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Abstract and Figures

Objective: The aim of this study was to verify how a pair of monozygotic twins would respond to light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT) or placebo combined with a strength-training program during 12 weeks. Design: This case-control study enrolled a pair of male monozygotic twins, allocated randomly to LEDT or placebo therapies. Light-emitting diode therapy or placebo was applied from a flexible light-emitting diode array (λ = 850 nm, total energy = 75 J, t = 15 seconds) to both quadriceps femoris muscles of each twin immediately after each strength training session (3 times/wk for 12 weeks) consisting of leg press and leg extension exercises with load of 80% and 50% of the 1-repetition maximum test, respectively. Muscle biopsies, magnetic resonance imaging, maximal load, and fatigue resistance tests were conducted before and after the training program to assess gene expression, muscle hypertrophy and performance, respectively. Creatine kinase levels in blood and visual analog scale assessed muscle damage and delayed-onset muscle soreness, respectively, during the training program. Results: Compared with placebo, LEDT increased the maximal load in exercise and reduced fatigue, creatine kinase, and visual analog scale. Gene expression analyses showed decreases in markers of inflammation (interleukin 1β) and muscle atrophy (myostatin) with LEDT. Protein synthesis (mammalian target of rapamycin) and oxidative stress defense (SOD2 [mitochondrial superoxide dismutase]) were up-regulated with LEDT, together with increases in thigh muscle hypertrophy. Conclusions: Light-emitting diode therapy can be useful to reduce muscle damage, pain, and atrophy, as well as to increase muscle mass, recovery, and athletic performance in rehabilitation programs and sports medicine.
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Sports Medicine
Effects of Light-Emitting Diode
Therapy on Muscle Hypertrophy, Gene
Expression, Performance, Damage,
and Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness
Case-control Study with a Pair of Identical Twins
Ferraresi C,Bertucci D, Schiavinato J, Reiff R, Arau
´jo A, Panepucci R, Matheucci E,
Cunha AF, Arakelian VM, Hamblin MR, Parizotto N, Bagnato V: Effects of light-
emitting diode therapy on muscle hypertrophy, gene expression, performance,
damage, and delayed-onset muscle soreness: case-control study with a pair of
identical twins. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2016;00:00Y00.
Objective: The aim of this study was to verify how a pair of monozygotic twins
would respond to light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT) or placebo combined with a
strength-training program during 12 weeks.
Design: This case-control study enrolled a pair of male monozygotic twins, allo-
cated randomly to LEDT or placebo therapies. Light-emitting diode therapy or pla-
cebo was applied from a flexible light-emitting diode array (L=850nm,total
energy = 75 J, t= 15 seconds) to both quadriceps femoris muscles of each twin
immediately after each strength training session (3 times/wk for 12 weeks) consisting
of leg press and leg extension exercises with load of 80% and 50% of the 1-repetition
maximum test, respectively. Muscle biopsies, magnetic resonance imaging, maximal
load, and fatigue resistance tests were conducted before and after the training program
to assess gene expression, muscle hypertrophy and performance, respectively.
Creatine kinase levels in blood and visual analog scale assessed muscle damage and
delayed-onset muscle soreness, respectively, during the training program.
Results: Compared with placebo, LEDT increased the maximal load in exercise
and reduced fatigue, creatine kinase, and visual analog scale. Gene expression
analyses showed decreases in markers of inflammation (interleukin 1A)andmuscle
atrophy (myostatin) with LEDT. Protein synthesis (mammalian target of rapamycin)
and oxidative stress defense (SOD2 [mitochondrial superoxide dismutase]) were up-
regulated with LEDT, together with increases in thigh muscle hypertrophy.
Conclusions: Light-emitting diode therapy can be useful to reduce muscle
damage, pain, and atrophy, as well as to increase muscle mass, recovery, and
athletic performance in rehabilitation programs and sports medicine.
Key Words: Biopsy, Creatine Kinase, Low-Level Laser Therapy, Photobiomodulation,
Visual Analog Scale
Cleber Ferraresi, PhD, PT
Danilo Bertucci, MSc
Josiane Schiavinato, MSc
Rodrigo Reiff, PhD
Ame´ lia Arau´ jo, MSc
Rodrigo Panepucci, PhD
Euclides Matheucci, Jr, PhD
Anderson Ferreira Cunha, PhD
Vivian Maria Arakelian, PhD, PT
Michael R. Hamblin, PhD
Nivaldo Parizotto, PhD, PT
Vanderlei Bagnato, PhD
From the Laboratory of
Department of Physical Therapy (CF,
NP), and Post-Graduation Program in
Biotechnology (CF, EM, NP), Federal
University of Sa˜o Carlos; Optics Group,
Physics Institute of Sa˜o Carlos,
University of Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Carlos
(CF, VB), Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil; Wellman
Center for Photomedicine,
Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts (CF, MRH);
Department of Physiological Sciences,
Federal University of Sa˜o Carlos, Sa˜o
Carlos (DB); Faculty of Medicine,
University of Sa˜o Paulo, Ribeirao Preto
(JS, AA); Center for Cell Therapy and
Regional Blood Center of Ribeirao
Preto (JS, AA, RP); Departments of
Medicine (RR) and Genetic and
Evolution (AFC), Federal University of
Sa˜o Carlos, Sa˜o Carlos;
Post-Graduation Program in
Bioengineering, University of Sa˜o
Paulo, Sa˜o Carlos (VMA), Sa˜o Paulo,
Brazil; Department of Dermatology,
Harvard Medical School, Boston
(MRH); and Harvard-MIT Division of
Health Sciences and Technology,
Cambridge (MRH), Massachusetts.
American Journal of Physical
Medicine & Rehabilitation
Copyright *2016 Wolters Kluwer
Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000490 LEDT Improves Muscle Recovery and Performance 1
Phototherapy using lasers and other light
sources is commonly used in medicine for different
Since 1960s, low-level lasers (up to
500 mW)
have provided a successful and nonin-
vasive therapy to manage pain
and inflammatory
processes and accelerate tissue healing.
The mechanisms of action of phototherapy on
biological tissues are related to light absorption by
chromophores in the cells, with cytochrome c oxi-
dase (Cox) proposed as the main light-absorbing
The Cox enzyme, unit IV in the mitochon-
drial respiratory chain, triggers a variety of secondary
effects after light absorption. Among these effects,
the literature highlights increases in adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) synthesis
and modulations in
DNA and RNA synthesis rates, which in turn affect
cell proliferation and gene expression related to several
cellular pathways such as mitosis, apoptosis, inflam-
mation, and mitochondrial energy metabolism.
Recently, photobiomodulation in the form of
low-level laser therapy and light-emitting diode ther-
apy (LEDT) has been applied over human skeletal
muscles before or after bouts of exercises in order to
(i) accelerate muscle recovery, (ii) protect against
muscle damage induced by exercise, and (iii) improve
performance, such as increasing muscle strength
and fatigue resistance.
These effects are valuable
in rehabilitation processes that involve exercise
programs to recover from muscle lesions and can
mitigate the adverse effects of orthopedic surgical
procedures, such as muscle weakness and atrophy,
and accelerate the return to athletic sports or func-
tional activity.
Few studies have evaluated the chronic effects
(Q8 weeks) of applying phototherapy to muscles
that are under metabolic and/ or mechanical stress,
as seen in exercise training-programs used in
humans to increase performance.
