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Abstract and Figures

Termites are undoubtedly key soil organisms in tropical and subtropical soils. They are soil engineers in influencing the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils and, consequently, water dynamics in tropical and subtropical ecosystems. To appreciate the effect of termites on soil, there is a need for a thorough understanding of the ecological needs and building strategies of termites and the mechanisms regulating termite diversity at local and regional scales. Termite impacts on soil properties and water dynamics can be differentiated at four different scales: (i) at the landscape scale, where termites act as heterogeneity drivers; (ii) at the soil profile scale, where termites act as soil bioturbators; (iii) at the aggregate scale, where they act as aggregate reorganizers; (iv) and last, at the clay mineral scale, where they can act as weathering agents. Last, we discuss recent literature on termite engineering published in the last 10 years in the major journals of soil science and suggest new research topics that could contribute to improved knowledge of the impact of termites on soil properties and water dynamics.
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Termites: The Neglected Soil Engineers of Tropical Soils
Pasc a l Jouque t ,
Nicolas Bottinelli,
Rashmi R. Shanbhag,
Thomas Bourguignon,
Saran Traoré,
and Shahid Abbas Abbasi
Abstract: Termites are undoubtedly key soil organisms in tropical and
subtropical soils. They aresoil engineers in influencing the physical, chem-
ical, and biological properties of soils and, consequently, water dynamics
in tropicaland subtropical ecosystems. To appreciate the effect of termites
on soil, there is a need for a thorough understanding of the ecological needs
and building strategies of termites and the mechanisms regulating termite
diversity at local and regional scales. Termite impacts on soil properties
and water dynamics can be differentiated at four different scales: (i) at the
landscape scale, where termites act as heterogeneity drivers; (ii) at the soil
profile scale, where termites act as soil bioturbators; (iii) at the aggregate
scale, where they act as aggregate reorganizers; (iv) and last, at the clay
mineral scale, where they can act as weathering agents. Last, we discuss
recent literature on termite engineering published in the last 10 years in
the major journals of soil science and suggest new research topics that
could contribute to improved knowledge of the impact of termites on soil
properties and water dynamics.
Key Words: Termites, soil engineers, spatial and temporal scales,
water dynamics
(Soil Sci 2016;181: 157165)
In the tropics, arthropods, particularly insects, make up the ma-
jority of known biodiversity. In these environments, termites
(Isoptera) are arguably among the most dominant and important
soil organisms (Black and Okwakol, 1997). Subjective assess-
ments of the importance of termites, based on observations of
their very high population densities, are now supported by a num-
ber of thorough studies that suggest that they may represent 40%
to 65% of the overall soil macrofaunal biomass in some biotopes,
with values comparable to the biomass of ungulate and megaher-
bivores (Loveridge and Moe, 2004). Studies in Africa, and to a
lesser extent in Australia, Southeast Asia, and South America,
focusing on savannah, bushlands, and rain forests suggest that
termites are involved in many essential ecological processes. They
play an important role in the decomposition of litter on the ground,
the regulation of soil structure, soil organic matter (SOM) and
nutrient cycling, water dynamics, soil erosion, plant growth, and
overall biodiversity (see Holt and Lepage, 2000; Jouquet et al.,
2011; Bottinelli et al., 2015, for reviews). Thus, because of their
abundance and impact on a large number of ecosystem functions,
the role of termites in most tropical and subtropical ecosystems
is considered to be similar or even more important than that of
earthworms. For the same reason, they are called keystone spe-
ciesor soil engineers(Black and Okwakol, 1997; Jouquet
et al., 2006). However, in contrast to the large body of knowledge
that has been acquired on the impact of earthworms on soil porosity
and water dynamics in temperate ecosystems (i.e., Bottinelli et al.,
2015; Capowiez et al., 2014; Lévêque et al., 2015; Pagenkemper
et al., 2015), there is a paucity of information on the influence of
termites in most tropical ecosystems and, in most cases, any com-
parison between earthworms and termites remains speculative.
The aims of this review are to (i) discuss the major impacts
of termites on soil structure and water dynamics in tropical soils
and (ii) suggest new research topics that could help reduce the
gap between our knowledge on earthworm bioturbation and that
of termites.
Termite ecology and soil functioning are two closely related
concepts. Termites use soil from various soil depths or specifically
select soil particles of small sizes for the construction of their
aboveground and belowground nests (Jouquet et al., 2011). They
also build galleries for foragingbelowground and translocate large
quantities of soil on the ground for harvesting litter (leaves, wood,
and herbivore dung), so-called termite sheetings. In doing so, they
substantially modify the physical, chemical, and biological prop-
erties of the soils (Holt and Lepage, 2000; Jouquet et al., 2011,
2015; Bottinelli et al., 2015). Although understanding how ter-
mites act as soil bioturbators seems to be a simple question, it is
far from being trivial. Earthworms modify soil properties because
they partially or exclusively feed on soil. This feeding strategy
might in itself justify the fact that they live in soil and conse-
quently have a significant impact onits propertieswhen ingesting
and egesting it (the formation of casts) and moving in it (the for-
mation of galleries). This, however, is not the case for termites
that feed on aboveground litter, with the exception of soil feeding
termite species. From an ecological point of view, the transloca-
tion of soil and the formation of galleries by termites can be seen
as a huge investment in terms of energy. In this context, why
should termites spend so much energy living belowground and
modifying the physical and chemical properties of soils? It seems
that termites are weak and relatively fragile invertebrates and use
soil bioturbation as a strategy for protecting themselves against
vertebrate and invertebrate predators and sunlight as well as to
control their environment (Korb and Linsenmair, 1998, 2000).
This close dependence between termite fitness and soil properties
is stressed by the extended phenotype engineeringconcept
(Jones et al., 1994) that states that termites are intended engi-
neers(in contrast to accidental engineers) that modify the soil
properties with purposes according to their ecological needs
(Turner, 2004; Jouquet et al., 2006). For example, several studies
showed that termites modify their long-lasting and robust de-
signed structures more than short-lived and less important ones
(Jouquet et al., 2005a; Abe and Wakatsuki, 2010). This has direct
Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (UMR 242 iEES Paris), Insti-
tute of Research forDevelopment, Bondy, France.E-mail:
Indo-French Cell for Water Science, Civil Engineering Department, Indian In-
stitute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
School of Biological Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia.
