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The Integration Paradox: Empiric Evidence From the Netherlands


Abstract and Figures

The integration paradox refers to the phenomenon of the more highly educated and structurally integrated immigrants turning away from the host society, rather than becoming more oriented toward it. This article provides an overview of the empirical evidence documenting this paradox in the Netherlands. In addition, the theoretical arguments and the available findings about the social psychological processes involved in this paradox are considered. The existing evidence for the integration paradox and what might explain it form the basis for making suggestion for future theoretical work and empirical research, and for discussing possible policy implications.
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American Behavioral Scientist
2016, Vol. 60(5-6) 583 –596
© 2016 SAGE Publications
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DOI: 10.1177/0002764216632838
The Integration Paradox:
Empiric Evidence From the
Maykel Verkuyten
The integration paradox refers to the phenomenon of the more highly educated and
structurally integrated immigrants turning away from the host society, rather than
becoming more oriented toward it. This article provides an overview of the empirical
evidence documenting this paradox in the Netherlands. In addition, the theoretical
arguments and the available findings about the social psychological processes involved
in this paradox are considered. The existing evidence for the integration paradox and
what might explain it form the basis for making suggestion for future theoretical work
and empirical research, and for discussing possible policy implications.
education, integration, relative deprivation, national belonging
The so-called “immigrant paradox” has received considerable attention in the litera-
ture on immigrant integration. This paradox concerns the notion that first-generation
immigrants and less acculturated individuals are sometimes found to outperform sec-
ond generations and more acculturated individuals on a variety of adaptation out-
comes, such as academic achievement and health behaviors (see Garcia Coll et al.,
2012). While originally documented in research in the United States (e.g., Fuligni,
1998; Palacios, Guttmanova, & Chase-Lansdale, 2008), studies also have shown these
differences with respect to sociocultural adaptation outcomes in several European
countries that have experienced large-scale immigration in recent decades (Sam,
Vedder, Liebkind, Neto, & Virta, 2008; van Geel, & Vedder, 2011).
Another phenomenon regarding immigrant integration that has received much less
attention in the research literature is the integration paradox. This paradox describes
Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Corresponding Author:
Maykel Verkuyten, ERCOMER, Utrecht University, padualaan 2, Utrecht 3584 CS, the Netherlands.
632838ABSXXX10.1177/0002764216632838American Behavioral ScientistVerkuyten
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584 American Behavioral Scientist 60(5-6)
the situation of the economically more integrated and highly educated immigrants
turning psychologically away from the host society, instead of becoming more ori-
ented toward it (Buijs, Demant, & Hamdy, 2006; Entzinger & Dourleijn, 2008). Media
reports in Western Europe have suggested that policy makers should be concerned
about relatively highly educated immigrants becoming disenchanted and disengaged
from the host country. Education and structural integration would not always lead to a
stronger orientation on the host country but rather can have the opposite effect. The
current article provides an overview of the empirical research on the integration para-
dox conducted in the Netherlands. To my knowledge, there is no other country in
which this paradox has been investigated systematically.
Theoretically, the paradoxical nature of highly educated immigrants’ disengaging
from society is important and interesting. Classical immigration theories suggest that
structural integration (improving one’s educational and economic position) will be
conducive to other forms of integration, such as developing a sense of belonging and
a more positive attitude toward the host society (Alba & Nee, 2003; Esser, 2001;
Gordon, 1964). Yet education could also be an obstacle for developing positive atti-
tudes toward natives and the host society. A key reason for this might be that higher
educated immigrants feel relatively deprived.
Relative Deprivation
Relative deprivation concerns the perception that oneself or one’s group is at an unfair
disadvantage in comparison with others (Pettigrew et al., 2008; Smith, Pettigrew,
Pippin, & Bialosiewicz, 2012). Feelings of relative deprivation contain three aspects
(Smith et al., 2012). First, there must be comparisons made at the individual or group
level. Second, the comparison must lead to the perception that one is at a relative dis-
advantage with respect to other individuals or groups. Third, the perceived disadvan-
tage should be seen as being unfair. There are a number of reasons to expect that
feelings of relative deprivation are higher among immigrants who are more integrated
structurally, especially in relation to their level of education.
First, within the relative deprivation framework, it has been argued that the more
advantaged members of disadvantaged groups are most likely to engage in intergroup
comparisons (Taylor & Moghaddam, 1994). Thus, higher educated immigrants may
feel more deprived because they increasingly compare their situation and opportuni-
ties with majority members. Higher education has been found to increase immigrants’
contact opportunities and actual contacts with majority members (Kalmijn & van
Tubergen, 2006; Martinovic, 2013), which makes the majority a more relevant com-
parison group. In addition, in most Western countries, the level of unemployment is
much higher among immigrant-origin groups compared with majority members, inde-
pendently of the educational level. Furthermore, compared with similarly educated
majority members, immigrants tend to have lower level employment and more tempo-
rary jobs (Alba & Nee, 2003; Hall & Farkas, 2008; Kogan, 2006). Thus, higher edu-
cated immigrants may feel more deprived because the relevant comparison with
similarly educated majority members turns out unfavorably.
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Second, the theory of rising expectations suggests that immigrants who pursue
higher education and try to attain a good position in society develop higher expecta-
tions. They, therefore, are more strongly disappointed about unequal opportunities and
treatment, whereby their higher expectations are not met with equal rewards (Entzinger
& Dourleijn, 2008). The higher educated tend to be more sensitive to acceptance and
rejection by the majority population. In contrast to the lower educated, they can more
confidently claim that a lack of opportunities and discrimination, rather than a lack of
efforts and skills, prevents them and members of their group from gaining economic
parity with natives.
Third, higher education implies higher cognitive sophistication which can mean
that the higher educated immigrants are more aware of, and have a better understand-
ing of, processes of discrimination and reduced opportunities in society (Kane &
Kyyro, 2001; Wodtke, 2012). Education enables immigrants to become more informed
social critics who can seek to challenge discrimination and advocate policies that
redress group disadvantages.