Moreover, there
has been no study reporting the chronic effects of
phototherapy on muscle performance (including
maximal load tests and fatigue resistance), hypertro-
phy, muscle damage, delayed-onset muscle soreness
(DOMS), and molecular responses (gene expression)
in humans. In addition, it is also important to establish
the safety of this treatment applied in a chronic
manner, because this therapy produces effects on
muscle tissue lasting 24 to 48 hours,
possible cumulative effects if applied repetitively.
Finally, no published study has controlled the
genetic aspects of the subjects, because it is known
that genetic differences between individual subjects
can promote different adaptations to exercise.
With these perspectives in mind, our case-
control study investigated whether an intense
strength training program combined with the
chronic use of LEDT could increase muscle recov-
ery, performance (strength and fatigue resistance),
and muscle hypertrophy (volume); modulate gene
expression; and also decrease the score for DOMS in a
pair of identical twins. This study enrolled a pair of
identical twins because of their genetic identity
order to exclude or drastically minimize the effects of
genetic disparities between the subjects, because it
is known that muscle performance and recovery can
depend on intrinsic genetic responses to exercise
and moreover that phototherapy promotes modula-
tion in gene expression.
Two 19-year-old male identical (monozygotic)
twins, 1.72 m, 70 kg, college soccer players, living
together and having the same habits and diet, were
enrolled in this study approved by the human ethics
committee of the Federal University of Sa˜o Carlos,
Brazil (opinion n-205/2012) and conducted in this
university in compliance with the Declaration of
Helsinki (1964) and its later amendments.
After signing an informed consent form, the
subjects were subjected to (i) genomic analysis to
confirm their identity as monozygotic twins
; (ii)
an intense strength training program using a leg
press and leg extension fitness machine combined
with LEDT or placebo; (iii) assessments of muscle
performance, score of DOMS by visual analog scale
(VAS), and a biochemical marker of muscle damage
(creatine kinase [CK]; (iv) magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) analysis to calculate thigh muscle volume
All correspondence and requests for
reprints should be addressed to:
Cleber Ferraresi, PhD, PT, Federal University
of Sa˜o Carlos, Rodovia Washington
Luı´s, Km 235, 13565-905, Sa˜ o Carlos,
Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil.
CF received financial support from
Fundac¸a˜o de Amparo a` Pesquisa
do Estado de Sa˜o PauloYFAPESP as PhD
scholarships (processes 2010/07194-7
and 2012/05919-0).
Financial disclosure statements
have been obtained, and no conflicts
of interest have been reported by the
authors or by any individuals in control
of the content of this article.
2Ferraresi et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. &Vol. 00, No. 00, Month 2016
and (v) muscle biopsies of the vastus lateralis
quantify gene expression modulation by quantitative
real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Figure 1
shows a flowchart of the study.
Genomic Analysis
Sixteen loci with short tandem repeats were
investigated to determine whether both brothers
were monozygotic twins. DNA samples were obtained
from cells of the oral mucosa using a swab, and DNA
was extracted using Qiamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen,
Valencia, CA). Coamplifications of the loci D3S1358,
vWA, D16S539, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, TH01,
FGA, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, TPOX, CSF1PO,
penta D, penta E, and amelogenin were performed
by PCR using Human ID kit (QGene, Sa˜o Carlos,
Brazil). Reactions for multiplex PCR were prepared
according to the manufacturer_s guidelines. Brief-
of Taq DNA polymerase, buffer (1), primers and
water to complete 15 KL of reaction volume. All loci
were amplified in a Veriti 96-Well Thermal Cycler
(Applied Biosystems, Waltham, MA) following the
program: step 1: 1(95-C, 7 minutes); step 2:
10(94-C, 1 minute; 60-C, 1 minute; 70-C, 1.5
minutes); step 3: 22(90-C, 1 minute; 60-C, 1 min-
ute; 70-C, 1.5 minutes); step 4: 1(60-C, 30
minutes); step 5: keep at 4-C. Amplified products
were detected and separated by capillary electro-
phoresis using a MegaBACE 1000 (GE Healthcare
Bio-Sciences Corp., Pittsburgh, PA). Results were
analyzed, and allele designations were set auto-
matically using Fragment Profiler software, version
1.2 (GE).
FIGURE 1 Flowchart of the study. LEDT Improves Muscle Recovery and Performance 3
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Muscle
Hypertrophy (Volume)
These analyses quantified the muscle volume
after the training program, because strength exer-
cises are known to promote muscle hypertrophy.
A MAGNETOM C! 0.35-T (Siemens, Mu¨ nchen,
Deutschland) scanner was used to acquire axial
images from thigh muscles. T1-weighted spin echo
with a 430-millisecond repetition time, 26-
millisecond echo time in matrix of 256 256
pixels was used to acquire MRI data using 10-mm-
thick sections similarly to previous studies.
did not eat or drink for 8 hours before their scans in
the supine position.
Slices from the proximal bor-
der of the patella to the anterior superior iliac spine
were used to quantify the volume of the thigh
muscles, subtracting bone and fat tissues. Cross-
sectional areas were measured every each 4 con-
secutive slices (3-cm gap between slices)
Weasis software (version 1.1.2). Muscle volume (in
) of the slices was calculated by multiplying the
tissue area (in cm
) by slice thickness (10 mm).
Volume of all gaps was calculated using truncated
as follows:
where Vis the total thigh volume, Ais the muscle
cross-sectional area, tis slice thickness, his the
distance (gap) between every 4 consecutive slices,
and Nis the number of slices used to calculations.
Total volume was calculated as the summation of
volume of the slices and gaps of the left thigh. The
same number of slices (12) was used before and
after the training program for both twins. Magnetic
resonance imaging was carried out at baseline (prior
baseline biopsy) and final (24 hours after second
biopsy). Cross-sectional area of each slice was quan-
tified by evaluator 1, who was blinded to the therapy
Muscle Biospy
Muscle biopsies were performed to acquire mus-
cle samples for gene expression analyses to identify
molecular responses resulting from the training pro-
gram combined with phototherapy. Both twins were
instructed to not perform any kind of training or ex-
ercise for 7 days prior to the first muscle biopsy
(baseline). The fragment of the vastus lateralis was
obtained from the half distance between an imaginary
line beginning at the greater trochanter to the supe-
rior border of the patella.
The skin was cleansed, and
local anesthesia was applied using 2% lidocaine with-
out vasoconstrictor. Afterward, a small incision using
scalpel no. 11 was made in the skin (approximately
0.5 cm), through subcutaneous tissue and fascia.
Thereafter, a biopsy needle of 4.5 mm was inserted to
collect the muscle fragment. Immediately after
withdrawal, the muscle fragment was deposited in a
cryotube free of DNase and RNAse, frozen in liquid
nitrogen and stored at j80-C until analysis of gene
expression. The final biopsy was conducted exactly
24 hours after the last training session.
Muscle Performance
Muscle performance assessments were per-
formed to measure (i) muscle fatigue resistance and
(ii) the maximal muscle strength. Three weeks after
for muscle fatigue using the fatigue index in an
isokinetic dynamometer (Multi-Joint System 3;
Biodex, New York, NY), and the load of 1-repetition
maximum (1RM) test using the leg press as prev-
iously described
for baseline. One-repetition
maximum test in leg extension fitness machine was
conducted for each leg with the range of motion
(ROM) from 90 to 15 degrees of knee flexion. This
ROM was chosen (i) based on scientific evidence
reporting the peak of the torque of the knee ex-
tensor muscles occurring near 60 to 70 degrees of
knee flexion
; (ii) to keep the same ROM used in
FIGURE 2 A, Exercise in leg press. B, Exercise in leg extension fitness machine.
