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Training load-injury paradox: Is greater preseason participation associated with lower in-season injury risk in elite rugby league players?


Abstract and Figures

Aim: To determine whether players who completed a greater number of planned preseason training sessions were more or less likely to be injured during the competitive season. Methods: A cohort of 30 elite rugby league players was prospectively studied during their 17-week preseason and 26-round competitive season. Injuries were recorded using a match time loss definition. Preseason participation was quantified as the number of 'full' training sessions that players completed, excluding modified, rehabilitation or missed sessions. In-season training load variables, collected using global positioning system (GPS) data, included distance covered (m), high-speed distance covered (m) and the percentage of distance covered at high speeds (%). Multilevel logistic regression models were used to determine injury likelihood in the current and subsequent week, with random intercepts for each player. Odds ratios (OR) were used as effect size measures to determine the changes in injury likelihood with (1) a 10-session increase in preseason training participation or (2) standardised changes in training load variables. Results: Controlling for training load in a given week, completing 10 additional preseason sessions was associated with a 17% reduction in the odds of injury in the subsequent week (OR=0.83, 95% CI=0.70 to 0.99). Increased preseason participation was associated with a lower percentage of games missed due to injury (r=-0.40, p<0.05), with 10 preseason sessions predicting a 5% reduction in the percentage of games missed. Conclusions: Maximising participation in preseason training may protect elite rugby league players against in-season injury.
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Training loadinjury paradox: is greater preseason
participation associated with lower in-season injury
risk in elite rugby league players?
Johann Windt,
Tim J Gabbett,
Daniel Ferris,
Karim M Khan
Experimental Medicine
Program, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada
Centre for Hip Health and
Mobility, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada
Department of Family Practice,
University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, British Columbia,
School of Human Movement
Studies, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
School of Exercise Science,
Australian Catholic University,
Brisbane, Queensland,
High Performance Unit, Manly
Sea Eagles, Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia
Correspondence to
Johann Windt, Experimental
Medicine Program University of
British Columbia, 2635 Laurel
Street, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada; V5Z 1M9;
Accepted 6 March 2016
To cite: Windt J,
Gabbett TJ, Ferris D, et al.
Br J Sports Med Published
Online First: [please include
Day Month Year]
Aim To determine whether players who completed a
greater number of planned preseason training sessions
were more or less likely to be injured during the
competitive season.
Methods A cohort of 30 elite rugby league players
was prospectively studied during their 17-week
preseason and 26-round competitive season. Injuries
were recorded using a match time loss denition.
Preseason participation was quantied as the number of
fulltraining sessions that players completed, excluding
modied, rehabilitation or missed sessions. In-season
training load variables, collected using global positioning
system (GPS) data, included distance covered (m), high-
speed distance covered (m) and the percentage of
distance covered at high speeds (%). Multilevel logistic
regression models were used to determine injury
likelihood in the current and subsequent week, with
random intercepts for each player. Odds ratios (OR) were
used as effect size measures to determine the changes
in injury likelihood with (1) a 10-session increase in
preseason training participation or (2) standardised
changes in training load variables.
Results Controlling for training load in a given week,
completing 10 additional preseason sessions was
associated with a 17% reduction in the odds of injury in
the subsequent week (OR=0.83, 95% CI=0.70 to 0.99).
Increased preseason participation was associated with a
lower percentage of games missed due to injury (r=
0.40, p<0.05), with 10 preseason sessions predicting
a 5% reduction in the percentage of games missed.
Conclusions Maximising participation in preseason
training may protect elite rugby league players against
in-season injury.
Athletic injuries are common in team sports,
compromising team success
and posing a signi-
cant nancial burden to organisations.
High train-
ing loads and substantial spikes (rapid increases) in
training volume have been associated with
increased injury rates.
External (work com-
and internal (physiological response
such as perceived exertion or heart rate)
ing load measures have been used to identify the
association between workloads and injury risk.
Traditionally, workload-injury investigations
focused on absolute workloads and injury,
14 16
higher workloads were associated with greater rates
of injuries.
However, high training loads are
necessary for benecial physiological adaptation
such as increased aerobic capacity, strength and
repeat sprint ability, along with optimal body
17 18
many of which are associated
with decreased injury risks.
11 19 20
Recently, load-injury investigations have highlighted
that the relationship between acute 1-week and
chronic (rolling 4-week total averaged to 1-week)
workloads, termed the acute:chronic workload ratio,
may better predict injury risk than total workloads.
Moreover, Hulin et al
demonstrated that as long as
playersacute:chronic workload ratios were kept
withinamoderatelevel(0.851.35), high chronic
workloads may reduce injury risk in rugby league
playersthe training loadinjury paradox.
Preseason training provides several physical bene-
ts for sporting teams. It allows players to reach
high chronic workloads,
as well as to develop the
physical capacities associated with reduced injury
11 19 20
Indeed, preseason periods often
include higher training loads than in-season
Theoretically, players who have a more
successfulpreseason may be more resilient to
injury when faced with the demands of the com-
petitive season.
To the best of our knowledge, no study has
investigated whether preseason training provides a
foundation which decreases in-season injury risk in
elite team sport athletes. Therefore, we investigated
whether elite rugby league players who participated
in a greater number of preseason sessions were
more or less likely to miss games due to injury
throughout the competitive season, while account-
ing for their external training loads during the
competitive season.
Study design
We prospectively followed 30 rugby league players
(mean±SD age, 25±3 years) from one elite rugby
league club throughout their 17-week preseason
period and 26-round competitive season. All parti-
cipants provided informed written consent and
received a clear explanation of the study. All experi-
mental procedures were approved by the
Institutional Review Board for Human
Investigation at Australian Catholic University.
For the purpose of this study, we collected time-
varying and time-invariant variables. Time-varying
variables were summarised weekly and included
injury status and daily training load variables.
Time-invariant variables included the number of
preseason sessions completed, player position and
age at the start of the preseason. The competitive
Windt J, et al.Br J Sports Med 2016;0:17. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973 1
Original article
BJSM Online First, published on April 13, 2016 as 10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973
Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2016. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd under licence. on April 14, 2016 - Published by from
season was divided into three time periods for descriptive pur-
poses, around the representative (ie, State of Origininterstate
series) period: pre-origin(weeks 18), origin(weeks 917)
and post-origin(weeks 1826).
Injury status
The teams medical staff (including physician and physiotherap-
ist) diagnosed injuries, while the team physiotherapist updated
and maintained the injury reports. For the purpose of this inves-
tigation, an injury was dened as any injury that resulted in a
loss of match time—‘match time loss only.
Injury incidence
was calculated as the number of injuries per 1000 participation
Preseason attendance
For each training day throughout the preseason and competitive
season, playersparticipation in training was recorded as full,
modied,rehabor away. Playersindividual preseason par-
ticipation levels were quantied as the number of fullpre-
season sessions they completed.