UFR/ST, Université Polytechnique de Bobo, Burkina Faso.
Centre for Pollution Control and Environmental Engineering, Pondicherry
University, Puducherry, India.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Pascal Jouquet, Institute of Ecology and Envi-
ronmental Sciences (UMR 242 iEES Paris), Institute of Research for Develop-
ment, 32 av. H. Varagnat, 93143 Bondy, France.
Financial Disclosures/Conflicts of Interest: This project was supported by the
French National Program EC2CO-Biohefect MACROFLUX.T. Bourguignon
was supported by a Sydney Postdoctoral fellowship.
Received May 9, 2015.
Accepted for publication July 21, 2015.
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0038-075X
DOI: 10.1097/SS.0000000000000119
Soil Science Volume 181, Number 3/4, March/April 2016 157
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
positive impacts in terms of resistance and maintenance of humid-
ity and temperature and indirect positive impact by increasing the
amount of food available on some occasions (Jouquet et al., 2006).
Furthermore, the impact of termites on soil functioning is also
dependant on their construction strategies. Termites are highly euso-
cial with a clear hierarchy and sharp division of labor across the
hierarchy. They live in colonies with either single nests or several
interconnected nests. The concentration of termite activity into
one single location increases heterogeneity in the landscape, with
termite nests acting as resource or activity hotspots. They become
patches or islandsin the landscapes where different rates and/or
nature of ecological processes occur than in the bulk soil (Jouquet
et al., 2005b; Bonachela et al., 2015). Once the colony at the ori-
gin of the patch dies, other termite colonies and inquilines species,
soil invertebrates, and specific plant species colonize the nest
structure and continue to maintain it, increasing spatial heteroge-
neity of that specific biotope for a long period, from years to cen-
turies (e.g., Traoré et al., 2008, 2015; Rückamp et al., 2012; de
Oliveira et al., 2014; Erens et al., 2015). This is, for example,
the case for Macrotermes subhyalinus or Trinervitermes species
members that are observed in mounds built and abandoned by
Macrotermes bellicosus in West Africa (Traoré, personal obser-
vation). This is also the case of heuweltjies mounds in South Africa
that are thought to be built by the harvester termite Microhodotermes
viator and that have been present in the landscape for at least
the last 36,000 years (Potts et al., 2009 from Francis et al.,
2013). On the other hand, the division of termite colonies into
small, and sometimes short-lived, structures tends to increase
heterogeneity at a small (i.e., from micrometers to centimeters)
and sometimes short scale (i.e., several months) and with a low
intensity but leads to the homogenization of the soil physical
and chemical properties in the whole ecosystem during a long
period (Jouquet et al., 2006). Consequently, it seems that termites
are not passive bioturbators and that understanding their influence
on soil functioning requires knowledge of their ecological needs
and nest-building strategies.
Three functional groups are usually recognized to differenti-
ate the impact of termites on nutrient cycling and soil functioning:
the soil feeders, the grass/litter feeders (except fungus-growing
termites), and the fungus-growing termites (Termitidae, subfamily
Macrotermitinae). The first two groups consume organic matter
(e.g., humus, ingested with variable amounts of mineral material,
standing, or lying dead wood, grassy litter, herbivore dung) and
build their nests and line their galleries with soil particles glued
together with fecal matter. In contrast, fungus-growing termites
do not incorporate feces into their constructions, or do so only
rarely, and use saliva as a binding agent(Garnier-Sillam and
Harry, 1995). Consequently, the soil worked by soil and litter feeders
contains more SOM than the surrounding soil environment,
whereas the soil worked by fungus-growing termites usually con-
tains less SOM (Jouquet et al., 2011). Obviously, this difference in
SOM content influences a large number of soil properties such
as the stability of soil aggregates, their water-holding and cation
exchange capacities, sorption and availability of nutrients, soil
microbial communities, and so on (e.g., Duponnois et al., 2005;
Jouquet et al., 2005c; Lopez-Hernandez et al., 2006; Rückamp
et al., 2010).
Termites are classically separated into the paraphyletic
lowertermites and the monophyletic highertermites. Lower
termites include Mastotermitidae, Kalotermitidae, Hodotermitidae,
Archotermopsidae, Termopsidae, Stylotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae,
and Serritermitidae. Higher termites are gathered into a single
family, the Termitidae, which comprises approximately 75% of
all modern termite species (Krishna et al., 2013). All lower ter-
mites feed on wood, whereas the diet of higher termites is highly
diversified, with species feeding on a gradient of organic matter
ranging from wood to soil (Donovan et al., 2001; Bourguignon
et al., 2011). There seems to be imbalances in taxonomic studies
on termite diversity around the world because the termite fauna
of America, Asia, and Australia have been little documented com-
pared with that of Africa. In addition, termites are unequally distrib-
uted between continents, and their abundance follows the sequence
Africa > South America > Southeast Asia > Australia (Davies et al.,
2003). The primary cause of this pattern is historical, and the higher
termites likely originated 50 million years ago in Africa and dis-
persed worldwide after the Gondwana broke up (Eggleton, 2000;
Bourguignon et al., 2015). As a consequence, wood feeders are
present worldwide, soil feeders are absent in Australia and are most
abundant in Africa followed by South America and Southeast Asia,
and the fungus-growing termites are present in Africa and South-
east Asia only. At a local scale, any change in land use or modifica-
tion of natural habitats as a consequence of global change (e.g.,
forest logging and global warming) also affects termite diversity.
Evidence of reduced termite diversity or modification after ecosys-
tem perturbation has been reported on several occasions. For in-
stance, wood-feeding termites are considered to be more resilient
to perturbation than soil-feeding termites, which are particularly
vulnerable to disturbances (Jones et al., 2003). In specific conditions,
wood- and litter-feeding termites, especially the fungus growers
Macrotermitiane, may even show positive responses and increase
in abundance because of the accumulation of litter, dead wood
biomass, or crop residues (Attignon et al., 2005). These global
patterns of termite distribution at local or regional scales undoubt-
edly create differences in bioturbation rates and processes.
