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Volume 6 • Issue 2 1000726
J Clin Case Rep
ISSN: 2165-7920 JCCR, an open access journal
Open Access
Case Report
Khanal, J Clin Case Rep 2016, 6:2
Journal of Clinical Case Reports
ISSN: 2165-7920
*Corresponding author: Dildip Khanal, Karuna Foundation Nepal “Saving Children
from Disability, One by One”, Nepal, Tel: +97714413340; E-mail:
Received December 15, 2015; Accepted February 03, 2016; Published February
07, 2016
Citation: Khanal D (2016) Metaphyseal Dysplasia: A Rare Case Report. J Clin
Case Rep 6: 726. doi:10.4172/2165-7920.1000726
Copyright: © 2016 Khanal D. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Metaphyseal Dysplasia: A Rare Case Report
Dildip Khanal*
Karuna Foundation Nepal “Saving Children from Disability, One by One”, Nepal
Metaphyseal dysplasia is a very rare inherited bone disorder. Here is a case report and possible treatment
options for 11 years old child, detected by Karuna foundation Nepal.
Keywords: Metaphyseal dysplasia; Pyle; erapeutic rehabilitation;
Karuna foundation Nepal
Metaphyseal dysplasia also known as Pyle disease is a heterogeneous
group of disorders, characterized by the metaphyseal changes of the
tubular bones with normal epiphyses. e disease was described briey
by Pyle in 1931 [1,2]. Incidence occurs at a rate of two to three new borns
per 10,000 births involving the proliferative and hypertrophic zone of
the physis (epiphysis is normal). Jansen, Schmid and McKusick are the
three sub-types with a few reports worldwide [3-9].
Karuna foundation Nepal (KFN) is a non-governmental
organization which believes in a world in which each individual, with
or without disabilities, has equal access to good quality health care,
can lead a dignied life, and can participate as much as possible in
community life. KFN approach is entrepreneurial and action oriented,
working towards setting up and strengthening existing local health
care system, stimulating community participation and responsibility-
including health promotion, prevention and rehabilitation through
empowerment of communities. Below is a description of a child with
such a rare case who was identied during one of KFN project [10].
Case Report
Father of 11 years old male child, with the complain of bending of
bilateral legs and pain in bilateral knee aer walking for short period
of time for three years approach to KFN. As a support for medical
intervention he was taken to tertiary hospital by KFN. According to his
father, problem was started at the age of three and half years when he
noticed both his legs are bending and was having diculty in walking.
Child milestones were normal and he was studying at fourth standard.
Family History-ere was no history of consanguinity. Together
they had four children, of whom the patient was the second. All other
children were normal.
Physical examination-e child weight was 20 kilogram (36.9 kg
normal) with the height of 106 centimeters (144 cm normal). His was
having bilateral at foot and genu varum on bilateral knees (Figures
1 and 2). Bilateral upper and lower extremities are short and he was
having waddling gait. Motor, sensory and reexes examinations were
normal with no limb length discrepancy.
Radio-graphic examination-X-ray of elbow and wrist joint revealed
fraying, splaying and cupping of distal radial and ulnar metaphysis.
X-ray of pelvis and knee joint concealed splaying, fraying and cupping
of metaphysis of bilateral femur and knee joint respectively. Chest x-ray
of dorso-lumbar spine is grossly normal (Figures 3 and 4).
Following investigations were normal: Blood Counts, Haemoglobin,
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Serum Alkaline Phosphates, Blood
calcium, Urea and SGPT
Based on clinical features and radio-logical ndings, the child was
diagnosed as Metaphyseal dysplasia with Schmid type.
Metaphyseal dysplasia, schmid type (MDS), is a very rare inherited
disorder characterized by short-limbed dwarsm and genu varum.
Figure 1: Bilateral genu varum deformity.
Figure 2: Flat foot.
Figure 3: X-ray of Wrist and Elbow shows fraying, splaying and cupping of
distal radial and ulnar metaphysis.
