
The Interplay of Active Forces and Passive Mechanical Stresses in Animal Morphogenesis

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Both for an experienced and for a naive observer the development of a living sample, be it plant or animal, looks, first of all, as a regular succession of complicated changes in the shapes and mutual arrangement of its parts; such a succession is usually defined as a morphogenesis while its components as morphogenetic processes. Invaginations, evaginations and the bending of epithelial layers, condensations of freely moving mesenchymal cells, as well as the changes in shapes and overall proportions of the large masses of almost immobile plant cells may serve as the examples of morphogenetic processes. As was shown by the molecular biology within several last decades, all of these processes are based upon a highly regulated motile activity of the molecular and supramolecular components of the living cells. In the first approximation, all of these processes may be considered as mechanical, what means that they are associated with the production of mechanical forces and changes in space positions of the material constituents.

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... This structure is also known as the cortical actin layer [19]. It is composed of series of antiparallel, mutually sliding actin filaments, connected by myosin bridges [4]. In embryonic epithelial cells of some species -including the Drosophila melanogaster -actin is also present in a bundle surrounding the apical end of the cell [4,65]. ...
... It is composed of series of antiparallel, mutually sliding actin filaments, connected by myosin bridges [4]. In embryonic epithelial cells of some species -including the Drosophila melanogaster -actin is also present in a bundle surrounding the apical end of the cell [4,65]. Actin is also present in bundles criss-crossing the cell, which reinforce the cortical actin [19]. ...
... The microfilaments contract, generating tensile forces along and in the vicinity of the cellular membrane. Apical bundles of microfilaments in a group of neighbouring cells can act in concert to create contractions over large distances along a tissue [4]. ...
... Many seminal experiments highlighting the crucial role of chemo-mechanical cue in morphogenesis have been performed in the last decades by the research group lead by Lev Beloussov. In particular, these works have reported that the active responses of living matter may overshoot the passive mechanical stimuli, proposing a hyper-restoration principle for homeostasis [8]. Another open area of investigation concerns the identification of the local regulation mechanisms, mainly signalling pathways that spatially and temporally control cell behaviour, which allow the global orchestration of a macroscopic shape [76]. ...
... Using the divergence theorem in Eq. (8) and the properties of the cross product, the first term in the r.h.s of Eq.(18) transforms into the volume integral: ...
From a mathematical viewpoint, the study of morphogenesis focuses on the description of all geometric and structural changes which locally orchestrate the underlying biological processes directing the formation of a macroscopic shape in living matter. In this chapter, we introduce a continuous chemo-mechanical approach of morphogenesis, deriving the balance principles and evolution laws for both volumetric and interfacial processes. The proposed theory is applied to the study of pattern formation for either a fluid-like or a solid-like biological system model, using both theoretical methods and simulation tools.
... Time-lapse imaging of tissue movement is very important in embryology, as it allows observation of important transient features of a developing embryo, such as problastopores and propagation of differentiation waves . If we could measure the forces generated by the cells and how cells react to those forces, it would allow us to distinguish cause and effect for cell sheet movements and cell differentiation (Beloussov and Harris, 2006;Beloussov, 1994;Beloussov et al., 2015;Gordon, 1999). How cells react to the forces placed on them plays a major part in how an embryo develops (Ambrosi et al., 2017;Fleury and Gordon, 2012 (Brodland et al., 2010b(Brodland et al., , 2014Cranston et al., 2010) based on a method initiated by Stein and Gordon (1982). ...
We have designed and constructed a Flipping Stage for a light microscope that can view the whole exterior surface of a 2 mm diameter developing axolotl salamander embryo. It works by rapidly inverting the bottom-heavy embryo, imaging it as it rights itself. The images are then montaged to reconstruct the whole 3D surface versus time, for a full 4D record of the surface. Imaging early stage axolotl development will help discover how cell differentiation and movement takes place in the early embryo. For example, the switch from ectodermal to neural plate cells takes place on the top, animal surface portion the egg/embryo and can be observed using the flipping stage microscope. Detailed pictures of the whole surface need to be obtained so that cell tracking and event histories, such as cell divisions and participation in differentiation waves, of individual cells can be recorded. Imaging the whole exterior of the eggs/embryos will allow for the analysis of cell behavior and the forces the cells experience in their natural setting in the intact or manipulated embryo. This will give insights into embryogenesis, development, developmental disruptions, birth defects, cell differentiation and tissue engineering.
Individual cells have numerous competencies in physiological and metabolic spaces. However, multicellular collectives can reliably navigate anatomical morphospace towards much larger, reliable endpoints. Understanding the robustness and control properties of this process is critical for evolutionary developmental biology, bioengineering, and regenerative medicine. One mechanism that has been proposed for enabling individual cells to coordinate toward specific morphological outcomes is the sharing of stress (where stress is a physiological parameter that reflects the current amount of error in the context of a homeostatic loop). Here, we construct and analyze a multiscale agent-based model of morphogenesis in which we quantitatively examine the impact of stress sharing on the ability to reach target morphology. We found that stress sharing improves the morphogenetic efficiency of multicellular collectives; populations with stress sharing reached anatomical targets faster. Moreover, stress sharing influenced the future fate of distant cells in the multi-cellular collective, enhancing cells’ movement and their radius of influence, consistent with the hypothesis that stress sharing works to increase cohesiveness of collectives. During development, anatomical goal states could not be inferred from observation of stress states, revealing the limitations of knowledge of goals by an extern observer outside the system itself. Taken together, our analyses support an important role for stress sharing in natural and engineered systems that seek robust large-scale behaviors to emerge from the activity of their competent components.