4Ferraresi et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. &Vol. 00, No. 00, Month 2016
the isokinetic test
; and (iii) to make it possible
for both volunteers to extend their knee joint to a
comfortable position,
reducing the possibility of
resistance occurring via stretching of hamstring
The final evaluations of muscle per-
formance were performed at the 35th training
session. Both twins performed all these evalua-
tions individually and were blinded to the results.
In addition, all tests were performed by evaluator
2, who was blinded to therapy (LEDT or placebo)
and MRI analyses.
Training Program
The intense strength training program using
leg press and leg extension was based on literature
protocols to obtain the maximum muscle strength
and volume increase.
Two days after baseline eval-
uations for muscle performance, both monozygotic
twins started the training program for 12 consecutive
weeks, with a relatively high frequency (3 days a
week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday) in blinded mode;
that is, each twin did not see the training of his
brother. The intensity of each training session was
80% and 50% of the load determined by the 1RM test
in the leg press and leg extension fitness machine,
(Fig. 2). Each training session com-
prised 40 repetitions of leg press (4 sets of 10) plus
30 repetitions of leg extension (3 sets of 10) or until
exhaustion understood as an incapacity of the sub-
jects to lift the weights (leg press or leg extension
exercises). If a set was not completed, the number of
repetitions was recorded, and immediately a rest in-
terval was started consisting of 2 minutes between
For leg extension, the rest interval started
immediately after both legs performed each set of
exercises. Retests of 1RM by the leg press and leg
extension machine were carried out at the 12th and
24th training session, replacing these sessions. Eval-
uator 2 supervised all training sessions.
Light-Emitting Diode Therapy or Placebo
Light-emitting diode therapy was chosen as
the phototherapy of this study because of its ease of
application. Evaluator 3 randomized the twins by a
simple draw at the beginning of the study to re-
ceive LEDT or placebo. Each therapy was applied
over the quadriceps femoris muscles of each leg
for 15 seconds immediately after each training
session: right leg first and left leg second, with the
order of application alternating each time. Both
TAB LE 1 Parameters of LEDT
No. LEDs: 50 infrared Power density per LED: 500 mW/cm
Wavelength: 850 (+/j20) nm Power density of array: 8.1 mW/cm
LED spot size: 0.2 cm
Treatment time: 15 s
LED array size: 612 cm
Total energy per application: 75 J
Pulse frequency: continuous Energy density per LED: 7.5 J/cm
Optical output power of each LED: 100 mW Energy density of array: 0.122 J/cm
Optical output power of array: 5,000 mW Application mode: in contact with the skin
FIGURE 3 A, Array of LEDs used to LEDT. B, Light-emitting diode therapy or placebo applied immediately on
quadriceps femoris muscles after each training session. LEDT Improves Muscle Recovery and Performance 5
twins were blinded to these therapies, and in addition,
evaluator 3 was blinded to muscle performance, CK,
and muscle soreness assessments during the study.
Light-emitting diode therapy used a flexible
array of 34 18 cm (612 cm
) containing 50 in-
frared LEDs (850 nm) specially built for research by
the University of Sa˜ o Paulo and Federal University
of Sa˜ o Carlos, Brazil (Fig. 3).This device (prototype)
was designed to cover the quadriceps femoris mus-
cles at each session of irradiation, making the
therapy sessions faster and standardized when
compared with using multiple points of irradia-
tion by single probes or circular clusters. Each
LED had a spot area of 0.2 cm
and an optical
power of 100 mW, delivering1.5Jduring15sec-
onds. The total power was 5000 mW, and total
energy delivered was 75 J at each application.
Light-emitting diode parameters were measured
and calibrated using an optical energy meter
PM100D Thorlabs (Newton, NJ) fitted with a sen-
sor model S130C. All LEDT parameters are given
in Table 1.
A hidden button in the LED device was
switched on by evaluator 3 during placebo therapy,
causing the device to emit no light (0 mW and 0 J).
Because of the invisible nature of 850-nm light,
neither twin could distinguish placebo therapy from
LEDT. There was no sensation of heat when the
device was applied to the skin.
Biochemical Marker of Muscle Damage
and Score of DOMS Assessments
Creatine kinase, a muscle enzyme related to
muscle damage that can be measured in the
TAB LE 2 Designed pairs of primers used in qPCR
Gene NM Gene Primer Sequence
FIGURE 4 Genomic analysis of the 16 loci with short tandem repeats (STRs): amelogenin, D3S1358, D5S818, vWA,
TH01, D13S317, D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, TPOX, D16S539, D18S51, CSF1PO, FGA, penta E, penta
D. Note that for both twins (twins 1 and 2) all loci have the same position and peaks, attesting their
condition of identical twins (monozygotic).
6Ferraresi et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. &Vol. 00, No. 00, Month 2016
was analyzed using 30 KL of blood
collected from the earlobe 5 minutes before and 24
hours after the 1st, 13th, 25th, and 36th training
sessions. Creatine kinase was measured by Reflotron
Plus biochemical analyzer (Roche, Mannheim, DE)
following the manufacturer_sguidelines.Briey,the
CK strip (Roche) was filled with 30 KL of blood and
after exactly 15 seconds was read on the Reflotron
Plus. A VAS with 10 cm was used to measure the
24 hours after the 1st, 13th, 25th, and 36th
training sessions, because it is known that strength
training exercise promotes microdamage in the
muscles and an inflammatory process that induces
pain with peaks between 24 and 72 hours.
pain was elicited through a maximum voluntary
isometric contraction at 0 degrees of knee flexion and
without load. These analyses were carried out by
evaluator 2.
Gene Expression Analyses
Gene expression analyses aimed to assess the effects
of the training program combined with phototherapy
on genes known to be related to oxidative stress de-
fenses (mitochondrial superoxide dismutase [SOD2]),
protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy (mam-
malian target of rapamycin [mTOR]), inflammation
(interleukin 1A[IL-1A]), and muscle weakness and
atrophy (myostatin [MSTN]).
Gene expression of
SOD2, mTOR, IL-1A, and MSTN was compared with
RPS13 (ribosomal protein S13). RPS13 was chosen
as the most stable reference gene
when compared
with other reference genes, such as GAPDH (glyc-
eraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase), HPRT1
(hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase), and RPS29
(ribosomal protein S29). Messenger RNA from
muscle samples was extracted using TRIzol (Life
Technologies, Waltham, MA) and reverse transcribed
using High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription
kit (Applied Biosystems, Waltham, MA). Quantitative
real-time PCR reactions used GoTaq qPCR Master
Mix kit (Applied Biosystems, Waltham, MA) with
thermalcyclesof50-C(12 minutes), 95-C
(1 10 minutes), 95-C(4015 seconds), 60-C
(40 1 minute), 95-C(115 seconds), 60-C(1
FIGURE 5 Muscle performance assessing muscle fatigue resistance; 1RM test in leg press (LP) and in leg extension
fitness machine (LE). Values are given in percentage (%).
