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In this paper, a knowledge discovery tool called Logical Analysis of Data is used to shed light on the causal relationship, if any, between three clinical procedures, namely blood transfusion, surgery and organ transplant, and Alzheimer's disease, which is thought to be a prion-type disease of protein misfolding, capable of spreading infectiously from human to human. The Logical Analysis of Data is a data-mining artificial intelligence technique that allows the classification of phenomena based on knowledge extraction and pattern recognition, without the reliance on prior hypotheses or any statistical analysis.By creating a database of clinical information obtained from a systematic review of the literature on the risk factors of Alzheimer's Disease, we were able to apply the Logical Analysis of Data to reveal the patterns distinguishing cases of AD that have undergone any of the three clinical procedures, and those cases that have not. Although several eye-opening patterns were revealed, results show that there is no evidence of relation between blood transfusion, surgery or organ transplant and the onset or development of Alzheimer's disease.
Journal of Public Health Frontier Mar. 2013, Vol. 2 Iss. 1, PP. 1-10
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Knowledge Discovery from Observational Data of
Causal Relationship between Clinical Procedures
and Alzheimer’s Disease
Soumaya Yacout*1, Alya Danish
, Susie ElSaadany
, Jean-Pierre Kapongo
, Suja Mani
,James Gomes
École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
*Université de Montréal
Public Health Agency of Canada, Canada
University of Ottawa, Canada;;;;;
Abstract- In this paper, a knowledge discovery tool called Logical Analysis of Data is used to shed light on the causal
relationship, if any, between three clinical procedures, namely blood transfusion, surgery and organ transplant, and
Alzheimer’s disease, which is thought to be a prion-type disease of protein misfolding, capable of spreading infectiously
from human to human. The Logical Analysis of Data is a data-mining artificial intelligence technique that allows the
classification of phenomena based on knowledge extraction and pattern recognition, without the reliance on prior
hypotheses or any statistical analysis.By creating a database of clinical information obtained from a systematic review
of the literature on the risk factors of Alzheimer’s Disease, we were able to apply the Logical Analysis of Data to reveal
the patterns distinguishing cases of AD that have undergone any of the three clinical procedures, and those cases that
have not. Although several eye-opening patterns were revealed, results show that there is no evidence of relation
between blood transfusion, surgery or organ transplant and the onset or development of Alzheimer’s disease.
Keywords-Data Mining; Logical Analysis of Data; Alzheimer’s Disease; Blood Transfusion; Surgery; Organ
Transplant; Pattern Recognition; Systematic Review
Despite the primary importance of the identification of causal relationships between the development and onset of
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and associated risk factors, modeling of the underlying disease mechanisms has been challenging[1].
For many public health problems, causal relationships are complicated, nonlinear and dynamic, which adds to the complexity
of understanding, preventing and treating these diseases. Moreover, although a number of studies on the AD can be found,
these studies are not necessarily of similar design, and the variability between them renders the application of rigorous
statistical meta-analysis techniques almost impossible. In this paper, a knowledge discovery approach called Logical Analysis
of Data (LAD) is introduced in order to study the relationships between clinical procedures, namely blood transfusion, cell,
tissue and organ transplantation and surgeries, and the onset and development of AD. LAD is a data mining artificial
intelligence approach that has previously been used in medical research (e.g., [2], [3]). It is a pattern recognition and
classification approach that takes advantage of the latest developments in the field of information technology, namely the
increase in the speed of computation and the storage and analysis of large volumes of data. The purpose of this paper is thus to
introduce LAD in order to develop a better understanding of the effect or causality, if they exist, of clinical procedures on the
risk of AD, or conversely, the effect of AD on clinical procedures.
Dementia diseases and their most common manifestation, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), are on the rise across the globe.
Approximately 35.6 million people are currently living with dementia, according to estimates by the World Health
Organization, which projects that this number will double by 2030 and more than triple by 2050 [4]. In Canada, over 500,000
individuals are affected by AD, with 60,150 new cases reported each year among Canadians aged 65 and over [5, 6]. In the
United States, the incidence and prevalence of AD has seen a dramatic increase by age found within all race/sex strata as
estimated in the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) cohort[7].
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, irreversible, neurodegenerative disease which begins with insidious deterioration of
higher cognition and progresses to severe dementia, in which memory and thought processes become impaired, affecting
intellectual and social skills to the point where daily life becomes difficult. A subtle deterioration of memory progressing to
profound memory loss, loss of mental powers (the ability to think, understand, reason, learn, and solve problems), personality
changes, and an increasing inability to carry out the activities of daily living are characteristics of AD [8]. Research has shown
that AD is caused by complex interactions between a number of risk factors such as age and sex, genetic factors such as the
presence of the APOE_4 allele or a previous family history of dementia and environmental and lifestyle factors, such as
Journal of Public Health Frontier Mar. 2013, Vol. 2 Iss. 1, PP. 1-10
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alcohol or tobacco use [9]. The role of many of these risk factors has been well characterized, but for others, there are still some
uncertainties. One group of risk factors that is not fully understood is clinical procedures involving blood transfusion, cell,
tissue and organ transplantation and surgeries.
AD shares a number of features in common with prion diseases, a heterogeneous group of conditions defined by brain
accumulation of abnormal prion protein PrPsc and transmissibility. The five human phenotypes, based on clinical, pathological,
biochemical, and genetic criteria, include: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann-Straussler--Scheinker syndrome (GSS),
fatal familial and sporadic insomnia (FFI and sFI), kuru, and new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (nvCJD).Common features
of these diseases include age requirement, mutations in an amyloidogenic protein, copper binding properties of the amyloid
ogenic protein, evidence of free radical damage, the presence of polymorphisms that influence disease susceptibility, formation
of amyloid plaques, and in some cases the presence of neurofibrillary pathology[10]. Current data suggest that for prion diseases,
normal cellular PrP (PrPc) is converted into PrPsc through a process whereby alpha helical regions are refolded into beta
sheets[10]. Mutant prion proteins convert normal prion proteins into misfolded, pathogenic forms, where the misfolded proteins
accumulate together forming protein aggregates (amyloid forms). This activity forms the basis of infectivity. Prions are
exceptional in that they are able to enter their hosts by natural portals and make their way from the gut to the brain, utilizing
intermediate tissues for amplification. They are therefore transmissible by natural routes, mainly by ingestion. Mutant
mammalian prions transmit spongiform encephalopathies, which are untreatable disorders. Spongiform encephalopathies are
thought to be transmitted by blood transfusion, even prior to the clinical onset[11].
