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Linking global value chains and supply chain management: evidence from the electric motors industry

Taylor & Francis
Production Planning & Control

Abstract and Figures

The global value chain (GVC) framework and its central concept of governance are increasingly advocated as powerful tools for interpreting managerial issues with particular reference to global supply chain (SC) management. However, a gap still exists about how the GVC concepts, which have been developed at the industry level, can be applied at the company level. The aim of this work is therefore to investigate how the concepts of GVC structure and governance are related to the way the SC is managed. Several research propositions drawn from the literature are investigated by means of seven case studies in the electric motors industry. The results show that the GVC can be a useful framework for understanding and deploying SC management at the company level. Moreover, the analysis of the governance modes provides an effective tool to explain the existing degree of technological and operational collaboration in the SC. Finally, we show the importance of considering such contextual factors as company size and the competitive priorities of the company to move seamlessly between the GVC, at the industry level, and SC management, at the company level.
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Linking Global Value Chains and Supply Chain Management: Evidence
from the Electric Motors Industry
Ruggero Golini*1
Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Department of Management, Information and Production
Engineering, Via Pasubio 7, 24044 Dalmine (BG) Italy
Federico Caniato2
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Piazza
Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
Matteo Kalchschmidt3
Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Department of Management, Information and Production
Engineering, Via Pasubio 7, 24044 Dalmine (BG) Italy
To cite this article: Ruggero Golini, Federico Caniato & Matteo Kalchschmidt
(2016): Linking global value chains and supply chain management: evidence from the
electric motors industry, Production Planning & Control, DOI:
To link to this article:
Acknowledgements: Preliminary parts of this research (analysis of the electric motor industry and the
value chain) were performed at the Center on Globalization Governance and Competitiveness (Duke
University) by Marcy Lowe, Ruggero Golini, Gary Gereffi. The results of that study are published in
the online report: Lowe, M, Golini, R, Gereffi, G. 2010. US Adoption of High-Efficiency Motors and
Drives: Lessons Learned. Some of the results of that study are mentioned in this paper and
appropriately referenced. The remainder of this paper is entirely original. The authors would like to
thank Giulio Buciuni for the precious and insightful feedback provided on the manuscript.
2 email:
3 email:
The global value chain (GVC) framework and its central concept of governance are increasingly
advocated as powerful tools for interpreting managerial issues with particular reference to global
supply chain (SC) management. However, a gap still exists about how the GVC concepts, which have
been developed at the industry level, can be applied at the company level. The aim of this work is
therefore to investigate how the concepts of GVC structure and governance are related to the way the
SC is managed. Several research propositions drawn from the literature are investigated by means of
seven case studies in the electric motors industry. The results show that the GVC can be a useful
framework for understanding and deploying SC management at the company level. Moreover, the
analysis of the governance modes provides an effective tool to explain the existing degree of
technological and operational collaboration in the SC. Finally, we show the importance of considering
such contextual factors as company size and the competitive priorities of the company to move
seamlessly between the GVC, at the industry level, and SC management, at the company level.
Keywords: global value chain; global supply chain management; governance; technological
collaboration; operational collaboration
1. Introduction
The complexity of global supply chains (SCs) (e.g., new and more suppliers, fragmentation, risks) has
increased over time (Caniato et al., 2013; Caridi et al., 2009; Holweg et al., 2011; Manuj, 2013;
Manuj and Mentzer, 2008; Perona and Miragliotta, 2004). Global SCs are in fact more difficult to
manage than domestic SCs (Dornier et al., 2008; MacCarthy and Atthirawong, 2003). As a result,
growing academic interest has been devoted to the concept of global supply chain management
(Prasad and Babbar, 2000). The literature in this field is quite fragmented: for instance, some studies
have taken into account the geographic dimension (e.g., Cagliano et al., 2008; Handfield, 1994) and
others the relational dimension (e.g., Hernández-Espallardo et al., 2010; Motwani et al., 1998),
typically focusing on key suppliers or customers and then dyadic buyer-supplier relationships, rather
than considering the entire supply chain, which includes many tiers and branches. To overcome such
gaps, one emerging analytical approach is the Global Value Chain (GVC) framework (Gereffi et al.,
2001; Gereffi et al., 2005; Humphrey and Schmitz, 2000; UNCTAD, 2013).
The GVC framework proposes a map of what is produced where, from an industry perspective, and
introduces the key concepts of governance and upgrading. Governance refers to the social and
organizational structure of the GVC (Gereffi, 1994; Lee, 2010), while upgrading is about how firms
maintain or improve their positions in the global economy. As governance appears to be particularly
interesting for the research in SC management (Abecassis-Moedas, 2006; Gereffi and Lee, 2012), in
this paper we focus on this concept, while leaving upgrading to the future developments of this work.
The GVC differs from a SC as the former provides a higher-level industry view of the input-output
processes, while the latter usually refers to how the flows of goods and information are managed at
the company level and with its suppliers and customers. The GVC framework and its related concept
governance represent one of the most promising areas of development for SC managers and
researchers (Abecassis-Moedas, 2006; Gereffi and Lee, 2012) and it could help to address the
several calls for studies to focus on the entire supply network rather than focusing on interactions
between isolated pairs of firms(Pilbeam et al., 2012).
However, to the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of systematic contributions that join the GVC
and the SC management4 domains.
The GVC framework has been widely used in the fields of economic development and industry-level
analysis of patterns of globalization (e.g., Gibbon, 2001; Giuliani et al., 2005; Humphrey and
Schmitz, 2000), but its application in the field of SC management remains underexplored. Therefore,
we deem that investigating this missing link can be crucial for both theory and practice, as the
alignment between network structure, governance and management can lead to higher network
effectiveness (Provan and Kenis, 2008).
4 In this paper we refer to SC management from a company perspective, as the set of practices adopted in
relation to collaboration with suppliers and customer in both the product development (i.e., technological
collaboration) and the production-logistic (i.e., operational collaboration) processes.
Therefore, the research question we want to address in this paper is: how are the GVC and
governance related to the way in which the SC is geographically organized and managed?
To provide an answer to this question, we applied the GVC framework to a set of in-depth case
studies in the electric motor industry and we have established a connection with the way the SC is
geographically organized and managed. The paper is structured as follows. In the theoretical
background, we report the state of the art of the literature about global GVC and SC management.
Drawing upon the literature, we develop several preliminary research propositions that establish a
connection between these two fields. Next, in the methodology chapter, we describe the set of case
studies employed, and we provide details about the industry considered. Subsequently, in the results
chapter, we present the analysis of the case studies, which is further developed in the discussion
section. Finally, we synthesize the main findings, limitations and further developments in the
2. Theoretical background
Global value chains and governance
GVC analysis has been developed in the economic and industrial trade literature (e.g., Gereffi et al.,
2005) and consists of a map of the activities from raw materials to end users, highlighting the
geographic locations of players and their mutual relationships. In contrast to Porter’s value chain, the
GVC framework includes all of the firms in the chain. This framework is gaining increasing
popularity in the economic development field (UNCTAD, 2010, 2013; World Economic Forum,
2012), but also in the SC management area (Abecassis-Moedas, 2006; Chiarvesio and Di Maria, 2009;
Fleury, 1999; Gereffi and Lee, 2012). In fact, given its focus on the global and dynamic nature of
contemporary supply chains, the GVC approach has the potential to overcome some of present the
limitations in the field of SC management (Gereffi and Lee, 2012; Stank et al., 2011; Stock et al.,
As mentioned before, one of the pillars of the GVC framework is governance. Governance of inter-
firm networks is not a new topic in the SC management literature. Grandori and Soda (1995) define
an inter-firm network as a mode of regulating interdependence between firms which is different from
the aggregation of these units within a single firm and form coordination through market signals
(prices, strategic moves, tacit collusion, etc.) and which is based on a cooperative game with partner-
specific communication”. In their literature review, Pilbeam et al. (2012) identify a broad variety of
instruments for governing such networks, both formal (e.g., standards, legal contracts) and informal
(e.g., values, tacit norms, information sharing). Network governance has also been put in relationship
with performance (Aulakh and Gencturk, 2000; Claro et al., 2003).
In the GVC framework, governance is the outcome of three determinants (Gereffi et al., 2005;
Sturgeon, 2002): the complexity of the transaction, which implies the transfer of knowledge related to
product and process specifications; the ability to codify transactions, which relates to possible
transaction-specific investments; the capabilities in the supply base, which refer to the “actual and
potential suppliers in relation to the requirements of the transaction(Gereffi et al., 2005). The GVC
framework considers a broader set of governance forms compared to the rest of the literature (Yu et
al., 2006). More in detail, five typologies of buyer-supplier relationships are identified, namely,
market, modular, relational, captive and hierarchy, which underpin an increasing degree of explicit
coordination and power asymmetry5. In particular, when complexity is high, the ability to codify
transactions is low and the capabilities in the supply base are low, the governance moves toward
hierarchy (i.e., vertical integration). When the conditions are reversed, the governance moves towards
market-based (arm-length). In between, the modular, relational and captive models are found with
increasing degrees of explicit coordination. Ponte and Gibbon (2005) state that such of forms of
governance can vary in the different segments of a GVC, thus making this concept adaptive to
different buyer-supplier relationships in a multi-tier supply chain. Moreover, taking into account the
geographical dimension, the study of governance in the GVC offers the possibility to examine how
governance forms change when SC partners are located in the same region or in another country
5 A detailed description of the different governance typologies is reported in the Appendixes.
(Burkert et al., 2012). However, while this model of governance has been broadly used to understand
the changes and shifts of power at the industry level, it has never been put in direct connection with
operational practices adopted by buyers and suppliers in a SC. Because of this, the aim of this paper is
to establish a connection between the different types of governance and the way in which the SC is
managed thus extending the managerial potential of the GVC framework.
