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Abstract and Figures

In adults, mallet finger is a traumatic zone I lesion of the extensor tendon with either tendon rupture or bony avulsion at the base of the distal phalanx. High-energy mechanisms of injury generally occur in young men, whereas lower energy mechanisms are observed in elderly women. The mechanism of injury is an axial load applied to a straight digit tip, which is then followed by passive extreme distal interphalangeal joint (DIPJ) hyperextension or hyperflexion. Mallet finger is diagnosed clinically, but an X-ray should always be performed. Tubiana's classification takes into account the size of the bony articular fragment and DIPJ subluxation. We propose to stage subluxated fractures as stage III if the subluxation is reducible with a splint and as stage IV if not. Left untreated, mallet finger becomes chronic and leads to a swan-neck deformity and DIPJ osteoarthritis. The goal of treatment is to restore active DIPJ extension. The results of a six- to eight-week conservative course of treatment with a DIPJ splint in slight hyperextension for tendon lesions or straight for bony avulsions depends on patient compliance. Surgical treatments vary in terms of the approach, the reduction technique, and the means of fixation. The risks involved are stiffness, septic arthritis, and osteoarthritis. Given the lack of consensus regarding indications for treatment, we propose to treat all cases of mallet finger with a dorsal glued splint except for stage IV mallet finger, which we treat with extra-articular pinning.
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Review Article
Mallet finger in adults is a traumatic lesion of the terminal exten-
sor band in zone 1, and is characterized by intact skin and divi-
sion of the tendon insertion alone (tendinous mallet) or an avul-
sion of less than one third of the articular surface of the distal
phalanx (bony mallet) [1-3]. The expression “mallet finger” is
inaccurate because the deformity is reducible in its acute phase
[4]. Some prefer the expression “drop finger,” which provides a
better description of the consequences of the lesion [5], or the
expression “baseball finger,” which describes the mechanism of
injury [6,7]. A mallet finger lesion can be considered a mirror
lesion to an avulsion of the distal flexor profundus, also known
Review of Acute Traumatic Closed Mallet Finger
Injuries in Adults
Santiago Salazar Botero
, Juan Jose Hidalgo Diaz
, Anissa Benaïda
, Sylvie Collon
Sybille Facca
, Philippe André Liverneaux
Department of Hand Surgery, SOS main, CCOM, University Hospital of Strasbourg, FMTS, University of Strasbourg, Illkirch, France;
Department of Orthopaedics, CHU Blida, Saad Dahleb University, Blida, Algeria;
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Caen University
Hospital, Caen, France
In adults, mallet finger is a traumatic zone I lesion of the extensor tendon with either tendon
rupture or bony avulsion at the base of the distal phalanx. High-energy mechanisms of injury
generally occur in young men, whereas lower energy mechanisms are observed in elderly
women. The mechanism of injury is an axial load applied to a straight digit tip, which is then
followed by passive extreme distal interphalangeal joint (DIPJ) hyperextension or hyperflexion.
Mallet finger is diagnosed clinically, but an X-ray should always be performed. Tubiana’s
classification takes into account the size of the bony articular fragment and DIPJ subluxation.
We propose to stage subluxated fractures as stage III if the subluxation is reducible with a
splint and as stage IV if not. Left untreated, mallet finger becomes chronic and leads to a
swan-neck deformity and DIPJ osteoarthritis. The goal of treatment is to restore active DIPJ
extension. The results of a six- to eight-week conservative course of treatment with a DIPJ
splint in slight hyperextension for tendon lesions or straight for bony avulsions depends on
patient compliance. Surgical treatments vary in terms of the approach, the reduction technique,
and the means of fixation. The risks involved are stiffness, septic arthritis, and osteo arthritis.
Given the lack of consensus regarding indications for treatment, we propose to treat all cases
of mallet finger with a dorsal glued splint except for stage IV mallet finger, which we treat
with extra-articular pinning.
Keywords Mallet finger / Mallet fracture / Bony mallet
Correspondence: Philippe André
Department of Hand Surgery,
University Hospital of Strasbourg,
10 avenue Baumann, 67403 Illkirch,
Tel: +33-6-8889-4779
Fax: +33-3-8855-2363
E-mail: Philippe.liverneaux@chru-
Philippe Liverneaux has conflict of
interest with Newclip Technics and
Argomedical. None of the other authors
has conflit of interest.
Received: 9 Jan 2016
Revised: 23 Feb 2016
Accepted: 24 Feb 2016
pISSN: 2234-6163
eISSN: 2234-6171
Arch Plast Surg 2016;43:134-144
Vol. 43 / No. 2 / March 2016
as a “jersey finger” or a “rugby finger.” Some authors extend the
definition of mallet finger to other zone 1 divisions of the exten-
sor, including skin wounds (open mallet) [8] and/or fractures
of the distal phalanx involving more than one third of the articu-
lar surface [9,10] or displaced fractures of the distal phalanx
growth plate (Seymour lesions) [11]. In this article, we only
consider acute closed lesions in adults.
