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Heterosexual Male Carriers Could Explain Persistence of Homosexuality in Men: Individual-Based Simulations of an X-Linked Inheritance Model

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Archives of Sexual Behavior
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Abstract and Figures

Homosexuality has been documented throughout history and is found in almost all human cultures. Twin studies suggest that homosexuality is to some extent heritable. However, from an evolutionary perspective, this poses a problem: Male homosexuals tend to have on average five times fewer children than heterosexual males, so how can a phenomenon associated with low reproductive success be maintained at relatively stable frequencies? Recent findings of increased maternal fecundity of male homosexuals suggest that the genes responsible for homosexuality in males increase fecundity in the females who carry them. Can an increase in maternal fecundity compensate for the fecundity reduction in homosexual men and produce a stable polymorphism? In the current study, this problem was addressed with an individual-based modeling (IBM) approach. IBM suggests that male homosexuality can be maintained in a population at low and stable frequencies if roughly more than half of the females and half of the males are carriers of genes that predispose the male to homosexuality.
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Heterosexual Male Carriers Could Explain Persistence of
Homosexuality in Men: Individual-Based Simulations
of an X-Linked Inheritance Model
Giorgi Chaladze
Received: 23 March 2015 / Revised: 30 September 2015 / Accepted: 15 March 2016/ Published online: 11 April 2016
Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Abstract Homosexuality has been documented throughout
history and isfound in almost all human cultures. Twin studies
suggest that homosexuality is to some extent heritable. However,
from an evolutionary perspective, this poses a problem: Male
homosexu als tend to have on ave rage five times fewe r children
than heterosexual males, so how can a phenomenon associated
with low reproductive success be maintained at relatively stable
frequencies? Recent findings of increased maternal fecundity of
male homosexuals suggest that the genes responsible for homo-
sexuality in males increase fecundity in the females who carry
them. Can an increase in maternal fecundity compensate for the
fecundity reduction in homosexual men and produce a stable
polymorphism? In the current study, this problem w as addressed
with an individual-based modeling (IBM) approach. IBM suggests
that male homosexuality can be maintained in a population at low
and stable frequencies if roughly more than half of the females and
half of the males are carriers of genes that predispose the male to
Keywords Homosexuality Simulation
Population Genetics X-linked Sexual orientation
Homosexuality has been documented throughout history and is
found in almost all human cultures (Kirkpatrick, 2000). The
oldest depictions of homosexuality come from Mesolithic rock
art (Nash, 2001),althoughgenerallyitisacceptedthatthepreva-
lence of homosexuality in human societies is low (Diamond,
1993; Grulich, Visser, Smith, Rissel, & Richters, 2003; Sell,
Wells, & Wypij, 1995). Homosexual males on average have less
reproductive success than heterosexuals (Iemmola & Ciani,
2009; Rieger, Blanchard, Schwartz, Bailey, & Sanders, 2012;
Van de Ven, Rodden, Crawford, & Kippax, 1997). Consequently,
from an evolutionary perspective,homosexuality is a paradox:
How can a phenomenon associated with low reproductive suc-
cess be maintained at relatively stable frequencies (Hutchinson,
1959; Wilson, 1975)?
Research suggests that sexual orientation is influenced by
genetic factors. Specifically, monozygotic (MZ) twins, who share
all of their genes, are more likely to be concordant in their sexual
orientation than are dizygotic (DZ) twins or simple siblings, who
only share, on average, half of their genes (Kendler, Thornton,
Gilman, & Kessler, 2000; Kirk, Bailey, Dunne, & Martin, 2000).
In an effort to identify the gene or genes that influence sexual
orientation, Hamer, Hu, Magnuson, Hu, and Pattatucci (1993)
conducted a genetic study in a group of 40 families in which there
were two gay brothers. Their data indicated a linkage between the
Xq28 markers and sexual orientation. More recently, a genome-
wide study replicated results showing linkage of homosexuality
not only to Xq28, but also to elements on chromosome 8 (Sanders
et al., 2014).
It is, however, also demonstrable that homosexual men, com-
pared to heterosexual men, tend to come from larger families
(Ciani, Corna, & Capiluppi, 2004; Ciani & Pellizzari, 2012;
Iemmola & Ciani, 2009; King et al., 2005). Greater fecundity in
relatives of homosexual men could potentially explain the coun-
terintuitive persistence of homosexuality through sexually antag-
onistic selection—genes predisposing homosexuality in men
increase fecundity in females who carry them (Ciani & Pel-
lizzari, 2012; Iemmola & Ciani, 2009; Zietsch et al., 2008).