The ability of prion proteins to access self-templating amyloid forms (misfolded protein aggregation) confers phenotypic
changes that can spread from individual to individual within or between species[12]. In fact, this ability is not unique to prion
proteins. Several fatal neurodegenerative diseases are associated with the accumulation of self-templating amyloid forms of
other types of proteins. For example, β amyloid (Aβ) and tau misfolds in AD, αsynuclein misfolds in Parkinson’s disease, and
Huntington misfolds in Huntington’s disease. Neurodegenerative diseases (such as AD)then, and their associated amyloid
forms, are thought to spread from cell to cell within the brains of afflicted individuals, thereby spreading the specific
neurodegenerative phenotypes distinctive to the protein being converted to amyloid [12]. Amyloid A amyloidosis is a
neurodegenerative disease which is thought to be transmitted between individuals by peripheral blood monocytes, highlighting
a potential risk for human-to-human transmission through blood transfusions [11].Individual transmission of AD is said to occur
through exposure to blood, cells, tissues or organs via blood transfusions, organ transplant, contaminated surgical tools or the
use of drugs of human origin [12]. In this paper, we will attempt to shed light on this affirmation by posing the following
question: Based on observational data, is there enough evidence to confirm that the latter statement is correct?
A relatively new approach called the Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) for data mining and knowledge discovery will
explore the cause-effect relationship between clinical procedures and AD. LAD is an inductive approach that does not start
from any hypothesis. It is based solely on the exploitation of databases of observations, a technique that is now possible due to
the tremendous advancement in the field of information technology and computers.LAD is an artificial intelligence technique
that allows the classification of phenomena based on knowledge extraction and pattern recognition. The patterns found in the
observational data are the building blocks of LAD. These patterns describe knowledge hidden in the database. LAD can
recognize patterns distinguishing cases that have the disease from those that do not. A positive pattern is a combination of
values of the attributes occurring together in only some of the observations for cases with the disease. These patterns have
never occurred or were never identified in patients who do not have the disease. Alternatively, a negative pattern indicates
values of the attributes occurring together in cases who do not have the disease and which were not identified in cases that do
have the disease. As with many artificial intelligence techniques, LAD is applied in two consecutive phases, the learning or
training phase, and the testing or theory formation phase, where part of the database is used to extract special patterns of
phenomena and the rest of the database is used to test the accuracy of the previously learned knowledge. We note that LAD is
a technique based on supervised learning; this means that the database contains the attributes’ measurements and their
corresponding classes or outputs. In this study, the output or class is the state of a case diagnosed as having AD (denoted by 1
or positive) or not having AD (denoted by 0 or negative). The state or class can also be the reception of a procedure (1 or
positive) or no-procedure (0 or negative).
In this research, we examine the patterns that differentiate between cases diagnosed with AD and never having undergone
any clinical procedure, and those diagnosed with AD and having undergone a procedure. A procedure is defined as any clinical
intervention carried out to improve, maintain or assess the health of a patient. The procedures examined are: blood transfusion;
cell, organ and tissue transplant; and surgery. A pattern is a combination of the values of attributes observed in cases of AD
that have never undergone any clinical procedure, and have never been observed in cases that were diagnosed with AD and
have undergone a procedure. In the following sections, we describe how a systematic review of the literature was performed to
obtain the data input for LAD. We then detail how LAD was used to develop a better understanding of the effect of clinical
procedures on AD, or if these diseases are related to the clinical procedures being studied. The following research questions are
asked: Based on what is published in the literature, are there different patterns for cases having received the clinical procedures
and those that did not? Are these patterns the same for cases diagnosed with AD before the procedure or those diagnosed after
the procedure? And, are clinical procedures parts of these patterns?
