
Blockchain Technology: Principles and Applications



Handbook of Research on Digital Transformations edited by F. Xavier Olleros, and Majlinda ZheguA paraitre
... Blockchain technology offers unprecedented levels of transparency and accountability due to its immutable and decentralized nature, which can significantly enhance public trust in government operations (Tapscott & Tapscott, 2016). By enabling secure and verifiable records of transactions and activities, blockchain can reduce opportunities for corruption and fraud, fostering a more transparent public sector (Pilkington, 2016). For instance, blockchainbased voting systems can ensure the integrity and transparency of electoral processes, making it nearly impossible to alter votes without detection (Swan, 2015). ...
Public service delivery has long faced challenges related to transparency, efficiency, and accountability. The integration of blockchain technology presents a novel solution to these issues, promising enhanced governance through secure, transparent, and efficient processes. This literature review explores the potential of blockchain technology in transforming public service delivery. It synthesizes existing research on the application of blockchain in public administration, highlighting key benefits such as improved transparency, reduced fraud, and increased efficiency. Additionally, the review identifies critical success factors and challenges in implementing blockchain-based solutions in the public sector. By examining case studies and theoretical frameworks, this study provides a comprehensive understanding of how blockchain can revolutionize public governance. The findings offer valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners aiming to leverage blockchain technology to enhance public service delivery and achieve better governance outcomes.
... technology, blockchain, or "distributed ledger technology" (DLT), cryptographically chains data records in a continuously growing list of blocks confirmed by participating nodes. Over the past decade, blockchain has shown potential to transform economic, legal, and political structures, with applications evolving across various sectors (Casino et al., 2019;Iansiti & Lakhani, 2017;Pilkington, 2016). ...
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Blockchain technology has received increasing attention from academia, practitioners, and pol-icymakers alike for its potential to disrupt business processes and structures of trade in global value chains (GVC). Amidst the ongoing digitization of economies and societies, blockchain holds promise for addressing unresolved challenges. However, current research on this topic primarily consists of either abstract conceptual work or case studies. To bridge this gap, our study conducts a systematic literature review, aiming to comprehensively explore and structure the realm of blockchain and its impact on international trade. Key research questions explored include: What role do blockchain innovations play in facilitating trade within GVC? Additionally, what are the primary barriers hindering the adoption of blockchain innovations in trade within GVC? Our main contribution lies in categorizing these applications into five distinct categories: Trade Documents; Trade Finance; Trusted Real-Time Information Sharing; Provenance; and Sustainable GVC. Contrary to portraying blockchain innovations as a panacea or universal solution, our findings highlight the technologies' potential rather as a core technological infrastructure when integrated with complementary technologies such as the Internet of Things. Moreover, we identify 11 significant barriers to blockchain adoption in international trade, underscoring the need for concerted efforts to address them. From these insights, we derive implications for policymakers and practitioners, and propose avenues for future interdisciplinary research.
... Nowadays, the utilization of blockchain technology is in increase day after day [1]. Person use of blockchain technology has also remarkably increased since 2016. ...
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This study focuses on the load balancing of the transactions in the blockchain. The problem is how to assign these transactions to the blocks. The objective is to guarantee a load balancing of the workload in the time of blocks. The proposed problem is an NP-hard one. To face the hardness of the studied problem, the challenge is to develop algorithms that solve the problem approximately. Finding an approximate solution is a real challenge. In this paper, nine algorithms are proposed. These algorithms are based on the dispatching-rules method, randomization approach, clustering algorithms, and iterative method. The proposed algorithms return approximate solutions in a remarkable time. In addition, in this paper, a novel architecture composed of blocks is proposed. This architecture adds the component “Balancer”. This component is responsible to call the best-proposed algorithm and solve the scheduling problem in a polynomial time. In addition, the proposed work helps users to solve the problem of big data concurrency. These algorithms are coded and compared. The performance of these algorithms is tested over three classes of instances. These classes are generated based on uniform distribution. The total number of instances tested is 1350. The average gap, execution time, and the percentage of the best-reached value are used as metrics to measure the performance of the proposed algorithms. Experimental results show the performance of these algorithms and a comparison between them is discussed. The experimental results show that the best algorithm is best-mi-transactions iterative multi-choice with 93.9% in an average running time of 0.003 s.
... Blockchain Technology is one of the innovative and emerging technologies that evolved in the past few years (Peters & Panayi, 2015;Pilkington, 2016;PWC, 2015;Swan, 2015). Blockchain is one of the Industry 4.0 emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, robotics, and many more. ...
