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Florida Monitoring Program: Point Count Method to Survey Birds


Abstract and Figures

This document is WEC144, one of a series of the Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date December 2000. Revised March 2014. Visit the EDIS website at
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Florida Monitoring Program: Point Count Method to
Survey Birds1
Mark E. Hostetler and Martin B. Main2
1. This document is WEC144, one of a series of the Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date December 2000.
Revised March 2014. Visit the EDIS website at http://edis.ifas.u.edu.
2. Mark E. Hostetler, associate professor and Wildlife Extension Specialist, and Martin B. Main, associate professor, Department of Wildlife Ecology &
Conservation, UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL 32611.
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Ornithology is the scientic study of birds. It is one of the
few elds where information comes not only from trained
scientists, but also from the cooperation between students,
bird watchers, and scientists. Our general knowledge about
birds is in part due to such cooperative eorts. Examples
of cooperative eorts include the Audubon Christmas Bird
Count, the Breeding Bird Survey, Project Feeder Watch, and
the Breeding Bird Atlas. ese eorts greatly enhance our
ability to conserve birds in North America.
Bird projects usually fall into three categories: inventory,
monitoring, and research. People conduct inventory
projects to generate a list of species. Birds are identied
by visual observation and/or song. Monitoring projects
record birds in a region or study site over an extended
period of time. Such projects use specic procedures to
survey birds in exactly the same way each time. is is
critical for comparing information over time. Research is
more involved than inventory or monitoring projects, but
inventory or monitoring techniques typically are employed
in research projects. Research begins by formalizing a
question into a hypothesis that can be tested with a study.
For example, a hypothesis may be “variation in woodpecker
abundance is in part due to variation in tree density.” He
or she then designs a study, collects and analyzes data,
and discusses the results in terms of whether tree density
aected woodpecker density.
In terms of monitoring birds, the point count method is
used in all types of bird projects. Point counts are used to
record a variety of birds, including those species that may
not visit a feeder. It is a simple method that provides a uni-
form way of counting birds over time or across locations. In
large areas, randomly allocated point counts can be used as
representative samples for the area. Point counts are visited
Credits: UF/IFAS Photo:Marisol Amador
Florida Monitoring Program: Point Count Method to Survey Birds
over a period of several days or longer to assess how many
and what types of birds are in an area. To increase accuracy,
one increases the quantity of point counts and the number
of days a point count is repeated.
Generally, point counts are used to compare bird dier-
ences between sites. ey can be used to monitor changes
in bird populations when an area is changed. ey also can
be used to study seasonal and annual uctuations in bird
populations. Point counts oen are utilized in areas where
transects are impractical. A transect is a survey method
where a researcher walks a route of a determined length
and counts birds on either side of the route. Transects are
not practical if it is dicult to walk through a landscape or
the area of interest is too small.
Monitoring projects may not begin with explicit questions
about the systems being studied. However, the results are
oen used to generate questions that are answered with
additional research. In fact, point count surveys can be used
in many educational programs. Participants can look at
results and develop hypotheses about why dierences occur
between the sites of interest. For example, one might nd
that woodpeckers visit Homeowner As yard but not Home-
owner B’s yard. One can visit each of the homeowners
yards and look for habitat dierences between the two
yards. Unique hypotheses could be developed and tested.
is may lead to recommendations for ways to improve
Homeowner Bs yard to attract woodpeckers. is compara-
tive approach is an eective way to evaluate the impact of
landscape changes on bird populations.
Further, one can evaluate the success of wildlife habitat
improvements that have been made on a property. One
conducts a point count before habitat changes have oc-
curred. en, one conducts point counts periodically over
a number of years. By comparing the initial number of
bird species to future numbers, one can get an idea of how
changes in the landscape aected bird species on a given
piece of property.
e important thing to remember is that the point count
method is a standardized method of surveying birds. To
insure the reliability of any comparisons, each person
should conduct a point count in exactly the same way.