Journal of Public Health Frontier Mar. 2013, Vol. 2 Iss. 1, PP. 1-10
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A. Systematic Review
Since direct clinical data were not available, a review of the scientific literature was executed using specifically designed
criteria, followed by a synthesis of the data into a database. This enabled us to analyse previous research by using LAD to
extract the information embedded in the database and to search for patterns. A search strategy in publications between 1990
and 2012 was developed using the PubMed search engine, and after having optimized the search strategy, other databases such
as Ovid Medline, Tox line, Cancer Letters, Scholars Portal, Embase and other sources of gray literature were sought for
relevant scientific publications. We first identified 59363 publications. The work was then divided in three sections. First,
articles were grouped that generally address the topic of AD. Secondly, identified publications were filtered by adding the
independent predictors of risk of AD considered for this study, which include the following risk factors: age, gender, level of
education, alcohol consumption, tobacco use, physical activity, frailty, cognitive capacity, presence of any of the following
conditions: dementia, biological deficiencies (including hemoglobin, plasma hemocystine and polycythemia),anemia, diabetes,
obesity, genetic deficiencies, hypertension, inflammation, hearing loss, presence of a specific diet, use of NSDAIDS
(Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Ketoprofen, Sulindac, Naproxen, Etodolac, Flurbiprofen, Ketorolac, or Proxican) and previous trauma to
the head. The presence of other medical conditions, namely amyloid deposition, Hyperhomocysteinemia, alcohol hepatopathy
and orthotropic hepatic transplant and Parkinson’s disease were also considered. The third step was to map therelevant
scientific papers against each of three clinical procedures: blood transfusion, surgery and transplants, as well as the timing of
these procedures as before or after the diagnosis of AD.Inclusion criteria were papers published in last 12 years, controlled
case studies (trials) and English or French languages. Quality assessment of the publications was conducted using the Downs
and Black criteria. The results of this systematic review were 4802 publications of which 108 were finally retained for
inclusion in the study. These articles studied 168350 cases. The selected articles were organized in a database created in Ref
Works and subsequently, Distiller was used for data extraction. The data were then recorded and tabulated in an Excel
spreadsheet and was then analyzed using the cbm LAD program[13] to assess the relevancy of risk factors and clinical
intervention on the onset of AD. Among the 108 publications, 19 publications discussed diseases that appear after some
clinical interventions (mostly surgeries) such as: idiopathic nasal CSF leak correction, bile duct legation, general surgery,
cardiac surgery, prostate & hernia surgery, biliar anastomosis and deep brain stimulation of the sub-thalamic nucleus. In this
category, the case of AD was found in 13 cases, dementia in 6 and both diseases in 2 cases after the intervention. 33
publications found AD without any intervention, but the disease was induced by some risk factors. 3 articles addressed
dementia without any surgical intervention, but the disease was induced by risk factors. 18 publications discuss both AD and
Dementia, where individuals had never had any clinical intervention, but the diseases were prompted by some risk factors. A
total of 71 research papers on risk factors prevailed in the pathology of AD and dementia. These research articles reported on
the following risk factors: age (15 cases), alcohol (4cases), biological factors (7 cases), diabetes (6 cases), diet (7 cases),
education (3 cases), frailty (3cases), gender (6 cases), genetics (24 cases), hypertension (11cases), inflammation (4 cases),
obesity (5cases), tobacco (2 cases), anemia (1case), trauma to head (4cases), other medical conditions (10 cases). Each of 71 of
these papers was reviewed and the required data were extracted according to a priori decided criteria. Information was
extracted on the research questions, characteristics of the population that was studied, study design, methods used to collect the
required information and analyses that were conducted. The clinical procedures that were considered eligible for inclusion in
this review were any surgical procedure (35 cases), blood transfusion (9 cases) and cell, tissue or organ transplant (8 cases),
prior to or after the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. 37 research papers were finally added through targeted
search literature.
B. The Application of LAD
The Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) identifies interactions between risk factors (attributes) based on observational data,
without any prior hypotheses or statistical assumptions. It is a combinatorics and optimization based data analysis method that
depends mainly on the continuous development in the field of information technology, namely the speed of computation and
the volume of data that can be analyzed. The basic idea of LAD is to combine a differentiation/ integration approach of a
subspace of
, where n is the dimension of real vectors describing a dataset consisting of two disjoint sets
Typically each of the vectors appearing in the dataset corresponds to a patient or a case, the vectors in
correspond to cases
having a specific medical condition (e.g. AD), while those in
(the ‘control’ in medical language) do not have that
condition. The components of the vectors called ‘attributes’ or ‘features’ or ‘variables’
, represent the values of
certain measurements, tests, histories (e.g. clinical procedures), general information about the patients, such as the presence or
absence of certain symptoms. The power of LAD is in finding a family of homogeneous subsets
) of
patterns, having a significant intersection with
) but being disjoint from
). These
intervals are called ‘positive (respectively negative) patterns’. Much information can be extracted from the subsets
). Among the most important information is the discovery of combinatorial ‘biomarkers’, i.e. the highly
Journal of Public Health Frontier Mar. 2013, Vol. 2 Iss. 1, PP. 1-10
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influential combinations of attributes, the ‘blockers’, i.e. combination of attributes inhibiting the medical condition, and the
‘promoters’, i.e. attributes that favor the medical condition. There are two major steps to LAD: Binarization of data, and the
pattern generation procedure.
1) Data Binarization:
LAD was originally developed for the analysis of datasets whose attributes take only binary (0-1) values (e.g. male-female,
diet-no diet, alcohol-no alcohol). Since many real-life applications include continuous variables (e.g. age), a ‘binarization’
method was proposed. The basic idea consists of the introduction of several attributes associated to each of the numerical
variables. These attributes take the value “1” (respectively 0) if the numerical variable to which it is associated is above
(respectively below) a certain threshold. Mathematically, many binarization techniques are suggested in the literature. The
simplest technique consists of ranking the distinct values
that an attribute takes in a non-decreasing order. Then a cut-point
is inserted between each two consecutive values that belong to different sets of
= ∪
. The cut-point is calculated
as the average of the two values. A binary attribute
is then formed from each cut-point such that:
( )
if u
xu if u
The number of binary attributes that make up the binarized database at the end of the binarization process is equal to the
number of cut-points generated for each continuous variable.
2) Pattern Generation:
A basic concept in the Logical Analysis of Data is that of generating patterns. It resembles the concept of rules that appears
in various artificial intelligence techniques, but differs in that these rules are not imposed by anyone, they are rather found in
the dataset. There are two types of patterns, positive and negative. By convention positive means having the specific condition,
while negative means condition-free. Mathematically, the LAD approach is based on Boolean theory. A Boolean function
( , ,.... )
fxx x
is a mapping
[ ] [ ]
0,1 0,1
, where
, ,....
xx x
for n>m are variables obtained by binarizing the attributes
, ,....