Digital supply chains employ many technologies, each influencing the environmental performance of the supply chain network to some degree. The technological ecosystem includes Additive Manufacturing (AM), Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and robotics, among others. Technologies in digital supply chains have brought many opportunities and new challenges to sustainability in supply chain management. Sustainability in supply chains refers to adopting processes and technologies that minimize the environmental impact. Circular Economy (CE) supports I4,0 and improves sustainability. Moreover, sustainability applies to the different activities of supply chains, from sourcing to the last mile delivery, at various echelons to minimize the environmental impact. This chapter provides a holistic view of technologies in digital supply chains and their contribution to environmental sustainability.
... Current participants can determine future entries based totally on hard and fast policies established using the network initiator. Pilkington (2016) Regulators can provide licenses for participation. Alternatively, since the blockchain is decentralized, a consortium may want to decide whether an entity joins the community. ...
In a world impacted by disruptive events, the importance of incorporating resilience into supply chain design has become paramount. Especially, the risks associated with food supply chains can cause severe consequences directly impacting the health and well-being of societies. Though the Australian food supply chains are notably efficient and profitable, they can no longer narrowly focus on the conventional “triangle” of time, cost, and quality. Rather, they need to consider an additional, new triangle of design attributes: resilience, sustainability, and trust to assure food accessibility and availability during unprecedented events. This chapter aims to analyze different types of risks (health, natural disasters, drought, geopolitics, and technology) threatening Australian food commodities (grain, horticulture, dairy, red meat, seafood, and wine) and explore the potential role of digital technologies as enablers of resiliency in food supply chain.
... Current participants can determine future entries based totally on hard and fast policies established using the network initiator. Pilkington (2016) Regulators can provide licenses for participation. Alternatively, since the blockchain is decentralized, a consortium may want to decide whether an entity joins the community. ...
In this book, a risk management approach starts off by discussing important issues related to managing supply chain disruption risks from various perspectives during VUCA times. It explores the essence and principles relating to managing these risks and provides the framework and multi-goal model groups for managing such unknown-unknown risks and subsequent disruptions at a global scale. The book explores and presents the latest developments across different emerging topics in supply chain risk and disruption management. These include (i) an overview of supply chain risk, and disruption management tools, techniques, and approaches, (ii) a review on uncertainty modeling for decentralized supply chain systems, (iii) supply chain deep uncertainties and risks - the 'new normal', (iv) emergent technologies for supply chain risk and disruption management, (v) supply chain resilience strategies for times of unprecedented uncertainty, (vi) the role of blockchain in developing supply chain resilience against disruptions, (vii) a qualitative study on supply chain risk management adopting blockchain technology, (viii) assessment of risks and risk management for agriculture supply chain, (ix) resilience of agri-food supply chains: Australian developments after a decade of supply and demand shocks, (x) prioritization of risks in the pharmaceutical supply chains (xi) improving medical supply chain disruption management with the blockchain technology, and (xii) impacts of resilience practices on supply chain sustainability. The book contributes significantly to the growing body of knowledge concerning the theory and practice of managing supply chain risks and disruptions in strategic management, operations and supply chain, and sustainability literature. It presents contemporary, innovative and latest developments in applying smart management tools, techniques and approaches for managing supply chain risk and disruption and future-proofing supply chains to become agile, resilient and sustainable.
... 71 It enables the creation of decentralized and secure digital information which is useful for hospital transactions and store value. 72 Blockchain can also be used to track the movement of goods through the supply chain, helping to ensure the authenticity and quality of products. 73 For identity management, blockchain serves to securely store and manage digital identities, enabling individuals and organizations to prove their Figure 7. Blockchain in genomic toxicology. ...
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Toxicology is undergoing a digital revolution, with mobile apps, sensors, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning enabling better record-keeping, data analysis, and risk assessment. Additionally, computational toxicology and digital risk assessment have led to more accurate predictions of chemical hazards, reducing the burden of laboratory studies. Blockchain technology is emerging as a promising approach to increase transparency, particularly in the management and processing of genomic data related with food safety. Robotics, smart agriculture, and smart food and feedstock offer new opportunities for collecting, analyzing, and evaluating data, while wearable devices can predict toxicity and monitor health-related issues. The review article focuses on the potential of digital technologies to improve risk assessment and public health in the field of toxicology. By examining key topics such as blockchain technology, smoking toxicology, wearable sensors, and food security, this article provides an overview of how digitalization is influencing toxicology. As well as highlighting future directions for research, this article demonstrates how emerging technologies can enhance risk assessment communication and efficiency. The integration of digital technologies has revolutionized toxicology and has great potential for improving risk assessment and promoting public health.
... Numerous blockchain solutions have been discussed in the literature throughout the years. Three categories, i.e., Public, Private, and Consortium, could be used to characterize these blockchain solutions [6]. ...
