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Spatial-Based Sustainability Assessment of Urban Neighbourhoods: A Case Study of Johor Bahru City Council, Malaysia


Abstract and Figures

Rapid population growth has caused expansion of many major cities. Cities begin to expand into new areas as the demand for housing increases, thus, contributing to demand for a variety of natural and man-made resources for urban communities. However, it is our responsibility to sustain these resources so that their usage can be prolonged to the next generation. With sustainability as a goal, the use of indicators for urban monitoring and regulation is becoming more in demand. There are many non-spatial indicators in the form of words and statistics developed by local authorities for assessing urban development sustainability. This chapter proposes the use of spatial indicators for the same purpose. The indicators are derived from the Malaysian Urban Indicators Network (MurniNet) and are then developed using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) comprising spatial elements of points, lines, and polygons. The AHP is used to determine the ranking of sustainability of urban areas. This study selects Johor Bahru City Council (JBCC) administrative area as a case. The result shows that spatial indicators can contribute to a better visualisation of sustainability via the production of sustainability map.
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Spatial-Based Sustainability Assessment of
Urban Neighbourhoods: A Case Study of Johor
Bahru City Council, Malaysia
Azman Ariffin, Haziq Kamal Mukhelas, Abd. Hamid Mar Iman, Ghazali Desa, Izran
Sarrazin Mohammad
Abstract Rapid population growth has caused expansion of many major cities. Cities
begin to expand into new areas as the demand for housing increases, thus, contributing to
demand for a variety of natural and man-made resources for urban communities. However,
it is our responsibility to sustain these resources so that their usage can be prolonged to the
next generation. With sustainability as a goal, the use of indicators for urban monitoring
and regulation is becoming more in demand. There are many non-spatial indicators in the
form of words and statistics developed by local authorities for assessing urban development
sustainability. This paper proposes the use of spatial indicators for the same purpose. The
indicators are derived from the Malaysian Urban Indicators Network (MurniNet) and are
then developed using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) comprising spatial elements of
points, lines, and polygons. The AHP is used to determine the ranking of sustainability of
urban areas. This study selects Johor Bahru City Council (JBCC) administrative area as a
case. The result shows that spatial indicators can contribute to a better visualisation of
sustainability via the production of sustainability map.
Azman Ariffin
TropicalMap Research Group, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia, Malaysia, e-mail:
Haziq Kamal Mukhelas
Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia, Malaysia, e-mail:
Abdul Hamid Mar Iman
Environmental Sustainability & Conservation Cluster, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Universiti
Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli, Malaysia, e-mail:
Ghazali Desa
Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia, Malaysia, e-mail:
Izran Sarrazin Mohammad
Centre for Real Estate Studies, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, e-mail:
1 Introduction
Urban development can be defined as the expansion of urban areas into natural and rural
areas such as deserts, swamps, and forests (Black et al., 2002). As population grows,
socioeconomic needs arise. In particular, population growth in major cities requires city
boundary’s expansion while developers look into the neighbouring areas to build more
housing, recreational, and other facilities. Consequently, demand for a variety of natural
and man-made resources for urban communities increases.
The process of urban expansion requires that planners work closely with other parties to
ensure environmental protection. In this context, sustainable development seeks to establish
a balance between human needs and environmental preservation. Therefore, urban planners
need to consider maintaining sustainable development while expanding and renovating
urban areas. Especially important, much care needs to be taken to integrate the wilderness
with the developing city when an urban area expands into wildlife regions (Litman et al.,
2007). Besides, sustainable urban development should function to curtail city pollution, to
increase the availability of recycling facilities, and to encourage efficient use of alternative
sources of energy.
Urban sustainability needs to be considered from ecological viewpoint and, thus, it needs to
adopt the concepts of footprint, emissions, and energy (Broekhof and van Marwijk, 2012).
Further, to achieve a sustainable city, there are several elements to be considered (Figure 1).
Figure 1 shows that urban sustainability should be considered from environmental,
economic, and social dimensions. Since they are very complex and have different degrees
of importance, an approach is needed to rank them accordingly before they can be used as
indicators for urban development sustainability assessment (Figure 1).
