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Dynamically Scaled Phantom Phase Contrast MRI Compared to True-Scale Computational Modeling of Coronary Artery Flow



Purpose: To examine the feasibility of combining computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and dynamically scaled phantom phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI) for coronary flow assessment. Materials and methods: Left main coronary bifurcations segmented from computed tomography with bifurcation angles of 33°, 68°, and 117° were scaled-up ∼7× and 3D printed. Steady coronary flow was reproduced in these phantoms using the principle of dynamic similarity to preserve the true-scale Reynolds number, using blood analog fluid and a pump circuit in a 3T MRI scanner. After PC-MRI acquisition, the data were segmented and coregistered to CFD simulations of identical, but true-scale geometries. Velocities at the inlet region were extracted from the PC-MRI to define the CFD inlet boundary condition. Results: The PC-MRI and CFD flow data agreed well, and comparison showed: 1) small velocity magnitude discrepancies (2-8%); 2) with a Spearman's rank correlation ≥0.72; and 3) a velocity vector correlation (including direction) of r(2) ≥ 0.82. The highest agreement was achieved for high velocity regions with discrepancies being located in slow or recirculating zones with low MRI signal-to-noise ratio (SNRv ) in tortuous segments and large bifurcating vessels. Conclusion: Characterization of coronary flow using a dynamically scaled PC-MRI phantom flow is feasible and provides higher resolution than current in vivo or true-scale in vitro methods, and may be used to provide boundary conditions for true-scale CFD simulations. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2016.
A new method to quantify coronary flow
conditions using dynamically scaled in vitro
phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging
Susann Beier
, John Ormiston
, Mark Webster
, John Cater
, Stuart Norris
, Pau Medrano-Gracia
, Alistair Young
Brett R Cowan
From 19th Annual SCMR Scientific Sessions
Los Angeles, CA, USA. 27-30 January 2016
Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease remains a major
cause of illness and death, and coronary flow predeter-
mines disease. Limitations in imaging technology pre-
vent coronary flow measurements but computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) need sophisticated boundary con-
ditions for accurate flow predictions. MRI has recently
been combined with CFD for larger calibre vessels, but
small coronary arteries remain inaccessible.
The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of cor-
onary flow measurement in 3D printed large scale coron-
ary phantoms using phase contrast MRI (PC-MRI).
1) Three patient bifurcation geometries with 33°, 72° and
110° angle (mean and ± 2SD of the first principal mode
of variation of 300 asymptomatic patients) were 2) 6:1
printed, and their flow was replicated via a dynamically
scaled blood mimicking flow circuit. The PC-MRI
Anatomy with Radiology, Auckland University, Auckland, New Zealand
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Figure 1 Detailed flow comparison for the 110 degree patient bifurcation with i) velocity norm contours of real-scale CFD (left),
dynamically scalled PC-MRI (middle) and their difference (right) in ii) four planes of the flow field volume.
Beier et al.Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic
Resonance 2016, 18(Suppl 1):P103
© 2016 Beier et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://, which permits unr estricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited. The Cre ative Commons Public Do main Dedication waiver (
zero/1.0/) applies to the data made availa ble in this article, unless otherwise stated.
measured flow was measured was semi-automatically
segmented and co-registered to 3) identical, real scale
CFD. Measured velocity inlets profiles were transformed
and prescribed as CFD inlet condition. The data was sta-
tistically compared using a 3D flow field correlation
Coronary flow was successfully replicated and measured
with dynamically scaled 3D printed phantom PC-MRI,
where co-registration (s<5e-6) resulted in good to
strong agreement in magnitude (error 2-12%, r0.72),
and direction (r
We have successfully developed, validated and applied a
new method to quantify coronary haemodynamics by com-
bining enlarged 3D printed PC-MRI flow with CFD simula-
tions. With this methodology, the PC-MRI measurements
can be used to define accurate boundary conditions to ele-
vate CFD simulations and ultimate improve predictions
about stent design, coronary artery risk assessment and
clinical practice. PC-MRI is non-invasive, accurate imaging
technology and has the potential to become an important
measurement tool to aid early CFD detection of cardiovas-
cular disease, to risk stratify and optimise treatment for
individual patients.