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Plasma therapy is an extensively used treatment for critically unwell patients. For this procedure, a legitimate plasma donor who can continue to supply plasma after healing is needed. However, significant dangers are associated with supply management, such as the ambiguous provenance of plasma and the spread of infected or subpar blood into medicinal fabrication. Also, from an ideological standpoint, less powerful people may be exploited throughout the contribution process. Moreover, there is a danger to the logistics system because there are now just some plasma shippers. This research intends to investigate the blockchain-based solution for blood plasma to facilitate authentic plasma transfer. Blockchain parameters, including electronic identification, chain code, and certified ledgers, have the potential to exert a substantial, profound influence on the distribution and implementation process of blood banks. To understand the practical ramifications of blockchain, the current study provides a proof of concept approach that aims to simulate the procedural code of modern plasma distribution ecosystems using a blockchain-based architecture. The agent-based modeling used in the testing and evaluation mimics the supply chain to assess the blockchain's feasibility, advantages, and constraints for the plasma.
... Perusahaan FinTech telah mengembangkan praktik aplikasi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dalam layanan keuangan di berbagai layanan, termasuk (tetapi tidak terbatas pada): pembayaran tanpa kontak dan instan; jasa pengelolaan aset; investasi dan saran layanan keuangan; dan manajemen/penyimpanan informasi dan data (Schimel, 2016 (Pilkington, 2016). ...
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Currently in Indonesia, financial technology (fintech) services have developed rapidly. The development of fintech in Indonesia has been responded positively by several regulations issued by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Indonesia (BI). In addition to conventional fintech, sharia fintech in Indonesia has also begun to develop significantly, especially since the DSN-MUI fatwa on Sharia Information Technology-Based Financing Services (Fatwa No.117/DSN-MUI/IX/2018). Although sharia fintech has begun to develop, OJK has not fully accommodated the DSN-MUI Fatwa as a binding regulation. The DPS institution as a supervisor for Islamic financial institution entities as well as for start-ups such as fintech that operates according to sharia must follow the regulations that have been decided by the DSN-MUI so that these entities can operate in sharia and this is part of compliance with sharia compliance). This study investigates the Shariah compliance status of financial technology services. The research method used is the library research method with a literature review approach. The results of the study show that currently fintech operating in sharia still needs stronger legal instruments so that compliance with sharia is truly carried out comprehensively and not only applies a kind of label that is run by sharia, so that the existence of fintech and customer trust (consumers can be maintained.
... (Operations Manager, Firm O) Based on these findings, supply chain partners may need to work together to consider cutting-edge technologies that have the potential to change supply chains and contribute to strong responsibility and sustainability, as suggested by Gurzawska (2020). One of these technologies is blockchain, a decentralised online database that enables various parties to securely access a master ledger of data and transactions (Pilkington, 2016). Blockchain, for instance, has the potential to change the way we make, advertise, buy, and consume our commodities and alter the supply chain. ...
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Various disruptions to supply chains have occurred over the years, distorting the flow of materials, goods, services, and money. The COVID-19 pandemic, for example, has had an unprecedented impact on supply chain activities, and the current Russian invasion of Ukraine has also resulted in massive disruptions in food, oil and gas, and other commodities around the world. Such challenges can result in new realities, shifts in relationships and network structures, behavioural adjustments, and unexpected actions by supply chain actors, all of which can contribute to unethical behaviour. This chapter presents and overview of how unethical practices are likely to emerge when supply chain disruptions occur and how supply chain partners combat such practices. We focus on supply chain disruptions, responsible and ethical procurement and supply chain management, and behavioural supply chain management. The following emerging unethical practices are examined as a result of disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: (1) supply chain fraud, (2) supply chain opportunism, and (3) display of unfair and unjust behaviour. This chapter also describes three ways to combat such practices: (1) long-term collaborative relationship formation, (2) investment in technology and new methods of operation, and (3) investment in human resource development in supply chains. The insights provided may assist practitioners in developing capabilities and strategies to improve ethical practices in their supply chain relationships.
... Blockchain technologies have the inherent capability of recording in a distributed ledger of encrypted blocks, a set of transactions involving multiple parties. Because the ledger is maintained in a distributed manner, the proposal of a new block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block and has to be broadcasted and consensualized by the network of peer participants who keep their own copy of the immutable, time stamped ledger [17]. Self-executing computational agreements in the form of smart contracts can also be run on top of a blockchain. ...
