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Interactive Spaces: Models and
Algorithms for Reality-Based Music
Marcella Mandanici
CSC - Sound and Music
Computing Group
Department of Information
University of Padova, ITALY
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ITS ’15, November 15-18, 2015, Funchal, Portugal
ACM 978-1-4503-3899-8/15/11.
Reality-based interfaces have the property of linking the
user’s physical space with the computer digital content,
bringing in intuition, plasticity and expressiveness.
Moreover, applications designed upon motion and gesture
tracking technologies involve a lot of psychological
features, like space cognition and implicit knowledge. All
these elements are the background of three presented
music applications, employing the characteristics of three
di↵erent interactive spaces: a user centered three
dimensional space, a floor bi-dimensional camera space,
and a small sensor centered three dimensional space. The
basic idea is to deploy the application’s spatial properties
in order to convey some musical knowledge, allowing the
users to act inside the designed space and to learn
through it in an enactive way.
Author Keywords
Blended interaction; Sound augmented reality; Learning
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.1 [Artificial, augmented, and virtual realities]; H.5.2
[User Interfaces]; H.5.5 [Sound and Music Computing]
Motivation and Research Approach
The widespread utilization of cameras, camera software
systems and motion tracking devices like Kinect
and the Leap Motion Sensor
(, has brought to the
attention of a continously growing audience of researchers,
designers and practitioners the great potentialities of
newborn interaction styles. Physical environments lying in
the range of these sensors, allow the users to move freely
in everyday spaces, without anything to wear or to hold in
their hands, and to produce some audio or/and visual
feedback from a computer system, connecting in this way
the digital contents to their movements or actions. My
Figure 1: The floor interface of
the “Harmonic Walk” application
while being tested by a high
school student
research focuses on these kinds of spatial interaction, and
on how interfaces belonging to the real world can be
arranged to deploy the uniqueness of these interaction
styles. In particular, my design experiences concern music
expressive interaction, music learning environments (see
Fig.1) and music production (see Fig.2). Many musical
features, like harmony or melodic movements, have been
historically depicted by meaningful spatial representations,
e.g. the Euler’s Tonnetz (see Fig.3, literally “web of
tones”, a spatial schema showing the triadic relationships
upon which tonal harmony is based), or the Gregorian
Chant Neumatic Notation and Chironomy, a gestural
system expressing melodic contour variations. The very
notion of musical instrument involves precise spatial rules
and element displacement, whose study has produced a
large body of research about new music production
interfaces in the field of the Sound and Music Computing.
Another interesting example of music spatial interaction is
the conductor model, where expressive performance
informations are transmitted to performers through
free-hands open-space gestures. This led me to consider
the possibility of employing physical two dimensional
surfaces or 3D spaces to project geometrical
representations of musical concepts, thus enabling users
to enter and to navigate conceptual maps representing
some musical knowledge. The experimental hypothesis
upon which my work is based, is that in this situation
implicit and tacit knowledge may emerge and drive the
users to also accomplish very complex tasks, like melody
harmonization, without delivering them any previous
information. Implicit knowledge refers to our brain’s ability
to acquire an abstract representation of any environmental
stimulus (like for instance an unknown language), learning
its rules in an unconscious way. Implicit learning is linked
to the idea of enactivism, that is the ability of learning by
doing. These important cognitive and psychological
concepts are both involved in reality-based learning
environments, which can deploy such powerful tools to
convey information in a faster and more direct way. The
aim of my work is also to study the cognitive content of
musical knowledge and to try to expand the same learning
methodology towards other domains, like the STEM
disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics), which very often benefit from being
introduced through creativity and arts-based learning.
Research Outlook
In 2010 while attending the 7th Sound and Music
Computing Conference and Summer School in Barcelona I
was introduced to the Stanza Logomotoria [18], a motion
tracking, camera-based application where children are
asked to match a story tale with sounds positioned on the
mapped surface (see Fig.5). Further, the application was
presented in some experimental sessions with music
didactics students in Conservatories and elementary
schools. Nevertheless, my actual research begun in 2012,
when I graduated in Electronic Music with a master thesis
on Disembodied voices, the first of the three case studies
described below. This experience disclosed to me the
great potentialities of reality based, full body and free
handed interaction, especially when coupled with a well
established human-to-human communication model, like
the one of the music conductor. During my first year of
PhD at the Department of Information Engineering of the
University of Padova with the Sound and Music
Computing Group (2013), I examined in depth various
theories about the representation of music harmony spaces
and music image schemas. In 2014 I realized my first
camera space music application, the Harmonic Walk,the
second of the three case studies reported below. By the
end of 2015 I will conclude my PhD studies, after having
developed several applications for entertainment, learning
and creative and expressive music interaction. Presently,
together with other members of the CSC research group, I
am working to a spatial collaborative game to enhance
music listening (Good or Bad )andtoaspatialdisplayfor
an interactive image sonification installation.
Figure 2: A child playing a
Disklavier through gestural input
detected by a Leap Motion
Figure 3: Euler’s Tonnetz, 1739.
Related Work
My work is based on two di↵erent kinds of background.
