
Schisandra chinensis

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Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill., Chine­sisches Spaltkörbchen, ist eine Schisandraceae (Sternanisgewächs), die als bewährte Heilpflanze der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin gilt. Die Früchte werden sowohl getrocknet als auch frisch verwendet und besitzen eine Monografie im Arzneibuch der Chinesischen Medizin. Sie enthalten ­neben den Vitaminen C und E ätherisches Öl sowie besonders in den Samen pharmakologisch aktive Lignane. Diese Verbindungen werden für eine stressprotektive Wirkung und die Steigerung der physischen und mentalen Leistungsfähigkeit verantwortlich gemacht. Weitere Wirkungen der Droge umfassen entzündungshemmende und leberprotektive Effekte. Die Pflanze (Vitafit-Beeren®) wird heute auch in Europa angebaut und die frischen Früchte werden als Obst gegessen oder zur Selbstmedika­tion ­genutzt. Summary Schisandra chinensis Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill., five-flavor berry, belongs to the family of Schisandraceae and has a long tradition in Chinese medicine. The fresh and dried fruits were used and described in the current pharmacopoeia of Chinese medicine. Ingredients of the drug are vitamins C and E, essential oil and lignans found especially in the seeds. These compounds seem to be responsible for different pharmacological activities, like stress protection and the enhancement of physical and mental performance as well as anti-inflammatory and liver protective effects. The plant is currently cultivated also in Europe (Vitafit-Beeren®) and the fresh berries are used as fruits or for self-medication.

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... Information about the characteristics of S. chinensis is shown in Table 2. Chemical constituents of S. chinensis The main active chemical constituents of Schisandra include polysaccharides and lignans (Choi et al., 2006;Dai et al., 2006;Sovova et al., 2007;Zhu et al., 2014;Schlegel and Melzig, 2016). Lignans are the bioactive constituents in Schisandra chinensis fruits (Cheng et al., 2014). ...
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Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) of the Lamiaceae family contains a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals and rich in several nutrients. Schisandra berry (Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. (Magnoliaceae) or Wu-Wei-Zi, which means the fruit of five tastes, is a generally used herb in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The five tastes of Schisandra berry refer to its impact on the five visceral organs in the body. S. chinensis has been utilized to treat sleep disorders and a tonic for kidney and brain in traditional Chinese medicine. The five important components of S. chinensis are Schisandrol B, Schisandrin A, γ-Schisandrin, Gomisin N, and Schisandrin C. The aim of this review was to outline the most notable traditional and modern health benefits of common sage and Schisanda berries. Common sage has several promising health benefits which can be consumed fresh, dried, or as a tea. It has shown antioxidant, anti-diabetes, anti-cancer, anti-obesity, anti-cholesterol, anti-bacterial, and anti-diarrheal activities. Health benefits of S. chinensis are antimicrobial, anti-cancer, anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, and anti-aging related effects. The treatment with natural herbal medicines which are also super-fruit and non-synthetic drugs is recommended.
... Information about the characteristics of S. chinensis is shown in Table 2. Chemical constituents of S. chinensis The main active chemical constituents of Schisandra include polysaccharides and lignans (Choi et al., 2006;Dai et al., 2006;Sovova et al., 2007;Zhu et al., 2014;Schlegel and Melzig, 2016). Lignans are the bioactive constituents in Schisandra chinensis fruits (Cheng et al., 2014). ...
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Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) of the Lamiaceae family contains a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals and rich in several nutrients. Schisandra berry (Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. (Magnoliaceae) or Wu-Wei-Zi, which means the fruit of five tastes, is a generally used herb in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The five tastes of Schisandra berry refer to its impact on the five visceral organs in the body. S. chinensis has been utilized to treat sleep disorders and a tonic for kidney and brain in traditional Chinese medicine. The five important components of S. chinensis are Schisandrol B, Schisandrin A, γ-Schisandrin, Gomisin N, and Schisandrin C. The aim of this review was to outline the most notable traditional and modern health benefits of common sage and Schisanda berries. Common sage has several promising health benefits which can be consumed fresh, dried, or as a tea. It has shown antioxidant, anti-diabetes, anti-cancer, anti-obesity, anti-cholesterol, anti-bacterial, and anti-diarrheal activities. Health benefits of S. chinensis are antimicrobial, anti-cancer, anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, and anti-aging related effects. The treatment with natural herbal medicines which are also super-fruit and non-synthetic drugs is recommended.
... The most important ingredients of the drug are vitamins C and E, essential oil and lignans found especially in the seeds and these compounds are responsible for various pharmaceutical activities. 43 Choi et al. 44 found that phytochemical investigation of the fruits of Schisandra chinensis led to the isolation of 13 lignans including schisandrene (13), a new lignin based on a dibenzocyclooctadiene backbone with an exocyclic double bond. On the basis of their research, the structure-activity relationships of the dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans showed that the exocyclic methylene functionality was essential for antioxidant activity. ...
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Introduction: The aim of this review was to summarize the most important traditional and modern health benefits of Schisanda berry. Methods: We used PubMed, Science Direct and Google to search for and collect scientific publication for a full evaluation of current evidence in the literature indicating the potential role of Schisanda berry. Results: The traditional Chinese medicine (TCMs) is essential components of alternative medicines. Schisandra berry (Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. (Magnoliaceae) or Wu-Wei-Zi, which means the fruit of five tastes is a commonly used herb in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The five tastes of Schisandra berry refer to its influence on the five visceral organs in the body. It is one of the oldest medicinal plants used in East of Asia, especially traditional Chinese medicine. S. chinensis is mainly distributed in provinces in northern China including Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning. S. chinensis can treat lung-Qi and kidney-Yin deficiencies, relieve coughs and asthma and stop persistent diarrhea. S. chinensis has been used to treat sleep disorder in traditional Chinese medicine and a tonic for kidney and brain in traditional Chinese medicine. Its extracts may apply as a preservative and as an additive to increase the flavor, taste and nutritional value of food. The five important components of S. chinensis are Schisandrol B, Schisandrin A, γ-Schisandrin, Gomisin N and Schisandrin C. Conclusion:
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