... 7 Table IV. Comparative evaluation of different concepts/entities Category References Desktop and mobile webpages/browsers/processors [3,11,13,16,38,54,67,74,75] Cloud and device-local browser [40] Websites with different webpage/image sizes [13,16,27,33,46,52,56] Websites with different update frequency [28,67] Different networks (e.g., 3G vs. LTE) [8,9,12,15,17,30,40,41,51] Different bandwidth/network conditions [11,13,29,68] Enabling and disabling SPDY [30] Different image formats (e.g., JPEG and PNG) [25,29,33,54,57,74] In-order and out-of-order processor [10,44,46] Different phones (e.g., feature-phone and smart-phone) [17,27] 3. TECHNIQUES FOR SAVING ENERGY While the battery capacity of mobile devices are unlikely to increase significantly or soon, the energy demands on them are escalating fast due to several features, such as powerful processors/displays, multitasking and advanced wireless technologies [76]. This makes energy-efficiency the primary constraint in the design and operation of mobile systems [77]. ...