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Moving torrefaction towards market introduction – Technical improvements and economic-environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project


Abstract and Figures

The large-scale implementation of bioenergy demands solid biofuels which can be transported, stored and used efficiently. Torrefaction as a form of pyrolysis converts biomass into biofuels with according improved properties such as energy density, grindability and hydrophobicity. Several initiatives advanced this development. The first pilot-scale and demonstration plants displayed the maturity and potential of the technology.The European research project SECTOR intended to shorten the time-to-market. Within the project 158 Mg of biomass were torrefied through different technologies (rotary drum, toroidal reactor, moving bed). Their production led to process optimization of combined torrefaction-densification steps for various feedstocks through analysing changes in structure and composition. The torrefied pellets and briquettes were subjected to logistic tests (handling and storage) as well as to tests in small- and large-scale end-uses. This led to further improvement of the torrefied product meeting logistics/end-use requirements, e.g. durability, grindability, hydrophobicity, biodegradation and energy density. Durability exceeds now 95%.With these test results also international standards of advanced solid biofuels were initiated (ISO standards) as a prerequisite for global trade of torrefied material. Accompanying economic and environmental assessment identified a broad range of scenarios in which torrefied biomass perform better in these areas than traditional solid biofuels (e.g. white pellets), depending e.g. on feedstock, plant size, transport distances, integration of torrefaction in existing industries and end use. The implementation of industrial plants is the next step for the technology development. Different end user markets within and outside Europe can open opportunities here.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Research paper
Moving torrefaction towards market introduction eTechnical
improvements and economic-environmental assessment along the
overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project
Daniela Thr
, Janet Witt
, Kay Schaubach
, Jaap Kiel
, Michiel Carbo
org Maier
Collins Ndibe
, Jaap Koppejan
, Eija Alakangas
, Stefan Majer
, Fabian Schipfer
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH, Torgauer Straße 116, 04347 Leipzig, Germany
UFZ HelmholtzeZentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH, Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
ECN Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, 1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands
at Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 23, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Procede Biomass BV, Vlierstraat 111, 7544GG Enschede, The Netherlands
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Koivurannantie 1, FI-40400 Jyv
a, Finland
Technische Universit
at Wien, Gusshausstrasse 25/370-3, A-1040 Wien, Austria
article info
Article history:
Received 18 September 2015
Received in revised form
2 March 2016
Accepted 3 March 2016
Available online xxx
Solid biofuel
Market implementation
The large-scale implementation of bioenergy demands solid biofuels which can be transported, stored
and used efciently. Torrefaction as a form of pyrolysis converts biomass into biofuels with according
improved properties such as energy density, grindability and hydrophobicity. Several initiatives
advanced this development. The rst pilot-scale and demonstration plants displayed the maturity and
potential of the technology.
The European research project SECTOR intended to shorten the time-to-market. Within the project
158 Mg of biomass were torreed through different technologies (rotary drum, toroidal reactor, moving
bed). Their production led to process optimization of combined torrefaction-densication steps for
various feedstocks through analysing changes in structure and composition. The torreed pellets and
briquettes were subjected to logistic tests (handling and storage) as well as to tests in small- and large-
scale end-uses. This led to further improvement of the torreed product meeting logistics/end-use re-
quirements, e.g. durability, grindability, hydrophobicity, biodegradation and energy density. Durability
exceeds now 95%.
With these test results also international standards of advanced solid biofuels were initiated (ISO
standards) as a prerequisite for global trade of torreed material. Accompanying economic and envi-
ronmental assessment identied a broad range of scenarios in which torreed biomass perform better in
these areas than traditional solid biofuels (e.g. white pellets), depending e.g. on feedstock, plant size,
transport distances, integration of torrefaction in existing industries and end use. The implementation of
industrial plants is the next step for the technology development. Different end user markets within and
outside Europe can open opportunities here.
©2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
1. Introduction
This paper is a condensed summary of nal results from the
project SECTOR (Production of Solid Sustainable Energy Carriers
from Biomass by Means of Torrefaction), which was funded by the
European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological
development and demonstration (GA no. 282826). The project
aimed at shortening the time to market of torrefaction technology
to provide high density bioenergy carriers, spanning the complete
value chain, which it achieved successfully.
Large scale implementation of bioenergy is expected to increase
[19], and high energy density commodities form the key to
*Corresponding author. DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH,
Torgauer Straße 116, 04347 Leipzig, Germany.
E-mail addresses: (D. Thr
an), (J. Kiel), Joerg. (J. Maier), (J. Koppejan), Eija.
Alakangas@vtt.(E. Alakangas), (F. Schipfer).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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journal homepage:
0961-9534/©2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Biomass and Bioenergy xxx (2016) 1e17
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an, et al., Moving torrefaction towards market introduction eTechnical improvements and economic-
environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project, Biomass and Bioenergy (2016), http://
establish this. In Europe, adapted biomass fuels for co-ring in coal
power stations could signicantly support the fullment of the
political targets ethe provision of 20% of the primary energy
consumption through renewable fuels until 2020, and 27% until
2030 ewith relatively minor technical adaptations and at accept-
able costs [2,10].
This requires bioenergy carriers that behave similarly to coal
during logistics, milling, combustion and gasication in order to
use the existing infrastructure. Crucial properties are the net calo-
ric value, required energy for milling, particle size distribution,
mill capacity and pneumatic feeding. Another short term applica-
tion is the use of bioenergy carriers in small and medium scale
boilers. Here, an optimal alignment between boilers and bioenergy
carriers regarding heating value, volatile matter and moisture, bulk
density and fuel pellet dimensions has to be established [3,4]. In the
long term, the use of bioenergy carriers to produce bio-chemicals
and bio-fuels via gasication routes is expected.
One approach to provide these bioenergy carriers is the torre-
faction of solid biomass, such as wood and herbaceous material
[4,11]. During torrefaction, as a form of mild pyrolysis, water and
part of the volatile matter are removed which results in a brittle and
to a certain degree hydrophobic intermediate. By combining tor-
refaction with pelletization or briquetting, solid biomass materials
can be converted into a high-energy-density commodity energy
carrier with additional advantageous fuel properties compared
with white wood pellets, such as improved grindability, higher
water resistance and good biological stability. These torreed
biomass pellets can be provided in a constant, end-user specic
quality [1,5]. This indicates that logistics, handling and conversion
of torreed biomass pellets may occur in a fashion that is more
comparable to fossil solid fuels such as coal. Additional value could
be created by reclaiming the volatile matter that is released during
torrefaction, as wood vinegar or resin substitute [6,12].
Technical development of this pre-treatment of solid biofuels
has been intensied during the last decade [7,8,13,14]. Technology
development and implementation is currently pushed with
different research and demonstration projects mostly in the Euro-
pean Union and North America (Fig. 1).
The main issues in torrefaction development at the start of the
project (2012) have been process control, heat integration, process
upscaling, ensuring product quality that allowed large scale
handling, outdoor storage and end use as well as exible input
materials [15]. Torrefaction of non-woody biomass is an additional
relevant issue as large biomass potentials especially from residues
have been identied in several assessments [16,17]. Market
implementation and integration are further important subjects for
The SECTOR project included these as major issues into its work
program. The overall objective was to produce torreed biomass
pellets with properties similar to those of coal to enable its sub-
stitution without major adaptations of existing conversion in-
stallations. The project achieved continuous production ensuring
the required properties and proved the applicability of torreed
material in major end uses.
The project included different torrefaction technologies, densi-
cation methods, logistic and storage testing, end use application in
small-, medium- and large-scale combustion and gasication units.
Furthermore assessments of the overall value chain were con-
ducted and several standards of fuel characterisation were pre-
pared. 21 partners from 9 countries contributed to this project.
More than 150 Mg of torreed biomass have been produced from
12 different raw materials. These have been tested in about 30
different setups with respect to behaviour during logistics and end
Two major framework conditions were set by analysing the
global and European biomass potential (most interesting in EU:
wood/wood residues (3.7 EJ a
) and straw (0.56e0.982 EJ a
) and
by identifying the end user needs (application specic values for
net caloric value, ash mass fraction, particle size distribution,
moisture and price) [18]. The optimization work within SECTOR is
based on these ndings.
This paper will summarise the results in the different research
areas of the SECTOR project and conclude the market readiness of
torreed solid biofuels. It will commence with the description of
the results from torrefaction and densication test performed in
the different facilities (chapter 2), followed by the results of the
logistic, storage (chapter 3) and end use application tests (chapter
4). Based on these results we provide an assessment of the fuel
quality, the environmental and economic aspects of torreed
biomass in comparison to other solid fuels (untreated woody bio-
fuels and coal) and discuss proposals for appropriate fuel standards
and declarations, including sustainability requirements (chapter 5).
Finally, we discuss the market opportunities with regard to prom-
ising application elds (chapter 6) and conclude with suggested
market implementation strategies and the remaining research
demand (chapter 7).
2. Torrefaction and densication
The combination of biomass torrefaction and densication
potentially results in superior properties for the use of biomass in
many major end-use applications such as co-ring and co-
gasication in coal red power plants. Torrefaction and densica-
tion of biomass result in solid bioenergy carriers that display a high
extent of homogeneity in comparison with the corresponding un-
treated feedstock. This offers several advantages, amongst others: it
can be traded as a commodity, storage and handling does not need
to be dedicated to a specic feedstock, and milling and feeding
occurs in a steady manner. The combined optimization of torre-
faction and densication is necessary in pursuit of high-quality
solid bioenergy carriers.