Fig. 1. The classic dimensions of sustainable development (source: Tanguay et al. 2010)
In 2004, the Malaysian government has taken an initiative, based on the Eight Malaysia
Plan, to develop a set of indicators that can be used to measure sustainable urban
development, called Malaysian Urban Indicators Network (MurniNet) (Marzukhi et al.,
2011). However, these indicators, extracted from several planning sectors, are non-spatial
indicators although they can be used for evaluating urban development. We propose the use
of spatial indicators for the same purpose. Spatial indicators with sufficient spatial
information and geographic visualisation can be useful for local sustainable planning,
supporting decision-making in the planning process, and helping policy makers to identify
‘unsustainable’ actions in the planning areas (Broekhof and van Marwijk, 2012). As a
result, areas of urban development can be mapped as sustainable, semi-sustainable, or non-
Geographic visualization plays an important role in any spatial rating to ensure reliable and
consistent outcome. Rating using non-spatial indicators usually results in statistics that can
only be viewed as words and numbers; its usefulness in the spatial context is quite limited.
On the other hand, spatial indicators can be a more meaningful way of generating spatial
information thus assisting users on decision making and enhancing policy by perfect
viewing of sustainable urban development with multi-layered information included at one
time. Broekhof and van Marwijk (2012) have argued that maps can give valuable
information to develop sustainable policies at the local scale.
This study attempts to improve the approach to assessing sustainable urban development
adopted by MurniNet. In particular, this study attempts to demonstrate how spatial
information can be generated to assess urban development sustainability. In all, this study
proposes the incorporation of spatial indicators to help the local authority and policy
makers to assess urban development sustainability in a more visualized manner.
2. Assessment of Sustainable Urban Development
The literature on through-time urban sustainability assessment techniques conducted using
built-environment quality evaluation framework (BEQUEST) reveals several methods
available for sustainability assessment of urban activities (Deakin et al, 2002; Ugwu and
Haupt, 2005). Three of them are Environmental in General (EIG), Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA), and Sustainability Indicator Assessment (SIA) methods. Out of these three, the SIA
method is most widely used by local authorities around the world. This is because the SIA
method seeks to achieve integration of all issues of sustainability compared to the other two
which focus solely on environment and socioeconomic aspects, respectively. In general,
SIA method employs a wide range of indicators to characterize the different dimensions or
aspects of urban development. Therefore, the assessment of sustainability is actually
considered as an assessment of indicators by which people can track their progress towards
2.1 The Study Area
The study area, Johor Bahru City Council (JBCC), covers an administrative region of 220
km2 with a total population of 552,026 people. JBCC is divided into 16 planning blocks
according to the Johor Bahru Local Plan for 2020 as shown in Figure 2. These are Daerah
Sentral, Tasek Utara/Teluk Danga, Pelangi, Pasir Pelangi, Tampoi, Larkin, Majidee, Teluk
Tebrau, Permas Jaya, Rinting, Kempas, Kangkar Tebrau, Pandan/Taman Molek, Bandar
Dato’ Onn/Setia Tropika, Mount Austin/Taman Daya and Tebrau.
Fig. 2. 16 Zones in MBJB
2.2 Sustainability Indicator Assessment (SIA) Method
An indicator is a measurement to be met, an effect obtained via a gauge of quality or a
context variable (European Commission, 2008). An indicator produces measured
information with a purpose to help researchers concerned with public interventions to
communicate, negotiate, or make decisions. In the process of urban sustainability
assessment, there is a need for measureable indicators and several approaches of assessment
based on these indicators have been developed (Shen et al., 2011).
However, assembling information for all-embracing indicators is not what urban
sustainability assessment is all about. Rather, a selective analysis of indicators which are
more fundamental in essence and more likely to produce the most accurate information
about the status of practice should be focused (Shen et al., 2011). The United Nations
Statistical Institute for Asia and Pacific (2007) stated that an indicator must be SMART (i.e.
Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-related). This can help in effective
data management and avoiding data exaggeration of irrelevant selected indicators and, thus,
contribute to cost-effective assessment of urban development sustainability.
