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Citation: Sandhu HS and Hosein YK. Relationship between Type 2 Diabetes and Periodontitis: Recommendation for Diabetes Screening In Specialty


Abstract and Figures

Type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions globally. Medical care for the complications of diabetes costs billions of dollars and it is estimated that, by 2030, these complications will be a leading cause of mortality. The undiagnosed prediabetic population is an even bigger concern. There are strong links between type 2 diabetes and periodontitis. As such, dental practices have a unique opportunity to implement prediabetes screening tests. These include the CDC Prediabetes Screening Test questionnaire, as well as new technology available to conduct reliable chairside tests of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c). We recommend the implementation of such a program in dental clinics to identify individuals at risk for prediabetes, and present one example of a case in which a prediabetic individual was identified by a periodontist. Practice-based research networks could pool data from such programs to evaluate the concept and, based on the outcomes, recommend appropriate changes in health policy.
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Citation: Sandhu HS and Hosein YK. Relationship between Type 2 Diabetes and Periodontitis: Recommendation
for Diabetes Screening In Specialty Periodontal Practices. J Dent & Oral Disord. 2016; 2(1): 1005.
J Dent & Oral Disord - Volume 2 Issue 1 - 2016
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Sandhu et al. © All rights are reserved
Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders
Open Access
Type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions globally. Medical care
for the complications of diabetes costs billions of dollars and it is estimated
that, by 2030, these complications will be a leading cause of mortality. The
undiagnosed prediabetic population is an even bigger concern. There are strong
links between type 2 diabetes and periodontitis. As such, dental practices have
a unique opportunity to implement prediabetes screening tests. These include
the CDC Prediabetes Screening Test questionnaire, as well as new technology
available to conduct reliable chairside tests of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c).
We recommend the implementation of such a program in dental clinics to
identify individuals at risk for prediabetes, and present one example of a case
in which a prediabetic individual was identied by a periodontist. Practice-based
research networks could pool data from such programs to evaluate the concept
and, based on the outcomes, recommend appropriate changes in health policy.
Keywords: Type2 diabetes; Periodontitis; Risk prevention; Prediabetes;
HbA1c testing; CDC prediabetes screening test
destruction and, if le untreated, periodontitis results in tooth loss
[10,20]. Glycated haemoglobin (commonly known as HbA1c or A1c)
levels of nine percent are considered indicative of uncontrolled blood
glucose, and elevated HbA1c is one of two signicant risk factors
(the other being heavy tobacco smoking) for severe periodontitis
[10,20]. Family dentists refer patients with moderate to advanced
periodontitis to periodontal specialists. e majority of patients with
periodontitis are unaware of their higher than normal risk of elevated
blood glucose levels.
Despite the association between periodontitis and uncontrolled
blood glucose, dental practitioners do not routinely screen periodontal
patients for diabetes. However, Strauss et al. has estimated that 93.4
percent of patients with periodontitis should qualify for diabetes
screening [6]. In addition, the American and Canadian Diabetes
Associations recommend screening of all patients ≥ 45 years of
age, with BMI ≥ 25kg/m2, and one or more risk factors for diabetes
[21,22]. e Dental Practice-Based Research Network has looked
at the feasibility of random glucose testing in the general patient
population [23]. In a Michigan study, a high burden of dysglycemia
was found in a general dental practice patient population [24]. e
authors of this study recommended chairside blood glucose testing
to identify prediabetic patients. is concept of chairside testing of
blood glucose levels for the diagnosis of prediabetes is not unique to
the Michigan study, since it has been previously described [25,26].
