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Training load–injury paradox: is greater preseason
participation associated with lower in-season injury
risk in elite rugby league players?
Johann Windt,
Tim J Gabbett,
Daniel Ferris,
Karim M Khan
Experimental Medicine
Program, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada
Centre for Hip Health and
Mobility, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada
Department of Family Practice,
University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, British Columbia,
School of Human Movement
Studies, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
School of Exercise Science,
Australian Catholic University,
Brisbane, Queensland,
High Performance Unit, Manly
Sea Eagles, Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia
Correspondence to
Johann Windt, Experimental
Medicine Program University of
British Columbia, 2635 Laurel
Street, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada; V5Z 1M9;
Accepted 6 March 2016
To cite: Windt J,
Gabbett TJ, Ferris D, et al.
Br J Sports Med Published
Online First: [please include
Day Month Year]
Aim To determine whether players who completed a
greater number of planned preseason training sessions
were more or less likely to be injured during the
competitive season.
Methods A cohort of 30 elite rugby league players
was prospectively studied during their 17-week
preseason and 26-round competitive season. Injuries
were recorded using a match time loss definition.
Preseason participation was quantified as the number of
‘full’training sessions that players completed, excluding
modified, rehabilitation or missed sessions. In-season
training load variables, collected using global positioning
system (GPS) data, included distance covered (m), high-
speed distance covered (m) and the percentage of
distance covered at high speeds (%). Multilevel logistic
regression models were used to determine injury
likelihood in the current and subsequent week, with
random intercepts for each player. Odds ratios (OR) were
used as effect size measures to determine the changes
in injury likelihood with (1) a 10-session increase in
preseason training participation or (2) standardised
changes in training load variables.
Results Controlling for training load in a given week,
completing 10 additional preseason sessions was
associated with a 17% reduction in the odds of injury in
the subsequent week (OR=0.83, 95% CI=0.70 to 0.99).
Increased preseason participation was associated with a
lower percentage of games missed due to injury (r=
−0.40, p<0.05), with 10 preseason sessions predicting
a 5% reduction in the percentage of games missed.
Conclusions Maximising participation in preseason
training may protect elite rugby league players against
in-season injury.
Athletic injuries are common in team sports,
compromising team success
and posing a signifi-
cant financial burden to organisations.
High train-
ing loads and substantial spikes (rapid increases) in
training volume have been associated with
increased injury rates.
External (work com-
and internal (physiological response
such as perceived exertion or heart rate)
ing load measures have been used to identify the
association between workloads and injury risk.
Traditionally, workload-injury investigations
focused on absolute workloads and injury,
14 16
higher workloads were associated with greater rates
of injuries.
However, high training loads are
necessary for beneficial physiological adaptation
such as increased aerobic capacity, strength and
repeat sprint ability, along with optimal body
17 18
many of which are associated
with decreased injury risks.
11 19 20
Recently, load-injury investigations have highlighted
that the relationship between acute 1-week and
chronic (rolling 4-week total averaged to 1-week)
workloads, termed the acute:chronic workload ratio,
may better predict injury risk than total workloads.
Moreover, Hulin et al
demonstrated that as long as
players’acute:chronic workload ratios were kept
withinamoderatelevel(0.85–1.35), high chronic
workloads may reduce injury risk in rugby league
players—the training load–injury paradox.
Preseason training provides several physical bene-
fits for sporting teams. It allows players to reach
high chronic workloads,
as well as to develop the
physical capacities associated with reduced injury
11 19 20
Indeed, preseason periods often
include higher training loads than in-season
Theoretically, players who have a more
‘successful’preseason may be more resilient to
injury when faced with the demands of the com-
petitive season.
To the best of our knowledge, no study has
investigated whether preseason training provides a
foundation which decreases in-season injury risk in
elite team sport athletes. Therefore, we investigated
whether elite rugby league players who participated
in a greater number of preseason sessions were
more or less likely to miss games due to injury
throughout the competitive season, while account-
ing for their external training loads during the
competitive season.