Global value chains and SC management
After discussing the GVC framework and its governance, we now explain the SC management
practices considered in this study.
We focus on global SC management, which includes two fundamental areas: global sourcing and
global distribution (Cagliano et al., 2008; Caniato et al., 2013; Meixell and Gargeya, 2005). Hence, in
this study, we consider only the external SC and we do not include the manufacturing network (i.e.,
the network of plants that are part of the same group) as a part of the global SC. From the theoretical
point of view, this is choice in line with the Global Value Chain literature which focuses on inter-firm
relationships. Moreover, it helps to keep the analysis at a manageable level of complexity. However,
the manufacturing network is definitely a relevant variable and it will be taken into account in the
analysis as a contingent variable (together with company size).
The key decisions related to these two global sourcing and distribution are: 1) in which areas to seek
for suppliers and customers (geographic dimension); 2) the type of relationship to establish with
suppliers and customers (organizational dimension).
Regarding the geographic dimension, some authors (Cagliano et al., 2008; Caniato et al., 2013)
highlighted that there are groups of companies that have globalized either sourcing or distribution but
not both because the drivers for global sourcing (e.g., cost, access to resources) are very different
from global distribution drivers (e.g., conquering new markets, following the customer) (Alguire et
al., 1994; Vidal and Goetschalckx, 1997). Similarly, the risks involved in global sourcing and
distribution can be very different (Christopher et al., 2011; Colicchia et al., 2010; Narasimhan and
Talluri, 2009). In this discussion, however, the structure and geography of the entire GVC have
seldom been considered. For instance, it could be the case that the suppliers and customers of certain
products, are geographically concentrated in the same country as the focal company, thus not allowing
for global sourcing or distribution.
Because of this situation, we expect that introducing a GVC perspective can provide further elements
to help understand why companies do or do not perform global sourcing and distribution. In
particular, our first research proposition is:
RP1. The GVC geography sets the context for the company to perform sourcing and distribution on a
global scale.
For the second dimension of global SC managementi.e., how the relationships along the SC are
managedwe refer to two main areas: technological collaboration, i.e., collaboration in the product
development process (Dowlatshahi, 1998; Hartley et al., 1997; Petersen et al., 2006; Ren et al., 2015),
and operational collaboration, i.e., integration in the production-logistics processes (Cagliano et al.,
2006; Frohlich and Westbrook, 2001).
The first concept, technological collaboration in global SCs, is gaining increasing importance in the
literature (Johnsen, 2009; Sturgeon et al., 2008). Although there is evidence that Information and
Communication Technology and standardization (e.g., CAD/CAM systems) enable product
development in collaboration with suppliers around the world, the need for tight collaboration (e.g.,
for high-complexity goods that are difficult to codify) still requires some degree of closeness (Salerno
et al., 2009).
The second concept, operational collaboration, is usually analysed according to two dimensions:
information sharing and physical system integration (Alfalla-Luque et al., 2013; Bartlett et al., 2007;
Cagliano et al., 2003; Ruamsook et al., 2009; Vereecke and Muylle, 2006). First, companies have to
exchange information (e.g., about production plans, inventories or market demand). This practice
requires some standardization and integration of the ICT systems. However, the results are usually
very beneficial for companies (e.g. Lee and Whang, 2000), for example, in helping to reduce the
bullwhip effect (Lee et al., 1997). Information sharing has also been analysed in the specific context
of global SCs, and the conclusion has been that it is vital for the effective flow of materials
(Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2005; Lee and Whang, 2000). Next, the collaboration can move to the level
of system integration, i.e., joint decision making and investments (e.g., just-in-time, vendor-managed
inventory; collaborative planning forecasting and replenishment) (Meixell and Gargeya, 2005; Ovalle
and Marquez, 2003). Since distance can be an obstacle to physical integration, the literature found that
such investments have positive outcomes in global SCs only under specific conditions and company
characteristics (Golini and Kalchschmidt, 2015a, 2015b).
The literature has already established a connection between the level of SC collaboration and network
governance. Several authors (Choi and Kim, 2008; Cooper et al., 1997; Sherer, 2005) found
information sharing as a key instrument and a tightening mechanism of network governance. Other
authors (Grover and Malhotra, 2003; Hobbs, 1996; Nadvi, 2008; Williamson, 2008) relate governance
to external determinants such as the transaction costs, suggesting that collaboration can be a feasible
solution for high transaction costs. However, this type of analysis is generally limited to three
situations: market-based relationships, collaboration and vertical integration.
Moreover, even in broad literature reviews such as the one by Pilbeam et al. (2012) we could not find
a contribution that put in systematic connection external determinants of governance (as in the GVC
framework) and SC management. Still, this can be a very useful contribution, since it would allow
researchers and managers to analyse and define SC management strategies moving seamlessly from
an industry perspective (GVC) to a firm perspective (SC management).
Given our focus on SC management, we excluded hierarchy (i.e., vertical integration) as a governance
typology, and we considered “captive” to be the tightest typology of buyer-supplier governance.
With that in mind, in our paper we want to investigate the following propositions:
RP2. The closer to hierarchy the governance model with suppliers, the higher the level of SC
collaboration, in terms of both operational and technological collaboration.
RP3. The closer to hierarchy the governance model with customers, the higher the level of SC
collaboration, in terms of both operational and technological collaboration.
Furthermore, the literature highlights a number of company-specific variables that can affect global
SC management (e.g., Golini and Kalchschmidt, 2010; Kwon and Suh, 2004). In our paper, we
consider two main factors: strategy and company size.
First, global SCs can be shaped according to different companies’ competitive priorities. From the
sourcing side, one of the most cited drivers for globalizing the supply chain is to reduce production
costs (Alguire et al., 1994; Birou and Fawcett, 1993; Ettlie and Sethuraman, 2002; Frear et al., 1992;
Trent and Monczka, 2003; Womack and Jones, 1996). The drawback to these potential advantages is
an increased complexity that can increase transportation and inventory costs, procurement lead time
and variability (Christopher et al., 2011; Meixell and Gargeya, 2005) and thus lead to lower
responsiveness. As a consequence, for time-based competition companies, the geographic proximity
of suppliers is still considered a key factor (Christopher et al., 2006; Demeter, 2013).
Since competitive priorities are often shared by the players along the supply chain (Fisher, 1997), we
can assume that these dynamics also affect the relationship with customers and therefore:
RP4. Companies seeking high SC responsiveness (i.e., delivery time, product range and flexibility)
tend to rely on domestic suppliers and have domestic customers.
RP5. Companies seeking low SC costs tend to rely on global suppliers and have global customers.
Finally, company size has been considered a major influencing factor. Larger companies can enjoy
more resources and, in some cases, a multinational structure and this can help them to deploy more
complex SC strategies (Brennan et al., 2015). For instance, sourcing globally can imply opening
international purchasing offices (Jia et al., 2014), scouting new markets, managing new risks (Manuj,
2013) and, in general, developing new organizational capabilities (Zeng, 2003). As a consequence,
multinational companies with production facilities abroad with some localization advantage (e.g.,
access to low cost inputs, skills or technologies) (Ferdows, 1997; Vereecke and Van Dierdonck, 2002)
may use these outposts as sourcing centrals for the rest of the group (Jia et al., 2014; Sartor et al.,
2015). From the distribution side, globalization requires opening foreign offices, addressing complex
institutional factors (Bello et al., 2004) and developing new capabilities (Knight and Cavusgil, 2004;
Weerawardena et al., 2007). As a consequence, despite the increasingly accessible global markets,
smaller companies are generally more limited in their adoption of global SCs (Caniato et al., 2013;
Leonidou, 1999; Quintens et al., 2005).
Moreover, size can alter the power distribution in the SC. Specifically, larger companies tend to take
leading positions in the GVC (Humphrey, 2001), and thus, they have more power, resources and
knowledge to coordinate the chain and develop some degree of SC integration with suppliers and
customers (Stadtler, 2005).
In conclusion, our two final propositions are:
RP6. Company size is positively related to a higher share of global suppliers and customers.
RP7. Company size is positively related to a higher adoption of SC management collaboration
practices with suppliers and customers.
3. Methodology
To investigate the abovementioned propositions, we focused on a specific industry, the electric motor
industry. This decision was made considering that the GVC framework applies to a single industry at
a time. Additionally, in the context of our aims, this industry shows interesting characteristics.
Electric motors constitute a large market and have relevant international flows (UNComtrade, 20056).
In 2005, Germany, Mexico and the United States were the 3 larger exporters of electric motors (Italy
is seventh with 602 million US$). The United States and Germany are also the two largest importers
(Italy is fourth with US$525 million). In Italy, where we interviewed companies, more than 60% of
the exports are to Europe, but there are also significant exchanges with countries outside the continent
6 This web site provides access to information and data on International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) and
the work of the International Merchandise Trade Statistics Section (IMTSS) of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).
(e.g., the United States, China, Mexico). In terms of imports, Italy has a very strong relationship with
Germany that accounts for 36% of its total imports. However, there are also significant exchanges
with other European and non-European countries (e.g., the United States and China).
Electric motors are therefore a sector with a significant economic impact and a quite high degree of
globalization, and this is also the case in Italy, where our case study companies were based.
Therefore, it was reasonable to consider electric motors as a target industry for our case studies. Of
course, there are specificities in this industry that will be taken into account during the analysis.
Furthermore, electric motors can be produced in different sizes with different target markets, but the
upstream element of the SC (the suppliers and the production process) remains more or less the same
for all of the players. Thus, there were some elements that changed and others that remained the same
for all players, thus allowing for literal and theoretical replication when we analyzed the case studies
(Meredith, 1998; Yin, 2009). Focusing on one single industry, we could study the global SC
management practices of companies within the same GVC and thus discriminate between industry-
specific and case-specific effects.