Historical background
Segond described the first bony mallet finger in 1880 and Shoe-
ning the first tendinous mallet finger in 1887 [12]. The initial
treatment of mallet finger was surgical and was reported by Ma-
son in 1930 [13,14] and then by Pratt in 1957 [7]. The conser-
vative treatment was described by Smilie in 1936 [12], and re-
flected advancements in physiopathology and to the use of plas-
ter of Paris splints to immobilize the distal interphalangeal joint
(DIPJ) in extension and the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIPJ)
in flexion. In 1962, Stack splints, which leave the PIPJ free, en-
tered into use. They are still very frequently used despite the ef-
forts of researchers to propose improved splints. Abounas splint,
described in 1968, is an example of this dynamic. It was rapidly
abandoned due to the rusting of its metal wires [4] and of wear
of the elastic tensor bands [7]. Following the first clinical series
published in the 1960s, Crawford [15] described a method of
evaluating therapeutic results in four stages in 1984. Since 1984,
a number of surgical and conservative treatments have been de-
Mallet finger lesions are common, with a prevalence of 9.3% of
all tendon and ligament lesions in the body and an incidence of
5.6% of all tendinous lesions in the hand and wrist [16]. Global-
ly, no gender difference is present in the affected population, al-
though high-energy mechanisms of injury are more common in
young males and low-energy mechanisms of injury are common
in elderly females [17]. All authors concur that the index and
thumb fingers are the least frequently affected. However, some
researchers have described the middle finger as the most affect-
ed [18], whereas others have identified the ring finger to be the
most affected [19], and still others the little finger [20]. The
dominant hand is more often affected [18,20]. Tendinous mal-
let finger is more common than bony mallet finger [21]. Some
authors have proposed that a family predisposition may contrib-
ute to mallet finger [6].
Mechanism of injury
Although specific biomechanical studies have not elucidated
the mechanism of injury in mallet finger, several theories have
been proposed (Fig. 1). The process is divided into two steps by
all researchers. The first step is the application of an axial force
to the distal end of a straight finger. The second step varies among
authors. Some have argued that the axial force is followed by ex-
treme passive DIPJ hyperextension. This explains bony mallet
injuries [6,22]. Others have proposed that the axial force is fol-
lowed by extreme passive DIPJ hyperflexion, which explains
tendinous mallet fingers [23]. Other researchers have suggested
that the resistance of the oblique retinacular ligament fibers de-
termines tendon or bone avulsion [24]. None of these theories
have been proven. The amount of energy involved depends on
the patient’s age. In younger individuals, mallet finger is most of-
ten the result of a high-energy mechanism during sports, involv-
ing the impact of a ball onto the hand [6,7]. Multiple-digit inju-
ries have been described [25]. In elderly patients, the mechanism
of injury is more often a low energy sedentary activity. Examples
include injuries sustained while making a bed [19] or putting
socks on [7,26]. In children it is more often a direct shock with
a crushing mechanism in a door [23].
Positive diagnosis
The diagnosis of mallet finger is essentially clinical. The patient’s
recent history usually includes the likely mechanism of injury.
The patient typically presents in an emergency setting or seeks
care later, sometimes several weeks after the injury. The patient
usually complains of pain and of being unable to perform full
In all analyses, an axial force is applied to the tip of a straight digit
(black arrows), followed by extreme passive distal interphalangeal
joint (DIPJ) hyperextension (white upper arrow), which would ac-
count for bony lesions, or extreme passive DIPJ hyperflexion (lower
white arrow), which would account for tendinous lesions.
Fig. 1. Main theories explaining the mechanism of injury
Botero SS et al.
Mallet finger
active extension of the DIPJ. Upon examination, a passively re-
ducible mallet deformity, swelling, and/or ecchymosis of the
dorsal aspect of the DIPJ is found. Pressure is painful [26].
A systematic radiographic lateral and anteroposterior study of
the DIPJ looks for a bony articular fragment, an injury to the
growth plate, or a subluxed DIPJ [11]. Wehbe and Schneider
[10] described a method to measure the size and displacement
of the bony fragment (Fig. 2) [2]. Other authors have proposed
using ultrasound [27] or magnetic resonance imaging [28] for
additional studies, but there is no reason to do so, since clinical
examination and standard radiographs are sufficient to establish
a diagnosis.
No consensus exists regarding the measurement of passive ex-
tension deficit in the DIPJ. A clinical method and a radiological
method are used. Some researchers have reported using a goni-
ometer without indicating whether they measured the dorsum
or the lateral side of the DIPJ [29]. Others have measured lateral
X-ray findings, arguing that dorsal swelling overestimates the ex-
tension deficit measured clinically [13]. Given the lack of intrao-
bserver and interobserver comparative studies of clinical and ra-
diological measuring methods, we prefer to use the clinical me-
thod, which does not increase the number of films taken. We
measure the deficit with a goniometer placed on the dorsum of
the DIPJ because measurements on the lateral aspect are less
Differential diagnosis
Although some authors have considered such injuries to fall into
the category of mallet finger, open wounds of the extensor tendon,
Seymour lesions, and fractures of more than one third of the dis-
tal phalanx joint surface cannot be considered mallet finger.