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We have designed and constructed a Flipping Stage for a light microscope that can view the whole exterior surface of a 2 mm diameter developing axolotl salamander embryo. It works by rapidly inverting the bottom-heavy embryo, imaging it as it rights itself. The images are then montaged to reconstruct the whole 3D surface versus time, for a full 4D record of the surface. Imaging early stage axolotl development will help discover how cell differentiation and movement takes place in the early embryo. For example, the switch from ectodermal to neural plate cells takes place on the top, animal surface portion the egg/embryo and can be observed using the flipping stage microscope. Detailed pictures of the whole surface need to be obtained so that cell tracking and event histories, such as cell divisions and participation in differentiation waves, of individual cells can be recorded. Imaging the whole exterior of the eggs/embryos will allow for the analysis of cell behavior and the forces the cells experience in their natural setting in the intact or manipulated embryo. This will give insights into embryogenesis, development, developmental disruptions, birth defects, cell differentiation and tissue engineering.
The article is devoted to physical views on embryo development as a combination of structurally stable dynamics and symmetry-breaking events in the general process of self-organization. The first corresponds to the deterministic aspect of embryo development. The second type of processes is associated with sudden increase of variability in the periods of symmetry-breaking, which manifests unstable dynamics. The biological basis under these considerations includes chemokinetics (a system of inductors, repressors, and interaction with their next surrounding) and morphomechanics (i.e. mechanotransduction, mechanosensing, and related feedback loops). Although the latter research area is evolving rapidly, up to this time the role of mechanical properties of embryonic tissues and mechano-dependent processes in them are integrated in the general picture of embryo development to a lesser extent than biochemical signaling. For this reason, the present article is mostly devoted to experimental data on morphomechanics in the process of embryo development, also including analysis of its limitations and possible contradictions. The general system of feedback-loops and system dynamics delineated in this review is in large part a repetition of the views of Lev Beloussov, who was one of the founders of the whole areas of morphomechanics and morphodynamics, and to whose memory this article is dedicated.
In modern science, a most adequate conceptual framework for treating the behaviour of complex dynamic systems is given by the theory of self-organization (e.g., Prigogine, 1980). The developing organisms may be definitely attributed to self-organizing entities by a number of criteria and, above all, by their capacity for spontaneous breaks of the symmetry order. We define those breaks of macroscopical symmetry as spontaneous which do not imply any definite macroscopical causes (dissymmetrizators), let they be located outside or inside the embryo. As is well established by descriptive and experimental embryology, such symmetry breaks are taking place not only at the level of a visible morphology, but also within the phase space of the developmental potencies. The latter means that embryonic development is always associated with a progressive narrowing and specification of the morphogenetical potencies initially delocalized throughout embryonic space.
This is a review of studies on morphogenesis carried out at the Department of Embryology, Moscow State University, over the past 30 years. The main direction of studies has been to reveal and describe the properties of self-organizing fields of mechanical stresses in developing embryos.
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The question of how spatial structures and order are generated in the developing organism is one of the most challenging areas of biological research today. Much useful work has been done, principally by observing pattern regulation occurring after an experimental disturbance, but the underlying mechanisms — the multiplicity of molecular, cellular and tissue interactions taking place still remain obscure. This book shows which types of molecular interaction are able to account for well known and representative results documented in the literature. The mechanisms proposed are illustrated by precise, yet simply understood mathematical models, a means profitably applied for illuminating complex systems in many other disciplines. The book begins by discussing mechanisms which have the ability to generate biological patterns, and goes on to consider how these mechanisms are used to generate positional information. A detailed comparison of the general theory with insect development is presented, and further chapters review the generation of subpatterns and how cells respond. Also considered are mechanisms for the activation of particular genes, which arc seen to be compatible with developmental alteration induced by a known class of mutants. The book concludes with a collection of FORTRAN computer programs which allow a simulation of the assumed interactions. The precise mathematical treatment of biological dada presented here represents the first attempt to formulate a coherent theory of pattern formation during development. It will certainly stimulate further research, and will be read with interest by developmental biologists and those interested in mathematical modelling of complex systems.
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The first inductive interaction in amphibian develop-ment is mesoderm induction, in which an equatorial mesodermal rudiment is induced from the animal hemisphere under the influence of a signal from vegetal pole blastomeres. We have recently dis-covered that the Xenopus XTC cell line secretes a factor which has the properties we would expect of a mesoderm-inducing factor. In this paper, we show that an early response to this factor by isolated Xenopus animal pole regions is a change in shape, involving elongation and constriction. We show by several criteria, including general appearance, timing, rate of elongation and the nonrequirement for cell division that these movements resemble the events of gastrulation. We also demonstrate that the move-ments provide an early, simple and reliable indicator of mesoderm induction and are of use in providing a 'model system' for the study of mesoderm induction and gastrulation. For example, we show that the timing of gastrulation movements does not depend upon the time of receipt of a mesoderm-induction signal, but on an intrinsic gastrulation 'clock' which is present even in those animal pole cells that would not normally require it.
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In Xenopus laevis embryos at the early gastrula stage, circumferential tensions of embryonic ectoderm were relaxed by making sagittal or transversal slits in the ventral parts of embryos and inserting into surgical cuts the sectors of homologous tissue from same-stage embryos. Changes in tensile patterns were controlled by measuring cell surface angles. Immediate decreases in surface cell wall tension as related to transversal wall tension were registered. Within minutes of the operation, the lobopodial activity of the inner ectodermal surface increased. The subsequent gastrulation movements were disturbed, germ layers partially mixed and archenteron reduced. The areas of extensive cell columnarization in the ectoderm of operated embryos were less regularly arranged and were extended much more ventrally than in intact embryos. Ventro-dorsal migration and latero-medial intercalation of mesodermal cells also were suppressed. As the operated embryos developed, we observed increases in the total amount of neural tissue, associated sometimes with duplication and even triplication of neural tubes, duplication of otic vesicles, partial fusion of axial rudiments, suppression of mesodermal segmentation and branching or bending of notochord. In the gravest cases the antero-posterior embryo polarity was disturbed. In some cases we observed the formation of axial rudiments in ventral implants. The role of tensions in determining the patterns of morphogenetic cell movements and in establishing the morphological order of normal development is discussed.