Anatomy with Radiology, Auckland University, Auckland, New Zealand.
Mercy Angiography, Auckland, New Zealand.
ADHB, Auckland, New
Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Auckland, New
Published: 27 January 2016
Cite this article as: Beier et al.: A new method to quantify coronary flow
conditions using dynamically scaled in vitro phase contrast magnetic
resonance imaging. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2016 18
(Suppl 1):P103.
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Beier et al.Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic
Resonance 2016, 18(Suppl 1):P103
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... MRI has not been *This work was financially supported by the Auckland Charitable Heart Trust, the Auckland Medical Research Foundation (AMRF) and the Auckland Academic Health Alliance (AAHA). 1 applied to coronary flow before because of limited temporal and spatial resolution. Previously we successfully used dynamically scaled in vitro coronary blood flow experiments to over-come these imaging limitations [5]. In this study, we explore if the same methodology is sufficiently adequate to capture changes to blood flow on the micro scale that are a result of stents in coronary arteries. ...
... Both a Newtonian and a non-Newtonian fluid was used experimentally. The experimental and numerical methods have been previously described in [5] and [8] and are summarized here briefly. ...
... The lumen was smoothed using Poisson surface reconstruction, cut and rendered and extended in the open-source VMTK software (Vascular modelling tool kit, as detailed in an earlier publication [5]. The virtual geometry was then imported into AutoCAD Inventor (2016, AutoDesk, SanRafael, CA, USA). ...
Conference Paper
We investigated if blood flow changes induced through the presence of a stent could be detected using in vitro dynamically scaled 4D Phase-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (PC-MRI). Using idealized and patient-specific left main coronary artery bifurcations, we 3D-printed the dynamically large scaled geometries and incorporated them into a flow circuit for non-invasive acquisition with a higher effective spatial resolution. We tested the effects of using non-Newtonian and Newtonian fluids for the experiment. We also numerically simulated the same geometries in true scale for comparison using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). We found that the experimental setup increased the effective spatial resolution enough to reveal stent induced blood flow changes close to the vessel wall. Non-Newtonian fluid replicated all of the flow field well with a strong agreement with the computed flow field (R2 > 0.9). Fine flow structures were not as prominent for the Newtonian compared to non-Newtonian fluid consideration. In the patient-specific geometry, arterial non-planarity increased the difficulty to capture the near wall slow velocity changes. Findings demonstrate the potential to dynamically scale in vitro 4D MRI flow acquisition for micro blood flow considerations.
... Such a priori hypotheses on the velocity profiles to be used as conditions at inflow boundaries represent a source of uncertainty in the estimation of helical and WSS patterns [31], potentially masking their relationship with atherosclerosis initiation and progression. Moreover, in vitro and in silico hemodynamic studies revealed the presence of skewed velocity profiles in the left coronary artery [32][33][34], with a not negligible presence of secondary flows in the entire coronary tree, as it can be expected by considering the vessel tortuosity and the presence of bifurcations and branching. ...
... The 3D velocity profile on a generic cross-section of a vessel can be described as a combination of (1) a principal, through-plane (TP) component, in the direction of the axis of the vessel, and (2) a secondary, in-plane (IP) component, lying on the plane orthogonal to the axis of the vessel. To test the impact of the velocity profile on the hemodynamics of LAD coronary arteries, different 3D velocity profiles were generated using analytical formulations based on previous observations demonstrating the presence of secondary flows in coronary arteries [32,34]. ...