Quantifying in-season training loads
External workloads were obtained using global positioning
system (GPS) devices (GPSports, SPI-HPU 5 Hz (interpolated
15 Hz), Canberra, Australia). Load variables collected included
total distance, high-speed (>5 m/s) distance covered and the
percentage of total distance completed at high speeds. Our ana-
lysis included all eld training sessions and National Rugby
League matches throughout the 2015 season.
Data collection and analysis procedures
Data were categorised into weekly blocks from Monday to
Sunday throughout the 26-week season. If GPS data were
missing for players who were recorded as attending the full
training session, load data were estimated by calculating the
average workload for players of the same position who partici-
pated in the full session. Since models were tted to determine
the likelihood of sustaining a time-loss injury in a given week or
subsequent week, playersdata for a given week were excluded if
they were already injured, suspended or released from the team.
Statistical analysis
All data were analysed in the open-source statistical software,
R(V.3.2.2). Independent random effect (multilevel) logistic
regression models were tted for each independent variable
using the Rs lme4 package, with the likelihood of sustaining a
time-loss injury as the outcome variable, and random intercepts
for each player. These models were used to determine which
variables were associated with an increased or decreased risk for
injury throughout the season, not controlling for other covari-
ates. Random-effect models were chosen for their ability to
handle unbalanced data with varying number of follow-up
observations, their capacity to generate individual-specicpre-
dictions and for their recommended use in analysing repeated-
measures designs with correlated data.
In tting the regression models, all training load variables
were standardised owing to the different scales of the measures
and subsequent failure of the models to converge in the statis-
tical software with unadjusted predictor variables. Odds ratios
(OR) were calculated to determine the effect size associated
with a 1 SD increase in training load variables. For preseason
participation, ORs were calculated to examine the effect sizes
associated with an increase of 10 fullpreseason sessions.
Statistical signicance was set at p<0.05 for all analyses, and
ORs were calculated as an effect size for all models.
Two separate multilevel logistic regression models were tto
determine the effect of preseason participation on injury likeli-
hood, controlling for training loads. One model was t to deter-
mine the likelihood of injury in the current week. A second
model was t to determine the likelihood of injury in the subse-
quent week. The nal models were rst tted by including vari-
ables shown to be signicant predictors from univariate models.
From here, all other training load variables, as well as time-
invariant covariates (age, position, season period), and inter-
action terms were added to the model to optimise model t.
Model t was assessed by minimising the model deviance, the
values of model diagnostics criteria (Akaike information criter-
ion (AIC)/Bayesian information criterion (BIC)) and the SD of
the random intercepts. Variables that did not improve the model
t were excluded from the nal models.
A total of 40 injuries were sustained during the competitive
season (29.0/1000 h). These led to 241 total matches missed.
There were no signicant differences in injury likelihood when
comparing positions (p=0.73) or season period ( p=0.46).
Preseason participation
During the preseason period (3 November 201427 February
2015), the team had 87 preseason training sessions. Players
completed an average of 64±19 fullpreseason sessions (range
Preseason loads and injury risk
There was a signicant correlation between the number of full
preseason training sessions that players completed and the
number of full in-season sessions completed (r=0.59,
p<0.001). Further, there was a signicant association (r=0.40,
p<0.05) between the number of preseason sessions players com-
pleted and the percentage of games they missed due to injury
(gure 1). Without adjusting for training loads, greater pre-
season participation was associated with a decreased likelihood
of injury throughout the competitive season during the current
(OR=0.82, 95% CI 0.69 to 0.97) and subsequent week
(OR=0.80, 95% CI 0.68 to 0.94).
In-season training loads and injury risk
Training load measures collected during the competitive season
are summarised in table 1. The average distance and injury inci-
dence for each week of the competitive season are displayed in
gure 2.
Higher acute 1-week distances were associated with lower
injury likelihoods in the current week (OR=0.64, 95% CI 0.46
to 0.90) but not in the subsequent week. A greater percentage
of total distance completed at high speeds was associated with
an increased likelihood of injury both in the current (OR=1.34,
95% CI 1.03 to 1.73) and subsequent week (OR=1.07, 95% CI
1.06 to 1.08). Absolute high-speed running distance was not
associated with injury likelihood in either the current or subse-
quent week.
Chronic workloads were not signicantly associated with
injury risk in either the current or subsequent week. Similarly,
acute:chronic workload ratios for all training load variables
were not associated with signicant changes in injury likelihood.
Table 2 summarises all models of single training load variables
and their associated effects on injury risk.
2 Windt J, et al.Br J Sports Med 2016;0:17. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973
Original article on April 14, 2016 - Published by from
Full injury prediction models
Two multivariate injury prediction models quantied the effect
of preseason participation on injury risk, controlling for training
loads (table 3). Training load variables included in the nal
models were those that had a signicant association with injury
risk in independent univariate models, specically 1-week total
distance and the 1-week proportion of distance performed at
high speeds. The t of these nal models was not improved
with the addition of any other variable, nor with the addition of
a random slope to the model, so none were included.
Model 1 predicts the likelihood of injury in the current week.
Controlling for training load, increased preseason participation
was still associated with a reduced odds of injury, though this
was no longer statistically signicant (OR=0.85, 95% CI 0.70
to 1.02). Similarly, a greater percentage of distance run at high
speeds appeared to be associated with an increased injury risk,
but the effect was no longer signicant when controlling for
preseason participation and acute distance (OR=1.27, 95% CI
0.99 to 1.63). Finally, as with univariate models, greater acute
distance was associated with a signicantly reduced likelihood
of injury (OR=0.56, 95% CI 0.36 to 0.87).
Model 2 predicts the likelihood of injury in the subsequent
week with a given preseason participation, acute distance and
acute percentage of distance run at high speeds. In this model,
when controlling for distance and percentage of distance at high
speed, increased preseason participation was associated with a
reduced likelihood of injury (OR=0.83, 95% CI 0.70 to 0.99).
Within this model, neither acute distance nor percentage of dis-
tance run at high speeds was signicantly associated with injury
risk in the subsequent week (gure 3).
In this sample of rugby league players, greater preseason partici-
pation was associated with a decreased injury risk during the
competitive season. Players who participated in a greater
number of full preseason sessions had a reduced likelihood of
injury throughout the competitive season, completed more
in-season training sessions and missed fewer games due to
injury. This reduced injury likelihood in the subsequent week
was maintained even when controlling for training load vari-
ables (acute distance and acute percentage of total distance com-
pleted at high speeds).
Figure 1 The association of
preseason participation with games
missed due to injury (r=0.40,
p<0.05). The linear regression slope
shows that for every 10 additional
preseason sessions, the predicted
percentage of games missed decreases
by 5%. Percentage of games missed
due to injury was calculated by
dividing the number of games missed
due to injury by the number of games
that players were eligible to play.