However, the positive fecundity increment accruing to moth-
ers of homosexual men is not large: 1.16 times higher per Ciani
et al. (2004), 1.31 times higher per Iemmola and Ciani (2009),
&Giorgi Chaladze
Institute of Ecology, Ilia State University, 3/5 Cholokashvili
Ave, 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia
Arch Sex Behav (2016) 45:1705–1711
DOI 10.1007/s10508-016-0742-2
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Similarly, in India, many nonheterosexual individuals live in forced marriages to avoid social stigma and bear children biologically (Gwalani 2015;Jain, 2015). Being homosexual doesn't mean that the individual cannot reproduce; however, male homosexuals tend to have five times fewer children compared to male heterosexuals on average (Chaladze, 2016). ...
... A study involving individual-based modeling (IBM), which used population genetics models, showed that male homosexuality can be maintained in a low to stable frequency in a population if "roughly more than half of the females and half of the males" are carriers of genes that predispose a male to be homosexual (Chaladze, 2016). A major question that arises here is whether such carrier males and females exist in a population. ...
... Even if the degree of altruism required to offset reproductive benefits is rarely or never realized in the human population, the 33% increase in fecundity of ascending females on the maternal side of gay and bisexual men, relative to heterosexuals, might be able to offset the direct benefits of reproduction and hence not selected against by natural selection (Camperio-Ciani et al., 2004Iemmola & Camperio ciani, 2008). Simulation models proposed by Chaladze (2016) that explain such propagation by male and female carriers further supports this observation. ...
Since the 20th century, multiple studies have linked the variations in human sexual orientation, from heterosexuality to bisexuality or homosexuality, to a wide range of biological factors. However, a clear mechanism that leads to the development of these variations has not been established yet. This review consolidates various comprehensive studies on the possible biological factors in the fields of genetics, epigenetics, uterine environment, hormones , neuroanatomy, and neurobiology that lead to these variations. One intriguing question that 'homosexuality phenotype' faces is its ability to avoid elimination by Darwinian selection. This review tries to explain why natural selection is not eliminating the genetic factors associated with homosexuality even at the cost of the evolutionary fitness of homosexual individuals. Studies supporting certain strong candidates for alternative sexual orientation (ASO) are highlighted, which can become new research avenues for investigators in this field. Further, a novel speculation is proposed that might be contributing to the development of variation in human sexuality.
... Na základě výsledků výše uvedených studií lze říci, že přímá genetická evidence pro lokalizaci genetické komponenty mužské sexuální orientace na chromosomu X tedy zůstává sporná. Chaladze (2016) konstatuje, že některé dosud rozporné výsledky při prokazování genetického podkladu homosexuality mohou plynout z faktu, že do heterosexuální skupiny byli zařazeni muži s genetickou predisposicí k homosexualitě, u nichž se ovšem tato predisposice neprojevila. ...
... Novější výzkumy jednovaječných dvojčat, která jsou geneticky identická, ukazují, že pravděpodobnost, se kterou bude sourozenec se svým dvojčetem sdílet neheterosexuální orientaci, je okolo 20 % (Bailey et al., 2000;Langstrom et al., 2010). Na tento nedostatek předchozích modelů odpovídá Chaladze (2016). Podle něj by i jednolokusový model mohl být stabilní, pokud by nositel homosexuální alely měl jen 20% či 50% pravděpodobnost rozvinutí homosexuality. ...
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Regarding the fact that gay men leave less offspring than straight men, it is appropriate to raise a question by which means is male homosexuality maintained in a population and what could eventually be its evolutionary role. The aim of this paper is to summarize theories that try to explain male homosexuality within the framework of evolution. Furthermore, it aims to critically evaluate the results of empirical research that support particular theories or give evidence against them. In the first part, the paper provides a review of knowledge about the genetic and immunological origins of male homosexuality which consequently serves as a theoretical base for the main part of the paper that pursues the five most influential evolutionary theories of male homosexuality.
... It is thus suggested that greater fecundity and fertility of female relatives of homosexual men can explain the persistence of a nonadaptive form of male sexuality through sexually antagonistic selection (e.g., Ciani and Pellizzari 2012;Zietsch et al. 2008). In other words, sexually antagonistic genes can bring advantages for one sex (e.g., higher fecundity in women) but can be principally disadvantageous for the other sex (e.g., can cause exclusive homosexuality in men).However, as shown by recent models, the frequency of only female carriers cannot explain a stable proportion of exclusive male homosexuals in the population but a large proportion of both nonhomosexual female and male carriers can (Chaladze 2016). Based on behavioral genetic studies, a considerable proportion of men carrying the homosexual genes are not exclusively or predominantly homosexual. ...