Sustainability indicators are essential in the overall assessment of progress towards
sustainable development. They are useful for measuring and monitoring the state of the
environment by considering a manageable number of variables or characteristics (McLaren
and Simonovic 1999). Several studies at the urban, regional, and national levels have
compiled extensive lists of sustainability indicators (Foxon et al. 2002; Hellström et al.
2000; Alberti 1996; Maclaren 1996). Based on these indicators, a number of assessment
methods have been developed which attempt to simplify the holistic assessment of urban
sustainability. These methods rely on key interactions and feedback mechanisms between
infrastructure and the surrounding environmental, economic, and social systems and use
sustainability criteria and indicators to understand and quantify the resulting interacting
effects. From a methodological standpoint, SIA method is recognised as a useful integrative
approach to evaluating a multi-dimensional situation and assessment outcome.
2.3 Sustainable Urban Development Indicators
In Malaysia, the Department of Town and Country Planning, Ministry of Housing and
Local Government Malaysia has developed a system for assessing the sustainability of a
city and region called MurniNet. The goal of this system is to assess the sustainability of
Malaysian cities according to Malaysian Urban Indicators. There are eight dimensions with
21 themes that are further subdivided into 36 urban indicators and are used as overall
sustainability indicators of a city. These indicators can be re-grouped into three categories,
namely non-spatial, spatial, and mixed indicators.
3 Determination of Spatial Indicators
The selection of spatial indicators is based on several criteria including their reliability and
effectiveness in providing sufficient information. These criteria must include three pillars of
sustainability, namely economy, environment, and social (see Fig. 1). As mentioned earlier,
the indicators must be “SMART”. However, in this study, these indicators are filtered by
selecting only those that contain spatial elements and mapable data.
There were nine spatial indicators selected to be used in this study. The first three indicators
are selected from the economic sustainability dimension. The first indicator represents
public transportation terminals and stations. The second indicator represents attraction areas
and recreational centres and the last indicator from this dimension represents grade ‘A’
business. All the indicators are represented as points.
Environmental sustainability is the next dimension in assessing urban development
sustainability and it is made up of three indicators. All of these indicators are represented in
polygons where the first indicator represents flood prone areas. The second indicator
represents provision of public open spaces and the last indicator represents residential areas
getting centralized sewerage services.
The last dimension is social sustainability whose first indicator is accessibility to
community facilities represented in points and polygons. The next indicator is happiness
index that indicates population’s satisfaction about their daily life and surroundings. The
last indicator is related to demography, in particular, the total population of each zone.
3.1 The Scoring System
The urban sustainability assessment scoring system is extracted the MurniNet system itself.
The system uses various weightage scores for each dimension and theme according to the
predetermined specification. The spatial indicators scoring system shown in Table 1 is
adopted in this study to determine the sustainability of the JBCC’s planning blocks.
Table 1. Spatial indicators formula
3.2 Analytical Hierarchy Process for Sustainability Assessment
Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM)
technique. Underlying MCDM principle is that a decision has to be made by means of
analyzing a set of criteria. Saaty (1980) has developed AHP which models a hierarchical
decision problem framework consisting of multi-level criteria having unidirectional
relationships. AHP works with such a hierarchy that can combine both subjective
(intangible) and objective (tangible) criteria.
After finalizing the selected spatial indicators, the hierarchical decision model is then
developed. The decision model of this study is broken up into three major levels, namely
goal, objective, and design criteria. Goal is the topmost level which describes the decision
problem. This study attempts to work out the most sustainable urban development and
therefore, the topmost level is to ‘‘select the most sustainable area’’. The objectives of
sustainability assessment comprise three aspects: economic, environmental, and social. In
order to identify the priorities of three sustainable development objectives in the second
level, and the relative importance of different design criteria in the third level, a series of
pairwise comparisons have to be performed. The elements in both levels are then weighted.