However, it is reported that less than 10 percent of dental practices
routinely screen patients for diabetes and more than 98 percent do
not have blood glucose monitors available on site [23]. Considering
the close association of elevated blood glucose levels and the severity
of periodontitis, periodontists and other dental practitioners are
uniquely positioned to monitor blood glucose levels or other
Diabetes is a progressive chronic disease with multifactorial
pathophysiological abnormalities, resulting in sustained
hyperglycemia. It greatly increases the risk of micro and macro
vascular diseases and, when le uncontrolled, is a major cause of
mortality [1]. Globally, it has acquired epidemic proportions with
4.6 million deaths annually attributable to diabetes, and the number
of people with diabetes is predicted to rise from over 366 million in
2011 to 552 million by 2030, or one adult in ten [2]. Based on reports
published by the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) and Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 8.9 to 9.3 percent of the
general population in Canada and the US have been diagnosed with
diabetes [3,4] and there is an even larger number with undiagnosed
prediabetes [3-5]. ese people are at high risk of becoming diabetic.
However, early diagnosis and modication of life style can prevent
progression of the disease and the resulting serious complications. A
large number of individuals with diabetes or prediabetes are unaware
of their condition and have never been tested for elevated blood
glucose levels [6].
In the US and Canada, approximately 70 percent of the population
visit their dentist at least once a year [7,8]. As such, the US Department
of Health and Human Services promotes the active participation of
dentists in monitoring and preventing diseases like diabetes [9]. is
can be done through the identication of dental conditions associated
with the disease. For example, within the clinical literature, there is
a plethora of evidence on the association of elevated blood sugar
levels and the severity of periodontitis [10-18]. Periodontitis is an
inammatory condition of the supporting structures of teeth caused
by polymicrobial biolms, containing predominately gram negative
anaerobic bacteria [19]. Host immune response plays a role in tissue
Mini Review
Relationship between Type 2 Diabetes and Periodontitis:
Recommendation for Diabetes Screening In Specialty
Periodontal Practices
Sandhu HS1* and Hosein YK2
1Division of Periodontics, Schulich School of Medicine &
Dentistry, Western University, Canada
2Division of Orthodontics, Schulich School of Medicine
& Dentistry, and Bone and Joint Institute, Western
University, Canada
*Corresponding author: Harinder S Sandhu, Division
of Periodontics, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry,
Western University, Ontario, Canada
Received: December 23, 2015; Accepted: January 22,
2016; Published: January 25, 2016
J Dent & Oral Disord 2(1): id1005 (2016) - Page - 02
Sandhu HS Austin Publishing Group
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biomarkers to detect undiagnosed diabetic and prediabetic patients.
It is now realized that random glucose testing does not provide
a reliable indicator of a sustained hyperglycemic condition [27].
On the other hand, the HbA1c test reects a two- to three-month
history of blood glucose levels. Although other intensive testing may
be required to arrive at a denitive diagnosis and treatment regimen,
the HbA1c test presents a practical chairside screening opportunity
[28]. e HbA1c test result is reported as a percentage. e higher
a person’s blood glucose levels, the more hemoglobin they will have
with sugar attached, resulting in a higher HbA1c percentage. A
normal HbA1c level is below 5.7 percent, while HbA1c of 5.7 to 6.4
percent indicates prediabetes. HbA1c above 6.0 percent is considered
high risk of developing diabetes, and a level of 6.5 percent or above
means a person has diabetes [27]. PTS Diagnostics (Indianapolis
IN, USA; Roxon Medi-Tech, Etobicoke, ON, Canada) markets
the“A1CNow®+Multi-test A1C System” [29]. is instrument can
provide results of the HbA1ctest within ve minutes. is point-
of-care test would allow dental practitioners to conveniently screen
patients for prediabetes and diabetes, and provide information that
will help direct them to pertinent resources for further investigation.
ere is a complex relationship between diabetes and periodontitis
[30]. Diabetes is well established as a risk factor for periodontitis.
