian density function with standard deviation
b. Local linear regression is used here (as opposed to e.g. local mean regression) since it is generally
regarded as a good choice, due to its good properties near the edges of the data cloud. The smoothing
parameter bcan be optimised by cross-validation; this is the method that is adopted in the applications
in this chapter. The local polynomial approach is used by Da Veiga et al (2009) for estimation of first-
order sensitivity indices of uncertainty for models with correlated inputs.
The choice of whether to use penalised splines, kernel regression, linear regression, or another nonlinear
regression approach entirely, is a working decision of the analyst. By construction, linear regression
(i.e. linear with respect to x) only reveals linear dependencies between variables, so should be used
with this caveat in mind. Higher-order polynomial regression or other basis functions within a linear
regression might improve the fit, but also risks overfitting. The penalised splines and local-linear
regression allow for nonlinearities when they are present in the data, but can also model near-linear
data when required. In most applications, these two latter approaches are expected to give comparable
results. However, in the presence of highly skewed and/or heteroskedastic data, the two fits may be
quite different.
While the fits are likely to be similar, splines may have a slight advantage over local-linear re-
gression in some other respects. First, they are less computationally demanding than kernel regression,
due to the fast computation of cross-validation measures discussed previously. While the difference is
small enough to be negligible for running a few regressions on small datasets, the difference may be
sizable if one wants to attempt an optimisation of weights or if a very large number of regressions needs
to be run. Large data sets of the order of thousands or millions of points are common in environmental
science. A second advantage of splines is that the computation of their derivatives is just as easy.
In any case, a prudent strategy would be to run both analyses with splines and kernel re-
gression, and compare the results — this is the approach taken in the following examples where both
methods are applied and compared.
Case Studies
This section delves into the conceptual and statistical properties of three composite indicators selected
for their interesting structure as well as for their popularity. These examples allow a practical demon-
stration of the methods described in previous sections, as well as providing an interesting analysis of
three well-known composite indicators. The case studies are chosen because:
•they are transparent—namely the values of each input variable are publicly available, and the
index can be reproduced given the methodological notes provided by the developers;
•they use three different aggregation formulas, which allows the effect of the different measures
of importance described here, and estimation methods, to be assessed;
•they deal with issues of governance and accountability, and hence offer interesting narratives
on the misconception of what matters when developing an index.
Composite indicator
Pillar/dimension Pillar/dimension Pillar/dimension
Sub-pillar Sub-pillar
Fig. 2: A (fictional) example of the hierarchy of a composite indicator.
Often, composite indicators are built on a number of hierarchical “levels”. Rather than having
dmeasured variables x1, x2, ..., xdas direct inputs to the composite indicator, variables (indicators) are
usually put together into groups, known as “pillars” or “dimensions”, which share similar conceptual
characteristics (see Figure 2). Variables in each pillar are aggregated in a weighted sum, such that
each pillar is itself a composite indictor characterising one aspect of the greater theme. The composite
values of each pillar are then used as the inputs of the composite indicator itself. Indeed, pillars
may also consist of sub-pillars if the developers deem it appropriate. For simplicity however, and to
be consistent with the sensitivity analysis literature and previous sections, the direct inputs to the
composite indicators here are referred to as “variables” in the analytical parts of the following section,
even though they might represent pillars.
Resource Governance Index (RGI)
The Resource Governance Index (RGI) is developed by the Revenue Watch Institute in order to
measure the transparency and accountability in the oil, gas and mining sectors in 58 countries (Quiroz
and Lintzer, 2013). These nations produce 85 percent of the world’s petroleum, 90 percent of diamonds
and 80 percent of copper, generating trillions of dollars in annual profits. The future of these countries
depends on how well they manage their natural resources.
To evaluate the quality of governance in the extractive sector, the Resource Governance Index employs
a 173-item questionnaire that is based on the standards put forward by the International Monetary
Fund’s 2007 Guide on Resource Revenue Transparency and the Extractive Industries Transparency
Initiative, among others. The answers to the 173 questions are grouped into 45 indicators that are then
mapped into three (of the four) RGI dimensions: Institutional and Legal Setting, Reporting Practices,
and Safeguards and Quality Controls. The fourth dimension, Enabling Environment, consists of five
additional indicators that describe a country’s broader governance environment; it uses data compiled
from over 30 external sources by the Economist Intelligence Unit, International Budget Partnership,
Transparency International and Worldwide Governance Indicators. The Index is therefore a hybrid,
with three dimensions based on the questionnaire specifically assessing the extractive sector, and the
fourth rating the country’s overall governance.
