
Pixação – Differenz, Säuberungspolitiken und Widerstand in „Global City“ São Paulo

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In recent years, Brazil has been discussed as an emergent or booming economy. São Paulo plays a central role in these development narratives, being presented as the country’s economic powerhouse and an island of modernity within Brazil and Latin America. Policies aiming to consolidate São Paulo’s global or world city-ness deepen inequalities and exclusions. Nevertheless, these policies are confronted with visual intervention practices in public spaces that do not fit modern Euro-American business capital imaginaries and standards. Pixação is a typical style of graffiti found in Brazilian cities, originally practiced by youth in São Paulo in the 1980s. Though the signatures, spread across Brazilian cities’ façades, generally do not contain any explicit political content, we discuss pixação as an everyday practice of resistance in the context of spatial segregation and the repressive policing of public space. Furthermore, we refer to recent cases of pixadores getting involved in broader social struggles, making their techniques and knowledge prolific instruments for social movements. Finally, we show that practitioners in European cities have recently adopted these techniques. Thus, we argue that the multidirectional knowledge exchange claimed by post-colonial urban theory is being practiced in the field of visual interventions in public space.

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RESUMO: O artigo aborda a pixação em São Paulo. Descreve como os pixadores transformam a paisagem urbana e reinventam a cidade. A partir de um ponto de vista etnográfico, discute-se como esta atividade proporcio-na reflexões sobre as ideias de risco, memória e morte. O fio condutor do artigo é a história de vida e de morte de um pixador famoso por sua ousadia. Demonstra-se, assim, como, ao arriscarem-se pela cidade, esses jovens que-rem efetivamente visibilidade e, de alguma maneira, ser lembrados. Os ris-cos aos quais se expõem pela cidade são, portanto, também um dispositivo de memória. A possibilidade de morte ou sua ocorrência efetiva põe dois elementos em relação: o risco e a memória. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Pixação, cidade, risco, memória, morte.
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O presente artigo discute as relações entre o novo paradigma econômico da globalização e a urbanização acelerada das grandes metrópoles subdesenvolvidas. Baseando-se em dados estatísticos, ressalta-se o extremo grau de pobreza comum a todas essas cidades da periferia da economia-mundo capitalista. Analisa-se, por fim, o caráter das novas matrizes de planejamento urbano relacionadas à globalização, questionando sua eficácia no combate aos determinantes estruturais da pobreza urbana.
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Although drug usage has been prevalent since the dawn of humankind, drug abuse has currently escalated alarmingly and can be characterized as a public health problem. The spread of "crack," a drug derived from cocaine paste, is worsening the situation by aggravating the social damages and harming the health of users. An ethnographic study was conducted in downtown São Paulo, SP (Brazil) in locations where crack is sold and used in order to establish the impact of the spread of this drug in the daily life of users. A field diary was used to record the observations and informal dialogues with the people who circulate in the location under scrutiny. The results of this study show the circuits covered by the users, their dynamics and the complex relationships with other social players, based on permanent tension, involving the practice of violence in which the users are both victims and perpetrators. The study also suggests the importance of other factors such as the history of the region in question, the public policies, economic questions and the lack of social investments and public health. It is suggested that the advanced degree of degradation of the region researched is not only the result of the people and activities practiced in the area, but also mainly of the urban process that led to such a social scenario.
Global-City-Forschung betrachtet meist wenige Metropolen im Norden. Die großen Städte im globalen Süden hingegen tauchen dort kaum auf. Jedoch: Unter Bedingungen neoliberaler Urbanisierung stellen Diskurse der Global City für Planer, lokalen Staat sowie Ober- und Mittelschichten dieser Städte oft einen wichtigen Bezugspunkt und ein Versprechen von Aufstieg und Modernität dar. Am Beispiel der philippinischen Hauptstadt Manila untersucht Boris Michel Räume der Ober- und Mittelschichten in einer Stadt, die gemeinhin als unkontrollierbare Megacity der Dritten Welt gilt. Dabei geht es um Gated Communities und städtische Großprojekte, um privatisierte Konsumräume und Gentrifizierung, um Exklusivität und Exklusion sowie um den historischen Wandel städtischen Regierens.