By using pairwise comparisons, the relative importance of one criterion over another can be
expressed by ranking them using AHP’s nine-point scale of importance as shown in Tables
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
Table 2. Scale of importance
AHP Scale of Importance for pairwise
Extreme Importance
Very strong to extremely
Very strong Importance
Strongly to very strong
Strong Importance
Moderately to Strong
Moderate Importance
Equally to Moderately
Equal Importance
Table 3. Pairwise comparison
The fractions are converted into decimals to acquire pairwise matrix. A short computational
way to obtain the ranking is to raise the pairwise matrix to powers that are successively
squared each time. The row sums are then calculated and normalized.
Table 4. . Pairwise matrix
[AB]i,j = Ai,1B1,j + Ai,2B2,j + . . . + Ai,nBn,j =
rri BA ,
Table 5. The first Eigenvector
Table 6. Pairwise Comparison of objectives level
Table 7. Eigenvector of the objectives level
Economic Sustainability(EcS)
Environmental Sustainability(EnS)
Social Sustainability(ScS)
From the computed eigenvector, the relative criteria are ranked as follows:
The most important criterion
The second most important criterion
The least important criterion
The steps were then implemented for the next level which is design criteria level where it
includes all the spatial indicators from environment, economic and social dimensions.
Then, the criteria are ranked in a descending order from most important to least important.
Economic sustainability indicators are represented by the numbers of integrated terminals
and stations for public transportations (TS), numbers of attraction areas and recreational
centres (TR) and percentage of grade ‘A’ business premises (GA).
Table 8. Pairwise comparison of economic sustainability
Table 9. Iterated eigenvector solution
Eigen Vector
The second most important criterion
The most important criterion
The least important criterion
Environmental sustainability indicators are represented by the percentage of population
living in areas prone to flooding (FA), provision of public open space ratio compared to
1000 population (OS) and percentage of centralized sewerage (CS).
Table 10. Pairwise comparison of environmental sustainability
Table 11. Iterated eigenvector solution
Eigen Vector
The most important criterion
The second most important criterion
The least important criterion
Social sustainability indicators are represented by the percentage of residential areas within
400 meters from community facilities (AF), happiness index (HI), and demography (DM).
Table 12. Pairwise comparison of social sustainability
Table 13. Iterated eigenvector solution
The most important criterion
The least important criterion
The second most important criterion
Eigen Vector
Fig. 5. Finalised AHP decision model
The finalised AHP decision model is as shown in Figure 5.
3.3 Sustainability Map
Sustainability maps are produced for each indicator based on the formula prescribed in
MurniNet. These maps represent the sustainability of each planning block according to
spatial indicators. There are three sustainability scores: 1 = ‘not-sustainable’; 2 = ‘semi-
sustainable’; and 3 = ‘sustainable’. The production of the maps is important to assist users
in interpreting the information correctly. The maps are used in the analysis while graphs
and tables created are shown alongside the attributes. With the use of ArcToolbox in
ArcGIS 10.0, proximity analysis is performed for the measurement of various data.
4 Results and Discussion
This section discusses the results from the data analysis. The purpose is to spatially
visualize the assessed sustainability of each JBCC’s planning block. Besides spatial
indicators, the usage of non-spatial indicators is also shown in this section.
4.1 Sustainability based on Economic Indicators
Fig. 6. Attraction and recreational centres (Map 1) and Terminals and stations for public
transportations sustainability (Map 2)
Map 1 shows that out of 16 planning blocks only four are classified as sustainable
according to MurniNet standard. These are Teluk Danga, Daerah Sentral, Pelangi and
Larkin. Two planning blocks Tampoi and Pasir Pelangi have the score of ‘2’ which
means semi-sustainable while the rest of the planning blocks are considered not sustainable.
Map 2 shows that only Daerah Sentral is considered sustainable. Larkin and Permas Jaya
are categorized as semi-sustainable. Overall, the results show that the southern region of the
study area is economically sustainable.