Florida Monitoring Program
e objective of the Florida Monitoring Program is to
develop a database that is linked to a Website where people
can enter and view collected environmental and ecological
data. Homeowners and participants from various natural
resource, Cooperative Extension, and state education
programs are encouraged to participate. e initial focus
will be on birds. However, this initial eort will be used as
a pilot to expand to other variables (such as insects, mam-
mals, water quality, vegetation, etc.). One potential benet
of this project may be the production of a database that
could be used in a state-wide monitoring eort.
e idea behind this program is to create a Website for
participants to share, view, and display data. is will
allow people to interact, pose questions, compare results,
discuss, and develop suggestions of how to improve their
local environmental condition. For people who have gone
through various extension and educational programs,
this program will promote the continuation of critical
thinking and learning. Participants will be able to compare
their results with others. Such data comparisons lead to
the development of hypotheses, alternative strategies, and
solutions. For example, the University of Floridas Backyard
Wildlife Habitat (http://www.wec.u.edu/extension/
landscaping/lw/) and Florida Yards & Neighborhoods
(http://fyn.ifas.u.edu) programs teach people ways to
ecologically and environmentally improve the design and
maintenance of their yards. A collection component, where
data are displayed on a Website, will promote interest and
excitement among the participants. e “fruits” of their
labor could be monitored and displayed, allowing a com-
munity of like individuals to interact.
Point Count Protocol
Point Counts: A point count consists of standing in a spe-
cic location and counting birds. One counts the number of
individual birds (of each species) within a circle of a certain
radius. In most cases, especially when gathering data to
compare one point count to the next, radius size should be
consistent. But what radius to choose? e radius should be
as large as possible to maximize information gathering, but
not so large that birds cannot be seen or heard throughout
the survey area. Also, landscapes are very dierent from
one survey site to the next. It is dicult to select a radius
that works for every situation. For this reason and based on
our experiences, we suggest participants use a radius of 20
meters (65.5 .) for most situations. Keeping the surveyed
areas the same makes comparing dierent point counts that
much easier in the long run (Figure 1 on page 3).
In some cases, due to obstacles, the entire circle may not
be possible to survey. Try to nd a location where you can
survey 100% of the circle. If this is not possible (such as a
backyard with high walls where birds cannot be seen on
the other side), just report the percentage of the circle that
Florida Monitoring Program: Point Count Method to Survey Birds
could be surveyed. Alternatively, various geometric areas
could be surveyed (e.g., rectangles, squares, or triangles). If
not using a circle, try to survey an area that equals the area
of the 20 m radius circle (1256 m2).
As mentioned above, situations are dierent from one area
to the next. Although we encourage participants to conduct
a circle point count with a 20 meter radius, one can survey
birds using point counts of dierent sizes and shapes.
Certain landscapes and situations may warrant utilizing a
larger or smaller radius. ere are ways to account for dif-
ferent point count sizes when attempting to make compari-
sons across dierent sites. us, any point count size and
shape will work, especially if one is primarily interested in
tracking birds over time at one site. e important point is
to keep the size of the point count the same from the start.
Changing the size of the point count in the middle of your
monitoring eort would bias the data. is would have to
be accounted for in nal analyses.
Important Note: If you would like to do a point count with
a larger radius, here is what we suggest. Record all birds
that are seen or heard within the normal 20 meter radius.
At the same time, record birds that are heard or seen within
a selected distance outside this 20 meter radius. e birds
counted within the 20 meter radius would be marked in the
“Number of Birds” column of the data sheet (see Table 3).
Birds seen or heard outside the 20 meter radius (within a
specied distance) are marked in the “Outside” column of
the data sheet.
For example, let us assume that a person wants to record
birds within a 40 meter radius. e observer could
separately record birds seen or heard within the 20 meter
radius and within the 20 to 40 meter band that is outside
the 20 meter radius circle. Be sure that the same bird is not
counted twice during the survey. A bird that moves from
the 0 - 20 meter area to the 20 - 40 meter area should not be
counted twice. Count it where it rst appeared.
is is a more dicult survey because one is counting birds
within two dierent areas at once. One is counting birds
within a 20 meter radius and also within a circular band
outside this 20 meter radius. e purpose of surveying
birds in this manner is that it allows one to compare across
sites. A 40 meter radius count that contains birds seen
within 20 meter radius can be compared to other 20 meter
If you choose to do this, please ll-in the distance that
you consistently count birds outside the 20 meter radius.
is will be marked in the Site Registration section under
Optional, enter survey distance beyond 20 meters” (see
Table 1 on page 6). Write in the distance beyond the 20
meter radius.