Patient-specific computational fluid dynamics is a powerful tool for investigating the hemodynamic risk in coronary arteries. Proper setting of flow boundary conditions in computational hemodynamic models of coronary arteries is one of the sources of uncertainty weakening the findings of in silico experiments, in consequence of the challenging task of obtaining in vivo 3D flow measurements within the clinical framework. Accordingly, in this study we evaluated the influence of assumptions on inflow velocity profile shape on coronary artery hemodynamics. To do that, (1) ten left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) geometries were reconstructed from clinical angiography, and (2) eleven velocity profiles with realistic 3D features such as eccentricity and differently shaped (single- and double-vortex) secondary flows were generated analytically and imposed as inflow boundary conditions. Wall shear stress and helicity-based descriptors obtained prescribing the commonly used parabolic velocity profile were compared with those obtained with the other velocity profiles. Our findings indicated that the imposition of idealized velocity profiles as inflow boundary condition is acceptable as long the results of the proximal vessel segment are not considered, in LAD coronary arteries. As a pragmatic rule of thumb, a conservative estimation of the length of influence of the shape of the inflow velocity profile on LAD local hemodynamics can be given by the theoretical entrance length for cylindrical conduits in laminar flow conditions.
... spatial resolution and a 2D rather than 3D standard imaging have hindered the effective capture of complex coronary anatomical characteristics. This is particularly apparent compared to related, more advanced fields such as carotid research, since carotid arteries are comparatively easier to image as they are larger, stagnant, and close to the body surface 7,8 . Consequently, the detection of shape biomarkers for the carotid arteries is further developed and was demonstrated to directly correlate to shape features such as the angle of origin 9 , and vessel curvature 10 , showcasing the distinct relationship between vessel anatomy and adverse flow 11 . ...
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Coronary anatomy governs local haemodynamics associated with atherosclerotic development, progression and ultimately adverse clinical outcomes. However, lack of large sample size studies and methods to link adverse haemodynamics to anatomical information has hindered meaningful insights to date. The Left Main coronary bifurcations of 127 patients with suspected coronary artery disease in the absence of significant stenosis were segmented from CTCA images before computing the local haemodynamics. We correlated 11 coronary anatomical characteristics with the normalised lumen area exposed to adverse haemodynamics linked with atherosclerotic processes. These include mean curvatures and diameters of branches, bifurcation and inflow angles, and Finet’s ratio as the anatomical parameters, and low Time-Averaged Endothelial Shear Stress (lowTAESS<0.5\hbox {lowTAESS}\,<\,{0.5} Pa), high Oscillatory Shear Index (highOSI > 0.1), high Relative Residence Time (highRRT > 4.17 Pa⁻¹), and mean Topological Shear Variation Index for the haemodynamics consideration. We separately tested if the geometric measures and haemodynamics indicators differed between subgroups (sex, smokers, and those with hypertension). We then use a step-down multiple linear regression model to find the best model for predicting lowTAESS, highOSI, highRRT and meanTSVI. Finet’s Ratio (FR) significantly correlated to lowTAESS (p<0.001\hbox {p}\,<\, 0.001). Vessel diameters and curvature correlated to highOSI (both p<\,<\, 0.001) as well as meanTSVI (p<\,<\,0.05). Finet’s ratio, vessel diameters and daughter branch curvature independently correlated to RRT (all p<\,<\, 0.01). Our results indicate that specific anatomical vessel characteristics may be used as a surrogate of adverse haemodynamics environment associated with clinically adverse mechanisms of disease. This is especially powerful with the latest computing resources and may unlock clinical integration via standard imaging modalities as biomarkers without further computationally expensive simulations.
... Device manufacturers and researchers with an interest in cardiovascular modelling, prediction and treatment of coronary artery disease can analyse this data directly or combine it with other available datasets. The smooth surface meshes and centrelines can be directly used for computational modelling 16 , directly 3D printed for experiments [18][19][20][21] , assist in developing and testing medical devices such as stents [22][23][24] , and can be used for Virtual Reality applications for education and training [25][26][27] . Moreover, our dataset allows for the development and benchmarking of new segmentation algorithms aiming to efficiently annotate the coronary arteries automatically as per ASOCA challenge 28 . ...