During torrefaction, biomass is heated to temperatures between
250 and 350
C in an oxygen depleted environment. In this tem-
perature range hemicellulose is the most reactive component
present in lignocellulosic biomass followed by lignin, while cellu-
lose is the most thermally stable [19]. Due to the fact that the
hemicellulose strength is severely weakened during torrefaction,
the torreed biomass becomes brittle, which eases comminution
and subsequent densication into sustainable solid bioenergy car-
riers, such as pellets and briquettes. Upon moderate torrefaction
temperatures lignin is typically only slightly affected and can serve
as binder during the densication process. Therefore, different
performance parameters need to be considered that affect both the
pretreatment process (e.g. net energy efciency and the resulting
production costs) as well as the product quality. The most impor-
tant product characteristics are the energy density (in order to
avoid de-rating of the power plants), grindability (to use the
existing mills also used for coal), mechanical durability (to prevent
loss of mass during transport and avoid dust formation), hydro-
phobicity and biological stability (required for storage) [4,9,11,20].
Therefore, also storage and end use application of the torreed
biomass have been tested (see chapter 3 and 4).
Within SECTOR, about 12 different biomass feedstock have been
torreed (e.g. pine, spruce, poplar, forest residues, bamboo, straw,
Paulownia), conditioned and densied at pilot- or demonstration
scale. The composition of a large number of torreed materials that
are described in this paper can be found in the online Phyllis2
database [21]. This has resulted in further optimization of the tor-
refaction technologies under development by: 1. broadening the
feedstock range, 2. allowing the production of solid sustainable
D. Thr
an et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy xxx (2016) 1e172
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an, et al., Moving torrefaction towards market introduction eTechnical improvements and economic-
environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project, Biomass and Bioenergy (2016), http://
energy carriers with properties that meet end use requirements for
transport, handling and conversion, and 3. the exchange of best
practices between different technology developers. Lab-, pilot- and
demonstration-scale torrefaction and densication facilities were
used to demonstrate that the optimization of the product quality
demands an integrated approach between torrefaction and densi-
cation. This approach has led to the development of dedicated
recipes for different feedstock, with this optimization of the prod-
uct quality being directed through elaborate mapping of the end
use requirements for torreed bioenergy carriers. This paper will
mainly focus on the production, logistics and end use of torreed
wood pellets.
2.1. Torrefaction
The tests in SECTOR covered different reactor technologies,
which are either under development or commercially available for
the torrefaction of biomass. These can be roughly divided in directly
heated technologies where torrefaction off-gases are directly con-
tacted to heat up biomass to the desired torrefaction temperature,
as well as indirectly heated technologies where an intermediate
medium or a physical separation is deployed to transfer heat from
combustion gases to the biomass. An overview of developers,
technologies and associated reactor designs is provided in Table 1.
Within the SECTOR project ECN, CENER, Umeå University and
Topell Energy collaborated to further optimize their torrefaction
Prior to the torrefaction process most of the moisture is
removed through drying. During torrefaction, part of the volatile
matter is converted to gas. For woody biomass this typically results
in weight losses up to 30%, with approximately 10% of the initial
caloric value released through off-gases that also contain volatile
condensable components [23]. In most torrefaction technologies
under development these off-gases are combusted to provide the
energy required for drying as well as pre-heating of dried biomass
to torrefaction set point temperatures. The differences in net
thermal efciency between different torrefaction technologies
under development in the SECTOR project were small when the
same feedstock was used. This is attributable to the heat integra-
tion; low-temperature heat is used for drying and ue gas losses are
minimized [24].
The product quality of the material is typically described by the
degree of torrefaction, which is dened as the anhydrous weight
loss observed during the torrefaction process. The torrefaction
temperature and residence time determine the degree of torre-
faction [25]. An increase of temperature and/or residence time will
result in an increase of the degree of torrefaction. It should be noted
that such an increase will also lead to increased mass losses
through biomass devolatilisation during torrefaction, and as such to
higher production costs associated with the increased feedstock
demand to maintain the same production capacity. Increased de-
grees of torrefaction tend to lead to higher net caloric values,
although the increased conversion of lignin may require the use of a
binder during downstream densication. Herbaceous streams
Fig. 1. Worldwide activities of biomass torrefaction facilities with different development status (the status unknowndescribes initiatives which have been active in the last years
but whose current status could not be veried; the lacking information policy indicates difculties in operation, their dominance shows the recession in current torrefaction
D. Thr
an et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy xxx (2016) 1e17 3
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an, et al., Moving torrefaction towards market introduction eTechnical improvements and economic-
environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project, Biomass and Bioenergy (2016), http://
generally display increased reactivity compared to woody biomass,
therefore relatively lower torrefaction operating temperatures
typically are used to prevent excessive mass losses during torre-
faction. The increased reactivity of herbaceous biomass in com-
parison with woody biomass is attributed to the relatively higher
volatile matter mass fraction possibly combined with some cata-
lytic activity of the higher inorganic mass fraction.
During most of the pilot-scale torrefaction trials in the SECTOR
project, elaborate product and off-gas characterization were con-
ducted. This facilitated the preparation of mass and energy bal-
ances for different feedstocks that were subsequently used in the
economic and sustainability evaluations; the use of data obtained
during large-scale continuous trials provides results that will
closely resemble commercial plant operation. Fig. 2 provides an
example of a mass and energy balance for the ECN technology
based on measurements during pilot-scale trials with pine chips. It
should be noted that given the moderate torrefaction temperature
of 270
C, the combustion of a small additional fraction of the
feedstock is required to provide the heat for drying and heating the
biomass up to the torrefaction set point temperature. The mass
yields and ultimate product composition during torrefaction of
biomass streams in the pilot facilities are typically homogenous and
predictable, with any deviations being compliant with analysis
acceptance repeatability criteria [26]. The ash mass fraction usually
remains unaffected during torrefaction, and therefore slightly in-
creases as a result of the decreasing volatile matter mass fraction.
The mass and energy balance indicates a slight decrease of the ash
mass fraction, which is attributed to the uncertainty during sam-
pling and analysis; minor deviations like these are commonly
observed at very low ash mass fractions. The electric energy used
for milling of the torreed chips, pelleting and cooling of the pellets
has been included in the thermal energy balance, since it is
assumed that the electric energy is fully converted to heat through
friction. Water is used as lubricant and binder during pelletization,
roughly half of it evaporates during pelletization while the other
half ends up in the torreed pine pellets. The equilibrium moisture
of torreed biomass pellets typically ranges between 5 and 10%.
2.2. Densication
Densication experiments have been performed at lab-, pilot-
and demonstration-scale at DTI, CENER, ECN, Umeå University and
Topell. The main parameter for the densication quality is the
mechanical durability of the processed material under specic test
conditions in accordance with the existing standard for white wood
pellets EN 15210-1:2009 [27]. The durability of torreed pellets
varies with regard to different feedstock and degree of torrefaction.
Torreed hardwood species such as poplar, beech and willow
were relatively easy to pelletize, while torreed softwood species
such as spruce and pine required signicant optimization of
torrefaction and pelleting parameters to obtain high quality pellets.
Herbaceous biomass proved to be the most challenging species to
pelletize, although signicant improvements were established in
time for pelleting of torreed cereal straw, as can be seen in Table 2.
Upon increasing mechanical durability the appearance of the pel-
lets transforms from dull to shiny. For both softwood and herba-
ceous biomass, the optimized parameters involved the degree of
torrefaction, the moisture of feedstock, particle size of feedstock,
diameter/length ratio of the die and its rotational speed.
In general, an increased degree of torrefaction results in more
difculties to establish inter-particle bonds that are required to
form high-quality pellets. This is attributable to the removal of
hydrogen bonding sites, depolymerisation and the destruction of
the brous structure (less entanglement). The addition of water or
steam acts as a plasticizer during pelleting through reduction of the
softening temperature of lignin. Furthermore it reduces friction and
improves bonding. A smaller particle size distribution of the tor-
reed feedstock improves the pellet density, with smaller particles
occupying the available voids in the bulk. It should be noted that
smaller particle size typically requires more energy for grinding,
while too small particles sizes do not build up friction in the
channels of the die. Pellets with the highest mechanical durability
were obtained with die channel diameters of 6 mm, while the
highest production capacities were established with die channel
diameters of 8 mm. Slight reductions of the die rotational speed
will positively affect the mechanical durability. Future improve-
ments should be directed to further reduce the energy consump-
tion of the pellet mills, which is directly proportional to wear and
associated maintenance intervals.
