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Providing Patient Context to Mental Health Professionals Using Mobile Applications



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Providing Patient Context to Mental Health
Professionals Using Mobile Applications
Niels van Berkel1, Simo Hosio1, Tony Durkee2,
Vladimir Carli2, Danuta Wasserman2, Vassilis Kostakos1
1 Center for Ubiquitous Computing, University of Oulu, Finland
2 National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention of Mental Ill-Health (NASP),
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
{niels.van.berkel, simo.hosio, vassilis}
{tony.durkee, vladimir.carli, danuta.wasserman}
The quantified-self movement entails self-tracking of
physical activity, often using wearable devices and mobile
applications. In parallel, mobile applications focusing on
mental health are increasingly popular, and they often rely
on active user input to track the user progress and to deliver
feedback and motivation. In this paper we discuss the
potential benefits of bridging these two distinct yet highly
relevant application domains. We argue for the benefits of
combining explicit (user-provided) and implicit (device-
collected) data sources in the context of mental health care.
We argue that this combination allows for improved
methods to observe patients’ lives, and thus provide a more
in-depth overview of their progress. This may enable
mental health professionals to establish more personalised
and adaptive care plans.
Author Keywords
Quantified self; self-care; care trajectory; smartphone;
wearable devices; ESM; EMA; depression; well-being;
mental health
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI):
Mobile applications aiming to improve users’ mental health
are increasingly popular. These applications claim how easy
improving your mental health is by using slogans such as
In just 12 weeks, you can lead the life you deserve[7], or
86% of frequent users get happier in 2 months[15].
These applications typically follow the trend of self-
cultivation, i.e. educating oneself on personal
characteristics and habits to realise personal development.
By collecting data on day-to-day activities, it is possible to
achieve these insights into one’s life.
Self-cultivation applications targeting mental health contain
large similarities in both their approach and objective
compared to the quantified-self (QS) movement. While the
most popular QS applications seemingly focus on physical
activity tracking, there are applications also tailored for
collecting data and providing insights on other areas of life,
such as finances or calorie intake. With an estimated 43.6
million adults facing mental problems in 2014 in the U.S.
alone [4], it is important to explore the possibilities of these
applications also in mental health care.
In contrast to the well-defined tracking objectives in QS
(e.g., distance travelled by bike, personal expenses), mental
health progress can be more abstract and challenging to
measure reliably [8]. Most popular mobile applications for
depression and mental health focus on self-reporting (e.g.,
[7]), but do not fully consider rich sensor data to
complement the self-reports. Doing so could enable a range
of possibilities for treatment and intervention, but also
introduces the challenge of determining which sensor data
to collect and which questions to explicitly ask patients.
In this paper we describe our design of a mobile application
that uses the combination of rich sensor data together with
self-reports from mental health patients to provide a
comprehensive situational awareness for mental health
professionals, e.g. psychotherapist, psychologist,
counsellor. In many countries (including our own), such
patients are typically under continuous treatment of a
qualified mental health professional, with whom they
consult on a regular basis. We discuss how our prototype
can help mental health professionals to augment the
patient's recovery process. We have not begun actual trials
with patients yet in this context, and hope to now raise
discussion especially on the potential limitations, long term
pitfalls, and possibilities of our approach.
A rich literature from various disciplines investigates the
correlation between a person’s context and mental health.
This work has revealed a variety of factors, both on an
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individual and community level. Individuals growing up in
‘risky’ families, characterised as aggressive and/or conflict-
prone and with low levels of support, develop a different
bio-behavioural profile (resulting, for example, in
problematic emotional processing and increased likelihood
of substance abuse) [13]. Also, depression severity has been
shown to correlate strongly with that of friends and
neighbours [14], extending up to three degrees of separation
(friend of a friend’s friend). Depression has also been
shown to effect interpersonal communication [17], resulting
in lower levels of personal engagement, and experienced
levels of discomfort during human-to-human interaction.