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Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography (CTCA) is a non-invasive method to evaluate coronary artery anatomy and disease. CTCA is ideal for geometry reconstruction to create virtual models of coronary arteries. To our knowledge there is no public dataset that includes centrelines and segmentation of the full coronary tree. We provide anonymized CTCA images, voxel-wise annotations and associated data in the form of centrelines, calcification scores and meshes of the coronary lumen in 20 normal and 20 diseased cases. Images were obtained along with patient information with informed, written consent as part of the Coronary Atlas. Cases were classified as normal (zero calcium score with no signs of stenosis) or diseased (confirmed coronary artery disease). Manual voxel-wise segmentations by three experts were combined using majority voting to generate the final annotations. Provided data can be used for a variety of research purposes, such as 3D printing patient-specific models, development and validation of segmentation algorithms, education and training of medical personnel and in-silico analyses such as testing of medical devices.
... Device manufacturers and researchers with an interest in cardiovascular modelling, prediction and treatment of coronary artery disease can analyse this data directly or combine it with other available datasets. The smooth surface meshes and centrelines can be directly used for computational modelling 17 , directly 3D printed for experiments [19][20][21][22] , assist in developing and testing medical devices such as stents [23][24][25] , and can be used for Virtual Reality applications for education and training [26][27][28] . Moreover, our dataset allows for the development and benchmarking of new segmentation algorithms aiming to efficiently annotate the coronary arteries automatically as per ASOCA challenge 29 . ...
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Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography (CTCA) is a non-invasive method to evaluate coronary artery anatomy and disease. CTCA is ideal for geometry reconstruction to create virtual models of coronary arteries. To our knowledge there is no public dataset that includes centrelines and segmentation of the full coronary tree. We provide anonymized CTCA images, voxel-wise annotations and associated data in the form of centrelines, calcification scores and meshes of the coronary lumen in 20 normal and 20 diseased cases. Images were obtained along with patient information with informed, written consent as part of Coronary Atlas ( Cases were classified as normal (zero calcium score with no signs of stenosis) or diseased (confirmed coronary artery disease). Manual voxel-wise segmentations by three experts were combined using majority voting to generate the final annotations. Provided data can be used for a variety of research purposes, such as 3D printing patient-specific models, development and validation of segmentation algorithms, education and training of medical personnel and in-silico analyses such as testing of medical devices.
... A parabolic flow profile was prescribed at the inlet and constant pressure of 0 atm at the outlet 24 . The constant pressure outlet has also been a common assumption in published literature 42,43 and is generally accepted for healthy vessels since realistic outlet conditions are often not available, and because of previous published validation with in vitro data 44 . The velocity-time profile and flow rate were adapted from previous studies 45 , and the flow was scaled according to equation developed by Giessen et al. ( q = 1.43d 1.55 ) 46 using the inlet radii 47 . ...
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Severe coronary tortuosity has previously been linked to low shear stresses at the luminal surface, yet this relationship is not fully understood. Several previous studies considered different tortuosity metrics when exploring its impact of on the wall shear stress (WSS), which has likely contributed to the ambiguous findings in the literature. Here, we aim to analyze different tortuosity metrics to determine a benchmark for the highest correlating metric with low time-averaged WSS (TAWSS). Using Computed Tomography Coronary Angiogram (CTCA) data from 127 patients without coronary artery disease, we applied all previously used tortuosity metrics to the left main coronary artery bifurcation, and to its left anterior descending and left circumflex branches, before modelling their TAWSS using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The tortuosity measures included tortuosity index, average absolute-curvature, root-mean-squared (RMS) curvature, and average squared-derivative-curvature. Each tortuosity measure was then correlated with the percentage of vessel area that showed a < 0.4 Pa TAWSS, a threshold associated with altered endothelial cell cytoarchitecture and potentially higher disease risk. Our results showed a stronger correlation between curvature-based versus non-curvature-based tortuosity measures and low TAWSS, with the average-absolute-curvature showing the highest coefficient of determination across all left main branches ( p < 0.001), followed by the average-squared-derivative-curvature ( p = 0.001), and RMS-curvature ( p = 0.002). The tortuosity index, the most widely used measure in literature, showed no significant correlation to low TAWSS ( p = 0.86). We thus recommend the use of average-absolute-curvature as a tortuosity measure for future studies.