According to previous studies on the electric motor value chain (Lowe et al., 2010), four main stages
can be identified (Figure A1 in the Appendixes):
1. Material and component production (steel, copper wire and bars, electrical components,
permanent magnets, aluminium, spare parts, insulating materials, shaft, bearings);
2. Manufacturing and assembly of the electric motor;
3. System integration and installation (this stage is optional because the manufacturer can sell
directly to the industrial user);
4. Industrial users, who can be divided into two groups. On one side, there are those who use the
motor for process applications, meaning that the motor is used to run the machinery involved
in the production process. On the other side, there are those who use the motor for product
applications, meaning that the motor is part of the final product made by the customers (e.g.,
controlling motors for automobiles, gardening equipment, drills and white goods).
Next, we focused on the lead firms in the chain (i.e., motor manufacturers), and we interviewed seven
of them. As a matter of fact, the literature on GVC acknowledges the presence of lead firms as core
actors in a segmented system of global economic governance (Ponte and Gibbon, 2005).!As a
consequence, our unit of analysis is the lead firm and its sets of relationships with suppliers and
customers embedded in a specified GVC. The same unit of analysis can be found in the literature
about competitiveness in GVCs (e.g., Buciuni and Mola, 2013; De Marchi et al., 2013).!
We decided to adopt case studies given the nature of our study (i.e., bridging two different streams of
literature) and the need to interpret the behavior of companies under the light of a very complex and
rich context (i.e., the GVC and its governance). Case studies have been one of the most powerful
research methods in operations management, especially for new theory development (Voss et al.,
2002), but also, for extending or refining a theory, as in our case, especially when addressing strategic
and complex topics (Boyer and McDermott, 1999; Pagell and Krause, 1999).
Following the practice described by Eisenhardt (1989) and Yin (2009), we selected cases according to
different criteria, looking for theoretical and literal replication. Literal replication is the expectation
that similar cases will produce similar results, and theoretical replication is the expectation that cases
will provide different results but for predictable reasons. In our case, we selected companies of
different sizes, with different global SC configurations, that produced motors with different
In particular, we selected the companies according to two basic contingent variables: the size and the
typology of the electric motors they manufactured (size of the motor, technology, applications). We
interviewed one or two persons from each company who were responsible for SC activities (SC
managers, purchasing managers, production managers and/or account managers). Two researchers
participated in each interview, and for the majority of the cases, a plant visit followed and was
integrated with the interview. Each interview lasted at least two hours and followed an interview
protocol. The protocol was structured in the following sections (used to define the different constructs
investigated in the study):
1. General information about the company including turnover and number of employees (used to
define company size);
2. Information about the product and the production process (used to identify the applications of
the motor and the different components);
3. Competitive priorities and supply chain strategy (used in order to define the SC strategy)
4. Global sourcing strategy and supply management (used to define, for each component, the
localization of suppliers, the typology of GVC governance and the relationship with
5. Global distribution strategy and customer management (used to define the localization of
customers, the typology of GVC governance and relationship with customers).
We opted to contact no additional cases after we had sufficient representativeness of different
situations and the information added by each new case became marginal, in line with the theoretical
saturation concept (Sandelowski, 1995). Since electric motors are always manufactured with the same
components following very similar production phases, 7 cases were enough in order to have a good
representation of all the typologies of suppliers and customers.
To have a clearer perspective of the SC and a complementary point of view, we also interviewed two
suppliers of specific components (Table 1). For anonymity, we labelled each motor manufacturer
according to its size (e.g., VS: very small, S: small) and the two suppliers as Su1 and Su2.
Each interview was recorded and then transcribed. The researchers then coded, with cross-
verification, the information collected. This was an iterative process with the objective of refining the
coding at every step and highlighting the most relevant information and the differences among cases.
This process led to the identification of different suppliers and customer categories (used in Table 3
and Figure 4). Finally, we contacted the companies again to complete any possible missing
information, and we triangulated the collected data through secondary sources (economics databases
and other publicly available information).
After the information coding, we performed inter- and cross- case analyses.
4. Results
GVC geographic structure and global SC processes (RP1)
Our first research proposition states that the GVC geography sets the context for the company to
perform sourcing and distribution on a global scale.
To investigate this proposition, we positioned the interviewed companies over the identified GVC
(Figure 1). As explained before, we also interviewed two suppliers (Su1 and Su2) to obtain their
perspectives on their relationships with the electric motor manufacturers. The first, Su1, supplied
metal plates and pre-assembled rotors and stators. Su2 provided permanent magnets, importing them
from China. We positioned them in the GVC as well.
As shown in Figure 1, the different cases are positioned slightly differently in the GVC.
VS, S and M1 were focused only on motor manufacturing. M2 outsourced part of its motor
production to Chinese suppliers, but the company integrated the motors with the fan systems and the
hoods in-house. L1 was vertically integrated upstream, making its metal plates and shafts in-house. In
this way, L1 could buy steel at the internationally set price on the stock market and produce internally
with significant advantages on price and manufacturing reactivity. Finally, VL and L2 were able to
make their motors and control systems in-house. In terms of global SC, this meant that they also had
to interact with electronic component suppliers in the Far East.
As the GVC shows, among the inputs, there was a high share of raw materials and electronic
components. These inputs were not manufactured in Italy. As a consequence, companies were
required to either consider foreign suppliers or rely on local intermediaries (resellers, which can be
considered as a form of local sourcing). Table 2 reports the average distribution of the value of the
purchases (global sourcing) and sales (global distribution) outside the continent where the company
was based (Europe in this case). The detail for each purchasing category is reported in Table A1 in the
The fact that companies had mixed strategies of global vs. local sourcing and different distribution
strategies is in line with previous analyses in the manufacturing industry (Cagliano et al., 2008;
Caniato et al., 2013).
In particular, VS and S purchased almost all materials domestically or within Europe. M1 showed a
higher degree of globalization in that approximately 80% of its suppliers were still Italian, but the
remaining 20% were global (mainly the suppliers of copper, bearings, permanent magnets and other
noncritical materials). For M2, about 50% of its purchases were global (mainly raw materials and a
large share of finished motors). A similar situation held for L1, which sourced roughly 60% of its
materials outside Europe (raw materials, bearings, some castings, other noncritical materials). On the
contrary, L2 mainly sourced domestically (85% from domestic suppliers and 5% from European
supplier) and purchased roughly 10% of the materials (permanent magnets and some noncritical
materials) globally. Finally, VL had the highest degrees of globalization, making about 50% of the
purchases from outside of the country. As will be discussed later in the sections devoted to company-
specific factors, these differences depend mainly on the company size and strategy.
However, these different behaviours occurred within a context set by the GVC. Specifically, raw
materials were produced by suppliers far away from Italy, so they needed to be either sourced globally
or through intermediaries, while other inputs were available both globally and locally, thus leaving
decisional space to the companies. These considerations allowed us to state that RP1 is supported for
the upstream element of the SC.
With regard to downstream (i.e., distribution), the GVC shows us that there are two typologies of final
markets, i.e. industrial process and product applications, while system integrators, i.e. the third type of
direct customers, play the role of intermediaries between producers of electric motors and the final
market. They all require quite customized products and some closeness between manufacturers and
users. Because of this, many companies in our sample (VS, S, M1, M2 and L2) concentrated the
majority of their sales in Italy and the remainder within Europe (Table 2). Only L1 and VL sold a
significant share of their products globally. For these last two companies, however, an important role
was played by their foreign sales units. From the customer perspective, sales units act as
intermediaries, making the purchase more “local”. Again, company size played an important role
because only large companies distribute globally: this will be discussed later in the sections devoted to
the company-specific factors. As in the upstream case, companies followed what already described by
the literature on global distribution approaches (e.g., Katsikea and Skarmeas, 2003), however, the
GVC increased our understanding of the strategies by showing a variety of customers and their global
spread, thus leaving decisional space to companies.
These considerations allowed us to state that RP1 is also supported for the downstream part of the
GVC governance and supply chain management (RP2–3)
The second and third research propositions state that the governance model is related to the way the
SC is managed in terms of operational and technological collaboration.
In order to assess the different forms of GVC governance used with suppliers, we applied the
determinants as in Gereffi et al. (2005) (Table 3). For each component supplied we asked to the
interviewees to classify into low, medium or high:
the degree of customization of the component and difficulty to communicate the needs
comparatively to the other components (used to measure the complexity of transaction);
the possibility to use CAD drawings or standard specifications in the communication with
suppliers (used to measure the ability to codify transactions);
the availability and capability of suppliers comparatively to other components (used to
measure the capabilities in the supply-base).
Given the similarities in the type of components supplied, the answers were quite homogeneous and
the final values reported in Table 3 were calculated as the average of the responses obtained for each
case. On this basis, each component was classified into one of the following categories: raw
materials, standard components, customized components and outsourced activities. As we can
observe, raw materials and standard components were characterized by low complexity of transaction
(i.e., it was easy for the buying firm to communicate its needs to the supplier), high ability to codify
the transactions (i.e., communication was based on standard specifications) and high capabilities in
the supply-base (i.e., there were many and capable suppliers). As a consequence, the type of
governance assigned to these categories was market. Next, customized components showed a
medium complexity of the transaction (i.e., it took time for the buying firm to communicate its needs),
medium to high ability to codify the transaction and medium to high capabilities in the supply-base. It
follows that the type of governance was modular/relational. Finally, outsourced activities were very
customized (i.e., high complexity of the transaction) and the available suppliers were small and with
limited capabilities. Hence the type of governance was relational/captive.