FIGURE 6 Muscle damage assessed by CK at the 1st, 13th, 25th, and 36th training sessions. Values are
giveninpercentage(%). LEDT Improves Muscle Recovery and Performance 7
30 seconds), 95-C(115 seconds). Fold change (FC)
of gene expression was calculated using comparative
cycle threshold (2
All pairs of primers used
are given in Table 2.
Genomic Analysis
All 16 loci tested confirmed that both brothers
were monozygotic twins (Fig. 4).
Muscle Performance
Light-emitting diode therapy increased the
1RM load in leg press (+53%, from 320 to 490 kg)
and in leg extension machine (+37%, from 60 to
82.5 kg) but basically did not change muscle fatigue
in the isokinetic dynamometer (j3%, from 59% to
56%). On the other hand, placebo therapy increased
muscle fatigue (+15%, from 57% to 66%) and pro-
ducedsmaller increments in 1RM load in leg press
(+28%, from 320 to 410 kg) and leg extension
(+20%, from 62.5 to 75 kg) (Fig. 5).
Muscle Damage and DOMS
Light-emitting diode therapy produced smaller
increases in CK at 1st (+26%, from 225 to 284 UL),
13th (+36%, from 191 to 260 UL), 25th (+1%, from
225 to 229 UL), and 36th (+7%, from 204 to 220 UL)
training sessions compared with placebo at 1st
(+45%, from 259 to 376 UL), 13th (+59%, from
153 to 244 UL), 25th (+24%, from 158 to 196 UL),
and 36th (+23%, from 146 to 181 UL) (Fig. 6).
FIGURE 7 Delayed-onset muscle soreness assessed by VAS at the 1st, 13th, 25th, and 36th training sessions.
Values are given in centimeters.
FIGURE 8 Magnetic resonance imaging of thigh muscles before (baseline) and after (final) the training program.
Twelve slices and gaps were used to calculate muscle volume. Images from level 5 (slice 5) for both
twins are representing the whole difference between therapies, taking into account all 12 slices and
gaps. Results are presented in percentage.
8Ferraresi et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. &Vol. 00, No. 00, Month 2016
Light-emitting diode therapy decreased pain score
on VAS compared with placebo at 1st (5.5 vs 8.2),
13th (1.4 vs 3.2), 25th (0.4 vs 1.8), and 36th (0.3 vs
1.0) training sessions (Fig. 7).
Muscle Hypertrophy (Volume)
There was an increase in the volume in thigh
muscles measured by MRI when LEDT was com-
bined with the training program (+20%, from 2937
to 3523 cm
), whereas placebo therapy gave a
smaller increase in muscle volume (+5%, from 3152
to 3316 cm
) (Fig. 8).
Gene Expression
Expressions of IL-1Aand MSTN were decreased
with LEDT (FC = j11.5 and j4.0, respectively) com-
pared with placebo (FC = +2.3 and j1.4). Moreover,
mTOR and SOD2 expression were increased with
LEDT (FC = +1.4 and +1.4, respectively) compared
with placebo (FC = +1.1 and +1.0) (Table 3). Figure 9
illustrates possible cell signaling mechanisms in
human skeletal muscle mediated by phototherapy.
The present study shows for the first time the
beneficial effects of phototherapy by LEDT on skeletal
muscles of genetically identical humans (monozygotic
twins) subjected to a strength training program.
Light-emitting diode therapy compared with pla-
cebo therapy promoted a resistance to muscle fatigue,
reduced a biochemical marker of muscle damage (CK),
lessened the score of delayed onset muscle soreness
(VAS), and reduced expression of genes related to
inflammation (IL-1A) and atrophy (MSTN). More-
over, LEDT increased the maximal load achievable
in exercise, the expression of genes related to oxi-
dative stress defense (SOD2), and protein synthesis
(mTOR) and produced thigh muscle hypertrophy
shown by MRI.
The results regarding gene expression of IL-1A,
a known gene marker of inflammation, strongly
suggest that LEDT produced an anti-inflammatory
effect, as reported by previous studies.
gene expression of MSTN, a gene marker of muscle
wasting and weakness,
was also decreased with
LEDT applied after the training program, suggest-
ing an important reduction in the signaling seen in
muscle atrophy.
Genes related to a marker of
TAB LE 3 Fold change of gene expression
following placebo or LEDT
Gene Placebo LEDT
IL-1A2.3 j11.5
MSTN j1.4 j4.0
mTOR 1.1 1.4
SOD2 1.0 1.4
FIGURE 9 Supposed effect of phototherapy by LEDT and low-level las er therapy (LLLT) in human skeletal muscle
cell signaling. Colored genes were modulated with LEDT. ETC indicates mitochondrial electron
transport chain. LEDT Improves Muscle Recovery and Performance 9
cell proliferation and protein synthesis (mTOR)
oxidative stress defense (SOD2)
were also in-
creased by LEDT, confirming the molecular effects
of phototherapy
in humans. To our best knowl-
edge, there is no previous study reporting these ef-
fects of phototherapy on gene expression in human
skeletal muscles.
The effects of phototherapy on RNA synthesis
in conjunction with the greater increase in muscle
volume (MRI analysis) and performance (load in 1RM
tests and fatigue resistance), combined with reduc-
tion of muscle damage (CK levels) and DOMS (pain
assessed by VAS score), strongly suggest that several
signaling pathways involved in cell proliferation and
protein synthesis, energy metabolism, cytoprotection,
inflammation, and oxidative stress
were modulated
by phototherapy resulting in macroscopic and func-
tional benefits for human skeletal muscles.
Previous clinical trials
as well as in
and preclinical animal studies
have shown
decreased levels of CK (muscle damage) and DOMS,
an increased load, resistance to muscle fatigue, more
muscle ATP and glycogen synthesis, better oxidative
stress defense, improved mitochondrial activity (Cox),
and proliferation of muscle cells with the use of pho-
totherapy that has generally been applied after exer-
cises. Moreover, increases in ATP content in muscle
cells and tissue, fatigue resistance, strength, oxi-
dative stress defense, prevention of muscle dam-
age, and improvement of the kinetics of oxygen
can also be elicited
when phototherapy is applied to muscles before a
single bout of exercise (muscular preconditioning).
However, it seems there is an optimum time to apply
phototherapy when used in a muscular precondi-
tioning regimen as judged by increases in ATP syn-
thesis in muscles, mitochondrial metabolism, and
fatigue resistance that are maximal at some hours
after light application.
The results reported in the present study can
give better direction for the use of phototherapy in
clinical practice in the sports medicine and reha-
bilitation fields. Regarding sports medicine, athletes
and sportsmen could be benefited by phototherapy
with a fast muscle recovery, a better gain in hyper-
trophy (muscle mass), and improvement of mus-
cle performance, without the use of any forbidden
performance-enhancing drugs.
Moreover, there
would be the added benefit of reduction in muscle
damage and atrophy and less inflammation and
On the other hand, patients suffering from
inflammation, pain, loss of muscle mass and strength,
and muscle atrophy as result of orthopedic surgical
for example, could possibly be benefited
with the use of phototherapy combined with exer-
cise training programs during their rehabilitation.
Therefore, the return of the subjects to sports or
functional activities could be accelerated.