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The production of self-executing computational agreements in the form of smart contracts remains a manual coding endeavour that hinders the widespread adoption of solutions that run on top of a distributed ledger technology such as blockchain. We explore the automatic generation of smart contracts based on a visual composition of reusable action rule specifications and other elements from the action model of the DEMO methodology. Several design and implementation considerations entail this choice of SC generation, all of which motivated a smart contract-enabled extension of DEMO’s way of modelling. The main research contribution is a foundation of synergistic knowledge accompanied by an extension proposal involving DEMO and smart contracts that can be built upon in future business cases where enterprise interoperability supported by blockchain technology is a requirement.KeywordsSmart contractsEnterprise engineeringDEMOAction modelAction rule specification
Advancements in affordable computing and communication technologies have led to the widespread proliferation of interconnected devices, giving rise to a new era characterized by devices that sense, compute, and share information, forming loosely connected Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Managing data and making intelligent decisions are the primary areas of research within CPS. Traditionally, cloud-based centralized computation has been the dominant architecture due to its ease of implementation and enhanced control. However, the explosion of data, scalability challenges, and privacy concerns are increasingly highlighting the limitations of such centralized systems. Therefore, there is a growing interest in decentralizing control and distributing computing tasks among the devices as a more promising approach for sharing intelligence. Investigating novel decentralization mechanisms is a central focus of this chapter.
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This study fills a void in the literature on the intention to invest in sustainable cryptocurrency. It examines the behavioral antecedents of individuals‘ decision making in this expanding financial industry. A mixed-methods approach that combines partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) is used to gain an understanding of the factors that lead to acceptance of sustainable cryptocurrencies and the obstacles to investing in them. This study is valuable for investors, policymakers, and managers in the digital currency business, providing practical insights and strategic implications. The study’s findings underscore the relevance of regulatory frameworks and government assistance in fostering the adoption of sustainable cryptocurrencies. The study emphasizes the importance of customer trust and sustainability in influencing the adoption of sustainable cryptocurrencies. It advances the theory of sustainable finance, technology adoption, and behavioral economics. The study’s limitations and recommendations for future research offer a path to further the understanding of this developing topic.
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Cloud computing faces challenges regarding data integrity and security due to its centralized nature. This paper proposes a blockchain-based data integrity management system that decentralizes cloud data storage and ensures authenticity and traceability. By leveraging smart contracts, the proposed system validates data transactions, prevents unauthorized alterations, and provides a transparent audit trail. Experimental results reveal that the system can maintain high levels of data integrity with minimal latency and computational overhead, offering a practical solution to enhance data security in decentralized cloud environments.
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A disaster is an event that upsets normal conditions of existence and results in a degree of suffering greater than the ability for adjustment of the afflicted community, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, droughts, wildfires, etc., pose a threat to lives, properties, assets, and societal designators depending on where we live. Fig. 1 represents diagrammatically the number of catastrophes that occurred in the world from 1900 to 2023. Global catastrophes not only impact the economy, the environment, and infrastructure but also cost human lives. The world has witnessed an upsurge in calamities throughout time. A disaster's effect can frequently be felt physically, cognitively, and emotionally on an individual level. Many people experience severe disorders caused by post-traumatic stress or withdraw into despair post a natural disaster. Population displacement is another immediate impact of natural disasters. Many people are forced to leave their homes and communities, relocate, and begin new lives elsewhere. The accessibility of medical care, educational opportunities , and the supply of nutritious food and drinkable safe water may be hampered by the enormous number of people who are migrating. The threat to health that such a tragic incident entails may be the secondary effect. Without proper rescue and disaster management, death tolls may rise even after the immediate threat has passed, leaving a tremendous amount of the population vulnerable. In order to decrease the effects of these disasters, information and communication technology can be used, as it enables and unifies a variety of technological initiatives to create disaster management systems (DMSs). Blockchain [1] and the Internet of Things (IoT) [2] have sparked great interest globally and across sectors due to their multiple applications in every The Role of Blockchain in Disaster Management
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Implementing blockchain in libraries involves several key steps to ensure successful integration and optimal functionality. Firstly, libraries need to identify specific use cases where blockchain technology can add value, such as in cataloging, digital rights management, and user authentication. Following this, it's essential to conduct a feasibility study and pilot projects to evaluate the effectiveness of blockchain applications in a library setting. This should be complemented by training staff on blockchain fundamentals and its benefits. Building partnerships with blockchain experts and technology providers can also facilitate a smoother implementation process. Technical considerations include ensuring robust cybersecurity measures, choosing the appropriate blockchain platform (public, private, or consortium), and integrating blockchain with existing library management systems. Infrastructure requirements involve upgrading or investing in new hardware and software that support blockchain operations, as well as ensuring a reliable and scalable network infrastructure.