... Although cardiovascular models based on imaging data were demonstrated to produce results comparable to clinical diagnostic methods 22,37,38 , their combination with interventional study designs remained challenging and complex in heart valve disease. A technically and clinically oriented approach has recently helped to identify anatomical and functional target parameters in degenerative mitral valve disease with potential use for treatment planning 39 , and Kassab et al. recently highlighted the capabilities of new modelling technologies and quantitative approaches to surgical decision making 7 . ...
Congenital heart defect interventions may benefit from the fabrication of patient-specific vascular grafts because of the wide array of anatomies present in children with cardiovascular defects. Three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting is used to establish a platform to produce custom vascular grafts, which are biodegradable , mechanically compatible with vascular tissues, and support neotissue formation and growth. It is an advanced and emerging technology having great potential in the field of tissue engineering. Bioprinting uses cell-laden biomaterials, generally called bio-inks, to deposit in a layer-by-layer fashion. The goal of 3D bioprinting is to offer an alternative to autologous or allogeneic tissue grafts to replace or treat damaged tissues. This chapter aims to offer a synopsis of the current state of 3D bioprinting techniques in analysis, research potentials, and applications. This new and exciting technology has the potential to not only provide better treatment options, but also to improve the quality of life for patients suffering from chronic illnesses.
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3D printing as a means of fabrication has seen increasing applications in medicine in the last decade, becoming invaluable for cardiovascular applications. This rapidly developing technology has had a significant impact on cardiovascular research, its clinical translation and education. It has expanded our understanding of the cardiovascular system resulting in better devices, tools and consequently improved patient outcomes. This review discusses the latest developments and future directions of generating medical replicas (‘phantoms’) for use in the cardiovascular field, detailing the end-to-end process from medical imaging to capture structures of interest, to production and use of 3D printed models. We provide comparisons of available imaging modalities and overview of segmentation and post-processing techniques to process images for printing, detailed exploration of latest 3D printing methods and materials, and a comprehensive, up-to-date review of milestone applications and their impact within the cardiovascular domain across research, clinical use and education. We then provide an in-depth exploration of future technologies and innovations around these methods, capturing opportunities and emerging directions across increasingly realistic representations, bioprinting and tissue engineering, and complementary virtual and mixed reality solutions. The next generation of 3D printing techniques allow patient-specific models that are increasingly realistic, replicating properties, anatomy and function.
This is a consensus document from the European Bifurcation Club concerning bench testing in coronary artery bifurcations. It is intended to provide guidelines for bench assessment of stents and other strategies in coronary bifurcation treatment where the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or International Organization for Standardization (ISO) guidelines are limited or absent. These recommendations provide guidelines rather than a step-by-step manual. We provide data on the anatomy of bifurcations and elastic response of coronary arteries to aid model construction. We discuss testing apparatus, bench testing endpoints and bifurcation nomenclature.
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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become an important tool for the clinical evaluation of patients with cardiovascular disease. Since its introduction in the late 1980s, 2-dimensional phase contrast MRI (2D PC-MRI) has become a routine part of standard-of-care cardiac MRI for the assessment of regional blood flow in the heart and great vessels. More recently, time-resolved PC-MRI with velocity encoding along all three flow directions and three-dimensional (3D) anatomic coverage (also termed '4D flow MRI') has been developed and applied for the evaluation of cardiovascular hemodynamics in multiple regions of the human body. 4D flow MRI allows for the comprehensive evaluation of complex blood flow patterns by 3D blood flow visualization and flexible retrospective quantification of flow parameters. Recent technical developments, including the utilization of advanced parallel imaging techniques such as k-t GRAPPA, have resulted in reasonable overall scan times, e.g., 8-12 minutes for 4D flow MRI of the aorta and 10-20 minutes for whole heart coverage. As a result, the application of 4D flow MRI in a clinical setting has become more feasible, as documented by an increased number of recent reports on the utility of the technique for the assessment of cardiac and vascular hemodynamics in patient studies. A number of studies have demonstrated the potential of 4D flow MRI to provide an improved assessment of hemodynamics which might aid in the diagnosis and therapeutic management of cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of this review is to describe the methods used for 4D flow MRI acquisition, post-processing and data analysis. In addition, the article provides an overview of the clinical applications of 4D flow MRI and includes a review of applications in the heart, thoracic aorta and hepatic system.