Diagnosis and analysis of depression through social
network usage characteristics has recently attracted more
attention. De Choudhury et al. [5] show that various aspects
of an individuals’ Twitter activity (e.g., raise in negative
affect, decrease in social activity) can characterise the onset
of depression. Other work has investigated the use of social
media to track multiple ailments and symptoms, including
allergies, depression, and obesity [11]. As such, social
media does not only allow for analysis of what is happening
at this instance in time, but can also be used in the form of a
digital diary to provide insight on past events.
Using mobile sensor data to support mental healthcare has
been explored in various applications. Burns et al. [1]
explore the use of mobile sensors to develop a context-
aware system named Mobilyze!. This mobile application is
able to detect when users need assistance and can directly
offer support. Combining concurrent sensor values and
machine learning techniques, the application achieves a
60% to 91% accuracy rate in predicting various categorical
contextual states (e.g., user activity, location). However,
states rated on scales (e.g., mood, emotions) did not attain
high accuracy. Nevertheless, following usage of the
application, the mental health of participants significantly
improved. Ma et al. [10] developed MoodMiner, a mobile
application aimed to collect a real-time, daily mood
assessment using various sensors of the mobile phone
including hardware sensors (e.g., GPS, accelerometer) and
communication channels (e.g., SMS, phone calls). Over a
30-day experiment period (N=15), the researchers are able
to achieve a 50% accuracy over the three recorded
dimensions (displeasure, tiredness, and tensity) compared to
user self-reports. Similar to [1], Ma et al. state that “people
show significant difference in daily behavior style and use
pattern of mobile phone, making it difficult to build a model
working well for anyone[10].
In collaboration with mental healthcare professionals, we
have designed and developed the first version of our
prototype as a plugin for the AWARE framework [6].
AWARE is a mobile sensing platform that makes collecting
raw sensor data from Android devices easy, and the data
can also be synced to a server in near real-time. Our goal is
to allow for the simultaneous collection of self-reported
mental states and sensor-collected data on Android devices.
We propose using machine learning to uncover relations in
the data. As an example, consider the combination of
location data and self-reported mental states, that together
indicate a change in the patient’s mental state at certain
locations (similar approach as [3]). Interpretation of these
classification results makes sense in the treatment process,
and we plan to make this type of insight available to the
mental health professional. It is then the professional’s task
to highlight and discuss these observations with the patient.
The technology required to achieve this is already available
and, based on previous work [1], we are exploring to
combine self-reports with the following sensors for further
higher-level insights: location, ambient light,
accelerometer, mobile application usage, and physical
activity. Naturally, creating classifiers and refining data per
each sensor type requires rigorous analysis and justification.
Information presentation
Healthcare professionals typically do not have the
experience required to interpret mobile sensor data.
Classifying and visualising data in a meaningful manner is
challenging, despite the recent advances in making machine
learning easier for the masses using cloud-based
approaches. Furthermore, professionals are required to link
the emerging insights to the patients’ overall situation. This
requires a thorough understanding of both the collected
sensor data and the patient’s mental states. To facilitate
professionals in this challenging task, we have implemented
a dashboard that allows the professional to configure and
visualise the various parameters of the patient’s (mobile)
context. The dashboard is a component of AWARE [6].
Personalised data collection
The treatment plan of the patient should be continuously re-
evaluated and updated to maximise its efficiency [1]. This
is usually achieved following a consultation session
between patient and clinician, or between clinicians alone.
This process of continuous interplay is presented in Figure
1. The model follows a repeating process that fits well
within the existing mental healthcare process, where
patients regularly visit their counsellor. Information
obtained from both the collected sensor data and the data
submitted by patients will allow the mental health
professional to either bring up or more accurately discuss
relevant events, thoughts, and experiences of the past. In
turn, the mental health professional can recommend
adjustments to the data collection configuration, to obtain
more relevant data for future consultation needs. These
consultations help to determine the next steps in the
patient’s treatment, and can therefore possibly result in a
change of the currently relevant metrics in the patients’
treatment process.
Figure 1. Model of mobile context in mental healthcare
process with mental health professional
Issuing the Right Question at the Right Time
The answers provided by the application users are key
sources of information regarding their mental state. It is
therefore vital that the questions issued by the mobile
application are adequate and carefully considered. In our
prototype, we use the PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire
[8], a validated scale consisting of nine question items
therefore allowing for relatively fast user input. PHQ-9 is
used to track developments in the patients’ mental state
over longer periods of time. Since we rely on explicit input
for the collection of this data, both the quality and quantity
(response rate) of the answers depend on the users of the
application. We discuss two elements of user-generated
data collection that are of high importance, namely timing
and content of the questions.