Education and Perceived Discrimination
The “integration paradox” implies that the higher educated feel relatively deprived and
as a result distance themselves psychologically from the host society (see Figure 1).
The first link in this process involves the relation between education and relative
deprivation (Path 1 in Figure 1). This link has mainly been examined in terms of per-
ceived discrimination, opportunities, and feelings of acceptance. For immigrants, per-
ceptions of discrimination and lack of opportunities in the host society combine the
different aspects of relative deprivation. When immigrants have the sense of being
discriminated against, they will feel that they have an unfair disadvantage relative to
members of the majority group, either personally or as a group. And when immigrants
have the sense that their group lacks opportunities to succeed economically and to
freely enjoy their social and cultural life, they compare their position with the oppor-
tunities that are open to other groups in society and the majority in particular. This
means that it can be expected that in particular experiences and perceptions of nonac-
ceptance and discrimination, despite one’s efforts and achievements, lead immigrants
to distance themselves from society. Thus, the more successful ones would be more
sensitive to ethnic acceptance and equality, which in turn would drive their reactions
to the host society.
In support of Figure 1 (Path 1), research has found a positive relation between level
of education and perceived discrimination among immigrants in, for example, North
America and New Zealand (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
+ +
Educational attainment
relative deprivation host society disengagement
(1) (2)
Figure 1. The relations involved in the integration paradox.
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586 American Behavioral Scientist 60(5-6)
[OECD], 2012; Sigelman & Welch, 1991; Sizemore & Milner, 2004; Wodtke, 2012).
Research in the Netherlands has also provided empirical evidence that the higher edu-
cated tend to perceive more discrimination and lower societal acceptance. This has
been found in large samples of the four main immigrant-origin groups (Turks,
Moroccans, Surinamese, and Antilleans; Gijsberts & Vervoort, 2007; Tolsma, Lubbers,
& Gijsberts, 2012), four refugee groups (Muller, 2011), and a sample of smaller immi-
grant groups (Afghani, Iraqi, Irani, Somali, Polish, and Chinese; van Doorn, Scheepers,
& Dagevos, 2013). Thus, there is among a variety of groups clear empirical evidence
for the higher educated perceiving more discrimination and less societal acceptance of
The higher perception of discrimination among higher educated immigrants is not
only in the “eye of the beholder” but can be based on actual experiences. The theory
of exposure suggests that the higher educated are actually experiencing more dis-
crimination and lower acceptance in everyday life. The higher compared with the
lower educated more often use host country media and tend to have more negative
contacts with majority members on the labor market and in associations, and there-
fore are more exposed to discrimination and derogating messages. For example, in a
study among the four largest immigrant-origin groups in the Netherlands, it was
found that the higher educated are more interested in the often quite negative Dutch
political immigration and integration debate (van Heerden, de Lange, van der Burg,
& Fennema, 2014; Vasta, 2007) and therefore have a less positive attitude toward
Dutch society (Gijsberts & Vervoort, 2007). In another study among smaller immi-
grant groups, it was found that the link between educational attainment and discrimi-
nation can be explained by the higher educated participating more in associations,
being exposed more to Dutch politics in the media, and experiencing that their for-
eign education is not valued and that their job is below their educational level (van
Doorn et al., 2013).
Discrimination and Host Society Disengagement
As shown in Figure 1, the second link in the processes involved in the integration para-
dox concerns the association between relative deprivation and host society disengage-
ment. It has been shown that individuals who perceive more group relative deprivation
have more prejudiced attitudes toward out-groups (Pettigrew et al., 2008; Pettigrew &
Meertens, 1995), and less positive attitudes toward the social system, such as reduced
just-world beliefs, reduced confidence in political institutions, and higher support for
political protest (Corning, 2000; Klandermans, Roefs, & Olivier, 2001; Pettigrew
et al., 2008).
Among immigrant-origin groups, various studies have demonstrated that experi-
ences with discrimination and low public acceptance instigate processes of disen-
gagement. For example, the “rejection-identification model” argues that being a
target of discrimination leads individuals to identify more strongly with their ethnic
minority group and distance themselves from the majority (Branscombe, Schmitt, &
Harvey, 1999). Experimental and longitudinal evidence has shown that perceived
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threats can indeed increase minority group identification and lead to greater emo-
tional attachment to one’s minority group (e.g., Jetten, Branscombe, Schmitt, &
Spears, 2001). Furthermore, research among immigrant-origin groups shows that
increased perceptions of discrimination predicts increased ethnic group identifica-
tion. This has been found, for example, in three studies among Turkish Dutch people
(Verkuyten & Yildiz, 2007), in a longitudinal study among immigrants in Finland
(Jasinskaja-Lahti, Liebkind, & Solheim, 2009), and in a study among Latino students
in the United States (Cronin, Levin, Branscombe, van Laar, & Tropp, 2012).
Furthermore, this type of research has shown that higher perceived discrimination
also is associated with weaker identification with the host society (Jasinskaja-Lahti
et al., 2009). For example, in a large-scale research among the four main immigrant-
origin groups in the Netherlands, it was found that perceived discrimination was the
strongest negative predictor of host national identification (de Vroome, Verkuyten, &
Martinovic, 2014; see also Tolsma et al., 2012).
Yet low host national identification or little commitment to the host nation does not
have to indicate host society disengagement, whereby there is an adversarial stance in
which the host society is subjectively rejected. Low national identification implies that
aspects of the host society are not strongly connected to oneself but does not have to
consist of disconnecting these aspects from oneself (Kreiner & Ashforth, 2004).