Games were excluded from calculation
if players were ineligible due to
suspension or being traded during the
season and therefore not eligible to
Table 1 Descriptive statistics for playersaverage workload and injuries over the duration of the study
Phase of season Total
Pre-origin Origin Post-origin
Injuries (n) 14 15 11 40
Distance (m) 9574 (4099) 10 815 (5311) 8960 (5871) 9780 (5205)
High-speed distance (m) 677 (462) 668 (467) 525 (442) 621 (461)
High-speed distance/total distance (%) 7.2 (4.8) 6.1 (2.4) 6.0 (3.1) 6.4 (3.7)
Data are mean (SD) for load measures and count for injuries. Phase of season divides the season into three periods around the State of Origininterstate series: pre-origin(weeks
18), origin(weeks 917) and post-origin(weeks 1826).
Windt J, et al.Br J Sports Med 2016;0:17. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973 3
Original article on April 14, 2016 - Published by from
Training loads and injury likelihood
In contrast to recent studies,
neither acute:chronic workload
ratios nor chronic workloads in isolation were signicantly asso-
ciated with injury. It may be that the current sample size was too
small to detect these effects. However, two separate measures of
acute (1-week) training loads, (1) distance covered and (2) per-
centage of total distance covered at high speeds, were signi-
cantly associated with changes in injury likelihood.
Higher 1-week total distances were associated with a reduc-
tion in injury likelihood in the current week but not in the sub-
sequent week. Similarly, previous data in rugby league players
showed that greater distances completed at lower intensities
were associated with a reduction in injury risk.
However, it
should be noted that the reduced likelihood of injury associated
with higher distances in the current week may be partly attribut-
able to players sustaining an injury earlier in the week. In this
case, it may be that increased distances are not preventing injury
but are accumulated by players who are healthy.
In contrast to total distance, the percentage of total weekly dis-
tance performed at high speeds was associated with an increased
risk of injury in the current and subsequent week. This increased
injury risk with greater high-speed running loads has been previ-
ously seen in team sport athletes.
10 11
Notably, when controlling
for playerspreseason attendance, the percentage of running per-
formed at high speeds was no longer signicantly associated with
injury. This may indicate that players who had accumulated more
of the benets of a successful preseason were better able to toler-
ate the stress of the competitive season. Similarly, it has previ-
ously been shown that team sport athletes who performed
>18 weeks of training before sustaining initial injuries were at a
reduced risk of sustaining a subsequent injury.
Collectively, the
present and previous
results demonstrate the protective effect
of preseason training in team sport athletes.
Preseason participation and in-season injury: providing
protection or revealing underlying differences
(ie, identifying the robust players)?
We speculate that there may be two potential mechanisms
responsible for the associated reduction in injury likelihood
with increased preseason participation. From a physical stand-
point, preseason participation may be protective by allowing
players to accumulate high chronic workloads
and develop
greater strength and aerobic capacity.
Further, players who
participate in a greater proportion of preseason training sessions
may also be better prepared mentally and tactically within the
team environment.
On the other hand, increased preseason participation may
merely identify players who are inherently more robust to injury
and therefore more likely to handle the preseason training loads
and the rigours of the competitive season. Thus, the association
between preseason training and in-season injury risk may stem
from protective and revelatory effects of the preseason.
Figure 2 Average weekly distance per player and total team injury incidence during each week of the competitive season.
Table 2 Association of training load variables with injury
likelihood in the current and subsequent week
Load calculation 1 SD
Effect of 1 SD
increase on
current week
injury likelihood
OR (95% CI)
Effect of 1 SD
increase on
subsequent week
injury likelihood
OR (95% CI)
Acute (1-week loads)
Distance 5205 m 0.64* (0.46 to 0.90) 0.86 (0.61 to 1.22)
High-speed distance 461 m 0.83 (0.58 to 1.20) 0.83 (0.57 to 1.19)
High-speed distance/
total distance (%)
3.7% 1.34* (1.03 to 1.73) 1.07* (1.06 to 1.08)
Chronic (rolling 4-week average loads)
Distance 3389 m 0.80 (0.58 to 1.11) 0.82 (0.57 to 1.18)
High-speed distance 346 m 0.86 (0.60 to 1.22) 0.99 (0.70 to 1.40)
High-speed distance/
total distance (%)
3.1% 1.13 (0.83 to 1.54) 1.22 (0.90 to 1.66)
Acute:chronic workload ratios
Distance 0.72 0.72 (0.48 to 1.07) 0.89 (0.63 to 1.27)
High-speed distance 0.90 0.91 (0.64 to 1.31) 0.88 (0.61 to 1.27)
High-speed distance/
total distance (%)
0.42 1.64 (0.83 to 3.24) 1.13 (0.53 to 2.42)
4 Windt J, et al.Br J Sports Med 2016;0:17. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973
Original article on April 14, 2016 - Published by from
Preparation through preseason participation: practical
Our ndings do not necessarily indicate a need for high train-
ing loads during the preseason. Rather, preseason training
should be conducted so that players are able to participate in
the highest proportion of team sessions possible. This is espe-
cially pertinent given that the majority of training-related rugby
league injuries occur during the preseason periods.
though 24% of a rugby union teams annual training occurred
during the preseason period, 34% of training-related injuries
occur during this time.
High injury incidence during the pre-
season period may be partly attributable to training loads,
which are generally higher than in-season periods.
Moreover, a reduction in preseason training loads signicantly
reduced injury incidence in rugby league players.
From our
experience, those who manage team training loads should aim
to design preseason training periods which induce positive
physiological adaptations while minimising injury risk and
maximising player availability. Accurate season-by-season
records of injury and training loads will help teams nd their
sweet spot.
Potential limitations
The present study included a sample size (30 players), and total
injury occurrences (40), which limits the number of variables
that could be included in the injury prediction models and
reduces the sensitivity of the models. Owing to the limited avail-
ability of GPS devices, the number of players who could be
monitored was restricted to 30, as opposed to all members of
the rugby league club. Although more injuries would have been
captured with a broader denition of injury, match time loss
onlyis accepted as an accurate and reliable denition used in
team sport contexts.
Although we used GPS-derived total and high-speed running
distances, the inclusion of other external load variables (eg,
accelerations, decelerations, collisions) would likely add value to
any investigation of the relationship between preseason training
load and in-season injury risk in rugby league players.
26 27
However, as discussed in recent load injury investigations,
the ability of GPSports technology to accurately measure these
variables is limited. Further, internal load measures (eg, session
rating of perceived exertion (RPE) or heart rate) may also be
useful to investigate preseason and in-season training loads.