Originally we considered two main approaches to collecting
user-provided data. The first approach, active probing,
consists of notifying the user throughout the day to provide
information. In this form, data collection is based on the
Experience Sampling Method (ESM) [9] or similar
methodologies. In the second approach, no probing takes
place and users are required to proactively open the
application and input information. We have chosen to
utilise active probing, as it (in our case the ESM), allows us
to obtain […] reports about people’s experience as it
occurs, thereby minimizing the effects of reliance on
memory and reconstruction. [9]. With active probing,
asking questions at the right moment is crucial. Failing to
do so can result in a reduced usefulness of the answer (out
of context), no answer provided by the user, and increased
level of user annoyance.
Context sensing can be used to not only passively infer in
which context an answer was provided, or determine the
timing of a question, but can also actively steer the question
content. This way, the questions are in line with the current
activity and/or location of the patient. For example, the
mental health professional and patient might agree that
increased physical activity would be beneficial to the
patient. Based on the detected activity context, the mobile
application is then able to ask questions predetermined to
follow the physical activity. Furthermore, by storing user
answers the number of questions asked to the patient can be
reduced. For example, after asking the user to assign a label
to the current location (e.g., home, work), the location can
be saved to the device and used to steer further questions.
Health professionals, including those working in mental
health, benefit from a complete picture on the daily life and
progress of their patients. Having such understanding has
multiple advantages to the treatment process, including
tailoring of the treatment plan, identifying potential barriers
to treatments, patient compliance, as well as the ability to
set goals that are appropriate to the patient’s current
(mental) state [1].
Since consultations in our environment usually follow a
regular schedule (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), the
picture that professionals can form regarding their patients’
lives can potentially be improved using a more real-time
approach: by leveraging the patients’ personal mobile
devices as the proverbial right hand of the mental health
professional. Employing the context obtained through the
users’ mobile phone, it becomes feasible to obtain a much
more accurate picture of patients’ lives.
The widespread proliferation of mobile phones allows for
new application possibilities that serve both individuals and
the society. The popularity of mental self-care applications
is just one example. Particularly in the mental health
domain, we see potential in using mobile phones to collect
data about users, without the need of constant appointments
with clinicians. Further, phones can simultaneously collect
other data about patients’ lives, to provide new type of
information to the care personnel. Using a reflective
method (Figure 1), mental healthcare professionals are able
to adjust data collection as they see appropriate, and thus
benefit the patient.
Various applications offer the user notes of encouragement
throughout the day (e.g. Joyable [7]). Though, as stated by
Calvo et al., much is yet to be discovered about how and
when to provide mental health support [2]. Both the
already existing self-care applications and the prototyped
mental care trajectory application bear strong parallels to
the QS movement. We should therefore be wary to fall for
the same mistakes that threaten (long-term) usage of QS
applications [16]. Figure 2 shows the different stages of a
typical QS process. The process starts with an initial
question and, ultimately, results in a certain action by the
user. To accomplish this, the application should be able to
construct a data cycle that leads from a user need to an
insight provided to the user. As noted by Van Berkel et al.,
a QS-tool needs to adapt to the users’ dynamics of
Figure 2. Stages of QS [16].
In the case of typical QS applications, these users’
dynamics of questions are derived from a single user. By
involving the mental healthcare professional, as proposed in
this paper, the various stages in the QS process become
shared between stakeholders. For example, the patient and
clinician may come up with a certain question in
consultation but analysis of the collected data is
performed by the clinician. User needs are therefore derived
directly from the consultation between patient and clinician.
Following the popularity of mental self-care applications in
the mobile market, we discuss the opportunities for mobile
applications in the professional mental healthcare process.