Swan-neck deformities are due to DIPJ injuries (zone 1 rup-
ture of the extensor tendon), PIPJ injuries (avulsion or disten-
sion of the volar plate), or metacarpophalangeal injuries (joint
dislocation or intrinsic muscle spasticity). Chronic mallet finger
(DIPJ injury) can lead to a swan-neck deformity. A swan-neck
deformity in rheumatoid arthritis (PIPJ and/or DIPJ lesion)
automatically causes a mallet deformity.
Other lesions involving a deficit of DIPJ passive extension should
be differentiated from mallet finger. For example, a Kirner defor-
Fig. 3. Wehbé and Schneider classification
Type I, no volar subluxation; type II, volar subluxation; type III, growth plate fracture; subtype A, fragment size
1/3 of the articular surface; sub-
type B, fragment size between 1/3 and 2/3 of the articular surface; sub-type C, fragment size
2/3 of the articular surface.
Ratio of the fractured articular surface over the total articular sur-
face of the distal phalanx base: T
size of fragment in %.
The ratio of the gap between the distal phalanx and the bony frag-
ment over the total articular surface of the distal phalanx base:
fragment displacement in %.
Fig. 2. Size and displacement calculation on lateral view
Vol. 43 / No. 2 / March 2016
mity is a congenital anomaly of the distal phalanx growth plate
that is diagnosed through X-ray imaging [30]. The sequelae of
distal phalanx growth plate fractures are further similar lesions
[23]. Osteoarthritis and chronic arthropathy arise in different
The three classifications of mallet finger are old and were pre-
sented by Wehbe in 1984, Tubiana in 1986, and Doyle in 1993.
They are all based on radiological assessments. None of these
classifications corresponds to a consensus regarding the treat-
ment algorithm, and all include growth plate fracture. The con-
cept of mallet finger developed in this article is not adequately
represented by any of these classifications, and we therefore pro-
pose a modification of Tubianas classification.
Wehbe and Schneider’s classification [10] describes nine dif-
ferent possible lesions (Fig. 3). It considers the anatomical le-
sion and the size of the fractured bone fragment, excluding ten-
dinous mallet deformities and open lesions. It does not correlate
bone fragment size with volar subluxation. Lesions are subcate-
gorized according to the presence of a bony fragment larger than
one third of the articular surface.
Tubianas classification [12] describes four types of lesions
(Fig. 4). It considers the size of the bony fragment and sublux-
ation. It includes tendinous mallet deformities and excludes open
lesions, and correlates bone fragment size with volar subluxation.
Lesions are subcategorized according to the presence of a bony
fragment larger than one third of the articular surface.
Doyles classification [8] describes six types of lesions (Fig. 5).
It considers the anatomical lesion and the size of the fractured
bone fragment, and includes tendinous mallet deformities and
open lesions. It does not correlate bone fragment size with volar
subluxation. The sizes of the bony fragment that determine the
subtype are 20% and 50% of the articular surface.
The bone fragment sizes of 1/3, 20%, or 50% of the articular
surface are arbitrary and do not correspond to any pathophysio-
logical data. Some authors have shown that dorsal fractures of
the distal phalanx base become unstable if more than 48% of the
joint surface is avulsed [31]. However, clinical experience shows
that subluxation can occur even in smaller avulsions. The per-
Type I, subcutaneous tendon rupture; type II, bony avulsion at the
base of the distal phalanx; type III, fracture
1/3 of the articular
surface with volar subluxation; type IV, growth plate fracture.
Fig. 4. Tubiana classification
Type I, closed mallet finger; type II, open mallet finger; type III, open
mallet finger with loss of substance; type IV, bony mallet finger;
subtype A, involves the growth plate; subtype B, fragment size be-
tween 20% and 50% of the articular surface; subtype C, fragment
size greater than 50% of the articular surface.
Fig. 5. Doyle classification
Botero SS et al.
Mallet finger
centage of the joint surface involved is therefore not the only
factor involved in instability. Concomitant DIPJ volar plate le-
sions probably play a role in joint instability. Given the current
state of our knowledge, it is impossible to establish a classifica-
tion that accounts for all factors contributing to instability. We
propose modifying the Tubiana classification by basing it essen-
tially on DIPJ instability (subluxation) without taking the bone
fragment size into consideration (Fig. 6). We have divided the
Tubiana stage III into stage III if the subluxation is reduced by a
splint and stage IV if the subluxation is not reduced with a splint.
Natural history
Tendinous mallet finger injuries heal in several phases [32]. Dur-
ing the first 24 hours, an inflammatory response occurs, with
neutrophil white cells penetrating the site of injury, which are
then followed in the next 24 hours by monocytes and macro-
phage cells that phagocytates necrotic tissue. Vasoactive and
chemotactic factors increase vascular permeability and initiate
angiogenesis, tenocyte proliferation, and the synthesis of colla-
gen type III. During the remodeling phase, collagen synthesis
peaks during several weeks with high concentrations of glycos-
aminoglycan and a progressive decrease in cellular content. Dur-
ing this period, the scar tissue is remodeled in two successive
phases: consolidation followed by maturation. Consolidation
starts at six weeks and continues up to 10 weeks after the injury.