Main Dimensions
The RGI’s four dimensions cover the following topics:
1. Institutional & Legal Setting (20% weight): 10 indicators that assess whether the laws, regula-
tions and institutional practices enable comprehensive disclosures, open and fair competition, and
2. Reporting Practices (40% weight): 20 indicators that evaluate the actual disclosure of information
and reporting practices by government agencies;
3. Safeguards and Quality Controls (20% weight): 15 indicators that measure the checks and oversight
mechanisms that guard against conflicts of interest and undue discretion, such as audits; and
4. Enabling Environment (20% weight): 5 indicators of the broader governance environment gen-
erated using over 30 external measures of accountability, government effectiveness, rule of law,
corruption and democracy.
The RGI score is a weighted arithmetic average of the four dimensions, i.e. of the form of (1),
where the dimensions here are treated as the x1, x2, x3, x4input variables.
Because actual disclosure constitutes the core of transparency, developers assigned a greater
weight to the Reporting Practices dimension. This choice also reflects a belief that without reporting
information, rules and safeguards ring hollow. Therefore, Reporting Practices are assigned a weight
equal to 40% of the final country score, and the other three dimensions (Institutional and Legal
Setting, Safeguards and Quality Controls and Enabling Environment) account for 20 percent each.
On the inclusion of the Enabling Environment dimension, there have been arguments for and
against. Against its inclusion, the arguments are:
1. the Enabling Environment dimension dilutes the focus of the index on the oil, gas and mining
sector by incorporating measures of overall governance;
2. The Enabling Environment dimension can have an undue effect on the index scores, driving scores
up or down, inflating or depressing performances beyond what countries actually show in their
extractive sector.
In favour of its inclusion, the arguments are:
1. External governance indicators reflect the influence of the broader country environment on the
quality of natural resource governance. When considering the quality of transparency and account-
ability in a certain area, it does matter whether a country also has an authoritarian regime, a high
risk of corruption or respect for basic freedoms.
2. As an expert-based index, the accuracy and consistency of its findings suffer from the bias in-
troduced by researchers, and by peer and Research Watch Institute reviewers. Including this
dimension as an external measure reduces this margin of error.
Given these last two arguments, the developers chose to include the Enabling Environment
dimension and to allocate a 20 percent weight to this dimension. As part of the Index website, the
developers provide a tool that allows users to change the weights for the different dimensions, creating
different composite scores that reflect their own sense of prioritisation. This is a direct example of how
weights are often (erroneously) interpreted as measures of importance.
Before examining the relationships between each variable (dimension/pillar) and the output of the
composite indicator, a basic analysis of the structure of the data was performed. There are no outliers
(absolute skewness is less than 0.63) in the four dimensions’ distributions that could bias the subse-
quent interpretations of the correlation structure. The four dimensions of the Resource Governance
Index have moderate to high correlations that range from 0.41 (between Institutional and Legal Set-
ting and Enabling Environment) to 0.82 (between Reporting Practices and Safeguards and Quality
Controls) and an overall good average bivariate correlation of 0.65. Principal component analysis sug-
gests that there is indeed a single latent phenomenon underlying the four index dimensions. This first
principal component captures 74 percent of the variation in the four dimensions.
Moving now to the importance measures, Table 1 shows the estimates of the correlation ratios
obtained both with penalised splines and local-linear (LL) regression, as well linear correlations, for
the four input variables of the index. The correlation ratios Si(penalised splines and LL approach) and
the Pearson correlation coefficients R2
iconfirm that the Reporting Practices component has indeed the
highest impact on the index. This was the intention of the RGI developers on the grounds that actual
disclosure constitutes the core of transparency. This choice also reflects a belief that without reporting
information, rules and safeguards are inconsequential. In fact, the correlation between Reporting
Resource Governance Index (n= 58) xiwiRiR2
iSi,spl Si,LL
Institutional and legal setting x10.2 0.79 0.63 0.65 0.67
Reporting practices x20.4 0.95 0.90 0.90 0.94
Safeguards and quality controls x30.2 0.91 0.82 0.83 0.83
Enabling Environment x40.2 0.77 0.59 0.65 0.70
Table 1: Measures of dependence of the Resource Governance Index on its input vari-
ables: Ri= corr(xi,, y): correlation; Si,spl: correlation ratio, penalised spline; Si,LL:
correlation ratio, local-linear.