... Fourth, a few studies have found that in traditional societies, females with MTF siblings have higher fertility (e.g., Iemmola and Ciani, 2009;Vanderlaan et al., 2011), or receive other fitness-enhancing benefits (Vasey et al., 2007). Theoretical modelling suggests that such an effect could maintain the genes required for a non-reproductive caste of MTF over time (e.g., Chaladze, 2016). However, because of their apparent increasing frequency in modern 4. Anthropological and Evolutionary Demography societies (Leinung and Joseph 2020), important future life history research should also examine the role and possibly adaptive nature of FTM individuals in human cooperative breeding kin groups. ...
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Human evolutionary demography is an emerging field blending natural science with social science. This edited volume provides a much-needed, interdisciplinary introduction to the field and highlights cutting-edge research for interested readers and researchers in demography, the evolutionary behavioural sciences, biology, and related disciplines. By bridging the boundaries between social and biological sciences, the volume stresses the importance of a unified understanding of both in order to grasp past and current demographic patterns. Demographic traits, and traits related to demographic outcomes, including fertility and mortality rates, marriage, parental care, menopause, and cooperative behavior are subject to evolutionary processes. Bringing an understanding of evolution into demography therefore incorporates valuable insights into this field; just as knowledge of demography is key to understanding evolutionary processes. By asking questions about old patterns from a new perspective, the volume—composed of contributions from established and early-career academics—demonstrates that a combination of social science research and evolutionary theory offers holistic understandings and approaches that benefit both fields. Human Evolutionary Demography introduces an emerging field in an accessible style. It is suitable for graduate courses in demography, as well as upper-level undergraduates. Its range of research is sure to be of interest to academics working on demographic topics (anthropologists, sociologists, demographers), natural scientists working on evolutionary processes, and disciplines which cross-cut natural and social science, such as evolutionary psychology, human behavioral ecology, cultural evolution, and evolutionary medicine. As an accessible introduction, it should interest readers whether or not they are currently familiar with human evolutionary demography.
... The persistence of gay genes in human population represents an evolutionary puzzle due to obvious reproductive disadvantage. It is possible that being a carrier of gay genes provides some reproductive benefits (Chaladze, 2016), but the exact nature of these benefits remains to be established. ...
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The presence of homosexual behavior in the human population represents an evolutionary puzzle, as such behavior leads to obvious reproductive disadvantages. Recently, it was revealed that the length of telomeres inherited by offspring is determined, among other things, by the age of father. Older fathers pass longer telomeres to their children. The length of telomeres is generally considered as one of the factors determining the individual life span, which suggests that children of older fathers live longer. This phenomenon may provide a plausible explanation for the persistence of homosexuality among humans. Homosexuality is a partially inheritable trait. As homosexual males do not actively pursue reproductive sex, they are much likelier to become fathers later in life, if they reproduce at all. Through delayed reproduction, homosexual and bisexual subpopulations contribute to the increasing mean length of telomeres in population, which results in the gradually increasing life span. However, longer telomeres inherited from homosexual father are passed together with the genes predisposing to homosexual behavior, which helps to sustain a substantial pool of “gay genes” despite their reproductive disadvantage. The described effects are likely to be small but may results in a significant demographical shifts (increased longevity and sustained presence of homosexual sub-population) over multiple generations. The introduction of effective contraception (and the consequent serious increase of the mean age of fathering the children) may provide a similar mechanism for extending the mean telomere length in population, with consequences for longevity and general health.
... It is thus suggested that greater fecundity and fertility of female relatives of homosexual men can explain the persistence of a nonadaptive form of male sexuality through sexually antagonistic selection (e.g., Ciani and Pellizzari 2012;Zietsch et al. 2008). In other words, sexually antagonistic genes can bring advantages for one sex (e.g., higher fecundity in women) but can be principally disadvantageous for the other sex (e.g., can cause exclusive homosexuality in men).However, as shown by recent models, the frequency of only female carriers cannot explain a stable proportion of exclusive male homosexuals in the population but a large proportion of both nonhomosexual female and male carriers can (Chaladze 2016). Based on behavioral genetic studies, a considerable proportion of men carrying the homosexual genes are not exclusively or predominantly homosexual. ...
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Este livro foi pensado para ser um primeiro texto introdutório às bases ecológicas e evolutivas do comportamento humano, voltado para o ensino ao nível de graduação. Embora cada capítulo possa ser lido em qualquer ordem, organizamos de modo que a sequência sugerida permita ao aprofundamento paulatino dos diferentes conceitos e disciplinas dedi- cadas aos estudos do comportamento humano.