The cellular tissue becomes fibrous. Type III collagens trans-
form into collagen type I. Maturation starts at the tenth week
and continues for up to a year after the injury. Tenocyte metabo-
lism and tendon vascularization decrease until a scarred tendon
is formed.
The extensor tendon in zone I is extrasynovial, made out of
longitudinal fibers that are difficult to securely suture. The ter-
minal band is located directly underneath the skin, and perioste-
al and tendon-to-skin adhesions therefore frequently occur dur-
ing the healing process [33]. If the tendon callus is loaded pre-
maturely and too actively, it might lengthen and lead to a fixed
mallet deformity. The tendon recovers sufficient resistance to
active mobilization in the fifth week of immobilization [34]. This
phenomenon accounts for better results after the prolonged use
of a night splint [35].
Bony mallet injuries likewise heal in several phases [36]. The
inflammatory phase occurs during the first two weeks. Platelet
activation releases many components, including fibronectin,
platelet-derived growth factor, and transforming growth factor.
This process triggers the influx of inflammatory and repair cells
(fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and osteoblasts) into the fracture
site, contributing to the production of collagen type III. A prolif-
eration phase or formation of a cartilage callus occurs during the
third and fourth week. A bridging callus is formed and angio-
genesis occurs. The maturation phase or formation of a bone
callus occurs during the fifth to the eighth week. Trabecular bone
is produced from mesenchymal cells or from a transitional carti-
lage stage, and both contribute to collagen type I production.
Osteoblasts produce trabecular woven bone (randomly orient-
ed fibers) rapidly. Clinical consolidation is complete at this stage.
Remodeling starts at the twelfth week and contributes to the
production of collagen type I and then collagen type X. The
combined actions of osteoclast bone resorption and osteoblast
bone formation remodel the bone into a solid lamellar structure.
A bony mallet injury always involves an incomplete tendon
avulsion. Part of the distal end of the tendon remains attached
to the dorsal DIPJ capsule, which accounts for the more rapid
healing of these injuries in comparison to cases of tendinous
mallet finger. A persistent periosteal continuity favors bone cal-
lus formation [37].
Without treatment, acute mallet finger becomes a chronic de-
formity. Some authors have used a four-week threshold to de-
fine chronic mallet finger [6]; others have placed the threshold
at five weeks when surgical treatment is no longer effective [38].
Others have proposed that conservative treatment for acute mal-
let finger can be undertaken up to two months after the injury
[21]. In fact, all mallet finger deformities that do not respond to
the conventional treatment of acute mallet finger can be consid-
Type I, subcutaneous tendon rupture; type II, bony avulsion at the
base of the distal phalanx; type III, fracture
1/3 of the articular
surface with volar subluxation reducible with a dorsal splint; type
IV, fracture
1/3 of the articular surface with volar subluxation ir-
reducible with a splint.
Fig. 6. Modified Tubiana classification
Vol. 43 / No. 2 / March 2016
ered chronic. Chronic mallet finger can develop esthetic and/or
functional complications. In particular, DIPJ extension deficits
and swan-neck deformities may be badly tolerated [6]. A bony
mallet injury can lead to functionally impairing DIPJ osteoar-
thritis [6].
The objective of treating acute mallet finger is to restore active
DIPJ extension. This requires restoring the length of the exten-
sor tendon and obtaining an appropriate healing response. Many
conservative and surgical techniques have been described.
Conservative treatments vary regarding the immobilization po-
sition, type of splint, and treatment duration (Fig. 7).
Since biomechanical studies have demonstrated that PIPJ mo-
bilization does not move the terminal extensor band, research-
ers no longer recommend PIPJ immobilization in the treatment
of mallet finger [39].
The DIPJ immobilization position varies among different au-
thors. Some have advocated hyperextension [40] and others a
straight immobilization [12,41]. Hyperextension aims at bring-
ing both tendon ends into contact to avoid healing with a length-
ened callus. Ischemic skin lesions [4] or, in bony mallet fingers,
DIPJ subluxation can occur if DIPJ hyperextension is excessive
[42]. We advise moderate hyperextension immobilization for
tendinous mallet injuries and straight immobilization for bony
mallet injuries [21].
Numerous immobilization devices have been described, with
a volar bearing [43], a dorsal bearing [44], or a combined dorsal
and volar bearing [41]. The drawbacks of a volar bearing are in-
sufficient DIPJ hyperextension and pulp occlusion that is not
usable during treatment. The main drawback of a dorsal or com-
bined bearing is pressure on the tendon healing site with corre-
spondingly elevated risks of skin maceration and nail dystrophy.