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We first review cortical-cytoplasmic rotation, a microtubule-mediated process by which the Xenopus egg, like other amphibian eggs, transforms its polarized cylindrical symmetry into bilateral symmetry within the first cell cycle after fertilization. This transformation, the earliest of many steps leading to dorsal development, involves the displacement of the egg's cortex relative to its cytoplasmic core by 30 degrees in an animal-vegetal direction. As rotation is progressively reduced by microtubule-depolymerizing agents, embryos develop with body axes progressively deleted for dorsal structures at the anterior end. With no rotation, ventralized embryos are formed. In an effort to comprehend this progressive effect on embryonic organization, we go on to review subsequent developmental process depending on rotation, and we propose, with evidence, that reduced rotation leads to a reduced number of vegetal dorsalizing cells, which induce during the blastula stage a Spemann organizer region of smaller than normal size. The reduced organizer then promotes a reduced amount of cell rearrangement (morphogenesis) at gastrulation. Reduced morphogenesis seems the proximate cause of the incompleteness of axial pattern, as shown further by the fact that embryos that are normal until the gastrula stage, if exposed to inhibitors of morphogenesis, develop body axes that are progressively less complete in their anterior dorsal organization the earlier their gastrulation had been blocked. We discuss why axial pattern might depend systematically on morphogenesis.
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Mechanical tension influences tissue morphogenesis and the synthetic, mitotic, and motile behavior of cells. To determine the effects of tension on epithelial motility and cytoskeletal organization, small, motile clusters of epidermal cells were artificially extended with a micromanipulated needle. Protrusive activity perpendicular to the axis of tension was dramatically suppressed. To determine the ultrastructural basis for this phenomenon, cells whose exact locomotive behavior was recorded cinemicrographically were examined by transmission electron microscopy. In untensed, forward-moving lamellar protrusions, microfilaments appear disorganized and anisotropically oriented. But in cytoplasm held under tension by micromanipulation or by the locomotive activity of other cells within the epithelium, microfilaments are aligned parallel to the tension. In non-spreading regions of the epithelial margin, microfilaments lie in tight bundles parallel to apparent lines of tension. Thus, it appears that tension causes alignment of microfilaments. In contrast, intermediate filaments are excluded from motile protrusions, being confined to the thicker, more central part of the cell. They roughly follow the contours of the cell, but are not aligned relative to tension even when microfilaments in the same cell are. This suggests that the organization of intermediate filaments is relatively resistant to physical distortion and the intermediate filaments may act as passive structural support within the cell. The alignment of microfilaments under tension suggests a mechanism by which tension suppresses protrusive activity: microfilaments aligned by forces exerted through filament-surface or filament-filament interconnections cannot reorient against such force and so cannot easily extend protrusions in directions not parallel to tension.
The multinuclear plasmodia of acellular slime molds can reach a size of several m2 and are able to migrate with a velocity of up to 1 cm hr−1. The basis of this rapid locomotion is a permanent translocation of cytoplasm plus nuclei in the form of a shuttle streaming: the endoplasm flows back and forth with a periodicity of ½ to 2 min, especially visible in plasmodial strands which characterize the rear part of a plasmodium. The frontal part of a plasmodium consists of a more or less continuous protoplasmic sheet which also encloses the pathways of an endoplasmic shuttle streaming. This migration polarity of a plasmodium is subject to changes due to, e.g., chemical stimuli.
The locomotion of the body’s component cells depends upon the formation of three classes of protrusions from the cell surface. These protrusions have been studied primarily in tissue culture, where they all form preferentially along the leading margins of crawling cells. They differ from one another in shape: flattened protrusions are called “lamellipodia” (or “ruffles”); rounded protrusions are called “lobopodia” (or “blebs”); while the third class consists of narrow, stiff rods called “filopodia” (or “microspikes”). These are actively pushed out from the cell surface, although some then form adhesions to the substratum or to other cells.
Internal hydrostatic pressure in bacteria and in plant cells is a main factor determining shape and growth of individual cells and multicellular organisms (cf. Chap. IV.1). The question whether osmotic pressure in animal cells also differs from that of the extracellular fluid is still unresolved. While a difference is obvious for freshwater protists, it is doubtful for cells of multicellular organisms. Erythrocytes of various species and eggs of some marine invertebrates, chick heart fibroblasts, and frog muscle cells all seem to behave roughly like osmometers (Dick 1959, 1966; Olmstead 1966). Doerner (1967) has postulated the occurrence of an internal pressure linked with the uniformly varying modulus of elasticity from the periphery of a cell toward its center. This pressure may vary from point to point on a cell surface and could well be involved in modeling cell shape. More recently, experimental evidence has accumulated showing that cellular behavior in hypotonic media differs considerably from that of an ideal osmometer (i.e. Skalak and Shu Chien 1982; Roti Roti and Rothstein 1973; Raaphorst and Kruuv 1979). Any volume change which is not in accord with Boylè-van’t Hoff s law (deviation from an ideal osmometer) can be due to one of the following factors acting either alone or in accord with each other: 1. presence of an osmotically inactive part of the volume; 2. restricted mobility of the cell water; 3. release or uptake of ions, or other solutes; 4. osmotic activity of cytogel; 5. presence of an active force adding to osmotic pressure.