Study design
We prospectively followed 30 rugby league players
(mean±SD age, 25±3 years) from one elite rugby
league club throughout their 17-week preseason
period and 26-round competitive season. All parti-
cipants provided informed written consent and
received a clear explanation of the study. All experi-
mental procedures were approved by the
Institutional Review Board for Human
Investigation at Australian Catholic University.
For the purpose of this study, we collected time-
varying and time-invariant variables. Time-varying
variables were summarised weekly and included
injury status and daily training load variables.
Time-invariant variables included the number of
preseason sessions completed, player position and
age at the start of the preseason. The competitive
Windt J, et al.Br J Sports Med 2016;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973 1
Original article
BJSM Online First, published on April 13, 2016 as 10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973
Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2016. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd under licence. on April 14, 2016 - Published by from
season was divided into three time periods for descriptive pur-
poses, around the representative (ie, ‘State of Origin’interstate
series) period: ‘pre-origin’(weeks 1–8), ‘origin’(weeks 9–17)
and ‘post-origin’(weeks 18–26).
Injury status
The team’s medical staff (including physician and physiotherap-
ist) diagnosed injuries, while the team physiotherapist updated
and maintained the injury reports. For the purpose of this inves-
tigation, an injury was defined as any injury that resulted in a
loss of match time—‘match time loss only’.
Injury incidence
was calculated as the number of injuries per 1000 participation
Preseason attendance
For each training day throughout the preseason and competitive
season, players’participation in training was recorded as ‘full’,
‘modified’,‘rehab’or ‘away’. Players’individual preseason par-
ticipation levels were quantified as the number of ‘full’pre-
season sessions they completed.
Quantifying in-season training loads
External workloads were obtained using global positioning
system (GPS) devices (GPSports, SPI-HPU 5 Hz (interpolated
15 Hz), Canberra, Australia). Load variables collected included
total distance, high-speed (>5 m/s) distance covered and the
percentage of total distance completed at high speeds. Our ana-
lysis included all field training sessions and National Rugby
League matches throughout the 2015 season.
Data collection and analysis procedures
Data were categorised into weekly blocks from Monday to
Sunday throughout the 26-week season. If GPS data were
missing for players who were recorded as attending the ‘full’
training session, load data were estimated by calculating the
average workload for players of the same position who partici-
pated in the full session. Since models were fitted to determine
the likelihood of sustaining a time-loss injury in a given week or
subsequent week, players’data for a given week were excluded if
they were already injured, suspended or released from the team.
Statistical analysis
All data were analysed in the open-source statistical software,
R(V.3.2.2). Independent random effect (multilevel) logistic
regression models were fitted for each independent variable
using the R’s lme4 package, with the likelihood of sustaining a
time-loss injury as the outcome variable, and random intercepts
for each player. These models were used to determine which
variables were associated with an increased or decreased risk for
injury throughout the season, not controlling for other covari-
ates. Random-effect models were chosen for their ability to
handle unbalanced data with varying number of follow-up
observations, their capacity to generate individual-specificpre-
dictions and for their recommended use in analysing repeated-
measures designs with correlated data.
In fitting the regression models, all training load variables
were standardised owing to the different scales of the measures
and subsequent failure of the models to converge in the statis-
tical software with unadjusted predictor variables. Odds ratios
(OR) were calculated to determine the effect size associated
with a 1 SD increase in training load variables. For preseason
participation, ORs were calculated to examine the effect sizes
associated with an increase of 10 ‘full’preseason sessions.
Statistical significance was set at p<0.05 for all analyses, and
ORs were calculated as an effect size for all models.
Two separate multilevel logistic regression models were fitto
determine the effect of preseason participation on injury likeli-
hood, controlling for training loads. One model was fit to deter-
mine the likelihood of injury in the current week. A second
model was fit to determine the likelihood of injury in the subse-
quent week. The final models were first fitted by including vari-
ables shown to be significant predictors from univariate models.
