D. T. Paris, W. M. Leach, and E. B. Joy, " Basic theory of probe compensated near-field measurements, " IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-26, no. 3, pp. 373-379, May 1978. E. B. Joy, W. M. Leach, D. T. Paris, and G. P. Rodrigue, " Applications of probe compensated near-field measurement, " IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-26, no. 3, pp. 379-389, May 1978. E. B. Joy, C. P. Burns, G. P. Rodrigue, and E. C. Burdette, " Accuracy of hemispherical far-field patterns determined from near-field measurements, " in Proc. 1975 IEEE/G-AP Int. Symp., June 2-E. B. Joy, " Maximum near-field measurement error specification, " in Proc. 1977 IEEE/G-AP Int. Symp., June 20-24, 1977, pp. 390-393.