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Optimising Peer Marking with Explicit Training:
from Superficial to Deep Learning
S.B. Caldwell, T.D. Gedeon
Research School of Computer Science
Australian National University
Abstract: We describe our use of formative assessment tasks measuring superficial learning as explicit training for peer
assessment of a major summative assessment task (report writing), which requires deep learning. COMP1710 at the
Australian National University is a first year Web Development and Design course done by over 100 students each
year, by many Computing students in their first semester of their first year or at any time prior to graduation; the course
also attracts some 25% of its cohort from other academic areas of the University. We found that formative assessment
trained peer markers performing a surface learning task can produce peer marks consistent with our expert summative
task marker. Weaker students only demonstrating superficial learning were able to reliably assess the reports of the
better students capable of the deeper learning required to produce the reports. This significantly increases the usefulness
of peer marking, and could have use in large online courses such as MOOCs.
Keywords: peer marking, formative assessment, summative assessment, desired mark
As the landscape of education continues to be transformed via evolving pedagogies and
technologies, finding ways to practically implement these as teaching enhancements
has become a priority in our first year web development and design course. As a result,
we are examining ways to combine formative and summative assessment to create
multi-layered learning outcomes for students while creating efficiencies in marking for
this well-attended course.
The contributions of the work reported in this paper include explicit training of peer
assessors, use of superficial/formative assessment tasks for peer assessor training, peer
assessment by comparative marking, and use of weaker students to reliably assess
stronger students’ work in a deep learning summative task.
Theoretical Background
Formative assessment is designed to facilitate learning and typically involves
qualitative feedback rather than scores. Summative assessment is a snapshot of the
learning at a particular time, and is usually the mechanism by which final results and
grades are reported. However, it can be difficult to balance these two types of
assessment. William (2000) indicates that “few teachers are able or willing to operate
parallel assessment systems,” and suggests formative assessments could only provide
an ‘envelope’ of overall scores. Formative assessment with marks is only primarily
formative but is not useful as a replacement for summative assessment (MacLean and
McKeown, 2012), with formative assessment not predictive of final grade, but
predictive of pass/fail.
There is a large body of work extant on peer assessment, thus we introduce this area
only briefly, in particular mentioning work relevant to our study. The paper by Hamer
et al. (2009) reports on the difference between student (peer assessment) marks and
expert marks in a large programming course. They found “good correlations that
1st International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd’15
Universitat Politècnica de València, València, 2015
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
improve with student ability and experience" (our emphasis added, see our results
section). Kulkarni et al. (2015) used a “fortune cookie” approach to provide qualitative
and personalised feedback. This was found to have no effect on the amount of feedback
returned, however, they noted that multiple assignments assessed via peer assessments
provided incremental improvements on the quality of assessments produced over time.
Reilly et al. (2009) found that combining just 2 peer marks produced high reliability,
which informed our grouping approach to peer evaluation.
Methods – Assessment in COMP1710
COMP1710 Web Development and Design is a course in the Research School of
Computer Science at the Australian National University (ANU) delivered annually to
over 100 students. Many Computing students take it in their first semester of their first
year, or at any time prior to graduation, as there is not a strong prerequisites tail. The
course also attracts some 25% of the cohort from other academic areas of the
University. The authors are chief tutor and course co-ordinator, respectively.
Key to our approach is to separate the surface learning / competency parts of our course
assessment from deeper learning assessment. We consider this to be essentially the
same problem as separating the formative and summative marking we all do. Briefly,
our solution to the surface / deep learning or formative / summative evaluation quandary
is to explicitly separate the marks so that surface and formative marks can only be
collected to achieve a Pass in the course, and higher grades require qualitatively
different kinds of marks which add conventionally to the pass marks for students to
achieve higher grades. Thus, by ‘qualitatively different’ we mean that the students have
to perform qualitatively differently to earn such marks. While reporting on the overall
outcomes will be done elsewhere, as far as this paper is concerned we note that the
training in report assessment and the marks for doing that assessment are from the
surface/formative category, while the report itself is from the deep/summative category.
Formative – quiz on report writing
The formative quiz on report writing discusses an online technical report with
commentary, a more abstract discussion of the usual components of technical reports,
the use of images and charts, mistakes to avoid, and two final short essay questions.
Additional formative training was provided with the essay questions 9 (report structure)
and 10 (experiment participation reflection), which required students to assign a mark
out of 6, then justify their mark with a short explanatory paragraph. Both questions 9
and 10 were marked twice. This required three marking sessions, as the second marking
Figure 1. Report Specifications – Introduction
1st International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd´15
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
of question 9 was done at the same time as the first marking of question 10. The marking
was all done by the course co-ordinator, and took substantial effort. The major reward
was an unsolicited comment by email from the (independent) marker for the reports:
“The quality of the reports is unrecognisably better than when I first marked these
reports. Many came very close to completing what was required of them.”