Practices and Safeguards and Quality Control is very high (0.82, the highest among the components).
If one could fix the Reporting Practices variable, the variance of the RGI scores across the 58 countries
would on average be reduced by 94% (local-linear estimate). It is worth noting that despite the equal
weights assigned to the other three components, their impact on the RGI variation differs: by fixing
any of the other variables, the variance reduction would be 83% for Safeguards and Quality Control,
70% for Enabling Environment and 67% for Institutional and Legal Setting, using the estimates of
the local-linear regression.
As per the developers intention to have Reporting practices twice as important as any of
the other three dimensions, i.e. Institutional and legal setting, Safeguards and quality controls, and
Enabling Environment, it is easy to see that this was not achieved. The strong correlation of Report-
ing practices with Safeguards and quality controls results in these two pillars being almost equally
important (0.90 and 0.82), while the importance of Reporting practices relative to the remaining two
pillars is of about 3/2 rather than 2.
Aside from the implications of this analysis from the point of view of the RGI, it is interesting
to look at the differences between the measures of importance in Table 1. The linear R2
consistently gives the lowest estimates of importance, the LL estimate of correlation ratio the highest,
and the penalised spline estimate of correlation ratio is somewhere in between. To see in a little more
detail what is happening, Figure 3 shows the scatterplots of the four input variables and the simple
linear, penalised spline and local-linear estimations of main effects. For the Institutional and Legal
Setting variable, the two nonlinear fits are significantly different to the linear fit, but fairly similar
to each other. However the structure of the data is such that the gradient of the linear fit (and the
0 20 40 60 80 100
Resource governance
0 20 40 60 80 100
Resource governance
0 20 40 60 80 100
Resource governance
0 20 40 60 80 100
Enabling environment
Resource governance
Local linear
Fig. 3: Penalised spline, local-linear and linear fits to the Resource Governance Index.
overall trend of the nonlinear fits) is not very steep, resulting in relatively low importance estimates
compared to other variables. The Reporting Practices variable shows quite similar fits between all three
methods, although the local-linear curve has a slightly higher variance. Safeguards and Quality gives
a near-linear fit for both nonlinear regression approaches, showing a strong agreement in measures of
importance. The Enabling Environment variable is the most interesting here from a regression point
of view: the penalised spline fits a roughly cubic model, whereas the local-linear curve fluctuates more
strongly with the data. Whether the more parsimonious penalised spline curve, or the more variable
local-linear curve is a better estimate of E(y|xi) is not intuitively clear from visual inspection.
As a further analysis of the effect of each variable, Figure 4 shows the first derivatives of E(y|xi)
with respect to each input variable, as estimated by the penalised splines. First, the nonlinearities of
the spline fits are evident from the non-constant derivatives. The derivative plots also have implications
for the index itself—they effectively summarise the expected change in the RGI that a country would
achieve if it moved a given amount in each variable. Two example countries, Libya and India, have
their scores in each indicator marked as dotted vertical lines. In the case of Libya, it is clear that to
move up the rankings in the RGI, it would better invest efforts in improving the Institutional and
0 20 40 60 80 100
Derivative of main effect
0 20 40 60 80 100
Derivative of main effect
0 20 40 60 80 100
Derivative of main effect
0 20 40 60 80 100
Enabling environment
Derivative of main effect
Libya Libya
Libya India India
India India
Fig. 4: Derivatives d[E(y|xi)]/dxiusing penalised splines and linear regression fits to
the Resource Governance Index. Indicator values of Libya and India marked as vertical
dotted lines.
Legal Setting, and Enabling Environment dimensions, whereas gains in Reporting and Safeguards and
Quality would yield lesser gains. India, a country ranked overall 12th in the RGI, would on the other
hand stand to gain very little from small improvements in Enabling Environment, and immediate
efforts would be better directed towards either Reporting or Safeguards and Quality.
Financial Secrecy Index (FSI)
The Financial Secrecy Index (FSI) is developed by the Tax Justice Network (TJN) and aims to
measure the contribution to the global problem of financial secrecy in 80 jurisdictions worldwide
(Cobham et al, 2013). In other words, the Index attempts to provide an answer to the question: by
providing offshore financial services in combination with a lack of transparency, how much damage is
each secrecy jurisdiction actually responsible for?
To give an example of what this implies, the home page of the FSI informs us that because of
capital flights dwarfing the inflow of aid money Africa is in fact a net creditor to the rest of the world
since the seventies. As per the money stashed away the TJN informs us that “those assets are in the
hands of a few wealthy people, protected by offshore secrecy, while the debts are shouldered by broad
African populations”.