Table 3 Effect of preseason participation on injury likelihood in current and subsequent week, controlling for training load variables
Model Variable OR (95% CI)
Model 1: injury likelihood in current week 10 preseason sessions 0.85 (0.70 to 1.02)
High-speed distance/total distance 1.27 (0.99 to 1.63)
Acute distance (1 SD increase) 0.56* (0.36 to 0.87)
Model 2: injury likelihood in subsequent week 10 preseason sessions 0.83* (0.70 to 0.99)
High-speed distance/total distance 1.07 (0.79 to 1.45)
Acute distance 0.82 (0.55 to 1.21)
Figure 3 Predicted injury
probabilities from model 2 (Table 3),
based on high-speed running
percentage and preseason
participation. The model predicts the
probability that a player will sustain a
match time-loss injury in the
subsequent week, controlling for pre-
season participation, as well as the
total distance and the percentage of
total distance run at high speeds in
the current week. Preseason
participation has been divided into
three equal tertiles, such that low
equals <59 sessions (n=10),
moderateequals 5975 sessions
(n=10) and highequals >75 sessions
Windt J, et al.Br J Sports Med 2016;0:17. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973 5
Original article on April 14, 2016 - Published by from
Finally, while we quantied preseason participation in sessions,
future investigations may quantify preseason training loads to
further distinguish characteristics of preseason training that
facilitate the development of athlete resilience.
Summary and conclusions
In this rst study to investigate the association of preseason train-
ing participation and injury likelihood during the competitive
season, players who completed a greater number of preseason
sessions were less likely to be injured during the competitive
season, even when controlling for their external training loads.
Total distance covered was associated with a decreased likelihood
of injury in the current week, while players who completed a
greater percentage of their total distance at high speeds were at
increased risk of injury in the current and subsequent week.
What are the ndings?
Players who participated in a greater number of preseason
sessions had a lower likelihood of injury throughout the
competitive season. Ten additional preseason sessions
reduced the odds of injury by at least 17% in the current
and subsequent week. The association between preseason
training participation and risk of injury in the subsequent
week remained statistically signicant even when controlling
for in-season training load variables.
Running a higher percentage of total distance at high
speeds was associated with an increased injury risk, both in
the current and subsequent week. For example, a 3.7%
increase in the percentage of distance run at high speeds in
a given week increased the odds of injury by 34%. However,
when controlling for preseason participation, this association
was no longer signicant.
How might it impact on clinical practice in the future?
In addition to its role in preparing players for the
performance demands of competition, preseason training
may prevent injuries during the competitive season.
Future investigations may examine strategies to minimise
injury risk during the preseason period so that player
availability is maximised during this period.
These ndings might contribute to a paradigm shift where
clinicians may appreciate that total external training load
(distance covered) is not necessarily associated with
increased injury risk and may in fact decrease risk. However,
greater percentages of time spent at high speeds in a given
training week may increase injury risk in the current or
subsequent week, especially when preseason participation is
Twitter Johann Windt at @JohannWindt and Tim Gabbett at @TimGabbett
Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the players who
participated in this study, as well as Angela Yao for her statistical expertise.
Contributors JW was primarily responsible for the analysis of the study data. DF
and TJG were responsible for the data collection. All authors were responsible for
study concept and design, and contributed to writing and critical revision of the
Funding JW is a Vanier Scholar funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health
Competing interests Karim Khan is editor-in-chief of BJSM and was not involved
in the peer-review. He is blinded to this paper in the ScholarOne manuscript system.
His collaboration with Tim J Gabbett has been documented with the BJSM
Patient consent Obtained.
Ethics approval Approval was sought and subsequently granted by the Australian
Catholic University.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data sharing statement All data relevant to the study have been included in the
manuscript. In accordance with the original ethics approval, data may not be shared
outside this study and teams staff.
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2016 Published Online First: 5 February 2016. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2015-095364
Windt J, et al.Br J Sports Med 2016;0:17. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-095973 7
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league players?
lower in-season injury risk in elite rugby
preseason participation associated with
Training load--injury paradox: is greater
Johann Windt, Tim J Gabbett, Daniel Ferris and Karim M Khan
published online April 13, 2016Br J Sports Med
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... power) for a variety of benefits which include better performance, matching the demands of official competitions, coping with the accumulation of training loads during the in-season phase, as well as reducing risk of injury. [5][6][7] in fact, training loads of the preseason phase are typically higher than those of the in-season phase in team sports, 5,6 including basketball. 7 following the preseason, with the start of the official league competitions the in-season phase starts. ...
... power) for a variety of benefits which include better performance, matching the demands of official competitions, coping with the accumulation of training loads during the in-season phase, as well as reducing risk of injury. [5][6][7] in fact, training loads of the preseason phase are typically higher than those of the in-season phase in team sports, 5,6 including basketball. 7 following the preseason, with the start of the official league competitions the in-season phase starts. ...
BACKGROUNDː During the basketball season, it is essential to carefully plan training and recovery activities to optimize players’ performance. This study monitored training load and perceived recovery indicators in professional female basketball players across the preseason and in-season phases. METHODSː Seventeen professional female basketball players (age: 19.6±3.1 years; height: 180.2±5.9 cm; playing position: 8 backcourt, 9 frontcourt) were monitored for eleven consecutive weeks. Each morning, players reported their perceived recovery using a 10-point Total Quality of Recovery (TQR) scale. After each training session or game, players reported their perceived exertion using the CR-10 scale, which was multiplied by the duration of the training or game to obtain the session load. Weekly load, monotony, strain, TQRAM (morning recovery) and TQRfw (recovery at the start of the following week) were calculated. Linear mixed models were performed to assess the effects of season phase (preseason; in-season), playing position (backcourt; frontcourt) and group (senior; under) on load and recovery variables. RESULTSː Weekly load, monotony and strain were higher in the preseason than the in-season phase (all p<0.001, ES: moderate-large). Strain was higher in senior players compared to under (p=0.045, ES: small). Regarding recovery variables, no effects were found for TQRAM, while TQRfw was higher in the preseason than in-season (p< 0.001, ES: moderate) phase. CONCLUSIONSː Professional female basketball players experience lower internal loads but poorer perceived recovery during the in-season phase. Practitioners should carefully consider the stress of competition and the cumulative fatigue from high preseason loads during the transition from the preseason to the regular season.
... A literature review summarizing the impact of TL and fatigue on injury concluded periods of TL intensification and acute changes in load can increase injury risk (Jones et al. 2017). Limitations associated with previous injury prevention models have included the use of linear, generic methods and the lack of incorporation of player workloads (Windt and Gabbett 2017). The current literature surrounding TL for injury has expanded greatly and as a ...
... ;Colby et al. 2017; Colby et al. 2017; Colby et al. 2018; Dijkhuis et al. 2021; Gasparini & Alvaro 2020;Geurkink et al. 2021; Guerrero- Calderon et al. 2021;Klemp et al. 2021;Thorton et al. 2017;Windt et al. 2017), 13 articles utilized GPS and accelerometers(Bartlett et al. 2016; Bunn et al. 2021; Carey et al. 2016; Carey et al. 2018; Chambers et al. 2018; Crouch et al. 2021;Gastin et al. 2019;Gaudino et al. 2015;Geurkink et al. 2019; Gimenez et al. 2020;Rossi et al. 2018;Rossi et al. 2019;Vallance et al. 2020) and five included accelerometers(Di Credico et al. 2021;Gabbett et al. 2011;Jaspers et al. 2018;Peek et al. 2021;Wilkerson et al. 2018). Three studies utilized a combination GPS, accelerometers, magnetometers and gyroscopes(Bunn et al. 2021; Chambers et al. 2018; Crouch et al. 2021).Gaudino ...
