
Filtrations of free groups arising from the lower central series

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We make a systematic study of filtrations of a free group F defined as products of powers of the lower central series of F. Under some assumptions on the exponents, we characterize these filtrations in terms of the group algebra, the Magnus algebra of non-commutative power series, and linear representations by upper-triangular unipotent matrices. These characterizations generalize classical results of Grun, Magnus, Witt, and Zassenhaus from the 1930's, as well as later results on the lower p-central filtration and the p-Zassenhaus filtrations. We derive alternative recursive definitions of such filtrations, extending results of Lazard. Finally, we relate these filtrations to Massey products in group cohomology.

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... IV.1.9]. We also refer to [CE16] for a nice discussion of filtrations defined by induction. This description has a nice consequence, similar to Proposition 1.9 (we abbreviate L(Γ ...
Let F_nF\_n be the free group on n generators. Consider the group IA_nIA\_n of automorpisms of F_nF\_n acting trivially on its abelianization. There are two canonical filtrations on IA_nIA\_n: the first one is its lower central series Γ_\Gamma\_*; the second one is the Andreadakis filtration A_\mathcal A\_*, defined from the action on F_nF\_n. In this paper, we establish that the canonical morphism between the associated graded Lie rings L(Γ_){\mathcal L}(\Gamma\_*) and L(A_){\mathcal L}(\mathcal A\_*) is stably surjective. We then investigate a p-restricted version of the Andreadakis problem. A calculation of the Lie algebra of the classical congruence group is also included.
... Then, for a more general profinite group G (such as G F ), one takes a profinite presentation, i.e., a continuous epimorphism π : S → G, where S is a free profinite group, and transfers the equality (1.1) from S to G. The first part is purely group-theoretic, and is usually proved using Magnus theory, i.e., by viewing the elements of G = S as formal power series. A general machinery to obtain such results in the free profinite case is given in [Efr14b] (see also [CE16]). ...
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For a list L\cal{L} of finite groups and for a profinite group G, we consider the intersection T(G) of all open normal subgroups N of G with G/N in L\cal{L}. We give a cohomological characterization of the epimorphisms π ⁣:SG\pi\colon S\to G of profinite groups (satisfying some additional requirements) such that π[T(S)]=T(G)\pi[T(S)]=T(G). For p prime, this is used to describe cohomologically the profinite groups G whose nth term G(n,p)G_{(n,p)} (resp., G(n,p)G^{(n,p)}) in the p-Zassenhaus filtration (resp., lower p-central filtration) is an intersection of this form. When G=GFG=G_F is the absolute Galois group of a field F containing a root of unity of order p, we recover as special cases results by Minac, Spira and the author, describing G(3,p)G_{(3,p)} and G(3,p)G^{(3,p)} as T(G) for appropriate lists L\cal{L}.
... [p] * et on l'appelle suite centrale descendante p-restreinte. Le lecteur pourra consulter[CE16] pour une discussion des suites fortement centrales définies par récurrence.La description explicite donnée dans la proposition 2.1.14 a pour conséquence un résultat similaire à la proposition 1.2.5 (on écrit L [p] (G) pour L(Γ[p] * G)) : Proposition 2.5.1. ...
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Let FnF_n be the free group on n generators. Consider the group IAnIA_n of automorpisms of FnF_n acting trivially on its abelianization. There are two canonical filtrations on IAnIA_n: the first one is its lower central series Γ\Gamma_*; the second one is the Andreadakis filtration A\mathcal A_*, defined from the action on FnF_n. Andreadakis asked if and how these filtrations were different. We begin by describing a framework adapted to the study of such filtrations and their counterparts on group algebras. We then study several versions of the problem. In particular, we look at its restriction to some subgroups of IAnIA_n : we show that the two filtration coïncide when restricted to the triangular subroups and to braid groups. We also consider a stable version of the problem : we establish that the canonical morphism between the associated graded Lie rings is surjective when n is big enough compared to a fixed degree. We also investigate a p-restricted version of the Andreadakis problem, and provide a calculation of the Lie algebra of the classical congruence group.Our methods are algebraic in nature. The tools come from combinatorial group theory and the study of mapping class groups; we often introduce some categorical langage to reformulate them.