Time of Counts: As with the survey area, the time devoted
to point counts must be consistent. For the Florida Moni-
toring Project, point counts will last 10 minutes. We suggest
conducting 1-3 counts per month, but one can do more if
desired. Any number of months could be counted during
a year. Counts should be done within three hours aer
sunrise. is is when birds are most active. One can also do
nighttime surveys to count nocturnal species (done within
three hours aer sunset). During point counts, record all
birds seen and heard within the survey area.
Counting the Birds: Once the survey has started, record
all birds that are seen or heard within the point count. You
can use your own codes to mark down the birds during the
survey as long as you transcribe your codes to the full com-
mon name. One can also record, in the Outside Column
(see Table 3), birds heard or seen during the count beyond
the boundaries of the survey area. is is done on a casual
basis. It does not represent a consistent survey of birds
at a certain distance outside of the 20 meter radius (see
Important Note above). is is especially useful for birds
with loud calls that carry long distances, such as hawks or
owls. Aer a count is completed, attempts should be made
to identify all birds whose identity was in question.
Starting the Count: Approach your survey location quietly.
Once you are at the center of the survey circle, wait for 2
Figure 1. A typical 20 m (m=meter) radius point count where one
person counts all the birds seen or heard within a 10 minute period.
Florida Monitoring Program: Point Count Method to Survey Birds
minutes before you start recording birds. is allows you
to get oriented, and it allows the birds to acclimate to your
presence. Upon entering your point count, record on your
data sheet all birds that where ushed from the survey area.
Counting FT (y-thrus): All birds that y through a point
count area (below the tallest structure in a census area)
but do not land on any structure should be counted as FT.
However, if you are sure that the ying bird came from
somewhere in the point count, do not count it as an FT.
Record the number of birds that are FT in the FT Column
of the data sheet.
Counting FO (y-overs): All higher-ying birds (above
the tallest structure in a census area) should also be noted
if they are within the boundaries of the point count area.
Record the number of birds that are FO in the FO Column
of the data sheet.
Counting Birds Outside of Survey Area: Only birds seen
or heard within the point count area should be recorded (if
a bird is 1 meter outside the survey area - do not count the
bird). Remember, to make results comparable, each person
needs to survey birds exactly the same way. However, if
it is an unusual bird or a rather vocal bird, count it in the
Outside column of the data sheet. You can also note how far
away this bird was heard or seen on the Additional Notes
section of the data sheet. Note: If you have reserved the
Outside column for birds counted within a certain distance
beyond the 20 meter radius (see Important Note above),
then birds heard outside the total point count area can only
be recorded on the Additional Notes section. For example,
birds seen or heard within a 20 - 40 meter band would
be tallied in the Outside column. Birds heard beyond 40
meters would be recorded in the Additional Notes section.
Estimating Abundance: When multiple sightings of a
species occur within a point count, only include multiple
entries for a species if you are reasonably certain they are
dierent individuals. Only count dierent individuals of
a given species. All recorded species in the data sheets are
assumed to be separate individuals (example: 5 house spar-
rows means that 5 dierent house sparrows were sighted).
Provide estimates for large ocks of birds (e.g. blackbirds,
grackles, etc.). Be sure to note that they are estimates in the
Additional Notes section.
Unidentied Birds: Unidentied birds are listed as such
with the closest taxonomic aliation that can be deter-
mined, for example, Unidentied Warbler or Unidentied
Sparrow. It should be emphasized that this type of recorded
data is very important and can be used to estimate which
type of birds are found in the area (mark on the data sheet
as Unidentied _________ (ll-in closest taxonomic
aliation of the bird). Avoid counting each unidenti-
ed bird more than once. For example, recording two
Unidentied Warblers means two dierent, warbler-like
individuals entered your point count area. is is helped
by noting (mentally or otherwise) anything you can about
the bird (e.g., size, direction last seen, any behaviors, etc).
Also, if you record an unidentied warbler, but also saw,
for example a yellow-rumped warbler, notes on general
coloration or behavior of the unidentied bird could justify
naming the unidentied warbler as a yellow-rumped.
Weather: When conducting the point count, record general
climatic conditions. Record wind intensity (estimate its
strength: no wind, slight, gusty, strong wind), temperature
(Fahrenheit), and estimate percent of cloud cover (e.g., 50
% cloud cover). is is important because climatic variables
are known to aect bird activity. Avoid counting birds if it is
raining or if it is extremely windy.