The index combines qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data are based on laws, regula-
tions, cooperation with information exchange processes and other verifiable data sources and are used
to calculate a secrecy score for each jurisdiction. Secrecy jurisdictions with the highest secrecy scores
are more opaque in the operations they host, less engaged in information sharing with other national
authorities and less compliant with international norms relating to combating money-laundering. Lack
of transparency and unwillingness to engage in effective information exchange makes a secrecy juris-
diction a more attractive location for routing illicit financial flows and for concealing criminal and
corrupt activities.
Quantitative data is used to create a global scale score, for each jurisdiction, according to its
share of offshore financial services activity in the global total. Publicly available data about the trade in
international financial services of each jurisdiction are used. Where necessary because of missing data,
the developers follow International Monetary Fund methodology to extrapolate from stock measures
to generate flow estimates. Jurisdictions with the largest weightings are those that play the biggest
role in the market for financial services offered to non-residents.
Main Dimensions
The first dimension of the FSI is the Financial Secrecy score, which is calculated from a set of fifteen
qualitative key financial secrecy indicators that assess the degree to which the legal and regulatory sys-
tems (or their absence) of a country contribute to the secrecy that enables illicit financial flows. These
indicators can be grouped around four dimensions of secrecy: 1) knowledge of beneficial ownership
(3 indicators); 2) corporate transparency (3 indicators); 3) efficiency of tax and financial regulation
(4 indicators); and 4) international standards and cooperation (5 indicators). Taken together, these
indicators result in one aggregate secrecy score for each jurisdiction.
The second dimension of the FSI is the Global Scale score, which is calculated based on
quantitative data (publicly available) about the trade in international financial services, and captures
the potential for a jurisdiction to contribute to the global problem of financial secrecy. Data on
international trade in financial services come from the IMF’s Balance of Payments statistics. Data on
stocks of portfolio assets and liabilities are taken from two IMF sources: the Coordinated Portfolio
Investment Survey and the International Investment Position statistics.
At the final step, the Financial Secrecy score is cubed and the Global Scale is cube-rooted
before being multiplied to produce the FSI scores for each jth jurisdiction, i.e.
F SIj= Secrecy3
Critics have argued that the Global Scale dimension unfairly points to large financial centres.
However, the developers response is that “to dispense with the scale risks ignoring the big elephants in
the room”. While large players may be slightly less secretive than other jurisdictions, the extraordinary
size of their financial sectors offers far more opportunities for illicit financial flows to hide. Therefore,
the larger an international financial sector becomes, the better its regulations and transparency ought
to be. This logic is reflected in the FSI which aims to avoid the conceptual pitfalls of the “usual
suspects”—lists of tax havens which are often remote islands whose overall share in global financial
markets is tiny. In the FSI a jurisdiction with a larger share of the offshore finance market, and a
moderate degree of opacity, may receive the same overall ranking as a smaller but more secretive
Due to a significantly greater skew in the Global Scale scores compared to the Financial
Secrecy scores, the developers transform the two to generate series that are more evenly distributed.
The choice of the transformation has been guided by the 90/10 and the 75/25 percentile ratios in
each of the two series. In the original series, the 90/10 percentile ratio is more than five thousand
times higher for the Global Scale than the Secrecy variable; the 75/25 ratio nearly a hundred times
higher. If one squares the Secrecy Score and takes the square root of the Global Scale, these ratios
fall to below 26 and 6 respectively; and if one cubes the Secrecy Score and takes the cube root of the
Global Scale, they fall below 3 and 2 respectively. Finally, looking at fourth and fifth roots and powers,
the variation of the Global Scale series become disproportionately small. Hence, the cube root/cube
0 5 10 15 20 25
Global Scale
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Financial Secrecy
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
0 2 4 6 8
x 105
Fig. 5: Scatter plots of Financial Secrecy Index versus its components.
Financial Secrecy Index (n=80) xiwiRiR2
iSi,spl Si,LL
Global Scale x10.5 0.57 0.32 0.63 0.79
Financial Secrecy x20.5 0.09 0.01 0.13 0.09
Table 2: Importance measures of the variables of the Financial Secrecy Index. Ri=
corr(xi,, y): correlation; Si,spl: correlation ratio, penalised spline; Si,LL: correlation ratio,
combination was adopted by the developers on the grounds that “these transformations are sufficient
to ensure that neither secrecy nor scale alone determine the FSI”—see Cobham et al (2015).