3. Logistics of torreed material
The transport, handling and storage properties of torreed and
densied biomass were assessed through small-scale storage and
outdoor stockpile tests with the aim to test the behaviour of tor-
reed material in real case conditions, e.g. in a real coal handling
line. Special focus was dedicated to the hydrophobicity and
explosivity as well as the biological degradation of the material
during storage and transport. The results of these tests were used to
proactively adjust the process conditions and recipes in the torre-
faction and densication processes to further optimize the product
3.1. Small-scale storage and handling tests
Numerous small-scale indoor and outdoor storage experiments
were conducted within the project, and these mainly serve to
mimic the behaviour of torreed material at the surface of stock-
piles. The small-scale outdoor storage experiments largely conrm
the ndings described in Paragraph 3.2, although covered outdoor
Table 1
Selected existing torrefaction reactor technologies and their developers (developers involved in the SECTOR project are marked in bold) [22]. Except for the plants of Solvay
Biomass Energy and Topell Energy, the plants are pilot and demo scale for R&D activities.
Reactor technology Technology developers &suppliers Production capacity (* in planning/commissioning)
Rotary drum Torr-Coal (NL) 4500 kg h
BioEndev (SE) 0.15 kg h
and 2100 kg h
CENER (ES) 100e400 kg h
Turbo dryer Wyssmont (US) 6000 kg h
Toroidal uidised bed reactor Topell Technology (NL) 8000 kg h
, currently mothballed
Screw reactor Solvay Biomass Energy (US) (former New Biomass Energy LLC) 33,300 kg h
Moving bed reactor ECN (NL) Andritz/ECN (DK) 50e100 kg h
1000 kg h
Thermya/Areva (FR) 2500 kg h
Fluidised bed reactor River Basin Energy 1000 kg h
* (NL) and 6000 kg h
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environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project, Biomass and Bioenergy (2016), http://
Fig. 2. Mass and energy balance of the ECN moving bed technology for pine chips.
D. Thr
an et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy xxx (2016) 1e17 5
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environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project, Biomass and Bioenergy (2016), http://
storage did not result in any degradation of the torreed wood
pellets unlike the observations for white wood pellets. Fig. 3 dis-
plays the results of the dry matter losses that were obtained during
storage trials of pellet samples in the climate chamber at ECN. The
samples were stored for 20 days at a temperature of 22
C and a
relative humidity of 95%, resembling a typical humid summer
morning in the Southeast of the USA. The results imply that white
wood pellets are much more prone to biological degradation while
torreed biomass pellets are much more resistant to biological
activity, thereby reducing the risk of self-heating.
Torreed biomass pellets and the corresponding raw biomass
chips were pulverized using a cutter mill, and the obtained dust
samples were used to determine the Minimum Ignition Energy
(MIE) in accordance with the standard EN13821:2002. These tests
demonstrated that pulverized torreed spruce pellets and raw
spruce chips were the most sensitive to ignite for the dust fraction
below 63
m, as displayed in Fig. 4. This gure also shows that the
MIE of torreed wood pellets appears to be related to the material
that is used as feedstock, and that torrefaction does not increase the
explosivity of biomass. Consequently, existing explosion mitigation
systems could be used to mitigate any risks during milling of tor-
reed biomass pellets.
3.2. Outdoor stockpile tests
Three outdoor stockpile tests were conducted within the
SECTOR project, during these tests torreed pellets displayed
increased water resistance compared to white wood pellets. White
wood pellets are well-known to swell and disintegrate upon the
slightest exposure to rain, to the extent that discharging of trans-
port ships will cease at the rst drop of rain. During the rst weeks
of the testing, the surface layer of approximately 15 cm
Table 2
Optimization of mechanical durability of torreed pine and straw pellets at CENER in the ring-die pellet mill.
Date Durability in % Pine Date Durability in % Straw
October 2012
Torreed at 290
88.8 February 2013
Torreed at 270
January 2013
Torreed at 290
92.3 September 2013
Torreed at 270
June 2013
Torreed at 290
94.7 October 2013
Torreed at 270
November 2013
Torreed at 290
95.7 November 2013
Torreed at 270
Fig. 3. Climate chamber biological degradation tests with torreed wood pellets, torrefaction temperature displayed in C[28].
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demonstrated large increases in moisture and corresponding de-
creases in mechanical durability of the torreed pellets. At a depth
of approximately 15 cm from the surface a layer of nes was formed
during all tests, which proved rather impenetrable both for mois-
ture seepage into the pile, as well as for sampling probes. The latter
was exemplied by stockpile tests conducted at Topell, two cubic
piles of 1 m
or 700 kg were stored for a period of one and two
months, and subsequently excavated and analysed by layers of
10 cm [29].
For the large quantities of material needed by power plants, the
degraded surface layer would be a small fraction of the total de-
livery. It is therefore possible to envisage a situation where degra-
dation of this portion of the fuel could be acceptable in return for
the greater logistical exibility of being able to establish temporary
(e.g. 1 month) stocks outside and to allow discharge and movement
of biomass materials in more inclement weather conditions. The
excavation of the stockpile may however need to take place in a
different manner than with coal, i.e. the entire height of the
stockpile should be scooped up at once to prevent the formation of
a subsequent surface layer that could be affected again. It may be
possible to extend storage periods through the use of sheeting or
simple covers to prevent direct rain exposure ethese systems
would be lower in costs than the fully enclosed storage required for
white wood pellets.
The results of the outdoor storage tests conducted by EON are
summarized in Fig. 5. Two stockpiles of approximately 4 Mg each
were erected on a surface area of 2 2 m and a height of roughly
1.5 m, one with a at surface and one with a peak surface. The
middle sample was obtained 40 cm below the surface. The gure
provides the mechanical durability of torreed spruce pellets dur-
ing the rst 70 days of outdoor uncovered storage. The mechanical
durability of torreed spruce pellets inside the pile stays more or
less intact while the pellets on the surface display a reduced me-
chanical durability, in analogy with the other outdoor storage tests.
The sampling occurred at set intervals during a time frame of one
year, thus involving varying weather conditions. The observed
uctuations in the mechanical durability of the pellets sampled
from the surface of the pile are the direct result of rainfall in case of
lower durability and dry periods in case of higher durability.
White wood pellets require to be shielded from the ambient
atmosphere during the entire value chain, while torreed wood
pellets display improved storage and handling behaviour. The
outdoor stockpile tests revealed that the tested torreed pellets
appeared to be unsuitable to be stored outdoors uncovered for long
durations, i.e. during one year. During this timeframe, the moisture
in the piles increased gradually, hence lowering the net caloric
value of the material and potentially reducing the plant efciency.
However, storage periods of a few weeks up to a month are deemed
feasible. It should be noted that the pellets used were produced
prior to the optimization work in torrefaction and densication,
and therefore it may prove more robust and allow storage periods
to be extended.
4. Torreed biomass applications
The various implications of introducing torreed biomass in
existing pulverized coal-red boilers and gasiers were investi-
gated in close collaboration with power producers within the
SECTOR project [30]. An inventory of potential issues that could
affect the integrity of representative coal-red boilers and gasiers
when introducing torreed biomass was made. The impacts on
milling and feeding, burners, combustion behaviour, process-ash/
slag behaviour, reactivity, gas composition and emissions were
investigated and are presented here.
Experimental investigations covered a range of torreed
biomass fuels sourced from clean woody biomass, forestry residues
and agro-residues, while tests were performed in facilities ranging
from lab scale to industrial scale. The experimental work was also
supported by CFD simulation for prediction of continuous full scale
applications. This section identies operational aspects that would
need to be adapted when handling torreed biomass, while also
proffering the properties of torreed biomass that would need
further improvement.
4.1. Co-milling coal and torreed biomass pellets in a roller mill
Co-milling of bituminous coal and torreed wood pellets was
demonstrated in a bowl (vertical roller) mill at medium load
Fig. 4. Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) of dust samples obtained from pellets and chips (corresponding original material) through a cutter mill (fraction below 63
m and dried at
75 C), torrefaction temperature displayed in C[28].
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an et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy xxx (2016) 1e17 7
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an, et al., Moving torrefaction towards market introduction eTechnical improvements and economic-
environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project, Biomass and Bioenergy (2016), http://
(400 kg h
) for torreed biomass shares of up to 32%. The mill was
calibrated with bituminous El Cerrejon coal (from Colombia,
moisture of 11.7%) by means of neness analogous to power plant
requirements (Fig. 7). Pelletized torreed spruce (torreed at
C, moisture of about 8%) was added stepwise while the
throughput was kept constant.
During co-milling experiments, power consumption rises (for
13.5%e58.5% mass fraction of torreed biomass) as inhomogeneity
of feedstocks increase (Fig. 6). With the further increase in torreed
biomass share (58.5%e100%), energy consumption decreases again
slightly (see Fig. 6) probably due to a more homogeneous feedstock
as well as a decrease in the classier speed by about 25%.
The torreed biomass parentsize represents original particle
size of materials before been pressed into pellets. Part of the goals
of the test was to evaluate whether the particles within the pellets
were reduced in size in addition to the obvious disintegration of the
pellets. For 100% torreed biomass, due to the classier speed
reduction by 25% (in order to prevent lling up of the mill), the
pellets are disintegrated back to their original particle sizes (before
pelletization) with minimal degree of fractionation (Fig. 7). Co-
milling improves this degree of fractionation substantially in
addition to the pellet disintegration. The mill can handle white
pellets also but the conditions (i.e. classier speed, gas ows etc.)
would have to be adapted with higher derating.
The particle size distribution of raw (parent) feed into the mill
(torreed biomass pellets and bituminous El Cerrejon coal) is also
shown in Fig. 7.
