

  • Cystic Fibrosis Trust, UK
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... We have recently reported on cancer control [8]. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of focal cryotherapy on urinary and sexual function, and assess the return to baseline urinary and sexual function using the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF)-15 questionnaires. ...
Background: The oncological outcomes in men with clinically significant prostate cancer following focal cryotherapy are promising, although functional outcomes are under-reported. Objective: To determine the impact of focal cryotherapy on urinary and sexual function, specifically assessing return to baseline function. Design, setting, and participants: Between October 2013 and November 2016, 58 of 122 men who underwent focal cryotherapy for predominantly anterior clinically significant localised prostate cancer within a prospective registry returned patient-reported outcome measure questionnaires, which included International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-15) questionnaires. Intervention: Standard cryotherapy procedure using either the SeedNet or the Visual-ICE cryotherapy system. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: Primary outcome was return to baseline function of IPSS score and IIEF erectile function (EF) subdomain. Cumulative incidence and Cox-regression analyses were performed. Results and limitations: Probability of returning to baseline IPSS function was 78% at 12 mo and 87% at both 18 and 24 mo, with recovery seen up to 18 mo. For IIEF (EF domain), the probability of returning to baseline function was 85% at 12 mo and 89% at both 18 and 24 mo, with recovery seen up to 18 mo. Only the preoperative IIEF-EF score was associated with a poor outcome (hazard ratio 0.96, 95% confidence interval 0.93-0.999, p = 0.04). The main limitation was that only half of the patients returned their questionnaires. Conclusions: In men undergoing primary focal cryotherapy, there is a high degree of preservation of urinary and erectile function with return to baseline function occurring from 3 mo and continuing up to 18 mo after focal cryotherapy. Patient summary: In men who underwent focal cryotherapy for prostate cancer, approximately nine in 10 returned to their baseline urinary and sexual function. Keeping in mind that level 1 evidence and long-term data are still needed, in men who wish to preserve urinary and sexual function, focal cryotherapy may be considered an alternative treatment option to radical therapy.
The use of multiparametric magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in prostate cancer therapy is increasing, as newer treatment methods and management approaches emerge. The mainstays of therapy-radiation and surgery-are being supplemented (and even replaced) by novel focal therapy methods. Laser and ultrasonographic ablation, photodynamic therapy, electroporation, and cryoablation are the most common focal therapies, each with its own imaging findings. Typical ablation zones have a central focus of enhancement with peripheral rim enhancement; thus, dynamic contrast material-enhanced (DCE) MR imaging is the most important sequence for evaluation of treatment in the immediate posttherapeutic setting. Detection of recurrence can initiate salvage therapy, but recurrence can be difficult to detect on T2-weighted images, again necessitating DCE MR imaging and also diffusion-weighted imaging. Furthermore, the location of recurrence can vary depending on the therapy. With radiation therapy, the most common site of recurrence is the prior tumor site, whereas after prostatectomy, the recurrence usually occurs around the vesicoureteral anastomosis. Regarding management, there is an increased emphasis on watchful waiting and active surveillance, for which MR imaging has a critical role in both selection and follow-up of patients who undergo active surveillance. As MR imaging is being increasingly used for imaging suspected recurrence, it is important for radiologists to be familiar with the normal posttreatment findings and patterns and MR imaging findings of recurrence. ©RSNA, 2018.
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