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Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cardiovascular disease. Early diagnosis of CAD's physiological significance is of utmost importance for guiding individualized risk-tailored treatment strategies. In this paper, we first review the state-of-the-art clinical diagnostic indices to quantify the severity of CAD and the associated invasive and noninvasive imaging technologies in order to quantify the anatomical parameters of diameter stenosis, area stenosis, and hemodynamic indices of coronary flow reserve and fractional flow reserve. With the development of computational technologies and CFD methods, tremendous progress has been made in applying image-based CFD simulation techniques to elucidate the effects of hemodynamics in vascular pathophysiology toward the initialization and progression of CAD. So then, we review the advancements of CFD technologies in patient-specific modeling, involving the development of geometry reconstruction, boundary conditions, and fluid-structure interaction. Next, we review the applications of CFD to stenotic sites, in order to compute their hemodynamic parameters and study the relationship between the hemodynamic conditions and the clinical indices, to thereby assess the amount of viable myocardium and candidacy for percutaneous coronary intervention. Finally, we review the strengths and limitations of current researches of applying CFD to CAD studies. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Though conventional coronary angiography (CCA) has been the standard of reference for diagnosing coronary artery disease in the past decades, computed tomography angiography (CTA) has rapidly emerged, and is nowadays widely used in clinical practice. Here, we introduce a standardized evaluation framework to reliably evaluate and compare the performance of the algorithms devised to detect and quantify the coronary artery stenoses, and to segment the coronary artery lumen in CTA data. The objective of this evaluation framework is to demonstrate the feasibility of dedicated algorithms to: (1) (semi-)automatically detect and quantify stenosis on CTA, in comparison with quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) and CTA consensus reading, and (2) (semi-)automatically segment the coronary lumen on CTA, in comparison with expert's manual annotation. A database consisting of 48 multicenter multivendor cardiac CTA datasets with corresponding reference standards are described and made available. The algorithms from 11 research groups were quantitatively evaluated and compared. The results show that (1) some of the current stenosis detection/quantification algorithms may be used for triage or as a second-reader in clinical practice, and that (2) automatic lumen segmentation is possible with a precision similar to that obtained by experts. The framework is open for new submissions through the website, at
To develop and validate a method for creating realistic, patient specific replicas of cerebral aneurysms by means of fused deposition modeling. The luminal boundaries of 10 cerebral aneurysms, together with adjacent proximal and distal sections of the parent artery, were segmented based on DSA images, and corresponding virtual three-dimensional (3D) surface reconstructions were created. From these, polylactic acid and MakerBot Flexible Filament replicas of each aneurysm were created by means of fused deposition modeling. The accuracy of the replicas was assessed by quantifying statistical significance in the variations of their inner dimensions relative to 3D DSA images. Feasibility for using these replicas as flow phantoms in combination with phase contrast MRI was demonstrated. 3D printed aneurysm models were created for all 10 subjects. Good agreement was seen between the models and the source anatomy. Aneurysm diameter measurements of the printed models and source images correlated well (r=0.999; p<0.001), with no statistically significant group difference (p=0.4) or observed bias. The SDs of the measurements were 0.5 mm and 0.2 mm for source images and 3D models, respectively. 3D printed models could be imaged with flow via MRI. The 3D printed aneurysm models presented were accurate and were able to be produced inhouse. These models can be used for previously cited applications, but their anatomical accuracy also enables their use as MRI flow phantoms for comparison with ongoing studies of computational fluid dynamics. Proof of principle imaging experiments confirm MRI flow phantom utility. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
Purpose: The level-set method is known to require long computation time for 3D image segmentation, which limits its usage in clinical workflow. The goal of this study was to develop a fast level-set algorithm based on the coherent propagation method and explore its character using clinical datasets. Methods: The coherent propagation algorithm allows level set functions to converge faster by forcing the contour to move monotonically according to a predicted developing trend. Repeated temporary backwards propagation, caused by noise or numerical errors, is then avoided. It also makes it possible to detect local convergence, so that the parts of the boundary that have reached their final position can be excluded in subsequent iterations, thus reducing computation time. To compensate for the overshoot error, forward and backward coherent propagation is repeated periodically. This can result in fluctuations of great magnitude in parts of the contour. In this paper, a new gradual convergence scheme using a damping factor is proposed to address this problem. The new algorithm is also generalized to non-narrow band cases. Finally, the coherent propagation approach is combined with a new distance-regularized level set, which eliminates the needs of reinitialization of the distance. Results: Compared with the sparse field method implemented in the widely available ITKSnap software, the proposed algorithm is about 10 times faster when used for brain segmentation and about 100 times faster for aorta segmentation. Using a multiresolution approach, the new method achieved 50 times speed-up in liver segmentation. The Dice coefficient between the proposed method and the sparse field method is above 99% in most cases. Conclusions: A generalized coherent propagation algorithm for level set evolution yielded substantial improvement in processing time with both synthetic datasets and medical images.