Living cells are soft bodies of a characteristic form, but endowed with a capacity for a steady turnover of their structures. This dynamic character is the main difference between cells and most objects engineers are concerned with. Despite these dynamics, an overall shape can be maintained and structural continuity assures continuity of force transmission throughout ontogeny. Dynamics is the basis for the high reactivity of cells to internal and external signals. For instance, migrating cells colliding with others may either immediately change their direction of locomotion or they may adhere to each other and start to form an epithelium. Both events require structural reorganization. This is determined by three factors: (1) the commitment of the cell to a certain pattern of behavior controlled by the genetic material, (2) the mechanical constraints inherent in the cell structure itself, and (3) mechanical interaction of the cell with its environment. Therefore, continuity of tension transmission can be regarded as a form of information processing (Albrecht-Bühler 1985 and Chap. IV.2). A historical overview of the development of ideas on the “skeletal structures” in cells is given by Stossel et al. (Chap. II.5). The most consequent approach to such an understanding of cell architecture, at the present, is that of Ingber and Jamieson (1985) describing cells as tensegrity structures, i.e., structures which generate their own tensional forces and exhibit an architectural integrity independent of gravity. A discussion of whether their model holds true in detail for a description of cell architecture would excess the scope of these introductory remarks.
Neurites of PC12 and chick dorsal root ganglion neurons behave as viscoelastic solids in response to applied forces. This passive behavior can be modeled with three mechanical elements; a relatively stiff, undamped spring in series with a Voight element composed of a less stiff spring in parallel with a dashpot. In response to applied tensions greater than 100 microdynes, PC12 cells show lengthening behavior distinct from and in addition to the passive viscoelastic response. We interpret this as "towed growth" (Bray, D. 1984. Dev. Biol. 102:379-389) because the neurites can become twice as long without obvious thinning of the neurite and because in two cases neurite tensions fell below original rest tensions, a result that cannot be obtained with passive viscoelastic elements. The rate of towed growth showed a linear dependence of growth rate with applied tensions in 8 of 12 PC12 neurites exposed to applied tension greater than 100 microdynes. Both PC12 and chick sensory neurons showed evidence of retraction when neurite tensions were suddenly diminished. This response was measured as tension recovery after slackening in chick sensory neurites. In 62% of the cases, tension recovery exceeded and sometimes doubled the preexperimental steady-state tension. Our data indicate that this response is active tension generation by the neurite shaft. We conclude that neurite length is regulated by axial tension in both elongation and retraction. Our data suggest a three-way controller: above some tension set point, the neurite is stimulated to elongate. Below some different, lower tension threshold the neurite is stimulated to retract. Between these two tension thresholds, the neurite responds passively as a viscoelastic solid.
SUMMARY The properties of the ion-transporting systems in the green Hydra were investigated by measuring the trans-epithelial potential and the potential profile across the body wall. The major potential step occurs across the inner ectodermal membrane, and is produced by an inwardly directed electrogenic sodium pump, which is sensitive to ethacrynic acid but not to ouabain. Calcium ions inhibit sodium transport across the epithelium. Calculations using data for the short-circuit current across the epithelium show that sodium transport requires a relatively high rate of energy expendi- ture, as would be expected 'a priori' for a small organism.
A major question in the analysis of teleost epiboly is the fate of the yolk cytoplasmic layer. It diminishes during epiboly and eventually disappears at the completion of epiboly. This paper is concerned with the fate of the surface of the yolk cytoplasmic layer during epiboly. When gastrulae during epiboly are bathed in lucifer yellow (CH) and then observed with fluorescent microscopy or bathed in ferritin and then fixed and observed with TEM, a thin circumferential ring of endocytic vesicles is observed, confined to the external yolk syncytial layer just peripheral to the advancing margin of the blastoderm. Even though the entire egg is immersed in the marker, endocytosis is confined to this limited region. More precisely, this endocytosis occurs only within the region of the external yolk syncytial layer, where the surface is most folded. The endocytic vesicles thus formed move downward and settle on the surface of the membrane separating the yolk from the cytoplasm in the yolk syncytial layer. They do not join the surface of the internal yolk syncytial layer; hence they do not contribute to its expansion. Prior to the onset of epiboly there is no such endocytosis at the surface of the egg. Since this endocytosis occurs only during epiboly and only at the surface of the external yolk syncytial layer just peripheral to the advancing margin of the blastoderm, and in the absence of large molecules in the medium, we conclude that it is programmed. We, therefore, present this as a case of programmed internalization of cell surface serving as the morphogenetic mechanism responsible for the disappearance of the surface of the yolk cytoplasmic layer during gastrulation of the teleost Fundulus heteroclitus
We present a mechanical model for the morphogenetic folding of embryonic epithelia based on hypothesized mechanical properties of the cellular cytoskeleton. In our model we consider a simple cuboidal epithelium whose cells are joined at their apices by circumferential junctions; to these junctions are attached circumferential arrays of microfilament bundles assembled into a “purse string” around the cell apex. We assume that this purse string has the following property: if its circumference is increased beyond a certain threshold, an active contraction is initiated which “draws the purse-string” and reduces the apical circumference of the cell to a new, shorter, resting length. The remainder of the cell is modeled as a visoelastic body of constant volume. Clearly contraction in one cell could stretch the apical circumferences of neighboring cells and, if the threshold is exceeded, cause them “to fire” and contract. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that our model, based on the local behavior of individual cells, generates a propagating contraction wave which is sufficient to explain the globally coherent morphogenetic infolding of a wide variety of embryonic epithelia. Representative computer simulations, based on the model, are presented for the initial gastrulation movements of echinoderms, neural tube formation in urodele amphibians, and ventral furrow formation in Drosophila.