Disidentification is not merely the opposite of identification. The former consists of
immigrant minorities reacting against the host society and developing a so-called reac-
tive or oppositional identity in which people actively separate their minority identity
from the culture and defining aspects of the dominant group (Ogbu, 1993; Portes &
Zhou, 1993). Furthermore, studies in organizational contexts have shown that disiden-
tification is a different psychological state than identification (e.g., Elsbach &
Bhattacharya, 2001; Kreiner & Ashforth, 2004). Hence, perceived social rejection and
devaluation might not only result in decreased identification with the host society but
also increased disidentification with the nation. In a survey study among Turkish
Dutch people and using factor analysis, we found that the participants made a clear
empirical distinction between the construct of Dutch identification (e.g., “I identify
with the Dutch,” “I feel connected to the Dutch”) and Dutch disidentification (e.g., “I
would never say ‘we Dutch’,” “I certainly do not want to see myself as Dutch”;
Verkuyten & Yildiz, 2007). Furthermore, a stronger Turkish identity was associated
with a weaker Dutch identification and independently also with a stronger disidentifi-
cation with the Dutch.
In a recent study among Turkish immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands, we
again found a clear empirical distinction between the two constructs of host society
identification and disidentification. Furthermore, higher perceived discrimination was
associated with stronger disidentification in Germany (N = 363, r = .19, p < .001) and
in the Netherlands (N = 425, r = .15, p = .003), while discrimination was also nega-
tively and independently associated with identification in Germany (r = −.16, p = .002;
Netherlands, r = −.06, p > .05). Thus, perceived discrimination is not only associated
with a lower sense of belonging to the host society but is also related to stronger psy-
chological disengagement from the host society (Path 2, Figure 1).
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588 American Behavioral Scientist 60(5-6)
Education, Discrimination, and Disengagement
The integration paradox implies a relation of mediation, whereby the higher educated
feel relatively deprived and as a result disengage psychologically from the host soci-
ety. Thus, there should be an indirect negative relation between education on the one
hand and favorable attitudes toward the host society and natives on the other, via indi-
cators of relative deprivation (Figure 1).
We investigated these associations in a study among the four main immigrant-
origin groups in the Netherlands (de Vroome, Martinovic, & Verkuyten, 2014). The
samples were randomly drawn from the population registry and we analyzed the data
of 3,981 first- and second-generation participants. We examined feelings of relative
deprivation, in terms of the perception of discrimination and subgroup respect.
Discrimination implies unfair treatment and such treatment tells immigrants that they
are not equal members of society. Subgroup respect refers to immigrants’ sense of
whether the majority population recognizes and values their minority group and immi-
grants more generally (Huo & Molina, 2006). Thus, we focused on perceived negative
reactions (discrimination) and perceived positive reactions (respect) toward immi-
grants as two indicators of relative deprivation. Furthermore, we also tested whether
education in the host country and in the country of origin are differently related to
perceived discrimination and respect. According to the integration paradox, immi-
grants perceive that they themselves or members of their group get lower returns for
exactly the same educational investments in the host society. The native population is
a relevant comparison group for immigrants who are educated in the host society
(Zagefka & Brown, 2005) and probably less so for those who were educated in their
country of origin.
In the analysis, we first tested the measurement models, and confirmatory factor
analyses indicated that perceived discrimination and subgroup respect were two sepa-
rate latent constructs. In addition, tests of cross-group measurement equivalence indi-
cated that the two latent constructs were sufficiently comparable across the four
immigrant-origin groups and the two generations. So the hypothesized relations could
be validly compared across groups and generations (see de Vroome, Martinovic, et al.,
2014, for details).
In the second step, we tested the structural model with the expected relations and
investigated the robustness of the model across immigrant groups and generations. In
doing so, we controlled statistically for age, years since migration, gender, and occu-
pational status. The findings supported the indirect relationships proposed in the medi-
ation model (for details, see de Vroome, Martinovic, et al., 2014). Higher education
was positively related to perceived discrimination, and perceived discrimination, in
turn, was negatively related to favorable attitudes toward the host society (“level of
satisfaction with Dutch society”) as well as the native population (“general feeling”).
In addition, higher education was negatively related to perceived respect which, in
turn, was positively related to favorable attitudes toward the host society and the native
population. The proposed mediation model was found to be similar for the two genera-
tions and found support among all four immigrant-origin groups. Furthermore,
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additional analyses (“curve estimation”) did not show significant quadratic or other
linear effects for education on the attitude toward the host society and native popula-
tion. Thus, there was no evidence that, for example, the lowest and highest educated
are more negative toward the Dutch than those with a moderate level of education.
Importantly, the findings further showed that higher education was associated with
lower perceived respect among immigrants who were educated in the Netherlands,
and not among those educated in the country of origin. Thus, the level of host country
education rather than origin country education was associated with a perceived lack of
respect. Origin and host country education were similarly related to perceived dis-
crimination. However, compared with perceived lack of respect, discrimination was,
in turn, less strongly associated with favorable attitude toward the host society. Thus,
the integration paradox seems most applicable to immigrants who have invested in
host country education. The education of majority members is probably a less relevant
standard of comparison for immigrants who are educated in the country of origin.
Education, Discrimination, and Positive Social Contacts
Higher education has been found to increase immigrants’ contact opportunities and
actual positive contacts with majority members (Kalmijn & van Tubergen, 2006;
Martinovic, 2013) which might lead to developing a more positive attitude toward the
host society and majority group members (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006). The integration
paradox, however, implies that higher educated immigrants will have more negative
attitudes toward the host society and the majority population. This might mean that
there are two pathways. On the one hand, higher educated immigrants have more fre-
quent positive contacts with the majority population than lower educated immigrants,
and more contact is associated with a more favorable attitude toward the majority
population. On the other hand, higher educated immigrants will feel less accepted in
the country and perceive more discrimination (negative contact) than lower educated
immigrants, resulting in a less favorable attitude toward the majority population.
