... Cellulose is a biopolymer used in numerous industrial applications. This biopolymer has several applications ( Abitbol et al., 2016;Choo, Ching, Chuah, Sabariah, & Liou, 2016;Nandgaonkar, Krause, & Lucia, 2016) as a novel physical and chemical reinforcement in nanocomposite materials ( Cao, Dong, & Li, 2007;De France, Chan, Cranston, & Hoare, 2016;) because of its high mechanical strength ( El Miri et al., 2016;Li, Cao, Cao, Guo, & Lu, 2016;Siqueira, Bras, & Dufresne, 2008), shear assembly and di-electrophoresis behaviour ( Csoka, Hoeger, Peralta, Peszlen, & Rojas, 2011). Cellulose is a linear syndiotactic homopolymer composed of d-anhydroglucopyranose units which are linked by-(1 → 4)-glycosidic bonds ( Qiu & Hu, 2013). ...