Conference Paper
Microvilli on cells frequently display a regular hexagonal packing pattern. We present here a model for how this regular pattern is established and how the microvilli are extruded from the cell. The model is based on the viscoelastic properties of the actomyosin gel in the cell cortex. 16 refs., 7 figs.
Tissue stretching was controlled in hydra which lack nerves by preventing the accumulation of osmotic fluid within the gastrocoelic cavity. Hydra lacking nerves (epithelial hydra) became highly distended and swollen during the course of regular daily culturing conditions. Animals that were kept deflated for several days lost some of the abnormal morphology characteristic of epithelial hydra. The hypostome became conical and the upper portion of the body column became constricted. These new, more normal characters persisted for two days after deflation was discontinued. After long term deflation, the mesolamella was thick and regions of peristaltic annulations were altered. Furthermore, animals failed to bud at normal rates or elongate when pressure, in the gastric cavity was continually low. Thus, hydrostatic pressure, arising from gastrocoelic fluid, affects the long term histological and morphogenetic organization of hydra tissue.
Cell orientation and intercellular changes accompanying growth pulsations (GP) have been studied in the marine hydroids Obelia longissima, O. loveni, and Dynamena pumila with the use of time-lapse filming, mechanography, optical microscopy, and electron microscopy. The extension phase of the GP was correlated with an increase in cell volume and the rotation of cells to a transverse orientation. Tip cells return to an oblique orientation during the retraction phase via a rapid (about 1 μm/second) distalward sliding of external cell poles. In most samples, a proximodistal wave of transversad cell rotations was observed within a period of 30–90 μm/minutes. In contrast, return to the oblique orientation is almost synchronous. The extension GP phase is correlated with extensive cell vacuolization and the retraction phase with fusion of these vacuoles into elongated channels opening into external space. The extension phase was stabilized in hypotonic medium, isotonic medium with increased NaCl concentration, and by ionic transport inhibitors (which increase cytoplasmic concentration of Na+ and Cl−). GP are arrested in the retraction phase in hypertonic medium, isotonic medium with decreased Na+ and Cl− concentration, and by inhibitors whose decreasing cytoplasmic concentrations of Na+ and Cl− arrest GP in the retraction phase. These data point out the participation of osmotic mechanisms in the regulation of GP.
Time-lapse cinemicrography was used to show what changes in the number, size, shape, arrangement and what movements of apices of superficial cells occur during epiboly, extension, convergence and blastopore formation in the blastula or gastrula of Xenopus laevis. Epiboly of the animal region occurs by apical expansion of superficial cells at a nearly constant rate from the midblastula to the midgastrula stage. Egression of deep cells into the superficial layer does not occur. Extension of the dorsal marginal zone begins in the late blastula stage with the rapid spreading of the apices of cells in this region and this continues until the onset of neurulation when rapid shrinkage begins. Extension and convergence of the dorsal marginal zone occurs by a rearrangement in which individual cells exchange neighbors and by a change in the shape of the cell apices. Regional differences in apical expansion are accompanied by differences in rate of anticlinal division of superficial cells such that cells in all sectors of the animal region and the marginal zone show similar patterns of decrease in apparent apical area. Shrinkage of the apices of bottle cells during blastopore formation is described. From this and other studies, a model of the cellular behavior of epiboly, extension and convergence is constructed and several hypotheses as to how these activities might generate the mechanical forces of the gastrulation movements are presented.
Problems and Paradigms is a feature series devoted to discussions of major problems in biology. Past contributions have dealt with the selector gene hypothesis, problems of pattern formation, the phenomenon of paramutation, theories of aging, and the origins of life. In this article, Brian C. Goodwin discusses the problem of morphogenesis, in terms of the idea of the genetic program and in the light of recent findings.
Using tip and whorl formation in the marine alga Acetabularia mediterranea as an example, we investigate the nature of the spatial ordering which arises from Ca2+ regulation of the viscoelastic properties of the cell cortex. From a survey of the empirical information available on the effect of free Ca2+ on the elastic and viscous properties of the cell cortex, and on the mechanisms of strain-induced Ca2+ release, we derive a set of coupled, non-linear equations using first order theory of elastic and viscous response to stress fields, in effect extending previous work of Odell et al. (1981) and Oster & Odell (1985) in this regard. Calculations assuming one-dimensional geometries show that bifurcations to relevant spatial patterns can occur in the strain field in the cortical cytoplasm. The secondary effects of such patterns and the experimental implications of the proposed mechanisms are discussed. Finally, some remarks are made relating to a comparison of the strain field approach and that using diffusion-reaction mechanisms.
1. Embryos of Rana temporaria have been dissected and shape alterations of different parts of the embryo, taking place within 1 h of separation, have been studied. Two categories of deformation have been revealed. 2. The first category comprises those deformations which take place immediately after separation. They are insensitive to cooling, cyanide and Cytochalasin B treatment. These deformations, which consist of a shortening of initially elongated cells, are considered to be the passive relaxations of previously established elastic tensile stresses. 3. Deformations of the second category proceed more slowly. They are inhibited by cooling, cyanide and Cytochalasin B treatment, are accompanied by elongation and migration of cells and occasionally lead to rather complex morphodifferentiations of isolated fragments. These processes are considered to be the result of the active work of intracellular contractile systems, either pre-existing or induced de novo. 4. By analysing the arrangement of the passive deformations we have constructed maps of mechanical stresses in embryos from late blastula up to the early tail-bud stage. At several embryonic stages drastic transformations of the stress pattern occur, these transformations being separated by periods during which the pattern of stress distribution remains topologically constant. 5. A correlation between the arrangement of stress lines and the presumptive morphological pattern of the embryo is pointed out. 6. Some possible relations between tensile tissue stresses and active mechanochemical processes are discussed.