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Background: Findings from family and twin studies support a genetic contribution to the development of sexual orientation in men. However, previous studies have yielded conflicting evidence for linkage to chromosome Xq28. Method: We conducted a genome-wide linkage scan on 409 independent pairs of homosexual brothers (908 analyzed individuals in 384 families), by far the largest study of its kind to date. Results: We identified two regions of linkage: the pericentromeric region on chromosome 8 (maximum two-point LOD = 4.08, maximum multipoint LOD = 2.59), which overlaps with the second strongest region from a previous separate linkage scan of 155 brother pairs; and Xq28 (maximum two-point LOD = 2.99, maximum multipoint LOD = 2.76), which was also implicated in prior research. Conclusions: Results, especially in the context of past studies, support the existence of genes on pericentromeric chromosome 8 and chromosome Xq28 influencing development of male sexual orientation.
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Our analysis draws a comparative profile of older homosexually active men. For an Australian national telephone survey (Project Male‐Call), 2,583 homosexually active men were interviewed. Questions about demographics, types of sexual partners, attachment to gay community, HIV/AIDS, and sexual practices were asked. About 10% (n = 256) of the Male‐Call men were over 49years. These older men were likely to live alone (52.7%), to be or have been married (62.9%), to have children (56.4%), and to have lived at their present address for more than five years (67.5%). Relatively few (12.4%) lived in gay areas, but a significant number (29.2%) lived in rural regions. They were generally less likely than younger men to have disclosed their sexual orientation (p < .00005). Although their attachment to gay community was quite strong, it was less than younger men's in terms of social attachment (p < .00001), cultural involvement (p < .001), and sexual involvement (p
Several lines of evidence have implicated genetic factors in homosexuality. The most compelling observation has been the report of genetic linkage of male homosexuality to microsatellite markers on the X chromosome. This observation warranted further study and confirmation. Sharing of alleles at position Xq28 was studied in 52 gay male sibling pairs from Canadian families. Four markers at Xq28 were analyzed (DXS1113, BGN, Factor 8, and DXS1108). Allele and haplotype sharing for these markers was not increased over expectation. These results do not support an X-linked gene underlying male homosexuality.
IN THIS PAPER, we will report briefly on a series of male twins where at least one of each pair was homosexual. One object is to report the number of concordant and discordant, monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) pairs observed. A second object is to examine the frequency of homosexuality in twins per se. One of the twin pairs was from a family deserving special attention. Among 14 siblings, there were three sets of male MZ twins. Two of these three sets of twins were concordant for homosexuality; in the remaining pair both twins were heterosexual. The results of our study of this family will be presented in detail.
Homosexuality presents a paradox for evolutionists who explore the adaptedness of human behavior. If adaptedness is measured by reproductive success and if homosexual behavior is nonreproductive, how has it come about? Three adaptationist hypotheses are reviewed here and compared with the anthropological literature. There is little evidence that lineages gain reproductive advantage through offspring care provided by homosexual members. Therefore, there is little support for the hypothesis that homosexuality evolved by kin selection. Parents at times control children’s reproductive decisions and at times encourage children in homosexual behavior. There is therefore more support for the hypothesis of parental manipulation. Support is strongest, however, for the hypothesis that homosexual behavior comes from individual selection for reciprocal altruism. Same‐sex alliances have reproductive advantages, and sexual behavior at times maintains these alliances. Nonhuman primates, including the apes, use homosexual behavior in same‐sex alliances, and such alliances appear to have been key in the expanded distribution of human ancestors during the Pleistocene. Homosexual emotion and behavior are, in part, emergent qualities of the human propensity for same‐sex affiliation. Adaptationist explanations do not fully explain sexual behavior in humans, however; social and historical factors also play strong roles.
There appears to be sufficient evidence that paraphilia, or the tendency to substitute reproductively non-significant sexual goals for a mate of the opposite sex, is sufficiently widespread in human populations, involves sufficiently lowered fertility and is under enough genetic control to affect the distribution of genotypes in such human populations as have been well studied. Psychoanalytic theory suggests that the most probable mode of operation of the genetic determinants is on the rates of development of neuro-psychological mechanisms involved in identification processes and other aspects of object relationship in infancy. As such, they may have pleiotropic effects of importance. A consideration of fetichism suggests that certain aspects of sexual selection in man may involve mechanisms neutralizing castration fear, and so may ultimately influence such maturation rates. The type of display involved, which seems different from ordinary epigamic display in the lower animals, is designated cryptandric.