Conference Paper

Demonstration of Fatigue for LTO License of NPP Borssele

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Long Term Operation (LTO) of nuclear power plants (NPPs) requires an ageing management review and a revalidation of Time Limited Ageing Analyses (TLAAs) of structures and components important for nuclear safety. An important ageing effect to manage is fatigue. Generally, the basis for this is formed by the fatigue analyses of the safety relevant components. In this paper, the methodology for the revalidation of fatigue TLAAs is demonstrated for LTO of NPP Borssele in the Netherlands. The LTO demonstration starts with a scoping survey to determine the components and locations having relevant fatigue loadings. The scope was defined by assessment against international practice and guidelines and engineering judgment. Next, a methodical review was performed of all existing fatigue TLAAs. This also includes the latest international developments regarding environmental effects. In order to reduce conservatism, a comparison was made between the number of cycles in the analyses and the number of cycles projected to the end of the intended LTO period. The projected number of cycles is based on transient counting. The loading conditions used in the analyses were assessed by means of temperature measurements by the fatigue monitoring system (FAMOS). As a result of the review, further fatigue assessment or assessment of environmental effects was necessary for certain locations. New analyses were performed using state-of-the-art calculation and assessment methods. The methodology is demonstrated by means of an example of the surge line. The model includes the piping, as well as the nozzles on the pressurizer and the main coolant line. The thermal loadings for the fatigue analysis are based on temperature measurements. Fatigue management of the NPP is ensured by means of the fatigue concept where load monitoring, transient counting and fatigue assessment are coupled through an integrated approach during the entire period of LTO.

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... T is the working temperature, dε/dt is the strain rate, and O is the dissolved oxygen (DO) (0.04 ppm in the cases analysed). Quantification of the differences obtained when using other Fen expressions provided by alternative procedures may be consulted in [39]. Such differences are generally very moderate, although significant variations (up to 80%) have been detected for some particular cases. ...
... Such differences are generally very moderate, although significant variations (up to 80%) have been detected for some particular cases. In the case of austenitic stainless steel 304L, a difference of 30% was observed in the worst case [39]. ...
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Environmental fatigue assessment is nowadays a mandatory issue in many countries, at the design and operational stages of nuclear structural components. The analysis of environmental fatigue may be a complex engineering process that is generally performed following national or international procedures. Such procedures are not always based on the same assumptions, and novel analysts may find a confusing variety of documents. Moreover, once a specific procedure has been chosen for the analysis, it is possible to complete the fatigue assessment by using design transients (and loads) or, alternatively, real loads provided by monitoring systems. In this context, this paper provides a comprehensive review of the different environmental fatigue assessment procedures and a brief description of the different types of load inputs (design vs. real data). The work is completed with a case study, in which the (fatigue) cumulative usage factor is estimated in a particular nuclear component by using one of the abovementioned assessment procedures (NUREG/CR-6909) and the two options for the load inputs.
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