... IV.1.9]. We also refer to [CE16] for a nice discussion of filtrations defined by induction. This description has a nice consequence, similar to Proposition 1.9 (we abbreviate L(Γ ...
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Let F_nF\_n be the free group on n generators. Consider the group IA_nIA\_n of automorpisms of F_nF\_n acting trivially on its abelianization. There are two canonical filtrations on IA_nIA\_n: the first one is its lower central series Γ_\Gamma\_*; the second one is the Andreadakis filtration A_\mathcal A\_*, defined from the action on F_nF\_n. In this paper, we establish that the canonical morphism between the associated graded Lie rings L(Γ_){\mathcal L}(\Gamma\_*) and L(A_){\mathcal L}(\mathcal A\_*) is stably surjective. We then investigate a p-restricted version of the Andreadakis problem. A calculation of the Lie algebra of the classical congruence group is also included.
For a prime number p and a free profinite group S, let S(n,p)S^{(n,p)} be the nth term of its lower p-central filtration, and S[n,p]S^{[n,p]} the corresponding quotient. Using tools from the combinatorics of words, we construct a canonical basis of the cohomology group H2(S[n,p],Z/p)H^2(S^{[n,p]},\mathbb{Z}/p), which we call the Lyndon basis, and use it to obtain structural results on this group. We show a duality between the Lyndon basis and canonical generators of S(n,p)/S(n+1,p)S^{(n,p)}/S^{(n+1,p)}. We prove that the cohomology group satisfies shuffle relations, which for small values of n fully describe it.
For a list L{\cal L} of finite groups and for a profinite group G, we consider the intersection T(G) of all open normal subgroups N of G with G/N in L{\cal L}. We give a cohomological characterization of the epimorphisms π:S → G of profinite groups (satisfying some additional requirements) such that π[T(S)] = T(G). For p prime, this is used to describe cohomologically the profinite groups G whose nth term G(n,p) (resp., G(n,p)) in the p-Zassenhaus filtration (resp., lower p-central filtration) is an intersection of this form. When G = GF is the absolute Galois group of a field F containing a root of unity of order p, we recover as special cases results by Mináč, Spira and the author, describing G(3,p) and G(3,p) as T(G) for appropriate lists L{\cal L}.
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For a prime number p and a free pro-p group G on a totally ordered basis X, we consider closed normal subgroups GΦG^\Phi of G which are generated by p-powers of iterated commutators associated with Lyndon words in the alphabet X. We express the profinite cohomology group H2(G/GΦ)H^2(G/G^\Phi) combinatorically, in terms of the shuffle algebra on X. This partly extends existing results for the lower p-central and p-Zassenhaus filtrations of G.
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For a prime number p and a free profinite group S on the basis X , let S(n,p)S_{\left (n,p\right )} , n=1,2,,n=1,2,\dotsc , be the p -Zassenhaus filtration of S . For p>np>n , we give a word-combinatorial description of the cohomology group H2(S/S(n,p),Z/p)H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )},\mathbb {Z}/p\right ) in terms of the shuffle algebra on X . We give a natural linear basis for this cohomology group, which is constructed by means of unitriangular representations arising from Lyndon words.
For a prime number p and a free profinite group S on the basis X, let S(n,p)S_{(n,p)}, n=1,2,,n=1,2,\ldots, be the p-Zassenhaus filtration of S. For p>np>n, we give a word-combinatorial description of the cohomology group H2(S/S(n,p),Z/p)H^2(S/S_{(n,p)},\mathbb{Z}/p) in terms of the shuffle algebra on X. We give a natural linear basis for this cohomology group, which is constructed by means of unitriangular representations arising from Lyndon words.