From here, all other training load variables, as well as time-
invariant covariates (age, position, season period), and inter-
action terms were added to the model to optimise model fit.
Model fit was assessed by minimising the model deviance, the
values of model diagnostics criteria (Akaike information criter-
ion (AIC)/Bayesian information criterion (BIC)) and the SD of
the random intercepts. Variables that did not improve the model
fit were excluded from the final models.
A total of 40 injuries were sustained during the competitive
season (29.0/1000 h). These led to 241 total matches missed.
There were no significant differences in injury likelihood when
comparing positions (p=0.73) or season period ( p=0.46).
Preseason participation
During the preseason period (3 November 2014–27 February
2015), the team had 87 preseason training sessions. Players
completed an average of 64±19 ‘full’preseason sessions (range
Preseason loads and injury risk
There was a significant correlation between the number of full
preseason training sessions that players completed and the
number of full in-season sessions completed (r=0.59,
p<0.001). Further, there was a significant association (r=−0.40,
p<0.05) between the number of preseason sessions players com-
pleted and the percentage of games they missed due to injury
(figure 1). Without adjusting for training loads, greater pre-
season participation was associated with a decreased likelihood
of injury throughout the competitive season during the current
(OR=0.82, 95% CI 0.69 to 0.97) and subsequent week
(OR=0.80, 95% CI 0.68 to 0.94).
In-season training loads and injury risk
Training load measures collected during the competitive season
are summarised in table 1. The average distance and injury inci-
dence for each week of the competitive season are displayed in
figure 2.
Higher acute 1-week distances were associated with lower
injury likelihoods in the current week (OR=0.64, 95% CI 0.46
to 0.90) but not in the subsequent week. A greater percentage
of total distance completed at high speeds was associated with
an increased likelihood of injury both in the current (OR=1.34,
95% CI 1.03 to 1.73) and subsequent week (OR=1.07, 95% CI
1.06 to 1.08). Absolute high-speed running distance was not
associated with injury likelihood in either the current or subse-
quent week.
Chronic workloads were not significantly associated with
injury risk in either the current or subsequent week. Similarly,
acute:chronic workload ratios for all training load variables
were not associated with significant changes in injury likelihood.
Table 2 summarises all models of single training load variables
and their associated effects on injury risk.
2 Windt J, et al.Br J Sports Med 2016;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973
Original article on April 14, 2016 - Published by from
Full injury prediction models
Two multivariate injury prediction models quantified the effect
of preseason participation on injury risk, controlling for training
loads (table 3). Training load variables included in the final
models were those that had a significant association with injury
risk in independent univariate models, specifically 1-week total
distance and the 1-week proportion of distance performed at
high speeds. The fit of these final models was not improved
with the addition of any other variable, nor with the addition of
a random slope to the model, so none were included.
Model 1 predicts the likelihood of injury in the current week.
Controlling for training load, increased preseason participation
was still associated with a reduced odds of injury, though this
was no longer statistically significant (OR=0.85, 95% CI 0.70
to 1.02). Similarly, a greater percentage of distance run at high
speeds appeared to be associated with an increased injury risk,
but the effect was no longer significant when controlling for
preseason participation and acute distance (OR=1.27, 95% CI
0.99 to 1.63). Finally, as with univariate models, greater acute
distance was associated with a significantly reduced likelihood
of injury (OR=0.56, 95% CI 0.36 to 0.87).
Model 2 predicts the likelihood of injury in the subsequent
week with a given preseason participation, acute distance and
acute percentage of distance run at high speeds. In this model,
when controlling for distance and percentage of distance at high
speed, increased preseason participation was associated with a
reduced likelihood of injury (OR=0.83, 95% CI 0.70 to 0.99).
