In this paper we describe the setup and results of a scanning LiDAR measurement campaign at an offshore park, aiming at performing multiple power curves and characterizing the wind flow variation in the vicinity of the wind farm. The Scanning LiDAR is located on an offshore substation, 1.8 km at the West of the Anholt wind farm. The lidar has a nominal range of 3.5km, and scans towards the first row of wind turbines, measuring the inflow and wakes of three wind turbines. A vertical profiling lidar, also located on the substation, provides additional wind speed and direction measurements, and a wave buoy provides information about the water temperature and sea state. The data are processed in order to reconstruct velocity measurements at 2.5 rotor diameters in front of the turbines, allowing for multiple and concurrent power curve analysis. At the same time, the dataset also provide some novel insight into wake effects and turbulence outside and within the wake of a wind turbine.