We used a similar logic to assess the typology of GVC governance used with customers. In this case,
given the different target markets of the companies, the replies were more dispersed, thus requiring
some analysis by the research team to identify the prevalent form of governance with a specific
category of customers. This analysis suggested a modular/market type of governance with industrial
users as the motor used in process applications was quite standard and there were many suppliers
worldwide capable of supplying such product. On the contrary, system integrators and industrial users
required very customized motors for which they needed suppliers with very high capabilities. As a
consequence, the form of governance identified was relational. Naturally, there were discrepancies
between the cases that have been addressed in the Company-specific behaviours section.
To investigate our research propositions, we put in relation the different forms of governance with the
intensity of technological and operational collaboration with suppliers and customers. The detail is
reported in Tables A2 and A3. We also analysed the levels of globalization for each relationship, i.e.,
to what extent suppliers or customers within a category were local or global. Notably, whereas
technological collaboration can take place even in global networks (e.g., Eppringer and Chitkara,
2006), operational collaboration (e.g., just-in-time) may require some geographic proximity (Das and
Handfield, 1997; Frazier et al., 1988).
Figure 2 sums up all the information. As previously explained, for each category of suppliers and
customers we identified a specific form of governance. Next, for each form of governance, we
reported the intensity (i.e., low, medium, high) of technological collaboration (TC), operational
collaboration (OC) and globalization (G).
The results are discussed in detail in the next paragraphs, beginning with sourcing (RP2) and
continuing to distribution (RP3).
Raw materials (copper, steel and metal plates) represented roughly half of the total cost of an electric
motor, and they fall in the category of market governance. A similar form governance with raw
materials suppliers was in other industries by Gereffi et al. (2005) and Cagliano et al. (2003). Also
suppliers of standard components (e.g., bearings) are managed through market governance. Given the
presence of large multinational companies that specialize in raw materials and standard components
production, and the fact that motor manufacturers seek cost savings, these suppliersglobalization
levels are higher compared to the other categories. We found in the cases that when products are
standard, it is easier to scout for suppliers abroad and this is aligned with the literature (Perona and
Miragliotta, 2004; Westhead et al., 2001). In the case of copper, global sourcing is particularly easy to
perform thanks to the existence of an international metal stock market, which is used by M1 and M2.
From the SC management point of view, given that these are standard products, no technological
collaboration is needed. Operational collaboration is limited as well because these products are
generally shipped from abroad in large batches. Indeed, very little information is exchanged except
for what is necessary to complete the order.
A similar situation holds for the standard components. All the companies, with the exception of VS, S
and M2 buy permanent magnets and other non critical materials from global suppliers with a very low
degree of interaction and collaboration.
A different situation is observed for customized components (metal castings, shafts and finished
motors in the case of M2). In this case, the type of governance is a combination of modular and
relational, confirming the findings of other studies (Caputo and Zirpoli, 2002; Sturgeon et al., 2008).
The suppliers of customized components are typically located closer to the motor manufacturers (in
Italy or Europe). Only VL and L1 use global sourcing for metal castings and none of the cases has
global shaft suppliers. This is a function of the need for closer relationships with these suppliers to
avoid the pitfalls of global sourcing (Christopher et al., 2011; Holweg et al., 2011). In fact,
customization requires collaboration and trust because the suppliers often use customers’ equipment
(e.g., dies) (in line with Kwon and Suh, 2004). In contrast, it is worth noting that the problem of
transportation costs is not relevant in selecting a local supplier even for large and heavy pieces (as
stated by VL during the interview). Given the typology of components, technological collaboration is
often needed. Especially at the initial stages (e.g., new product or new supplier), all the companies
(except S) engage in some form of collaboration: co-design (VS, M1, M2) and co-location of design
teams (L1, L2 VL) with the suppliers of customized components. After the supply relation has ben
established, the suppliers work on specifications provided by the customer. It appears that it the
beginning of the relationship the governance is more relational because of the higher difficulty to
communicate the needs and slowly shits towards a modular one. Moreover, the level of operational
collaboration with customized components suppliers is higher in terms of information exchanged and,
in some cases, system integration. In fact, companies typically maintain low stocks of these
components and thus they need their suppliers to be reactive. The operational collaboration ranges
from informal and personal relationships (VS, S), to frame agreements and shared production plans
(all the companies from M1 to VL), up to to shared forecasts (L1, VL) and Kanban systems (L1).
Finally, suppliers who perform outsourced activities help the companies with mechanical processing
or performing windings. This type of governance is identified as a combination of relational and
captive. This form of sourcing is not new and reminds the literature about subcontracting (Amesse et
al., 2001) or captive outsourcing (e.g., Metters, 2008). However, in the latter, captive outsourcing
refers to sourcing from owned plants (e.g., Hameri and Tunkelo, 2009); on the contrary, in our case,
the company sources from external suppliers (in line with Gereffi et al., 2005). The similarity lies in
the high level of control that the company exerts on its supply sources. Winding the stator or the rotor
is a relatively simple process, but it is critical for the quality of the motor. Defective windings not
only reduce the efficiency of the motor but, in many cases, compromise the functionality of the entire
motor. Moreover, windings are one of the first production phases, and therefore they constitute a
potential production bottleneck. Because of this, nearly all of the companies we interviewed perform
windings entirely (L1, L2, VL) or partially (S, M1, M2) internally. The remainder is produced at local
suppliers’ facilities; this practice allowed even smaller companies to better control quality and gave
them the necessary flexibility and reactivity. The level of technological collaboration was moderate
and was limited to production processes at the supplier’s. The level of operational collaboration was,
however, very high, meaning that the suppliers and customers worked together to define shared
production plans (M1, M2, L2).
In conclusion, we can see that the closer the relationship with suppliers is to captive, the higher the
level of implementation of SC management practices, in terms of operational collaboration. For
technological collaboration we found the maximum extent of adoption in the relational form, while in
the captive form the level was moderate, coherently with the limited supplier capabilities. Thus,
proposition 2 is only partially supported.
Industrial process application users are supplied by manufacturers or system integrators, and they
employ the motors in their production processes. For these users, the motor is part of a capital
expenditure that is only made when a new facility or a motor replacement is necessary. In these
contexts, also called build-to-order supply chains (Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2005), the buying company
often employs more complex procurement processes and analyses, such as Total Cost of Ownership
(Ferrin and Plank, 2002). Thus, it makes sense to treat this category of customers separately from the
The type of governance previously identified for this category of users was modular. The companies
that worked with these customers were VS and VL and, to some extent, M1 and L1. We found that
with this category of customers there was limited pressure on delivery lead times and motors were
generally more standardized; thus, it was easier to sell them on a global scale with limited
technological collaboration. Nevertheless, when the motors are extremely large (as in the case of VL),
they are also partially customized, so that global sales units must be supported by local sales divisions
that involve the customer in technological collaboration.
Next, the case of industrial product manufacturers (customers who employ the motor in their final
products such as drills or fan coils) and system integrators is very different. In fact, for these
companies, the motor is not a capital expenditure but a component to be designed and then regularly
purchased from the suppliers. The type of governance identified was relational (high transaction
complexity and capabilities in the supply base, but low ability to codify transactions). Cases S and M2
and, to some extent, M1 and L1 mainly had these types of customers. In this case, demand was
generally more stable, and there was also a greater need to design the motor in collaboration with the
customer, especially for innovative products. For instance, the European regulations developed in the
last decade on household appliances in terms of energy saving and disposal, drove customers to work
together with motor manufacturers to design smaller and eco-friendlier motors. The need for such
close collaboration reduced customers options for finding global suppliers and brought to long-term
relationships that were consolidated by intense technological collaboration (in line with De Marchi,
2012). Moreover, the need to install the motors in the final product also required close operational
collaboration in terms of information exchanged (for instance, production and delivery progress
tracking and tracing, vendor-managed inventory and consignment stock).
In conclusion, similar to what we found on the supplier side, the closer to relational the governance
with customers, the more extensive the implementation of SC management practices, in terms of both
operational and technological collaboration. Therefore, proposition 3 is supported.
Company-specific behaviours
Although the governance models did explain many of the decisions in terms of global SC
management, the companies still showed some differences (Buciuni and Mola, 2013) (Figure 3).
With customized components and outsourced activities, S and M1 tended to have long-term
relationships with their suppliers, mainly to face demand uncertainty together. However, little
additional information was exchanged (e.g., forecasts, production plans). For S and VS, these
relationships were informal, whereas M1 used frame agreements of 3, 6 or 12 months with indexed
prices. VL and L1 were instead more structured. In addition to frame agreements, VL exchanged 3-,
6- and 12-month forecasts with its key suppliers. For large orders, they also monitored the progress at
the supplier’s facility. L1 also put in place an electronic kanban system with its suppliers so that they
could track the company’s future needs and make weekly just-in-time deliveries.
Concerning raw materials, S and VS purchased from intermediaries; M1 and M2 procured raw copper
on the London Metal Exchange; and VL and L1 directly negotiated with and set frame agreements
with global suppliers. Additionally, VL and L1 engaged in more active risk management practices,
through financial risk hedging on raw materials and retaining backup local suppliers in case of SC
Finally, with regard to customers, L1 and VL had a more global market and different marketing and
distribution systems that were supported by local sales units.
These relevant differences in the companies’ behaviors can best be understood by adding in company-
specific factors such as competitive priorities and company size.
Company-specific factors: competitive priorities (RP4-5)
Competitive priorities in a supply chain can be related to different performance dimensions that are
considered as key to success (Shin et al., 2000). We classified competitive priorities into order
winners and market qualifiers, following the definition by Hill (1993) (Table 4).
From Table 4, we can see that quality was a market qualifier for all the cases and this sometimes
pushed companies to select known local suppliers. In fact, European motor manufacturers typically
differentiate themselves by the higher quality of their products compared with those by the Chinese,
who are their main competitors. However, especially for more standardized products, the motor’s
prices played an important role to qualify with customers .