Advancements in affordable computing and communication technologies have led to the widespread proliferation of interconnected devices, giving rise to a new era characterized by devices that sense, compute, and share information, forming loosely connected Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Managing data and making intelligent decisions are the primary areas of research within CPS. Traditionally, cloud-based centralized computation has been the dominant architecture due to its ease of implementation and enhanced control. However, the explosion of data, scalability challenges, and privacy concerns are increasingly highlighting the limitations of such centralized systems. Therefore, there is a growing interest in decentralizing control and distributing computing tasks among the devices as a more promising approach for sharing intelligence. Investigating novel decentralization mechanisms is a central focus of this chapter.
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Various correlated variables affect the transformation of the Islamic economics in the context of society 5.0. These variables include halal supervision and certification, public awareness of sharia principles, product and service innovation, collaboration between Islamic financial institutions and technology companies, and integration of advanced technology. New product and service innovations, such as sukuk bonds and Islamic mutual funds, also contribute greatly to the transformation of the Islamic economics. On the other hand, the integration of technologies such as fintech and blockchain has increased accessibility and transparency in Islamic financial services, and increased public awareness of the benefits of the Islamic economics has increased demand for Islamic goods and services. Technology companies and Islamic financial institutions work together to produce innovations in Islamic financial services, while technologies such as blockchain ensure authenticity and transparency in the halal industry. Understanding these components is important in transforming the Islamic economics towards a more inclusive, sustainable and ethical economic system in a 5.0 society.
With the development of technology, more and more devices are connected to the Internet. According to statistics, Internet of Things (IoT) devices have reached tens of billions of units, which forms a massive Internet of Things system. Social Internet of Things (SIoT) is an essential extension of the IoT system. Because of the heterogeneity present in the SIoT system and the limited resources available, it is facing increasing security issues, which hinders the interaction of SIoT information. Consortium chain combined with the trust problem in SIoT systems has gradually become an important goal to improve the security of SIoT data interaction. Detection of malicious nodes is one of the key points to solve the trust problem. In this article, we focus on the consortium chain network. According to the information characteristics of nodes on the consortium chain, it can be analyzed that the SIoT malicious node detection combined with the consortium chain network should have the privacy protection, subjectivity, uncertainty, lightweight, dynamic timeliness and so on. In response to the features above and the concerns of existing malicious node detection methods, we propose an algorithm based on inter-block delay. We employ unsupervised clustering algorithms, including K-means and DBSCAN, to analyze and compare the data set intercepted from the consortium chain. The results indicate that DBSCAN exhibits the best clustering performance. Finally, we transmit the acquired data onto the chain. We conclude that the proposed algorithm is highly effective in detecting malicious nodes on the combination of SIoT and consortium chain networks.
The rapid advancement of blockchain technology presents a transformative opportunity for the insurance industry, particularly in claims processing and fraud detection. This paper explores the impact of blockchain technology on consumer behavior and its potential to enhance the efficiency and security of insurance operations. We begin by providing a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology, outlining its decentralized nature, immutability, and transparency. We then delve into the current challenges faced by the insurance industry, including prolonged claims processes and prevalent fraudulent activities. Through a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, we analyze how consumers perceive and interact with blockchain-based insurance solutions. The findings suggest that while there is general awareness about blockchain, its understanding remains limited among consumers. However, our study indicates a positive correlation between blockchain adoption and increased trust in insurance processes, driven by the technology's inherent characteristics of security and data integrity. Furthermore, we discuss several blockchain implementations, such as smart contracts that automate claims adjudication, and decentralized applications that ensure transparency and reduce opportunities for fraud. Finally, we propose a framework for insurance companies to effectively integrate blockchain technology, emphasizing consumer education, stakeholder engagement, and regulatory compliance. This study not only highlights the transformative potential of blockchain in reshaping consumer behavior and operational processes in insurance but also provides strategic insights for stakeholders aiming to harness these innovations for improved service delivery and fraud mitigation. The study titled "Assess the behavior of consumers for enhancing claims processing and fraud detection in insurance through blockchain technology" aims to explore how blockchain can revolutionize the insurance sector by influencing consumer behavior, improving claims processing, and enhancing fraud detection mechanisms. The focus of this research involves several key areas. This study explores the behavior of consumers in the context of enhancing claims processing and fraud detection in the insurance sector through the adoption of blockchain technology. Blockchain, known for its decentralized and transparent nature, holds promise for revolutionizing traditional insurance processes by improving transparency, efficiency, and security. However, successful integration relies heavily on consumer acceptance and adoption. This research aims to investigate consumer attitudes, perceptions, and intentions towards blockchain-based insurance solutions. Drawing upon established theories of technology acceptance and consumer behavior, the study examines factors influencing consumer trust, privacy concerns, and perceived benefits of blockchain in insurance. Additionally, demographic variations in consumer behavior and the impact of cultural and regulatory factors are explored. Through a comprehensive literature review and empirical research methods such as surveys and interviews, this study seeks to provide insights into how insurers can effectively engage consumers, address concerns, and leverage blockchain technology to enhance claims processing efficiency and fraud detection capabilities. The findings aim to inform strategic decision-making for insurance companies, regulators, and policymakers, facilitating the successful adoption and implementation of blockchain solutions in the insurance industry.