In order to counter these complications, some authors have pro-
posed a volar bearing on the middle phalanx combined with a
glued dorsal splint on the nail to avoid pressure on the tendon
healing site [21]. Custom-made splints yield better results than
off-the-shelf splints [29].
A consensus exists that immobilization for a tendinous mallet
finger injury should last longer than for a bony mallet injury be-
cause tendon healing takes longer than bone healing. For bony
mallet finger, treatment lasts between six and eight weeks, but
most studies have recommended six weeks [14,43]. For tendi-
nous mallet finger, treatment lasts between six and eight weeks,
but most studies have recommended eight weeks [43]. After an
initial phase of strict immobilization, many authors have pro-
posed continuing treatment with a night splint for two to four
weeks [4,29]. A level I study has proven, however, wearing a night
splint does not affect the outcome of treatment [29].
Poor patient compliance is the main drawback of conservative
treatments [35]. Despite explanations regarding the necessity of
strictly wearing a splint for a prolonged period of time, some pa-
tients remove or reposition the splint or give up the treatment
altogether. Patient cooperation is mandatory for obtaining good
results. Some authors have described using a glued splint to ad-
dress the issue of poor compliance [21].
Surgical treatments vary regarding the approach, principle of
reduction, and fixation equipment. The surgical approach can
be open or percutaneous. An open approach has the advantage
of providing direct access to the extensor tendon. The risks are
skin necrosis, infection, nail dystrophy, osteoarthritis, and stiff-
ness [7]. These risks are reduced in a percutaneous approach,
but this technique presents the risk of imperfect bone reduction.
Reduction and fixation of the displaced fragment can performed
directly and/or indirectly. Direct methods include the transos-
seous suture of a tendinous mallet or of a small bony fragment
[45], as well as fixation of a large bony fragment with a variety of
hardware, such as K-wires [38,46-49], screws [50], needles [51],
external fixators [52], tension wires [53], and plates [54,55]. In-
direct methods involve reducing and fixing the displaced bone
without going through the osteotendinous lesion. The main tech-
niques are transarticular DIPJ pinning and the Ishiguro method
(Fig. 8) [37]. The main drawbacks of these techniques are short-
term stiffness and septic arthritis and long-term osteoarthritis.
Some authors combine these techniques by performing a tran-
sosseous suture protected by a transarticular DIPJ wire and/or a
splint until the hardware is removed [38,46].
From left to right: volar splint, stack splint, and dorsal glued splint.
Fig. 7. Different splint types
Botero SS et al.
Mallet finger
Indications and contraindications
Most authors agree regarding the indications for the treatment
of closed mallet finger lesions in adults, but advocate a variety of
treatment techniques. The classification of the lesion is the most
important deciding factor. Patient history (including compliance
and occupation), the time elapsed since the initial trauma, and
the degree of the extension deficit also enter into consideration.
No therapeutic consensus exists. In the literature, specific indi-
cations are described, but no decision algorithm is given. For
example, some authors have proposed that health professionals
should always undergo surgical treatment in order to minimize
time off the job [56,57], while others have suggested that wear-
ing a glued splint on the nail leaves the pulp free to be used, en-
abling the patient to continue working [21]. Most authors have
described treating tendinous mallet fingers conservatively, ex-
cept for one researcher who reported treating them surgically
with a direct suture and transarticular DIPJ pinning [45]. Some
only consider the amount of fractured articular surface without
considering the presence of DIPJ subluxation when offering
surgical treatment. The threshold varies among authors, ranging
from above one third [38,46] to above 48% [31] or above two
thirds [10] of the articular surface. Others have taken into ac-
count the presence of irreducible subluxation despite proper
splinting, not considering the fractured articular surface when
offering surgical treatment [21,58]. Some authors have argued
that no indications for surgical treatment exist [7].
Given this lack of consensus, we propose a decision algorithm
based on a simple modification of Tubianas classification. All
mallet fingers should be treated conservatively with a dorsal glued
splint except for type IV lesions. A type IV lesion is a type III le-
sion with volar subluxation that is not reduced despite a dorsal
glued splint. No surgical technique has been proven superior in
treating this condition. Nonetheless, we propose the use of ex-
tra-articular fixed pinning (Fig. 9) [59].
Factors making patient compliance extremely unlikely (e.g.,
Alzheimer disease, dementia, or major psychiatric disorders) is
a relative contraindication for conservative treatment.
No consensus exists for evaluating the results of treatment. At
least three methods of evaluation have been proposed in the lit-
erature. None take age into account, although some have argued
that age is directly proportional to the DIPJ residual extension
deficit [4,29]. The Crawford clinical classification involves four
clinical presentations based on two factors: the active extension
deficit measured in degrees and pain or the lack thereof [15].
We use it in type IV lesions according to the modified Tubiana clas-
sification (A). Under fluoroscopy the distal interphalangeal joint
(DIPJ) is flexed (B), and a first K-wire is pinned through the extensor
tendon into the middle phalanx. The wire is used as a lever that
pushes on the bony fragment once the DIPJ is extended (C). A sec-
ond K-wire is put across the DIPJ to avoid flexion (D).