We examined these two pathways in another study among different large samples
(N = 4,199) of the same four immigrant-origin groups in the Netherlands (ten Teije,
Coenders, & Verkuyten, 2013). Thus, we tried to replicate the findings of the previous
study by using a different attitude measure (extent to which participants considered the
native Dutch as honest, polite, helpful, hospitable, neat, tolerant, and friendly;
Cronbach’s alpha = .76) and by taking positive social contacts into account. For these
samples, there was only information available about education in the Netherlands and
not in the country of origin. Participants were again randomly selected from registers
of various municipalities. As indicators of relative deprivation, we focused on per-
ceived acceptance and perceived discrimination, against oneself as a minority member
(personal discrimination) and against one’s group in general (group discrimination).
In a first step of the analysis, we confirmed (confirmatory factor analysis) the
empirical distinction between these constructs, established measurement equiva-
lence across the four immigrant groups, and found no significant quadratic or other
nonlinear effects of education on the attitude toward the native Dutch. In the second
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590 American Behavioral Scientist 60(5-6)
step, we tested the proposed structural model that is shown in Figure 2. We con-
trolled statistically for age, years since migration, generation, gender, occupational
status, and Dutch language proficiency. The findings supported the indirect relation-
ships proposed in the mediation model (Figure 2; for details, see ten Teije et al.,
2013). For the first pathway, the findings demonstrated that higher educated migrants
indeed had more contacts with the native Dutch and that contact was associated with
more positive attitude toward the native Dutch. More important, there was also
empirical evidence for the second pathway. Higher educated immigrants perceived
lower acceptance of ethnic minority groups in Dutch society and more group dis-
crimination than lower educated migrants. These perceptions were related to less
positive attitudes.
In addition, the unfair treatment of co-ethnics (group discrimination), rather than
personal experiences with discrimination, was found to be important for the attitude
toward the Dutch. This supports the idea that the more advantaged members of disad-
vantaged groups tend to engage in group comparisons and develop more negative
attitudes toward the advantaged group (Taylor & Moghaddam, 1994). Higher educa-
tion might increase one’s awareness of and concerns about the vulnerable and rela-
tively marginal position of immigrants in society. In addition, when they perceive and
experience ethnic discrimination, higher status minority members might be more
assertive (Baumgartner, 1998). Although we did not explicitly test these interpreta-
tions, we did find that the higher educated perceived more group discrimination than
the lower educated, whereas there was no difference for personal discrimination. In
turn, and independently of personal discrimination, higher perceived nonacceptance of
migrant groups and of group discrimination were associated with a less favorable atti-
tude toward the native Dutch. The proposed mediation model was found to be quite
similar for the four immigrant-origin groups with most of the relations being compa-
rable in direction and also in size.
Figure 2. Path diagram with standardized direct and indirect effects of education on
immigrants’ attitude toward the native Dutch.
Note. Circles indicate latent variables and squares manifest variables.
**p < .01. ***p < .001.
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Future Directions
The “integration paradox” indicates that the more highly educated immigrants will
show relatively high levels of dissatisfaction with the host society and more negative
attitudes toward the native majority. Although research in the Netherlands has made
clear progress in documenting and understanding the integration paradox, many
important questions remain. A first question is whether the processes involved in the
integration paradox are limited to host society attitudes and immigrants’ feelings of
belonging. There are reasons to expect that this is not the case and that it also involves,
for example, behavior. A study showed that Moroccan Dutch youngsters who are on
custody awaiting trial are much better integrated in Dutch society than their Moroccan
Dutch noncriminal peers (Stevens, Veen, & Vollebergh, 2009). Relative to the latter,
the former group more often speaks the Dutch language fluently, has more contacts
with Dutch people, and self-identify more often as Dutch. Their relatively strong ori-
entation on Dutch society makes them extra sensitive to inequalities and negative ste-
reotypes. This increases the likelihood of feelings of relative deprivation with the
associated negative emotions of anger, resentment, and frustration that can lead to
crime (Agnew, 2001; Smith et al., 2012). Similarly, several studies in the United States
have found relative high levels of delinquency among ethnic minority youth who have
a strong orientation on American society (Samaniego & Gonzales, 1999; Vega, Gil,
Warheit, Zimmerman, & Apospori, 1993).
A second question relates to the underlying processes. There can be various rea-
sons for why immigrants’ higher structural integration is associated with weaker feel-
ings of identification and belonging in the host society. I focused on one important
reason and that is that immigrants who have achieved higher levels of education also
develop higher expectations and therefore are more susceptible to feelings of relative
deprivation. However, the research discussed did not directly examine these feelings
but used perceptions of discrimination, acceptance, and subgroup respect as indica-
tors. This means that the role of feelings of relative deprivation should be examined
more fully and systematically. Feelings of relative deprivation depend on the indi-
vidual and group comparisons that people make and typically involve anger and
resentment (Smith et al., 2012). This means that future studies could examine justice-
related feelings and emotions directly and examine whether these more fully explain
the association between education and host society disengagement.
A third issue is that the research discussed relied on cross-sectional data and there-
fore we do not know the causal directions of the proposed relations. The path model
(Figure 1) was theoretically derived and other research has shown, for example, that
perceived discrimination drives immigrants’ attitudes toward the host society
(Jasinskaja-Lahti et al., 2009), but different and mutual directions of influence are pos-
sible. Longitudinal panel data are needed for examining the integration paradox more
fully. These kind of data are increasingly collected in North America and many
European countries and it might be possible to investigate the over-time associations
involved in the integration paradox by using existing panel data, or to incorporate
some measures in new data collections.
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592 American Behavioral Scientist 60(5-6)
The research discussed is from a single country in Western Europe. Therefore, we
do not know the generalizability of the findings to other countries. Although there is
some qualitative evidence for similar processes in small-scale studies among minority
groups in the U.S. context (e.g., Baumgartner, 1998; Ogbu, 1993), there might be
country differences that moderate the associations found. For example, large-scale
research has shown that in the Netherlands, Canada, and New Zealand, discrimination
is more often reported by the highly educated immigrants compared with the low edu-
cated, while in other European countries, the low educated report more discrimination
(OECD, 2012). The reasons for these differences are not clear but might have to do
with the fact that European countries do not consider themselves as immigration soci-
eties such as Canada, the United States, and New Zealand. Yet this cannot explain why
there is evidence for the integration paradox in the Netherlands but less so in other
European countries (see Schneider, 2013).