Additional Notes: e Additional Notes section at the
bottom of the data sheet is there to record anything unusual
or interesting. Record bird behaviors, dramatic changes in
the habitat, etc. Notes will not be entered into data through
the Website but it is there for your own use.
Clothing Color: Clothes worn should be drab and non-
colorful. Bright colors may attract curious birds, or warn
others away.
Avoiding Articial Densities: Do not use sounds that
can attract birds to your site. No “spishing”, “squeaking”,
recorded calls, or any other methods that encourage birds
to show themselves or to investigate the observer. is
would result in articial densities of birds.
Set-up and Practice: Before conducting the point count,
mark the boundaries of the area with some agging or use
some identiable object (e.g., corner of building, a large
tree, etc.). Also, mark the spot where you stand and observe
birds. One should return to this exact place each time. Do
several practice point counts. is will help you know the
boundaries of your area, and you can identify any potential
problems with the area that you will be surveying.
To Participate in the Florida Monitoring Program: You
will need to get a User ID and a Point Count Code for your
point count. Before starting the point count, please contact
Dr. Mark Hostetler at 352-846-0568 or hostetlerm@wec.u.
edu and indicate whether you are connected with an Exten-
sion program, a school, a private or public organization, or
Florida Monitoring Program: Point Count Method to Survey Birds
just on your own. Also, please include your phone number
and E-mail address. Aer contacting us, we will send you a
User ID and Code.
To enter survey data, you must use a fairly recent version
of Netscape Navigator as your browser. You can download
the most recent version for free from the Netscape website:
For each Point Count, you need to ll out who established
the site, where the site is, contact information (E-mail and
phone number), and a general landscape description. Please
ll out (completely) the forms on the website (see example
in Tables 1 and 2).is is done only once, before entering
the actual bird count data. e site description will allow
people to evaluate habitat dierences between sites and also
will help people know where the survey was conducted.
Please Note: You can start the surveys before obtaining the
User ID and Code (just save the data sheets). An example
data sheet is provided in Table 3. A blank data sheet is
provided in Table 4. You just need the ID and Code to enter
the data online: http://bird.ifas.u.edu. Before surveying
the birds, please read all of the information above.
For More Information
For more publications on wildlife and other topics, go to
the UF/IFAS EDIS website at http://edis.ifas.u.edu.
Florida Monitoring Program: Point Count Method to Survey Birds
Table 1. Site Registration
User ID ___________________________ (use the same ID if you have multiple surveys)
Enter Site Code __________________________
Name ___________________________________
Email ___________________________________
Phone (optional) ___________________________
If Circle, enter radius of circle ____________________m
Enter percentage of circle actually surveyed ___________________
If Other, enter approximate shape of point count ___________________
Enter total area actually surveyed ____________________m
Optional, enter survey distance beyond 20 meters _________________ m
Associated with a University of Florida Extension Program?
If yes, enter program name (e.g., Master gardener): ____________________________
Associated with a school?
If yes, enter name of the school: ___________________________________________
Associated with any other private or public organization?
If yes, enter name of organization: __________________________________________
Florida Monitoring Program: Point Count Method to Survey Birds
Table 2. Habitat description within the point count
The below is to obtain a rough description of vertical habitat structure.
Within your site, estimate the percentage of structure at each of the
three vertical layers.
0 – 0.15 m
__________% gravel or bare soil,
__________% pavement or building
__________% lawn
__________% other vegetation (e.g., ivy)
0.15 – 2.0 m
___________% shrubs, small trees or other vegetation
> 2.0 m
___________% tree canopy
Human-made bird structures:
Number of Hanging or Post-mounted Seed Feeders __________________
Number of Hummingbird Feeders ________________________
Number of Suet/Peanut Butter Feeders ___________________
Number of Platform Feeders ___________________________
Number of Bird Baths ________________________________
Number of Bird Boxes ________________________________
Enter the overall landuse designation in which the site is located
(e.g., single family, multi-family, school, park, industrial, etc.)