For companies with a local SC (VS and S), the tight relationship with small local suppliers allowed
them to be flexible in production (they generally produced small batches) and relatively quick with
deliveries. In fact, the literature suggests that global sourcing can negatively affect lead times and
flexibility (Christopher et al., 2011; Holweg et al., 2011). On the other side, the closeness with
customers facilitated collaboration during product design. Nevertheless, these companies did not
exploit this situation to implement SC management practices because their customers did not require
them. Company L2, on the contrary, even if it is characterized by a local SC, does not consider
flexibility a key factor, putting more attention on customization and after sales service, that can both
benefit from a closer relationship with suppliers (Christopher et al., 2011; Holweg et al., 2011).
A similar situation occurs for the case of M1, which sold its products mainly in Europe but sourced
locally. M1 had long-term relationships with a local supplier base, more formalized compared to the
previous group, through frame agreements and contracts with prices indexed on the raw materials
stock markets. In this way, they could be flexible and fast in production. They also sold outside of the
country, maintaining a high level of customization because of their established direct relationships
with customers abroad. However, this was easier because their customers were mainly located in
Europe; M1 confirmed that their practices would have been more difficult if their customers had been
in other continents.
M2, which performed global sourcing, was less in touch with its suppliers, but tended to have long-
term relationships formalized through frame agreements. They also had frame agreements with
customers who were mainly domestic. In fact, M2 was focused on after sales service and
customization, which was made easier by their closeness with their customers, an observation that M2
Finally, companies with global SCs (L1 and VL) differentiated themselves particularly through global
customization and after-sales services. They were able to support this through their local sales units.
Because they competed internationally, these companies were also the most careful about costs, which
drove them to expand their global sourcing and manufacturing to exploit cost advantages on a global
scale (in line with Alguire et al., 1994).
We can summarize our results on companies that attempted to maintain responsive (VS, S, M1) or
efficient (L1, L2, VL, M2) SCs, in line with (Fisher, 1997). Although the companies in both groups
used operational collaboration to increase either responsiveness or efficiency, the main difference
among the two groups was the localization of their suppliers.
In conclusion, propositions 4 and 5 are supported.
Company-specific factors: company size (RP6-7)
Moving to company characteristics, size was by far the primary factor that explained the differences
among cases.
Smaller companies (S, VS) for the most part had very limited global sourcing and distribution and no
global manufacturing in place. This is in line with the literature (Cagliano et al., 2008; Cavusgil,
1980; Lee and Whang, 2000; Quintens et al., 2005), but thanks to the cases, we can provide additional
evidence to the phenomenon. For purchases that had to be made abroad (e.g., copper and steel), they
typically relied on intermediaries. They also generally did not have the bargaining power to influence
large suppliers or customers to implement SC integration. They competed strongly on speed,
flexibility and customization (especially VS). Because of these factors, these companies required fast,
reliable, known suppliers. The weaknesses of this strategy were: missing out on some of the
opportunities offered by globalization (such as cheap supplies of standard materials, access to new
markets); exposure to upstream raw material price fluctuations; and reliance on a small number of
large customers who controlled access to the market.
The medium companies (M1 and M2) instead had more developed global SCs. They purchased their
raw materials on the London Metal Exchange, and obtained other components (e.g., bearings, spare
parts) globally. M2 also purchased some of its motors from China. Their market was more
international but mainly at the European level.
L1 was considerably more global in terms of sourcing and distribution. Because of its size, L1 was
also able to put in place an electronic kanban system with their suppliers, thus making deliveries faster
and reducing inventories by 30%. Additionally, its market was quite global but was supported by local
sales units.
In contrast, L2 was quite local. The company was relatively large (more than 300 employees), and in
the past, they had worked directly with global suppliers; and they had also attempted to adopt
operational integration with their suppliers, such as just-in-time production. However, according to
the managers, the size of their business did not justify the adoption of such practices, and thus they
returned to relying on local suppliers or intermediaries and limiting their operational collaboration to
frame agreements.
Finally, VL was a truly global company with several plants around the world. Some of these plants
(e.g., the one in India) supplied other plants with parts of the finished product. They extensively used
global corporate agreements to procure standardized goods such as steel that would then be sent to
external suppliers for processing. Even though their level of global purchasing was still relatively low
(roughly 20%), their aim was to increase it while always retaining local backup suppliers. As in the
case of L1, VL sold through local commercial units.
To conclude this analysis, we can see how larger companies have more possibilities to seek suppliers
and customers abroad and to push the adoption of formal operational collaboration, although this
opportunity is not always exploited, as in the case of L2.
In conclusion, the propositions 6 and 7 are supported.
Conclusions and further developments
The Global Value Chain (GVC) analysis is being increasingly advocated as a powerful tool for
interpreting managerial issues, with particular reference to global SC management (Gereffi and Lee,
2012). However, there is still a gap in how to apply at the company level the GVC concepts that have
been developed at the industry level. Through our field data, we attempted to partly fill this gap by
establishing a connection between the GVC framework and SC management.
The framework emerging from our results is reported in Figure 4.
First, we showed how the GVC can be a useful framework for understanding and explaining the
global SC strategies (in terms of degree of global sourcing and distribution) implemented at the
company level. As discussed in the results sections, companies tend to follow the behaviours
described by the literature for what concerns global sourcing (e.g., Christopher et al., 2011; Trent and
Monczka, 2002, 2003) and distribution (e.g., Katsikea and Skarmeas, 2003). However, these
behaviours are constrained by the input/output and geographical structure of the GVC. Therefore, this
paper highlights the importance for both researchers and practitioners to support the analysis of global
SC strategies by means of a GVC map (represented by the RP1 arrow in Figure 4). Furthermore, we
found market, modular and relational governance to be related to increasing levels of collaboration
(both operational and technological) (represented by the RP2-3 arrow in Figure 4). Captive
governance is instead quite different, as it implies a change in the power balance (in favour of the
buyer), so, in future studies, we suggest considering it separately.
Furthermore, the GVC governance typologies appeared to be directly related to the globalization
levels of certain branches of the value chain (i.e., whether the company relied on local or global
suppliers or customers) and the degree of technological (i.e., product development) and operational
(i.e., information sharing and system integration) collaboration. In particular, when there is a choice
between local and global suppliers, the closer to relational the governance, the higher the likelihood
that the company would rely on local suppliers with a high level of operational collaboration and vice
versa (represented by the dotted line in Figure 4). This is in line with previous papers (Das et al.,
2006; Kotabe and Murray, 2004; Kraljic, 1983) that suggest that global sourcing and SC collaboration
are not always the best strategies and they may even result in trade-off with each other. The adoption
of such strategies should be balanced and differentiated for specific purchasing categories by
evaluating performance metrics and strategic capabilities of suppliers (Talluri and Narasimhan, 2004).
Moreover, we found the maximum extent of technological collaboration in the relational governance
model, where the buyer and the supplier are both capable firms and they share their knowledge for the
development of new products (e.g., the development of more energy efficient motors with industrial
product application customers). On the contrary, in the case of captive governance, the level of
collaboration was lower. These results suggest that the design of a global SC is a complex process that
starts from the input/output and geographical structure, but then becomes an iterative process to
determine the typology of governance, extent of collaboration and location of suppliers and
In this decision making process, we showed the importance of considering two company-specific
factors: size and competitive priorities. Large and small companies with different competitive
priorities coexist in the same GVC. In particular, larger companies seem to have greater freedom in
deciding on the level of globalization and the degree of collaboration even within the same
governance structure (RP6-7 arrow in Figure 4). This seems in line with previous studies highlighting
the potential benefits of a joint adoption of global sourcing and collaboration with suppliers (Golini
and Kalchschmidt, 2011; Murray, 2001). However, from our cases, such approach seems to be
available only for larger companies. It is important to underline that, although the GVC provides some
constraints and opportunities, the single firm is still free to decide its own strategy within such
constraints (e.g., sourcing locally even if global suppliers are available, or use intermediaries), on the
base of its own characteristics and capabilities. Moreover, large companies with an international
manufacturing network should also evaluate how different decisions on the manufacturing network
can impact the GVC. For example, such companies may decide to invest in a manufacturing plant
located in a specific area in order to reach a more relational form governance with local suppliers and
Competitive priorities also played an important role: companies that based their competitiveness on a
responsive SC tended to use more local suppliers than companies competing on an efficient SC (RP6-
7 Arrow in Figure 4). This represent an important contribution for GVC scholars which have seldom
included SC strategy as a driver for differences in the structure and governance of the GVC (Burkert
et al., 2012).
In conclusion, the GVC framework appears to be an effective tool to be further tested and developed
by SC management scholars. In particular, the GVC stimulates a strategic overview of the entire SC
(from raw materials to customers) and offers a continuum of governance typologies (from market to
hierarchy) determined by a small number of key factors. These typologies appeared to be very
effective in explaining the majority of behaviours related to SC globalization and collaboration that
were not company-specific. This work provides evidence that the GVC framework can integrate
different characteristics of complex supply networks and can help in putting together different
methodological perspectives, from the strategic to the operational one. However, using the GVC
should be accompanied by a more specific analysis of a company’s characteristics (i.e., size and
competitive priorities) to provide clearer managerial insights.
In addition, the GVC framework is quite simple and flexible to different visual representations (e.g.,
Figure 1) making it well understandable by practitioners. During our case studies we always started
by displaying the GVC to the interviewed managers and that helped to have a common framework for
the discussion. Moreover, as the value chain concept is tightly related to the company strategy, the
GVC framework can help companies to align their business strategy with the SC management and
overcome two issues that are considered critical for the achievement of higher performance: strategy
execution in the SC (Khadem, 2008; Kotzab et al., 2011) and the identification of the most effective
forms of governance (Provan and Kenis, 2008). In particular, our framework can help to address the
managerial trade-offs that make the decisions related to global supply chains very complex.