4.2 Sustainability based on Environmental Indicators
Fig. 7. Population living in areas prone to flooding sustainability (Map 3) and Provision of
public open space ratio compared to 1000 population sustainability (Map 4)
Figure 7 shows that all the planning blocks are sustainable. Map 3 shows that the highest
percentage of flood-prone area Kangkar Tebrau is only five percent, followed by Teluk
Danga (0.28 %) and Teluk Tebrau (0.07%). Map 4 shows the planning blocks that achieve
sustainability on the public open space ratio, namely Tebrau, Bandar Dato’ Onn/Setia
Map 1
Map 2
Map 3
Map 4
Tropika, Mount Austin/Taman Daya, Pandan/Taman Molek, Tampoi and Tasek
Utara/Teluk Danga. Each of them has more than 1.5 hectares of public open space. Rinting,
Pasir Pelangi, Permas Jaya and Kempas are categorized as semi-sustainable planning
blocks while the rest of the planning blocks are not sustainable. Six areas are classified as
environmentally sustainable by achieving the highest score on both indicators. These are
Bandar Dato’ Onn/Setia Tropika, Mount Austin/Taman Daya, Pandan/Taman Molek,
Tampoi and Tasek Utara/Teluk Danga.
4.3 Sustainability based on Social Indicators
Fig. 8. Population in MBJB, Accessibility from residential areas to community facilities,
and Happiness index sustainability map
In Figure 8, Map 5 shows the population of JBCC with a total of 555,026 people. The most
populated area with a total of 70,141 people is Tebrau followed by Bandar Dato’ Onn and
Setia Tropika with a total of 60,279 people. Pasir Pelangi is the least populated area with
only 7,852 people. The map also shows that Tebrau is the largest area with a total size
27.24 km2.
Map 5
Map 6
Map 7
The accessibility from residential areas to community facilities is determined by proximity
analysis. Map 6 shows that Majidee is the only sustainable planning block with 81%
accessibility. Kempas, Tampoi, Larkin, Daerah Sentral, Pelangi, and Mount Austin/Taman
Daya are categorized as semi-sustainable planning blocks with 50%-80% accessibility to
community facilities. Other planning blocks are classified as not sustainable. Map 7 shows
that the majority of respondents are satisfied with their daily life and the surroundings.
Respondents in Teluk Tebrau, Mount Austin/Taman Daya, and Tebrau feel that they are
partially satisfied with the surroundings. Both maps show that the most socially sustainable
area is Majidee which achieves the highest score for both indicators. Kempas, Tampoi,
Larkin, Pelangi, and Daerah Sentral are classified as semi-sustainable with the highest and
second highest scores for both indicators.
4.4 Sustainability Map Using AHP
The eigenvector is calculated to decide on the importance ranking of sustainability
indicators as explained earlier. Each planning block has its own score of sustainability from
each indicator through the index prescribed in the MurniNet. Importance ranking is then
used to assess the sustainability of urban development of the planning blocks within the
JBCC. Based on the indicators’ eigenvalues, economic sustainability is the most important
dimension to determine sustainability of an area followed by environmental sustainability
and social sustainability (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9. Finalised AHP decision model
Figures 10 and 11 show that Daerah Sentral, Tasek Utara/Teluk Danga, Pelangi and Rinting
have the highest score on the most important indicators. For the second most important
indicator, all planning blocks achieved the highest score. Majidee is the only area that has
the highest score for the third highest ranked indicator. For the fourth indicator, all planning
blocks obtained the highest score while for the next highest ranked indicator shows that
Tasek Utara/Teluk Danga, Tampoi, Pandan/Taman Molek, Bandar Dato’ Onn/Setia
Tropika, Mount Austin/Taman Daya and Tebrau are sustainable planning blocks. The
indicator of integrated terminals and stations for public transportation is ranked sixth with
Daerah Sentral having the highest sustainability score. The next indicator is the premises
that are awarded grade ‘A’ status. This indicator shows that only Daerah Sentral is
sustainable compared to other planning blocks. It also indicates that business premises in
JBCC, especially the restaurants, do not achieve the standards specified by the Department
of Health JBCC. Figure 10 also shows that all the planning blocks are sustainable on the
basis of existence of centralized sewerage services. This indicator shows that 82.05% of the
residential areas in JBCC are enjoying sufficient level of centralized sewerage services. The
last ranked indicator is the happiness index whereby all planning blocks, except for
Kangkar Tebrau, are categorized as sustainable. [Happiness index stipulates that majority of
the respondents must be satisfied with their daily life and surroundings.] Kangkar Tebrau,
in particular, is found to be not sustainable.