, based on a binarization procedure, for example the one presented in this paper. A partially defined Boolean
function (pdBf) is given by a set of ndimensional 0-1 vectors and is denoted by (
), where
[ ]
is the subset
of “true” (or “positive”) vectors, and
[ ]
is the subset of “false” (or “negative”) vectors. A Boolean function
( , ,.... )
fxx x
is called an extension of a pdBf if:
( ) , ( , ,..., ).
if X O
fX X xx x
if X O
= ≡
A literal is either a binary variable
or its negation
. A term C is a conjunction of distinct literals which does not
contain both a variable and its negation. The degree of a term is the number of literals in it, for example (01001) is the term
) of degree five. A term C covers a vector X if C(X)=1. The Boolean sub cube of
[ ]
0,1 n
, not necessarily included
, corresponding to the observations covered by a term C, is denoted by S(C), while
()SC O O
is called
coverage of C denoted by
A term C is called a positive or (negative) pure pattern p of a pdBf
()0CX =
for every
()X O respectively X O
()1CX =
for at least one vector
These two conditions mean that positive patterns
, 1,2,...,
p Pi K
, where K is the number of positive patterns, are
generated and
is the set of these patterns and it is a vector of binary values covering at least one observation having the
specific condition, that is in the positive group. This same pattern is not found in any observation in the ‘control’ group that is
the negative group. The reciprocal is also true for the negative pattern
, 1,2,...,
p Pi Q
, where Q is the number of
negative patterns generated and
is the set of these patterns. This type of pattern is called pure. Although these patterns are
Journal of Public Health Frontier Mar. 2013, Vol. 2 Iss. 1, PP. 1-10
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specific to one class, positive or negative, they may be difficult to find and thus some observations will not be covered by any
patterns at all. In order to cover every observation in the database by at least one pattern, we generate mixed patterns that cover
mostly positive (or negative) observations and some negative (respectively positive) observations according to user defined
parameters. These patterns, although they define less accurately the information hidden in the database, they allow the
coverage of every observation at least once. Many techniques for the generation of patterns have been proposed (e.g. [14],[15]).
In this paper we use a modified version of Ryoo’s formulation for pattern generations.This formulation is shown in Equations
(1) to (8). In that formulation, as the operation of pattern generation involves the generation of positive and negative patterns, a
pattern of a certain class and its opposite are referred to by the notations
respectively. The Boolean pattern vector
12 2
( , ,..., )
Www w
has a dimension that is double the number n of binarized attributes. If
then the attribute
included in the generated pattern and its literal is equal to 1, and if
then the attribute
is included in the pattern and
its value is equal to 0. Obviously both cases cannot exist at the same time as shown in Constraint (3). Each observation
associated with a Boolean vector
{ }
{ }
, ,d
1 (2)
1 1, 2, , (3)
1 (5)
.. 0,1 (6)
0,1 (7)
1 (8)
ij j i
ij j
j nj
kj j k k
a w ny d i S
aw d i S
ww j n
rw d
+ ≥ ∀∈
≤ − ∀∈
+≤ =
≤ − ∀∈
,1 ,2 , ,2
( , ,..., ,..., )
i i i in i n
aa a a a
such that
1, ( 1,2,..., )
aj n= =
is in
, and
1, ( 1,2,..., )
a jn
= =
is in
( , ,..., )
Yy y y
is a Boolean vector whose number of elements
equals the number of observations in the binarized
training set
. The elements
of Y are the 0-1 binary decision variables that minimize the objective function, such that
if the observation
is covered by the generated pattern and equal to 1 otherwise. R is the set of generated patterns
at each step. At the beginning, this set is empty, then it is updated after every pattern generated. At that time the parameter a is
called r. Thus the problem formulation seeks the patterns with maximum coverage. We note that this formulation is not a linear
modeling of the fault detection problem, but rather a procedure to pattern generation. Constraint (8) prevents the MILP
algorithm from finding the same pattern twice, where R is the set of generated patterns so far, and d is the degree of these
patterns. Many characteristics of patterns have been found [16]. Two important characteristics of patterns that will be used in
this research are the degree and the prevalence of a pattern. The degree is the number of attributes that constitute the pattern.
Usually we are more interested in low degree patterns because they are more general and easy to interpret. High degree
patterns are more data specific and indicate more complex cause-effect relationships. The prevalence is the proportion of
observations in one class (positive or negative) that are covered by a pattern. The higher the prevalence, the more important is
the pattern. In this paper, we focus our attention on answering the following questions: Are there different patterns for cases
Journal of Public Health Frontier Mar. 2013, Vol. 2 Iss. 1, PP. 1-10
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with AD that have received a clinical procedure and those that did not? And, are these patterns the same for cases diagnosed
before the procedure and those diagnosed after the procedure? Once these patterns are found by LAD, the risk factors that
constitute them are the biomarkers, the blockersor the promoters, depending on whether the patterns are negative or
positive, respectively. The data generated from the systematic review that is described in Section A is used as input to the
software cbm LAD[13].A sample of this data is given in Table 1.
Twenty-five risk factors, including the clinical procedures done before and after diagnosis, are considered as summarized
in Table 2. The following legend was used:
1=yes and 0=No;
Biological: Includes hemoglobin, plasma hemocystine and polycythemia;
Transplants: Cell, organ and tissue transplants;
Age: Less than 65 = 0 and more than or equal 65=1;
Gender: female=1, male=0;
Genetic: DNA damage, RNA degradation, mitochondrial dysfunction, Amyloid beta peptide high serum;
NSAIDs: Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Ketoprofen, Sulindac, Naproxen, Etodolac, Flurbiprofen. Ketorolac, Proxican;
Other: Includes lack of physical activity=1;
Transplants: Include cell, organ and tissue transplants; transplant=1 indicates presence of at least one of three transplants;
Type of surgery: idiopathic nasal CSF leak correction=1, bile duct legation=2, general surgery=3, cardiac surgery=4,
prostate & hernia surgery=5, biliary anastomosis=6, deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus=7, neural transplant=8,
hydrocephalus surgery=9, corneal transplant=10, none=0
In order to answer the research questions, we searched for homogeneous subsets
(positive) (respectively
of patterns, having a significant intersection with
) but being disjoint from
). This
was done in five steps where:
Journal of Public Health Frontier Mar. 2013, Vol. 2 Iss. 1, PP. 1-10
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is the set of cases having AD and
is the set of cases that do not have AD.
is the set of cases having AD and
is the set of cases that do not have AD, and both sets consist only of cases
which had undergone at least one clinical procedure.
is the set of cases that had undergone at least one clinical procedure and
is the set of cases that did not
undergo any procedure.
is the set of cases that had undergone at least one clinical procedure and
is the set of cases that had not
undergone any procedure, and in both sets all the cases have AD.
is the set of cases that received a procedure before diagnosis of AD and
is the set of cases that received a
procedure after the diagnosis of AD. Obviously this means that all cases received a procedure. In the two sets, all cases have
Positive and negative patterns were generated at each of the five steps. A sample of these patterns is given in Table 3.