It is important to note that LEDT parameters
used in this study were based on previous stud-
applying a small energy per LED (1.5 J) and
a total of 75 J distributed over the entire area of the
quadriceps femoris muscles, and there were no
adverse cumulative effects of the light. Previous
studies have already reported that phototherapy can
produce effects for 24 hours (in vitro and in vivo)
and possibly as long as 48 hours in human skeletal
It could be envisaged that cumulative
exposure or excessive light doses could produce an
inhibition or a lack of positive effects on human
skeletal muscles based on the biphasic dose response
typical of phototherapy as previously reported in the
literature, but no evidence of this adverse effect was
found in the present study.
There are several mechanisms of action that
have been proposed to account for the effects of
phototherapy on cells.
All of these mechanisms
are based on the light absorption by chromophores
in the cells, especially by Cox inside the mitochon-
dria, triggering improvements in muscle recovery
and performance.
The absorption of the light
(from low-level lasers and LEDs) by Cox promotes
modulations in cell metabolism altering the ener-
getic state of the cells via increased mitochondrial
membrane potential and increased synthesis of
ATP and cyclic adenosine monophosphate,
which in turn possibly modulate the synthesis
rate of DNA and RNA via mitochondrial retro-
grade signaling.
Although this study enrolled a pair of identical
twins, living together and having the same diet and
habits, to remove any genetic bias related to intrinsic
individual responses to the exercises and/or the
LEDT, future studies should enroll more volunteers
to deeply investigate the molecular responses of
muscles to exercise combined with phototherapy.
In summary, the present study should encourage
physical therapists to use LEDT as an adjuvant ther-
apy in rehabilitation programs involving treatment
of damaged skeletal muscles, as well as an adjuvant
therapy for training programs to improve strength,
fatigue resistance, and muscle mass.
The authors thank Vilmar Baldissera, PhD,
for his contribution to set up the strength training
program. CF thanks FAPESP for his PhD scholar-
ships (no. 2010/07194-7 and 2012/05919-0).
10 Ferraresi et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. &Vol. 00, No. 00, Month 2016
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12 Ferraresi et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. &Vol. 00, No. 00, Month 2016
... The main effects of PBM on muscle performance and post-exercise recovery reported to date include resistance to fatigue (increased number of repetitions or increased time of muscle contraction until exhaustion), peak torque or force enhancement (typically analyzed by an isokinetic dynamometer and maximum repetition tests), and prevention of muscle damage [lower Creatine Kinase (CK) or LDH activity measured in the bloodstream] as reported in previous reviews and meta-analyses [32,37]. The potential mechanisms behind these main effects have been previously described [30] along with other mechanisms con irmed in more recent randomized clinical trials, such as increased skeletal muscle hypertrophy [37,38] and modulation of gene expression related to protein synthesis/degradation, in lammation, and oxidative stress [37]. ...
... The main effects of PBM on muscle performance and post-exercise recovery reported to date include resistance to fatigue (increased number of repetitions or increased time of muscle contraction until exhaustion), peak torque or force enhancement (typically analyzed by an isokinetic dynamometer and maximum repetition tests), and prevention of muscle damage [lower Creatine Kinase (CK) or LDH activity measured in the bloodstream] as reported in previous reviews and meta-analyses [32,37]. The potential mechanisms behind these main effects have been previously described [30] along with other mechanisms con irmed in more recent randomized clinical trials, such as increased skeletal muscle hypertrophy [37,38] and modulation of gene expression related to protein synthesis/degradation, in lammation, and oxidative stress [37]. Additionally, other in vitro (39) and in vivo studies [39,40] have con irmed the purported increase in mitochondrial metabolism of skeletal muscle cells (previously observed only in hepatocytes or tumor cell lines), as well as increased glycogen [40] and ATP synthesis [39,40] when PBM is applied as preconditioning [39] or when applied after exercise, promoting better outcomes compared to preconditioning [40]. ...
... The main effects of PBM on muscle performance and post-exercise recovery reported to date include resistance to fatigue (increased number of repetitions or increased time of muscle contraction until exhaustion), peak torque or force enhancement (typically analyzed by an isokinetic dynamometer and maximum repetition tests), and prevention of muscle damage [lower Creatine Kinase (CK) or LDH activity measured in the bloodstream] as reported in previous reviews and meta-analyses [32,37]. The potential mechanisms behind these main effects have been previously described [30] along with other mechanisms con irmed in more recent randomized clinical trials, such as increased skeletal muscle hypertrophy [37,38] and modulation of gene expression related to protein synthesis/degradation, in lammation, and oxidative stress [37]. Additionally, other in vitro (39) and in vivo studies [39,40] have con irmed the purported increase in mitochondrial metabolism of skeletal muscle cells (previously observed only in hepatocytes or tumor cell lines), as well as increased glycogen [40] and ATP synthesis [39,40] when PBM is applied as preconditioning [39] or when applied after exercise, promoting better outcomes compared to preconditioning [40]. ...
Physiotherapy treatments employ complex approaches tailored to the patient’s diagnosis. Exercise is the primary strategy to enhance rehabilitation processes for most individuals. However, electrophysical agents, such as Photobiomodulation (PBM), that utilize specific wavelengths of light to penetrate tissues and stimulate cellular activity, can modulate various biological processes and may improve physiotherapy outcomes. This non-invasive treatment can reduce pain and inflammation, promote tissue repair, and accelerate tissue healing. Currently, PBM has numerous applications, including pain and inflammation treatment, wound healing (such as diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, post-surgery wounds, and skin grafts in burn injuries), and the management of musculoskeletal disorders (such as arthritis, tendinopathies, muscle injuries, and spinal disorders). It is also utilized to improve muscle performance and recovery in rehabilitation and sports. Additionally, transcranial PBM has shown promise in enhancing neurorehabilitative processes by facilitating the recovery of cognitive and motor functions in various types of lesions. The safety and efficacy of this treatment allow it to be incorporated alongside regular exercises and manual therapies as an adjunctive treatment, potentially enhancing outcomes in different areas of rehabilitation.
... The CCO can be excited by visible light penetrating the cellular membrane and triggering biochemical changes in the mitochondria [15,20]. The CCO subunit four in the mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain (ETC) is implied to be the most sensitive to the red/ NIR light spectrum [26][27][28]. When exposed to the photons of light, the CCO subunit four promotes a series of photochemical events in the cell mitochondria's ETC, which foster enzymatic activity and amplify mitochondrial membrane potential [16]. ...
... Red/NIR light matches the absorption spectrum of CCO. It thus stimulates the CuA and CuB copper centers of CCO, allowing nitrogen oxide (NO) to dissociate from heme-ɑ3 and CuB, increasing respiration and ATP synthesis and reducing oxidative cellular stress [16,24,25,27,28]. ...
... The latest studies on PBMT have revealed that it can have variable effects on cells with high mitochondrial activity [20]. Nevertheless, PBMT has also been revealed to hasten the healing of wounds, foster cell adhesion, augment collagen production, and decrease inflammatory response [21,25,28]. PBMT has been shown to reduce inflammation in rat models, downregulate pain-related symptoms in canines, and improve post-surgical recovery in humans and canines [29]. ...