What we found is that large companies aiming at being efficient look for global suppliers even if this
can limit the extent of collaboration. These companies also have local suppliers managed through
captive forms of governance, mainly to have external production capacity available. On the other side,
small companies or large companies with a responsive strategy, establish relational forms of
governance by leveraging local supply sources and collaboration with SC partners. However, if the
local supply base does not have the necessary capabilities, there is the risk to slip into a captive form
of governance where the lead firm has to guide the suppliers instead of receiving support from them.
Of course, this study is not free from limitations. First of all, we focused on a single industry,
however, the electric motor industry has a number of features that make our results likely to be
generalizable to other industries. First, there is a variety of inputs (raw materials, standard and
customized components, outsourced activities), products and markets. Next, the value chain is quite
global in terms of the fragmentation and geographical dispersion of the activities, but there is still the
possibility for companies to source domestically. Finally, the types of product and production make
these results theoretically applicable to any other assembly manufacturing industry. In fact,
international studies on SCs in assembly manufacturing industries do not generally find significant
differences in terms of sub-industries (Strader et al., 1999; Vargas et al., 2000; Vereecke and Muylle,
2006). The generalizability of our findings is also witnessed by the fact that, as discussed in the
results, we have found different typologies of governance modes that are consistent with what was
found by other studies in different industries.
Another important aspect is that our study was conducted in Italy, and therefore, these companies
were particularly exposed to competition from low-cost countries, especially China. However, this
situation is similar for companies in other mature countries, as was confirmed by the managers of VL,
a genuinely multinational company. However, future studies could attempt to include other countries
to replicate and extend the results identified so far.
Furthermore, we did not focus on the design of the global manufacturing network and, more in
general, hierarchical forms of governance. We were specifically interested in inter-firm relationships
in the SC and the decision to limit our focus and exclude the internal network is justified by the
limited exchanges of goods among plants of the same company. However, future works could extend
our results and develop a higher-level framework that also includes make-or-buy and production
location decisions in the context of SC strategy.
In terms of future developments, even though this avenue was not pursued in this study, the GVC
framework also suggests different patterns of upgrading that firms could pursue to enhance their
competitiveness (Humphrey, 2003; Humphrey and Schmitz, 2000). Future studies could investigate
how such upgrading patterns affect the relationships in the SC and can be supported by SC
management programs. Moreover, given the increasing importance of risk management and
sustainability in global SCs, future works could try to verify how such concepts can affect either the
governance or the global SC management modes. Finally, as SC management can influence both
buyer and supplier performance (Shin et al., 2000), a step forward should be made by looking at how
the alignment between GVC governance and SC management affects the performance of all the
parties involved.
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Definition of different governance typologies
Following the definitions of Gereffi and Lee (2012):
Market governance involves transactions that are relatively simple. Suppliers can make
products with minimal input from and little coordination with buyers. Price is the central
governance mechanism in the arm's-length relationship.
Modular governance emerges when suppliers make products to a customer's specifications
that are complex but relatively easy to codify. By exchanging information in the form of
standards, buyers and suppliers reduce coordination costs.
Relational governance exists when buyers and suppliers rely on complex information that is
not easily transmitted. Frequent interactions and knowledge sharing based on mutual trust and
social ties between parties are critical in coordinating relational chains.
Captive governance is characterized by a group of small suppliers that are dependent on one
or a few buyers in their resources and market access. Captive suppliers tend to operate under
conditions set by, and often specific to, particular buyers.
Hierarchical governance describes chains characterized by vertical integration and managerial
control within lead firms that develop and manufacture products in-house.
Figure A1 - Electric motor value chain. The figure reports the main production stages, products and
lead companies’ names - Adapted from Lowe et al. (2010)
Table A1 Suppliers and their location: domestic (white cells), European or mixed global/domestic
(light grey cells) or global (dark grey cells). In brackets parts and components that are internally
(bars and
Copper wire:
few domestic
Copper wire:
Copper bars:
Metal Stock
and shipped
to wire
Copper bars:
global suppliers
(London Metal
Stock Exchange)
and shipped to
wire suppliers
America), and shipped to
domestic wire suppliers
Copper wire:
Copper bars and
wire: global
Steel and
Metal plates:
one domestic
Metal plates:
one domestic
Metal plates:
one domestic
Steel: global
Metal plates: one
(Metal plates: made
Metal plates:
one domestic
Steel: global
Metal plates: one
domestic supplier.
Republic) and domestic
Two global
suppliers (India,
China), one
European supplier
One domestic
2-3 domestic
Domestic dealer,
but in the process
of switching to
European suppliers
One domestic
One European
Several global
(and internal
(and internal
suppliers (and
internally by
plant in
(Made internally)
Global suppliers
Global suppliers
Other non
4-5 domestic
Global and
Global suppliers
of finished
of finished
Domestic and
global (China)
of finished
No procurement of
finished motors
Table A2 - Technological and operational integration with suppliers
Technological Collaboration
Operational Collaboration
Joint teams
Long term relationships
Yes (shaft and metal
Yes, but informal
Yes, but informal
Yes (shaft and metal
Frame agreements of 3, 6 or 12
months (fixed or indexed prices)
Yes (shaft and metal
Yes (design of the
finished motors)
Frame agreements of 3, 6 or 12
months (fixed or indexed prices)
Yes (design of the
metal castings)
Frame agreements of 3, 6 or 12
months (fixed or indexed prices)
production plans
Yes (design of the
metal castings)
Frame agreements of 3, 6 or 12
months (fixed or indexed prices)
Yes (design of the
metal castings)
Frame agreements of 3, 6 or 12
months (fixed or indexed prices)
Order tracking and
Table A3- Technological and operational integration with customers
Technological Collaboration
Operational Collaboration
Long term
Information sharing
(Very rare)
Yes, for fully customized motors
Informal information
Order tracking for
main customers
(motor and fan system)
Yes, in collaboration with the sales units
Frame agreements
Use of an eCommerce
portal for exchanging
(company produces on customers’ specs)
Frame agreements
Production plans
Yes, for with new customers and in collaboration with the sales units
Frame agreements
Order tracking and
Table 1 - Case studies set
Type of company
Production facilities
Very Small
< 10
Motor manufacturer
1 in Italy
< 20
Motor manufacturer
1 in Italy
Managing Director,
Motor manufacturer
3 in Italy
President and
Director of
Motor manufacturer
1 in Italy
Operations Director
Motor manufacturer
1 in Italy and 1 Malaysia
Managing director
Motor manufacturer
1 in Italy, 1 in Hungary
Very Large
Plant purchasing
manager, buyer
Motor manufacturer
4 in Europe, 1 in India, 3 in
China, 1 in South Africa and 1
in Brazil.
Logistic director
1 in Italy
1 in China
Table 2 – Level of global sourcing and distribution of the cases (percentage of spending and
turnover). Global stands for outside Europe.
Global Sourcing
Global Distribution
0% global
(100% domestic)
Almost 0% global
(100% domestic)
5% global
(80% domestic; 15% Europe)
Almost 0% global
(86% domestic; 14% Europe)
20% global
(80% domestic)
Almost 0% global
(50% domestic; 50% Europe)
50% global
(50% domestic and Europe)
Almost 0% global
(70% domestic; 30% Europe)
60% global
(40% domestic and Europe)
70% global
(30% domestic and Europe)
10% global
(85% domestic; 5% Europe)
3% global
(54% domestic; 43% Europe)
50% global
(10% domestic; 40% Europe)
60% global
(10% domestic; 30% Europe)
Table 3 – Identification of governance structures for the different purchasing categories
Key determinants of GVC Governance
Category (used
in Figure 4)
Type of
Ability to
Capabilities in
the supply-
Raw materials
Steel and metal plates
Metal castings
(frames, shields)
Finished motors
Permanent magnets
Other non critical
materials (e.g.
screws, bolts)
Windings and other
Table 4 - Competitive priorities pursued by cases belonging to different configurations. (OW: order
winner; MQ: market qualifier)
VS, S, M1
M2, L1, L2, VL
Delivery speed
After sales service
Figure 1 - Positioning of the cases over the GVC (white boxes represent the production stages
performed by at least one case)
Figure 2- Common features of the cases in the governance typologies and SC management (G: level
of gobalization, TC: technological collaboration; OC: operational collaboration. The intensity can
range among low-mid-high).
Figure 3Distinctive behaviours displayed by the cases
Figure 4 The research framework and findings
... This outcome is consistent with the results of the studies conducted by [47] and [48]. According to [49], a firm must embrace environmentally friendly technology and practices to achieve outstanding environmental performance. Using a conceptual model, [50] in their study of Chinese firms found that SSCM practices significantly impacted environmental performance. ...
... The results of the inferential statistical analysis of the quantitative data revealed that a firm's SSCM practices positively and significantly influence its social, which means that the hypothesis is accepted. This result is in line with those of [48,50], and [49]. Kaufmann et al. [48] study found that social and environmental sustainability drives the long-term profitability of firms in developing countries, which motivates companies to focus on social and environmental concerns. ...
... Kaufmann et al. [48] study found that social and environmental sustainability drives the long-term profitability of firms in developing countries, which motivates companies to focus on social and environmental concerns. Golini et al. [49] study found that SSCM practices have a considerable effect on the social "performance of manufacturing firms. Wang et al. [52] also found a link between SSCM practices and the social performance of Chinese firms and a significant relationship between social and economic" performance. ...
