Conference Paper

Architecture of a Learning Organizer with Metacognitive Support

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... This or any other procedural strategy (not implementable in software) could be incorporated into a goal/task manager as a task with several steps. This idea along with a repository of this kind of strategies has been explained in [19]. ...
... The idea is to offer tools for planning, monitoring and evaluating their own learning using embedded learning and self-regulation strategies, with the intention of promoting the improvement of metacognitive skills and self-regulation, so learners are provided with support for common learning tasks [20]. It is based on modules, which have been explained with more detail in [19] and its monitoring system based on learning analytics in [21]. ...
In all the projects centered on the promotion of self-regulation, self-regulation strategies and learning strategies are taught, to enable the students to use them in order to improve their learning and self-regulatory skills. When the students use these strategies, they choose the tools that they want to use to implement the strategies, pen and paper in many cases, and generic software tools in other cases, as the range of specialized tools is very poor or they do not enable the implementation of the strategies more efficiently than the generic ones. The requirements of the support for self-regulated learning provided by a software tool are not clear. The goal of this paper is, on the one hand, to define the design criteria for tools intended to support self-regulated learning, based on the study of self-regulated learning theory and strategies, and on the other hand to discuss the evaluation of tools' capabilities for supporting self-regulated learning.
... In [12] we briefly described the architecture (Fig. 2) and operation of its main modules, including a learning analytics module designed for students and a learning strategies module that makes recommendations based on keyword detection. ...
... We use typical learning analytics information, adding afterwards information about the learning process. In [12] we listed the information initially provided by the monitoring system that has served as a base for the development of a more complete monitoring system, in which we have included new information to be discussed later. ...
Self-regulated learning is an active field of research in pedagogy, and a key element in the current European higher education. One of the main problems found by educators in the programs centered in the promotion of self-regulation is that they need to monitor all their students constantly and thoroughly. If the number of students is large, which is typical in higher education, this becomes a problem. They need tools to address it and be able to monitor their learning progress. We are developing a tool for self-regulated learners, to provide them with support for their learning process using embedded learning strategies and tools to enable planning, monitoring, and evaluating their own learning process. In this paper, we present the monitoring system designed for this tool, which has been enhanced in order to enable in-depth monitoring for both educators and learners. This enables process and progress tracking and also eases self-monitoring and self-evaluation for learners.
... In [10] we have briefly described the architecture (Fig. 2) and operation of its main modules, including a learning analytics module designed for students and a learning strategies module that makes recommendations based on keywords detection. ...
... On the one hand we use typical learning analytics information, adding afterwards information about the learning process. In [10] we listed the information provided by the monitoring system initially: completion ratio This has served as a base for the development of a more complete monitoring system, in which we have included new information to be discussed later. ...
Conference Paper
Self-regulated learning is an active field of research in pedagogy. Self-regulation techniques are being tested at several educational levels, including university degrees. One of the main problems found by the educators is that they need to monitor all their students constantly and thoroughly. This cannot be done properly if the number of students is not small, which happens specially at university levels. They need tools to address this problem and to be able to monitor their learning progress. We are developing a tool for self-regulated learners, to provide them support for their learning process using embedded learning strategies and tools to enable planning, monitoring and evaluation of their own learning process. Its functionalities have been extended in order to enable both the educators and the learners to monitor in depth their learning progress in order to improve their self-regulation skills. In this paper we present the monitoring system designed for this tool.
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