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Introduction:Photobiomodulation is a non-invasive therapy that addresses muscle fatigue, damage, andinflammation. This review explores the efficacy of PBMT using canine and murine models. By doing so, weshow why PBMT warrants investigation as a medical technology to prevent and accelerate recovery fromsoft tissue, muscles, and minor wounds commonly sustained by Military Working Dogs (MWDs). Additionally,we aim to find the ideal PBMT fluence and wavelength that may accelerate the healing process and enhancephysical performance.Methods:We assessed 88 sources published between 1986 and 2023 from three databases, Google Scholar,Cochrane Library, and the Army Medical Department Virtual Library, using an appraisal checklist developedby the authors. Results: After excluding 45 articles that did not meet our inclusion criteria, we included 43.Discussion:Our assessment showed that PBMT should be considered a supplementary treatment for animalsaffected by various muscular and health conditions. The therapy uses specific wavelengths and fluences oflight, ranging from 632 nm to 1064 nm and 1 J/cm2to 50 J/cm2.Conclusion:Future empirical testing that is necessary to find the ideal dose parameters to treat specific typesof injuries sustained in MWDs. Regrettably, many military canines suffer from musculoskeletal and soft tissueinjuries. PBMT should be considered as a potential supplementary treatment technology for veterinariansand dog handlers to help dampen injuries and enhance physical performance and recovery, especially in adeployed setting. However, our working hypothesis should be tested through future quantitative field studies
... Despite the proposed beneficial mechanisms and the growing number of publications involving PBM therapy, no study to date have investigated the ergogenic effects of LEDT on quadriceps muscle performance and recovery from resistance exercise in resistance-trained women. Previous studies involving male subjects (trained or not) have shown beneficial effects of LEDT on increasing maximum voluntary contraction and number of repetitions performed and attenuating fatigue-related markers [7,[13][14][15][16]. The LEDT was also beneficial for attenuating CK levels and delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) following lower-limb resistance exercises [9,13,14,17]. ...
... Previous studies involving male subjects (trained or not) have shown beneficial effects of LEDT on increasing maximum voluntary contraction and number of repetitions performed and attenuating fatigue-related markers [7,[13][14][15][16]. The LEDT was also beneficial for attenuating CK levels and delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) following lower-limb resistance exercises [9,13,14,17]. In addition, LEDT applied on hip and quadriceps muscles during training sessions of a 3-month treadmill exercise program improved muscle power and delayed leg fatigue in postmenopausal women aged 50-60 years [18]. ...
... In addition, LEDT applied on hip and quadriceps muscles during training sessions of a 3-month treadmill exercise program improved muscle power and delayed leg fatigue in postmenopausal women aged 50-60 years [18]. The same authors reported an improvement in the maximal performance and post-exercise recovery in postmenopausal women that received LEDT on hip and quadriceps muscles during training sessions of a 6-month treadmill exercise program [19] . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 It is important to note that, although positive findings have been observed for performance and recovery, the studies mentioned above included only men [7,[13][14][15]17] or postmenopausal women [18,19]. Moreover, the studies with postmenopausal women did not evaluate measures of muscle performance and recovery from resistance exercise. ...
Objectives Photobiomodulation (PBM) with light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT) are among the most common strategy for improving performance and recovery from physical exercise in young adults. However, its effectiveness in resistance-trained women remains contradictory. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT) at 940 nm on lower-body muscle performance, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in resistance-trained women. Methods Ten young women (20.4 ± 3.3 years) participated in a crossover study in which they received, in a counterbalanced manner, active and placebo LEDT on two occasions (T1 and T2), separated by a 7-day washout period. LEDT (130 mW output power, power density of 45⁻², and total energy of 48 J per leg) was applied on the quadriceps muscle immediately before the repetitions-to-failure test (6 sets at 80% of 1RM until failure) for leg press exercise. Maximum number of repetitions and RPE over the 6 sets, and DOMS at 24 and 48 hours after fatigue test were recorded. Results There was a significant (time P < 0.05) reduction in the maximum number of repetitions and a reciprocal increase in RPE over the 6 sets, with no statistical differences (treatment × time P > 0.05) between placebo and active LEDT conditions. DOMS increased from 24 to 48 hours after fatigue test in both conditions (time P < 0.05; treatment × time P > 0.05). Conclusion Our results indicate that acute LEDT at 940 nm does not improve lower-body muscle performance, RPE, and DOMS in resistance-trained women.
... The light of different wavelengths exerts various biological effects in humans [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. Light promotes wound healing [12], pain relief [13], and tissue differentiation [14]. ...
... These treatments are now known as photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy. PBM is also clinically applied in inflammatory diseases, such as thyroiditis [18], arthritis [19], and muscle damage [20]. The field of PBM has evolved primarily by using low-power lasers as light sources, with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) being the most recently used light sources [21]. ...
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Periodontitis is an inflammatory lesion in the periodontal tissue. The behavior of human periodontal ligament stem cells (hPDLSCs), which play an important role in periodontal tissue regeneration, is restricted by the influence of inflammatory mediators. Photobiomodulation therapy exerts anti-inflammatory effects. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of light-emitting diode (LED) irradiation on the inflammatory responses of hPDLSCs. The light source was a red LED (peak wavelength: 650 nm), and the total absolute irradiance was 400 mW/cm2. The inflammatory response in hPDLSCs is induced by tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels and pro-inflammatory cytokine (interleukin [IL]-6 and IL-8) production were measured 24 h after LED irradiation, and the effects of potassium cyanide (KCN) were investigated. LED irradiation at 6 J/cm2 significantly increased the ATP levels and reduced TNF-α-induced IL-6 and IL-8 production. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of LED irradiation on the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines was inhibited by KCN treatment. The results of this study showed that high-intensity red LED irradiation suppressed the TNF-α-stimulated pro-inflammatory cytokine production in hPDLSCs by promoting ATP synthesis. These results suggest that high-intensity red LED is a useful tool for periodontal tissue regeneration in chronically inflamed tissues.
... Dentre os mecanismos de ação da fotobiomodulação sobre os tecidos biológicos estão relacionados à absorção de luz por cromóforos nas células, como o citocromo c oxidase (Cox) proposto como o principal agente absorvedor da luz. A enzima Cox, unidade IV na cadeia respiratória mitocondrial, desencadeia uma variedade de efeitos após a absorção da luz (Ferraresi et al., 2016;Costa et al., 2017;Pessoa et al., 2018). ...
... Entre esses efeitos, a literatura destaca o aumento da síntese de adenosina trifosfato (ATP) e modulações nas taxas de síntese de DNA e RNA, que por sua vez afetam a proliferação celular e expressão gênica relacionadas a várias vias celulares, como mitose, apoptose, inflamação e metabolismo da energia mitocondrial, o que pode estar relacionado aos efeitos positivos observados no tratamento e prevenção da FM (Ferraresi et al., 2016;Costa et al., 2017). ...
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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar um levantamento dos principais parâmetros de aplicação da fotobiomodulação proveniente da Terapia a Laser de Baixo Intensidade (TLBI) e/ou da terapia com diodos emissores de luz (LEDT) empregada sobre a FM, além de propor sua empregabilidade clínica por meio de protocolos que apresente evidências científicas. Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados do PUBMED, utilizando as palavras-chaves disponíveis nos DESCs: “Photobiomodulation Therapy”, “PBTM”, “Low-Level Light Therapy”, “LLLT”, “Light-Emitting Diode Therapy”, LEDT”, “Phototherapy”, “Exercise”, “Fatigue”, “Performance”, “sport” em diferentes combinações e associadas aos descritores booleanos. Foram considerados os seguintes critérios de inclusão: ensaios clínicos controlados e randomizados, publicados na língua inglesa, período de publicação entre os anos 2017 a 2020. Com isso, foi feita a leitura aprofundada dos artigos e mediante a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, restaram somente dez artigos publicados. A terapia de fotobiomodulação realizada por meio da utilização da TLBI e LEDT é capaz de atrasar o processo de FM e consequentemente aumentar a performance. Contudo os parâmetros ideais de aplicação dessa ferramenta ainda continuam demostrando muitas variáveis. Exceto pelo comprimento de onda, que é o único parâmetro de aplicação que demostra uma tendência.