Not only country characteristics are important to investigate in future studies on the
integration paradox but also differences between and within immigrant-origin groups.
In the Netherlands, evidence for the processes behind the paradox was found among
quite different groups, including relatively large groups that have a history of migrant
labor, ex-colonial groups, and more recent and smaller groups that migrated for various
reasons. This indicates that the phenomenon is quite robust and not specific for one
particular group. Yet there might be meaningful differences between immigrant-origin
groups within other countries that have an impact on the integration paradox. For exam-
ple, it might be the case that feelings of entitlements and relative deprivation are stron-
ger among immigrant-origin groups that have a long historical relationship with the
country of settlement, such as Pakistani and Bangladeshi in the United Kingdom.
Additionally, the economic and cultural (mis)match between the host country and coun-
try of origin might be important for how immigrants perceive their situation, feel about
the reactions of the majority population, and emphasize the importance of education.
There are important differences within each particular immigrant-origin group. The
fact that people originate from the same country tell us something, but not a whole lot.
Although we found no generational differences in the integration paradox processes, there
are other demographic differences that might be important, such as gender, age, length of
residence, and region (city, village) of origin and settlement. There also are important dif-
ferences in the immediate social context (neighborhood, community organizations,
schools) and the family context in which immigrants from a particular country of origin
are embedded. And there are differences in political orientations, ideological beliefs, and
religiosity that can be relevant for how immigrants perceive and evaluate their situation
and the opportunities and barriers in the host society. Future research could examine
whether and how these kinds of differences within an immigrant-origin group are relevant
for understanding the processes and conditions involved in the integration paradox.
In addition to the “immigrant paradox” (Garcia Coll et al., 2012), the integration para-
dox presents another surprising and troublesome phenomenon. This paradox relates to
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what happens when immigrants and their children advance their educational and socio-
economic position. Classical immigration theories as well as policy makers and politi-
cians typically argue that education is the road to other forms of integration, including
a sense of belonging and a positive attitude toward the host society. There are many
important reasons for being concerned about educational arrears or underachievement
of immigrants and for putting every effort in trying to improve their educational out-
comes. Yet educational investments without paying close attention to processes of dis-
crimination and feelings of relative deprivation can lead to a distancing or disengagement
from society. Integration policies that focus on structural integration will not necessar-
ily be successful in developing a sense of belonging and a positive attitude toward a
host society. Questions of relative deprivation, and of ethnic discrimination and sub-
group respect in particular, also need to be addressed. Higher education and structural
integration more generally make immigrants more aware of discrimination in society
and more sophisticated social critics. There is a serious problem regarding the per-
ceived (equality of) opportunities in society for those immigrants who meet the educa-
tional requirements and make a strong effort to integrate, but find that key positions in
society are not open to them. Not really being accepted or being treated as a second-
class citizens despite one’s educational investments and efforts undermines the devel-
opment of a sense of belonging to the country of settlement and a positive attitude
toward the dominant majority. The lack of feelings of belonging can put a strain on the
cohesion of society because such feelings are generally considered a prerequisite for
national solidarity, a unified society, and effective democracy. Conditions that hamper
immigrants’ orientation to the host society should therefore be addressed and research
on the integration paradox can make a contribution for doing so.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship,
and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of
this article.
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Author Biography
Maykel Verkuyten is a professor in Interdisciplinary Social Science at the Faculty of Social
and Behavioral Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He is also the academic director
of the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic relations at Utrecht University. He
has published widely on questions related to ethnic identity and cultural diversity.
by guest on April 17, 2016abs.sagepub.comDownloaded from
... Evidence for this discrepancy, labeled the "integration paradox", has been produced for the main immigrant groups and their children in several European countries, especially for groups that are easily identifiable because of their ethno-racial status or religion (Tolsma, Lubbers, and Gijsberts 2012;de Vroome, T., B. Martinovic, and M. Verkuyten. 2014;Verkuyten 2016;Steinmann 2019;Schaeffer and Kas 2023;Safi 2024). Many of these studies have relied on measures of perceived discrimination (how immigrants and their children perceive unequal treatment, attitudes and behaviours towards them) and raised the question of how different forms of discrimination primarily due to nationality, culture and ethno-racial status tap into different dimensions of immigrants' social integration trajectories (Flores 2015;Vang and Chang 2018;Safi 2024). ...
... At the macro level, discrimination towards immigrant groups is an important determinant of their process of social and cultural integration (Esses 2021), and there is evidence of substantial variation in host-country attitudes towards immigrants, nation-origin subgroups, nativity-related characteristics, and immigration policy (Fussell 2014). Experiences of discrimination increase the level of identification with pan-ethnic minority subgroups (Golash-Boza 2016) and contributes to resistance to assimilation (Adida and Robinson 2023), elevated perceptions of group distance (Lindemann 2020) and negative views towards the "mainstream" of the host society (Schaeffer and Kas 2023;Verkuyten 2016). ...
... In recent research, evidence of higher levels of perceived discrimination among immigrants who are more integrated in terms of time since arrival, host-country language acquisition, socioeconomic success, and social interactions with natives has been termed the "paradox of integration" (Safi 2024;Verkuyten 2016). The possibility that more integrated immigrants report higher levels of discrimination is puzzling because, according to the straight-line model of assimilation, structural integration should be accompanied by lower levels of discrimination and less perceived difference vis-à-vis the host society (Steinmann 2019). ...