The influence of termites on soil structure is dynamic and, in
a recent review, Bottinelli et al. (2015) differentiated three scales
at which termites can have an impact on soil structure. First, at
the scale of clay mineral particles, some specific termite species,
mainly fungus-growing termite species from the Macrotermitinae
subfamily, act as mineral-weathering agentsby hastening the
weathering of clay minerals (Jouquet et al., 2002, 2007b; Mujinya
et al., 2011) or altering iron sesquioxides (Abe and Wakatsuki,
2010). However, as highlighted by Bottinelli et al. (2015), very little
information is available on this topic, and further studies are
required to determine if these examples can be generalized. Ter-
mites can also be considered as soil aggregate reorganizersat
the scale of soil aggregates, modifying their internal organization
and chemical properties for the production of their nest structures
(Jungerius et al., 1999). For example, termites play an important
role in the dynamics of soil aggregation in Brazilian Ferralsols. In
this soil, termite bioturbation is responsible for the specific granular
properties of soil microaggregates (50250 μm in diameter),
whereas macroaggregate (5001,000 μm in diameter) formation
is attributed to earthworm activity (Balbino et al., 2001, 2002;
Schaefer, 2001; Reatto et al., 2009). Last, termites can also play
the role of bioturbatorsat the profile scale with the translocation
of soil particles (mainly clay), soil aggregates (e.g., for the produc-
tion of termite sheetings covering the litter they consume), the pro-
duction of galleries, and the construction of epigeous mounds and
subterranean nests with specific chemical and physical properties
(Jouquet et al., 2011). Although the properties of these above-
ground nests are variable and depend on the termite feeding
group, they generally contain increased amounts of clay and cat-
ion contents. More SOM is also usually measured in termite nests,
Jouquet et al. Soil Science Volume 181, Number 3/4, March/April 2016
158 © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
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except in the case of the fungus-growing termite nests that display
variable, but generally lower, SOM content compared with the
surrounding soil environment (Contour-Ansel et al., 2000; Fall
et al., 2001; Jouquet et al., 2004).
In addition to the classification of Bottinelli et al. (2015),
several studies suggested that termites can also act as ecosystem
heterogeneity driversthrough the creation of patchesor high-
landsof fertility that impact the functioning of the entire landscape
for a long period in some situations (Fig. 1) (Jouquet et al., 2007).
This effect of termites has mainly been highlighted in Africa
where termites produce epigeous mounds or termitaria with spe-
cific chemical properties (e.g., Muvengwi et al., 2013; Seymour
et al., 2014) and in Asia where they are conspicuous features in
paddy fields (Choosai et al., 2009). Although large mounds only
represent a minor proportion of landscapes (210/ha on average),
these patches of high-quality resources can be particularly im-
portant in nutrient-poor ecosystems, influencing mineral composi-
tion, nutrient cycling, topography, and fluxes in landscapes (Konaté
et al., 1999; Mills et al., 2009; Sileshi et al., 2010, from Seymour
et al., 2014). The concentration of clay, SOM, macronutrients, and
micronutrients in termite nest structures are also fertile islands
or nutrient hotspotsfor plants, other soil invertebrates, and large
herbivores (Mwabvu, 2005; Traoré et al., 2008, 2015; Choosai
et al., 2009; Erpenbach et al., 2013; Muvengwi et al., 2013,
2014; Van der Plas et al., 2013; Seymour et al., 2014). Termite
mounds have also been considered as focal points for tree regen-
eration within savannahs (Moe et al., 2009; Traoré et al., 2008,
2015) and can influence the productivity of the entire biome in
some circumstances (Pringle et al., 2010; Erpenbach et al.,
2013; Seymour et al., 2014; Muvengwi et al., 2014). They also
provide a hedge against drought, thereby increasing the level of
landscape resistance (Bonachela et al., 2015).
Termite bioturbation can influence water dynamics at the
same four scales of observation as above (Fig. 1).
At a small scale, any changes in clay and SOM contents and
quality, as well as in soil porosity, are likely to influence the soil
water-holding capacity and resistance to degradation by water.
The positive influence of termites on soil water-holding capacity
is widely recognized and has been highlighted on several occasions
for several trophic groups (Wood and Sand, 1978; Dangerfield
et al., 1998; Konaté et al., 1999; Jouquet et al., 2004; Dawes,
2010). Quantitative information on the effects of termites on soil
aggregate dynamics remains sparse at this scale of observation
and is mainly limited to comparisons between the soil aggregate sta-
bility of termite-worked soils (usually termite mounds) and that of
the surrounding soil environment. The influence of termites on soil
aggregate stability is directly linked to the specific dietary habits of
termites, the soil material used for nest making, and the ecological
importance of the termite structures (Jouquet et al., 2006, 2011).
FIG. 1. How termites influence soil structure and water dynamics depends on their capacity to produce galleries and modify soil
aggregates and mineral properties. Four groups can be differentiated: (i) the ecosystem heterogeneity drivers impacting heterogeneity and
hydrology at the landscape scal e; (ii) the sensu stricto bioturbators influencing soil dynamics at the profile scale, leading to modification inwater
infiltration; and (iii) the soil aggregate reorganizers and (iv) mineral-weathering agents influencing clay properties and water-holding
capacity at the soil aggregate and clay scales. Figure modified from Bottinelli et al. (2015).