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Training load (TL) is frequently documented among team sports and the development of emerging technology (ET) is displaying promising results towards player performance and injury risk identification. The aim of this systematic review was to identify ETs used in field-based sport to monitor TL for injury/performance prediction and provide sport specific recommendations by identifying new data generation in which coaches may consider when tracking players for an increased accuracy in training prescription and evaluation among field-based sports. Data was extracted from 60 articles following a systematic search of CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science and IEEE XPLORE databases. Global positioning system (GPS) and accelerometers were common external TL tools and Rated Perceived Exertion (RPE) for internal TL. A collection of analytics tools were identified when investigating injury/performance prediction. Machine Learning showed promising results in many studies, identifying the strongest predictive variables and injury risk identification. Overall, a variety of TL monitoring tools and predictive analytics were utilized by researchers and were successful in predicting injury/performance, but no common method taken by researchers could be identified. This review highlights the positive effect of ETs, but further investigation is desired towards a ‘gold standard” predictive analytics tool for injury/performance prediction in field-based team sports.
... On the other hand, four studies did not indicate any significant association between non-contact injury incidences with TDC (61,63,64,71) and HSR (59,61,63,71). The reason for HSR not to be significantly associated with non-contact injury risks could be the fact that utilizing fixed threshold speeds rather than individualized threshold decreases the sensitivity of the outcome of the results (83). Additionally, Ehrmann et al. (71) found that a higher covered MpM augments soft-tissue non-contact injury incidences in the same week whereas another included study (64) showed that an increased HSR and VHSR are more likely to enhance non-contact injury risk two-week later rather than the present week, as opposed to the finding of Ehrmann et al. ...
... Supporting this, Buchheit mentioned that using fixed speed threshold for HSR through all players may result in meaningless ACWR outcome as each player has different locomotor profile (83). ...
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A systematic review investigating the relationship between training load variables and non-contact injury incidence in soccer players
... Workload management systems should consider the specific needs of each player or position of play (Lindsay, Draper, Lewis, Gieseg & Gill, 2015), but this is difficult to determine due to no studies quantifying the difference in output produced between elite and non-elite rugby players in Malaysia. An athlete's performance must be optimized, injuries must be avoided, and success in competitive sports depends on accurate training load monitoring (Windt, Gabbett, Ferris & Khan (2017). For the Malaysia Elite 15's Rugby squad, the Asia Rugby Men's Championship (ARMC) 2023, which features intense matches and demanding training regimens, provides a difficult environment. ...
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The Asia Rugby Men's Championship (ARMC) is a well-known platform for rugby teams in the area to exhibit their abilities and compete on an international level. The tournament's physical and psychological strains on competitors may have consequences for their overall health. The purpose of this study is to look at the training load and the acute-to-chronic workload ratio (ACWR) and to evaluate the wellness on the Malaysia Rugby squad during the Asia Rugby Men's Championship 2023. The study enlisted the participation of 30 Malaysia Rugby squad members. Throughout the competition, training load data such as session time, session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE), and numerous wellness indicators such as fatigue, sleep quality, mood, muscular soreness, and stress level were thoroughly evaluated. The ACWR was determined by dividing the chronic workload rolling average by the acute workload rolling average. The data demonstrated differences in training load patterns and ACWR values and self-report questionnaires were used to collect data for wellness status throughout the competition. The study emphasizes the significance of monitoring training load to optimize player performance and reduce the risk of injury during strenuous rugby tournaments. The study reveals wellness difficulties faced by Malaysia Rugby players at ARMC 2023, guiding personalized interventions to enhance well-being and performance during international rugby games. It also enhances understanding of training load management approaches and may guide future training methods for similar events. Keywords. training load monitoring, acute-to-chronic workload ratio (ACWR), Malaysia Rugby, athlete performance, injury risk, wellness status, player well-being.
... Hence, an optimal training load management would yield performance and health benefits, acknowledging that both the temporal context and environment influence an athlete's load and load capacity [4]. In respect to injury prevention, the training load has been suggested to drive the athlete towards or away from an injury [4,13,14]. Taken together, given the evolution of equipment, changing environmental factors (e.g. weather and snow conditions), and the complexity and nature of these snow sports disciplines, multiple factors come into play in relation to athletes' performance and health [1,9,15]. ...
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Background and Objective Competitive alpine skiing, snowboarding and freestyle skiing, all different in nature and risks, are known for their high injury and illness burden. Testing measures and training methods may be considered for athletes’ preparation to support performance enhancement while safeguarding their health. We explored the perspectives and perceptions of competitive alpine skiing, snowboarding and freestyle skiing stakeholders regarding testing and training practices in their competitive snow sports. Methods We conducted an exploratory qualitative study based on grounded theory principles through 13 semi-structured interviews about testing and training practices with athletes, on-snow and off-snow coaches, managers and healthcare providers from different national teams. The interviews were inductively analysed through a constant comparative data analysis. Results Participants described winning as the end goal of testing and training practices, which requires athletes to perform in their best condition. To do so, they mentioned two main targets: performance enhancement and health protection. Participants acknowledged health as a premise to perform optimally, considering testing and monitoring approaches, goal setting, and training to support and protect athlete performance. This continuous cyclic process is driven by communication and shared decision making among all stakeholders, using testing and monitoring outputs to inform goal setting, training (e.g. on-snow and off-snow) and injury prevention. Such an approach helps athletes achieve their goal of winning while being fit and healthy throughout their short-term and long-term athletic career development. Conclusions The ultimate goal of testing measures and training methods in such competitive snow sports is winning. Performance enhancement and health protection act as pillars in systematic, tailored and flexible processes to guarantee athletes’ best preparation to perform. Moreover, athletes’ assessments, goal setting, monitoring tools, open communication and shared decision making strongly guide this cyclic process.
... In addition, there seems to be some controversy as to whether it exists (Campos-Vazquez et al., 2017) or does not exist (Cetolin et al., 2018;Gabbett, 2004) of an association between training more and improving the physical condition of the players. It is important to note that there is evidence that postulates that any increase in burden in this period brings with it an increase in the risk of injury (Malone et al., 2017), with the consequences that this entails since there is a positive correlation between preseason training time and participation in official matches during the in-season period (Windt et al., 2017a). ...