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We describe the heterogeneity of the Chinese immigrant population in France and investigate how immigrants' diverse patterns of social integration predict perceptions of racism, using survey data and in-depth interviews collected during the COVID-19 outbreak, a period during which anti-Chinese and anti-Asian xenophobia and racism were activated. Our unique data, collected for the Chinese Immigrants in the Paris Region (ChIPRe) Study, enable a classification of Chinese immigrants at the intersection of their migration histories, socio-demographic profiles, broad social integration indicators, and attributes of their social ties that characterize distinct patterns of social interaction with co-ethnics and with the wider French society. Our classification highlights three distinct groups: an established ethnic enclave of Wenzhou Chinese, an immigrant underclass whose members arrived in France after the dismantling of China's centrally planned economy, and successive cohorts of international students, many of whom have gained professional employment in France or intend to stay in France after graduation from institutions of higher education. These distinct immigrant profiles predict different frequencies of subjective experiences of racism that are not attributable to the conventional predictors of racism perceptions alone and add nuance to the discrepancy between conventional social integration indicators and discrimination and racism found among the main immigrant groups and their children in many European countries.
... Ancak, geldikleri ülkedeki toplumla etkileşimleri arttıkça, bazı göçmenler kendilerini toplumdan daha fazla dışlanmış ve uzaklaşmış hissedebilmektedirler. Bu durum, göç ettiği toplumla bütünleşmiş (entegre olmuş) gibi görünen ve bu anlamda ev sahibi topluma psikolojik açıdan daha yakın hissetmesi beklenen yüksek eğitimli ve ekonomik açıdan nispeten iyi durumda olan göçmenlerin (ve onların neslilerinin), tam tersine ev sahibi toplumdan uzaklaşmalarını ve daha fazla ayrımcılık hissetmelerini ifade eden "entegrasyon paradoksu" olarak adlandırılmaktadır (Entzinger & Dourlejin, 2008;Schaeffer & Kas, 2023;Verkuyten, 2016). ...
... Entegrasyon paradoksunun çerçevesini genişletebilecek bir başka alan, Berry'nin (1997) kültürleşme stratejileridir. Ancak, entegrasyon paradoksu önceki derlemelerde kültürleşme stratejileri açısından göz ardı edilmiştir (Schaeffer & Kas, 2023;Verkuyten, 2016). Berry (1997), göçmenlerin dört farklı kültürleşme stratejisi gösterdiklerini öne sürmüştür. ...
... Ancak entegrasyon paradoksu, eğitim düzeyinin yükselmesi ve ekonomik durumun iyileşmesini öne sürerek bu düşünceyi sorgular. Entegrasyon paradoksuna göre daha eğitimli ve ekonomik hayatta daha aktif olan göçmenler, ev sahibi toplumla daha fazla temas eder ve göreli yoksunluğu (relative deprivation) daha fazla hissederler (Verkuyten, 2016). Göreli yoksunluk bakış açısını entegrasyon paradoksuyla inceleyen bir çalışma, Hollanda'daki göçmenlerin ekonomik durumlarından bağımsız olarak, eğitim seviyesinin yükselmesiyle Hollanda'ya ait hissetmenin azaldığını göstermiştir (Geurts vd., 2020). ...
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Entegrasyon paradoksuna göre ev sahibi topluma başarılı uyum sağlamış gibi görünen iyi eğitimli ve yüksek gelirli göçmenler esasen ayrımcılığı en çok hisseden ve göç edilen topluma psikolojik olarak en uzak hisseden bireylerdir. Türkiye, dünya çapında en çok mülteciye ev sahipliği yapmaktadır, ancak Türkçe literatürde entegrasyon paradoksuyla ilgili yayımlanmış çalışma sayısı azdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, entegrasyon paradoksunu teorik arka planıyla beraber tanıtmak, paradoksu destekleyen ve desteklemeyen çalışmaları sıralamak ve paradoksu eleştirel bir şekilde tartışmaktır. Ayrıca entegrasyon paradoksu; kültürleşme, göreli yoksunluk ve gruplar arası temas gibi sosyal psikoloji perspektiflerinden ilgili çalışmalar ışığında incelenmiştir. Entegrasyon paradoksunun bir başka potansiyel sonucu olan ve literatürde geniş bir yer edinen göçmenlerin geri dönme niyetleri ile ilgili çalışmalar da tanıtılmış ve tartışılmıştır.
... Numerous studies have identified significant intergenerational discrepancies described in two specific phenomena: the "immigrant paradox" (Garcia Coll et al. 2009) and the "integration paradox" (Verkuyten 2016). The former highlights that firstgeneration migrants, despite typically exhibiting lower levels of acculturation and education compared to their offspring, often demonstrate superior health, behaviours, attitudes, and academic outcomes. ...
... Conversely, the integration paradox indicates that individuals with migratory backgrounds and with higher economic status and greater degrees of integration may distance themselves psychologically from the society in which they reside (e.g., Jasinskaja-Lahti et al. 2009). These tendencies seem to be driven by relative deprivation and societal expectations (Verkuyten 2016). Indeed, YMBs, more than first-generation migrants, particularly advocate for being treated equally and getting the same opportunities as natives in terms of economic and social inclusion (Domecka and Spanò 2015;Röder and Mühlau 2012). ...
Socio‐demographic changes in Europe have heightened interest in the topic of integration. However, a clear definition of the construct remains elusive, particularly in relation to the second generation and “long‐established” young people of foreign origin. On the one hand, “integration” takes on different meanings depending on the researcher's approach; on the other, few studies directly address the views of young people with a migrant background. Using a qualitative approach, the study analyses the subjective meaning and connotations attributed to the term “integration,” as well as the personal perception of integration into Italian society among 26 young people of different ethnic origins living in Italy (mean age = 24.5 years, SD 4.1; F = 14). All participants belonged to the second generation or had immigrated to Italy before the age of 12. They answered a semi‐structured interview on cultural identity, characteristics of social networks, feelings of integration and experiences of personal and group discrimination. The results showed that the participants closely associated integration with the issues of respect, acceptance and lack of discrimination, but also with the subjective feeling of being part of society and belonging to it. The limitations and practical implications of the study were discussed.