Despite the intentions of the developers, and the reasoning based on the quantiles, the correlation ratios
Si(splines and LL approach) and the Pearson correlation coefficients reveal a notably unbalanced
impact of the two components on the FSI (see Table 2). The greatest difference between the estimates
is in the correlation ratios provided by the local-linear regression, in which the values are 0.79 for
Global Scale and 0.09 for secrecy. This is in stark contrast to the intended influence, which should be
roughly equal for both variables. Examining the scatterplots in Figure 5 however, the data looks quite
challenging to smooth, and the three regression approaches have markedly different fits. In particular,
the local-linear regression of the Global Scale variable has a large spike in the fit at a value of around
7, which does not appear to be justified by the data. Therefore the LL importance estimates ought
to be treated with caution. The spline fit is slightly more convincing, but seems to be quite heavily
biased by the outlying points above a score of around 5. However given that even the linear fit yields a
far higher importance measure for the Global Scale variable than the Secrecy variable (0.32 and 0.01
respectively), the evidence seems fairly compelling that the Global scale variable dominates the FSI
by a significant margin. The analysis illustrates vividly that the cube root/cube transformation of the
FSI components and the equal weights assigned to the two components are not a sufficient condition
to ensure equal importance, at least according to the correlation ratio measure.
The Global scale scores are particularly skewed (skewness = 4.6, and kurtosis = 23). Yet,
after considering the cube-root, the distribution is no longer problematic (skewness = 1.7, kurtosis
= 3.0). Nevertheless, what remains problematic is the strong negative association between the cubed
distribution of the Financial Secrecy scores and the cube-rooted distribution of the Global Scale scores
(corr = −.536).
If the points with the highest Global Scale scores are treated as outliers, the problem lessens
somewhat but does not disappear. Table 3 shows the results of re-running the analysis, trimming the
points with three highest or eight highest Global Scale values. By visual inspection, these seem to be
two possible reasonable definitions of outliers depending on where the cutoff value is set. Trimming
the top three points, the disparity is very similar, with the Global Scale correlation ratios far higher
than the Secrecy values. After trimming the top eight points, the importance scores are much closer,
however in the linear and spline estimates, the importance of the Global Scale variable is still at least
twice that of the Secrecy variable. In the case of the LL regression, the Secrecy variable is now rated
as slightly more influential than the Global Scale, but given that this is the only (mild) contradiction
to an otherwise compelling trend, the conclusion that the variables are not equally influential appears
to stand.
In defense of the developers one may note that this gross unbalance refers to a specific defi-
nition of importance (how much the variance of the index would be reduced on average if one could
fix one dimension), and this definition appears to condemn the FSI as problematic. One might argue
however that the use of variance of the main effect E(y|xi) as a measure of importance might not
tell the whole story, and that interactions between the two variables should also be accounted for.
Following this line of thought, a useful tool might be the “total effect index” ST i, which is defined
as Ex∼i[Vxi(y|x∼i)]/V (y), where x∼idenotes the vector of all variables but xi. This measure also
accounts for variance due to interactions. In fact the scatterplot-plot of Financial Secrecy in Figure 5
Ntrim Financial Secrecy Index (n=50) R2
iSi,spl Si,LL
3 Global Scale 0.616 0.798 0.754
Financial Secrecy 0.017 0.112 0.074
8 Global Scale 0.028 0.310 0.077
Financial Secrecy 0.015 0.119 0.093
Table 3: Importance measures of the variables of the Financial Secrecy Index with the
Ntrim points with the highest Global Scale scores removed. Ri= corr(xi,, y): correlation;
Si,spl: correlation ratio, spline; Si,LL : correlation ratio, local-linear.
looks like a textbook example of a variable with a low Siand a high ST i, with the points displaying
a rather constant mean and an increasing variance while moving over the horizontal axis.
An investigation using this measure in the context of composite indicators is outside of the
scope of this work, but further information can be found in the section on Variance-based Sensitivity
Analysis: Theory and Applications.
Good Country Index
The Good Country Index (GCI) is developed by the Good Country Party with a view to measure what
a country contributes to the common good of humanity, and what it takes away (Anholt and Govers,
2014), following its developers’ normative framework and world view. In total, 125 countries are
included in the Index. In contrast to the majority of similar composite indicators, the Good Country
Index does not measure what countries do at home; rather, it aims to start a global discussion about
how countries can balance their duty to their own citizens with their responsibility to the wider world.