Through the use of context sensing, the mental healthcare
professional is able to construct a better-rounded overview
on the patient’s progress. We have developed a mobile
prototype application that can be used to collect this
information, present it to a professional, and allow the
professional to adjust the parameters of data collection. We
stress the integration in the patient’s treatment plan as a key
to success. By integrating application usage with the
ongoing treatment, the mental health professional can
continuously (re-)configure the area of relevance for the
application (Figure 1). This way, a continuous relevance of
the collected data to the treatment process is ensured.
This work is partially funded by the Academy of Finland
(Grants 276786-AWARE, 285062-iCYCLE, 286386-
CPDSS, 285459-iSCIENCE), and the European
Commission (Grants PCIG11-GA-2012-322138 and
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... This requires additional software implementation, and is highly dependent on the nature of the collected data. We give the example of participants' own self-reports being used in discussion with their professional caregiver, providing a direct benefit to data collection [342]. Another example is found in the visualisation of self-reports -allowing participants to measure progress and answer their personal (quantified-self) questions [345]. ...
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The widespread availability of technologically-advanced mobile devices has brought researchers the opportunity to observe human life in day-to-day circumstances. Rather than studying human behaviour through extensive surveys or in artificial laboratory situations, this research instrument allows us to systematically capture human life in naturalistic settings. Mobile devices can capture two distinct data streams. First, the data from sensors embedded within these devices can be appropriated to construct the context of study participants. Second, participants can be asked to actively and repeatedly provide data on phenomena which cannot be reliably collected using the aforementioned sensor streams. This method is known as Experience Sampling. Researchers employing this method ask participants to provide observations multiple times per day, across a range of contexts, and to reflect on current rather than past experiences. This approach brings a number of advantages over existing methods, such as the ability to observe shifts in participant experiences over time and context, and reducing reliance on the participant’s ability to accurately recall past events. As the onus of data collection lies with participants rather researchers, there is a firm reliance on the reliability of participant contributions. While previous work has focused on increasing the number of participant contributions, the quality of these contributions has remained relatively unexplored. This thesis focuses on improving the quality and quantity of participant data collected through mobile Experience Sampling. Assessing and subsequently improving the quality of participant responses is a crucial step towards increasing the reliability of this increasingly popular data collection method. Previous recommendations for researchers are based primarily on anecdotal evidence or personal experience in running Experience Sampling studies. While such insights are valuable, it is challenging to replicate these recommendations and quantify their effect. Furthermore, we evaluate the application of this method in light of recent developments in mobile devices. The opportunities and challenges introduced by smartphone-based Experience Sampling studies remain underexplored in the current literature. Such devices can be utilised to infer participants’ context and optimise questionnaire scheduling and presentation to increase data quality and quantity. By deploying our studies on these devices, we explore the opportunities of mobile sensing and interaction in the context of mobile Experience Sampling studies. Our findings illustrate the feasibility of assessing and quantifying participant accuracy through the use of peer assessment, ground truth questions, and the assessment of cognitive skills. We empirically evaluate these approaches across a variety of study goals. Furthermore, our results provide recommendations on study design, motivation and data collection practices, and appropriate analysis techniques of participant data concerning response accuracy. Researchers can use our findings to increase the reliability of their data, to collect participant responses more evenly across different contexts in order to reduce the potential for bias, and to increase the total number of collected responses. The goal of this thesis is to improve the collection of human-labelled data in ESM studies, thereby strengthening the role of smartphones as valuable scientific instruments. Our work reveals a clear opportunity in the combination of human and sensor data sensing techniques for researchers interested in studying human behaviour in situ.
... This requires additional software implementation, and is highly dependent on the nature of the collected data. We give the example of participants' own self-reports being used in discussion with their professional caregiver, providing a direct benefit to data collection (van Berkel et al. 2016a). Another example is found in the visualisation of self-reports-allowing participants to measure progress and answer their personal (quantified-self) questions (van Berkel et al. 2015). ...
Full-text available
The Experience Sampling Method (ESM) is used by scientists from various disciplines to gather insights into the intra-psychic elements of human life. Researchers have used the ESM in a wide variety of studies, with the method seeing increased popularity. Mobile technologies have enabled new possibilities for the use of the ESM, while simultaneously leading to new conceptual, methodological, and technological challenges. In this survey, we provide an overview of the history of the ESM, usage of this methodology in the computer science discipline, as well as its evolution over time. Next, we identify and discuss important considerations for ESM studies on mobile devices, and analyse the particular methodological parameters scientists should consider in their study design. We reflect on the existing tools that support the ESM methodology and discuss the future development of such tools. Finally, we discuss the effect of future technological developments on the use of the ESM and identify areas requiring further investigation.