Fig. 10. Graph of overall sustainability score
Fig. 11. Sustainable urban development map
5 Conclusion
Sustainability is a broad concept that encompasses many aspects of the social, economic
and environment. The study demonstrates how suitable indicators can be used for the
assessment of sustainable urban development. Proper selections of SMART indicators are
very important. The use of spatial indicators, with sufficient spatial content provided, can
contribute to a better implementation of assessment of areal sustainability. It can also give
more understanding and interpretation of spatial information by producing to-be-seen map.
From the overall assessment, we can see that the majority of planning blocks located near
city centres such as Daerah Sentral, Pelangi, Teluk Danga, Larkin, Majidee and Tampoi are
sustainable because these planning blocks are areas of people’s attraction. This study also
shows how placement of business premises, recreational areas, community facilities and
roads are important to maintain urban sustainability.
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful and acknowledged those who have assisted
and contributed so extensively to this paper. Especially, we would like to thank the Johor
Bahru City Council (MBJB) who has provided us with the data and information to ensure
the successful completion of the manuscript.
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... On the one hand, based on the element composition of the city image theory and the spatial form of the constituent elements, it is further subdivided into three types of image elements: path (edge), district, and node (landmark). On the other hand, starting from the scope of action of 11 spatial indicators, according to the organizational form of the elements in the spatial analysis results of each indicator, it is summarized based on the planar, linear, and point features [62]. ...
... indicators, according to the organizational form of the elements in the spatial analysis results of each indicator, it is summarized based on the planar, linear, and point features [62]. ...
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The community is the basic spatial unit for urban residents to live and rest. It is a crucial direction of city image research to explore people’s cognitive characteristics of community space image. Aiming at the lack of cognitive quantification of community spatial images, a new method that can quantify community spatial data into cognitive results is proposed. By employing spatial analysis tools, eleven spatial indicators from the perspective of community spatial form and spatial services are selected, and an image structure is constructed based on the characteristics of the indicator results. The results of multiple indicators are organized through the improved technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) and overlay analysis method to produce a spatial image map of the community. The study displays that the spatial image characteristics of the community scale can be comprehensively expressed through three types of elements: district, path (edge), and node (landmark). These three types of elements constitute the image structure at the community scale and present apparent elements’ characteristics. This scrutiny is also aimed to demonstrate the construction and use process of the methodology and to provide new ideas for the cognitive research of urban spatial image at the community scale.
... According to [48,49,50], they had stated that the importance of using the spatial-based sustainability assessment in assessing sustainability indicators of urban development includes the development of URD within the urban area. This is due to enhance the model accuracy. ...
... However, there is still lacking fundamental exploration in Malaysia. In fact, the use of spatial-based economic sustainability indicators for sustainability assessment of urban development includes the URDs development within the urban area is still infancy [49]. Whereas, previous studies on the spatialbased economic indicators for sustainability assessment of the URDs within the other countries over the world includes Asian countries have shown that it had already consider in the economic sustainability assessment practice of the URDs [48,50]. ...
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Sustainable development means the capacity to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In Malaysia, the effort to implement sustainable development was highlighted in the Eight Malaysian Plan in 2001 to 2005. In year 2004, a set of indicators that can measure the sustainability of development which is known as Malaysian Urban Indicators Network (Murni Net) System was formed. It is an attempt for the government to ensure fulfilling their national aspiration in realizing the concept of sustainable development in this country. This system provides 55 indicators in measuring the sustainability of urban areas which administered by Local Authority. Since the implementation, it is said to improve the sustainability of many cities based on scores achievement. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are to identify number of indicators use by selected local authorities in Malaysia and also to determine the scores achievement by the cities to be awarded as sustainable cities in Malaysia. Expert interviews were conducted to town planners in 7 Local Authorities. It shows that it was a non-optimal use of indicators by Local Authorities as only 10 main indicators are used out of 55 indicators. There is also no uniformity on the use of indicators but somehow the sustainable cities still can be awarded.
