Conference PaperPDF Available

Poster: Maximizing Renewable Energy Usage in Buildings using Smart Energy Switching Platform

Poster Paper: Maximizing Renewable Energy Usage in
Buildings using Smart Energy Switching Platform
Qasim Khalid, Naveed Arshad
Department of Computer Science
SBASSE, LUMS, Pakistan
Jahangir Ikram
Department of Electrical Engineering
SBASSE, LUMS, Pakistan
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.4 [Information Systems Applications]: Miscellaneous;
J.7 [Computer Applications]: Computer in Other Sys-
tems—Command and control
General Terms
Optimization, Algorithm, Hybrid Solar PV System
solar PV optimization, hybrid renewable energy system, fine-
grained clustering, smart switch
Solar energy is slated to be an important energy source for
reducing dependence in fossil fuels. Past few years have seen
unprecedented deployments of solar energy in many coun-
tries of the developed world. However, solar energy uptake
in developing countries is rather slow. This is particularly
true for solar energy installations on buildings. Since build-
ings consume more than 40% of energy, it is important that
greener buildings are encouraged through on-site production
of renewable energy [2]. However, limited possibility of en-
ergy buyback programs in developing countries is one of the
reason for less solar deployments. Also, in some countries
the electricity infrastructure is so fragile that energy buy-
back programs at smaller scale are not feasible. Therefore,
if the building owners like to go green then huge battery
banks are needed to make the best use of solar energy. But
battery banks add quite a bit of cost to the overall solar
energy infrastructure in buildings. This extra upfont and
maintenance cost is one of the reasons that hampers the
growth of solar on buildings.
Hybrid solar energy systems are used when energy buy-
back programs are available [1]. In this work we make a case
that traditional hybrid solar energy deployments are not fea-
sible for places without energy buyback programs. Instead
we propose an idea of a solar energy system for buildings
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SenSys’15, November 1–4, 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea
ACM 978-1-4503-3631-4/15/11.
that is somewhere between hybrid and off-grid solar energy
Hybrid Solar Energy Systems make the coupling of the
solar energy and grid energy at the main electricity distri-
bution point of a building. This model of energy distribution
works best when the grid is stable and energy buyback pro-
grams are available. In absence of the option of putting
the energy back on the grid one would like the buildings
to maximally utilize the solar energy. But the hybrid solar
energy systems, while costing a fortune, do not utilize the
maximum available solar energy. This is because the hy-
brid inverters charge the batteries from grid energy at night
and when the batteries are fully charged in the morning the
solar energy available is only utilized to run the needs of
the buildings during daytime. Thus, the batteries are not
charged from the solar energy, hence, maximum solar energy
is not utilized. Also, the energy needs of buildings are not
consistent with the solar insolation curve and about 30-50%
solar energy is not utilized. Furthermore, there are other
problems with the inverters that make them less efficient for
places without energy buybacks. To this end in this work,
we present a Smart Energy Switching Platform (SESP) that
takes the coupling of the solar power and energy from the
grid at device level for more fine grained utilization of solar
energy. Our initial results show a reduction of about 42%
in upfront and maintenance cost of SESP when compared
with hybrid solar energy systems for the same building.
Figure 1 shows the architecture of SESP. Selected devices
in the building are connected with two sources of energy
i.e. solar and grid using a Smart Switch. Smart Switch is
placed with a single electrical device or a cluster of devices to
control the source of energy. Smart Switches sense the live
energy usage of devices. This live energy information is com-
municated to a Central Coordinator using Zigbee communi-
cation module. The central controller also receives live infor-
mation on real-time solar energy production. State of charge
in the batteries is also reported to the central controller. En-
ergy information from the respective smart switches, infor-
mation on solar energy production and the state of charge
in the batteries are used for making the switch of a cluster
between solar or grid energy based using user-defined pref-
erences. User may set priorities on the state of charge in the
batteries, or priorities on running clusters on solar or grid
energy. Based on these priorities, SESP tries to maximize
the usage of solar energy amongst the device clusters. SESP
also has a weather forecaster that predicts the solar insola-
tion of the next day and the next few hours using publicly
available weather information[3].