Firstly the analysis of the origins ([4]and[3]) and of the
state of art of interactive spaces like
•Google’s Interactive Spaces and Liquid Galaxy
•Aarhus University Research Centre
•Blended Interactions Design Studio, Rochester (NY)
•UCLA REMAP University of California
and blended interaction theory [5], providing also a short
survey of interactive spaces definitions, typologies,
available platforms and themes. I pay also particular
attention to existing learning environments like
•WizeFloor (
•Smallab (
791-science-through-technology- enhanced-play-step)
research centres, arts and culture installations and music
production environments. Secondly, all the theoretical
studies concerning space cognition ([11]and[17]),
implicit knowledge ([14]and[16]), enactivism [2]and
image schemas ([6]and[1]), which form an
interconnected interdisciplinary field, very useful to
understand how reality-based applications work. In Fig.4a
tentative conceptual map of the relationships existing
among reality-based applications, implicit knowledge and
space cognition is proposed, outlining reciprocal interplay
and dependencies.
Three Case Studies
In this Section three case studies of music applications are
presented. The three cases employ di↵erent motion
tracking devices and convey musical concepts through
geometrical interpretation and spatial representation. Also
the projections refer to di↵erent spatial models, as the
first employs the 3D spherical-polar coordinate system,
the second 2D Cartesian coordinates on a flat floor
surface and the third 3D space with x, y Cartesian
coordinates plus zplane for depth data.
Disembodied Voices
[9] is an interactive environment designed for an
expressive, gesture-based musical performance. The
motion sensor Kinect, placed in front of the user, provides
the computer with the 3D polar coordinates of the two
Figure 4: A conceptual map of the main relationships existing among reality-based environments (blue connections), space cognition
(green connections) and implicit knowledge (brown connections).
hands. The application is designed according to the
interaction model of the music conductor: the user,
through gestures, is able to run a score and to produce a
real-time expressive interpretation. The conductor moves
her/his arms and hands in the space around her/his torso
and in the direction of the performers. Movement analysis
([10]and[12]) as well as the teaching practice[15]
subdivide the role of the two hands; in general, the right
executes musical cues while the left is devoted to iconics,
metaphorics and dynamics. As can be seen from Fig.6,
the geometrical interpretation of the conductor’s
interaction space is a hemisphere with the center at the
level of the breastbone of the conductor and the diameter
corresponding approximately to the two stretched arms
length. Following the conductor’s interaction model, the
Figure 5: The “Stanza
Logomotoria” basic
configuration, with computer,
audio monitors and ceiling
mounted camera.
Figure 6: The hemispherical
regions for user hands interaction
in “Disembodied Voices”. For
the left hand there is an inner
region and two outer regions, one
in front and the other at the side
of the user.
hemisphere is subdivided in two parts, one for the right
and the other one for the left hand. For the left hand
three di↵erent regions are shaped, triggering various
digital sound processing e↵ects. (video available at
The Harmonic Walk
[8] is an interactive physical environment designed for
experiencing a novel spatial approach to musical creation.
In particular, the system allows the user to get in touch
with some fundamental tonal music features in a very
simple and readily available way. The application’s
interface consists of a camera placed on the ceiling which
can trace the presence of a user who walks on a flat
surface within the camera’s view. The Harmonic Walk,
through the body movement in space, can provide a live
experience of tonal melody structure, chord progressions,
melody accompaniment and improvisation. Enactive
knowledge and embodied cognition allow the user to build
an inner map of these musical features, which can be
acted by moving on the mapped surface with a simple
step. Listeners interpret a tonal melody grouping the
perceived sequence of events after a metrical and
harmonic frame [13]. This produces a segmentation of the
composition into di↵erent harmonic regions which, with
the underlying harmonic structure, are the leading features
of a tonal composition. The time proceeding of the
various musical units is led by the melody, whose
metaphoric scheme is expressed by the so-called
“source-path-goal” schema [6]. Following this metaphor
Figure 7: Visual tags of the
straight and circular path of the
“Harmonic Walk’s” interface.
and employing the simplest motion in space a human can
do - the walk - it is possible to represent a tonal
composition as a sequence of spatial blocks, where each
step corresponds to the next musical unit (white crosses in
Fig.7), while the harmonic space is represented by a six
parts sliced circular ring containing the six roots of the
tonality harmonic space (black crosses). (video available
Hand Composer
[7] is a gesture-driven composition system, based on the
analysis of the existing relationships between music
generative models and musical composition in the context
of the XX century music history background. The system
framework is based on a number of interactive machines
performing various patterns of music composition and
producing a stream of MIDI data to be compatible with a
Disklavier performance. Hand gestural input, captured by
the Leap Motion sensor (see Fig.8), can control some
parameters of the music composing machines, changing
interactively their musical output. (video available at
Figure 8: The 3D interaction space of the Hand Composer
application. x, y Cartesian coordinates are employed to map
the two-dimensional vertical plane, while zcoordinates map
the depth data.
Thesis Scope and Expected Contributions
The experimental hypothesis upon which all my research
is based, is that abstract knowledge like musical harmony
or tonal music composition structure can be conveyed to
the users through the enactive learning induced by
interactive space environments. Thus, my thesis will focus
on the relationship between space and cognition, and on
the ways knowledge can be spatially represented. As I
have worked with various kinds of interactive spaces
(bi-dimensional floors as well as three-dimensional
volumes), I will try to work out a comprehensive, unifying
framework for all of them and to highlight their respective
properties and di↵erences. If my experimental hypothesis
is verified, reality-based learning environments design
could benefit of very powerful cognitive tools, which could
be extended beyond music also to other knowledge fields,
like science, mathematics and technology.
I am grateful to my supervisor Sergio Canazza for his
precious support and help. I also want to express my
gratitude to Antonio Rod`a who followed step by step the
development of my work and to Davide Rocchesso for his
advices and presence.
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