Conversely, periodontal inammation may exacerbate diabetes and
its complications. However, with regard to periodontal therapy, there
is only weak evidence that non-surgical treatment and reduction of
inammation in diabetic patients results in moderate reduction of
blood glucose [31]. More randomized controlled trials are required
to validate this.
e CDC has provided a screening tool, which allows
nurses, podiatrists, and dentists to collaborate with their medical
colleagues in identifying individuals at high-risk of prediabetes
(Table 1) [32]. e CDC screening test is a simple and quick self-
assessment questionnaire that patients can use to determine their
risk of prediabetes. A score of nine or higher indicates a high risk
for prediabetes. In the 2007-2008 National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey [33], the CDC screening test correctly identied
27 to 50% of U.S. adults (aged 18 years and older) with a score of 9
or higher as true cases of prediabetes. is identication was based
on HbA1c, fasting blood glucose, or two-hour oral glucose tolerance
conrmatory diagnostic tests [5]. Despite urging by the CDC for
collaboration in identifying individuals at high-risk for developing
diabetes, there still remains a gap in communication among health
care providers. is lack of communication results in large numbers
of individuals with undetected prediabetes, many of whom may
eventually progress to more serious disease [4]. One example of
identication of a prediabetic case in a periodontal practice is
described in Figure 1.
e nancial burden of medical care for diabetic patients is
enormous. Cost of care for complications of diabetes is in the
hundreds of billions of dollars worldwide [2]. In Canada, it is
estimated that the prevalence and direct costs for diabetes care will go
up by more than 40 percent over the next ten years [3]. Similar data
are also available for the United States of America [34]. Considering
the detrimental impact of diabetes on individual patients and the
healthcare system, as well as the association between periodontitis
and blood glucose levels, it is recommended that all periodontal and
general dental practices implement risk assessment questionnaires,
as well as chairside HbA1ctests. Diabetes screening done in dental
oces will benet the patient and healthcare system with early
Table 1: CDC Prediabetes Screening Test [32].
Prediabetes means your blood glucose (sugar) is higher than normal, but not yet
diabetes. Diabetes is a serious disease, which can cause heart attack, stroke,
blindness, kidney failure, or loss of toes, feet or legs. Type 2 diabetes can be
delayed or prevented in people with prediabetes, however, through effective
lifestyle programs. Take the rst step. Find out your risk for prediabetes.
Take the Test — Know Your Score!
Answer these seven simple questions. For each “Yes” answer, add the number
of points listed. All “No” answers are 0 points.
Yes No
Are you a woman who has had a baby weighing more than 9 pounds
at birth? 1 0
Do you have a sister or brother with diabetes? 1 0
Do you have a parent with diabetes? 1 0
Find your height on the chart. Do you weigh as much as or more than
the weight listed for your height? (See chart below) 5 0
Are you younger than 65 years of age and get little or no exercise in
a typical day? 5 0
Are you between 45 and 64 years of age? 5 0
Are you 65 years of age or older? 9 0
Total points for all “yes” responses: _____
CDC Diabetes Prevention Recognition At-Risk Weight Chart
Height Weight
(Pounds) Height Weight
4’10” 129 5’7” 172
4’11” 133 5’8” 177
5’0” 138 5’9” 182
5’1” 143 5’10” 188
5’2” 147 5’11” 193
5’3” 152 6’0” 199
5’4” 157 6’1” 204
5’5” 162 6’2” 210
5’6” 167 6’3” 216
6’4” 221
Figure 1: Example of a prediabetic case detected during periodontal
A mildly overweight, 48-year-old Caucasian male with a history of hypertension
was referred to a specialty periodontal clinic for increase in pocket depths.
(A) Clinical examination showed generalized redness of gingival unit, deep
periodontal pockets, furcation invasion on maxillary molars, bleeding score of
over fty percent and inamed interdental papilla. There were many areas of
moderate to advanced loss of attachment. (B) Two-dimensional radiographic
assessment showedonly moderate bone loss in some areas. The patient
was never tested for blood glucose level and was not aware that he may
be a prediabetic. A CDC prediabetes screening questionnaire was used and
HbA1ctest was conducted. CDC Prediabetes Screening Test score was 15
and HbA1cwas 5.9 percent.