A finite elements model imitating the morphogenesis of smoothly curved tubular epithelial rudiments is suggested. It is based upon the experimentally proved assumption of the lateral (tangential) pressure between adjacent epithelial cells. The main idea of the model is that under a non-zero local curvature the lateral cell-cell pressure acquires the radial components which are absent under zero curvature. In the framework of the model we investigate the roles of initial geometry, the different coefficients relating the local curvatures and radial cell shifts, and of visco-elastical cell-cell linkages in the shaping process. We also employ the different temporal regimes (both periodical and constant) of the lateral pressure exerted and the different overall durations of the modelling. As a result, we get a set of biologically realistical shapes, almost all of them belonging to the same basical "trefoiled" archetype. Among the variables explored, shaping was most affected by the changes in visco-elastical coefficients, in the temporal regimes and in the overall duration of the modelling. The model shows that rather complicated and realistical shapes of epithelial rudiments can be obtained without assuming any initial regional differences inside cell layers. The model may be useful for understanding the principles underlying both genetical and epigenetical regulation of the morphogenesis.
We recognize organisms first and foremost by their forms, but how they grow and shape themselves still largely passes understanding. The objective of this article is to survey what has been learned of morphogenesis of walled eucaryotic microorganisms as a set of problems in cellular heredity, biochemistry, physiology, and organization. Despite the diversity of microbial forms and habits, some common principles can be discerned. (i) That the form of each organism represents the expression of a genetic program is almost universally taken for granted. However, reflection on the findings with morphologically aberrant mutants suggests that the metaphor of a genetic program is misleading. Cellular form is generated by a web of interacting chemical and physical processes, whose every strand is woven of multiple gene products. The relationship between genes and form is indirect and cumulative; therefore, morphogenesis must be addressed as a problem not of molecular genetics but of cellular physiology. (ii) The shape of walled cells is determined by the manner in which the wall is laid down during growth and development. Turgor pressure commonly, perhaps always, supplies the driving force for surface enlargement. Cells yield to this scalar force by localized, controlled wall synthesis; their forms represent variations on the theme of local compliance with global force. (iii) Growth and division in bacteria display most immediately the interplay of hydrostatic pressure, localized wall synthesis, and structural constraints. Koch's surface stress theory provides a comprehensive and quantitative framework for understanding bacterial shapes. (iv) In the larger and more versatile eucaryotic cells, expansion is mediated by the secretion of vesicles. Secretion and ancillary processes, such as cytoplasmic transport, are spatially organized on the micrometer scale. The diversity of vectorial physiology and of the forms it generates is illustrated by examples: apical growth of fungal hyphae, bud formation in yeasts, germination of fucoid zygotes, and development of cells of Nitella, Closterium, and other unicellular algae. (v) Unicellular organisms, no less than embryos, have a remarkable capacity to impose spatial order upon themselves with or without the help of directional cues. Self-organization is reviewed here from two perspectives: the theoretical exploration of morphogens, gradients, and fields, and experimental study of polarization in Fucus cells, extension of hyphal tips, and pattern formation in ciliates. Here is the heart of the matter, yet self-organization remains nearly as mysterious as it was a century ago, a subject in search of a paradigm.
Animal cells cleave by the progressive constriction of an equatorial region. The plane of the constricting equator is orthogonal to the mitotic spindle axis and is positioned so that the spindle is bisected, thus ensuring equipartitioning of the chromosomes. Constriction is achieved by the active contraction of a circumferential band of actomyosin-containing filaments. The mitotic apparatus is necessary for the formation of the contractile ring and specifies its position and orientation; however, it takes no active part in furrowing. One of the central questions that has to be answered to understand cytokinesis is: how does the mitotic apparatus act to organize the contractile ring? It has been suggested that the mitotic apparatus acts to modulate locally the force generated by the cortical contractile filaments. The resultant gradients of cortical tension cause filaments to be pulled into regions of higher tension. The geometry of the stimulus from the mitotic apparatus is such that the highest levels of tension occur in the equatorial regions. The geometric distortions that take place when contractile filaments are pulled into this region cause them to become partially oriented circumferentially. When furrowing commences, mechanical forces act to align the filaments further and concentrate them in a narrow band. The furrow therefore becomes self-sharpening. Similar lateral flows of contractile filaments may occur during cell locomotion and growth cone extension.
The aim of this study was to examine the reorganization of the microfilamentous cortical layer (MC) accompanying ooplasmic segregation in loach eggs. Using scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), we found that the MC is thicker in folded areas. Prior to fertilization, surface microvilli are distributed more or less uniformly throughout the egg. A similar, more or less uniform, distribution of endocytotic events was observed in the eggs 5-15 min after insemination using fluorescence microscopy of Lucifer yellow CH uptake. During ooplasmic segregation, the surface is progressively polarized so that before the first cleavage onset (50-60 min after insemination) only the blastodisc surface is folded and undergoes endocytosis, whereas the vegetal surface is smooth and does not show internalization. In two-cell embryos, the blastomeric surface is also regionalized according to its relief and endocytosis. When surface tension was lowered by sucking most yolk granules out of the egg, we observed contractile responses only in the animal folded surface. These data suggest that a polar distribution of contractile structures is established in the loach egg undergoing ooplasmic segregation.