During torrefaction, the hemi-cellulose fraction which is
responsible for the brous nature of biomass is degraded, thereby
improving its grindability [31e33]. The results demonstrate that
co-milling would produce a ner product size distribution rather
than dedicated milling (Fig. 7). Finally, pulverized raw wood par-
ticles are very heterogeneous and needle shaped. The shape of the
torreed wood is closer to coal than raw wood and this favours
conveyance in conventional coal pneumatic feeding systems.
4.2. Co-ring in pulverized coal boilers
4.2.1. Emission behaviour and ash characteristics at 500 kW pilot
The key combustion related issues were investigated in single-
burner pilot scale facilities (500 kW) at University of Stuttgart
(Germany) [34]. Based on experimental data generated by com-
busting SECTOR torreed material, the following conclusions were
The co-red ames as well as torreed biomass ames were
more elongated compared to coal ames which were shorter
and more intense. The coarser torreed biomass particles would
require longer heat-up times and subsequently combustion [34].
Burn-out was however not negatively affected at the furnace
Replacing coal with biomass or torreed biomass leads to lower
and SO
emissions. During 50% un-staged combustion of
torreed wood and coal, a 10% reduction of NO
emissions was
measured compared to coal, while NO
emissions during tor-
reed wood un-staged combustion represents a 71% reduction
of the NO
levels measured for coal combustion (Fig. 8). Air
Staging will further reduce the NO
during 50% co-ring with
torreed biomass by another 59% and for torreed wood com-
bustion by another 20%. For coal, air staging is already estab-
lished as an effective measure for NO
Sulphur from the coal reduces the formation of KCl from
biomass in deposits through the preferable formation of po-
tassium sulphate. This was conrmed by measured HCl in the
Fig. 5. Mechanical durability of torreed spruce pellets torreed at 285 C as function of time/location in peak top and at top stockpiles during outdoor tests at EON [29].
Fig. 6. Graph shows the average grinding energy for the various settings in a bowl mil
(with vertical rollers). 0% represents pure coal, while 100% represents pure torreed
spruce pellets torreed at 285 C.
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ue gas in the case of co-ring, whereas KCl containing deposits
with low ash melting points were found in the case of com-
bustion of torreed wood [34]. Similarly, coal containing
aluminosilicate ashes also reduce the formation of low melting
alkali silicates and consequently the slagging tendency [34].
4.2.2. Co-ring in pulverized coal boilers: CFD assessment of full
scale application
CFD analyses were carried out on two anonymous but repre-
sentative full scale pulverized coal-red plants in preparation for a
larger-scale industrial test campaign with the SECTOR torreed
material at end of 2015 in Finland. Both plants were front wall red,
and equipped with swirl burners burning hard coal.
Combustion of torreed material will reduce the amount of
inorganics in the overall y-ash, simply because the torreed fuel
(just as the original raw biomass) contains signicantly less amount
of ash than coal (0.4%e5% on a dry mass basis, compared to 5%e20%
for coals) [35]. If the same particle size distribution is used for
torreed biomass co-combustion as for coal combustion, a reduced
mass of unburned carbon ends up in the y ash. However this does
not necessary imply that the Loss on Ignition (LOI) in the y ash also
decreases, since the fuel also contains signicantly less ash. Coarser
particles size of torreed biomass lead to a higher amount of un-
burned carbon in the y ash. More fuel gas is produced when
burning torreed material causing the combustion reaction to
extend higher up in the combustion chamber as displayed in Fig. 9.
When coal is completely replaced by torreed biomass, the ame
size can increase up to about 25%. The torreed biomass ame will
also start more quickly and grow backwards towards the burner.
The results of co-ring tests demonstrate that this is feasible
without signicant adaptations. Blending (torreed) woody
biomass with coal lowers SO
emissions mainly as a result of
dilution [36].NO
emissions have a more complex dependency on
the nitrogen mass fraction. Other factors such as furnace and
burner congurations also impact the nal NO
emissions. Due to
the lower nitrogen mass fractions in torreed biomass, it is also
possible to reach lower NO
emissions. Recent research indicates
that through the torrefaction process, a signicant amount of
chlorine (up to 90%) can be removed from the original biomass [37].
This would imply that chlorine related corrosion impacts can be
signicantly reduced through the torrefaction process. There may
be impacts on power plant integrity such as superheater corrosion,
ash deposition, ESP or SCR performance, etc. It is anticipated that
Fig. 7. Cumulative mass distribution with respect to particle size determined by sieve analysis before and after co-milling in a roller mill (400 kg h
). Parent size of coal simply
implies raw coal sizes, while for torreed pellets, parent size represents original particle size of material before been pressed into pellets.
Fig. 8. Impact of air staging at primary lambda
1 0.9 and 0.75. NOx emissions during El Cerrejon coal and torreed spruce (co)ring in down-red 500 kW pilot scale plant.
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these effects are similar for torreed biomass and raw biomass, as
the inorganic composition of the fuel is not negatively affected
during torrefaction.
4.3. Co-gasication in entrained ow reactors: evaluation of
The feasibility of operating the various systems with different
torreed materials compared to their standard reference fuels was
evaluated. The co-gasication of torreed biomass and coal were
carried out at different facilities up to 240 MW.
Transport, handling, unloading, milling and feeding did not
result in any major issues in any of the facilities. Available infra-
structure for conventional operation was utilized. To reduce the risk
of powder explosions, a dedicated (water spray) dust suppression
system was installed in the full-scale plant. Gasication perfor-
mance and efciencies attained for torreed materials were
generally reported to be improved or approximately in the same
range as for the reference wood. Gasication plant efciency, i.e.
the ratio between available energy in the cooled syngas and the
thermal energy in the corresponding fuel after taking the power
consumption of the mill into account was also improved by torre-
faction because of the reduced milling energies. Products of
incomplete gasication were found to remain in typically the same
or somewhat lower levels as for the reference fuels. For the most
severely torreed biomass, signicantly reduced methane mass
fraction in the syngas was reported [38e40].
4.4. Torreed biomass use in small-to-medium scale pellet boilers
Torreed wood pellets have the potential to provide at least the
same or even a higher combustion efciency as is achievable with
wood pellets. This is based on combustion technology screening of
torreed wood pellets in state-of-the-art pellet heating systems
such as understoker, grate and overfed boilers up to 50 kW of
thermal output [41]. The air ratio and air staging as well as the
control settings may need some adaptations and this depends on
the specic boiler technology applied. The higher xed carbon mass
fractions in torreed fuels however lead to increased need for
burnout time, making adaptations necessary. The level of pollutant
emissions is largely similar to that of wood pellets, given that
similar wood resources are used. This was observed for CO, VOCs,
and PM emissions. Due to the higher expected fuel bed tem-
peratures of torreed fuels, ne particle emissions may increase
and a higher share of slag formed. Measures to inhibit slagging are
therefore of major relevance.
4.5. Utilization of torrefaction condensates
The quality and utilization potential of condensates can be
affected by temperature ranges. Separation of compounds from the
mixture may prove difcult and possibly not so economical.
However, the total condensates formed at 280
C could be utilized
as biodegradable pesticides to replace synthetic ones. The con-
densates obtained at the higher temperature phase may have po-
tential in wood protection or as a binder in pelletization of torreed
products. Due to the low heat transfer in the slow pyrolysis reactor,
the reactor may not be representative of all torrefaction plants [12].
At a pilot scale torrefaction plant (ECN), tens of kilograms of birch
torrefaction condensates at different torrefaction temperatures
using the slowly moving bed pilot reactor was produced, and suc-
cessfully demonstrated for partial substitution of resins used in
plywood production [42].
5. Assessment of fuel properties and environmental
economic performance
This chapter presents nal results of the SECTOR-project ac-
cording to the fuel characterisation and its standardization status,
the climate implications by pellet use and trade as well as economic
considerations regarding the application of torreed fuel in mono-
or co-ring plants. Torreed biomass is intended to substitute fossil
fuels. Therefore in all subchapters of the assessment comparisons
to fossil fuels can be made.
Fig. 9. Simulated fuel gas mass fraction during combustion of: left: 100% hard coal, middle: 50% hard coal/50% torreed biomass, right: 100% torreed biomass.
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an et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy xxx (2016) 1e1710
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environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project, Biomass and Bioenergy (2016), http://
5.1. Characterisation of torreed fuels
Torreed biomass can be an opportunity to increase exibility of
the fuel supply and improve the conversionperformance of existing
biomass systems in medium and small scale applications. Each fuel
is characterised by specic fuel properties which will be typically
dened in a product standard. For market implementation reasons
(e.g. requirements on handling, transport and storage), consumer
acceptance (e.g. to order dened fuel qualities) as well as for con-
version plant developers (e.g. input material, the fuel particle size)
it is important to know the characterising fuel parameters.
Fuel Properties.InTable 3 selected chemical and mechanical-
ephysical product properties of torreed wood pellets were
compared to existing solid biofuels and coal. Through the torre-
faction process, the material becomes a dry biogenic material,
which is stable, brittle and water resistant. The lower moisture of
torreed material by contrast with conventional wood chips/pellets
results from the release of a higher amount of volatile matters
(decomposition of hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin). Therefore,
the torreed material is also characterised by a higher energy
density as well as a reduced biological degradation in storage and
thus favourable for long distance transport. Furthermore, this re-
sults in cost advantages for transport and storage of the torreed
material compacted in form of pellets or briquettes (see chapter 3).