In each of these steps listed above, LAD generated a number of patterns, for example in the first step LAD generated 12
patterns. The first is an example of a high degree pattern, which has a high prevalence of 40%. This pattern is given as an
example in Table 3. The others are examples of low degree patterns, mostly 1 degree, and are easy to interpret as was
explained in Section II.B. All these patterns are pure, that is they cover some observations in one class and never in the other.
In Step 1, P1 states that some of the cases having AD are less than 65 and they have no anemia, diabetes, frailty, NSAIDs,
obesity, polycythemia, other medical conditions (as defined in Section A), trauma to the head, blood transfusion, surgery or
transplant, but none of the cases that do not have AD has this pattern. P2 states that none of the cases that did not have AD had
a clinical procedure after having been diagnosed with dementia. P3 states that none of the cases that do not have AD has
hypertension. P4 states that none of the cases that do not have AD has inflammation. P5 states that none of the cases that do
Journal of Public Health Frontier Mar. 2013, Vol. 2 Iss. 1, PP. 1-10
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not have AD has any other medical condition. In Step 2, P6 states that the cases of AD who had a procedure were never
diagnosed with dementia and had a level of education less than secondary school, referred to as no education’ and ‘no genetic
diseases’. P7 states that while some of the cases that had AD diagnosed after a clinical procedure (namely surgery) had
biological deficiencies; none of the cases that do not have AD and had a clinical procedure had any of the said deficiencies. In
Step 3, P8 states that cases that have undergone a clinical procedure do not have diabetes
and that cases that have diabetes did not undergo a clinical procedure. P8 states that cases that had a procedure do not have
obesity. P10 states that cases that had a procedure do not have anemia. In Step 4, in addition to P8, P9, and P10 of Step 3, P11
states that cases that had a clinical procedure and have AD have never had trauma to the head; P12 states that cases that had a
procedure and AD have never had other medical conditions as defined in Section A. In Step 5, P13 and P14 state that cases that
have AD have never had a blood transfusion or a transplant before the diagnosis. P15 states that for cases that have AD, the
procedure before diagnosis is always a surgery of Types1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 only, and from this fact we observe that procedures after
diagnosis of AD are always either a surgery Type 8 (neural transplant), a blood transfusion or an organ transplant.
Based on the results obtained, LAD data exploitation and knowledge discovery leads to the following observations:
1. In Step 1 and from Pattern P1we discover that the cases of No AD have at least one of the attributes mentioned in P1
as risk factors, but they do not have each of the risk factors of hypertension, inflammation.
2. In Step 2, and from P6 and P7, we observe that patterns that differentiate between cases that have AD and received a
procedure before the diagnosis and those that do not have AD and received a procedure (namely surgery). First, from P6 we
found that some cases that were diagnosed with AD after a procedure also had dementia, no educationand no genetic
conditions, while none of the cases of no AD has this pattern. Second, some of the cases that were diagnosed with AD after a
procedure have biological deficiencies; while none of those has undergone a procedure and are free of AD have biological
3. There are different patterns for cases with AD that have undergone a clinical procedure and those that have not. For
example, we gave patterns P8 to P12 which demonstrate that while some cases of AD that did not undergo a procedure have
diabetes, obesity, anemia, trauma to head, and other medical conditions, none of the cases that had undergone a procedure
suffers from any of these risk factors.
4. The patterns are not the same for cases diagnosed before the procedure and those diagnosed after the procedure. For
example, in Table 3 we gave patterns that state that cases that have AD have never had a blood transfusion or a transplant
before the diagnosis. For the cases that have AD, the procedure before diagnosis is always a surgery ofTypes1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 only,
and the procedures after diagnosis of AD are always either a surgery Type 8 (neural transplant), a blood transfusion or a
transplant. A strong consequence of these patterns is that there is no evidence to support the statement that blood transfusion
and transplant lead to AD, since according the patterns; these were received only after diagnosis.
5. Clinical procedures are part of many of the observed patterns, for example, as stated in Point 4 above, surgeries of
Types1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are procedures associated with AD before diagnosis of the disease, while surgery Type 8, blood
transfusion and transplant are procedures associated with AD after diagnosis. This is a clear example of biomarkers. An
example of a blocker is a procedure vis à vis dementia, since no procedure was found to be undergone after diagnosis of
6. There is no evidence that AD leads to clinical procedures since none of the patterns found in Step 3 have AD as an
Finally it is worth noting that some of the obtained results are based on a very small number of observations. While they
are true for the databases used in this study, we are hoping to apply the LAD approach to bigger databases in order to obtain
more general results.