Florida Monitoring Program: Point Count Method to Survey Birds
Table 3. A sample data sheet
Date: 4/7/99 Point Count Code: AAMG-MH1
Weather (wind intensity, temp, and cloud cover): gusty, 50 F, no clouds
Primary Observer’s Name: Mark Hostetler
SPECIES Number of Birds FT FO Outside
House Sparrow 15 1
Mourning Dove 8
House Finch 10 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Additional Notes: Red-bellied woodpecker heard 20 meters outside point count area on a large oak
Florida Monitoring Program: Point Count Method to Survey Birds
Table 4. Blank data sheet
Date: ___________________ Point Count Code: _________________________
Weather (wind intensity, temp, and cloud cover): ____________________________
Primary Observer’s Name: ____________________________
SPECIES Number of Birds FT FO Outside
Additional Notes: ___________________________________________________________________
... The researchers used the point count method to estimate the population and abundance of Philippine ducks. This is an easy strategy that offers a consistent way to count birds throughout time or across different sites (Buckland 2006;Hostetler and Martin 2001). In the point-count method, a person stands in a specific location and counts the number of individual birds of each species within a certain radius of a circle (Hostetler and Main . ...
... A 20-meter radius point count was done, where one person counts the species that have been seen within a 10-minute period. All birds that fly through a point count area but do not land on any structure were counted as FT or fly-thrus (Hostetler and Main 2001). However, those who were seen in the water were counted as swimmers. ...
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The Philippine duck (Anas luzonica) is the country’s only endemic duck. This study aimed to gather information on the population and abundance of A. luzonica at Barangay Ibabang Palsabangon, Pagbilao, Quezon. Four transect areas measuring 100 x 20 meters serve as data collection points were established using the point count method. A total of 1742 individuals were encountered from swim and fly-thrus and the species are considered as common based on a crude ordinal scale of abundance. Among the four transects, transect 1 has the lowest number, which is considered a disturbed area, with a numerical value of density 0.042. The highest number of encountered ducks was in transect 4, which also has the highest density with a numerical value of 0.3865. Morphological variations such as the length and color of various parts of the body of A. luzonica were also described. The male and female have similar appearances and only differ in size. In terms of color, female A. luzonica was lighter than male. Human disturbance influenced the population and abundance of Philippine Ducks. Authorities should strengthen conservation practices for the protection of A. luzonica inhabiting PMSFR.
... A field survey was conducted from December 2010 to March 2014 to collect data on the checklist, diversity and richness of birds in five different agricultural habitats viz., Paddy, Cotton, Castor, Red gram and Fruit garden. One kilometer transect was laid and at every 200 m distance one point was taken and the bird species were recorded in the 20 m radius in a duration of 20 min (Hostetler and Main 2001). ...
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The study was carried out from December 2010 to March 2014 to obtain the list of bird species, their density, diversity, species richness and evenness associated with five different crops viz., Paddy, Cotton, Castor, Red gram and Fruit garden in agricultural habitat of Nalgonda district. The current study highlights the status of avian diversity in relation to different crops, order wise versus crop wise species distribution and their clusters among the over- lapping species. A unique attempt of assembling birds, between crops and among the species shows significant variation in the relative density and diet selection of each bird species. Among which seven threatened bird species (IUCN Red list) were documented.
... Burung dari sebelas titik lokasi pengambilan sampel dilakukan identifikasi untuk mengetahui jenisnya. Teknik pengumpulan data burung menggunakan metode point count (titik hitung), pengamat berhenti di suatu titik dan menghitung burung yang terdeteksi selama selang waktu 10 menit dengan jarak 20 m (65,5 kaki) untuk tingkat semai (Hostetler & Main, 2001) dan 50 m untuk tingkat pohon (Waltert et al., 2004) Belitung. ...
Indonesia is known as the country with the second highest megabiodiversity after Brazil because of its rich flora and fauna. One proof of its natural wealth belongs to birds which reached 1,777 species. The existence of thousands of birds in several aspects of life that discusses finance, culture, science and research. Based on this, it is necessary to do research on birds that utilize Red Flower trees (Spatodhea campanulata) and Kedebik bushes (Melastoma malabraticum) in the forest area of the Bangka Belitung University campus. The method used in this study is a calculation point that determines the observation point based on the Red Tree flower (Spatodhea campanulata) and the Kedebik bush (Melastoma malabraticum) in the forest area of the Bangka Belitung University campus. The birds that use the Red Flower tree and the Kebebik bush found in the Bangka Belitung University campus forest are 5 orders grouped into 10 families and 17 species. The order with the largest number of families is Order Cuculiformes, which consists of 7 families.