Within this model, neither acute distance nor percentage of dis-
tance run at high speeds was significantly associated with injury
risk in the subsequent week (figure 3).
In this sample of rugby league players, greater preseason partici-
pation was associated with a decreased injury risk during the
competitive season. Players who participated in a greater
number of full preseason sessions had a reduced likelihood of
injury throughout the competitive season, completed more
in-season training sessions and missed fewer games due to
injury. This reduced injury likelihood in the subsequent week
was maintained even when controlling for training load vari-
ables (acute distance and acute percentage of total distance com-
pleted at high speeds).
Figure 1 The association of
preseason participation with games
missed due to injury (r=−0.40,
p<0.05). The linear regression slope
shows that for every 10 additional
preseason sessions, the predicted
percentage of games missed decreases
by 5%. Percentage of games missed
due to injury was calculated by
dividing the number of games missed
due to injury by the number of games
that players were eligible to play.
Games were excluded from calculation
if players were ineligible due to
suspension or being traded during the
season and therefore not eligible to
Table 1 Descriptive statistics for players’average workload and injuries over the duration of the study
Phase of season Total
Pre-origin Origin Post-origin
Injuries (n) 14 15 11 40
Distance (m) 9574 (4099) 10 815 (5311) 8960 (5871) 9780 (5205)
High-speed distance (m) 677 (462) 668 (467) 525 (442) 621 (461)
High-speed distance/total distance (%) 7.2 (4.8) 6.1 (2.4) 6.0 (3.1) 6.4 (3.7)
Data are mean (SD) for load measures and count for injuries. Phase of season divides the season into three periods around the ‘State of Origin’interstate series: ‘pre-origin’(weeks
1–8), ‘origin’(weeks 9–17) and ‘post-origin’(weeks 18–26).
Windt J, et al.Br J Sports Med 2016;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973 3
Original article on April 14, 2016 - Published by from
Training loads and injury likelihood
In contrast to recent studies,
neither acute:chronic workload
ratios nor chronic workloads in isolation were significantly asso-
ciated with injury. It may be that the current sample size was too
small to detect these effects. However, two separate measures of
acute (1-week) training loads, (1) distance covered and (2) per-
centage of total distance covered at high speeds, were signifi-
cantly associated with changes in injury likelihood.
Higher 1-week total distances were associated with a reduc-
tion in injury likelihood in the current week but not in the sub-
sequent week. Similarly, previous data in rugby league players
showed that greater distances completed at lower intensities
were associated with a reduction in injury risk.
However, it
should be noted that the reduced likelihood of injury associated
with higher distances in the current week may be partly attribut-
able to players sustaining an injury earlier in the week. In this
case, it may be that increased distances are not preventing injury
but are accumulated by players who are healthy.
In contrast to total distance, the percentage of total weekly dis-
tance performed at high speeds was associated with an increased
risk of injury in the current and subsequent week. This increased
injury risk with greater high-speed running loads has been previ-
ously seen in team sport athletes.
10 11
Notably, when controlling
for players’preseason attendance, the percentage of running per-
formed at high speeds was no longer significantly associated with
injury. This may indicate that players who had accumulated more
of the benefits of a successful preseason were better able to toler-
ate the stress of the competitive season. Similarly, it has previ-
ously been shown that team sport athletes who performed
>18 weeks of training before sustaining initial injuries were at a
reduced risk of sustaining a subsequent injury.
Collectively, the
present and previous
results demonstrate the protective effect
of preseason training in team sport athletes.
Preseason participation and in-season injury: providing
protection or revealing underlying differences
(ie, identifying the robust players)?
We speculate that there may be two potential mechanisms
responsible for the associated reduction in injury likelihood
with increased preseason participation. From a physical stand-
point, preseason participation may be protective by allowing
players to accumulate high chronic workloads
and develop
greater strength and aerobic capacity.
Further, players who
participate in a greater proportion of preseason training sessions
may also be better prepared mentally and tactically within the
team environment.