However, depending on the biomass raw material and the tor-
refaction process conditions (see chapter 2) the favourable mini-
mised biological activity and water resistant features vary slightly
and can differ in stability over time. Therefore, an additional fuel
parameter was described in SECTOR to dene the water resistance
or hydrophobicity of a torreed material in form of the term water
The homogenous quality of torreed fuel and the similarity of
selected fuel parameters of torreed wood with coal (e. g. moisture
, energy density) offer optimal conditions for the use in co-ring
coal-power plants in order to substitute fossil fuels (Table 3). To
describe the adopted brous biomass structure of the torreed
material, which eases the processing in existing mills of coal power
plants, a new fuel characterisation parameter has been dened as
grindabilityin SECTOR [12].
However, more analysis work and end use application tests have
to be done with torreed material of non-woody biomass to set
limits for its application in different end use pathways and to favour
its market entrance as well.
Product Standardization. On the initiative of SECTOR project
partners, the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO)
Technical Committee 238 (ISO/TC 238) has started to draft an in-
ternational product standard for torreed pellets and briquettes
made from woody and non-woody (herbaceous, fruit and aquatic)
biomass in February 2013 [35,36]. The standard development is
focused on Graded thermally treated and densied biomass fuels
for industrial and non-industrial use and will be published as ISO
17225-8 as well as in Europe as EN ISO 17225-8. Thermal treatment
includes processes such as torrefaction, steam treatment (explosion
pulping), hydrothermal carbonization and charring, which all
represent different exposure to heat, oxygen, steam and water.
After the discussion and adaption of rst standard drafts within the
committee and by involving the International Biomass Torrefaction
Council (IBTC) its publication is foreseen by the end of the year
The highest quality classes (TW1a and TW2b) for thermally
treated woody pellets and briquettes are recommended for non-
industrial use (residential and other small-scale applications).
Also other TW classes for woody biomass TW2a, TW3a and TW3b
were drafted. Additional classes (TA1, TA2 and TA3) were developed
for non-woody biomass. These classes are suitable only for indus-
trial use or small-scale boilers specially designed for non-woody
biomass. In the coming draft international standard (DIS) woody
biomass classes are divided into two tables based on net caloric
value on dry basis. The threshold value in the current version is
21 MJ kg
on dry basis. If the net caloric value on dry basis is
higher than 21 MJ kg
, it is proposed to mark classes by TW1a,
TW2a and TW3a and if it is lower, then they are marked by TW1b,
TW2b and TW3b. Moisture (M, % of mass) and nes (F, particles less
than 3.15 mm) should be stated at the point of delivery. Table 4 lists
the normative (mandatory) properties for thermally treated
densied biomass fuels. In all classication tables, ash melting
behaviour is informative (voluntary) and it is recommended to
state all characteristic temperatures shrinkage starting tempera-
ture (SST), deformation temperature (DT), hemisphere temperature
(HT) and ow temperature (FT) in oxidising conditions.
Within the SECTOR project, two international Round-Robin-
Tests (interlaboratory tests performed independently several
times) were conducted to prove the application of existing chem-
ical and physical test methods for torreed material. The existing
Table 3
Comparison of selected properties of torreed material with wood chips, pellets and coal [34,44], adapted according to ISO 06/2015 (moisture/heating value/bulk density); the
related parameter denition is also given in Table 4.
Wood chips Wood pellets Torreed wood pellets Coal
Moisture (%) 30e55 7e10 1e10 10e15
Net caloric value (Q, MJ kg
) as received 7e12 15e17 17e24 23e28
Volatile matter (VM) (%, mass, dry basis) 70e84 75e84 55e80 15e30
Fixed carbon (C
) (%, mass, dry basis) 16e25 16e25 22e35 50e55
Bulk density (BD) (t m
) 0.20e0.30 0.55e0.65 0.55e0.80 0.80e0.85
Energy density (E) (GJ m
) 1.4e3.6 8e11 12e19 18e24
Hygroscopic properties Hydrophilic hydrophilic moderately hydrophobic hydrophobic
Biological degradation Fast fast Slow none
Milling requirements Special special standard (feedstock-specic) standard
Product consistency Limited high high high
©Kay Schaubach/DBFZ ©Thomas Siepmann/ ©Kay Schaubach/DBFZ ©Gabi Sch
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an et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy xxx (2016) 1e17 11
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an, et al., Moving torrefaction towards market introduction eTechnical improvements and economic-
environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project, Biomass and Bioenergy (2016), http://
test methods were originally developed for the characterisation of
solid biomass. These Round Robin tests demonstrated that
numerous established methods could be adopted for the determi-
nation of specic property parameters (e. g. determination of
heating value, major and minor elements). Additionally, new fuel
property parameters were analysed and the development of new
test methods started within SECTOR (e. g. for grindability, hydro-
phobicity/water absorption) [35,36]. The project also collected
property data for fuel specication standard development.
5.2. GHG-emissions of torreed pellets supply and application
Solid biofuels are often considered as energy carriers with
potentially low life-cycle greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions. Hence,
anticipated GHG-mitigation effects from the use of these energy
carriers are the strongest rationale for their promotion. Considering
the limited resource base, torrefaction is discussed as a promising
approach to decrease the costs of logistics while increasing local
biomass availability due to long distance transports.
The GHG-mitigation effects from the use of various (torreed)
biomass value chains have been investigated comprehensively
within the SECTOR project [7]. This assessment has been conducted
considering the actual data and project results on the mass and
energy ows for the torrefaction technology, which have been
compiled during the project. This allows for a detailed assessment
based on primary data which would not be possible with infor-
mation from available publications. Based on these mass and en-
ergy balances, GHG-emissions have been calculated using the LCA
methodology according to ISO 14040:2006 and ISO14044:2006
Fig. 10 shows the GHG-emissions per MJ of supplied pellets for
three feedstocks straw, logging residues and willow (short rotation
coppice) and four locations (Spain, USA, Tanzania, Canada). As ex-
pected the results showed that, due to the higher energy density,
the transportation of the torreed pellets leads to lower energy
specic GHG-emissions compared to the transportation of con-
ventional pellets (e.g. CO
-Eq. of 11.5 g MJ
Canadian straw white
pellet distribution compared to a CO
-Eq. of 9g MJ
for torreed
Canadian straw pellets).
Other major impact factors that have been identied during the
assessment are the type of energy carrier (e.g. biomass or natural
gas) used during the processes of torrefaction/densication as well
as the emission factor of the local electricity supply. Together with
the different distribution scenarios this explains the main differ-
ences between the results of the various locations. In general, the
production and use of pellets from residues resulted in lower
emissions compared to the use of plantation wood.
To counterbalance the GHG-emissions from the supply of (tor-
reed) pellets from different origins, the avoided GHG-emissions
from the replacement of fossil fuels have been investigated for
various end use markets [46]. The results are summarized in
Table 5.
The results show a GHG-mitigation potential of the pathways
investigated for co-ring between 72% and 87%. Due to the slightly
lower upstream emissions, the results for the application of torre-
ed pellets show slightly lower overall GHG emissions compared to
the heat production based on conventional pellets.
Another possible application where torreed biomass could nd
a direct outlet is for small scale natural gas red boilers. The results
in Table 5 indicate that this yields a GHG mitigation potential be-
tween 58% and 79%. This is lower than the use of the pellets in co-
ring applications due to the lower CO
emission factor of natural
gas. In case a carbon intensive fuel is replaced (e.g. coal briquettes),
the gures favour small scale heat over biomass co-ring.
5.3. Economic aspects
The economic aspects of producing and using biomass torre-
faction pellets have been evaluated against those of wood pellets
[6,24] (see: Table 6). The energy and mass balances based supply
chain costs calculations from Ref. [24] were implemented in the
BioChainS tool (Biomass-to-end-use Chain Simulation tool) to
simulate a higher variety of supply chains. The tool enables the
comparison of supply chains varying multiple factors.
For the production of torreed pellets, a base case was assumed
of a medium scale stand-alone torrefaction plant in Europe of
Table 4
Selected normative properties to be specied for ISO 17225-8 draft international standard [5,45]. Note: this is a proposal of working group 2 of ISO/TC 238 for DIS version, and
values can be changed in the nal draft international standard (FDIS), which will be discussed in April 2016. The standard foresees the use of weight percentage (w-%) as unit
which is not used in this paper.
Property, standard for
Unit Remarks
Raw material, ISO 17225-
To be stated from ISO 17225-1:2014/Table 1, Woody biomass. ISO 17225-8 list approved raw materials more detailed
for each classes
Diameter, D and Length L
ISO 17829
mm Diameter classes for TW1a
, TW1b and TW2a, TW2b, TW3a and TW3b from 6 to 25 mm for pellets.
Less length classes for TW 1a. TW1b and TW2a, TW2b, maximum length 40 mm for TW1 classes, and maximum length
for TW2 and TW3 classes is 50 mm depending on the diameter of pellet.
For briquettes actual diameter and length or width is stated depending on shape of briquettes.