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This paper provides guidance on the selection of indicators for comprehensive and sustainable transportation planning. It discusses the concept of sustainability and the role of indicators in planning, describes factors to consider when selecting indicators, identifies potential problems with conventional indicators, describes examples of indicators and indicator sets, and provides recommendations for selecting indicators for use in a particular situation.
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This paper identifies key performance indicators (KPI) for infrastructure delivery and maps computational methods required to achieve sustainability objectives in developing countries. It builds on previous research that developed taxonomy of infrastructure sustainability indicators and computational methods, to propose an analytical decision model and a structured methodology for sustainability appraisal in infrastructure projects in a developing country like South Africa. The paper uses the ‘weighted sum model’ technique in multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and the ‘additive utility model’ in analytical hierarchical process (AHP) for multi-criteria decision-making, to develop the model for computing the sustainability index—a crisp value for evaluating infrastructure design proposals. It discusses the development of the KPIs that are encapsulated within the analytical model. It concludes by discussing other potential applications of the proposed model and methodology for process automation as part of integrated sustainability appraisal in infrastructure design and construction in developing countries.
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Urban population has been increasing and it is estimated to reach 70% of the total population in the world by 2050. Governments are facing greater challenges every time in providing inhabitants with a good quality of life in their cities. Many cities around the world have developed sustainable urban development plans for leading their urbanization process towards a desired status of urban sustainability. Urban sustainability indicators have been selected as main elements for communicating the status of the practice, which help to determine how successful strategies and policies enforced have been in the attainment of sustainability goals. Different practices use different indicators according to their particular needs, and these have been selected under different methods. However, whilst there are cases where urban sustainability indicators are effectively in use, the experiences gained from each practice have not been shared and used for the development of new urban development plans and for improving the decision-making process in the selection of indicators. This paper examines 9 different practices and proposes a comparative basis, namely, International Urban Sustainability Indicators List (IUSIL), for allowing the better understanding of drivers and goals of each practice and identifying under what circumstances various practices selected their indicators. Discussions made on the comparative analysis are categorized in four different dimensions: environmental, economic, social and governance. Research results show how comparative basis can lead to knowledge sharing between different practices, which can be used to guide the selection of indicators of sustainable urbanization plans and improve the effective communication of the status of practices. The study not only reveals how different indicators are selected but also suggests the need for consistent processes of choosing indicators based on the benchmarks obtained from best practices.
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There exist various factors influencing the sustainability of urban development. This paper attempts to establish a simplified dynamic structural equation model in order to capture complex cause-effect relationships existing in the measurement of sustainability over time, considering data availability in developing countries. Dynamic evaluation is realized by introducing the concept of state dependence and latent variables are introduced to represent indicators of urban sustainability, i.e., transportation, land use and energy consumption in this study. Then, an extensive set of land use, transportation and energy data, collected from 46 cities in developed and developing countries at three different points in time (1970, 80 and 90), is adopted. Model estimation results suggest the validity of the resultant model. Moreover, it is also confirmed that transport supply policies supporting economic activities were the main factors determining energy consumptions.
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Urban governments show considerable interest in formulating poli-cies for a more sustainable transportation sector. In Australia, despite the Com-monwealth Government Ecologically Sustainable Development ESD Transport Working Group making over 40 recommendations for more sustainable urban transportation a decade ago, a recent Institution of Engineers Australia, Transport Panel found little progress with transportation indicators of sustainability and appropriate analytical techniques. A review of the international literature is made to determine definitions of a sustainable urban transportation and land use system, and objectives that would form the basis for determining suitable indicators of performance. Drawing on hierarchical diagrams from decision theory, we show the link between higher-level policy objectives for sustainability and lower-order actions, measurable attributes, and performance indicators. The analytical frame-work for sustainable urban transportation analysis includes descriptive statistics—exploratory and graphical methods, spatial mapping, spatial statistics to identify geographical patterns and to identify outliers in the data, regression analysis, travel preference functions based on Stouffer's intervening opportunity Note. Discussion open until May 1, 2003. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on April model, and linear programming. These analytical techniques are illustrated with examples of travel and urban form in Sydney using data from the Census of Population and Housing, 1961–1996. The need for geographically based indica-tors and transportation and land use policies is emphasized.