For a prime number p and a free profinite group S, let S(n,p)S^{(n,p)} be the nth term of its lower p-central filtration, and S[n,p]S^{[n,p]} the corresponding quotient. Using tools from the combinatorics of words, we construct a canonical basis of the cohomology group H2(S[n,p],Z/p)H^2(S^{[n,p]},\mathbb{Z}/p), which we call the Lyndon basis, and use it to obtain structural results on this group. We show a duality between the Lyndon basis and canonical generators of S(n,p)/S(n+1,p)S^{(n,p)}/S^{(n+1,p)}. We prove that the cohomology group satisfies shuffle relations, which for small values of n fully describe it.
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Let p be a prime number and let K be a field containing a root of 1 of order p. If the maximal pro-p Galois group GK(p)G_K(p) is a finitely generated one-relator pro-p group, we show that L. Positselski's Koszulity conjecture is true for K. Also, under the above hypothesis we show that the Fp\mathbb{F}_p-cohomology ring of GK(p)G_K(p) is the quadratic dual of a canonical graded algebra induced by the complete group algebra Fp[[GK(p)]]\mathbb{F}_p[[G_K(p)]], which decomposes as free product of quadratic algebras, in analogy with a result by T. Wuerfel on one-relator absolute pro-p Galois groups.
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Let q=psq=p^s be a prime power, F a field containing a root of unity of order q, and GFG_F its absolute Galois group. We determine a new canonical quotient Gal(F(3)/F)\mathrm{Gal}(F_{(3)}/F) of GFG_F which encodes the full mod-q cohomology ring H(GF,Z/q)H^*(G_F,\mathbb{Z}/q) and is minimal with respect to this property. We prove some fundamental structure theorems related to these quotients. In particular, it is shown that when q=p is an odd prime, F(3)F_{(3)} is the compositum of all Galois extensions E of F such that Gal(E/F)\mathrm{Gal}(E/F) is isomorphic to {1}\{1\}, Z/p\mathbb{Z}/p or to the nonabelian group Hp3H_{p^3} of order p3p^3 and exponent p.
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We survey recent developments in the Birational Anabelian Geometry program aimed at the reconstruction of function fields of algebraic varieties over algebraically closed fields from pieces of their absolute Galois groups. Comment: 51 pages
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For prime power q=pdq=p^d and a field F containing a root of unity of order q we show that the Galois cohomology ring H^*(G_F,\dbZ/q) is determined by a quotient GF[3]G_F^{[3]} of the absolute Galois group GFG_F related to its descending q-central sequence. Conversely, we show that GF[3]G_F^{[3]} is determined by the lower cohomology of GFG_F. This is used to give new examples of pro-p groups which do not occur as absolute Galois groups of fields.
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Let p be an odd prime number and F a field containing a primitive pth root of unity. We prove a new restriction on the group-theoretic structure of the absolute Galois group GFG_F of F. Namely, the third subgroup GF(3)G_F^{(3)} in the descending p-central sequence of GFG_F is the intersection of all open normal subgroups N such that GF/NG_F/N is 1, Z/p2\mathbb{Z}/p^2, or the modular group Mp3M_{p^3} of order p3p^3.
The first edition of this book was the indispensable reference for researchers in the theory of pro-p groups. In this second edition the presentation has been improved and important new material has been added. The first part of the book is group-theoretic. It develops the theory of pro-p groups of finite rank, starting from first principles and using elementary methods. Part II introduces p-adic analytic groups: by taking advantage of the theory developed in Part I, it is possible to define these, and derive all the main results of p-adic Lie theory, without having to develop any sophisticated analytic machinery. Part III, consisting of new material, takes the theory further. Among those topics discussed are the theory of pro-p groups of finite coclass, the dimension subgroup series, and its associated graded Lie algebra. The final chapter sketches a theory of analytic groups over pro-p rings other than the p-adic integers.
Part I Algebraic Theory: Cohomology of Profinite Groups.- Some Homological Algebra.- Duality Properties of Profinite Groups.- Free Products of Profinite Groups.- Iwasawa Modules.- Part II Arithmetic Theory: Galois Cohomology.- Cohomology of Local Fields.- Cohomology of Global Fields.- The Absolute Galois Group of a Global Field.- Restricted Ramification.- Iwasawa Theory of Number Fields.- Anabelian Geometry.- Literature.- Index.