J Dent & Oral Disord 2(1): id1005 (2016) - Page - 03
Sandhu HS Austin Publishing Group
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diagnosis and eective management of the disease. In addition,
appropriate screening and subsequent diagnosis will provide proof of
concept regarding the link between periodontitis and type 2 diabetes.
Data from such screening programs can also inform healthcare
policy makers of the importance of oral health care professionals in
identifying life-threatening diseases. As well, delivery of appropriate
oral health care to diabetic patients is an urgent concern, since a
recent Canadian report described serious gaps, with only 51 percent
of identied diabetics having dental insurance and access to proper
dental care [3].
Concluding Remarks
In view of the above discussion, we make following
1. All periodontal patients (not already being managed for
prediabetes or diabetes) should be asked to complete the
CDC questionnaire.
2. Patients with scores of nine or higher on the CDC
questionnaire should be oered a chairside HbA1c test.
3. Once sucient pilot data have been collected and
analyzed, policy makers and third party medical and
dental insurance companies should be informed of the
Benets of performing such assessments in clinical practice
1. Identied prediabetic patients can be referred for
preventive counseling to avoid serious complications and
reduce healthcare costs.
2. e impact of periodontal treatment on glycemic control
can be assessed in randomized controlled studies.
Dr. Hosein is supported in part by a Transdisciplinary Bone &
Joint Training Award from the Collaborative Training Program in
Musculoskeletal Health Research at Western University. We thank
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, Atlanta GA)
for permission to reproduce their prediabetes screening test, and
Dr. S. J. Dixon (Western University) for helpful comments on the
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Citation: Sandhu HS and Hosein YK. Relationship between Type 2 Diabetes and Periodontitis: Recommendation
for Diabetes Screening In Specialty Periodontal Practices. J Dent & Oral Disord. 2016; 2(1): 1005.
J Dent & Oral Disord - Volume 2 Issue 1 - 2016
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Sandhu et al. © All rights are reserved
ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Health sciences are in the midst of major transition. The oral cavity contains almost half the commensal bacteria in the human body, approximately six billion microbes. The oral cavity is remarkably dynamic and continuously challenged by opportunistic infection on one hand and the oral complications of systemic diseases on the other. Periodontitis is an oral disease with documented risk factors including smoking, specific plaque bacteria, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, etc. While this link between systemic disease and periodontitis was thought to be unidirectional, mounting evidence in the last decade suggests that the relationship may be bi-directional. Therefore, oral health is an important component of general health and individuals with periodontitis may be at risk for other diseases as well. The association between diabetes and periodontal diseases has long been discussed with conflicting conclusions. The present paper discusses the bidirectional relationship between periodontitis and diabetes mellitus.
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Periodontal disease is a high prevalent disease. In the United States 47.2% of adults ≥ 30 years old have been diagnosed with some type of periodontitis. Longitudinal studies have demonstrated a two-way relationship between diabetes and periodontitis, with more severe periodontal tissue destruction in diabetic patients and poorer glycemic control in diabetic subjects with periodontal disease. Periodontal treatment can be successful in diabetic patients. Short term effects of periodontal treatment are similar in diabetic patients and healthy population but, more recurrence of periodontal disease can be expected in no well controlled diabetic individuals. However, effects of periodontitis and its treatment on diabetes metabolic control are not clearly defined and results of the studies remain controversial.
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The present study aimed at investigating whether non-surgical periodontal treatment can reduce the Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) % level in type 2 diabetic patients. A search of the literature on English publications was performed in Cochrane Central, Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge and EMBASE (until 06 February 2014). An RCT was selected if the subject was type 2 diabetic patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis, and compared HbA1c% change after non-surgical periodontal treatment alone for at least three months of the study duration. Weighted mean difference for pooled data and large sample size strata were calculated. Heterogeneity and publication bias were explored. After the study selection process, only 9 RCTs were suitable. Compared to the control group, the pooled analysis (n=1082) showed -0.27 % (95 % CI:-0.46 % to -0.07 %, p= 0.007) absolute difference in HbA1c % with treatment while studies with sufficient sample size had HbA1c % change of -0.014 % (95 % CI:-0.18 % to 0.16 %, p= 0.87). Publication bias was marginally significant with Egger's teat (p=0.045) but not with Begg's test (p=0.72). The moderate reduction in HbA1c after the non-surgical therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes is consistent with previous systematic reviews. However, more large scale and high-quality RCTs are necessitated to confirm these results.