... The number of B. ibis population was carried out by Total Count, using a modified Drive Count and In and Out Count method (Borkowski et al. 2011;Hostetler and Main 2016;Abdullah et al. 2017). Three observers were assigned to four observation sites located in the north, west, south, and east of Petulu Village (Figure 1). ...
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Sudaryanto FX, Hardini J, Kalih LATTWS, Suana IWS. 2022. Bubulcus ibis (cattle egret) conservation with awig-awig (customary law) in Bali, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 1904-1910. The study on the conservation of Bubulcus ibis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Petulu Village, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, was conducted to determine the population dynamics and behavior of B. ibis the vegetation used, the conservation efforts by the community, and the benefits to ecotourism. The population of B. ibis in August 2019 was 625 ± 12 birds, 7053 ± 15 birds in February 2020, and 465 ± 17 birds in July 2020. In Petulu Village, B. ibis breeds from December 2019 to February 2020. The most commonly used tree for nesting was Ficus subcordata Bl. Based on in-depth interviews, 100% of the inhabitants of Petulu Village were willing and carried out the conservation of B. ibis with awig-awig. The tourists who come to Petulu are 100% amazed by the use of awig-awig (traditional law) as the B. ibis conservation method.
... study: In the present study, population based monitoring method was adopted which involves point count stations at random across a geographic area or along roadways(Mark et al. 2000). As suggested byHostetler et al. 2016, this method consists of standing in a speci c point location and counting birds, recording the number of birds, nests or other relevant objects such as burrows, droppings and footprints, etc. The study was conducted for a stipulated period of 14 months from January 2019 to February 2020 in 168 study areas in Madurai Dist. ...
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To achieve a sustainable conservation or adaptation strategy, it is necessary to understand the impacts of habitat and weather on particular species. Hence the study was focused to analyze the parameters that influence the population of house sparrow in various locations of Madurai Dist. Furthermore, its present and future suitable habitats have been predicted using computational tools. Statistical analysis and correlation were performed with data gathered through random sampling. Using correlation analysis, the association between various parameters was studied. Hierarchical clustering of data was performed by a Kendall Correlation coefficient to identify the suitable habitat and weather. Subsequently the Selection of the major parameters of a study was determined using Principal Component Analysis approach. The study highlights the significance of utilizing data mining and computational analysis to precisely understand the influence of various geographical parameters on the distribution and survival of the house sparrow population in an area. Based on the results obtained, abundance and distribution of house sparrow were closely related to the area of habitat in which house sparrows were found. The preference of particular habitat can be briefly explained using Kendall Correlation Matrix and cluster analysis. Using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique, the population density of the house sparrow was studied. Taking these computational analyses into account will provide a new perspective on predicting the species distribution in the specific area thereby conserving it.
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The State Islamic University of Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris (UINSI) Samarinda is a state Islamic campus in East Kalimantan that has good vegetation conditions so there are various types of birds in the area. This research aims to know the different kinds of bird that exist in the region of UINSI Samarinda Campus so as to be a first step towards conservation efforts. The method used in this study is Point Count by observing birds at a specified location. The bird identification was done with the help of MacKinnon's books. The data obtained was analyzed by the diversity index (H’), the relative abundance index (IKR), the redness index (E), the richness index of the species and its conservation status. The results of the study obtained 16 species of birds that are known to have one species endemic to Kalimantan, namely Lonchura fuscans. The analysis of the bird's H’ value of 2.19, the highest IKR is Passer montanus of 25.89%, the E value of 0.76, and the species richness index of 3.22. In addition, the conservation status of the birds found is 14 species of birds with Least Concern status (LC), one Vulnerable status (VU) and one Endangered status. (EN).