Moisture, M
, ISO 18134-1,
ISO 18134-2
Moisture on wet basis is 8% or 10% depending on traded form (pellet or briquette) and raw material and class
Ash, A
, ISO 18122 % (dry mass) From A1.2 to A10 depending on classes and raw material. Lowest class for TW1a and TW1b.
Mechanical durability, DU
ISO 17831-1
% (mass as received) From DU95.5 to DU95.0 depending on classes. Highest class for TW1a and TW1b.
Fines, F
, ISO 18846
(<3.15 mm)
% (mass as received) From F1 (1%) to F6 (6%) depending on classes and raw material. Lowest class for TW1a and TW1b.
Additives % (dry mass) Maximum 4% for TW1a and TW1b classes. Type and amount to be stated
Net caloric value, Q
MJ kg
or kWh kg
as received
From Q16.0 to Q21.0 depending on classes, technology and raw material
Bulk density, BD
kg m
From BD550 to BD700 depending on classes, technology and raw material. Lowest class for pellets, which are
thermally treated after pelleting.
TW is symbol for the quality classes of thermally treated woody biomass.
in ISO 17225 standards, unit w-% for weight percentage is used
Symbols D, L, M, A, DU, F, Q and BD are designations of properties stated in ISO 17225-1:2014 and ISO 17225-8 (under preparation) standards. After symbol the threshold
value is marked, e.g. M10 (moisture 10%).
D. Thr
an et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy xxx (2016) 1e1712
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environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project, Biomass and Bioenergy (2016), http://
72,800 Mg a
, with production costs of 43 VMWh
. A signicant
fraction are fuel costs at 18e25 VMWh
. A larger production plant
located in North America (500,000 Mg a
) and fed with cheaper
biomass feedstock (15 VMWh
) lowers the production costs to 29
. All cases presented below are based on 800 0 annual
operating hours and a capital charge factor of 0.1175 (10% interest
during 20 years).
The simulation of the supply chains illustrated decisive factors
for production costs: (1) the combination of feedstock yield,
availability and accessibility and (2) the production plant size.
Fig. 10. GHG-emissions from the supply of torreed pellets from different feedstock types and locations compared to white pellets [46].
Table 5
GHG-emissions reduction compared to conventional fuel, and from the use of conventional and torreed pellets from different supply chains per MJ of product (derived from
Ref. [46]).
Conventional pellets Torreed biomass
Co-ring with hard coal CO
-Eq. of 0.06e0.08 kg MJ
(electric output) 72e80% reduction CO
-Eq. of 0.03e0.06 kg MJ
(electric output) 80e87% reduction
Replacing natural gas in 15 kW
-Eq. of 0.22e0.31 kg MJ
(thermal output) 58e70% reduction CO
-Eq. of 0.15e0.21 kg MJ
(thermal output) 71e79% reduction
Production and combustion of
-Eq. of 1.25e2.01 kg MJ
(electric output) 5e42% reduction CO
-Eq. of 0.95e1.55 kg MJ
(electric output) 28e55% reduction
The reference levels for the three applications are: 1: hard coal: CO
-Eq. of 0.3 kg MJ
(electric output); nat. gas: CO
-Eq. of 0.07 kg MJ
(thermal output); MeOH: CO
of 2.15 kg MJ
Table 6
Production costs of torreed wood pellets for stand-alone plants and integrated in new/existing plants [24].
Case Stand-alone torr. plant
nordic region
Stand-alone torr. plant
nordic region
Stand-alone torr.
plant SE USA
New sawmill and torr.
plant integrated
Existing sawmill and
new torr. plant
Existing pulp mill and
new torr. plant
Output capacity in t a
72,800 500,000 500,000 231,600 101,100 407,200
Fixed operating costs in
3.99 8.70 8.70 5.39 3.47 6.71
Variable operating costs in
9.87 74.56 57.66 31.73 14.00 58.5
Annualized capital costs in
5.44 20.95 21.23 11.68 6.84 17.34
Total costs in MVa
19.30 104.2 87.58 48.80 24.31 82.54
Production costs in Va
265 208 175 211 240 203
Production costs in V
43 34 29 34 38 33
Market price of wood
pellets in VMWh
30 30 30 30 30 30
Price compared to base
case in %
100 79 66 79 91 76
Price compared to market
price in %
145 114 96 115 126 111
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Higher heating values resp. energy density lower the costs after
production through reduced mass/volume in transport, thus
increasing competitiveness to white pellets.
Integration into an existing CHP plant does not reduce the costs
substantially, but integration in other operations (sawmills, pulp
and paper mills) however does (5e24% compared to base case
[24]). This is mostly due to the larger possible production capacities
and lower feedstock costs (e.g. excess forest residue).
The purchase power for torreed wood pellets over white wood
pellets was determined in this context. All additional costs for
biomass co-ring excluding fuel costs were calculated for both 10%
and 30% co-ring on energy basis. This was done for a 400 MW
(electric output) power plant in the Netherlands with 6,000 annual
operating hours. A loan interest level of 6% was assumed (65% of the
capital), a company tax level of 25% and a demanded return on
equity of 12% (35% of the capital). This results in a project interest
rate of 6.9%; at an economic lifetime of 10 years this results in an
annuity of 14%. The results are displayed in Fig. 11.
The total annual costs excluding fuels are higher for white wood
pellets than for torreed wood pellets, particularly at an increased
co-ring share of 30%. This fact can be translated to a maximum
excess price that could be paid for torreed wood pellets to achieve
equal annual electricity production costs. The results in Table 7
imply that at a co-ring share of 30%, the large-scale stand-alone
plants and some of the integrated concepts could produce pellets at
price levels that would be economically competitive to use for
utilities instead of white wood pellets. The signicantly lower in-
vestment costs also offer exibility when incentives for co-ring
are subject to uctuation [48].
6. Market opportunities
As described in the preceding chapters, the torrefaction tech-
nology has improved signicantly during the last years and is now
commercially available for woody biomass. Non-woody biomass
torrefaction has been investigated and improved as well but still
needs further development for market readiness. Research
activities now aim mostly at optimizing, e.g. technology, the overall
value chain, standardization, trade registration and legal permis-
sions [50,51].
This development is embedded in a growing bioenergy carrier
market worldwide [1,9]. The European Union considers bioenergy
as an integral part of the low carbon economy [52] and has set
ambitious goals for the share of renewable fuels in the primary
energy consumption (20% for 2020 and 27% for 2030) [10], which
should support the further development and implementation of
torrefaction technology [2].
The primary market for torreed material has been seen by
many producers in co-ring as one third of power supply is ex-
pected to be from large power producers [2,24]. In Europe (EU 28)
alone, 285 Tg of hard coal and 421 Tg of lignite were consumed in
2014 [26,53]. An average co-ring share would result in a European
market of ca. 70 Tg per year. Nevertheless, market conditions (e.g.
, needed amounts) and chosen lock-in solutions from potential
co-ring customers (e.g. that have already invested to accommo-
date white pellet) require a careful policy approach to support
market introduction but also the commitment of producers and
other stakeholders. Important factors here are the CO
and possible savings, as well as the economic aspects for different
end-user markets.
Regarding the development and implementation one can
distinguish three focus areas for business development (Fig. 12). A
main driver for business development comes from the end user
markets, as end users can create a market pull for the technology.
The end user markets are categorised in torrfuel production
(torrfuel: torreed fuel), which includes the sales to intermediaries
and users. As described above, small and medium scale appliances
are now considered alongside co-ring. A strategic consideration is
the geographical location of producers and end users. Production
and end-use in Europe can strengthen the internal energy security
and present business opportunities for biomass surplus regions.
The benecial long distance transport properties of torreed fuels
allow the import into Europe from biomass surplus regions
worldwide, potentially reducing CO
emissions and increasing
Fig. 11. Annual cost of co-ring white wood pellets and torreed wood pellets at 10% and 30% co-ring share excluding fuel costs [47,26].
D. Thr
an et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy xxx (2016) 1e1714
Please cite this article in press as: D. Thr
an, et al., Moving torrefaction towards market introduction eTechnical improvements and economic-
environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project, Biomass and Bioenergy (2016), http://
energy security by diversifying the energy carrier base. As soon as
torrefaction of technically more demanding feedstock is available,
torrefaction can aid with the energetic and material use of these. A
third option within torreed fuel production is the provision and
use of torreed fuels outside of Europe. This does not improve the
energy sector in Europe directly but presents the opportunity for
technology providers to establish or extend their business, thus
stabilising their operation which in turn is benecial for the tor-
refaction sector within Europe.
Directly connected to this scheme is the business area torre-
faction technology, where technology providers sublicense or sell
technology. Thus, the technology provider is not necessarily the
operator of a torrefaction plant but different stakeholders full
these different market roles.
Diversifying the end user markets (appliance and location) and
utilizing technology as an additional product can be complemented
by a third business area: production of chemicals or biomaterials,
which is a possibility of utilising by-products to improve the overall
torrefaction process efciency [54]. The latest research has shown
the potential of torrefaction gas condensate to be processed into
different materials not connected to energy provision, such as
biodegradable pesticides and phenols for wood protection sub-
stances (see chapter 4.5). These options are far from market ready
but might add to protable business in the future for torrefaction
plant operators and also support the establishment of more sus-
tainable economies.