Soil Science Volume 181, Number 3/4, March/April 2016 Termites as Neglected Soil Engineers
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TABLE 1. Articles Referenced in the Web of Science Database From 2005 to 2015 in Selected Journals in Soil Science and Biology With High-Impact Factorsand Reporting Direct
Evidence of the Impact of Termites on Soil Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties and Water Dynamics
Journals and Articles Clay Aggregate Profile Landscape Country
Applied Soil Ecology
Moura et al. 2015 Water infiltration Brazil
Jouquet et al. 2012 Dynamics of aggregates Soil erosion Vietnam
Rückamp et al. 2009 Chemical properties Brazil
Ayuke et al. 2011 Dynamics of aggregates Kenya
Bezerra-Gusmao et al. 2011 C cycling Brazil
Rückamp et al. 2009 Nitrate and DOC leaching Brazil
Jimenez et al. 2008 Chemical properties Colombia
Ackerman et al. 2007 Chemical, physical, and
hydraulic properties Brazil
Biology and Fertility of Soils
Costa et al. 2013 Microbial properties Brazil
Brossard et al. 2007 Chemical properties Stocks of nutrients Burkina Faso
Lopez-Hernandez et al. 2006 Chemical properties Venezuela, Côte d'Ivoire
Jouquet et al. 2005a Clay mineralogy Chemical and physical
properties Côte d'Ivoire
Mujinya et al. 2014 Physical properties Chemical and physical
properties Spatial distribution Congo
Francis et al. 2013 Clay mineralogy Soil properties Water infiltration in mound South Africa
Sarcinelli et al. 2009 Physical, chemical, and
Termite mound distribution
along a toposequence Brazil
Reatto et al. 2009 Microaggregate properties Chemical and physical
properties Brazil
European Journal of Soil Biology
Diouf et al. 2006 Microbial properties Senegal
Jimenez and Decaens. 2006 Chemical properties Spatial variability Colombia
Mora et al. 2006 Spatial and temporal
variability Senegal
Jouquet et al. Soil Science Volume 181, Number 3/4, March/April 2016
160 © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
European Journal of Soil Science
De Oliveira et al. 2014 Clay mineralogy Microstructural
transformation Chemical and physical
properties Brazil
Mujinya et al. 2013 Clay and oxides properties Clays and oxides properties Congo
Rückamp et al. 2012 Chemical properties Soil genesis Brazil
Mujinya et al. 2011 Origin of carbonate Chemical and physical
properties Congo
Mujinya et al. 2010 Soil properties Congo
Rückamp et al. 2010 Chemical properties Brazil
Sako et al. 2009 Clay mineralogy Chemical properties Namibia
Obi and Ogunkunle. 2009 Soil spatial variability Nigeria
Cosarinsky and Roces. 2007 Micromorphology Soil properties Argentina
Breuning-Madsen et al. 2007 Soil translocation Soil translocation Ghana
Jouquet et al. 2007a Clay mineralogy Côte d'Ivoire
Abe and Wakatsuki. 2010 Sesquioxide alteration Nigeria
Villenave et al. 2009 Biological properties Senegal
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Dahlsjo et al. 2014 Chemical properties Peru
Seymour et al. 2014 Spatial variability Zimbabwe
Renard et al. 2014 Dynamic of aggregates French Guiana
Griffiths et al. 2013 Chemical properties Kenya
Dawes. 2010 Soil porosity, penetration
resistance, and water storage Australia
Bandowe et al. 2009 Chemical properties Brazil
Jimenez et al. 2006 Chemical properties Spatial heterogeneity Colombia
Jouquet et al. 2005c Microbial properties Côte d'Ivoire
Roose-Amsaleg et al. 2005 Physical and biological
properties Gabon
Mora et al. 2005 Biological activity Colombia
Soil Science
Soil and Tillage Research
Articles are classified according to country study and scale of observation where main functions measured are listed. Review articles and articles focused on termite diversity were not considered.
In alphabetic order: Applied Soil Ecology,Biology and Fertility of Soils,Catena,European Journal of Soil Biology,European Journal of Soil Science,Geoderma,Pedobiologia,Soil Biology and Biochemistry,
Soil Science,Soil and Tillage Research.
Soil Science Volume 181, Number 3/4, March/April 2016 Termites as Neglected Soil Engineers
© 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 161
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For example, fungus-growing termites enrich their nests in clay
but tend to reduce their SOM content, whereas soil-feeding ter-
mites always increase the SOM content of their nest structures
(Jouquet et al., 2011).As a consequence, fungus-growing termites
usually have a negative impact on soil aggregate resistance to
water, whereas soil-feeding termites have a positive one (Contour-
Ansel et al., 2000; Jouquet et al., 2004).
At a medium (i.e., soil profile) scale, the production of a
dense network of foraging galleries connected to the soil surface
also usually improves water infiltration (Mando et al., 1996; Léonard
and Rajot,2001; Léonard et al., 2004). However, the translocation
of hundreds of kilograms to tons of soil per hectare on the ground
for harvesting leaves, wood, and herbivore dung (termite sheet-
ings) (Wood and Sand, 1978; Bagine, 1984) can rapidly generate
structural crusts that foster water runoff and soil detachment
(Jouquet et al., 2012; Bargués Tobella et al., 2014). The degrada-
tion of termite mound nests by rain or organisms (i.e., termitophilous
vertebrates and mammals feeding on termite-worked soils) can
also form seals that locally reduce water infiltration (Janeau and
Valentin, 1987). Therefore,the final impact of termites on soil hy-
drological properties results from the balance between processes
favoring soil infiltrability (i.e., the formation of open galleries
on the soil surface) and those fostering the formationof imperme-
able erosion crusts and the detachment of soil aggregates (i.e.,the
degradation of soil sheetings).
Last, at a larger scale, the concentration of nutrients and the
presence of specific vegetation on termite mounds can also have
an impact on the hydrological characteristics of watersheds in cer-
tain situations. Using rainfall simulations, Bargués Tobella et al.
(2014) measured the highest preferential flow under trees asso-
ciated with termite mounds in agroforestry systems in Burkina
Faso. Intermediate results were obtained under single trees, and
the lowest values were obtained in the open areas. Thus, the increas-
ing organic matter and better microclimate beneath trees enhance
termite activity, which in turn contributes to better preferential
flow (but not infiltrability) and groundwater recharge (Bargués
Tobella et al., 2014). Similar results were observed in the Amazon
where the water-holding capacity was reduced but water infiltra-
tion increased in termite mound soil (Ackerman et al., 2007). A re-
cent study (Bonachela et al., 2015) even suggested that termite
mound nests may increase the robustness or resilience of African
dryland ecosystems against water shortage and desertification.