Fig. 8. Ishiguro technique
An intramedullary 1.2-mm K-wire is put through the distal phalanx
percutaneously. A second threaded wire is introduced perpendicu-
larly to the long axis of the middle phalanx from a dorsal approach
and abuts the volar cortex to respect the flexor tendon. Both wires
are bent and fixed together with two connectors.
Fig. 9. Extra-articular fixed pinning
Vol. 43 / No. 2 / March 2016
The result is considered excellent if the extension deficit is be-
tween 0° and 10°, good if it is between 10° and 25°, average if it is
greater than 25° and poor if it is painful. The Bischoff classifica-
tion includes three radiological stages based on the interfrag-
mentary gap and the intra-articular step [60]. The result is ex-
cellent if there is no gap and no step, satisfactory if the gap is less
than 2 mm and/or the step is less than 1 mm with bony consoli-
dation, and poor if no bony consolidation or joint subluxation is
present. The schema presented by Warren et al. [4] and Abouna
and Brown [61] comprises three clinical stages based on the ac-
tive and passive extension deficit measured in degrees. The re-
sult is considered excellent if the active extension deficit is be-
tween 0° and 5°, average if it is between 5° and 15°, and poor if it
is greater than 15°. Although some authors have shown that no
correlation exists between the residual DIPJ extension deficit
Author Year
Level of
Case (n) Treatment
Crawford EGFP
deficit (°)
Stark et al. [9] 1987 - 36 Trans DIP K-wire+ORIF with K-wire - 2 0
Bauze and Bain [62] 1999 - 10 Suture+ORIF with K-wire - 5 2 Nail deformities, 1 superficial
infection, 1 pin track infection
Takami et al. [63] 2000 - 33 Trans DIP K-wire+ORIF with K-wire - 4 6 Slight osteoarthritis, 1 bone
Tetik and Gudemez [47] 2002 - 17 Extension block modified E17 1,6 0
Pegoli et al. [49] 2003 - 69 Ishiguro E30, G21, F13, P1 1 Pin tract infection, 2 nail
Kronlage and Faust [3] 2004 - 12 Screw fixation - 6 1 Screw prominence, 1 non
Badia et al. [1] 2004 - 16 K-wire fixation extension block - 2 0
Rocchi et al. [48] 2006 - 48 K-wire percutaneous «umbrella handle»
E11, G35, F2 5,1 1 Pin tract infection
Teoh and Lee [54] 2007 - 9 Hook plate fixation E4, G5 0 Dorsal soft-tissue swelling over
the dip joint
Lee et al. [46] 2009 - 32 K-wire percutaneous (double dorsal
E69, G25, F6 0,9 1 Superficial infection, 2 Nail
deformities, 3 nail ridgings
Zhang et al. [64] 2010 - 65 Trans DIP K-wire+pull out E52, G8, F4, P1 7 1 Pain
Phadnis et al. [65] 2010 - 20 Trans DIP K-wire+ORIF with K-wire E6, G10, F3, P1 1,25 1 Infection
O'Brien and Bailey [42] 2011 II 64 Splint E64, G18, F16, P2 4,4 23.8% (inflammation, pain,
superficial infection)
Tung et al. [66] 2012 - 13 Tenodesis E7, G5 0
Chung and Lee [38] 2012 - 14 Trans DIP K-wire+percutaneous K-wire E9, G5 1,8 1 Pin track infection
Kang and Lee [67] 2012 - 16 Trans DIP K-wire+ORIF with K-wire E11, G3, F2 2,5 3 Nail deformity, 1 flexion loss
Tocco et al. [68] 2013 I 57 Splint+cast - 5 31.2% Swan neck
Lu et al. [45] 2013 IV 10 Trans DIP K-wire+pull-in suture E2, G7, F1 0 0
Miura [52] 2013 - 12 K-wire+mini-external fixator E10, G2 2 0
Kakinoki et al. [53] 2013 - 13 Tension band fixation - 0 1 Osteophyte, 1 joint stiffness
Devan [40] 2014 IV 15 Splint+elastic tape - 1,9 11%
Shimura et al. [50] 2014 - 20 Percutaneous screw fixation E7, G9, F4 6,5 1 Dorsal ridging, 1 nail bump
Miranda et al. [51] 2015 - 12 Blunt needle reduction - 4,6 1 Nail bump, 1 displacement
Acar et al. [55] 2015 IV 19 Ishiguro & hook plate E10, G9 3,9 5.2% Nail deformity, 10.4%
dorsal prominence
EGFP, E (excellent); G (good); F (fair); P (poor); DIP, distal interphalangeal; ORIF, open reduction and internal fixation.
Table 1. Acute mallet finger main series results
and patient satisfaction [29], the Crawford clinical classification
seems the most relevant because no direct correspondence has
been shown between the final radiological outcomes and the
clinical results.