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75 depressed patients (mean age 33.9 yrs) were compared with 69 nondepressed high MMPI controls (mean age 25.7 yrs) and 80 normal controls (mean age 29.9 yrs) on self-reported frequency and comfort of various interpersonal events, verbal and nonverbal behavior in group and dyadic interactions, and interpersonal style. Identified as uniquely associated with depression were (a) infrequent engagement, discomfort, and low levels of obtained reinforcement in social activity and in giving and receiving positive responses; (b) discomfort in being assertive and low levels of reinforcement obtained from such behavior; (c) discomfort experienced in conjunction with negative cognitions concerning personal interactions; and (d) self-, peer-, and observer-rated deficiencies in interpersonal style group interactions. On verbal and nonverbal behavior measures, no deficits uniquely associated with depression were identified. (17 ref)
Conference Paper
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18.5% of adults in the US suffer mental illness. Just under half of all adults will experience mental illness at some point in their life. These compelling statistics have prompted computing researchers and practitioners to work toward developing technologies that can support those with mental illness and promote thriving universally. For example, wear-ables and sensors can help detect mental states, smart-phone apps can be used to expand the reach of interventions , and our understanding of the impacts of everyday technology on our mental health can contribute to a future of technology design for flourishing. This interdisciplinary workshop will provide the opportunity for mental health professionals and technologists to come together to explore how new computing technologies can support mental health and promote psychological flourishing. H.5.m [Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI)]: Miscellaneous; See []: for full list of ACM classifiers. This section is required.
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Quantified Selfers are individuals that take a proactive stance to collect and act upon their personal data. However, these endeavours towards a better insight into one's life often do not last long. An important challenge for QS is sustaining data collection over a long period of time (i.e., months, years, decades). In this paper we discuss the drivers, needs and concerns of longitudinal QS-data collection. We argue that to support longitudinal QS various obstacles have to be overcome, including i) integration and sharing of data between a variety of (new) devices, ii) incorporating human input for psychological data collection and iii) providing answers to the questions people really have.
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We present a mobile instrumentation toolkit, AWARE, an open-source effort to develop an extensible and reusable platform for capturing, inferring, and generating context on mobile devices. Mobile phones are sensor-rich but resource-constrained, and therefore several considerations need to be addressed when creating a research tool that ensures problem-free context collection. We demonstrate how AWARE can mitigate researchers' effort when building mobile data-logging tools and context-aware applications, with minimal battery impact. By encapsulating implementation details of sensor data retrieval and exposing the sensed context as higher-level abstractions, AWARE shifts the focus from software development to data analysis, both quantitative and qualitative. We have evaluated AWARE in several case studies and discuss its use, power consumption, and scalability.
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Major depression constitutes a serious challenge in personal and public health. Tens of millions of people each year suffer from depression and only a fraction receives adequate treatment. We explore the potential to use social media to detect and diagnose major depressive disorder in individuals. We first employ crowdsourcing to compile a set of Twitter users who report being diagnosed with clinical depression, based on a standard psychometric instrument. Through their social media postings over a year preceding the onset of depression, we measure behavioral attributes relating to social engagement, emotion, language and linguistic styles, ego network, and mentions of antidepressant medications. We leverage these behavioral cues, to build a statistical classifier that provides estimates of the risk of depression, before the reported onset. We find that social media contains useful signals for characterizing the onset of depression in individuals, as measured through decrease in social activity, raised negative affect, highly clustered egonetworks, heightened relational and medicinal concerns, and greater expression of religious involvement. We believe our findings and methods may be useful in developing tools for identifying the onset of major depression, for use by healthcare agencies; or on behalf of individuals, enabling those suffering from depression to be more proactive about their mental health. Copyright © 2013, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
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With the increasing stress and unhealthy lifestyles in people's daily life, mental health problems are becoming a global concern. In particular, mood related mental health problems, such as mood disorders, depressions, and elation, are seriously impacting people's quality of life. However, due to the complexity and unstableness of personal mood, assessing and analyzing daily mood is both difficult and inconvenient, which is a major challenge in mental health care. In this paper, we propose a novel framework called Mood Miner for assessing and analyzing mood in daily life. Mood Miner uses mobile phone data -- mobile phone sensor data and communication data (including acceleration, light, ambient sound, location, call log, etc.) -- to extract human behavior pattern and assess daily mood. Our approach overcomes the problem of subjectivity and inconsistency of traditional mood assessment methods, and achieves a fairly good accuracy (around 50%) with minimal user intervention. We have built a system with clients on Android platform and an assessment model based on factor graph. We have also carried out experiments to evaluate our design in effectiveness and efficiency.