Compared with earthworms, little is known about the influ-
ence of termites on soil functioning. For example, approximately
10 times more articles on earthworms than on termites are refer-
enced in the Web of Science database (7,464 and 767 articles,
respectively, using the key words soiland either earthworms
or termitesfrom 2005 to 2015). Furthermore, whereas the en-
gineering effects of earthworms were studied across several coun-
tries from five continents (Blouin et al., 2013), studies on termites
as soil engineers have been mainly confined to sites in Africa and
South America. Only 44 recent research articles (reviews were not
included)in the top 10 soil science journals (Table 1) investigated
the direct influence of termites on these four scale processes (key
word search soiland termites) in the last 10 years (20052015).
From this list, 21 studies were carried out in Africa (mainly in West
Africa and in particular in the Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Senegal,
and Nigeria) and 20 in South America (mainly in Brazil), with only
one study each in Asia (Vietnam) and Oceania (Australia). Thus,
it seems that more research is needed in the Asia-Pacific region,
which has been neglected so far. Table 1 also shows that most
(n= 28) of the referenced articles focused on the influence of
termites on soil properties at the soil aggregate scale, often by
comparing soil properties (collected from the aboveground mounds
or soil sheetings) with the surrounding soil environment. In con-
trast, less has been done at the smallest (eight articles) and largest
scales (11 articles), highlighting the need for studies at additional
levels of complexity and scales of time and space.Information about
the properties of subterranean termite nests is also scarce, although
the density and abundance of these belowground soil structures often
exceed that of those observed aboveground (Jouquet et al., 2004).
From this list of articles, it also seems that more research is needed
on the impact of termite bioturbation activity on water dynamics.
This question has mainly been developed in studies of soil aggregate
stability of termite mound soils and water infiltration on these struc-
tures. In contrast, very little information is available on the influence
of termite foraging activity on soil porosity and water dynamics.
Last, another knowledge gap is the predominance of research
on natural or seminatural habitats, with much less focus on culti-
vated landseither agricultural or agroforestry systems. This is
perhaps caused by the fact that researchers have focused on ter-
mites as pests in agroecosystemsand that tillage or land clearance
usually has a negative impact on termite abundance and diversity
(Black and Okwakol, 1997). Hence, a key challenge is to consi-
der the crucial roles played by termites in natural systems and
to promote their activities to improve agroecosystem function-
ing. Unfortunately, very little is known about the potential of
using termite activity to restore or improve ecosystem functioning
(20 articles for termites compared with 85 and 6,358 articles, for
earthworms and plants, respectively, as referenced by Jouquet
et al., 2014). Most of these articles were limited to demonstrating
that the application of mulch stimulates termite activity in semi-
arid environments (e.g., Mando et al., 1996; Dawes, 2010), then
highlighting the fact that termites improve soil porosity, water in-
filtration, and sometimes plant diversity and productivity. The
usefulness and efficiency of this approach in other environments
and climates, however, remain unknown. For example, the stimu-
lation of termite activity by mulch application has been proposed
for improving soil fertility in the subarid environments of India,
which are similar to those observed in West African sub-Sahelian
and Australian environments, but this approach has not been
tested so far (Pardeshi and Prusty, 2010).
Our knowledge of the impact of termites on soil properties
remains mainly limited to studies carried out in West Africa and
Brazil with a few species and generally under natural conditions.
Studies have mainly focused on the soil aggregate scale, over-
shadowing the impact of termites on soil functioning at larger
and smaller scales. As a consequence, many questions that have
been addressed for earthworms remain unstudied with termites,
and we are still far from developing approaches to use termites
as naturalresources to improve ecosystem functioning. For exam-
ple, whereas increased earthworm production and diversity are
now perceived as indicators and targets of sustainable agricultural
practicesin temperate regions, termite eradication is still the main
goal in tropical agroecosystems. Only increased knowledge of the
influence of termites on soil structure and water dynamics can
change this trend and explore the potential use of termites for ef-
ficient management of natural resources in tropical ecosystems.
As in any review, the concepts and ideas formulated in this
article result from dialogs with many colleagues and peers,
who are all acknowledged. We are grateful to Zhang Dexin for
her illustrations.
Jouquet et al. Soil Science Volume 181, Number 3/4, March/April 2016
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... Soil macrofauna, accounting for a significant proportion of soil faunal biomass (Gongalsky, 2021), comprise diverse taxa with a variety of diets and habitats. Certain members of this group are recognized as ecosystem engineers (Jones et al., 1997;Jouquet et al., 2016) due to their ability to modify the soil habitat in a way that will benefit other organisms through soil translocation and modification of its organization (Bottinelli et al., 2015). This phenomenon, known as bioturbation, has been extensively studied with earthworms, ants, and termites, although some species of millipedes, beetles, bees, fly larvae are also capable of bioturbation (Lavelle et al., 2006;Tschanz et al., 2023). ...
It is well known that biopores are crucial for soil functioning. However, their dynamics is rarely studied and their origin with regards to the soil organisms involved is still hard to determine. In this study we investigated the diversity of biopores and their regeneration rates in situ in various pedoclimatic conditions. Our approach involved field incubation of repacked soil cores with lateral openings across nine study sites in five countries (France, Vietnam, India, Laos and Thailand). After 12 months, biopores were characterized by X-ray computed tomography and grouped according to their diameter, length and sphericity index using principal component analysis followed by K-means clustering. The regeneration dynamics of biopores was assessed by comparing those created after one year of incubation to the biopores determined in soil cores taken from the surrounding soils (assuming the latter are in a steady-state). Additionally, we examined the relationships between newly formed biopores and soil macrofauna taxa. Our results evidenced significant variability in biopore diameter (0.90 to 15.84 mm), length (1 to 1600 mm) and sphericity index (0.03 to 0.93). We propose 10 biopore groups allowing to distinguish most of the study sites. Complete regeneration of biopores after 12 months was achieved in seven out of nine sites. Three groups of biopores showed a positive relation with earthworm abundance (r values ranged from 0.69 to 0.90), whereas the other groups of biopores showed no association with any macrofauna taxa. We conclude that biopore formation can be assessed under field conditions with repacked soil cores, regardless the pedoclimatic conditions. However, the involvement of macrofauna other than earthworms in biopore formation still remains to be unraveled. To capture their contribution to biopore formation, improvements of the repacked soil core approach and complementary laboratory experiments were suggested.