This paper presents an application of a relatively new approach called the Logical Analysis of data for data mining and
knowledge discovery concerning the cause-effect relationship between clinical procedures and Alzheimer’s disease. There are
now numerous databases in the fields of clinical and public health that may be exploited, and LAD offers an efficient technique
for this exploitation when traditional statistical analysis may fail for different reasons. An example which is relevant to this
paper’s study is the statistical technique called meta-analysis. This analysis is a quantitative synthesis of data obtained from
several studies, where results are pooled, thus increasing sample size and the power to study effects of interest. However, these
studies must be of similar design; only minor variability between the studies can be tolerated. The objectives of these studies,
their clinical variables and outcomes must be precisely defined; the selection of studies and identification of bias must be
rigorous; evaluation of heterogeneity among studies is paramount; data analysis techniques must be carefully designed and the
use of sensitivity analysis is essential to ensure validity of a meta-analysis [14]. A successful meta-analysis also involves the
Journal of Public Health Frontier Mar. 2013, Vol. 2 Iss. 1, PP. 1-10
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identification and design of the appropriate statistical approach depending on the nature of the quantitative data. There are thus
numerous caveats to the use of meta-analysis, which must be used judiciously in order to ensure the validity of its results. In
contrast, LAD employs computational methods not usually used in traditional statistics. It is based on database technology and
machine learning. It involves more “structureless” or “ad-hoc” analysis of datasets, which is antithetical to statistics. But it is
this type of analysis of enormous datasets that can reveal unsuspected but valuable structures within them [15]. LAD deals with
much wider data sets than statistics, and for which traditional statistical algorithms may be too slow. In such cases, the choice
of model, a central endeavor in statistical work, is not obvious or may be impossible. LAD is not about fitting a model, but
relies more heavily on pattern detection and can thus be useful in finding hidden relations. The central process of LAD is
essentially exploratory, rather than “confirmatory”, and contrasts with descriptive statistics in the sheer size of the data sets for
which traditional statistics may fail[15]. Traditional statistics is mainly concerned with numerical data, whereas LAD deals with
multi-dimensional and mixed forms of data at once: logical data, patterns composed of conjunctive and disjunctive
combinations of elements and higher order structures [15]. Finally, inferential statistics such as hypothesis testing, is used when
a scientific experiment is conducted, that is, the same sample of data is studied under different situations. The results of
scientific experiment are then extrapolated to the research population. LAD allows for the examination of the entire dataset,
which is usually big enough to allow us to consider that the entire research population is analyzed, rather than a sample from
which inferences are then made to the larger research population. In this case, the use of statistical significance and hypothesis
testing becomes obsolete [15].
In conclusion, the advantage of using LAD for data mining in public health can be summarized as follows:
1. LAD is not based on statistical analysis or prior hypothesis. Consequently, it does not assume that the data belong to a
specific statistical distribution. The approach therefore does not require statistical analysis of data prior to or after its use.
Unlike statistically based techniques, correlations and dependence between attributes or variables do not have any effect on
LAD’s performance. LAD can handle the interdependence between attributes, and moreover, it gives physical explanation to it,
and to the interaction between multiple attributes.
2. LAD automatically extracts information from the generated patterns based on the observational data and, accordingly,
classifies the cases into one class set based on the patterns generated.
3. The output of LAD can be traced back to the specific attributes that resulted in the categorization of the case into a
certain class. The interpretability of all the results and of all the steps that lead to a specific output is clear. The patterns that are
generated have physical meanings that are relevant to the user of LAD. They identify blockers, promoters and biomarkers.
4. LAD is a powerful knowledge management tool that automates and conserves knowledge. The more databases that
are available, the more the use of LAD becomes relevant.
5. The approach of LAD in detecting and interpreting phenomena is based solely on the computational power of
computers, specifically the speed of computation and the power of storage and treatment of a large volume of data. Thus, the
continuous advancements in the field of information technology offer a strong leverage for the expansion of this approach.
We conclude by emphasizing that while the LAD approach has been proven to be mathematically rigorous, the results
depend solely on the quality and the volume of the database. Although LAD can avoid many errors that may be present in the
database [17,18], the accuracy of the output depends on the accuracy of the input. Finally, ideally the database is expected to
represent the whole population of interest or at least enough historical experience in order to be worthy of analysis. If not, then
the results can still be taken as knowledge discovered (eye opener), but not necessarily the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth.
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... Logical analysis of data (henceforth, LAD) is a supervised learning methodology with roots in combinatorial optimization and Boolean logic. Since its formal introduction in [5], LAD with the forte of producing interpretable classification theory has proven useful across many disciplines; particularly, in medical science [1][2][3]7,8,19,[22][23][24]40,41] and engineering [20,[29][30][31][32][33][37][38][39]. ...
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Logical analysis of data (LAD) discovers useful knowledge from a set of data in the form of a Boolean pattern for classifying future data. Generating a pattern has been shown to be equivalent to solving a 0–1 multilinear program (MP). Thus, the success of LAD is tightly related to how efficiently practical instances of pattern generation MP’s can be solved. For a polyhedral relaxation of LAD pattern generation MP, this paper introduces a new notion of similarity among data that allows for simultaneously relaxing multiple terms of the objective function of MP into a single valid inequality for the Boolean MP polytope. Specifically, we present a framework for constructing three types of strong valid inequalities from cliques in multiple graph representations of data that collectively yield a tight polyhedral relaxation of MP. Furthermore, we specify conditions under which each type of the new inequalities defines a facet of the MP polytope. In comparison with methods from the literature, benefits of the new inequalities are validated through classification experiments with 8 public machine learning datasets.
... LAD has wide applications across many research domains, for example, medical science (Alexe et al. (2006(Alexe et al. ( , 2004(Alexe et al. ( , 2003; Brannon et al. Brauner et al. (2007); Gubskaya et al. (2011); Kim and Ryoo (2008); Kohli et al. (2006); Kronek and Reddy (2008); Yacout et al. (2013)), mechanical engineering (Jocelyn et al. (2017(Jocelyn et al. ( , 2018; Mortada et al. (2011Mortada et al. ( , 2012Mortada et al. ( , 2014; Ragab et al. (2016Ragab et al. ( , 2018; Shaban et al. (2015Shaban et al. ( , 2017a), industrial control system in cyber-physical systems (Das et al. (2020)), to name a few. Generally speaking, for the successful application of LAD on real-life datasets, four stages need to be carried out in succession (Boros et al. (2000)), i.e., binarization, feature selection, pattern generation, and theory formation, as shown in Fig. 1. ...
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Feature selection in logical analysis of data (LAD) can be cast into a set covering problem. In this paper, extending the results on feature selection for binary classification using LAD, we present a mathematical model that selects a minimum set of necessary features for multi-class datasets and develop a heuristic algorithm that is both memory and time efficient for this model correspondingly. The utility of the algorithm is illustrated on a small example and the superiority of our work is demonstrated through experiments on 6 real-life multi-class datasets from UCI repository.