Full-text available
The study assessed the impact of Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) on the performance of manufacturing firms in Ghana. The study employed a mixed method approach. Three hundred and twenty manufacturing firms were used for the study. Closed and open-ended questionnaires were used. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to analyse the data on the impact of SSCM on the performance of manufacturing firms in Ghana. The statistics generated were organised in tables using IBM SPSS 26 and AMOS 25. The study revealed that the mean of the responses to the statements on environmental performance ranged from 4.422 to 4.574, which indicated that participants agreed that SSCM strongly impacted the environmental performance of 2 manufacturing firms in Ghana. The mean of the responses to the statements on economic performance ranged from 4.469 to 4.594, which indicated that participants agreed that SSCM had a strong impact on the economic performance of manufacturing firms in Ghana. The mean of the responses to the statements on social performance ranged from 4.495 to 4.587, which indicated that participants agreed that SSCM strongly impacted the social performance of manufacturing firms in Ghana.
... According to a study by world economic forum, reducing supply chain barriers could increase world GDP better over import tariffs. Further, the study shows that 50% reduction in supply chain barriers can increase world trade by 14.5% and world GDP by 4.7% and these gains are more evenly distributed across various countries and also it can generate more employment [17]. ...
... This can Figure 15. World trade-exports [17]. ...
... GVC framework provides a strategic overview of global supply chain and integration of different characteristics of complex supply networks into GVC would provide a holistic perspective of various methodologies-operational and strategic [17]. Development of robust supply chain management practices have strengthened GVCs thereby easing cross-border movement of goods. ...
Full-text available
The increase in World Trade has led to significant growth in world GDP over last 100 years particularly. Supply chains have become the major enablers of world trade and the world is connected through supply chains. Any disruptions in any part of the world has led to disruptions in supply chains and economic recessions. Crisis like Tsunamis, earthquakes, 911 terror attacks, epidemics/pandemics like COVID-19 etc. have affected the businesses worldwide. COVID-19 pandemic has precipitated economic crisis due to disruption of supply chains and suppressed demand for many products and services worldwide. International Monetary Fund (IMF) has projected global economic growth to be negative 4.9%. This economic crisis has resulted in substantial erosion of market capitalization across the globe. The impact of COVID-19 is very significant on both health of the people and economy worldwide. Almost all businesses and governments are trying its best to save people from health and economic crisis. This requires rebuilding of supply chains through appropriate configuration with reliable sources of supply, collaboration, manufacturing and distribution of goods and services. Sectors like essential items, pharmaceutical, e-commerce have started early recovery of economy. However, other sectors require suitable interventions from government, business organizations in their policies and practices and use of digital technologies for economic recovery.
... the term 'value chain' is widely used in research and practice to refer to interconnected value chains of firms, although porter originally referred to such a chain of values between firms as a value system (Feller et al., 2006). as the name implies, the Global value chain typically consists of a very complex, international network of suppliers with a high degree of functional integration of dispersed activities (Golini et al., 2016). a Gvc is also assumed to be a buyer-driven network, where the output specifications are provided by the buyer (Gereffi, 1994). ...
... in the literature, Global value chain (Gvc) and Global supply chain (Gsc) are often used interchangeably, but they differ in that the former provides an overview of value-added activities, while the latter provides an overview of the input-output flow of the entire supply network (Golini et al., 2016). as defined by lambert et al. (1998) the value chain consists of its primary members, those who directly contribute to the transformation of inputs into outputs by performing value-adding activities for a customer or market. ...
Full-text available
This research investigates the strategic responses adopted by Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the face of an adverse socio-economic environment. Focusing specifically on B2B firms, the study examines how the current crisis compels managers to mitigate the risk of buyer attrition. This analysis leads to the identification of four distinct adaptation strategies employed by these firms. Furthermore, the research delves into the concept of ‘upgrading’ challenging the prevailing notion that product development is the sole pathway for upgrading. The results suggest that effective upgrading can be initiated from various aspects of the firm’s operations. This novel perspective suggests that upgrading can be a viable strategy for firms seeking to escape from a captive supplier position, by improving either functionality or resilience. This is a new perspective that goes beyond what could be expected from the literature. The findings provide useful insights for policymakers and practitioners seeking to improve the performance of SMEs in the current dynamically shifting B2B landscape.
... We modified them whenever necessary to meet the research purpose of our study. Following prior research (Golini et al., 2016;Stolzenburg et al., 2019), we adopted four items and modified them specifically for the study to capture a firm's position in upgrading GVCs. Following prior work (Gawankar et al., 2016;Wagner and Bode, 2008), we used nine items to measure a firm's supply chain performance. ...
Purpose Despite the growing and widespread importance of exploring the primary factors facilitating global value chain (GVC) and supply chain management, this topic has received surprisingly little attention to date. Drawing upon the technology–organization–environment framework and the resource-based view, this study aims to fill these important gaps in the literature by theorizing and developing a comprehensive model to explain how a foreign subsidiary of multinational enterprises can improve the upgrading of the GVC and supply chain performance in a host market. Design/methodology/approach Using survey data collected from 266 foreign subsidiaries of multinational enterprises operating in the Chinese manufacturing sector, this study empirically examines the theoretical framework using a structural equation modeling approach. Findings The results demonstrated that the relative advantages of digital technology, supplier diversification and environmental uncertainty all contribute positively to the development of foreign subsidiaries’ supply chain management capabilities. Meanwhile, supply chain management capability plays a positive role in foreign subsidiaries facilitating GVC upgrading and enhancing supply chain performance. Research limitations/implications The findings of this study provide many important implications and useful insights to foreign subsidiaries operating in an emerging host market by concentrating on how to develop and maintain their competitive advantages in the process of GVC reshaping and supply chain restructuring. Originality/value This study provides a useful guide to help firms better understand how they may develop and enhance their competitive advantages in upgrading their GVCs and implementing supply chain restructuring. In addition, this research generates important policy implications considering the recent trend toward creating more effective and sustainable global supply value chains.
... Considering the strong association between upgrading and innovation, these findings further support how improvements in product and process upgrading impact organisational responses to disruptions. We also contributed to the notion of social upgrading (Golini et al. 2018;Golini et al., 2016) by revealing the link between social upgrading and resilience. We showed that social upgrading can facilitate suppliers' development of responses that involve collaboration with existing buyers during the crisis and the creation of collective, rather than individual, responses. ...
The pandemic has exposed firms in global value chains (GVCs) to unprecedented disruptions and risks. This has highlighted the importance of resilience as a mechanism for recovery and adaptation that can underpin the survival of GVC firms. As such, researchers and practitioners alike are keen to understand the implications of suppliers’ resilience for GVCs and how these suppliers can absorb the tough shocks (e.g., sheer disruptions in supply and demand) caused by global incidents. We examined this issue by analysing data collected from firms in the Pakistani apparel sector that are part of the apparel GVC. Overall, we identified three main types of suppliers: 1) socio-sustainable, 2) adaptive and 3) oblivious. These suppliers implemented different resilience strategies (bridging, buffering and floating, respectively) during two phases of resilience (robustness and response). Importantly, we found that the distinctiveness of resilience strategies across different types of suppliers was influenced mainly by the GVC governance mode and suppliers’ upgrading practices before the crisis. We offered a detailed discussion of the implications of these findings for theory and practice.
A significant technological advancement in recent years is the emergence of blockchain technology. The implementation of blockchain technology in supply chains has had drastic impacts on economic, social, and environmental outcomes. In this conceptual paper, we aim to provide a reflective perspective on the current literature to understand the role of blockchain technology adoption on economic and social upgrading in global value chains. This work focuses on the trade-offs between economic and social upgrading for suppliers in developing economies and on the conditions under which this trade-off can be minimized. We argue that blockchain technology adoption can lead to process upgrading and social upgrading for suppliers in developing economies. However, the adoption of blockchain technology is likely to increase lead firms’ power and will moderate the outcomes from process and social upgrading.
As the most disruptive information technology at present, blockchain technology has considerable application potential in supply chain risk management. On the basis of technology–task fit theory, this study aims to theorize and examine blockchain technology and supply chain risk management by proposing a set of research hypotheses. To achieve this, blockchain technology is classified into two main characteristics, namely, traceability and security, and categorized supply chain risks into supply, demand, and process risks. This study also empirically validates the conceptual framework and proposes hypotheses using structural equation modeling, with 355 Chinese manufacturing firms as the research sample. Empirical findings demonstrate that all the three types of risk and the two main characteristics of blockchain (i.e., blockchain traceability and security) positively contribute to the supply chain risk–blockchain technology fit. Results also suggest that the supply chain risk–blockchain technology fit positively affects new product development (NPD) performance. In addition, the relationship between supply chain risk–blockchain technology fit and NPD performance is positively moderated by global value chain upgrading.
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Purpose Procuring relief products and services is a challenging process for humanitarian organizations (HOs), yet it accounts for approximately 65% of relief operations’ costs (Moshtari et al. , 2021). This paper aims to examine how procurement internal controls, materials and purchasing procedure standardization influence information integration and procurement performance. Design/methodology/approach In this study, partial least square structural equation models and multigroup analysis were used to analyze data collected from 170 HOs. Findings Procurement internal controls and material and purchasing procedure standardization fully mediate between information integration and procurement performance. Research limitations/implications The study focuses only on HOs. Since humanitarian procurement projects take place over a period of several years, it is difficult to capture the long-term effects of information integration, procurement internal controls, material and purchasing procedure standardization and procurement performance. In this regard, a longitudinal study could be undertaken, provided that the required resources are available. Practical implications Procurement managers should implement information integration practices within acceptable procurement internal controls and standardize material and purchasing procedures to boost procurement performance. Originality/value By integrating information through procurement internal controls and standardizing material and purchasing procedures, procurement performance in a humanitarian setting can be systematically optimized.