... Termites play major ecological roles in soil-formation (Holt and Lepage 2000, Bottinelli et al. 2015, Jouquet et al. 2016. Studies on Heterotermes (Rhinotermitidae) (Carrijo et al. 2020), Embiratermes (Gergonne et al. 2022), and Nasutitermes (de Faria Santos et al. 2017, 2022, Kohari et al. 2022) (Termitidae) have shown a rich and complex phylogeographic history in South America, with events of population isolation and diversification. ...
The Neotropics harbor a diverse array of flora and fauna shaped by a complex geological and climatic history. It includes marine invasions, pulses of Andean uplift, glaciations, and the uplift of the Panama Isthmus. These events have shaped organism distribution, which can be described by methods of historical phylogeography. However, the evolutionary history of nonvertebrate organisms in the Neotropics is still largely unknown. This applies to termites, which are particularly diverse and ecologically important. The phylogeography of the soil-feeding termites Embiratermes neotenicus and Embiratermes chagresi (Termitidae: Syntermitinae) was studied across their whole distribution range, using samples of 243 colonies from eight countries. Analyses based on mitochondrial DNA fragments, microsatellite loci, and complete mitochondrial genomes revealed 4 major mitochondrial haplogroups (H1–H4). The H4 haplogroup occurs in northeastern Brazil and diverged first. The other groups appear to be associated with the Pebas System and marine invasions during the Miocene, which may have contributed to the separation of the ancestral population along a north–south axis. The H1 haplogroup was affiliated with E. chagresi. The phylogenomic analysis estimated the divergence of E. chagresi from the other groups to 5 million years ago, aligning with the northern cordillera uplift during the Miocene. Microsatellite data highlighted the isolation of E. neotenicus populations in Suriname and French Guiana, possibly linked to Pleistocene climatic fluctuations. Our study provides insights into the evolutionary history of these species, contributing to a better understanding of how geological and climatic events have influenced species evolution in the Neotropics.
... They reported that this agent regulates their hyperglycemia in some circumstances without any other supportive medications. Termites are a dominant group of decomposers in tropical forests [9,10]. Termites are also versatile and capable of altering the conditions that support them. ...
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Otoliths are very solid stone-like formations that are found within the appropriate fossa in the cranial cavity, right below the brain of some fishes including Pomadasys maculatus. The termite mound soil is reported to have varied physicochemical properties with richer nutritional components than the surrounding soil. So, the present study has been planned to synthesize nanopowder from the Pomadasys maculatus otolith stone doped with termite mound soil (PMOS:TMS NPs). The characteristics of the termite mound soil-mediated nanopowder are analyzed, and they are subjected to several characterization methods, including powder XRD, EDAX, SEM, FTIR, and FT-Raman spectroscopy. The different functional groups present in the PMOS:TMS NPS were examined using the FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra and different constituents found in PMOS:TMS NPs are shown in the EDAX study. The PMOS:TMS NPs showed notable antioxidant activity in the DPPH (IC50 of 148.32 ± 0.46 µg/mL) and superoxide (IC50 of 151.55 ± 0.75 µg/mL) free radical scavenging assays. In the bovine serum albumin assay, the PMOS:TMS NPs showed significant anti-inflammatory activity with an IC50 of 132.6 ± 0.4 µg/mL. Likewise, the synthesized nanopowder exhibited good antidiabetic activity against the α-amylase enzyme inhibition assay with an IC50 of 140.83 ± 1.35 µg/mL. The otolith stone’s ability to heal wounds was confirmed by the wound scratch test. The obtained results of the research suggest that the nanopowder synthesized using the Pomadasys maculatus otolith stone doped with termite mound soil may be a useful therapeutic agent. Graphical Abstract
... Termites are among the most successful invertebrates on the planet with an astounding 50 Mt of global carbon captured in termite biomass, surpassing even that of birds ( Bar-On et al., 2018). Termites often dominate insect communities in terrestrial ecosystems, where they act as important ecosystem engineers, changing physical soil structures (Jouquet et al., 2007;Jouquet et al., 2016), modulating abiotic conditions (Sanderson, 1996), and affecting water and nutrient availabilities for other organisms (Dangerfield et al., 1998;Jouquet et al., 2011). Environmental modulations from termite activities extend beyond changes to the physicochemical properties of soils and include shifting microbial community compositions (Jouquet et al., 2005;Li and Greening, 2022). ...
... Actually, local people of Asia and Africa now practice the application of termitarium soils for enhancing agricultural topsoil (Chisanga et al. 2020a, b;Enagbonma and Babalola 2020;Adebajo et al. 2021). Termites affect ecological functions by constructing subterranean galleries and mounds to defend themselves from biotic and abiotic stressors while they search for food (Jouquet et al. 2016;Enagbonma and Babalola 2019). Due to the rich soil nutrients embedded in termitarium (Schaefer et al. 2016), their soils have been reviewed by several researchers to be a "gold mine" for bacterial diversity (Enagbonma et al. 2020a), archaeal diversity (Wakung'oli et al. 2020 and soil invertebrates (Enagbonma and Babalola 2022). ...
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Background Termitarium is an intricate biological home with exceptional physicochemical soil properties and numerous beneficial microbiomes. The termitarium microbiome plays a role in several bionetwork processes. It contributes significantly to sustainable agriculture, forestry, and horticulture. In contrast to the immense number of research works focusing on termitarium bacteria and archaea, the amount of study about termitarium fungal communities is limited. This is despite the fact that fungi significantly contribute to the cycling of energy and matter on Earth. Thus, this study investigates the metagenomic datasets from termitarium soil collected from agricultural soils, to obtain a depiction of their mycobiome of ecological importance. Results Our dataset showed that Ascomycota was the most rank phylum, while Basidiomycota was the next in rank. Specifically, we identified numerous fungi of commercially importance, for example, producers of cellulases and cellulosomes. This was strengthened with the presence of functional genes/enzymes capable of promoting plant growth traits and defence system. Analysis further shown that soil properties influenced the distribution of fungal communities. Magnesium, nitrogen, and potassium, for example, were observed to be among the best predictor of fungal distribution and explained 87.40% of the total variation. Conclusion This study epitomize further insights into the mycobiome of termitarium soils that are of ecological interest. Again, with some of our sequences assembled as uncategorized fungi, further studies are recommended for the evaluation of the metabolic potentials of these fungi as there is a possibility of the discovery of new fungi or genes of industrial or environmental applications.