... Yacout et al. apply LAD in medical diagnosis to model the nonlinear and dynamic causal relationships between three clinical procedures (i.e., blood transfusion, surgery and organ transplant) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) in [110]. The goal was to develop a better understanding of the effect and causality in order to prevent and treat this disease. ...
Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) is a data analysis methodology introduced by Peter L. Hammer in 1986. LAD distinguishes itself from other classification and machine learning methods by the fact that it analyzes a significant subset of combinations of variables to describe the positive or negative nature of an observation and uses combinatorial techniques to extract models defined in terms of patterns. In recent years, the methodology has tremendously advanced through numerous theoretical developments and practical applications. In the present paper, we review the methodology and its recent advances, describe novel applications in engineering, finance, health care, and algorithmic techniques for some stochastic optimization problems, and provide a comparative description of LAD with well-known classification methods.
This paper clarifies the difference between intrinsically 0–1 data and binarized numerical data for Boolean logical patterns and strengthens mathematical results and methods from the literature on Pareto-optimal LAD patterns. Toward this end, we select suitable pattern definitions from the literature and adapt them with attention given to unique characteristics of individual patterns and the disparate natures of Boolean and numerical data. Next, we propose a set of revised criteria and definitions by which useful LAD patterns are clearly characterized for both 0–1 and real-valued data. Furthermore, we fortify recent pattern generation optimization models and demonstrate how earlier results on Pareto-optimal patterns can be adapted in accordance with revised pattern definitions. A numerical study validates practical benefits of the results of this paper through optimization-based pattern generation experiments.
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Objective: To estimate the incidence of dementia, including AD, among Canadians aged 65 and over. Methods: A 5-year cohort study of 10,263 seniors was undertaken, including community and institutional samples. The baseline study in 1991 identified 1,132 prevalent cases of dementia through screening and clinical examination. The remaining 9,131 cases formed the incidence study sample and were rescreened and selectively reexamined in 1996. Incident cases were diagnosed using established criteria. Incidence was estimated based on the 1991 population, and included data on those who died between the first and second phases of the study. Results: Of the nondemented cohort who remained alive in 1996, 5,432 people in the community (88.3%) and 210 (91.3%) in the institutional sample participated in the incidence study. Nine hundred sixty incident cases were identified; the overall age-standardized incidence rates were 21.8 (women) and 19.1 (men) per 1,000 nondemented. persons per year. This translates into 60,150 new cases of dementia per year in Canada. The logarithm of the rates rises linearly with age, but suggests a slight slowing of growth in incidence in the oldest age groups. Conclusions: Our incidence estimates lie toward the upper end of the range of incidence estimates found in other studies. Nonetheless, we calculate that several factors may have biased our estimates downward, suggesting that the incidence of dementia may be higher than many studies have reported.
Conference Paper
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In data analysis problems where the data are represented by vectors of real numbers, it is often the case that some of the data-points will have "missing values", meaning that one or more of the entries of the vector that describes the data-point is not observed. In this paper, we propose a new approach to the imputation of missing binary values. The technique we introduce employs a "similarity measure" introduced by Anthony and Hammer (2006) [1]. We compare experimentally the performance of our technique with ones based on the usual Hamming distance measure and multiple imputation.
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To develop a simple summary risk score for the prediction of Alzheimer disease in elderly persons based on their vascular risk profiles. A longitudinal, community-based study. New York, New York. Patients One thousand fifty-one Medicare recipients aged 65 years or older and residing in New York who were free of dementia or cognitive impairment at baseline. We separately explored the associations of several vascular risk factors with late-onset Alzheimer disease (LOAD) using Cox proportional hazards models to identify factors that would contribute to the risk score. Then we estimated the score values of each factor based on their beta coefficients and created the LOAD vascular risk score by summing these individual scores. Risk factors contributing to the risk score were age, sex, education, ethnicity, APOE epsilon4 genotype, history of diabetes, hypertension or smoking, high-density lipoprotein levels, and waist to hip ratio. The resulting risk score predicted dementia well. According to the vascular risk score quintiles, the risk to develop probable LOAD was 1.0 for persons with a score of 0 to 14 and increased 3.7-fold for persons with a score of 15 to 18, 3.6-fold for persons with a score of 19 to 22, 12.6-fold for persons with a score of 23 to 28, and 20.5-fold for persons with a score higher than 28. While additional studies in other populations are needed to validate and further develop the score, our study suggests that this vascular risk score could be a valuable tool to identify elderly individuals who might be at risk of LOAD. This risk score could be used to identify persons at risk of LOAD, but can also be used to adjust for confounders in epidemiologic studies.
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Prions are proteins that access self-templating amyloid forms, which confer phenotypic changes that can spread from individual to individual within or between species. These infectious phenotypes can be beneficial, as with yeast prions, or deleterious, as with mammalian prions that transmit spongiform encephalopathies. However, the ability to form self-templating amyloid is not unique to prion proteins. Diverse polypeptides that tend to populate intrinsically unfolded states also form self-templating amyloid conformers that are associated with devastating neurodegenerative disorders. Moreover, two RNA-binding proteins, FUS and TDP-43, which form cytoplasmic aggregates in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, harbor a 'prion domain' similar to those found in several yeast prion proteins. Can these proteins and the neurodegenerative diseases to which they are linked become 'infectious' too? Here, we highlight advances that define the transmissibility of amyloid forms connected with Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease. Collectively, these findings suggest that amyloid conformers can spread from cell to cell within the brains of afflicted individuals, thereby spreading the specific neurodegenerative phenotypes distinctive to the protein being converted to amyloid. Importantly, this transmissibility mandates a re-evaluation of emerging neuronal graft and stem-cell therapies. In this Commentary, we suggest how these treatments might be optimized to overcome the transmissible conformers that confer neurodegeneration.