The current consensus based on a Cochrane meta-analysis is
first-intention conservative treatment [7]. The main studies are
presented in Table 1. Most studies have shown no difference be-
tween conservative and surgical treatment, with their authors
advocating conservative treatment [44,69]. The only compara-
tive study of surgical versus conservative treatment showed no
statistically significant difference and recommended a conserva-
tive treatment strategy due to the potential complications of sur-
gical treatment [70]. All studies comparing conservative treat-
ments recommend the use of a thermoplastic splint, but no con-
sensus exists whether to use a dorsal or volar splint [13,42,61,68].
Botero SS et al.
Mallet finger
Among the studies of surgical treatment techniques, only one
compared the Ishiguro method to fixation with a hook plate. The
outcomes were not significantly different, but the hook plate
was found to increase the surgical time, decrease the use of fluo-
roscopy, hasten consolidation by a week, and shorten the delay
before returning to work [56]. Many surgical studies have been
published, but none are above level IV of evidence.
The complications of conservative treatment are frequent
(45%) and most often are benign and temporary. Skin lesions,
including maceration, ulcers, superficial infections, and nail dys-
trophy, are especially common [20]. Swan-neck deformity is
rare but much more impairing. The complication rate of surgi-
cal treatment has been reported to range from 3% to 53% [20,54].
These complications are less frequent but are often serious, in-
cluding: infection associated with a wire, osteoarthritis, stiffness,
nail dystrophy, and skin necrosis [7,38].
Closed acute mallet finger lesions, either tendinous or bony, are
frequent in adults. No evidence indicates that surgical treatment
is superior except in cases of irreducible volar DIPJ subluxation
despite the proper use of a splint. Treatment is mandatory to
avoid chronic lesions.
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... Diese Verletzung betrifft den Streckapparat des DIP-Gelenkes und resultiert dort in einem charakteristischen Verlust der aktiven Streckung. Die Pathoanatomie bleibt umstritten, jedoch wird angenommen, dass eine axiale Belastung des distalen Gelenkes, gefolgt von einer Hyperflexion, der primäre Mechanismus ist [22]. Die konservative Therapie von rein tendinösen Mallet-Verletzungen ohne Frakturnachweis hat sich über viele Jahre als zuverlässig erwiesen und liefert konsistent gute Ergebnisse [23,24,25]. ...
... Sixty-eight unique prompts were developed to test each LLM's ability to classify hand injuries. Prompts cover 12 different classification systems [20,21,[28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39] covering various hand injuries. The inclusion criteria prioritized classification systems with well-established significance, ensuring relevance and familiarity among healthcare providers specializing in hand surgery. ...
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Background: OpenAI’s ChatGPT (San Francisco, CA, USA) and Google’s Gemini (Mountain View, CA, USA) are two large language models that show promise in improving and expediting medical decision making in hand surgery. Evaluating the applications of these models within the field of hand surgery is warranted. This study aims to evaluate ChatGPT-4 and Gemini in classifying hand injuries and recommending treatment. Methods: Gemini and ChatGPT were given 68 fictionalized clinical vignettes of hand injuries twice. The models were asked to use a specific classification system and recommend surgical or nonsurgical treatment. Classifications were scored based on correctness. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics, a paired two-tailed t-test, and sensitivity testing. Results: Gemini, correctly classifying 70.6% hand injuries, demonstrated superior classification ability over ChatGPT (mean score 1.46 vs. 0.87, p-value < 0.001). For management, ChatGPT demonstrated higher sensitivity in recommending surgical intervention compared to Gemini (98.0% vs. 88.8%), but lower specificity (68.4% vs. 94.7%). When compared to ChatGPT, Gemini demonstrated greater response replicability. Conclusions: Large language models like ChatGPT and Gemini show promise in assisting medical decision making, particularly in hand surgery, with Gemini generally outperforming ChatGPT. These findings emphasize the importance of considering the strengths and limitations of different models when integrating them into clinical practice.
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Introduction Mallet fingers are the most common tendon injuries of the hand. Bony avulsion distal finger extensor tendon ruptures causing a mallet finger require special attention and management. In this monocentral study, we analyzed the clinical and individual outcomes succeeding minimal invasive k-wire extension block treatment of bony mallet fingers. Materials and methods In a retrospective study, we sent a self-designed template and a QUICK-DASH score questionnaire to all patients, who were treated because of a bony mallet finger between 2009 and 2022 and fulfilled the inclusion criteria. A total of 244 requests were sent out. 72 (29.5%) patients participated in the study. Forty-five men and twenty-seven women were included. Results 98.7% (n = 75) of the cases were successfully treated. Patients were highly satisfied with the treatment (median 8.0; SD ± 2.9; range 1.0–10.0). Based on the QUICK-DASH score, all patients showed no difficulties in daily life. The extent of avulsion did not influence the outcome. Conclusion We conclude that the minimally invasive treatment of a bony mallet finger should be offered to every patient, because it is safe, fast, and reliable. Thus, we propose to perform extension-block pinning independently of the articular area.