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We documented the forest avian species diversity (FASD) and tried to establish a relationship between FASD with different vegetation structure variables, e.g., tree density, herb density, shrub density, and canopy cover, along with disturbance levels in nine forest sampling sites (FSS) under three major types of forests, namely (1) tropical semi evergreen (TSE), (2) moist mixed deciduous, and (3) dry mixed deciduous (DMD) of Northern Eastern Ghats in Ganjam district, Odisha, India from January 2018 to December 2020. We identified 92 bird species under 13 orders, 38 families, and 71 genera. The highest bird diversity was found in TSE (84 species, 814 individuals out of 2158 recorded individuals in all three forest types, Shannon's diversity index or H′= 4.207). This is attributed to rich vegetation and lower disturbance level. Least species were observed in DMD (70 species, 619 individuals, H′= 4.028). Predominance of insectivorous birds among the different types of feeding guilds was found among all forest types. Tree density was shown to be the only variable to positively correlate with species abundance in the study region (r 2 = 0.99, P< 0.05), whereas the other vegetation structure variables did not. Continuous anthropogenic pressure, unchecked grazing, and deforestation are all major threats to the native avifauna in each FSS of the Ganjam district. The present study will help the community understand the value of forest avifauna in preserving forest ecosystems, which will ultimately lead to the protection of biodiversity.
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Forest management practice plays a critical role in conserving biodiversity. However, there are few studies on how forest management practice affects bird communities. Here, we compare the effectiveness of the Panchase Protection Forest (PPF; protected forest with government administration) and the Tibrekot Community Forest (TCF; community forest with community forest users’ group administration) in hosting bird diversity in the mid-hills of Nepal. We examined 96 point count stations during summer and winter in 2019 and recorded 160 species of birds with three globally threatened vultures (red-headed vulture Sarcogyps calvus, slender-billed vulture Gyps tenuirostris, and white-rumped vulture Gyps bengalensis). Forest management practice, season, and elevation all influenced the richness and abundance of birds. The diversity, richness, and abundance of birds and the most common feeding guilds (insectivore, omnivore, and carnivore) were higher in TCF than in PPF; however, globally threatened species were only recorded in PPF. We also recorded a higher bird species turnover (beta diversity) in TCF than in PPF. Our study indicates that community-managed forests can also provide quality habitats similar to those of protected forests managed by the government, and provide refuge to various bird species and guilds. However, we recommend more comparative studies in other tropical and sub-tropical areas to understand how different forest management practices influence bird diversity.
Conservation efforts commonly target the protection of specific threatened species and habitats, with the value of heterogeneous landscapes often overlooked. Areas with small fragments of habitat tend to receive little attention, but the overall habitat mosaic may support substantial biodiversity. In this work, we investigated seasonal bird–habitat associations on Akrotiri Peninsula, Cyprus, a well-known migration bottleneck site. The area comprises a heterogeneous landscape of diverse but fragmented habitats, with extensive wetlands rich in bird species. We mapped habitat types across the study area, and performed 388 point counts to record bird species richness and abundance in each season for 1 year. A total of 6255 individuals of 115 species were recorded. The study revealed that species were clustered within and around freshwater bodies, and taller and structurally more complex habitats. Seasonal patterns showed that winter and spring seasons supported greater richness of species and numbers of individuals compared to summer and autumn. Overall, we show that water availability and structural complexity of habitat types are positively correlated with both species richness and abundance. Our comprehensive seasonal bird–habitat association study in a protected, designated site, highlights the value of protecting a heterogeneous landscape in its entirety because of the overall diversity it can support across seasons.
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There exists limited information on biodiversity including avifaunal diversity and habitat condition in community forests (CF) of Nepal; thus we aimed to fulfill such gaps in Tibrekot CF of Kaski district. We used the point count method for assessing bird diversity and laid out a circular plot size of radius 5-m within 15-m distance from each point count station for recording the biophysical habitat characteristics. Bird species’ diversity, richness and evenness were calculated using popular indexes and General Linear Model (GLM) was used to test the respective effect of various biophysical factors associated with the richness of bird species. In total, 166 (summer 122, winter 125) bird species were recorded in 46 sample plots. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index was calculated as 3.99 and 4.09, Margalef’s richness index as 16.84 and 17.53 and Pielou’s evenness index as 0.83 and 0.84 for summer and winter, respectively. The influencing factors for richness of bird species were season (χ21, 90= 112.21; P= 0.016) with higher richness in the summer season and low vegetation cover (χ21, 89= 113.88; P= 0.0064) with higher richness in lower percentage cover. Thus, community-managed forest should be protected as it has a significant role in increasing bird diversity, which has potential for attracting avifaunal tourism for the benefit of the local communities.
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