... While environmental filtering is often observed to structure ecological communities of various taxa in fragmented landscapes (e.g., islands) including plants (Carvajal-Endara et al. 2017), birds (Si et al. 2017), and ants (Zhao et al. 2020), the significance of competitive exclusion is less recognized (Zhang et al. 2023). Herein, we investigated the dominant assembly process in shaping species assemblages within land-bridge island systems for termites, an ecologically dominant arthropod taxon (Rosenberg et al. 2023) known as ecosystem engineers across tropics and temperate regions (Maynard et al. 2015;Jouquet et al. 2016). We anticipated that competitive exclusion would be the the primary process considering termites' highly territorial nature (Tarnita 2018;Wildermuth et al. 2022), with a strict dominance hierarchy among co-occurring species (Evans and Kasseney 2019). ...
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Context Abiotic filtering, including environmental and dispersal filtering, is frequently observed resulting in reduced diversity and more similar species assemblages following habitat fragmentation. Nonetheless, the significance of competitive exclusion is often underestimated. Objectives We investigated the dominant assembly process among termite communities on land-bridge islands, focusing on species known for their high territoriality. We hypothesized that competitively superior species tend to dominate more favorable habitats, such as larger and less isolated islands. Consequently, we anticipated lower diversity and greater similarity in species assemblages than would be expected. Methods Termite communities were surveyed using standardized transects on 24 islands. We quantified the standardized effects of island area and isolation on taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity by comparing observed patterns with randomly generated communities (i.e., stochastic process). A phylogenetic generalized linear mixed model (PGLMM) was conducted to examine species-specific responses to environmental factors and competition intensity (i.e., heterospecific abundance). Results We found that taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity were lower than expected on larger and less isolated islands, suggesting that competitive exclusion was the dominant mechanism shaping termite communities in TIL. PGLMM showed that two fungus-growing species with larger body sizes increased with competition intensity, while other species exhibited negative responses. Notably, the abundance of fungus-growing species showed sharper increase with island area and decrease with isolation compared to other feeding groups. These findings demonstrate that competitively superior species prefer high-quality habitats and are more sensitive to habitat fragmentation. Conclusions Our study highlights the significance of competitive exclusion in shaping termite communities and emphasizes the need to consider both competitive and niche difference among species or functional groups when predict changes in community structure and biodiversity loss resulting from habitat fragmentation.
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Aboveground ecosystem structure moderates and even confers essential ecosystem functions. This includes an ecosystem’s carbon dynamics, which are strongly influenced by its structure: for example, tropical savannas like those in central Kenya store substantial amounts of carbon in soil. Savannas’ belowground allocation of carbon makes them important for global carbon sequestration, but difficult to monitor. However, the labile soil carbon pool is responsive to changes in ecosystem structure and is thus a good indicator of overall soil organic carbon dynamics. Kenya’s savanna structure is controlled by belowground ecosystem engineers (termites), ambient weather conditions, and the aboveground engineering influences of large-bodied, mammalian consumers. As a result, climate change and biodiversity loss are likely to change savannas’ aboveground structure. To predict likely outcomes of these threats on savanna soil carbon, it is critical to explore the relationships between labile soil carbon and ecosystem structure, local climate, and mammalian consumer community composition. In a large-scale, long-term herbivore exclosure experiment in central Kenya, we sampled labile carbon from surface soils at three distinct savanna structural elements: termite mounds, beneath tree canopies, and the grassland matrix. In one sampling year, we measured total extractable organic carbon (TEOC), total extractable nitrogen (TEN), and extractable microbial biomass for each sample. Across three sampling years with varying weather conditions, we measured rate of labile soil carbon mineralization. We quantified areal coverage of each structural element across herbivore community treatments to estimate pool sizes and mineralization dynamics at the plot scale. Concentrations and stocks of soil TEOC, TEN, and microbial biomass were driven by the structural element from which they were sampled (soils collected under tree canopies generally had the highest of each). Large-bodied herbivore community composition interacted variably with concentrations, stocks, and carbon mineralization, resulting in apparently compensatory effects of herbivore treatment and structural element with no net effects of large herbivore community composition on plot-scale labile carbon dynamics. We confirmed engineering of structural heterogeneity by consumers and identified distinct labile carbon dynamics in each structural element. However, carbon and nitrogen were also influenced by consumer community composition, indicating potentially compensatory interacting effects of herbivore treatment and structural element. These results suggest that one pathway by which consumers influence savanna carbon is by altering its structural heterogeneity and thus the heterogeneity of its plot-scale labile carbon.
Predicting global change effects poses significant challenges due to the intricate interplay between climate change and anthropogenic stressors in shaping ecological communities and their function, such as pest outbreak risk. Termites are ecosystem engineers, yet some pest species are causing worldwide economic losses. While habitat fragmentation seems to drive pest-dominated termite communities, its interaction with climate change effect remains unknown. We test whether climate and habitat fragmentation interactively alter interspecific competition that may limit pest termite risk. Leveraging global termite co-occurrence including 280 pest species, we found that competitively superior termite species (e.g., large bodied) increased in large and continuous habitats solely at high precipitation. While competitive species suppressed pest species globally, habitat fragmentation drove pest termite risk only in humid biomes. Unfortunately, humid tropics have experienced vast forest fragmentation and rainfall reduction over the past decades. These stressors, if not stopped, may drive pest termite risk, potentially via competitive release.