Recently, the world has welcomed its 7 billionth inhabitant. It is expected that we will grow to9 billion persons by 2050. Currently, more than half the world lives in urban areas and urbanisation will continue in the future. Harvard economics professor Glaeser convincingly argues that populations can have magical consequences for business and innovation. At the same time we are aware of the environmental consequences of sprawling suburbs. Thus, sustainability is a core issue for today’s spatial planner. However, sustainability entails more than green architecture or re-using building materials (the planet aspect). A city should for example also be an attractive place to live (people aspect) with economic potential for its inhabitants (profit aspect). The practice of spatial planning greatly influences our environment. Where do we construct new houses? And what type of houses? Given the importance of cities, we argue that sustainability is a necessary mind-set of planners. In today’s network society geographic information has an increasingly important role to reach this mind-set. In this paper we want to research how spatial information may spur the discussion on planning sustainable cities. We do so by analysing cadastral, environmental, socio-economic and real estate data. Yet, the careful interpretation of geographic data into spatial information is essential for the quality of the final result. This is often underestimated by spatial planners. By means of a case study area (city of Apeldoorn, the Netherlands), we show how geographic information can be used in strategic decision making for sustainable city development. Six spatial visualisations (carbon dioxide emissions, liveability, house density, services, income, average dwelling value) of various sustainability aspects are used to show how geographic information can be used in spatial planning. It is concluded that spatial information can support decision-making in the planning process and help policy makers to identify possible alternatives for ‘unsustainable’ actions in the planning area. In order to interpret and use geographic data for sustainable development multidisciplinary cooperation is necessary
This paper examines the issue of data requirements for sustainable decision making. Three sustainability criteria are examined and issues arising from their application and data requirements are discussed. Notes and experiences from two case studies involving the North Central Project and the Assiniboine Delta Aquifer, both in the Province of Manitoba, Canada are included. The major issue encountered through the case studies was the inclusion of qualitative data.
The incorporation of sustainability assessment into decision-making processes is a key task for water service providers in the UK and elsewhere. This paper describes the development and application of a set of sustainability criteria, which have been developed and tested with project partners in the UK and Romania. They will be used in a 'guidebook' that will set out a framework to facilitate the inclusion of sustainability in the decision-making process. This work is part of the Sustainable Water Industry Asset Resource Decisions project to develop a multi-criteria analysis decision support system to assist water service providers to assess the relative sustainability of water/wastewater system asset development decisions.
In order to implement policies towardssustainable development indicators are widelydiscussed to promote action in this direction.In addition, in many strategic documents onsustainable development (e.g., EU documents) theimportance of the development and use ofindicators is pointed out. In this contextindicators are meant to be used to supportpolitical decision making as well as toevaluate measurements towards sustainabledevelopment. In this article the developmentand use of indicators is questioned consideringtheir contextualisation and, hence, theirrelationship to existing institutions.Incorporating some of the main results from ananalysis of a regeneration programme in theLondon Borough of Southwark and from theanalysis of the Climate Protection Programme inthe city of Vienna, which are two of the casestudies examined during an EU funded projectcalled PASTILLE (Promoting Action forSustainability through Indicators at the LocalLevel in Europe), indicators are seen asdynamic sites of conflict and co-operationbetween policy actors. Different groups ofactors have diverse expectations or objectionsto this instrument. Indicators are, forexample, tools to augment transparency.Concerning certain institutional traditionsthis characteristic could explain opposition tothem. Indicators are meant to be another opportunityfor shaping the network of relationships,forging new relationships or reinforcing oldones. They are perceived as a means by whichactors seek to exercise power, retain statusand strive towards policy goals. The stabilityand fluidity of existing structures ofgovernance will, therefore, be central factorsin determining the history and future ofindicators promoting actions towardssustainable development. To put it differently,the central question of our paper is how thenature of institutions of governance is shapingthe use and development of indicators.