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Spongiform encephalopathies have been reported to be transmitted by blood transfusion even prior to the clinical onset. Experimental AA-amyloidosis shows similarities with prion disease and amyloid-containing organ-extracts can prime a recipient for the disease. In this systemic form of amyloidosis N-terminal fragments of the acute-phase reactant apolipoprotein serum amyloid A are the main amyloid protein. Initial amyloid deposits appear in the perifollicular region of the spleen, followed by deposits in the liver. We used the established murine model and induced AA-amyloidosis in NMRI mice by intravenous injections of purified amyloid fibrils ('amyloid enhancing factor') combined with inflammatory challenge (silver nitrate subcutaneously). Blood plasma and peripheral blood monocytes were isolated, sonicated and re-injected into new recipients followed by an inflammatory challenge during a three week period. When the animals were sacrificed presence of amyloid was analyzed in spleen sections after Congo red staining. Our result shows that some of the peripheral blood monocytes, isolated from animals with detectable amyloid, contained amyloid-seed that primed for AA-amyloid. The seeding material seems to have been phagocytosed by the cells since the AA-precursor (SAA1) was found not be expressed by the monocytes. Plasma recovered from mice with AA amyloidosis lacked seeding capacity. Amyloid enhancing activity can reside in monocytes recovered from mice with AA-amyloidosis and in a prion-like way trigger amyloid formation in conjunction with an inflammatory disorder. Human AA-amyloidosis resembles the murine form and every individual is expected to be exposed to conditions that initiate production of the acute-phase reactant. The monocyte-transfer mechanism should be eligible for the human disease and we point out blood transfusion as a putative route for transfer of amyloidosis.
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Prion diseases are widely recognized for their transmissibility, and it is this feature that has been studied most extensively. In recent years, public health concerns over the transmission of animal forms of prion disease, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy and chronic wasting disease, to humans has only augmented the notion that prion diseases are primarily infectious. Yet within the spectrum of human prion diseases, often overlooked is the fact that the overwhelming majority of cases are age-dependent sporadic, or inherited processes. Closer examination of the pathophysiological processes involved in prion disease further indicates a neurodegenerative, rather than infectious disease. Indeed, the age requirement, the numerous kindreds carrying point mutations in an amyloidogenic protein, the copper binding properties of the amyloidogenic protein, the evidence of free radical damage, the presence of polymorphisms that influence disease susceptibility, the formation of amyloid plaques, and in some cases the presence of neurofibrillary pathology, are features common to both prion disease and Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, while transmissibility will continue to be a major subject of prion disease research, we suspect that further characterization of its pathophysiological mechanisms will only substantiate the notion that prion disease is fundamentally a neurodegenerative process.
: The task of developing a unifying theory of Alzheimer's disease faces several impediments. The most difficult include: the impact of scientific orthodoxy on the acceptance of new ideas; the uncertain relationship between aging and disease(s); the long time course of the degenerative process; the heterogeneity in the genotype and phenotype of the disease; the complex interactions among genetic and other risk factors (many of which are not yet known); the poorly understood nonlinear relationships between the neurobiological and the clinical phenotypes of the disease-namely, viewing clinical symptoms as emergent behavior(s) of a complex system; and the paucity of appropriate models or modeling systems for human disease(s) such as Alzheimer's.
In data analysis problems where the data are represented by vectors of real numbers, it is often the case that some of the data-points will have “missing values”, meaning that one or more of the entries of the vector that describes the data-point is not observed. In this paper, we propose a new approach to the imputation of missing binary values. The technique we introduce employs a “similarity measure” introduced by Anthony and Hammer (2006) [1]. We compare experimentally the performance of our technique with ones based on the usual Hamming distance measure and multiple imputation.
Pattern generation methods for the Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) have been term-enumerative in nature. In this paper, we present a Mixed 0–1 Integer and Linear Programming (MILP) approach that can identify LAD patterns that are optimal with respect to various previously studied and new pattern selection preferences. Via art of formulation, the MILP-based method can generate optimal patterns that also satisfy user-specified requirements on prevalence, homogeneity and complexity. Considering that MILP problems with hundreds of 0–1 variables are easily solved nowadays, the proposed method presents an efficient way of generating useful patterns for LAD. With extensive experiments on benchmark datasets, we demonstrate the utility of the MILP-based pattern generation.
To estimate the incidence and prevalence of dementia, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and vascular dementia (VaD) in the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) cohort. Longitudinal cohort study using prospectively and retrospectively collected data to evaluate dementia. Four U.S. communities. There were 3,602 CHS participants, including 2,865 white and 492 African-American participants free of dementia, who completed a cranial magnetic resonance image between 1992 and 1994 and were followed for an average of 5.4 years. Dementia was classified by neurologist/psychiatrist committee review using neuropsychological tests, neurological examinations, medical records, physician questionnaires, and proxy/informant interviews. Demographics and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype were collected at baseline. Incidence by type of dementia was determined using National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke-Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association criteria for AD and Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostic and Treatment Center's State of California criteria for VaD. Classification resulted in 227 persons with prevalent dementia at entry into the study and 480 incident cases during follow-up. Incidence rates of dementia scaled to age 80 were 34.7 per 1,000 person-years for white women, 35.3 for white men, 58.8 for African-American women, and 53.0 for African-American men. Sex differences were not significant within race. Adjusted for age and education, racial differences were only of borderline significance and may have been influenced by ascertainment methodology. Rates differed substantially by educational attainment but were only significant for whites. Those with the APOE epsilon4 allele had an incidence rate at age 80 of 56.4, compared with 29.6 for those without this allele (P<.001). In whites, type-specific incidence at age 80 was 19.2 for AD versus 14.6 for VaD. These rates were 34.7 and 27.2 for African Americans. At termination of observation, women had only a slightly higher prevalence of dementia (16.0%) than men (14.7%). Sex and racial differences were not found, and VaD was higher than reported in other studies. These data provide new estimates of dementia incidence in a community sample for projection of future burden.