
Children and Families: The Silent Revolution

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... La bibliografía sobre sectores medios urbanos modernos afirma que es infrecuente que un adulto con estudios universitarios haya dedicado una cantidad de tiempo significativa a tareas de cuidado durante su infancia o su juventud 1 (Hagestad y Uhlenberg, 2005;Bronfenbrenner, 1982;Rogoff, 1981). Esta clausura, aunque matizada por género, da cuenta en los estilos de vida urbanos y modernos de una separación tanto de hombres como de mujeres de los procesos vitales y familiares. ...
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El artículo realiza un estudio del cuidado de niños menores de un año en sectores medios profesionales de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Para esto, se analizan las actividades, interacciones y sentimientos observados en cuatro horas de cuidado entre una mamá y su bebé de 11 meses de edad, en el contexto de una serie de entrevistas dirigidas a madres y padres de este estrato socioeconómico. El trabajo se enmarca en los estudios sociales del cuidado y la sociología de las emociones, campos que han buscado comprender mejor las motivaciones y vivencias de los actores sociales en sus prácticas afectivas con otros. Como hipótesis principal se plantea que las dinámicas y ritmos del cuidado en sectores medios pueden asumir organizaciones temporales singulares, ligadas a la simultaneidad, la alternancia, el vínculo continuo y la disponibilidad permanente entre los niños y sus cuidadores.
... Bronfenbrenner once referred to as a Preposterous Proposition ( Bronfenbrenner, 1981). The reader will have noted that we have some reservations about how Type 2 Translation is formulated in the prevention science literature, despite the fact that we wholeheartedly embrace its fundamental objectives. ...
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In this chapter, we argue that to achieve sustained reductions in crime, violence, or injuries on a large scale, it is necessary to transform prevention delivery systems so that they conform in their practices, on a continuing basis, with scientific evidence. We explain and defend our proposition, drawing on examples and case studies from our own research and that of others. Although we highlight two very successful innovations (random breath testing in Australia and the Evidence-based Prevention and Intervention Support Center (EPISCenter) in Pennsylvania), we take the view that failures are as instructive as successes and include some brief examples of the former in our discussion. We also touch upon some of the lessons about Type 2 Translation from crime prevention initiatives that have been designed and implemented on the basis of contrasting theoretical models and empirical methods, including criminal justice approaches, situational initiatives, and community-based developmental interventions.
... However, in an era when the public is increasingly demanding value for the taxpayer dollar, the police will not be able to afford to ignore the growing body of criminological research which indicates ways they can have a real as well as symbolic role in reducing crime. 2. I should acknowledge my debt here to Uri Bronfenbrenner (1981), who in a lecture at Macquarie University in 1981 analysed the disastrous impact of the early years of the Reagan regime on children and families. He called for "encounters of the third kind", in which the underlying principle would be "to create formal support systems that generate and strengthen informal support systems, that in turn reduce the need for formal systems" (p. ...
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This chapter critiques pertinent theories that underpin the study of adolescent sexual behaviour, with a specific focus on the family’s influence on shaping these behaviours. The intricacies of adolescent sexual behaviour are illuminated through various theoretical frameworks. Within this chapter’s realm of exploration lies a focused examination of several theories utilised to decipher not only the broader spectrum of adolescent sexual behaviour but also its intricacies. These theories emerge from diverse intellectual foundations and scrutinise the role of behaviour modelling, social ecology, ecological factors, family systems, multi-systems and the life course in influencing specific behaviours. The meticulously chosen theories discussed in this chapter offer a panoramic view of how an array of factors weaves together to shape an individual’s behaviour, with particular emphasis on the substantial influence of family environments.
Children and young persons with severe behavioural disorders are attracting an increasing amount of political attention and publicity due to the disruption which many of them cause in community and educational settings. In this paper the authors examine definitions of behavioural disorders and summarize recent literature in the area. Other issues raised relate to prevalence data, and the apparent growth of the problem of disruption, the stability of behavioural disorders across time into adolescence and adulthood, and the increase in stress in teachers attributable to the presence of children with behavioural disorders in schools. Management approaches are described which hold promise of alleviating the problem for pupils, teachers and the wider community.
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As theories of developmental psychology continue to define educational goals and practice, it has become imperative for educators and researchers to scrutinize not only the underlying assumptions of such theories but also the model of adulthood toward which they point. Carol Gilligan examines the limitations of several theories, most notably Kohlberg's stage theory of moral development, and concludes that developmental theory has not given adequate expression to the concerns and experience of women. Through a review of psychological and literary sources, she illustrates the feminine construction of reality. From her own research data, interviews with women contemplating abortion, she then derives an alternative sequence for the development of women's moral judgments. Finally, she argues for an expanded conception of adulthood that would result from the integration of the "feminine voice" into developmental theory.
To understand the way children develop, Bronfenbrenner believes that it is necessary to observe their behavior in natural settings, while they are interacting with familiar adults over prolonged periods of time. His book offers an important blueprint for constructing a new and ecologically valid psychology of development.
A life-course perspective is applied to the study of human development in ecological context. Three meanings of age (developmental, social, and historical) represent key elements of this perspective and depict lives in terms of aging, career, and historical setting. Age locates people in history (by birth year) and in the social structure. The neglect of such temporal distinctions in problem formulation has consequences in studies of status differences and psychological states, of careers and work satisfaction, of children's socioeconomic environment and the family economy, and of life change and stress. Alternative questions based on the life-course facilitate explanatory assessments of the relation between environmental and personal change.
Historical change in life patterns and personality
  • G H Elder
  • Jr
Paper presented at the Conference of Families in Contemporary America
  • E M Hetherington
  • M Cox
  • R Cox
Work and family through time and space, Chapter prepared for the National Academy of Sciences Panel on Work, Family, and Community
  • U Bronfenbrenner
  • A C Crouter
Looking at Schools: Good, Bad, and Indifferent
  • E Wynne
Economic squabble sets off family tensions
  • S V Roberts
The development of children in mother-headed families. Paper presented at the Conference of Families in Contemporary America
  • E M Hetherington
  • M Cox
  • R Cox
Developing Programs for the Educationally Disadvantaged
  • M B Smith
School and home: focus on achievement
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Unemployment Scene as Another Killer Disease
  • J S White
Mother-child, Father-child Relations. National Association for the Education of Young Children
  • E M Hetherington
  • M Cox
  • R Cox