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An overview of blockchain fundamentals and its potential benefits for sustainability is provided. The role of expertise as an intermediary on the blockchain to drive transparency and accountability is examined. This research examines the potential of blockchain technology in the field of economic management and to drive future sustainable development in emerging companies, which are referred to as hidden champions. This study addresses the need for transparent and responsive practices that promote social stability, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. The goals are to analyze economic functions, investigate the formation of appropriate economic patterns, facilitate equitable distribution, and support environmental protection efforts. The research method includes case studies and theoretical frameworks to collect relevant data. The results emphasize the importance of balancing competing interests, promoting security, and strengthening inclusive decision-making processes. This study emphasizes the intersection between economic development and environmental protection and highlights the role of sustainability criteria in guiding land use practices. The conclusion emphasizes that sustainable economic practices are critical for social, economic and environmental development, especially in emerging economies. Practical recommendations are provided to policymakers and stakeholders to improve economic governance frameworks and help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
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In recent years, with the rise of digital currency, its underlying technology, blockchain, has become increasingly well-known. This technology has several key characteristics, including decentralization, time-stamped data, consensus mechanism, traceability, programmability, security, and credibility, and block data is essentially tamper-proof. Due to these characteristics, blockchain can address the shortcomings of traditional financial institutions. As a result, this emerging technology has garnered significant attention from financial intermediaries, technology-based companies, and government agencies. This article offers an overview of the fundamentals of blockchain technology and its various applications. The introduction defines blockchain and explains its fundamental working principles, emphasizing features such as decentralization, immutability, and transparency. The article then traces the evolution of blockchain, from its inception in cryptocurrency to its development as a versatile tool with diverse potential applications. The main body of the article explores fundamentals of block chain systems, its limitations, various applications, applicability etc . Finally, the study concludes by discussing the present state of blockchain technology and its future potential, as well as the challenges that must be surmounted to unlock its full potential.
The blockchain technology has attracted attention due to its characteristics of anonymity, openness, decentralization, traceability, and tamper-resistance. However, with the development of the blockchain industry, various financial fraud activities have also emerged on the blockchain. Effective regulation is a necessary condition for the healthy development of the blockchain ecosystem. A comprehensive blockchain anti-fraud prototype system is a system that combines multiple technologies to achieve fraud detection and anti-fraud techniques, aimed at addressing the existing fraud issues in the blockchain field. In this paper, we design and implement an anti-fraud system prototype based on a graph database platform and neural network model. The prototype system has the characteristics of fast, accurate, and reliable, and can effectively combat blockchain fraud activities by identifying blockchain transaction patterns and detecting illegal transaction behavior using new heuristic learning methods and graph neural network methods to detect frequent frauds. The system monitors and detects fraudulent activities such as phishing, ICO, price manipulation, money laundering, and illegal fundraising. The research results of this paper can provide an effective solution for anti-fraud work in the blockchain field and provide technical support for future wider applications.
Current incentive mechanisms for construction safety highly rely on intermediaries and massive paperwork, which lay a foundation for opportunistic behavior and poor performance in the long run. As a solution, this study introduces an automatic incentive mechanism that rewards contractors with Fungible Tokens (FTs) and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Visual data of construction sites is processed through a computer-vision module, which reports safety performance. These reports are evaluated in a network of smart contracts, using a decentralized oracle network (DON), and token-based rewards are determined and distributed accordingly. Users can redeem their FT rewards or NFTs through an interactive front-end portal. The proposed method is successfully implemented through a synthetic case study to prove its feasibility. The proposed decentralized application (Dapp) provides a transparent, traceable, and immutable incentive mechanism that improves trust among stakeholders, and can be used as a template and expanded to fields beyond construction safety.