Summative – report specifications
The report itself was primarily worth ‘deep marks,’ which would demonstrate
understanding beyond a Pass level. Students wrote about their experiences when
participating in real experiments as described in Figure 1.
Figure 2 demonstrates the link between the formative quiz and summative report tasks;
question 9 of the quiz asks students to mark a report structure, and question 10 asks
students to mark the reflection on experiment participation in sample reports,
preparatory to students writing their own reports. The sample reports provided are
similar in terms of overall topic, but with different experiments, thus ensuring that the
samples are useful as examples of work but can not be directly copied.
Peer assessment – data and analyses
Students participating in the peer evaluation were generally those who had not attained
enough marks to achieve a Pass in the course, while students being evaluated were
generally those who performed well in the course. Report peer evaluators had a mean
total course score of 52.5 SD 13.4, while
report writers had a mean total course score of
74.6 SD 9.6 (the mean total course score for all
students was 61.2 SD 24.1).
The students doing peer evaluation are sent
Excel spreadsheets with five anonymised
embedded reports and both qualitative and
quantitative evaluation tasks (Figure 3). Below
each report is a set of sections with dropdown
lists of alternative descriptions. Thus, for “4.1
Structure”, the student chose the description
shown as being the one most correct for that
part of the evaluation, which in this case was
worth 6 out of 6. The student must then choose
(again via dropdown lists) for each paper: best
/ good / middle / bad / worst and for these
Figure 3. Peer marking spreadsheet
Figure 2. Target report sections related to Questions 9 and 10 of formative assessment
1st International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd´15
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
reports write a sentence to explain why. The overall score at the top of “19 out of 20”
is composed of these scores automatically.
The benchmark for our comparisons is
the marks given by our expert marker.
He is a senior colleague with
significant relevant experience. He
provides two guest lectures and does
the marking of all of the reports, with
no other engagement with the course.
This is as close as seems possible to
fully independent marking.
An example of our analysis is shown
in Table 1. The bottom 7 rows show
the numeric results from the Peer
marking spreadsheet (Figure 3). The
last row is the student-chosen rankings
(converted to numeric form and
shown as S rank). Notice that the
student-chosen Worst report is not
necessarily the one with the lowest
mark. In the table, the Total line is
copied to the S mark line. The two
lines below (D rank/mark) should be
read as “Desired mark” etc., being the
mark from our expert marker. We then
calculated the squared difference of
the ranks, with the sum of these values shown in bold, right. The sum of squares
eliminates negative values and penalises large differences, and is commonly used to
compare information retrieval rankings. The values of 2, 29.81 can now be compared
to the equivalent SqErr rank / mark values for all other students as two estimates of
their reliability where that is a measure of similarity to the Desired marks and ranks.
These calculations allow us to derive three possible peer marking results for each report.
Firstly, the average mark for each report (Ave_S), based on the students’ marks.
Second, we can pick the most reliable marks for any report by just picking the mark
given by the most reliable student (by_rank) based on the similarity of their ranking of
the 5 papers to the Desired ranking using the sum of the SqErr rank values as the
reliability measure. Third, the same as the
second but using the sum of the SqErr mark
values (by_mark) as the reliability measure.
So for example the average mark for the first
report shown in Table 2, r3348, is 17, but the by
rank and by mark values are both 16.5, being the
mark given by the student shown in Table 1.
That student also gave the by mark value for the
last report in the table (r4195). This is possible
because another student ranked their 5 reports in
the same order as our expert marker, but gave
Table 1. Sample results from 1 peer marker
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th sum
r6994 r1483 r9549 r3348
S rank 1
S mark 17.5
D rank 1
D mark 15
SqErr rank
SqErr mark
Total 17.5
Structure 6
Reflection 4
Reflec-Diffs 1.5
HCI-Design 3
Ranking Best Worst Bad Good Middle
Table 2. Sample results by report
Ave S
by rank
by mark
D mark
1st International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd´15
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
more different numerical marks, hence was more reliable on one measure but not the
Results and Discussion
We received 155 peer marks in total for 53 reports, yielding a mean of 2.9 ‘marking
events’ per report (SD 1.1). We received a single mark for 6 reports, and six marks for
just 1 report. For this dataset, we can compare Ave_S, by_rank, and by_mark for
similarity to the estimator Desired values in a number of ways. We choose the simplest
here, again using sum of squared differences, producing 3 numbers:
• D-to-Ave_S = 655.3 • D-to-by_rank = 806.7 • D-to-by_mark = 650.9
The magnitudes of the numbers are not meaningful, and we just want to compare
differences in magnitude. The results suggest that using selection by match of marks to
the Desired mark produces results no different from simple averaging of marks, and
that the use of the ordering of student marks as a selection means is not useful. This
was contrary to our intuition.