7. Conclusions
The SECTOR project focused on the further development and
optimization of torrefaction-based technologies for the production
of solid bioenergy carriers up to pilot-plant scale and beyond,
including the whole process chain from torrefaction to end use
application. Additional assessments of different sustainability di-
mensions, technical standardization needs and market introduc-
tion strategies identied the current chances and obstacles of this
new technology comprehensively. The generated data can also
support future research on torrefaction of biomass. The now ach-
ieved quality parameters of the torreed material have been further
specied and are in preparation for standardization.
While different torrefaction and densication technologies were
applied to different biomass feedstock successfully, the further
optimization of the processes and concepts can only be effectuated
for specic concepts. The challenge is to proceed from demon-
stration to industrial scale. Market implementation strategies can
act as a navigator for the next steps for the implementation of in-
dustrial plants. Different end user markets can open opportunities
(1) Co-ring in EU countries: For co-ring price parity with coal
is essential to enable commercial market introduction of
torreed biomass. The relatively low CO
price is however a
major hurdle for the business case. Although the EU tries to
increase the market price of CO
by backloadingEU emis-
sion allowances for CO
, the actual effect is still limited for
the time being. It is essential that EU member countries
continue their efforts on establishing substantial CO
prices. In the absence of price parity with coal, it is important
that countries launch additional co-ring support schemes
to enable co-ring or 100% conversion, which could lead to
Table 7
Purchase power of torreed wood pellets vs. white wood pellets at equal annual costs [49].
unit 10% co-ring 30% co-ring
Excess costs of white wood pellets over torreed wood pellets MVy
1.86 10.31
Amount of biomass of pellets used PJ 2.16 6.48
Price difference VGJ
) 0.86 (3.10) 1.59 (5.72)
Case 1: price difference at higher rate of return (12% /15%) VGJ
) 1.08 (3.89) 2.02 (7.27)
Case 2: price difference at reduction of economic lifetime from 10 to 5 years VGJ
) 1.24 (4.46) 2.34 (8.42)
Fig. 12. Torrefaction business areas.
D. Thr
an et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy xxx (2016) 1e17 15
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an, et al., Moving torrefaction towards market introduction eTechnical improvements and economic-
environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project, Biomass and Bioenergy (2016), http://
signicant growth in the next couple of years. Recent ex-
amples of such countries are UK, Netherlands, and Belgium.
(2) Co-ring outside Europe: In case coal based power producers
have already made investments to enable large scale use of
white wood pellets, it could be too late to make use of the
potential cost savings of torreed pellets. For countries and
regions where interest in biomass co-ring has only recently
started (e.g. in Asia, South Africa), torreed biomass could
provide an option to leapfrog technology without the need to
invest in signicant modications of existing plants. The
same is true for power plants in Europe that consider co-
ring, but have not yet invested.
(3) Additional market for security of nancing: Securing the
nancing for investment is another hurdle. Compared to the
fuel requirements of a pulverised coal red power plant, the
volume of torreed fuels that can be offered from any of the
existing torrefaction companies to a single power plant is
relatively small, which makes end users hesitant to absorb
torreed fuels and sign long term offtake contracts. This
makes it again difcult for an investor to obtain nances to
establish a torrefaction plant. Governments could help in
securing nancing of such plants by arranging non-recourse
nancing. A local heat market or a relatively small market for
use in higher value applications (e.g. chemicals or trans-
portation fuels after gasication) could help in this way to get
rid of the chicken and egg problem. In this case both the
torrefaction facility and the end user need to be established
at the same time, to enable an optimal business case.
Parallel to end-user market development, the further develop-
ment of the resource base needs specic attention. Due to the fact
that almost half of the costs for torrefaction processes come from
feedstock, it is important to research possibilities for reduction of
the raw material costs by developing sustainable and cost-efcient
supply chains for biomass. Appropriate product standards and the
consideration of sustainability standards are essential to facilitate
trade as well as the production of suitable end use appliances that
are optimized for torreed biomass.
So, for successful market implementation not only technical
improvements but also various conducive policies are required to
support the application of torreed biomass for power supply, the
heat sector and in industries, keeping in mind the differentiation in
qualities and prices required.
The authors would like to thank the EU for the nancial support
from the Seventh Programme for research, technological develop-
ment and demonstration under grant agreement no 282826 and
Virginie Bellmann (DBFZ) for her support in organising and
reviewing the paper.
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environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project, Biomass and Bioenergy (2016), http://
... In contrast, TOR can increase the fuel characteristics of feedstock without a high-temperature or high-pressure reactor [11]. Thus, TOR is applied at the commercial scale (production capacity over 2 ton/h) in plants, whereas other technologies including HTC are mainly applied at the demonstration scale (500 kg -2 ton/h) or pilot scale (50-500 kg/h) [12,13]. ...
... In these regions, the peaks were small compared with the quantity of lignin detected in Section Chemical compositions (Tables 3 and 4). This result appears to be related to the characteristics of cross-polarization magic angle spinning 13 C NMR, which underestimates the aromatic C analyzed [32]. Peaks 4-8 indicate the presence of a certain amount of carbon in the cellulose (C 6 ) or hemicellulose (C 5 ) structure. ...
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The characteristics of biochar vary widely depending on the type of biomass and thermochemical conversion method. In this study, four types of biomass (kenaf, rice husk, corncob, and wood chips) were subjected to hydrothermal carbonization and torrefaction at 220 °C, 260 °C, and 300 °C for 30 min. The acquired biochars showed significant differences in the type of reaction and biomass. At each temperature, the decomposition of volatiles was more severe in hydrochar (HC) than in torrefied char (TC). The mass yields of HC were 44.30–61.63 wt.% (220 °C), 20.89–37.04 wt.% (260 °C), and 12.59–29.19 wt.% (300 °C), whereas the mass yields of TC were 94.73–97.69 wt.% (220 °C), 87.19–95.04 wt.% (260 °C), and 68.22–80.78 wt.% (300 °C). The elemental and thermal characteristics of TC changed gradually as the reaction temperature increased, and the characteristics of HC were enhanced rapidly. Wood chip biochar that was reacted at 300 °C showed the highest heating values of 28.77 MJ/kg (HC) and 21.09 MJ/kg (TC). The results of chemical analyses showed that hydrothermal carbonization strongly affected the cleavage of inter- and intra-molecular carbon bonds in cellulose and hemicellulose. In contrast, torrefaction removed the thermally fragile moisture and hemicellulose content from biomass. Graphical Abstract
... Scientific understanding of the torrefaction process is incomplete, and research into the impacts of reaction conditions is ongoing (Anukam et al., 2015;Javanmard et al., 2023). Torrefaction reactors must still be optimized for economic end-use requirements and market standardization before fully commercializing them (Siwal et al., 2021;Thrän et al., 2016). To match business expectations, certain aspects must be verified or scaled up. ...
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Torrefaction is a thermochemical process that improves biomass quality, reducing the adverse effects of crop residue burning. Slowly heating biomass to 300 °C in an inert or reduced atmosphere enhances its physical, elemental, and proximate characteristics, resulting in a solid material with less moisture and higher energy content. Many torrefaction technologies have been extensively studied, focusing on how they alter biomass properties, factors influencing the process, energy densification, and yields. However, recent advancements in torrefaction reactor design and associated technical and scientific issues are notably underrepresented in the literature, which required attention to explore, particularly reactor type and design. Thus, a comprehensive review of the recent advancement in torrefaction research and technology focusing on different kinds of torrefaction reactors, their advancements, and reactor design was presented in the study. Furthermore, it highlights the potential of torrefied biomass as a pre-treatment for subsequent conversion processes, and novel potential applications of torrefied biomass are discussed. Technological challenges and their countermeasures are also documented in this article. Thus, comparisons of various reactors were tabulated with their advantages and disadvantages. To lower operational expenses and mitigate competition with other biomass applications, it’s crucial to focus on utilizing waste materials or environmentally sustainable biomass for this technology. The article also describes the torrefaction technique’s prospects, opportunities, and difficulties, including identifying bottlenecks that may restrict its usage and preceding or succeeding processes.
... Therefore, binderless production of torrefied briquettes or pellets from charred lignocellulosic residues requires high die temperature and greater compression pressure to obtain fuel of desirable qualities [127,128]. As a remedy, preconditioning torrefied biomass with about 10 % moisture renders the densification process relatively easier, reduces friction and improves bonding [129], hence the quality of densified product [130,131]. Usually, Water or steam acts as a plasticizer and lowers the softening temperature of lignin [132], hence the specific energy requirement for densification. ...
Densification and torrefaction are potential technologies to valorize lignocellulosic residues into cleaner and sustainable alternative energy carriers for domestic, institutional, commercial and industrial thermal energy applications. Therefore, this review paper has focused on sources of lignocellulosic biomass for energy production. Furthermore, the processes involved in production of raw and torrefied briquettes/pellets have been discussed. Additionally, the physicomechanical, emissions and combustion properties of raw and torrefied bri-quettes produced from lignocellulosic residues have been presented. Also, the economics of briquetting ligno-cellulosic biomass materials have also been reviewed. The quality of densified solid biomass fuels from lignocellulosic residues was found to dependent on the feedstock and pretreatment conditions. Additionally, torrefaction and densification have been reported to upgrade the energy properties of loose biomass materials, as potential alternative fuel to firewood and charcoal. Finally, the economic profitability of densification projects has been found to be dependent on the availability of feedstocks, technology used and market potential of the product.