... PBM activates the complex I, complex II, complex III, complex IV, succinate dehydrogenase [50] and citrate synthase(CS) [51]. The PBM-regulated genes encode enzymes required in myoglycogen synthesis, such as glycogen synthase (GS) [52], glucose phosphate translocase (GPR) [53], and glucose phosphorylase (GPL) [30]. The up-regulation of the expression of these genes leads to a high level of myoglycogen synthesis. ...
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Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that is marked by persistent hyperglycemia due to inadequate insulin secretion or insulin resistance. Its prevalence is increasing yearly. Diabetes mellitus can lead to serious health complications that are the primary cause of mortality and disability among diabetic patients, including diabetic retinopathy, diabetic foot ulcers, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and diabetic periodontitis, and so on. Traditional treatments for diabetes and its complications still suffer from limited clinical efficacy and high therapeutic side effects. Photobiomodulation (PBM), which utilizes low levels of red or near-infrared laser to irradiate cells and tissues, has been shown to be efficacious for a wide range of organ damage. In this study, we focus on the application of PBM in diabetes and its complications and mechanisms, as well as the advantages, disadvantages with the aim of developing new ideas for the application of PBM.
... This light is sent to specific points on the body, which helps it to "remember" how to communicate with the rest of the body naturally. This treatment leads to lots of health benefits, from better balance [20] to better sleep [19,21,22], wound healing [23,24], athletic performance [25][26][27] and pain relief [28][29][30][31]. The ultra-low-level electromagnetic field generated by the nanotechnology-based devices may improve the input system or central modulation, resulting in an improved muscle tone and, thus, an enhanced posture control [23,32]. ...
... [110] The resulting stimulation helps in the activation of voluntary muscle following surgery. Moreover, it helps to overcome muscle disuse atrophy when used in combination with nutrients and proteins [111][112][113][114]. A non-invasive strategy known as near-infrared light therapy improves the contractile performance of a damaged muscle [115]. ...
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Volumetric muscle loss (VML) is defined as a condition in which a large volume of skeletal muscle is lost due to physical insult. VML often results in a heightened immune response, resulting in significant long-term functional impairment. Estimates indicate that ~250,000 fractures occur in the US alone that involve VML. Currently, there is no active treatment to fully recover or repair muscle loss in VML patients. The health economics burden due to VML is rapidly increasing around the world. Immunologists, developmental biologists, and muscle pathophysiologists are exploring both immune responses and biomaterials to meet this challenging situation. The inflammatory response in muscle injury involves a non-specific inflammatory response at the injured site that is coordination between the immune system, especially macrophages and muscle. The potential role of biomaterials in the regenerative process of skeletal muscle injury is currently an important topic. To this end, cell therapy holds great promise for the regeneration of damaged muscle following VML. However, the delivery of cells into the injured muscle site poses a major challenge as it might cause an adverse immune response or inflammation. To overcome this obstacle, in recent years various biomaterials with diverse physical and chemical nature have been developed and verified for the treatment of various muscle injuries. These biomaterials, with desired tunable physicochemical properties, can be used in combination with stem cells and growth factors to repair VML. In the current review, we focus on how various immune cells, in conjunction with biomaterials, can be used to promote muscle regeneration and, most importantly, suppress VML pathology.
Context Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) has been widely used to improve strength, fatigue resistance and increase muscle mass in healthy individuals. These effects could help critically ill patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) who show reduced mobility and muscle strength. ICU‐acquired weakness lessens overall health and increases the patient's length of stay in the ICU. Objective This study evaluated the effects of PBMT using low intensity light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) on the mobility and muscle strength (functional capacity) and length of stay of patients admitted to hospital ICU. Methods This randomized, triple‐blind, sham‐controlled trial was conducted in a hospital ICU. Sixty patients were randomly assigned to two equal groups: (a) PBMT and (b) Sham. PBMT was applied daily to patients until their discharge from the ICU, using a flexible neoprene array of 264 LEDs (120 at 635 nm, 1.2 mW each; 144 at 880 nm, 15 mW each) for 90s (207.36 Joules) at each site. Ten sites were located bilaterally on the thighs, legs, arms, and forearms ventrally and dorsally, 15 min totaling 2,073.6 Joules per session. Outcomes were length of stay (in h) until discharge from the ICU, muscle strength by the Medical Research Council (MRC) score and handgrip dynamometry (HGD), patient mobility by Intensive Care Unit Mobility Scale (IMS) and the Simplified Acute Physiology Score 3 (SAPS 3) for predicting mortality of patients admitted to the ICU. Results PBMT reduced the average length of stay in the ICU by ~30% ( p = 0.028); increased mobility (IMS: 255% vs. 110% p = 0.007), increased muscle strength (MRC: 12% vs. −9% p = 0.001) and HGD (34% vs. −13% p < 0.001), and the SAPS3 score was similar ( p > 0.05). Conclusion The results suggest that daily PBMT can reduce the length of stay of ICU patients and increase muscle strength and mobility.
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The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of knee joint angles on maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of leg extensor and electromyographic (EMG) activities of rectus femoris (RF), vastus medialis (VM), and biceps femoris (BF) during a maximal isometric leg press task. Eighteen males, aged 18-23, performed maximum bilateral voluntary isometric contractions at five knee joint angles (90°, 80°, 70°, 60°, and 50°; 0°= full extension). The MVC of leg extensors, the force exerted during the first 100~ms of the contraction (F100), the time achieved the MVC, and the average integrated EMG activities (AEMG) of RF, VM, and BF were measured at five knee joint angles. MVC was significantly higher (p<0.05) at 60° in comparison to the other knee joint angles, whereas AEMGs of RF and VM were significantly lower (p<0.05) at more extended position (50° than at more flexed positions (90°, 80°, and 70°). AEMG of BF did not present significant changes among the five different knee joint angles. These findings suggest that MVC of leg extensor are considerably influenced by the mechanical force-length properties of skeletal muscle. The reduced activation of RF at more extended knee positions indicates its multiple function along a closed chain multi-joint task. On contrary, the similar activation of biceps femoris muscle at all five knee joint angles indicates its importance for the knee joint stability.