On the other hand, increased preseason participation may
merely identify players who are inherently more robust to injury
and therefore more likely to handle the preseason training loads
and the rigours of the competitive season. Thus, the association
between preseason training and in-season injury risk may stem
from protective and revelatory effects of the preseason.
Figure 2 Average weekly distance per player and total team injury incidence during each week of the competitive season.
Table 2 Association of training load variables with injury
likelihood in the current and subsequent week
Load calculation 1 SD
Effect of 1 SD
increase on
current week
injury likelihood
OR (95% CI)
Effect of 1 SD
increase on
subsequent week
injury likelihood
OR (95% CI)
Acute (1-week loads)
Distance 5205 m 0.64* (0.46 to 0.90) 0.86 (0.61 to 1.22)
High-speed distance 461 m 0.83 (0.58 to 1.20) 0.83 (0.57 to 1.19)
High-speed distance/
total distance (%)
3.7% 1.34* (1.03 to 1.73) 1.07* (1.06 to 1.08)
Chronic (rolling 4-week average loads)
Distance 3389 m 0.80 (0.58 to 1.11) 0.82 (0.57 to 1.18)
High-speed distance 346 m 0.86 (0.60 to 1.22) 0.99 (0.70 to 1.40)
High-speed distance/
total distance (%)
3.1% 1.13 (0.83 to 1.54) 1.22 (0.90 to 1.66)
Acute:chronic workload ratios
Distance 0.72 0.72 (0.48 to 1.07) 0.89 (0.63 to 1.27)
High-speed distance 0.90 0.91 (0.64 to 1.31) 0.88 (0.61 to 1.27)
High-speed distance/
total distance (%)
0.42 1.64 (0.83 to 3.24) 1.13 (0.53 to 2.42)
4 Windt J, et al.Br J Sports Med 2016;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973
Original article on April 14, 2016 - Published by from
Preparation through preseason participation: practical
Our findings do not necessarily indicate a need for high train-
ing loads during the preseason. Rather, preseason training
should be conducted so that players are able to participate in
the highest proportion of team sessions possible. This is espe-
cially pertinent given that the majority of training-related rugby
league injuries occur during the preseason periods.
though 24% of a rugby union team’s annual training occurred
during the preseason period, 34% of training-related injuries
occur during this time.
High injury incidence during the pre-
season period may be partly attributable to training loads,
which are generally higher than in-season periods.
Moreover, a reduction in preseason training loads significantly
reduced injury incidence in rugby league players.
From our
experience, those who manage team training loads should aim
to design preseason training periods which induce positive
physiological adaptations while minimising injury risk and
maximising player availability. Accurate season-by-season
records of injury and training loads will help teams find their
‘sweet spot’.
Potential limitations
The present study included a sample size (30 players), and total
injury occurrences (40), which limits the number of variables
that could be included in the injury prediction models and
reduces the sensitivity of the models. Owing to the limited avail-
ability of GPS devices, the number of players who could be
monitored was restricted to 30, as opposed to all members of
the rugby league club. Although more injuries would have been
captured with a broader definition of injury, ‘match time loss
only’is accepted as an accurate and reliable definition used in
team sport contexts.
Although we used GPS-derived total and high-speed running
distances, the inclusion of other external load variables (eg,
accelerations, decelerations, collisions) would likely add value to
any investigation of the relationship between preseason training
load and in-season injury risk in rugby league players.
26 27
However, as discussed in recent load injury investigations,
the ability of GPSports technology to accurately measure these
variables is limited. Further, internal load measures (eg, session
rating of perceived exertion (RPE) or heart rate) may also be
useful to investigate preseason and in-season training loads.