Figure 1: Smart Energy Switching Platform. (Diamond
symbols are Smart Switches where energy from solar and
energy from the grid is coupled)
In its default state, the SESP works in the following man-
ner: At sunrise the system starts sensing the solar energy
production. Central controller keeps a sorted list energy us-
age information from all clusters. As soon as the solar energy
production is enough to switch the least energy consuming
cluster its energy source is shifted to solar. The Central Co-
ordinator sends a control signal to a Smart Switch to change
the source of energy for the cluster. Based on a user-defined
time interval the central controller checks the solar energy
production and tries to match with a combination of clus-
ters to maximally utilize the solar energy. Also the central
controller keeps enough buffer in the batteries to meet any
shortfall solar energy production for a brief time period.
Figure 2a shows the result of SESP on a sunny day in a
building with six clusters of varying profiles. In this figure,
one can note that as soon as the solar energy is available
at sunrise one or more clusters are shifted to solar energy.
After a given time interval a new set of clusters are shifted
to solar energy. This process continues until sunset. The
solar energy usage is almost exactly the same as the solar
insolation curve. Thus, at the end of the day the efficiency
of solar energy production in this particular building is more
than 97% of the available solar insolation. Figure 2b shows
the same building with patchy sunlight. On this particular
day the solar energy efficiency is more than 94%.
To summarize the SESP is able to bring the cost of the
system down by about 42% even after adding the cost of
Smart Switches and related electric wiring. Further the pay-
back period of a solar energy system is down from nine to
to seven years. This reduction in cost and payback period
is possible by reducing the number of batteries required in
the system which in turn reduces the maintenance cost of
the system. Also, using SESP one does not need expen-
sive MPPT Hybrid Inverters and can use the PWM Off-grid
inverters which are available in half the price.
(a) Sunny
(b) Both Sunny Cloudy
Figure 2: SESP Solar Energy Utilization on a sunny day
and in a day with partial overcast
SESP provides an alternate model for solar energy uti-
lization at places where energy buyback programs such as
net-metering or feed-in tariffs are not available. The design
of SESP is deliberately kept simple to encourage its usage in
developing countries. Moreover, one can install SESP with
only two Smart Switches. By doing this, cost of the system
will be reduce even further.
One possible future direction is to extend this system at
neighborhood scale. Since some buildings have minimal en-
ergy needs during weekends and holidays the energy could
be utilized in neighborhood buildings by making an energy
co-op. Presently the system uses a simple bin-packing al-
gorithm. However, for scalability this needs to be updated
with a more sophisticated and scalable algorithm.
Another possible direction is to improve the algorithm to
cater for planning power load shedding during the daytime.
The battery needs to have enough storage to keep the high
priority clusters energized during such outages. Another
more challenging improvement in the algorithm is to plan
for unplanned outages of varying durations.
Yet another direction is to cater varying power profiles of
the clusters. Presently we are assuming the power profiles
of the clusters to be constant. However, in reality power
profiles vary all the time.
[1] O. Erdinc and M. Uzunoglu. Optimum design of hybrid
renewable energy systems: Overview of different approaches.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(3):1412 – 1425,
[2] L. Perez-Lombard, J. Ortiz, and C. Pout. A review on buildings
energy consumption information. Energy and Buildings,
40(3):394 – 398, 2008.
[3] N. Sharma, J. Gummeson, D. Irwin, and P. Shenoy. Cloudy
computing: Leveraging weather forecasts in energy harvesting
sensor systems. In Sensor Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications
and Networks (SECON), 2010 7th Annual IEEE
Communications Society Conference on, pages 1–9. IEEE,
... To summarize, we have implemented a variation of Hyper Ellipsoidal Clustering algorithm as in Ref. [6] to detect the transient of high-powered electrical devices. After detecting the transient, we use a variation of Smart Energy Switching Platform (SESP) proposed in Ref. [7] to shift the load from PV to the grid. Usually, for heavy loads, the transients are observed during the startup of the load and normal cycles of the appliance. ...