Conference Paper
One of the most interesting applications of mobile sensing is monitoring of individual behavior, especially in the area of mental health care. Most existing systems require an interaction with the device, for example they may require the user to input his/her mood state at regular intervals. In this paper we seek to answer whether mobile phones can be used to unobtrusively monitor individuals affected by depressive mood disorders by analyzing only their mobility patterns from GPS traces. In order to get ground-truth measurements, we have developed a smartphone application that periodically collects the locations of the users and the answers to daily questionnaires that quantify their depressive mood. We demonstrate that there exists a significant correlation between mobility trace characteristics and the depressive moods. Finally, we present the design of models that are able to successfully predict changes in the depressive mood of individuals by analyzing their movements.
Objective: While considerable attention has focused on improving the detection of depression, assessment of severity is also important in guiding treatment decisions. Therefore, we examined the validity of a brief, new measure of depression severity. Measurements: The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) is a self-administered version of the PRIME-MD diagnostic instrument for common mental disorders. The PHQ-9 is the depression module, which scores each of the 9 DSM-IV criteria as "0" (not at all) to "3" (nearly every day). The PHQ-9 was completed by 6,000 patients in 8 primary care clinics and 7 obstetrics-gynecology clinics. Construct validity was assessed using the 20-item Short-Form General Health Survey, self-reported sick days and clinic visits, and symptom-related difficulty. Criterion validity was assessed against an independent structured mental health professional (MHP) interview in a sample of 580 patients. Results: As PHQ-9 depression severity increased, there was a substantial decrease in functional status on all 6 SF-20 subscales. Also, symptom-related difficulty, sick days, and health care utilization increased. Using the MHP reinterview as the criterion standard, a PHQ-9 score > or =10 had a sensitivity of 88% and a specificity of 88% for major depression. PHQ-9 scores of 5, 10, 15, and 20 represented mild, moderate, moderately severe, and severe depression, respectively. Results were similar in the primary care and obstetrics-gynecology samples. Conclusion: In addition to making criteria-based diagnoses of depressive disorders, the PHQ-9 is also a reliable and valid measure of depression severity. These characteristics plus its brevity make the PHQ-9 a useful clinical and research tool.
Describes the Experience Sampling Method (ESM), a research procedure that consists of asking individuals to provide systematic self-reports at random occasions during the waking hours of a normal week. Files created from sets of these self-reports from a sample of individuals become an archival file of daily experience. The ESM obtains information about the private as well as the public aspects of individuals' lives, secures data about behavioral and intrapsychic aspects of daily activity, and obtains reports about people's experiences as they occur, thereby minimizing the effects of reliance on memory and reconstruction. (51 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Analyzing user messages in social media can measure different population characteristics, including public health measures. For example, recent work has correlated Twitter messages with influenza rates in the United States; but this has largely been the extent of mining Twitter for public health. In this work, we consider a broader range of public health applications for Twitter. We apply the recently introduced Ailment Topic Aspect Model to over one and a half million health related tweets and discover mentions of over a dozen ailments, including allergies, obesity and insomnia. We introduce extensions to incorporate prior knowledge into this model and apply it to several tasks: tracking illnesses over times (syndromic surveillance), measuring behavioral risk factors, localizing illnesses by geographic region, and analyzing symptoms and medication usage. We show quantitative correlations with public health data and qualitative evaluations of model output. Our results suggest that Twitter has broad applicability for public health research.