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Ecosystem engineers function as regulators of ecosystem functions by influencing the fluxes of energy and materials across different spatial and temporal scales. Understanding how ecosystem engineers affect the dynamic of heterogeneity in ecosystems is becoming a fundamental component of both theoretical and applied Ecology. This manuscript offers a conceptual discussion for characterizing how and why soil engineers (earthworms, termites and ants) affect heterogeneity patterns. There are two types of ecosystem engineers in soils. Extended phenotype engineers concentrate their activities on the building of biogenic structures (earthworm casts, galleries and nest structures) in order to maintain optimal conditions for their growth. Conversely, accidental engineers expend energy in moving through the soil to find their optimal environment. Although both types of engineers create patches in an ecosystem, we argue that extended phenotype engineers have more effects on ecosystem heterogeneity since their activities are more concentrated in space, as compared to accidental engineers, which move and contribute to homogenisation of ecological processes throughout the whole ecosystem. Finally, we discuss how soil engineers affect ecosystem processes (e.g., carbon, water, and nutrient cycling) at higher scales than those of their own functional domains. While some biogenic structures can be looked on as patches or hot-spots without any interactions with their neighbourhoods at small space scales, others interact and constitute gradients and networks that significantly affect ecosystem processes, such as the population dynamic of trees or soil erosion at the landscape scale. We argue that it is necessary to have a quantitative knowledge on the size, boundaries and dynamics of patches created by soil engineers. Embracing the links between the ecology of engineers and the frontiers of their sphere of influence will enhance understanding how spatial heterogeneity regulated by ecosystem engineers affect pools and fluxes in ecosystems.
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Thirteen termite mounds and 13 similar-sized control plots were surveyed in central Zimbabwe in order to study large mammalian browsing and vegetation characteristics. The mounds supported almost twice as many tree species as the control plots and the woody vegetation was denser on mounds compared with the woodland plots. Species of woody plants were recorded along with the percentage of branches browsed (cumulative browsing score) by black rhino, Diceros bicornis, elephant, Loxodonta africana and other browsers combined. In addition we measured how the cumulative browsing score on three woody plant species, Acacia nilotica, Colophospermum mopane and Dichrostachys cinerea, which were common both on and off mounds, was related to the distance from mound centre. Both black rhino and elephant cumulative browsing scores were significantly higher on the mound plants compared with the woodland plots. Cumulative browsing score was negatively related to distance from the mound centre for Dichrostachys cinerea, Colophospermum mopane and Acacia nilotica. We propose that termite mound construction in miombo woodland contributes to sustaining populations of megaherbivores and perhaps some woody species in these areas.
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In a small watershed of NW Ivory Coast, the termite mounds of Trinervitermes develop mainly in the zones with scanty grass cover, sealed soil surface and numerous marks of runoff and erosion. As assessed by rainfall simulation tests, great differences in runoff and detachability occur among these laterally differentiated surfaces. The results suggest that Trinervitermes may foster land degradation. -from English summary
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Fungus-growing termites are involved in many ecological processes and play a central role in influencing soil dynamics in the tropics. The physical and chemical properties of their nest structures have been largely described; however less information is available concerning the relatively temporary structures made above-ground to access food items and protect the foraging space (the soil 'sheetings'). This study investigated whether the soil physical and chemical properties of these constructions are constant or if they vary depending on the type of food they cover. Soil samples and soil sheetings were collected in a forest in India, from leaves on the ground (LEAF), fallen branches (WOOD), and vertical soil sheetings covering the bark of trees (TREE). In this environment, termite diversity was dominated by Odontotermes species, and especially Odontotermes feae and Odontotermes obesus. However, there was no clear niche differentiation and, for example, O. feae termites were found on all the materials. Compared with the putative parent soil (control), TREE sheetings showed the greatest (and most significant) differences (higher clay content and smaller clay particle sizes, lower C and N content and smaller d 13 C and d 15 N), while LEAF sheetings were the least modified, though still significantly different than the control soil. We suggest that the termite diversity is a less important driver of potential soil modification than sheeting diversity. Further, there is evidence that construction properties are adapted to their prospective lifespan , with relatively long-lasting structures being most different from the parent soil.
Interactions between organisms are a major determinant of the distribution and abundance of species. Ecology textbooks (e.g., Ricklefs 1984, Krebs 1985, Begon et al. 1990) summarise these important interactions as intra- and interspecific competition for abiotic and biotic resources, predation, parasitism and mutualism. Conspicuously lacking from the list of key processes in most text books is the role that many organisms play in the creation, modification and maintenance of habitats. These activities do not involve direct trophic interactions between species, but they are nevertheless important and common. The ecological literature is rich in examples of habitat modification by organisms, some of which have been extensively studied (e.g. Thayer 1979, Naiman et al. 1988).
tTermites, herbivores and fire are recognized as major guilds that structure woody plant communities inAfrican savanna and woodland ecosystems. An understanding of their interaction is crucial to designappropriate management regimes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long–term impacts ofherbivore, fire and termite activities on regeneration of trees. Permanent experimental quadrats wereestablished in 1992 in the Sudanian woodland of Burkina Faso subjected to grazing by livestock andannual early fire and the control. Within the treatment quadrats, an inventory of the woody undergrowthcommunity was conducted on termitaria occupied by Macrotermes subhyalinus, extended termitosphere(within 5 m radius from the mound base) and adjacent area (beyond 5 m from the mound base). Hier-archical analysis was performed to determine significant differences in species richness, abundance anddiversity indices among vegetation patches within fire and herbivory treatments. Grazed quadrats hadsignificantly (P < 0.001) more species and stem density of woody undergrowth than non-grazed quadratsbut maintained similar level of species richness and stem density of woody undergrowth on termitaria.There were not significant differences (P > 0.05) in species richness and stem density between burnt andunburnt quadrats. Termitaria supported a highly diverse woody undergrowth with higher stem densitythan either the extended termitosphere or rest of quadrats. The density of woody undergrowth wassignificantly related with mature trees of selected species on termitaria (R2= 0.593; P < 0.001) than thaton the extended termitosphere (R2= 0.333; P < 0.001) and adjacent area (R2= 0.197; P < 0.001). It can beconcluded that termites facilitate the regeneration of woody species while grazing and annual early fireplay a minor role in the regeneration of woody species. The current policy that prohibits grazing shouldbe revised to accommodate the interests of livestock herders.