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Purpose: the main aim of this study was to quantify and compare the weekly external loads of pre-season in two professional football teams. Methods: GPS devices monitored forty-five players in two teams daily in a five-week pre-season period. The external load measures were: number of sessions, total duration, acceleration load (aLoad), total distance (TD), distance at >21 km·h-1 (TD21), distance at >24 km·h-1 (TD24) and Player-Load® (PL). Results: there were differences in the weekly external load between both teams. Team1 trained 30% more time and training sessions than Team2, so the weekly load for all external load variables was higher except for aLoad and TD21 for W1 (Team2>Team1, p<0.05). These differences between teams were not similar for all weeks, with higher differences in weeks 2, 3, and 4. While Team2 proposed a distribution more stable and progressive in high-speed distances (TD21 and TD24) among weeks, Team1 used the inverted U model. In this line, variations between weeks were lower for Team2 (from -4% to 38%) than for Team1 (from -26% to 1,653%). Conclusions: The study's main conclusion was that in addition to a load management with an inverted U model, more widespread in professional football, a more stable and progressive distribution strategy can be proposed in pre-season in a professional setting. Keywords: GPS, training load, team sports, periodization, monitoring.
... The optimisation of training loads in the preseason can have a significant impact on the availability of team sport athletes to train and compete throughout the competition phase of the year. For example, higher preseason training loads were associated with increased training and match availability during the competitive season (Gabbett, 2016;Windt et al., 2017). A greater understanding of the physiological responses to training during the initial preseason period may assist in optimising readiness for each training session, reduce the risk of overtraining and enhance training quality throughout the remainder of the preseason period (Podgórski et al., 2021). ...
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The purposes of this study were to quantify the physiological response to the initial two-week preseason period in elite male rugby league (RL) athletes, and to determine if a repeated bout effect (RBE) occurs. Eighteen RL players were monitored for the initial two-week preseason period. Blood samples were collected on days (D)1, D2, D4, D5, D8, D9, D11 and D12 to measure creatine kinase (CK). Neuromuscular power was assessed on D1, D5, D8 and D12. During field-based sessions, the external training load was quantified using global positioning system technology, whilst the internal load was quantified using the training impulse and the session rating of perceived exertion. Resistance-based gym session volume was quantified by total repetitions x weight lifted. Perceived measures of fatigue and muscle soreness were assessed on all training days. Two-way (day x week) repeated measures analysis of variance and Bonferroni’s corrected post-hoc tests identified significant changes. There were no significant changes in CK activity (649.2 ± 255.0 vs. 673.8 ± 299.1 µL; p = 0.63) or internal training load measures from week 1 to week 2. External training load measures including total distance (4138.1 ± 198.4 vs. 4525.0 ± 169.2 m; p < 0.001) and repeated high-intensity efforts (12.6 ± 1.8 vs. 17.5 ± 1.8 au; p < 0.001) significantly increased in week 2 compared to week 1. Internal training loads and CK activity did not change in response to an increase in external training loads during the initial preseason. The current results provide support for a ‘real world’ perspective of the RBE phenomenon that may be more applicable for team sport practitioners.
... Performance-focused measures determined in an interdisciplinary manner can bring stakeholders together as teammates (22). For instance, greater preseason participation has been associated with lower in-season injury risk (58); therefore, the so-called training loadinjury paradox is actually in the best interest of physical preparation and the medical staff. Targets for injury availability may also be used, given the relationship between injuries and chance of success demonstrated across a variety of sports (12). ...
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are commonplace in business and sport. They offer an objective means to link data and processes with performance outcomes. Yet, their application in sports performance, particularly team sports, is not without issue. Here, we review 4 key issues relating to KPI application in team sports; lack of a universal definition, complexity of performance , drifting from on-field performance goals with off-field targets, and agency issues across different key stakeholders. With these issues relating to sports performance KPIs in mind, we propose a complementary approach to help practitioners focus on implementing the conditions that create performance environments and opportunities for success in a complex sporting environment. Ongoing process trackers (OPTs) are quantifiable measures of the execution of behaviors and processes that create the environments, cultures, and conditions for successful performance outcomes. This approach equips sports science practitioners with key questions they can ask themselves and their team when starting to select and use OPTs in their program.
Quantifying the pre-season workload of professional Rugby Union players, in relation to their respective positions not only provides crucial insights into their physical demands and training needs but also underscores the significance of the acute:chronic workload ratio (ACWR) in assessing workload. However, given the diversity in ACWR calculation methods, their applicability requires further exploration. As a result, this study aims to analyze the workload depending on the player's positions and to compare three ACWR calculation methods. Fifty-seven players were categorized into five groups based on their playing positions: tight five (T5), third-row (3R), number nine (N9), center, and third line defense (3L). The coupled and uncoupled rolling averages (RA), as well as the exponentially weighted moving average ACWR method, were employed to compute measures derived from GPS data. Changes throughout the pre-season were assessed using the one-way and two-way analysis of variance. The results revealed that N9 covered significantly greater distances and exhibited higher player load compared to T5 and 3L [p < 0.05, effect size (ES) = 0.16–0.68]. Additionally, 3L players displayed the highest workload across various measures, including counts of accelerations and decelerations (>2.5 m s⁻²), accelerations (>2.5 m s⁻²), acceleration distance (>2 m s⁻²), high-speed running (>15 km h⁻¹), very high-speed running (>21 km h⁻¹, VSHR), sprint running (>25 km h⁻¹, SR) distance. When using coupled RA ACWR method, centers exposed significantly greater values to T5 (p < 0.05, ES = 0.8) and 3R (p < 0.05, ES = 0.83). Moreover, centers exhibited greater (p < 0.05, ES = 0.67–0.91) uncoupled RA ACWR values for VHSR and SR than T5 and 3R. When comparing the three ACWR methods, although significant differences emerged in some specific cases, the ES were all small (0–0.56). In light of these findings, training should be customized to the characteristics of players in different playing positions and the three ACWR calculation methods can be considered as equally effective approaches.
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Background: Between-match recovery time, and acute and chronic workloads likely affect subsequent match-injury risk in elite rugby league players. Methods: Workloads of 28 players throughout two seasons were calculated during short (<7 days), and long (≥7 days) between-match recovery times. 'Acute' workloads (1 week) greater than 'chronic' workloads (4-week rolling average acute workload) resulted in acute:chronic workload ratios above 1. Results: No difference was found between the match-injury risk of short and long between-match recovery periods (7.5±2.5% vs 6.8±2.5%). When players had a short recovery between matches, high chronic workloads (18.9-22.0 km) were associated with a smaller risk of match injury than chronic workloads <18.9 km (relative risk (RR) range 0.27-0.32 (CI 0.08 to 0.92); likelihood range 90-95%, likely). Players who had shorter recovery and acute:chronic workload ratios ≥1.6, were 3.4-5.8 times likely to sustain a match injury than players with lower acute:chronic workload ratios (RR range 3.41-5.80 (CI 1.17 to 19.2); likelihood range 96-99%, very likely). Acute:chronic workload ratios between 1.2 and 1.6 during short between-match recovery times demonstrated a greater risk of match injury than ratios between 1.0 and 1.2 (RR=2.88 (CI 0.97 to 8.55); likelihood=92%, likely). Conclusions: Contrary to the philosophy that high workloads and shorter recovery equate to increased injury risk, our data suggest that high and very-high chronic workloads may protect against match injury following shorter between-match recovery periods. Acute:chronic workload ratios ∼1.5 are associated with a greater risk of match injury than lower acute:chonic workload ratios. Importantly, workloads can be manipulated to decrease the match-injury risk associated with shorter recovery time between matches.