... Buijs, Demant, and Hamdy (2006) proposed that high social class in individuals could decrease national identity -a hypothesis called the integration paradox. The integration paradox is a phenomenon in which highly educated individuals avoid host-country societies more than lesseducated individuals (see also Verkuyten, 2016). Similarly, Bond (2016) posited that even individuals with high educational and professional job position can have a low national identity. ...
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According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022), over half the Australian population (51.5%) now includes 1st and 2nd-generation ethnic consumers. Hence, new research is needed to understand the needs and behaviours of this large group of ethnic consumers. In particular, understanding the ethnic consumers’ identity after moving to a new country and how this may influence their buying behaviour has become a priority for many stakeholders, including marketers, and forms the focus of this thesis. Over the past few decades, scholars have shown great interest in understanding the way consumer purchasing behaviour develops, studying several influential factors such as country image – i.e., descriptive, inferential and informational beliefs consumers have about a particular country, often including cognitive as well as affective components (Han, 1989; Jin et al., 2018; Li et al., 2014; Nagashima, 1970; Wang et al., 2012; Roth & Diamantopoulos, 2009). Yet, to date, little is known about the impact of the image of the home country and the host country on the identity of ethnic consumers who have relocated to a host country. Accordingly, this thesis has two overarching research objectives: i) to examine how home and host country image factors (cognitive and affective) influence ethnic consumer identity, and ii) to ascertain whether these factors affect the purchasing behaviour of different ethnic groups within a multicultural country. To attain these aims, this thesis discusses the theoretical factors likely to determine ethnic consumer identity (ethnic, i.e., linked to the country of origin; or national, i.e., developed in the host country), while considering whether identity is transferred across generations. The thesis then describes the empirical approach undertaken to evaluate whether consumers’ identities impact the image of products/services from the home vs. host country, and their intention to purchase these. Finally, this thesis presents an empirical quantitative study based on online survey data (N=261), collected in Australia from four ethnic groups (Latvian, Iranian, Vietnamese, and Italian), examined through structural equation modelling. The results indicate that positive emotions toward the home country and the host country have a positive and significant effect on the identity of ethnic consumers, while cognitive and negative emotions do not seem to affect consumers' identity. Positive feelings toward the home country have the most significant influence on the purchase of their home country products; in contrast, negative emotions toward the host country affect the purchase of products of the host country. Results also show that ethnic consumer identity leads to a strong purchase intention for the home country's products and mediates the positive country image of the home country and the purchase intention of the home country's products. Comparing the first- and second-generation respondents, results show that the factor affecting the identity of the first and second generations is consistently positive country image. This thesis makes the following significant contributions. Theoretically, it explains the link between the components of country image and the consumers’ identities and confirms that key concepts such as home and host positive country image and home cognitive country image act as the force behind national vs. ethnic identities. Doing so, the thesis advances marketing knowledge thanks to linking country image research and consumer identity research. From a managerial point of view, this thesis provides valuable insights that can be turned into marketing strategies to successfully target and meet the needs of ethnic consumers. For instance, marketers can leverage positive emotions of home country products and services using strategies such point-of-sale cues in selected distribution outlets, and positive country image-oriented packaging and communication.
... Ethnic minorities often face discrimination and are confronted with a majority society in which a significant part of the population remains reluctant to fully accept them as equal members of the civil society (Alanya et al., 2017;Auspurg et al., 2017). Such negative experiences are known to be associated with negative, and even alienated, attitudes towards the host society (Döring, 2007;Tolsma et al., 2012;Verkuyten, 2016) and might particularly resonate with a disillusioned and cynical worldview. The political inclusion of ethnic minorities is an essential component of democratic legitimacy. ...
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Introduction This study examines how intergroup dynamics shape political cynicism among Belgians of Turkish and Moroccan descent. Concretely, we examine whether perceptions of discrimination, feelings of ethnic outsiderness and social capital (in terms of associational membership) can explain minorities’ belief that political elites are selfish, incompetent, and immoral. Methods We analyse data from the Belgian Ethnic Minorities Election Study 2014. Results Arguing that political cynicism includes blame attribution towards the political establishment, we distinguish between perceived group discrimination by the government, on the labor market, and in everyday life. As expected, political cynicism is closely related to perceptions of government discrimination, with no observed correlation with discrimination in the other domains. Next, we show that perceived ethnic outsiderness is also strongly related to increased feelings of political cynicism, further reinforcing the argument that cynics are concerned with their ethnic group’s excluded status and position in society. Finally, associational membership is only related to lower political cynicism when it is generated exclusively within ethnic boundaries; there was no relationship with cross-ethnic social capital. Discussion Our findings show that intergroup indicators are highly relevant for understanding minorities’ political cynicism, but that the intergroup dynamics operate in complex and nuanced ways.
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Introduction Norway’s healthcare system needs a diversified work force to meet societal demands for improved cultural competence. However, many migrants in Norway who were educated as health professions in their home countries are not practicing these professions. This may negatively affect their physical and mental health and hinder their personal social integration. Though good health is often seen as a precondition for work, relevant working activities can also improve health. However, including health professionals with foreign education in academic institutions prior to receiving necessary accreditation is a complex task. This study will pilot an intervention aiming to improve health through meaningful integration of these professionals in academic environments. Materials and methods This paper is a protocol for a non-randomized pilot intervention study targeting migrants who are waiting for their health education accreditation in Norway. To test the benefits of meaningful activity on health and explore possibilities for implementing such activity, we have designed a six-month long intervention consisting of including nurses, doctors, and other highly educated migrants with healthcare backgrounds between 20 and 67 years of age, into health-related working tasks, at two higher education institutions in Bergen, Norway. The intervention will be tailored according to the participant’s expertise. This hybrid type 2 pilot protocol paper will present how feasibility, fidelity, dose received (satisfaction), and dose of exposure (participation), will be assessed and whether the intervention is experienced as beneficial for the participants’ health as primary outcome utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods. Conclusion We present a complex, personalized intervention that has the potential for large scale implementation in the future. By thoroughly presenting our designed intervention and assessment methods, this protocol will add to the study’s transparency and facilitate replicability and comparison with future studies. This study will be of benefit to the migrants themselves, policy makers, government agencies and academia at large as it can point to a unique and sustainable way of speeding up the integration of highly educated migrants in their respective fields in a new host country.