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Most Americans see dentists at least once a year. Chair-side screening and referral may improve diagnosis of prediabetes and diabetes. In this study, we developed a multivariate model to screen for dysglycemia (prediabetes and diabetes defined as HbA1c ≥5.7 percent) using information readily available to dentists and assessed the prevalence of dysglycemia in general dental practices. We recruited 1,033 adults ≥30 years of age without histories of diabetes from 13 general dental practices. A sample of 181 participants selected on the basis of random capillary glucose levels and periodontal status underwent definitive diagnostic testing with hemoglobin A1c. Logistic models were fit to identify risk factors for dysglycemia, and sample weights were applied to estimate the prevalence of dysglycemia in the population ≥30 years of age. Individuals at high risk for dysglycemia could be identified using a questionnaire that assessed sex, history of hypertension, history of dyslipidemia, history of lost teeth, and either self-reported body mass index ≥35 kg/m(2) (severe obesity) or random capillary glucose ≥110 mg/dl. We estimate that 30 percent of patients ≥30 years of age seen in these general dental practices had dysglycemia. There is a substantial burden of dysglycemia in patients seen in general dental practices. Simple chair-side screening for dysglycemia that includes or does not include fingerstick random capillary glucose testing can be used to rapidly identify high-risk patients. Further studies are needed to demonstrate the acceptability, feasibility, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of chair-side screening. © 2015 American Association of Public Health Dentistry.
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Our objective was to study the prevalence and severity of periodontal disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients in Bangalore city. Four hundred and eight type 2 DM patients (Study Group) and 100 non-diabetic patients (Control Group) among the age group of 35-75 years were included in the study. The study group was divided based on Glycated hemoglobin levels into well, moderately and poorly controlled. Relevant information regarding age, oral hygiene habits and personal habits was obtained from the patients. Diabetic status and mode of anti-diabetic therapy of the study group was obtained from the hospital records with consent from the patient. Community periodontal index (CPI) was used to assess the periodontal status. The results were statistically evaluated. The mean CPI score and the number of missing teeth was higher in diabetics compared with non-diabetics, and was statistically significant (P=0.000), indicating that prevalence and extent of periodontal disease was more frequent and more severe in diabetic patients. The risk factors like Glycated hemoglobin, duration of diabetes, fasting blood sugar, personal habits and oral hygiene habits showed a positive correlation with periodontal destruction, whereas mode of anti-diabetic therapy showed a negative correlation according to the multiple regression analysis. The odds ratio of a diabetic showing periodontal destruction in comparison with a non-diabetic was 1.97, 2.10 and 2.42 in well, moderately and poorly controlled diabetics, respectively. Our study has made an attempt to determine the association between type 2 DM (NIDDM) and periodontal disease in Bangalore city. It was found that type 2 DM (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus [NIDDM]) subjects manifested relatively higher prevalence and severity of periodontal disease as compared with non-diabetics.