This reflects the consideration that the biggest challenges facing humanity today are global
and borderless: problems such as climate change, economic crisis, terrorism, drug trafficking, slavery,
pandemics, poverty and inequality, population growth, food and water shortages, energy, species loss,
human rights and migration.
All of these problems stretch across national borders, so they can be properly tackled through
international efforts. Hence, the concept of the “Good Country” is about encouraging populations
and their governments to be more outward-looking, and to consider the international consequences of
their national behaviour.
The GCI builds upon 35 indicators that are produced by the United Nations and other international
agencies, and a few by NGOs and other organisations. Most of the indicators used are direct mea-
surements of world-friendly or world-unfriendly behaviour (such as signing of international treaties,
pollution, acts of terrorism, wars) and some are rather indirect (such as Nobel prizes, exports of sci-
entific journals). By adding them up, the developers aim to get a reasonable picture of whether each
country is effectively a net creditor to the rest of humanity in each of the seven categories, or whether
it is a “freeloader” on the global system and ought to be recognised as such.
Main Dimensions
The 35 indicators are split in seven groups of five indicators each. These seven dimensions, which
closely mirror the dimensions of the United Nations Charter, are:
1. Science, Technology & Knowledge, which includes foreign students studying in the country; exports
of periodicals, scientific journals and newspapers; articles published in international journals; Nobel
prize winners; and International Patent Cooperation Treaty applications.
2. Culture, which measures exports and imports of creative goods; UNESCO dues in arrears (a
negative indicator); countries and territories that citizens can enter without a visa; and freedom of
the press (based on the mean score of the Reporters without Borders and Freedom House indices
as a negative indicator).
3. International Peace and Security, which aggregates peacekeeping troops sent overseas; dues in
arrears to financial contribution to UN peacekeeping missions (negative indicator); casualties of
international organised violence (negative indicator); exports of weapons and ammunition (nega-
tive indicator); and the Global Cyber Security Index (negative indicator).
4. World Order, which measures population that gives to charity as proxy for cosmopolitan atti-
tude; refugees hosted; refugees overseas (negative indicator); population growth rate (negative
indicator); and treaties signed as proxy for diplomatic action and peaceful conflict resolution.
5. Planet and Climate, which measures the National Footprint Accounts Biocapacity reserve; exports
of hazardous waste (negative indicator); organic water pollutant emissions (negative indicator);
CO2emissions (negative indicator); and methane + nitrous oxide + other greenhouse gases (HFC,
PFC and SF6) emissions (negative indicator).
6. Prosperity and Equality, which aggregates trading across borders; aid workers and volunteers sent
overseas; fair trade market size; Foreign Direct Investment outflow; and development cooperation
contributions (aid).
7. Health and Wellbeing, which includes wheat-tonnes-equivalent food aid shipments; exports of
pharmaceuticals; voluntary excess contributions to the World Health Organisation; humanitarian
aid contributions; and drug seizures.
A ranking is calculated for each of the seven dimensions. The Good Country Index is then
calculated by taking the arithmetic average of the seven ranks in Science, Technology and Knowledge;
Culture; International Peace and Security; World Order; Planet and Climate; Prosperity and Equality;
and finally Health and Wellbeing. This aggregation scheme has been selected by the developers because
of its simplicity and relative robustness to outliers. Beyond what is stated by the developers, a further
argument in favour of this aggregation scheme would be the “imperfect substitutability across all
seven index components”, i.e. the reduction of the fully compensatory nature of an arithmetic average
of the seven scores.
Before looking at the correlation ratios describing the importance of each variable to the output, it
is useful to look at the correlations between input variables, as it is good practice in the construc-
tion/evaluation of composite indicators. Six of the seven dimensions of the Good Country Index have
low to moderate correlations that range from 0.20 (between several pairs of dimensions, mostly those
involving Prosperity and Equality) to 0.78 (between Science and Technology and Culture) and an
overall moderate average bivariate correlation of 0.37. Principal component analysis suggests that
there is indeed a single latent phenomenon underlying the six dimensions, and that the first princi-
pal component captures almost 50% of the variation in these dimensions. However, the International
Peace and Security dimension has a negative correlation to both the Science and Technology and to
the Culture variables (−0.48), and almost random correlation to all remaining dimensions. This point
is a strong concern for the validity of the GCI. The negative correlations between International Peace
and Security on one hand and either Science and Technology, or Culture or Health and Wellbeing on
Good Country Index (n=125) xiwiRiR2
iSi,spl Si,LL
Science and Technology x11/7 0.71 0.50 0.50 0.50
Culture x21/7 0.79 0.63 0.63 0.66
International Peace and Security x31/7 −0.17 0.03 0.05 0.03
World Order x41/7 0.78 0.62 0.64 0.63
Planet and Climate x51/7 0.57 0.32 0.34 0.33
Prosperity and Equality x61/7 0.49 0.24 0.27 0.25
Health and Wellbeing x71/7 0.55 0.30 0.35 0.37
Table 4: Ri= corr(xi,, y): correlation; Si,spl: correlation ratio, spline; Si,ker: correlation
ratio, local-linear.