Terrorism has the potential to divide societies. It is particularly relevant to investigate how Islamist terrorism on social media is associated with Muslim minorities’ attitudes and behaviors. This study examined how seeing terrorism on social media relates to Muslim minority individuals’ perceived stigmatization. We further investigated how perceived stigmatization translates to social media behaviors, namely, terror-related online self-disclosure and correction of false information about religion. A survey among German Muslims ( N = 432) showed that social media use for information about terrorism was positively associated with perceived stigmatization. This relationship was moderated by individuals’ national identity, but not religious identity. Perceived stigmatization, in turn, positively predicted terror-related online self-disclosure and correction of false information about religion. The findings accentuate the role of social media use for minorities to cope and stand up for their in-group in the face of terror.
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This is a review of the Sigelman Welch book on Black Americans' Views of Racial Inequality published by Cambridge in 1991. The review is by Wade Smith. This is not an article.
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This study, conducted in The Netherlands, examines the “paradox of integration” proposition by focusing on the relationship between educational attainment and immigrants’ attitude toward the native population. We found that educational level is related to this attitude in two opposite ways. On the one hand, better educated immigrants had more voluntary contact with the native population, and more contact was associated with a more positive attitude, partly because of higher perceived acceptance and lower perceived discrimination. On the other hand and independently of contact, better educated immigrants had a less positive attitude toward the native population because of lower perceived acceptance and higher perceived group discrimination. The latter findings support the paradox of integration proposition. The pattern of results was quite similar for four different immigrant groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved)
Research has shown that more acculturated Latino adolescents are at increased risk for delinquent behavior relative to their less acculturated counterparts. The present study examined the mediating effects of seven variables hypothesized to account for the empirical link between acculturation status and delinquent activity for a sample of Mexican American adolescents. Mediational analyses provided support for four of the putative mediators which included family conflict, maternal monitoring, inconsistent discipline, and negative peer hassles. Examined together, these variables totally mediated the effect of acculturation status on delinquent behavior. In addition, family conflict and maternal monitoring uniquely accounted for a significant proportion of the mediated variance above that explained by the other variables in the model. Adolescent's cultural identity, perceived discrimination, and maternal acceptance were not supported as mediators.
Post-1965 immigration to the United States has given rise to a vigorous literature focused on adult newcomers. There is, however, a growing new second generation whose prospects of adaptation cannot be gleaned from the experience of their parents or from that of children of European immigrants arriving at the turn of the century. We present data on the contemporary second generation and review the challenges that it confronts in seeking adaptation to American society. The concept of segmented assimilation is introduced to describe the diverse possible outcomes of this process of adaptation. The concept of modes of incorporation is used for developing a typology of vulnerability and resources affecting such outcomes. Empirical case studies illustrate the theory and highlight consequences of the different contextual situations facing today's second generation.
Conference Paper
The processes involved in well-being maintenance among African Americans who differed in their attributions to prejudice were examined. A rejection-identification model was proposed where stable attributions to prejudice represent rejection by the dominant group. This results in a direct and negative effect on well-being. The model also predicts a positive effect on well-being that is mediated by minority group identification. In other words, the generally negative consequences of perceiving oneself as a victim of racial prejudice can be somewhat alleviated by identification with the minority group. Structural equation analyses provided support for the model and ruled out alternative theoretical possibilities. Perceiving prejudice as pervasive produces effects on well-being that are fundamentally different from those that may arise from an unstable attribution to prejudice for a single negative outcome.
The set of studies presented here describes a theoretically based method of assessing perceived social inequity and illustrates the approach through the development of an instrument assessing this experience in women's lives. The Perceived Social Inequity Scale-Women's Form (PSIS-W) is grounded in relative deprivation theory (Davis, 1959), which states that discontent results from recognition of an unfair discrepancy between one's own situation and that of others. The psychometric quality of me 26-item PSIS-W is supported by consistent results across two factor analyses, strong temporal stability over 1- and 4-month intervals, and relationships found between it and a number of predicted variables. Implications for theory and research in the areas of social inequity, social stigma, and stereotype perception are discussed.
This paper reports findings from an ethnographic investigation into how immigrants to the contemporary United States manage grievances against people culturally different from themselves, including individuals from the majority population, other immigrants and members of American-born minority groups. Two principal patterns emerge: first, that a high degree of harmony can and does exist between immigrants and other people, but that it is a harmony based largely on mutual avoidance and self-segregation rather than intercultural solidarity and support, and second, that immigrants react differently to offenders from the majority population than to those who, like themselves come from culturally unconventional backgrounds. The reasons for these patterns are explored, and implications for the moral order of diverse communities are considered.
Previous studies among the four largest immigrant groups in the Netherlands suggest that higher-educated immigrants, who are more apt to integrate, actually experience more discrimination than lower-educated immigrants, which is referred to as the integration paradox. In this study, we first investigate whether this paradox also exists among smaller immigrant groups (i.e. Afghani, Iraqi, Irani, Somali, Polish and Chinese) in the Netherlands. Second, we aim to explain the educational effect on perceived personal discrimination. We derive hypotheses from a theory of exposure and a theory of rising expectations. Data are drawn from a large-scale survey (SING2009) and include close to 1,000 face-to-face interviews for each of the small ethnic minority groups. Our study supports the existence of an integration paradox for small immigrant groups in the Netherlands. Our results show that higher-educated immigrants perceive more personal discrimination, which can be attributed to their exposure to Dutch politics, their experience of relative deprivation regarding their work and education and their participation in associations.