Over a period of twelve months, 116 cases of mallet finger were allocated randomly to treatment with either a Stack or Abouna splint. The two splints were equally effective, producing a cure or a significant improvement in approximately 50% of cases. However, the Stack splint was much preferred by the patients, who found it more comfortable, more robust and easier to keep clean.
Unstable distal phalanx fractures are typically treated by pinning of the distal phalanx or the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP). Complications include unstable fixation, K-wire migration, septic arthritis and osteoarthritis. To limit these complications, we wanted to explore the benefits of using locked extra-articular DIP pinning. The cohort consisted of 12 patients (mean age 36.3 years) who had an extra-articular (6 cases) or intra-articular distal phalanx fracture (6 cases). All patients were treated surgically with a construct consisting of two connected K-wires: one was placed inside the shaft of the distal phalanx and the other was placed perpendicular to the middle phalanx. The K-wires were removed after 1 month. After an average follow-up of 19.9 weeks, pain was 0.4/10 and the QuickDASH score was 7.41/100 on average. The range of motion was, on average, 30.0° less than the contralateral uninjured side for active flexion, 8.8° less for active extension, 32.0° less for passive flexion and 4.1° less for passive extension. The overall hand strength averaged 85.2% of the contralateral one. One secondary displacement occurred but there were no infections. In all, these findings suggest that locked extra-articular DIP pinning is a simple and reproducible surgical treatment for distal phalanx fractures. Level of evidence IV.
Les lesions de l'appareil extenseur ont trop souvent une fausse reputation de benignite, en particulier au niveau des doigts. Un examen clinique trop sommaire peut laisser penser a son integrite et ce n'est que quelques semaines plus tard que les deformations des chaines digitales (boutonniere, col de cygne,…) conduisent a un diagnostic tardif et entrainent le blesse dans une chirurgie secondaire reputee delicate, aux resultats aleatoires.
Mallet finger injuries are common; treatment goals include achieving joint stability, preventing extensor lag, and subsequent swan-neck deformity. We describe a simple technique for improving intraoperative bony mallet reduction, which may avoid the requirement for closed Ishiguro extension blocking wires or open fixation, and present a prospective case series (n=12). Intraoperative percutaneous blunt needle reduction (PBNR) is achieved under image intensifier guidance. Using artery forceps, a blunt fill needle tip is manipulated onto the proximal avulsed fragment; this is then guided into a reduced position and maintained using a well-formed Zimmer splint across the distal interphalangeal joint in 15- to 30-degree extension. There were 5 injuries involving >1/3 of the articular surface (Doyle's classification IVb) and 7 injuries involving >1/2 of the articular surface (Doyle's classification IVc). Mean hand therapy follow-up was 10.6±1.0 weeks, extensor lag was 4.6±1.7 degrees, and all patients achieved full functional recovery with return to normal daily activity. No complications were reported. Closed techniques, for example, Ishiguro extension blocking wires, may reduce the risks associated with open reduction, but do not avoid further articular surface damage. PBNR offers the surgeon a useful adjunct to the treatment options for bony mallet injuries, without excluding progression to surgical fixation if required. PBNR represents a less-invasive management option for bony mallet injures where surgical fixation may also be indicated.
The aim of this retrospective study was to determine whether traumatic mallet fractures had better outcomes when treated by hook plate fixation (13 patients) or extension block pinning (19 patients). We assessed outcomes using Crawford's criteria; distal interphalangeal joint range of motion; the DASH score; and a visual analogue scale score for pain. We measured radiological parameters. No significant differences were observed in functional and clinical outcomes and in complications. Whereas the operative time was longer in the hook plate group, intraoperative fluoroscopy use, time to bone union and time to return to work were greater in the extension block group. Although the hook plate method is more technically demanding, it provides good stable reduction, earlier mobilization and an earlier return to work. The extension block pinning technique is easier and as effective but it requires greater peri-operative fluoroscopy. Level III. © The Author(s) 2015.
Surgical fixation is recommended when a mallet fracture involves more than one-third of the articular surface of the distal phalanx. This recommendation originates from the idea that involvement of more than one-third of the base of the distal phalanx causes subluxation of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint. Eighty-six fingers of 85 patients with a mallet fracture involving more than one-third of the articular surface of the distal phalanx were enrolled in this study. Patients were allocated on the basis of subluxation of the DIP joint into a group with no subluxation or a group with subluxation. These two groups were compared with respect to age, sex, fracture size, fracture displacement, time to finger immobilizer application, and initial extensor lag of the DIP joint. Backward stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the risk factors of DIP joint subluxation, and receiver operating curve analysis was used to calculate the optimal cut-off point for the risk factors. Half of our patients with a mallet fracture involving > one-third of the articular surface of the distal phalanx showed subluxation of the DIP joint. A significant intergroup difference was found for fracture size and time to application of a finger immobilizer, but no significant difference was observed for other parameters. The risk factors of DIP joint subluxation were fracture size and time to application of finger immobilizer. The optimal cut-off values for the development of DIP joint subluxation were 48% for the fracture size and 12.5 days for time to finger immobilizer application. Level of Evidence: Prognosis, II