the other, are undesirable in a composite indicator context, as they suggest the presence of trade-offs,
and are a reminder of the danger of compensability between components.
Turning now to the correlation coefficients, Table 4 shows that, unlike the equal weighting
scheme of the seven components would suggest, the impact of the seven components on the index is
uneven. Three of the seven components, namely Culture, World Order, and Science and Technology,
account for over 50% of the variation in the index scores (up to 63% for Culture). Instead, by fixing
either of the three components—Health and Wellbeing, Planet and Climate, and Prosperity and
Equality—the variance reduction would be between 25-37%. What is striking is that the International
Peace and Security component is practically cosmetic in the framework: by fixing this component, the
index variance would be reduced by merely 3%. Moreover, it actually has a negative correlation with
the GCI output, meaning that countries that rank low in International Peace and Security, on average,
actually stand out as “good countries”, with a higher GCI score. This effect, likely due to the negative
correlations with other variables, suggests a weakness in the GCI which ought to be addressed.
This conclusion can be of value in a general sense because it indicates that, aside from the
choice of weights and aggregation formulas based on subjective considerations, the impact of compo-
nents on the variance of the index is driven by the statistical properties of the components, and this
latter fact is often overlooked during the index development process.
Discussion on estimation approaches
The tables showing correlation ratios and correlation coefficients from the case studies in the previous
section (i.e. Tables 1, 2 and 4) help to understand the relative merits of the measures used in this
study. The correlation coefficient Riand the coefficient of determination R2
igive the linear correlation
of the composite indicator with each of its inputs. The R2
imeasure can be interpreted as the fraction
of variance accounted for by the linear regression (similar to Si), but it is also useful to see the Rivalue
in order to understand whether the relation is positive or negative. As shown in the Good Country
Index (Table 4), this measure revealed that one of the input indicators is in fact negatively correlated
with the composite indicator—this is an undesirable property as discussed previously, at least in the
context of linearly or geometrically aggregated composite indicators.
The spline and local-linear estimates of Siare all higher than or equal to the R2
ivalues. In
most cases the difference is small — this reflects the fact that the main effects are close to linear. In
these cases (see for example the “Reporting Practices” variable of the Resource Governance Index in
Table 1), the spline and LL regression fits are very close to straight lines. However, in some cases,
such as the Enabling Environment pillar (also from the Resource Governance Index), Siestimates
are significantly higher than R2
i— this is due to the nonlinear main effect, which is captured by the
spline and LL regression, but missed by the linear regression. In this instance, R2= 0.59 and Siis
estimated as 0.65 or 0.70 by the spline and LL regression respectively. Looking at all three tables,
one can see that in the majority of cases R2
iwould be a sufficient approximation of the effect of
each variable, but there are several exceptions. This shows the added value of nonlinear regression—it
can approximate linear and near-linear main effects, which appear in the majority of cases, but can
generalise to nonlinear fits when required.
An obvious question at this point is to ask whether splines or LL regression provides a better
estimate of Si, given that the fits are slightly different in some cases. The short answer is that there is
no way to know which is better, given that we do not know the “true” values of Sior the “true” main
effects. The three tables show however that in the majority of cases, the estimates are very similar,
and in the cases where the estimates differ, neither the splines or the LL regression has a tendency to
provide higher estimates than the other overall.
It is tempting to think that higher estimates might be better estimates, given that they
“capture” more of the total variance. However, both the splines and the LL regression could be easily
adjusted to capture 100% of the variance; this would result in interpolation rather than smoothing. But
this does not in general provide a good approximation of the main effects, and results in overfitting.
Instead the aim of nonlinear regression is to find a balance between interpolation and simplicity —
this is known as the “bias-variance tradeoff” in machine learning; see e.g. Hastie et al (2001).