The landscape of homological algebra has evolved over the last half-century into a fundamental tool for the working mathematician. This book provides a unified account of homological algebra as it exists today. The historical connection with topology, regular local rings, and semi-simple Lie algebras are also described. This book is suitable for second or third year graduate students. The first half of the book takes as its subject the canonical topics in homological algebra: derived functors, Tor and Ext, projective dimensions and spectral sequences. Homology of group and Lie algebras illustrate these topics. Intermingled are less canonical topics, such as the derived inverse limit functor lim1, local cohomology, Galois cohomology, and affine Lie algebras. The last part of the book covers less traditional topics that are a vital part of the modern homological toolkit: simplicial methods, Hochschild and cyclic homology, derived categories and total derived functors. By making these tools more accessible, the book helps to break down the technological barrier between experts and casual users of homological algebra.
A major difficult problem in Galois theory is the characterization of profinite groups which are realizable as absolute Galois groups of fields. Recently the Kernel n-Unipotent Conjecture and the Vanishing n-Massey Conjecture for n3n\geq 3 were formulated. These conjectures evolved in the last forty years as a byproduct of the application of topological methods to Galois cohomology. We show that both of these conjectures are true for odd rigid fields. This is the first case of a significant family of fields where both of the conjectures are verified besides fields whose Galois groups of p-maximal extensions are free pro-p-groups. We also prove the Kernel Unipotent Conjecture for Demushkin groups of rank 2, and establish a number of further related results.
For several natural filtrations of a free group S we express the n-th term of the filtration as the intersection of all kernels of homomorphisms from S to certain groups of upper-triangular unipotent matrices. This generalizes a classical result of Grun for the lower central filtration. In particular, we do this for the n-th term in the lower p-central filtration of S, where p is a prime number larger than n.
In this paper we study the relation structure of the Galois group of the maximal outside a given set S of primes unramified 2-extension ℚ S (2) of ℚand of the Galois group of the 2-class field tower of a quadratic number field. We complete Morishita’s calculations of the triple Milnor invariants for ℚ S (2) and obtain the relation structure of G(ℚ S (2)/ℚ) modulo the fourth step of the Zassenhaus filtration. We use this result in order to deduce information on the Galois group of the 2-class field tower of a quadratic number field.
Following the analogy between primes and knots, we introduce the refined Milnor invariants for prime numbers and establish their connection with certain Massey products in Galois cohomology. This generalizes the well-known relation between the power residue symbol and cup product and gives a cohomological interpretation of L. Rédei's triple symbol.
Once the framework of Galois theory has been completed with the main theorem, the principal problem of the theory is the question: what are the possible normal extensions of a fixed base field k with given Galois group G. This problem is called the Inverse Problem of Galois Theory.
We consider the p-Zassenhaus filtration (G_n) of a profinite group G. Suppose that G=S/N for a free profinite group S and a normal subgroup N of S contained in S_n. Under a cohomological assumption on the n-fold Massey products (which holds e.g., if the p-cohomological dimension of G is at most 1), we prove that G_{n+1} is the intersection of all kernels of upper-triangular unipotent (n+1)-dimensional representations of G over \mathbb F_p. This extends earlier results by Minac, Spira, and the author on the structure of absolute Galois groups of fields.
Let n denote either a positive integer or ∞, let ell be a fixed prime and let K be a field of characteristic different from ell. In the presence of sufficiently many roots of unity, we show how to recover much of the decomposition/inertia structure of valuations in the Z/elln -elementary abelian Galois group of K, while using only the group-theoretical structure of the Z/ellN-abelian-by-central Galois group of K whenever N is sufficiently large with respect to n. Moreover, if n = 1 then N = 1 suffices, while if n neq ∞, we provide an explicit N0 neq ∞, as a function of n and ell, for which all N ≥ N0 suffice above. In the process, we give a complete classification of so-called "commuting-liftable subgroups" of elementary-abelian Galois groups and prove that they always arise from valuations.
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