Morphometric data from scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of cells in intact embryos and high-resolution time-lapse recordings of cell behavior in cultured explants were used to analyze the cellular events underlying the morphogenesis of the notochord during gastrulation and neurulation of Xenopus laevis. The notochord becomes longer, narrower, and thicker as it changes its shape and arrangement and as more cells are added at the posterior end. The events of notochord development fall into three phases. In the first phase, occurring in the late gastrula, the cells of the notochord become distinct from those of the somitic mesoderm on either side. Boundaries form between the two tissues, as motile activity at the boundary is replaced by stabilizing lamelliform protrusions in the plane of the boundary. In the second phase, spanning the late gastrula and early neurula, cell intercalation causes the notochord to narrow, thicken, and lengthen. Its cells elongate and align mediolaterally as they rearrange. Both protrusive activity and its effectiveness are biased: the anterioposterior (AP) margins of the cells advance and retract but produce much less translocation than the more active left and right ends. The cell surfaces composing the lateral boundaries of the notochord remain inactive. In the last phase, lasting from the mid- to late neurula stage, the increasingly flattened cells spread at all their interior margins, transforming the notochord into a cylindrical structure resembling a stack of pizza slices. The notochord is also lengthened by the addition of cells to its posterior end from the circumblastoporal ring of mesoderm. Our results show that directional cell movements underlie cell intercalation and raise specific questions about the cell polarity, contact behavior, and mechanics underlying these movements. They also demonstrate that the notochord is built by several distinct but carefully coordinated processes, each working within a well-defined geometric and mechanical environment.
We make use of a novel system of explant culture and high resolution video-film recording to analyse for the first time the cell behaviour underlying convergent extension and segmentation in the somitic mesoderm of Xenopus. We find that a sequence of activities sweeps through the somitic mesoderm from anterior to posterior during gastrulation and neurulation, beginning with radial cell intercalation or thinning, continuing with mediolateral intercalation and cell elongation, and culminating in segmentation and somite rotation. Radial intercalation at the posterior tip lengthens the tissue, while mediolateral intercalation farther anterior converges it toward the midline. This extension of the somitic mesoderm helps to elongate the dorsal side of intact neurulae. By separating tissues, we demonstrate that cell rearrangement is independent of the notochord, but radial intercalation - and thus the bulk of extension - requires the presence of an epithelium, either endodermal or ectodermal. Segmentation, on the other hand, can proceed in somitic mesoderm isolated at the end of gastrulation. Finally, we discuss the relationship between cell rearrangement and segmentation.
We show with time-lapse micrography that narrowing in the circumblastoporal dimension (convergence) and lengthening in the animal-vegetal dimension (extension) of the involuting marginal zone (IMZ) and the noninvoluting marginal zone (NIMZ) are the major tissue movements driving blastopore closure and involution of the IMZ during gastrulation in the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Analysis of blastopore closure shows that the degree of convergence is uniform from dorsal to ventral sides, whereas the degree of extension is greater on the dorsal side of the gastrula. Explants of the gastrula show simultaneous convergence and extension in the dorsal IMZ and NIMZ. In both regions, convergence and extension are most pronounced at their common boundary, and decrease in both animal and vegetal directions. Convergent extension is autonomous to the IMZ and begins at stage 10.5, after the IMZ has involuted. In contrast, expression of convergent extension in the NIMZ appears to be dependent on basal contact with chordamesoderm or with itself. The degree of extension decreases progressively in lateral and ventral sectors. Isolated ventral sectors show convergence without a corresponding degree of extension, perhaps reflecting the transient convergence and thickening that occurs in this region of the intact embryo. We present a detailed mechanism of how these processes are integrated with others to produce gastrulation. The significance of the regional expression of convergence and extension in Xenopus is discussed and compared to gastrulation in other amphibians.
Explants extirpated from Xenopus laevis embryos at the early gastrula stage were placed on pieces of hydrophilized latex film which were then either stretched or remained intact. In explants cultivated on the intact films most cells emigrated out of the explants and remained undifferentiated, whereas the explants on the films stretched for 10 min or more developed a normal set of rudiments. In the explants of suprablastoporal zone stretched perpendicularly to the cranio-caudal direction, the axial organs were oriented in the direction of stretching. In the stretched explants, unlike the intact ones, a system of microfilament-associated intercellular contacts was formed within a few minutes.
One of the most universal events in morphogenesis is the formation of domains of morphologically polarized cells in the initially homogeneous epithelial sheets. We investigate the possibility of considering this process as a phenomenon of self-organization which is based upon the following experimentally proven mechanochemical cell properties: (1) a capacity of individual cells for morphological polarization considered as a bistable "all-or-none" transition of a cell from a non-polarized to a polarized state; (2) transmission of this capacity from one cell to another on their contacts; (3) feedback relations between co-operative cell polarization and tangential elastic tensions in a cell sheet: cell polarization increases tangential tensions whereas the latter inhibit further cell polarization. We have constructed a phenomenological model which formally expresses the above properties. Its mathematical description includes but few macroscopic parameters available to experimental investigation and controlled changes. The analysis of the collective dynamic regimes of cell polarization demonstrates that variations of some non-specific parameters leads to spontaneous transition in the morphology of cell layers accompanied by symmetry breaking (Turing's instability). Under these conditions either long-range ordered patterns of cell polarization (including hexagonal cell nets) or non-regular spotted structures can emerge. In the particular case of a sheet having fixed complete dimensions and lacking any external elastic bonds a stable macrostate is created; it corresponds to the sheet's binary subdivision into polarized and non-polarized cell domains of size-invariant proportions. The model conclusions are compared with the morphogenetical processes in sea-urchin development, the morphogenesis of skin derivates and artificially induced budding in hydrozoa.