The transfer of knowledge from research and academic communities to clinical practice presents an enormous challenge. This is particularly true for when attempting to convey the clinical relevance and implications of laboratory-based research. A landmark consensus workshop was staged in Europe (La Granja, Spain, November 2012) jointly by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP). This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Background: This study examines the association between periodontitis, diabetes (DM), and glycemic control. Methods: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data for 2009 to 2012 were analyzed. Periodontitis status of each participant was assessed using the full-mouth periodontal examination protocol, classified using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Periodontology surveillance case definition for total periodontitis. Self-reported DM status was defined as yes or no. Glycemic control was assessed using glycohemoglobin data at cutoff points of 7.0%, 7.5%, 8.0%, 8.5%, and 9.0%. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analyses were performed, and all analyses were adjusted for the survey design. Results: Overall, 7,042 adults ≥30 years old with complete data were included in the study. The mean glycohemoglobin levels for individuals with and without periodontitis were 5.9% and 5.6%, respectively, and increased to 7.4% and 7.0% for participants with DM. The majority of participants with and without periodontitis were aged 50 to 64 and 35 to 49 years (37.4% versus 44.5%), respectively. In the bivariate analysis, several demographic factors were significantly associated with having periodontitis, including self-reported DM status and glycemic control. In the multivariate analysis, demographic factors, glycohemoglobin cutoff values of 8.0%, 8.5%, and 9.0%, and mean glycohemoglobin level remained significant, but self-reported DM status was not. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that glycohemoglobin and demographic factors are significantly associated with periodontitis, but not self-reported status.
Diabetes and periodontitis are complex chronic diseases with an established bidirectional relationship. There is long-established evidence that hyperglycaemia in diabetes is associated with adverse periodontal outcomes. However, given the ubiquity of periodontal diseases and the emerging global diabetes epidemic, the complications of which contribute to significant morbidity and premature mortality, it is timely to review the role of periodontitis in diabetes. To report the epidemiological evidence from cross-sectional, prospective and intervention studies for the impact of periodontal disease on diabetes incidence, control and complications and to identify potential underpinning mechanisms. Over the last 20 years, consistent and robust evidence has emerged that severe periodontitis adversely affects glycaemic control in diabetes and glycaemia in non-diabetes subjects. In diabetes patients, there is a direct and dose-dependent relationship between periodontitis severity and diabetes complications. Emerging evidence supports an increased risk for diabetes onset in patients with severe periodontitis. BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS: Type 2 diabetes is preceded by systemic inflammation, leading to reduced pancreatic β-cell function, apoptosis and insulin resistance. Increasing evidence supports elevated systemic inflammation (acute-phase and oxidative stress biomarkers) resulting from the entry of periodontal organisms and their virulence factors into the circulation, providing biological plausibility for the effects of periodontitis on diabetes. AGE (Advanced Glycation Endproducts)-RAGE (Receptor for AGEs) interactions and oxidative-stress-mediated pathways provide plausible mechanistic links in the diabetes to periodontitis direction. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) consistently demonstrate that mechanical periodontal therapy associates with approximately a 0.4% reduction in HbA1C at 3 months, a clinical impact equivalent to adding a second drug to a pharmacological regime for diabetes. RCTs are needed with larger numbers of subjects and longer term follow-up, and if results are substantiated, adjunctive periodontal therapies subsequently need to be evaluated. There is no current evidence to support adjunctive use of antimicrobials for periodontal management of diabetes patients. Given the current evidence, it is timely to provide guidelines for periodontal care in diabetes patients for medical and dental professionals and recommendations for patients/the public.