List of Maps, Illustrations, and Tables Acknowledgments Abbreviations Introduction: Anthropology with an Accent PART ONE: The Talk of Crime 1. Talking of Crime and Ordering the World Crime as a Disorganizing Experience and an Organizing Symbol Violence and Signification From Progress to Economic Crisis, from Authoritarianism to Democracy 2. Crisis, Criminals, and the Spread of Evil Limits to Modernization Going Down Socially and Despising the Poor The Experiences of Violence Dilemmas of Classification and Discrimination Evil and Authority PART TWO: Violent Crime and the Failure of the Rule of Law 3. The Increase in Violent Crime Tailoring the Statistics Crime Trends, 1973-1996 Looking for Explanations 4. The Police: A Long History of Abuses A Critique of the Incomplete Modernity Model Organization of the Police Forces A Tradition of Transgressions 5. Police Violence under Democracy Escalating Police Violence Promoting a "Tough" Police The Massacre at the Casa de Detencao The Police from the Citizens' Point of View Security as a Private Matter The Cycle of Violence PART THREE: Urban Segregation, Fortified Enclaves, and Public Space 6. Sao Paulo: Three Patterns of Spatial Segregation The Concentrated City of Early Industrialization Center-Periphery: The Dispersed City Proximity and Walls in the 198s and 199s 7. Fortified Enclaves: Building Up Walls and Creating a New Private Order Private Worlds for the Elite From Corticos to Luxury Enclaves A Total Way of Life: Advertising Residential Enclaves for the Rich Keeping Order inside the Walls Resisting the Enclaves An Aesthetic of Security 8. The Implosion of Modern Public Life The Modern Ideal of Public Space and City Life Garden City and Modernism: The Lineage of the Fortified Enclave Street Life: Incivility and Aggression Experiencing the Public The Neo-international Style: Sao Paulo and Los Angeles Contradictory Public Space PART FOUR: Violence, Civil Rights, and the Body 9. Violence, the Unbounded Body, and the Disregard for Rights in Brazilian Democracy Human Rights as "Privileges for Bandits" Debating Capital Punishment Punishment as Private and Painful Vengeance Body and Rights Appendix Notes References Index
Henri Lefebvre, mort en 1991, avait depuis longtemps compris l'importance de la question urbaine dans le changement social et le débat politique. Ce texte de 1970 devient enfin actuel.
Collecting David Harvey's finest work on Paris during the second empire, Paris, Capital of Modernity offers brilliant insights ranging from the birth of consumerist spectacle on the Parisian boulevards, the creative visions of Balzac, Baudelaire and Zola, and the reactionary cultural politics of the bombastic Sacre Couer. The book is heavily illustrated and includes a number drawings, portraits and cartoons by Daumier, one of the greatest political caricaturists of the nineteenth century.
A series of interventions by young men are transforming public spaces in São Paulo, Brazil, and articulating anew the profound social inequalities that have always marked them. The new urban practices include graffiti, pixação (São Paulo’s style of tagging), and new modes of moving around the city (motorcycling, skateboarding, and parkour). They give young men from the peripheries a new visibility in the city and thus challenge previous understandings about the functioning of public spaces. However, these interventions are contradictory: they affirm rights to the city while fracturing the public; expose discrimination but refuse integration. They test the limits of the democratization process by simultaneously expanding the openness of the democratic public sphere while challenging it with transgressive actions ranging from the mildly illicit to the criminal.
Experts believe that Brazil, the world's fifth largest country and its seventh largest economy, will be one of the most important global powers by the year 2030. Yet far more attention has been paid to the other rising behemoths Russia, India, and China. Often ignored and underappreciated, Brazil, according to renowned, award-winning journalist Michael Reid, has finally begun to live up to its potential, but faces important challenges before it becomes a nation of substantial global significance. After decades of military rule, the fourth most populous democracy enjoyed effective reformist leadership that tamed inflation, opened the country up to trade, and addressed poverty and other social issues, enabling Brazil to become more of an essential participant in global affairs. But as it prepares to host the 2014 soccer World Cup and 2016 Olympics, Brazil has been rocked by mass protest. This insightful volume considers the nation's still abundant problems-an inefficient state, widespread corruption, dysfunctional politics, and violent crime in its cities-alongside its achievements to provide a fully rounded portrait of a vibrant country about to take a commanding position on the world stage.