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Global value chains (GVCs) and their governance structures (how GVCs are controlled and organized) are widely recognised as fundamental to the world economy. With decades of trade liberalization, the global dimensions of manufacturing industries have become well established and widely analysed. More recently, as digital technologies have proliferated across industries, value chains involving knowledge-intensive business services such as architecture and engineering have become similarly managed across dispersed locations and ownership structures. The digitalization that has supported this global dispersal is associated with profound changes in how firms share knowledge, innovate and distribute value. The socio-economic importance of changes to the global structure and governance of value chains dramatically came to the fore following abrupt disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic. These events emphasise the importance of some emergent branches of GVC research. Scholars have engaged strongly with GVC governance constructs discussed by Gereffi et al. (2005), which include five stylised types – hierarchy, captive, relational, modular and market – that range from high to low levels of power asymmetry and explicit coordination between lead firms and suppliers. Yet industry-level perspectives dominate the literature, with significantly less research examining GVC governance from the perspective of lead firms and their role in determining governance structures. International business (IB) literature provides important related research, linking the strategic motivations of multinational enterprises with their international investment decisions. However, across both GVC and IB fields, current empirical and theoretical research does not adequately explain the process of transition between governance structures; nor the potentially related factors that may give rise to heterogeneity of governance types within an industry. The aim of the dissertation is to bridge this gap by developing a stronger empirical and theoretical understanding of how and why GVC governance transitions occur, focusing on dynamics in governance associated with digitalization in construction GVCs. The outcome of this research is a strengthening of the intersection between GVC and IB theory to better explain the phenomenon of GVC governance transitions. The changes to GVC governance associated with digitalization in construction GVCs provides a rich empirical research setting, in which to develop and then test such theory. To address this aim, the dissertation draws on literature relating to GVC governance, IB and economic geography alongside architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry literature related to the empirical research. Following a detailed literature review, the research applies a sequential mixed methods approach across three analysis chapters that consider (1) the GVC-embedded lead firm as network orchestrator; (2) the GVC-embedded lead firm as network-dependent; and (3) integrated theories of network control. First, a grounded theory approach explores the role of a co-lead firm in shaping a governance transition. Second, structural equation modelling of 1274 construction projects quantifies co-lead firm dependence on external factors for successfully shaping such a governance transition and additionally considers the associated relationship with firm performance. Third, insights from comparative case studies provide a rich process perspective on the relationships suggested in the quantitative analysis, leading to an integrative model of GVC governance transition. By revealing the nuances of how network-dependence (i.e. reliance on other GVC actors) can constrain network-orchestration (in this case determining a GVC governance transition), the research develops a novel contribution into how theories of network control may be better integrated across disciplinary perspectives. This contribution augments aspects of both IB and GVC governance theories through an integrative model of GVC governance transition that captures co-evolving interdependencies between firms, networks, and locations. The research also supplies pragmatic insights relevant for managers in multinational enterprises, particularly where value chains involve knowledge-intensive business services, such as in the AEC sector. These insights offer a contribution to managers’ understanding of (1) the constraints to successful digitalization across firm and industry value chains, and (2) the relationships between digitalization, value chain governance and firm performance. A discussion piece in the final chapter considers the implications of the findings in the context of dramatic changes to global trade observed during the Covid-19 global pandemic. The findings extend existing theory by illustrating that while differences in the “codifiability of information”, the “complexity of transactions”, and the “coordination capabilities of suppliers” remain central to understanding the heterogeneity of GVC governance typologies across industries, they do not adequately explain the process of transition between governance structures; nor the factors that can give rise to within-industry governance heterogeneity. Such factors include the orchestration capabilities of lead firms, the dynamic capabilities of suppliers and performance advantage expectations. When these factors are only partially present, GVC governance transitions may occur over a longer duration, through incrementally progressive co-evolutionary cycles of experiential learning.
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Many companies' operations strategies resemble roadmaps: they are very detailed, yet poorly communicated across the organization and inflexible in reacting to environmental changes. In contrast, an operations strategy which is clearly outlined, widely understood and allows flexibility to adapt to changes in the environment more closely resembles a compass. For a strategy to be effective it must not only be appropriate (i.e., be well‐fitted to its competitive environment) but it also must be communicated and widely understood throughout the organization. This research examines the theoretical arguments regarding why such strategic consensus is important and presents an exploratory analysis of data from seven manufacturing plants. One of the weaknesses of the extant literature on operations strategy is that the majority of studies rely on responses provided by a single informant per company. This study employs a combination of survey and case study methods to gather data from seven manufacturing plants within the metalworking industry. The results of the study suggest that there are strategic areas where there is substantial disagreement between levels of the firm. Across the sample, operators tended to rate investments in technology disproportionately higher than managers. In addition to this systematic variation, individual case studies revealed that operators and managers in some firms exhibited significant inconsistencies in their manufacturing priorities, indicating a lack of strategic consensus. Furthermore, the methodology employed in this study illustrates one approach to obtaining more holistic, multiple respondent research on operations strategy.
Over the past decade, transaction cost theory (TCT) has received considerable attention from researchers in various disciplines of business. Unfortunately, the rich theoretical base of TCT has seen limited application in the operations and supply chain management research. This article seeks to change that by providing a cogent synthesis of TCT, its assumptions, constructs, and propositions. It also summarizes existing empirical work in management and other disciplines that draws from the TCT perspective and examines relationships in manufacturing organizations. A measurement model of transaction costs is subsequently presented using data from 203 manufacturing firms in the OEM electronics industry. Guidelines and recommendations for researchers are then presented regarding both the uses of the theory and its measurement. It is hoped that this study will stimulate work in the important areas of inter‐firm relationships that draw from this rich but underutilized theoretical lens, and thereby add another perspective to the knowledge base in related areas of the operations and supply chain management fields.
This paper addresses the relationship between environmental uncertainty and operational flexibility through research that utilized a mail survey of North American manufacturers, and structured field interviews of users of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT). Results from these efforts include: (1) no relationship was found between the measures of environmental uncertainty and operational flexibility, (2) no relationship was found between a firm's performance and its effort to align the level of operational flexibility with its external environment, and (3) the sample of AMT users reported more certain external environments than the random survey sample of manufacturers. The qualitative data gathered during the structured interviews is used to help explain these results, which redefine the boundaries of existing theory on these relationships and provide direction for future research.
Academics and practitioners agree that excellence in supply management results in better quality, customer service, and channel performance. Yet, most of these studies are either conceptual in nature or actual case studies. The primary objective of this research is to test the impact of a supply management orientation (SMO) on the suppliers' operational performance and buyers' competitive priorities (cost, quality, delivery, flexibility). Three major research hypotheses associated with SMO, Supplier Performance (SP), and Buyer Performance (BP) are tested using a confirmatory structural equation modeling approach. The results of this research support the conclusion that an improvement (increase) in the SMO improves both the suppliers' and buyers' performance (i.e., a win–win situation for the supply chain). In addition, the influence of SMO on delivery‐ and quality‐related performance is more statistically significant than on cost or flexibility performance. In fact, when volume and process flexibility are top competitive priorities, a supply chain management orientation may not be an effective way to achieve the desired flexibility. The article ends by discussing other conclusions and suggests directions for future research.
Though there is a wide acceptance of the strategic importance of integrating operations with suppliers and customers in supply chains, many questions remain unanswered about how best to characterize supply chain strategies. Is it more important to link with suppliers, customers, or both? Similarly, we know little about the connections between supplier and customer integration and improved operations performance. This paper investigated supplier and customer integration strategies in a global sample of 322 manufacturers. Scales were developed for measuring supply chain integration and five different strategies were identified in the sample. Each of these strategies is characterized by a different “arc of integration”, representing the direction (towards suppliers and/or customers) and degree of integration activity. There was consistent evidence that the widest degree of arc of integration with both suppliers and customers had the strongest association with performance improvement. The implications for our findings on future research and practice in the new millennium are considered.
Case and field research studies continue to be rarely published in operations management journals, in spite of increased interest in reporting such types of studies and results. This paper documents the advantages and rigor of case/field research and argues that these methods are preferred to the more traditional rationalist methods of optimization, simulation, and statistical modeling for building new operations management theories. In the process of describing the constructs of inference and generalizability with reference to case research, we find the existing definitions inadequate and thus extend and refine them to better discriminate between alternate research methodologies. We also elaborate on methods for increasing the generalizability of both rationalist and case/field research studies. A major conclusion is that these alternate research methods are not mutually exclusive and, if combined, can offer greater potential for enhancing new theories than either method alone.
This paper profiles the literature on international operations management (IOM) from 28 leading operations management, international business, and management journals over the years 1986–1997. Trends in the frequency of IOM articles published and in topical coverage are identified based on research appearing in the journal set reviewed. A framework is developed and presented for classifying the IOM research literature by topical area and scope. Based on the articles reviewed, IOM research is found to focus most on industrialized countries and regions. There is need for empirical studies that span a wider range of countries in order to glean broader insights and to develop generalized theories of international operations management. A number of issues are identified for possible future research. The IOM literature from the journal set is reviewed and the comprehensive set of bibliographic references included provides both academicians and practitioners with a useful source of information to draw from. As identified, much of the work in international operations management seems motivated by a desire to provide firms with an economic benefit. While this is undoubtedly worthwhile, the objective of IOM research could be broadened to encompass social and economic goals of non‐profit organizations as well as international agencies such as the United Nations.
- This paper describes the process of inducting theory using case studies from specifying the research questions to reaching closure. Some features of the process, such as problem definition and construct validation, are similar to hypothesis-testing research. Others, such as within-case analysis and replication logic, are unique to the inductive, case-oriented process. Overall, the process described here is highly iterative and tightly linked to data. This research approach is especially appropriate in new topic areas. The resultant theory is often novel, testable, and empirically valid. Finally, framebreaking insights, the tests of good theory (e.g., parsimony, logical coherence), and convincing grounding in the evidence are the key criteria for evaluating this type of research.