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Recently, low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) has been used to improve muscle performance. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of near-infrared light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT) and its mechanisms of action to improve muscle performance in an elite athlete. The kinetics of oxygen uptake (VO2), blood and urine markers of muscle damage (creatine kinase – CK and alanine) and fatigue (lactate) were analyzed. Additionally, some metabolic parameters were assessed in urine using proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR). A LED cluster with 50 LEDs (�¼850 nm; 50mW 15 s; 37.5 J) was applied on legs, arms and trunk muscles of a single runner athlete 5 min before a high-intense constant workload running exercise on treadmill. The athlete received either Placebo-1-LEDT; Placebo-2-LEDT; or Effective-LEDT in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial with washout period of 7 d between each test. LEDT improved the speed of the muscular VO2 adaptation (~-9 s), decreased O2 deficit (~-10 L), increased the VO2 from the slow component phase (~+348 mlmin�1) and increased the time limit of exercise (~+589 s). LEDT decreased blood and urine markers of muscle damage and fatigue (CK, alanine and lactate levels). The results suggest that a muscular pre-conditioning regimen using LEDT before intense exercises could modulate metabolic and renal function to achieve better performance.
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) can provide fatigue resistance via maximum repetitions (RM) with an isokinetic dynamometer, and decrease electromyography fatigue index (EFI). Background data: LLLT has been used to increase muscle performance when applied before or after intense exercises. Materials and methods: This study was a randomized, doubleblind, crossover trial with placebo. Seven young men (21 – 3 years of age) who were clinically healthy, were allocated into two groups: active laser (LLLT) and placebo laser (Placebo). Both groups were assessed at baseline, at one training session, and at the end of this study. Baseline and final assessments recorded the number of RM of knee flexion-extensions using an isokinetic dynamometer at 60 degrees/sec in conjunction with EFI recorded by median frequency. The training sessions consisted of three sets of 20 RM of knee flexionextensions using an isokinetic dynamometer at 60 degrees/sec plus LLLT (808 nm, 100mW, 4 J), or placebo, applied to quadriceps femoris muscles between sets, and after the last series of this exercise. After 1 week (washout period), all volunteers were exchanged among groups and then all assessments were repeated. Results: LLLT group increased RM (52%; p = 0.002) with a small EFI for the vastus medialis ( p = 0.004) and rectus femoris ( p = 0.004). Conclusions: These results suggest an increased muscle fatigue resistance when LLLT is applied during rest intervals, and after the last series of intense exercises.
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Low level laser (light) therapy has been used before exercise to increase muscle performance in both experimental animals and in humans. However uncertainty exists concerning the optimum time to apply the light before exercise. The mechanism of action is thought to be stimulation of mitochondrial respiration in muscles, and to increase adenosine triphosphate (ATP) needed to perform exercise. The goal of this study was to investigate the time course of the increases in mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and ATP in myotubes formed from C2C12 mouse muscle cells and exposed to light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT). LEDT employed a cluster of LEDs with 20 red (630 ± 10 nm, 25 mW) and 20 near-infrared (850 ± 10 nm, 50 mW) delivering 28 mW/cm(2) for 90 sec (2.5 J/cm(2) ) with analysis at 5 min, 3 h, 6 h and 24 h post-LEDT. LEDT-6h had the highest MMP, followed by LEDT-3h, LEDT-24h, LEDT-5min and Control with significant differences. The same order (6h>3h>24h>5min>Control) was found for ATP with significant differences. A good correlation was found (r=0.89) between MMP and ATP. These data suggest an optimum time window of 3-6 h for LEDT stimulate muscle cells. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... Thomas D Schmittgen 1 & Kenneth J Livak 2 . ABSTRACT. ... N. Engl. J . Med. ... 32, e178 (2004). | Article | PubMed | ChemPort |; Livak , KJ & Schmittgen , TD Analysis of relative gene expression data using real - time quantitative PCR and the 2 (- Delta Delta C(T)) Method . ...
Low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) has been applied over skeletal muscles before intense exercise (muscular pre-conditioning) in order to reduce fatigue and muscle damage (measured by creatine kinase, CK) in clinical trials. However, previous exercise protocols do not exactly simulate the real muscle demand required in sports. For this reason, the aim of this randomized and double-blind placebo-controlled trial was to investigate whether light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT) applied over the quadriceps femoris muscles, hamstrings, and triceps surae of volleyball players before official matches could prevent muscle damage (CK) with a dose response, establishing a therapeutic window. A professional male volleyball team (12 athletes) was enrolled in this study, and LEDT was applied before 4 matches during a national championship. LEDT used an array of 200 light-emitting diodes (LEDs) arranged in 25 clusters of 4 infrared LEDs (850 ± 20 nm; 130 mW) and 25 clusters of 4 red LEDs (630 ± 10 nm; 80 mW). Athletes were randomized to receive one of four different total doses over each muscle group in a double-blind protocol: 105 J (20 s), 210 J (40 s), 315 J (60 s), and placebo (no light for 30 s). CK in blood was assessed 1 h before and 24 h after each match. LEDT at 210 J avoided significant increases in CK (+10 %; P = 0.993) as well as 315 J (+31 %, P = 0.407). Placebo (0 J) allowed a significant increase in CK (+53 %; P = 0.012) as well as LEDT at 105 J (+59 %; P = 0.001). LEDT prevented significant increases of CK in blood in athletes when applied before official matches with a light dose response of 210-315 J, suggesting athletes might consider applying LEDT before competition.
Recently, low-level laser (light) therapy has been used to increase muscle performance in intense exercises. However, there is a lack of understanding of the time response of muscles to light therapy. The first purpose of this study was to determine the time response for light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT)-mediated increase in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles in mice. Second purpose was to test whether LEDT can increase the resistance of muscles to fatigue during intense exercise. Fifty male Balb/c mice were randomly allocated into two equal groups: LEDT-ATP and LEDT-fatigue. Both groups were subdivided into five equal subgroups: LEDT-sham, LEDT-5 min, LEDT-3 h, LEDT-6 h, and LEDT-24 h. Each subgroup was analyzed for muscle ATP content or fatigue at specified time after LEDT. The fatigue test was performed by mice repeatedly climbing an inclined ladder bearing a load of 150 % of body weight until exhaustion. LEDT used a cluster of LEDs with 20 red (630 ± 10 nm, 25 mW) and 20 infrared (850 ± 20 nm, 50 mW) delivering 80 mW/cm(2) for 90 s (7.2 J/cm(2)) applied to legs, gluteus, and lower back muscles. LEDT-6 h was the subgroup with the highest ATP content in soleus and gastrocnemius compared to all subgroups (P < 0.001). In addition, mice in LEDT-6 h group performed more repetitions in the fatigue test (P < 0.001) compared to all subgroups: LEDT-sham and LEDT-5 min (~600 %), LEDT-3 h (~200 %), and LEDT-24 h (~300 %). A high correlation between the fatigue test repetitions and the ATP content in soleus (r = 0.84) and gastrocnemius (r = 0.94) muscles was observed. LEDT increased ATP content in muscles and fatigue resistance in mice with a peak at 6 h. Although the time response in mice and humans is not the same, athletes might consider applying LEDT at 6 h before competition.
The most typical maximum tests for measuring leg muscle performance are the one-repetition maximum leg press test (1RMleg) and the isokinetic knee extension/flexion (IKEF) test. Nevertheless, their inter-correlations have not been well documented, mainly the predicted values of these evaluations. This correlational and regression analysis study involved 30 healthy young males aged 18–24y, who have performed both tests. Pearson's product moment correlation between 1RMleg and IKEF varied from 0.20 to 0.69 and the more exact predicted test was to 1RMleg (R^{2} =0.71). The study showed correlations between 1RMleg and IKEF although these tests are different (isotonic vs. isokinetic) and provided further support for cross determination of 1RMleg and IKEF by linear and multiple linear regression analysis.