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Background: There is dogma that higher training load causes higher injury rates. However, there is also evidence that training has a protective effect against injury. For example, team sport athletes who performed more than 18 weeks of training before sustaining their initial injuries were at reduced risk of sustaining a subsequent injury, while high chronic workloads have been shown to decrease the risk of injury. Second, across a wide range of sports, well-developed physical qualities are associated with a reduced risk of injury. Clearly, for athletes to develop the physical capacities required to provide a protective effect against injury, they must be prepared to train hard. Finally, there is also evidence that under-training may increase injury risk. Collectively, these results emphasise that reductions in workloads may not always be the best approach to protect against injury. Main thesis: This paper describes the 'Training-Injury Prevention Paradox' model; a phenomenon whereby athletes accustomed to high training loads have fewer injuries than athletes training at lower workloads. The Model is based on evidence that non-contact injuries are not caused by training per se, but more likely by an inappropriate training programme. Excessive and rapid increases in training loads are likely responsible for a large proportion of non-contact, soft-tissue injuries. If training load is an important determinant of injury, it must be accurately measured up to twice daily and over periods of weeks and months (a season). This paper outlines ways of monitoring training load ('internal' and 'external' loads) and suggests capturing both recent ('acute') training loads and more medium-term ('chronic') training loads to best capture the player's training burden. I describe the critical variable-acute:chronic workload ratio)-as a best practice predictor of training-related injuries. This provides the foundation for interventions to reduce players risk, and thus, time-loss injuries. Summary: The appropriately graded prescription of high training loads should improve players' fitness, which in turn may protect against injury, ultimately leading to (1) greater physical outputs and resilience in competition, and (2) a greater proportion of the squad available for selection each week.
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Aim: Investigate whether acute workload (1 week total distance) and chronic workload (4-week average acute workload) predict injury in elite rugby league players. Methods: Data were collected from 53 elite players over two rugby league seasons. The ‘acute:chronic workload ratio’ was calculated by dividing acute workload by chronic workload. A value of greater than 1 represented an acute workload greater than chronicworkload. All workload data were classified into discrete ranges by z-scores. Results Compared with all other ratios, a very-high acute:chronic workload ratio (≥2.11) demonstrated the greatest risk of injury in the current week (16.7% injury risk) and subsequent week (11.8% injury risk). High chronic workload (>16 095 m) combined with a very high 2-week average acute:chronic workload ratio (≥1.54) was associated with the greatest risk of injury (28.6% injury risk). High chronic workload combined with a moderate workload ratio (1.02–1.18) had a smaller risk of injury than low chronic workload combined with several workload ratios (relative risk range from 0.3 to 0.7×/÷1.4 to 4.4; likelihood range=88–94%, likely). Considering acute and chronic workloads in isolation (ie, not as ratios) did not consistently predict injury risk. Conclusions: Higher workloads can have either positive or negative influences on injury risk in elite rugby league players. Specifically, compared with players who have a low chronic workload, players with a high chronic workload are more resistant to injury with moderate-low through moderate-high (0.85–1.35)acute:chronic workload ratios and less resistant to injury when subjected to ‘spikes’ in acute workload, that is, very-high acute:chronic workload ratios ∼1.5.
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To explore the association between in-season training load measures and injury risk in professional Rugby Union players. Methods This was a one-season prospective cohort study of 173 Professional Rugby Union players from four English Premiership teams. Training load (duration x session-RPE) and time-loss injuries were recorded for all players for all pitch and gym based sessions. Generalised estimating equations were used to model the association between in-season training load measures and injury risk in the subsequent week. Injury risk increased linearly with one-week loads and week-to-week changes in loads, with a 2 standard deviation (SD) increase in these variables (1245 AU and 1069 AU, respectively) associated with odds ratios of 1.68 (95% CI 1.05-2.68) and 1.58 (95% CI: 0.98-2.54). When compared with the reference group (<3684 AU), a significant non-linear effect was evident for four-week cumulative loads, with a likely beneficial reduction in injury risk associated with intermediate loads of 5932 to 8651 AU (OR: 0.55, 95% CI: 0.22-1.38) (this range equates to around four weeks of average in-season training load), and a likely harmful effect evident for higher loads of >8651 AU (OR: 1.39, 95% CI: 0.98-1.98). Players had an increased risk of injury if they had high one-week cumulative loads (1245 AU), or large week-to-week changes in load (1069 AU). In addition, a 'U-shaped' relationship was observed for four-week cumulative loads, with an apparent increase in risk associated with higher loads (>8651 AU). These measures should therefore be monitored to inform injury risk reduction strategies.
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Injuries in collegiate ice hockey can result in significant time lost from play. The identification of modifiable risk factors relating to a player's physical fitness allows the development of focused training and injury prevention programs targeted at reducing these risks. To determine the ability of preseason fitness outcomes to predict in-season on-ice injury in male collegiate ice hockey players. Prognostic cohort study. Level 3. Athlete demographics, percentage body fat, aerobic capacity (300-m shuttle run; 1-, 1.5-, 5-mile run), and strength assessment (sit-ups, push-ups, grip strength, bench press, Olympic cleans, squats) data were collected at the beginning of 8 successive seasons for 1 male collegiate ice hockey team. Hockey-related injury data and player-level practice/game athlete exposure (AE) data were also prospectively collected. Seventy-nine players participated (203 player-years). Injury was defined as any event that resulted in the athlete being unable to participate in 1 or more practices or games following the event. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to determine the ability of the independent variables to predict the occurrence of on-ice injury. There were 132 injuries (mean, 16.5 per year) in 55 athletes. The overall injury rate was 4.4 injuries per 1000 AEs. Forwards suffered 68% of the injuries. Seventy percent of injuries occurred during games with equal distribution between the 3 periods. The mean number of days lost due to injury was 7.8 ± 13.8 (range, 1-127 days). The most common mechanism of injury was contact with another player (54%). The odds of injury in a forward was 1.9 times (95% CI, 1.1-3.4) that of a defenseman and 3 times (95% CI, 1.2-7.7) that of a goalie. The odds of injury if the player's body mass index (BMI) was ≥25 kg/m(2) was 2.1 times (95% CI, 1.1-3.8) that of a player with a BMI <25 kg/m(2). The odds ratios for bench press, maximum sit-ups, and Olympic cleans were statistically significant but close to 1.0, and therefore the clinical relevance is unknown. Forwards have higher odds of injury relative to other player positions. BMI was predictive of on-ice injury. Aerobic fitness and maximum strength outcomes were not strongly predictive of on-ice injury.