This paper presents a conceptual framework to apply blockchain technology to two implementation areas in a supply chain. It specifically intends to provide product tracking information to all stakeholders in the product development, assembly and subsequent delivery phases, manage information of supplied components to perform the assemblies where it is included, and track injected components. Information flow and exchange are supported by blockchain. This article contributes to this emerging technology by providing an overview of blockchain and its application to an industrial supply chain by presenting the real problems encountered in the chain, examines the implications of information centralization, traceability, and transparency, and identifies some potential challenges in the work performed by collaborating companies in quality, receipt, and shipment of goods terms, among others.KeywordsBlockchainManufacturingSupply chain
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Blockchain technology provides an entirely new way to record, process, and store financial transactions and information, which has the potential to change the accounting profession fundamentally. This paper examines the effects of blockchain technology, knowledgeable blockchain-based in accounting professionals, and findings on the potential to shape the future of innovation by adopting blockchain. Descriptive statistics, one-sample t-tests, correlation, and regression, were used to analyze the data. Cronbach's Alpha reliability testing has been done to assess the validity of data gathered from primary surveys. The study found that these technologies increase the control of large firms and that auditors were substantially more selective than accountants regarding their desired effects directly related to blockchain technology. The knowledge and involvement of accountants and auditors will assist blockchain development. The impact of blockchain on the accounting profession helps to increase understanding of the potential benefits of blockchain technology for the accountant and auditor profession.
In today’s digital environment, the voting system has moved from paper based to a digital system. A digital e-voting system has many properties such as transparency, decentralization, irreversibility, and non-repudiation. The growth in the digital e-voting system raises many security and transparency issues. In this paper, we used the blockchain technology in the digital electronic voting system to solve the security issues and ful?ll the system requirements. It offers new opportunities to deploy a secure e-voting system in any organization or country. The solution is far better as compared to other solutions because it is a decentralized system, containing the results in the form of bit-coins, having different locations. We will also analyze the security of our proposed voting system, which shows our protocol is more secure as compared to other solutions. The paper proposes a novel electronic voting system based on block chain that addresses some of the limitations in existing systems and evaluates some of the popular blockchain frameworks for the purpose of constructing a blockchain based e-voting system. In particular, we evaluate the potential of distributed ledger technologies through the description of a case study namely, the process of an election, and the implementation of a blockchain based application, which improves the security and decreases the cost of hosting a nation wide election.
Conference Paper
Blockchain was initially designed as a means of enabling the trust-less cryptocurrency Bitcoin, but as more industries and stakeholders view the technology as a viable alternative to existing business solutions and a potential disruptor of mature industries, it has since moved beyond its original intent. A blockchain can be used in a wide variety of ways in real time. The functioning of almost all sectors of the economy depends on handling an infinite number of tasks. As a result, in recent years, blockchain has become a popular technique in not just cryptocurrency, but also healthcare, energy, insurance, supply chain management, cybersecurity, and copyrights. Here, we examine the numerous applications of blockchain and how it can improve management in the sectors the technology is being applied to.
The used vehicle market has long been in India, but due to the danger involved in buying an old vehicle without a guarantee and the fact that it lacks certification, it has not been able to make a significant vehicle in the vehicle sector. Purchasing a second-hand vehicle is a risky decision since it is impossible to judge a vehicle just on the basis of appearance if you don't know anything about its history. Many individuals buy vehicles without looking into their past, which frequently results in them getting into legal difficulties. Some people offer vehicles that have been reported stolen with no prior history. Due to them, consumers who wish to purchase a quality used car are duped, which puts them in legal trouble. A solution to this problem is to use a platform that offers the consumer a reliable approach to looking up information about a vehicle, where all vehicle-related data is added in a safe, unchangeable manner. Thus, this issue may be solved via blockchain technology. We are trying to create an Android app that will use blockchain technology to store previous owner data in such a way that it cannot be altered.