Background: Diabetes and periodontitis are complex chronic diseases with an established bidirectional relationship. There is long‐established evidence that hyperglycaemia in diabetes is associated with adverse periodontal outcomes. However, given the ubiquity of periodontal diseases and the emerging global diabetes epidemic, the complications of which contribute to significant morbidity and premature mortality, it is timely to review the role of periodontitis in diabetes. Aims: To report the epidemiological evidence from cross‐sectional, prospective and intervention studies for the impact of periodontal disease on diabetes incidence, control and complications and to identify potential underpinning mechanisms. Epidemiology: Over the last 20 years, consistent and robust evidence has emerged that severe periodontitis adversely affects glycaemic control in diabetes and glycaemia in non‐diabetes subjects. In diabetes patients, there is a direct and dose‐dependent relationship between periodontitis severity and diabetes complications. Emerging evidence supports an increased risk for diabetes onset in patients with severe periodontitis. Biological mechanisms: Type 2 diabetes is preceded by systemic inflammation, leading to reduced pancreatic b‐cell function, apoptosis and insulin resistance.Increasing evidence supports elevated systemic inflammation (acute‐phase and oxidative stress biomarkers) resulting from the entry of periodontal organisms and their virulence factors into the circulation, providing biological plausibility for the effects of periodontitis on diabetes. AGE (Advanced Glycation Endproducts)–RAGE (Receptor for AGEs) interactions and oxidative‐stress‐mediated pathways provide plausible mechanistic links in the diabetes to periodontitis direction. Interventions: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) consistently demonstrate that mechanical periodontal therapy associates with approximately a 0.4% reduction in HbA1C at 3 months, a clinical impact equivalent to adding a second drug to a pharmacological regime for diabetes. RCTs are needed with larger numbers of subjects and longer term follow‐up, and if results are substantiated, adjunctive periodontal therapies subsequently need to be evaluated. There is no current evidence to support adjunctive use of antimicrobials for periodontal management of diabetes patients. Guidelines: Given the current evidence, it is timely to provide guidelines for periodontal care in diabetes patients for medical and dental professionals and recommendations for patients/the public.
For many years an association between diabetes and periodontitis has been suspected. In more recent times this relationship has been suggested to be bidirectional with each condition being able to influence the other. In this review the two-way relationship between diabetes and periodontitis is considered. For this narrative review a very broad search strategy of the literature was developed using both EMBASE and MEDLINE (via PubMed) databases. The reference lists from the selected papers were also scanned, and this provided an additional source of papers for inclusion and further assessment. The data available suggest that diabetes is a risk as well as a modifying factor for periodontitis. Individuals with diabetes are more likely to have periodontitis and with increased severity when diabetes is uncontrolled/poorly controlled. Possible mechanisms of how diabetes affects periodontitis include adipokine-mediated inflammation, neutrophil dysfunction, uncoupling of bone and advanced glycation end-products-receptor for advanced glycation end-products interaction. Evidence is accruing to support how periodontitis can affect diabetes and complications associated with diabetes. There is some evidence demonstrating that periodontal therapy can result in a moderate improvement in glycaemic control. Available evidence indicates that diabetes and peridontitis are intricately interrelated and that each condition has the capacity to influence clinical features of each other.
Background: Point-of-care testing (POCT) is widely used to measure blood glucose levels in people with diabetes, although its use in measuring glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels is less common, perhaps due to perceived performance issues and access to the technology. Methods: Forty blood samples were analyzed in duplicate using Bayer's A1CNow + ® Multi-Test A1C system (A1CNow + ) with 3 different reagent lots; HbA1c levels of the samples spanned the clinically relevant range of 4% to 10%. Corresponding samples were sent to a National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) secondary reference laboratory (University of Missouri Secondary Reference Laboratory #9), which analyzed the samples with a Tosoh Automated Glycohemoglobin Analyzer HLC-723G8 (Tosoh G8; Tosoh Bioscience, Inc). Results: Glycated hemoglobin levels measured with the A1CNow + aligned with measurements obtained using the laboratory method, with correlation coefficients of 0.985, 0.987, and 0.989 for the 3 lots, respectively. The 95% CIs for the differences between the A1CNow + levels and the mean HbA1c levels were within -0.55% to +0.50% for the 3 reagent lots, which is well within the currently acceptable limits of ±0.75% HbA1c required by the NGSP. Results were further analyzed per the new tighter NGSP performance criteria effective September 1, 2012, requiring that 37 of 40 results be within ±7% (relative bias) of the NGSP reference laboratory measures. All 3 lots met the tighter NGSP criteria. Conclusion: The A1CNow + provides accuracy and precision when performing POCT of HbA1c as an aid in diabetes management. Ongoing improvements in this and other HbA1c POCT devices may lead to a greater global acceptance of the role of POCT of HbA1c in diabetes management.