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Elite level professional soccer players are suggested to have increased physical, technical, tactical and psychological capabilities when compared to their sub-elite counterparts. Ensuring these players remain at the elite level generally involves training many different bodily systems to a high intensity or level within a short duration. This study aimed to examine whether an increase in training volume at high intensity levels were related to injury incidence, or increased the odds of sustaining an injury. Training intensity was monitored through time spent in high- (T-HI) and very high- (T-VHI) intensity zones of 85-<90% and ≥90% of maximal heart rate (HRmax), and all injuries were recorded over two consecutive seasons. Twenty-three elite professional male soccer players (mean±SD age 25.6±4.6 years, stature 181.8±6.8 cm, and body mass of 79.3±8.1 kg) were studied throughout the 2-yrs span of the investigation. The results showed a mean total injury incidence of 18.8 (95% CI 14.7 to 22.9) injuries per 1000 h of exposure. Significant correlations were found between training volume at T-HI and injury incidence (r=0.57, p=0.005). Further analysis revealed how players achieving more time in the T-VHI zone during training increased the odds of sustaining a match injury (odds ratio=1.87, 95% CI 1.12 to 3.12, p=0.02), but did not increase the odds of sustaining a training injury. Reducing the number of competitive match injuries amongst elite professional level players may be possible if greater focus is placed on the training intensity and volume over a period of time ensuring the potential reduction of fatigue or overuse injuries. In addition, it is important to understand the optimal training load at which adaptation occurs without raising the risk of injury.
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Many athletes, coaches, and support staff are taking an increasingly scientific approach to both designing and monitoring training programs. Appropriate load monitoring can aid in determining whether an athlete is adapting to a training program and in minimizing the risk of developing non-functional overreaching, illness, and/or injury. In order to gain an understanding of the training load and its effect on the athlete, a number of potential markers are available for use. However, very few of these markers have strong scientific evidence supporting their use, and there is yet to be a single, definitive marker described in the literature. Research has investigated a number of external load quantifying and monitoring tools, such as power output measuring devices, time-motion analysis, as well as internal load unit measures, including perception of effort, heart rate, blood lactate, and training impulse. Dissociation between external and internal load units may reveal the state of fatigue of an athlete. Other monitoring tools used by high-performance programs include heart rate recovery, neuromuscular function, biochemical/hormonal/immunological assessments, questionnaires and diaries, psychomotor speed, and sleep quality and quantity. The monitoring approach taken with athletes may depend on whether the athlete is engaging in individual or team sport activity; however, the importance of individualization of load monitoring cannot be over emphasized. Detecting meaningful changes with scientific and statistical approaches can provide confidence and certainty when implementing change. Appropriate monitoring of training load can provide important information to athletes and coaches; however, monitoring systems should be intuitive, provide efficient data analysis and interpretation, and enable efficient reporting of simple, yet scientifically valid, feedback.
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Colby, MJ, Dawson, B, Heasman, J, Rogalski, B, and Gabbett, TJ. Accelerometer and GPS-derived running loads and injury risk in elite Australian footballers. J Strength Cond Res 28(8): 2244-2252, 2014-The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between overall physical workload (global positioning systems [GPS]/accelerometer) measures and injury risk in elite Australian football players (n = 46) during a season. Workload data and (intrinsic) injury incidence were monitored across preseason and in-season (18 matches) phases. Multiple regression was used to compare cumulative (1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-weekly loads) and absolute change (from previous-to-current week) in workloads between injured and uninjured players for all GPS/accelerometer-derived variables: total distance, V1 distance (total distance above individual's aerobic threshold speed), sprint distance, force load, velocity load, and relative velocity change. Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated to determine the relative injury risk. Cumulative loads showed the strongest relationship with greater intrinsic injury risk. During preseason, 3-weekly distance (OR = 5.489, p = 0.008) and 3-weekly sprint distance (OR = 3.667, p = 0.074) were most indicative of greater injury risk. During in-season, 3-weekly force load (OR = 2.530, p = 0.031) and 4-weekly relative velocity change (OR = 2.244, p = 0.035) were associated with greater injury risk. No differences in injury risk between years of Australian Football League system experience and GPS/accelerometer data were seen. From an injury risk (prevention) perspective, these findings support consideration of several GPS/accelerometer running load variables in Australian football players. In particular, cumulative weekly loads should be closely monitored, with 3-weekly loads most indicative of a greater injury risk across both seasonal phases.
The purpose of this study was to compare two different periodization models in strength and power athletes. Twenty-four experienced resistance trained man were randomly assigned to either a block periodization training program (BP; age = 24.2±3.1 years, body mass = 78.5±11.0 kg, height = 177.6±4.9 cm) or to a traditional periodization program (TP; age = 26.2±6.0 years; body mass = 80.5±13.3 kg, height = 179.2±4.6). Participants in both training programs performed four-training sessions per week. Each training program consisted of the same exercises and same volume of training (total resistance lifted per session). The difference between the groups was in the manipulation of training intensity within each training phase. Strength and power testing occurred before training (PRE) and following 15 weeks (POST) of training. Magnitude-based inferences were used to compare strength and power performance between the groups. Participants in BP were more likely (79.8%) to increase the area under the force-power curve than TP. Participants in BP also demonstrated a likely positive (92.76%) decrease in the load corresponding to maximal power at the bench press compared to TP group, and a possible improvement (∼ 60%) in maximal strength and power in the bench press. No significant changes were noted between groups in lower body strength or jump power performance following the 15 week training period. Results of this study indicate that BP may enhance upper-body power expression to a greater extent than TP with equal volume, however, no differences were detected for lower body performance and body composition measures.
Hamstring strain injuries (HSIs) have remained the most prevalent injury in the Australian Football League (AFL) over the past 21 regular seasons. The effect of HSIs in sports is often expressed as regular season games missed due to injury. However, the financial cost of athletes missing games due to injury has not been investigated. The aim of this report is to estimate the financial cost of games missed due to HSIs in the AFL. Data were collected using publicly available information from the AFL's injury report and the official AFL annual report for the past 10 competitive AFL seasons. Average athlete salary and injury epidemiology data were used to determine the average yearly financial cost of HSIs for AFL clubs and the average financial cost of a single HSI over this time period. Across the observed period, average yearly financial cost of HSIs per club increased by 71% compared with a 43% increase in average yearly athlete salary. Over the same time period the average financial cost of a single HSI increased by 56% from A25603in2003toA25 603 in 2003 to A40 021 in 2012, despite little change in the HSI rates during the period. The observed increased financial cost of HSIs was ultimately explained by the failure of teams to decrease HSI rates, but coupled with increases in athlete salaries over the past 10 season. The information presented in this report highlights the financial cost of HSIs and other sporting injuries, raising greater awareness and the need for further funding for research into injury prevention strategies to maximise economical return for investment in athletes.