The pieces of dorsal ectoderm of the Rana temporaria embryos at the early and midgastrula stages were transplated onto the dorsal surface of the X. laevis embryos of the same age and the movements and changes in the form and area of the transplants were followed from early gastrula to neurula. During the first period (early--midgastrula) all movements of the transplants were directed towards the blastopore and related ma- In the beginning of the second period the transplants moved toward the blastopore only in the most caudal region, whereas in all other regions the material was markedly displaced craniad. Until the early neurula stage these movements were related to the longitudinal expansion of the material in the dorsal area and later, during neurulation, to its transverse compression. The head region material was first markedly expanded in the transverse direction and then also contracted. Alternation of active contractions and expansion of the suprablastopore material has been revealed and mediocaudal (gastrulation) vs. craniopetal (neurulation) cell movements were distinctly shown.
1. The sensitivity of the membrane potential of cells of early embryos of Xenopus laevis to variations in the extracellular concentrations of sodium and potassium has been determined. 2. Alterations in the extracellular sodium concentration have little effect on the membrane potential at all pregastrular stages tested. 3. Up to the 32 cell stage an increase in the concentration of potassium in the bathing medium causes a fall in cell membrane potential only when membrane newly synthesized in the furrow during cleavage is exposed at the embryo surface, during the second half of the cell division cycle. 4. Beyond the morula stage (48 cells) a fall in membrane potential on raising external potassium can only be demonstrated when the seal which isolates the intercellular fluid from the bathing medium is broken so that cells lining the inner face of the embryo come into contact with the high potassium solution. 5. The results suggest that the egg membrane has little selective permeability whereas membrane synthesized after fertilization is highly potassium permeable. 6. No evidence could be obtained for any potential difference between the intercellular fluid and the external bathing medium. 7. Dinitrophenol, sodium azide and cyanide prevented normal development only if they were injected into the intercellular cavity. Embryos reared in solutions containing these poisons turned into normal tadpoles. 8. The formation of the intercellular cavity could be halted by injecting ouabain into the cavity while it was still small. Embryos reared in ouabain turned into normal tadpoles. 9. The results suggest that the active transfer of sodium ions from the cells to the intercellular spaces is an integral part of the formation of the intercellular fluid. A hypothesis for the mechanism of formation of the cavity is put forward along these lines.
The roles of microfilaments and microtubules as causative organelles in the cell shape changes required forin vitro morphogenesis of embryonic mouse salivary epithelium have been explored by use of the drugs cytochalasin B and colchicine. Cytochalasin inhibits morphogenesis, causes flattening of the epithelium and loss of the clefts that were present at the time of drug application. These effects correlate with a specific disruption of cytoplasmic microfilaments when viewed with the electron microscope. Removal of cytochalasin results in reappearance of ordered microfilaments and resumption of morphogenesis. Colchicine disrupts microtubules and halts morphogenesis, but does not cause flattening of the epithelium or loss of clefts. Treatment with cytochalasin followed by recovery in the presence of colchicine demonstrates that recovery clefts can form in the absence of microtubules. It is proposed that normal salivary gland morphogenesis includes microfilament participation via contractile activity, in addition to mitosis and to extracellular stabilization processes.
During urodele neurulation, presumptive neural cells elongate to form the neural plate and then constrict apically as the plate rolls up to form the neural tube. During the same period, epidermal cells gradually flatten. Electron microscopy of these cells has been carried out in an attempt to understand the mechanism of morphogenetic cell shape changes. In elongating neural plate cells, microtubules are oriented parallel to the long axis. Counts of numbers of these “paraxial” microtubules per cell do not differ significantly at three apicobasal levels of the cells; therefore, it is practical to consider the paraxial microtubules as a single population of full-cell-length microtubules. The number of paraxial microtubules per cell decreases significantly as the cell elongates, but the degree of elongation of a cell at a given stage is not closely related to the number of paraxial microtubules it contains. Several observations suggest that microtubules contribute to cell elongation by some form of transport mechanism. During the apical constriction of neural ectoderm cells, there is marked increase in thickness of a circumferential bundle of microfilaments which encircles the cell apex. The inverse relationship between increase in bundle thickness and decrease in circumference of the cell apex suggests that these processes result from increased overlap and interdigitation of the original complement of apical filaments. Flattening epidermal cells display randomly oriented microtubules and bundles of thicker filaments (70–100 Å in diameter) which are reminiscent of “tonofibrils” and appear to span the cell from desmosome to desmosome.
Despite the large amount of knowledge which continues to accumulate about early developmental events, very little is known about the processes which control them. Part of the problem may lie in that workers applying different approaches and techniques have different points of view and appear to be reluctant to read each others' literature. My aim in this paper is not to give a generative, formal model for early development, but rather to suggest several connecting strands between the physiological, biochemical, cell biological and experimental embryological approaches which may stimulate new research in fields between those already exploited.
We present a mechanical model for the morphogenetic folding of embryonic epithelia based on hypothesized mechanical properties of the cellular cytoskeleton. In our model we consider a simple cuboidal epithelium whose cells are joined at their apices by circumferential junctions; to these junctions are attached circumferential arrays of microfilament bundles assembled into a “purse string” around the cell apex. We assume that this purse string has the following property: if its circumference is increased beyond a certain threshold, an active contraction is initiated which “draws the purse-string” and reduces the apical circumference of the cell to a new, shorter, resting length. The remainder of the cell is modeled as a visoelastic body of constant volume. Clearly contraction in one cell could stretch the apical circumferences of neighboring cells and, if the threshold is exceeded, cause them “to fire” and contract. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that our model, based on the local behavior of individual cells, generates a propagating contraction wave which is sufficient to explain the globally coherent morphogenetic infolding of a wide variety of embryonic epithelia. Representative computer simulations, based on the model, are presented for the initial gastrulation movements of echinoderms, neural tube formation in urodele amphibians, and ventral furrow formation in Drosophila.