Given then that neither splines nor local-linear regression provide consistently higher or lower
estimates than the other, the best strategy would be to estimate main effects using both methods and
then compare the results. It can also be helpful to visually examine the fits – for example in Figure 5,
the Global Scale variable of the Financial Secrecy Index gives a dataset that results in very different
main effect estimates between the linear, spline and local-linear approaches. Although none of the fits
seem extremely convincing (the data is strongly skewed and heteroskedastic), the LL fit in particular
has a strange “spike” that does not appear to be justified by the data—in this case one might treat
the estimate of the local-linear regression with caution. A clear avenue of research here would be to
incorporate confidence intervals into the estimates of main effects, and subsequently into the estimates
of Si. Some approaches to doing this within the context of splines can be found in Ruppert et al (2003).
An alternative tool might be to use a Bayesian implementation of a Gaussian process, which would
formally propagate uncertainties in main effect estimation to estimates of correlation ratios.
Aside from the fitting of the data, splines may offer some small advantages over LL regression.
The first is that, being closely related to linear regression, they can provide fast analytic estimates of
derivatives. This property is used in Figure 4, to illustrate the gain in Resource Governance Index that a
country or entity would achieve if its value of a given variable changed by a given amount along its axis.
Furthermore, splines are able to exploit properties of linear regression (such as calculation of the cross
validation measures) to allow very fast fitting to a given data set. In the examples here, which feature
relatively small data sets, computational time is not an issue. However some composite indicators
based on physical maps measure concepts such as ecosystems services indices at resolutions as high
as 1km, over the whole of Europe (Paracchini et al, 2014). In such cases, the data set may feature
millions of points, and splines offer a significant advantage over the slower local-linear regression.
The leitmotif of the present chapter is to “mind the gap” between the two stories which can be told
about the weights of composite indicators. On one hand weights appear to “belong” to developers,
who are entitled to set them by analysis and negotiation based on their norms and values. On the
other hand, most forms of aggregation—and notably all linear aggregations—are particularly inept
at translating these weights into “effects”. The proposal here is to look at the problem by choosing a
statistically defensible definition of importance, one that derives from the theory of global sensitivity
analysis, which in turn originates from the theory of experimental design and of analysis of variance
(ANOVA-like decomposition). It is therefore possible to compare the importance of different variables
against what their weights would purport them to be. The discussion of the Financial Secrecy Index
makes it clear that all inferences made here are conditional on the definition of “importance”. There
is nothing surprising in this. The same holds in sensitivity analysis. In fact ‘in sensitivity analysis
[an] analyst [must] specify what is meant by “factors importance” for a particular application. Leaving
instead the concept of importance undefined could result in several tests being thrown at the problem
and in several rankings of factor importance being obtained, without a basis to decide which one to
believe’ (Saltelli et al, 2012). The situation is similar in the analysis of the coherence of the weights
with the behavior of the index.
Still, within the limits of this analysis it is perhaps possible to say something useful to the
developers. As far as the Resource Governance Index is concerned it can be said that developers were
successful in making Reporting practices the most important dimension. They were less successful
in making the other three dimensions equally important (Table 1). Further, in the intention of the
developers each of these three dimensions “Institutional and Legal Setting”, “Safeguards and Quality
Controls”, and “Enabling Environment”, were supposed to be half important as “Reporting practices”.
The correlation structure of the problem did not allow this to happen, at least with the selected weights.
For the Financial Secrecy Index, the measures of importance point to a problematic property
of the index, whereby one dimension, “Global Scale”, apparently far more important than the other,
“Financial Secrecy” (with the exact ratio varying somewhat between various estimates), while the two
are intended to be equally important. At the same time, the aggregation formula chosen generates an
important interaction term in the index. This challenges the correlation ratio as an sufficient measure
of importance for this particular application. More analysis is needed on this challenging test case.
In the case of the Good Country Index, it is clear that the ambition to capture several
dimensions normatively labeled as equally important was not rewarded by the results. Not only are
the dimensions unequal, but one important dimension, “International Peace and Security” has a very
small influence on the index score, and in fact has a negative correlation with the output.
Note that the approach presented in this chapter can be used to actually improve the indices
by tuning the weights as to obtain the desired importance (Paruolo et al, 2013). The approach has
been implemented in two important indices: the INSEAD-WIPO Global Innovation Index (Saisana and
Saltelli, 2014) and the Environmental Performance Index developed by Yale University (Athanasoglou
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