Citation: Khanal D (2016) Metaphyseal Dysplasia: A Rare Case Report. J Clin Case Rep 6: 726. doi:10.4172/2165-7920.1000726
Page 2 of 2
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000726
J Clin Case Rep
ISSN: 2165-7920 JCCR, an open access journal
Physical therapy and/or orthopedic surgery may help correct
certain deformity of the hip and knee. In this case, medial shoe arch
support was made for at foot. For pain management hot moist pack
was given and the strengthening exercises for the lower extremities
were taught.
Special services that may be benecial include speech therapy,
special social support, physical therapy, and other medical, social
and vocational services. Growth hormone therapy is not found to be
eective to increase adult height. Genetic counseling will be of benet
for aected individuals and their families [11-13].
1. Pyle E (1931) A Case of Unusual Bone Development. Journal of Bone and Joint
Surgery 1: 874.
2. David JEA, Palmer PES, Bulawayo, Rhodesia S (1958) Familial Metaphysial
Dysplasia. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 40: 1.
3. Percin EF, Percin S, Koptagel E, Demirel H (2003) A case with Pyle type
metaphyseal dysplasia: clinical, radiological and histological evaluation. Genet
Couns 14: 387-393.
4. Raad MS, Beighton P (1978) Autosomal recessive inheritance of metaphyseal
dysplasia (Pyle disease). Clin Genet 14: 251-256.
5. Heselson NG, Raad MS, Hamersma H, Cremin BJ, Beighton P (1979) The
radiological manifestations of metaphyseal dysplasia (Pyle disease). Br J
Radiol 52: 431-440.
6. Turra S, Gigante C, Pavanini G, Bardi C (2000) Spinal involvement in Pyle’s
disease. Pediatr Radiol 30: 25-27.
7. Narayananan VS, Ashok L, Mamatha GP, Rajeshwari A, Prasad SS (2006)
Pyle’s disease: an incidental nding in a routine dental patient. Dentomaxillofac
Radiol 35: 50-54.
8. Lindberg EJ, Watts HG (1997) Postosteotomy healing in Pyle’s disease (familial
metaphyseal dysplasia). A case report. Clin Orthop Relat Res : 215-217.
9. Ferrari D, Magnani M, Donzelli O (2005) Pyle’s disease. A description of two
clinical cases and a review of the literature. Chir Organi Mov 90: 303-307.
12. Beighton P (1987) Pyle disease (metaphyseal dysplasia). J Med Genet 24:
13. Gupta N, Kabra M, Das CJ, Gupta AK (2008) Pyle metaphyseal dysplasia.
Indian Pediatr 45: 323-325.
Other characteristics include outward “aring” of the bones of the
lower rib cage, lumbar lordosis, pain in the legs and hip deformities
i.e. coxa vara resulting in an unusual waddling gait. It is caused by a
mutation of the gene type X collagen called COL10A1. is gene has
been mapped to chromosome 6q21-22.3. It aects males and females
in equal numbers.
e diagnosis of MDS is alleged during early childhood and
may be conrmed by a thorough clinical evaluation, identication
of characteristic physical ndings, and a variety of specialized tests,
particularly advanced imaging techniques. ese techniques include
x-ray studies that may reveal abnormal development of the large
bulbous metaphyseal ends of certain bones of the body, particularly
those of the arms and legs, abnormal enlargement of the growing end
of the upper portion of the thigh bone i.e. capital femoral epiphysis.
Molecular genetic testing for the COL10A1 gene is available to
validate the diagnosis. e test involves sequence of DNA from the
COL10A1 gene which detects any disease causing mutations. Prenatal
diagnosis can also be made if the specic COL10A1 mutation has been
identied in the family. MDS is oen mistaken for vitamin D deciency
rickets so it is important that proper diagnosis should be made to avoid
redundant vitamin D therapy.
e treatment is symptomatic therefore requiring the coordinated
eorts of a team of specialists. Pediatricians, orthopedic surgeons,
physical therapists, and other health care professionals may need to
analytically and comprehensively plan for the treatment.
Figure 4: X-ray of Pelvis shows splaying, fraying and cupping of metaphysis of
bilateral femur and Dorso-lumbar Spine is grossly normal.
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Citation: Khanal D (2016) Metaphyseal Dysplasia: A Rare Case Report. J Clin
Case Rep 6: 726. doi:10.4172/2165-7920.1000726