Examining the statistical significance of peer evaluation results using a two-tailed t-test
with Desired mark as estimator shows that all three results are highly statistically
significant, using the p < 0.05 measure:
• p(D-to-Ave_S) = 0.0009 • p(D-to-by_rank) = 0.0006 • p(D-to-by_mark) = 0.006
Unfortunately, this means that none of these three results could be used to approximate
the Desired marks. Instead of turning to more complex statistical measures such as the
Pearson correlation coefficient, we performed a simple check of the averages of the
Student and Desired marks and we discover that they differ by 2 marks out of 20:
Student marks have a mean of 13.48 with standard deviation 3.3, while Desired marks
have a mean of 11.53 with a standard deviation of 3.0.
To cope with the difference in mean, we applied the simplest measure, and one most
often applied in our experience by examiners’ meetings: subtraction. We subtracted two
marks from each student mark and then we recalculated our measures:
• D-to-Ave_S = 455.1
• D-to-by_rank = 543.7 and
• D-to-by_mark = 511.9
• p(D-to-Ave_S) = 0.46
• p(D-to-by_rank) = 0.36
• p(D-to-by_mark) = 0.30
These results show that the match to the Desired marks is better as the sum of squared
error values are smaller, and the differences
between the benefit of one over another in
approximating the Desired marks is less. The
p values are interesting, as none of the
columns is now statistically significantly
different from the Desired column, which is
what we want here. The average error for the
best result (D-to-Ave_S) is 2.9 marks. In
Figure 4 we can see that most of the
differences between the peer review marks
and the Desired marks (‘errors’), are below 4
marks, with 5 outliers with errors of: 4.8, 5.8,
7.0, 7.3, and 9.0 marks. The other two
4. Distribution of Peer Marking ‘errors’
Error in mark
Errors sorted by size
1st International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd´15
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
distributions with sum of squares errors of 543.7 and 511.9 are similar with a few more
We have described an experiment involving 31 peer marking events comparing 5
reports at a time, with 53 reports marked in total. Similar to previous work in the
literature (Kulkarni, 2015, Hamer, 2009), our work shows that we could reproduce the
expert marking for this sample of 53 reports from formatively trained student peer
evaluators, as we can produce (a number of) lists of marks which are not statistically
significantly separable from the ‘true’ list of marks provided by our expert marker.
We have made 3 significant contributions. The first contribution is that the use of a
surface learning task done as a formative task can perform the role of explicit training
in the assessment task, and produces high quality results on the first peer assessment
task, unlike previous work in the literature (Kulkarni, 2015) which has focused on
repeated assessments (which was not possible in our course as only one report is
written). The second contribution is the introduction of comparative assessment where
a number of submissions are evaluated in parallel (five in our case). Finally, the third
and perhaps most significant contribution is that we have achieved our results using the
weakest students in our cohort marking the rest of the students including the best
students, with a high level of accuracy. This use of a surface learning task to reliably
predict the results of a deep learning task for better students is impressive. The
implication of this is that our students in their surface task were able to correctly
recognise the outputs of deep learning tasks from other students.
We sought and received approval from the ANU Human Research Ethics committee to
undertake this work. We would also like to acknowledge the ANU Vice-Chancellor’s
Teaching Enhancement Grant that made this study possible.
Hamer, J., Purchase, H. C., Denny, P., & Luxton-Reilly, A. (2009, August). Quality of
peer assessment in CS1. In Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on
Computing education research workshop (pp. 27-36). ACM.
Kulkarni, C., Wei, K. P., Le, H., Chia, D., Papadopoulos, K., Cheng, J., ... & Klemmer,
S. R. (2015). Peer and self assessment in massive online classes. In Design
Thinking Research (pp. 131-168). Springer International Publishing.
Maclean, G. and McKeown, P. (2013): Comparing online quizzes and take-home
assignments as formative assessments in a 100-level economics course, New
Zealand Economic Papers, 47(3): 245-256.
Reilly, K., Finnerty, P. L., & Terveen, L. (2009, May). Two peers are better than one:
aggregating peer reviews for computing assignments is surprisingly accurate. In
Proc. ACM 2009 Int. Conf. on Supporting group work (pp. 115-124). ACM.
William, D. (2000): Integrating formative and summative functions of assessment. In
Working group, 10(November).
1st International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd´15
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).