With the advent of multinational corporations, the traditional urban service function has 'gone global'. In order to provide services to globalizing corporate clients, the offices of major financial and business service firms across the world have formed a network. It is the myriad of flows between office towers in different metropolitan centres that has produced a world city network. Through an analysis of the intra-company flows of 100 leading global service firms across 315 cities, this book assesses cities in terms of their overall network connectivity, their connectivity by service sector, and their connectivity by world region. Peter Taylor's unique and illuminating book provides the first comprehensive and systematic description and analysis of the world city network as the 'skeleton' upon which contemporary globalization has been built. His analyses challenge the traditional view of the world as a 'mosaic map' of political boundaries. Written by one of the foremost authorities on the subject, this book provides a much needed mapping of the connecting relationships between world cities, and will be an enlightening book for students of urban studies, geography, sociology and planning.
This paper calls for "new geographies" of imagination and epistemology in the production of urban and regional theory. It argues that the dominant theorizations of global city-regions are rooted in the EuroAmerican experience and are thus unable to analyse multiple forms of metropolitan modernities. By drawing on the urban experience of the global South, the paper presents new conceptual vectors for understanding the worlding of cities, the production of space, and the dynamics of exurbanity. It makes the case that such area-based knowledge deepens recent theoretical attempts to articulate a relational study of space and place.
ROY A. The 21st-century metropolis: New geographies of theory, Regional Studies. This paper calls for 'new geographies' of imagination and epistemology in the production of urban and regional theory. It argues that the dominant theorizations of global city-regions are rooted in the EuroAmerican experience and are thus unable to analyse multiple forms of metropolitan modernities. By drawing on the urban experience of the global South, the paper presents new conceptual vectors for understanding the worlding of cities, the production of space, and the dynamics of exurbanity. It makes the case that such area-based knowledge deepens recent theoretical attempts to articulate a relational study of space and place.
With the urbanization of the world's population proceeding apace and the equally rapid urbanization of poverty, urban theory has an urgent challenge to meet if it is to remain relevant to the majority of cities and their populations, many of which are outside the West. This groundbreaking book establishes a new framework for urban development. It makes the argument that all cities are best understood as ‘ordinary’, and crosses the longstanding divide in urban scholarship and urban policy between Western and other cities (especially those labelled ‘Third World’). It considers the two framing axes of urban modernity and development, and argues that if cities are to be imagined in equitable and creative ways, urban theory must overcome these axes with their Western bias, and that resources must become at least as cosmopolitan as cities themselves. Tracking paths across previously separate literatures and debates, this innovative book, a postcolonial critique of urban studies, traces the outlines of a cosmopolitan approach to cities, drawing on evidence from Rio, Johannesburg, Lusaka and Kuala Lumpur. Key urban scholars and debates, from Simmel, Benjamin and the Chicago School to Global and World Cities theories are explored, together with anthropological and developmentalist accounts of poorer cities. Offering an alternative approach, Ordinary Cities skilfully brings together theories of urban development for students and researchers of urban studies, geography and development.
Attention to global and world cities has directed the field of urban studies to the significance of international and transnational processes in shaping city economies. This article evaluates these approaches, from a position off their maps. I argue that the circulation of these approaches in academic and policy realms adversely impacts on cities which do not fall into these categories by setting up the idea of the global city as a,regulating fiction', a standard towards which they aspire. It establishes a small sector of the global economy as most desirable in planning the future of cities. By contrast, mega-cities function as the dramatic 'other' of world and global cities, and highlight the developmentalist discourse through which most cities in poor countries are assessed as fundamentally lacking in qualities of city-ness. I argue that the long-standing categories of western/third-world cities have been translated into the apparently transnational accounts of global and world cities. Western cities continue to be the primary site of production of apparently unlocated urban theory; so-called third-world cities (and other cities off the map of the world cities cartography) are interpreted through a developmentalist lens and, where they are referred to at all, are framed in terms of 'difference' or irrelevance. This article draws attention to the emergence of an alternative set of theoretical approaches, which are more inclusive in their geographical reach and which are concerned with the diverse dynamics of ordinary cities. These approaches have not yet realized that they have the potential to broaden the base for theorizing about cities and, with this in mind, the article explores the potential for a more cosmopolitan urban theory. The policy stakes in this are high, and the article notes that there are important political reasons to promote the analysis of ordinary cities in the face of the persistence of ambitions in many cities to become 'world cities'.
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