Table 3 Effect of preseason participation on injury likelihood in current and subsequent week, controlling for training load variables
Model Variable OR (95% CI)
Model 1: injury likelihood in current week 10 preseason sessions 0.85 (0.70 to 1.02)
High-speed distance/total distance 1.27 (0.99 to 1.63)
Acute distance (1 SD increase) 0.56* (0.36 to 0.87)
Model 2: injury likelihood in subsequent week 10 preseason sessions 0.83* (0.70 to 0.99)
High-speed distance/total distance 1.07 (0.79 to 1.45)
Acute distance 0.82 (0.55 to 1.21)
Figure 3 Predicted injury
probabilities from model 2 (Table 3),
based on high-speed running
percentage and preseason
participation. The model predicts the
probability that a player will sustain a
match time-loss injury in the
subsequent week, controlling for pre-
season participation, as well as the
total distance and the percentage of
total distance run at high speeds in
the current week. Preseason
participation has been divided into
three equal tertiles, such that ‘low’
equals <59 sessions (n=10),
‘moderate’equals 59–75 sessions
(n=10) and ‘high’equals >75 sessions
Windt J, et al.Br J Sports Med 2016;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973 5
Original article on April 14, 2016 - Published by from
Finally, while we quantified preseason participation in sessions,
future investigations may quantify preseason training loads to
further distinguish characteristics of preseason training that
facilitate the development of athlete resilience.
Summary and conclusions
In this first study to investigate the association of preseason train-
ing participation and injury likelihood during the competitive
season, players who completed a greater number of preseason
sessions were less likely to be injured during the competitive
season, even when controlling for their external training loads.
Total distance covered was associated with a decreased likelihood
of injury in the current week, while players who completed a
greater percentage of their total distance at high speeds were at
increased risk of injury in the current and subsequent week.
What are the findings?
▸Players who participated in a greater number of preseason
sessions had a lower likelihood of injury throughout the
competitive season. Ten additional preseason sessions
reduced the odds of injury by at least 17% in the current
and subsequent week. The association between preseason
training participation and risk of injury in the subsequent
week remained statistically significant even when controlling
for in-season training load variables.
▸Running a higher percentage of total distance at high
speeds was associated with an increased injury risk, both in
the current and subsequent week. For example, a 3.7%
increase in the percentage of distance run at high speeds in
a given week increased the odds of injury by 34%. However,
when controlling for preseason participation, this association
was no longer significant.
How might it impact on clinical practice in the future?
▸In addition to its role in preparing players for the
performance demands of competition, preseason training
may prevent injuries during the competitive season.
▸Future investigations may examine strategies to minimise
injury risk during the preseason period so that player
availability is maximised during this period.
▸These findings might contribute to a paradigm shift where
clinicians may appreciate that total external training load
(distance covered) is not necessarily associated with
increased injury risk and may in fact decrease risk. However,
greater percentages of time spent at high speeds in a given
training week may increase injury risk in the current or
subsequent week, especially when preseason participation is
Twitter Johann Windt at @JohannWindt and Tim Gabbett at @TimGabbett
Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the players who
participated in this study, as well as Angela Yao for her statistical expertise.
Contributors JW was primarily responsible for the analysis of the study data. DF
and TJG were responsible for the data collection. All authors were responsible for
study concept and design, and contributed to writing and critical revision of the
Funding JW is a Vanier Scholar funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health
Competing interests Karim Khan is editor-in-chief of BJSM and was not involved
in the peer-review. He is blinded to this paper in the ScholarOne manuscript system.
His collaboration with Tim J Gabbett has been documented with the BJSM
Patient consent Obtained.
Ethics approval Approval was sought and subsequently granted by the Australian
Catholic University.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data sharing statement All data relevant to the study have been included in the
manuscript. In accordance with the original ethics approval, data may not be shared
outside this study and team’s staff.
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Original article on April 14, 2016 - Published by from
league players?
lower in-season injury risk in elite rugby
preseason participation associated with
Training load--injury paradox: is greater
Johann Windt, Tim J Gabbett, Daniel Ferris and Karim M Khan
published online April 13, 2016Br J Sports Med
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