Blockchain technology is used by developers to establish computational confidence in their goods. As a result, organizations and individuals who may not know or trust one another may collaborate quickly and cheaply. You can create and exchange value, establish identity, and check with public distributed ledgers, and the blockchain server is unique in that it achieves the same result as the most widely used public blockchains (such as Bitcoin or Ethereum). These advantages are due to the underlying hash-graph consensus technique and the global enterprise governing body that now owns and manages our proposed project’s efficient blockchain nodes. We will execute NFT transactions using our hedera-optimized blockchain network. This recommended approach combines a variety of areas, including encryption, banking, and financial transactions. The introductory portion below describes the study that allows NFT transactions in the hedera-optimized network phase of the three. This is the first eminent research on the NFT Transaction on the blockchain approach that we are aware of. By adopting an efficient method between data centers and HCS technology, it is possible to assess our multichain approach to banking and financial circumstances with ease. This technique for computational confidence in banking and financial situations is both economical and effective. The incident response and prevention team can quickly enhance any difficult and complicated procedure. It falls under the capability of NFT with blockchain to act rapidly and decide in a perplexed condition. It offers the easiest, most efficient route throughout the transaction phase for interacting with potential customers, integrating test-net, main-net, and mirror-net. With the simplicity of calculation and computation on this enhanced blockchain server, it draws new customers in the future.KeywordsBlockchainNFT (non-fungible token)SecurityScalabilityAuthenticationDecentralized securityHBARToken service
In today’s highly developed, massive corporate offices or industries, it is difficult to personally evaluate every employee’s performance and recommend them for promotion. It has only been the subject of a few research projects, but those who have worked on it have created algorithms for predicting promotions as well as the fundamental traits and job qualities for each person. The incorporation of extra attributes allows our model to do more with fewer strategies. The goal of this research is to provide a machine learning-based system for predicting whether or not an employee will be promoted. We do this by offering a linear model that offers a respectable level of accuracy at a cheap cost. This process takes into account the training record, annual performance review score, length of service, key performance indicators, and other elements of the employee. Due to the limited number of classifications, a linear classifier was utilized to train the model. This linear classifier completes 50 iterations with an accuracy rate of 92.6%. Using this method, you may be able to acquire an answer on the likelihood of promoting any employee. This software might prove to be the saving grace for an organization’s HR department.KeywordsMLEpochsLinear classifierKey performance indicatorsAccuracy
Bitcoin is an online communication protocol that facilitates the use of a virtual currency, including electronic payments. Bitcoin's rules were designed by engineers with no apparent influence from lawyers or regulators. Bitcoin is built on a transaction log that is distributed across a network of participating computers. It includes mechanisms to reward honest participation, to bootstrap acceptance by early adopters, and to guard against concentrations of power. Bitcoin's design allows for irreversible transactions, a prescribed path of money creation over time, and a public transaction history. Anyone can create a Bitcoin account, without charge and without any centralized vetting procedure—or even a requirement to provide a real name. Collectively, these rules yield a system that is understood to be more flexible, more private, and less amenable to regulatory oversight than other forms of payment—though as we discuss, all these benefits face important limits. Bitcoin is of interest to economists as a virtual currency with potential to disrupt existing payment systems and perhaps even monetary systems. This article presents the platform's design principles and properties for a nontechnical audience; reviews its past, present, and future uses; and points out risks and regulatory issues as Bitcoin interacts with the conventional financial system and the real economy.
A number of internet-based digital currency platform based on decentralized public ledgers have started since the introduction of the blockchain concept by the founder of Bitcoin in 2008. An important element of these public ledger platforms is an incentive system that elicits efforts from a distributed global workforce to verify and record transactions on the public ledger and a governance system for the platform. The economic efficiency and possibly viability of a public ledger platform ultimately depend on the design of these incentive and governance systems. Even if a decentralized public ledger were a more efficient technology for conducting financial transactions, and for providing a platform for distributed innovation, deficiencies in its incentive and governance systems could make it overall inferior to alternatives, including existing systems. Current claims that public ledger platforms can conduct financial transactions more efficiently ignore the inefficiencies associated with the incentive and governance systems and the likely costs associated with regulation of these platforms and complementary service providers such as vaults, wallets, and exchanges. It is possible that public ledger platforms are more efficient than other alternative platforms for conducing financial transactions, but as of now the proposition is based on apples-to-oranges comparisons compounded with speculation. Competition will lead to better incentive and governance systems for public ledger platforms.
A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.
Conference Paper
Cryptographically generated addresses (CGA) are IPv6 addresses some address bits are generated by hashing the address owner’s public key. The address owner uses the corresponding private key to assert address ownership and to sign messages sent from the address without a PKI or other security infrastructure. This paper describes a generic CGA format that can be used in multiple applications. Our focus is on removing weaknesses of earlier proposals and on the ease of implementation. A major contribution of this paper is a hash extension technique that increases the effective hash length beyond the 64-bit limit of earlier proposals.
"Technology is not the answer to the population problem. Rather, what is needed is 'mutual coercion mutually agreed upon'--everyone voluntarily giving up the freedom to breed without limit. If we all have an equal right to many 'commons' provided by nature and by the activities of modern governments, then by breeding freely we behave as do herders sharing a common pasture. Each herder acts rationally by adding yet one more beast to his/her herd, because each gains all the profit from that addition, while bearing only a fraction of its costs in overgrazing, which are shared by all the users. The logic of the system compels all herders to increase their herds without limit, with the 'tragic,' i.e. 'inevitable,' 'inescapable' result: ruin the commons. Appealing to individual conscience to exercise restraint in the use of social-welfare or natural commons is likewise self-defeating: the conscientious will restrict use (reproduction), the heedless will continue using (reproducing), and gradually but inevitably the selfish will out-compete the responsible. Temperance can be best accomplished through administrative law, and a 'great to invent the corrective keep custodians honest.'"
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