... All the information is processed with the help of an algorithm called SMaRTI to decide which power source (either PV or utility) should be selected by a specific cluster. More details on the SMaRTI is discussed in Ref. [7]. CC also has a weather forecaster that predicts the solar insolation of next few hours and next day and the using publicly available weather information [22]. ...
... This reduction in cost and payback period is possible by reducing the number of batteries required in the system which in turn reduces the maintenance cost of the system. Also, using SESP, one does not need expensive MPPT hybrid inverters and can use the PWM off-grid inverters which are available in half the price [7]. ...
... All the information is processed with the help of an algorithm called SMaRTI to decide which power source(either PV or utility) should be selected by a specific cluster. More details on the SMaRTI is discussed in [4]. CC also has a weather forecaster that predicts the solar insolation of next few hours and next day and the using publicly available weather information [5]. ...
... This reduction in cost and payback period is possible by reducing the number of batteries required in the system which in turn reduces the maintenance cost of the system. Also, using SESP, one does not need expensive MPPT hybrid inverters and can use the PWM off-grid inverters which are available in half the price [4]. ...
Full-text available
The world needs renewable energy for the long-term future. One of the most promising renewable energy solar PV is ideal for buildings and rooftop. However, the uptake of solar PV in developing countries is rather slow. Mostly because it is expensive but also because heavy electrical appliances cannot be operated on small scale PV systems. In this paper, we present an approach to operate high powered devices on small-scale PV systems. In our approach, we have designed a platform called Smart Energy Switching Platform (SESP). A software layer on top of SESP allows the devices to follow a collaborative scheme where high power devices are moved to an on-state if enough power is available. With this approach, multiple high powered devices with transients can be operated with a smaller PV system. We have evaluated our approach using many simulation scenarios and has presented a case study to describe the working of the system.
Conference Paper
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To sustain perpetual operation, systems that harvest environmental energy must carefully regulate their usage to satisfy their demand. Regulating energy usage is challenging if a system's demands are not elastic and its hardware components are not energy-proportional, since it cannot precisely scale its usage to match its supply. Instead, the system must choose when to satisfy its energy demands based on its current energy reserves and predictions of its future energy supply. In this paper, we explore the use of weather forecasts to improve a system's ability to satisfy demand by improving its predictions. We analyze weather forecast, observational, and energy harvesting data to formulate a model that translates a weather forecast to a wind or solar energy harvesting prediction, and quantify its accuracy. We evaluate our model for both energy sources in the context of two different energy harvesting sensor systems with inelastic demands: a sensor testbed that leases sensors to external users and a lexicographically fair sensor network that maintains steady node sensing rates. We show that using weather forecasts in both wind- and solar-powered sensor systems increases each system's ability to satisfy its demands compared with existing prediction strategies.
The rapidly growing world energy use has already raised concerns over supply difficulties, exhaustion of energy resources and heavy environmental impacts (ozone layer depletion, global warming, climate change, etc.). The global contribution from buildings towards energy consumption, both residential and commercial, has steadily increased reaching figures between 20% and 40% in developed countries, and has exceeded the other major sectors: industrial and transportation. Growth in population, increasing demand for building services and comfort levels, together with the rise in time spent inside buildings, assure the upward trend in energy demand will continue in the future. For this reason, energy efficiency in buildings is today a prime objective for energy policy at regional, national and international levels. Among building services, the growth in HVAC systems energy use is particularly significant (50% of building consumption and 20% of total consumption in the USA). This paper analyses available information concerning energy consumption in buildings, and particularly related to HVAC systems. Many questions arise: Is the necessary information available? Which are the main building types? What end uses should be considered in the breakdown? Comparisons between different countries are presented specially for commercial buildings. The case of offices is analysed in deeper detail.
  • L Perez-Lombard
  • J Ortiz
  • C Pout
L. Perez-Lombard, J. Ortiz, and C. Pout. A review on buildings energy consumption information. Energy and Buildings, 40(3):394 -398, 2008.