... Major European power producers have tested and reported successful utilization of torrefied biomass in coal-fired power plants, and several studies and publications have highlighted the feasibility of using existing handling and storage facilities for torrefied biomass [29]. Moreover, research has suggested that the supply chain for fuel pellets made from torrefied biomass is more cost-efficient compared to conventional wood pellets [30]. The benefits of torrefied biomass in reducing logistics costs for bioenergy chains have been highlighted in several studies and publications, making torrefaction a promising pre-treatment method for the bioenergy industry [31]. ...
Full-text available
This study evaluates the logistics cost associated with transporting Wood Pellets (WP) and Torrefied Biomass Pellets (TBP) from Aveiro, Portugal's principal WP exporting port, to Northern European destinations. With increasing emphasis on sustainable energy, understanding the cost dynamics between WP and TBP becomes crucial for market competitiveness. Using data sourced from the Argus Biomass Markets report, we compared the energy in gigajoules per ton of both WP and TBP. Torrefaction results in pellets with superior energy and bulk densities, influencing their transportation logistics costs. The main metrics for comparison were cost per energy unit and the implications of energy and bulk densities on transport costs. Preliminary findings indicate that although torrefied pellets undergo more significant mass loss than energy loss, their enhanced energy and bulk densities present logistical advantages. These advantages manifest as more tons per volume unit and heightened energy per ton, which ultimately lead to reduced transportation cost per energy unit. The insights from this analysis provide valuable input for the biofuel sector. By understanding the cost benefits associated with TBP transportation in contrast to WP, stakeholders can make strategic decisions, bolstering the competitiveness of Portuguese biofuel products in the European domain.
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The article deals with the processes associated with the production and combustion of composite powder fuel from coal and woodworking waste, pulp and paper production and agriculture. The relationship between the structure and properties of solid fuels obtained under various conditions of preliminary mechanical processing of components, and physicochemical processes occurring during combustion in a combustion chamber has been studied. As a result of experiments, it was found that the composite material burns better than a mixture of its components, combustion begins earlier, the combustion zone is shifted to the center, and the combustion temperatures are higher, which contributes to more complete combustion of the fuel. It was also found that in the case of a stationary combustion process, the temperatures when using composite fuel are higher than when burning a mixture of components. The difference in temperature is 100-400 °C, depending on the stage of combustion.
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Decomposition modeling of biomass often uses commercially available xylan as model compound representing hemicelluloses, not taking in account the heterogeneous nature of that group of carbohydrates. In this study, the thermal decomposition behavior of seven different hemicelluloses (P-glucan, arabinogalactan, arabinoxylan, galactomannan, glucomannan, xyloglucan, and xylan) were investigated in inert atmosphere using (i) thermogravimetric analysis coupled to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, (ii) differential scanning calorimetry, and (iii) pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Results on decomposition characteristics (mass loss rate, reaction heat and evolving gas composition) were compared and summarized for the different hemicelluloses and for comparison also crystalline cellulose was included in the study. The mass loss rate characteristics differed between the polysaccharides, with cellulose and glucan-based hemicelluloses as the thermally most stable and xylan as the least stable sample. The heat flow during slow heating in nitrogen flow showed a much more exothermal decomposition of xylan compared with the other hemicelluloses. The composition of off-gases during heating showed large differences between the samples. During decomposition of xylan high levels of CO2 and lower levels of other components were formed, whereas also CO, methanol, methane, furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and anhydrosugars were formed in substantial amounts from the other polysaccharides. The formation of anhydrosugar was correlated to the monosaccharide composition of the polysaccharide chain. The results from the current study contribute to new knowledge concerning thermochemical behavior of different hemicelluloses.
Combustion tests have been performed in a 500 kW pulverized coal furnace in order to investigate the cofiring characteristics of torrefied spruce and bituminous coal (El Cerrejon coal from Colombia). Monocombustion test cases for the coal and torrefied spruce were also performed for a comparative evaluation. Measurements performed include burn-out, gas temperature profiles and emissions characteristics (CO, NOX, SO2 and HCl). Combustion behavior was evaluated for all cases via measurement of the spatial distribution of oxygen across the flame and at the active combustion zones within the furnace. The impact of air staging on NOX reduction was investigated at two different primary or burner stoichiometric ratios for all fuels while operational issues such as deposit formation and characteristics were also evaluated.
The aim of this study was to determine the yields and chemical compositions of condensates formed at torrefaction conditions with different kind of feedstocks and to assess their utilization from an economic perspective. Test runs for spruce and bamboo were carried out with a slow pyrolysis test rig, and the liquids collected at 20-105 °C, 105-240 °C and 240-300 °C temperature ranges were analyzed for chemical characteristics and compositions. The results were compared with those obtained earlier for a birch condensate. The mass yields and compositions of condensates differed between the feedstocks and the temperature ranges. The amount of organic compounds in the total condensates was 12-19 wt %. The main compounds were acetic acid, 1-hydroxy-2-propanone, methanol, furfural and 2-hydroxy-acetaldehyde. Total condensates formed at ≤280 °C are promising to be utilized for different purposes, for example as a biopesticide. Higher temperatures are critical, because at 290 °C strong exothermic reactions occur, which decreases considerably the yield of torrefied material and produces tar containing condensates. It is possible to produce, in addition to biocoal, valuable liquids. Economic assessments were performed for three torrefaction cases without and with the recovery of condensates. The production costs of torrefied pellets can be lowered significantly, for example of the order of 5-10 € MWh-1 in medium scale pellet production, by recovering and selling the condensates to new applications.
Torrefaction of plant biomass has the capacity to produce a fuel with increased energy density and homogeneity, but there are reports that it changes the pelletizing properties of the biomass, making it more difficult to obtain high quality pellets. A parametric study was therefore conducted in which three key qualitative parameters, degree of torrefaction (250–300 °C), moisture content (0–10%) and pelletizing temperature (125–180 °C), were varied according to a five level fractional factorial design, also including particle size as a qualitative parameter. Pelletizing at 300 MPa (pellet densities: 1.0–1.2 mg/mm3) was undertaken using a single pellet press and the responses recorded were compression work (Wcomp), maximal force to overcome static friction (Fmax), kinetic friction work (Wfric), single pellet dimensions and strength. Small particles reduced Wcomp and Fmax, but increased strength. As expected, all other parameters also had significant effects. In general, less energy was required for Wcomp, Wfric and Fmax at lower degrees of torrefaction and higher moisture contents and when pelletizing was conducted at higher temperatures. The process window to optimize pellet strength was narrow and, surprisingly, somewhat higher moisture content at higher degrees of torrefaction increased strength. This narrow production window in combination with feedstock variations may, in practical pelletizing situations, result in varying quality. Furthermore, the study illustrates that factorial experiments using single-pellet devices provide new insights that are of importance for the next generation of pelletizing of torrefied biomass.
In this work, four different fuels were gasified in a pressurized entrained flow pilot plant gasifier at approximately 270 kWth. The different fuels were; two torrefied wood residues, one raw wood residue and one torrefied stem wood. The system pressure and oxygen equivalence ratio (λ) were held constant for all four gasification experiments. It was found that the torrefaction pretreatment significantly reduced the milling energy consumption for fuel size reduction, which in turn contributed to increased gasification plant efficiency. Furthermore, the results indicate that the carbon conversion efficiency may be enhanced by an intermediate torrefaction pretreatment, whereas both less severe torrefaction and more severe torrefaction resulted in reduced carbon conversions. The results also indicate that the CH4 yield was significantly reduced for the most severely torrefied fuel.
This study examined and compared the effect of torrefaction on the heating value, elementary composition, and chlorine content of eight woody biomasses. The biomass samples were torrefied in a specially constructed batch reactor at 260 °C for 30, 60, and 90 min. The original biomasses as well as the solid, liquid, and gaseous torrefaction reaction products were analyzed separately. The higher heating values (HHV) of dry samples increased from 19.5–21.0 MJ kg−1 to 21.2–23.2 MJ kg−1 during 60 min of torrefaction. In all samples, the HHV increased 9 % on average. Furthermore, the effect of torrefaction time on the biomass HHV was studied. Measurements showed that after a certain point, increasing the torrefaction time had no effect on the samples' HHV. This optimal torrefaction time varied considerably between the samples. For more reactive biomasses, i.e., birch and aspen, the optimal torrefaction time was close 30 min whereas the HHV of less reactive biomasses, e.g., stumps, increased markedly even after a 60-min torrefaction. Another significant observation was that torrefaction reduced the chlorine content of the biomass samples. The chlorine concentration of the solid product dropped in most samples from the original by half or even as much as 90 %. The highest relative chlorine decrease was observed in the Eucalyptus dunnii sample, which also had the highest chlorine content of all the studied biomasses. The relative carbon content of the biomass samples increased during torrefaction as the average elementary composition changed from CH0.123O0.827 to CH0.105O0.674 after a 60-min torrefaction.