Blood flow in arteries is dominated by unsteady flow phenomena. The cardiovascular system is an internal flow loop with multiple branches in which a complex liquid circulates. A nondimensional frequency parameter, the Womersley number, governs the relationship between the unsteady and viscous forces. Normal arterial flow is laminar with secondary flows generated at curves and branches. The arteries are living organs that can adapt to and change with the varying hemodynamic conditions. In certain circumstances, unusual hemodynamic conditions create an abnormal biological response. Velocity profile skewing can create pockets in which the direction of the wall shear stress oscillates. Atherosclerotic disease tends to be localized in these sites and results in a narrowing of the artery lumena stenosis. The stenosis can cause turbulence and reduce flow by means of viscous head losses and flow choking. Very high shear stresses near the throat of the stenosis can activate platelets and thereby induce thrombosis, which can totally block blood flow to the heart or brain. Detection and quantification of stenosis serve as the basis for surgical intervention. In the future, the study of arterial blood flow will lead to the prediction of individual hemodynamic flows in any patient, the development of diagnostic tools to quantify disease, and the design of devices that mimic or alter blood flow. This field is rich with challenging problems in fluid mechanics involving three-dimensional, pulsatile flows at the edge of turbulence.
Phase contrast MRI allows access to tri-directional encoded velocity information and therefore, measurement of flow in the human hemodynamic system. The aim of this work was to investigate whether this technology could be applied to support the grading of stenosis in mid-size arteries. Using a specially constructed flow phantom and a stenosis model with tube diameter of 5mm and 8mm and a stenosis of 50%, experiments at different flow rates (180–640ml/min), slice thickness (1–4mm), field strength (1.5 and 3.0T), and multi-slice as well as 3D volume acquisition were performed. The observations were assessed visually and evaluated by signal-to-noise (SNR) ratios in regions before and after the stenosis. The obtained results show that examinations should be performed at high field (3.0T) and at flow rates up to 500ml/min without hampering the measurements by areas of signal loss. In comparison, no detectable differences in the flow patterns of the two acquisition schemes could be observed. However, the SNR was higher using the 3D volume acquisition and thick slices. In summary, 3D PC-MRI of mid-size vessels with stenosis is feasible for certain flow rates. The presented results could be seen as guidance for in vivo situations to assess if an examination of a patient is reasonable in terms of outcome.
Purpose: Coronary plaque has been shown to directly affect the blood parameters, however, haemodynamic variations based on the plaque configuration has not been studied. In this study we investigate the haemodynamic effects of various types of plaques in the left coronary bifurcation. Methods: Eight types of plaque configurations were simulated and located in various positions in the left main stem, the left anterior descending and left circumflex to produce a >50% narrowing of the coronary lumen. We analyse and characterise haemodynamic effects caused by each type of plaque. Computational fluid dynamics was performed to simulate realistic physiological conditions that reveal the in vivo cardiac haemodynamics. Velocity, wall shear stress (WSS) and pressure gradient (PSG) in the left coronary artery were calculated and compared in all plaque configurations during cardiac cycles. Results: Our results showed that the highest velocity and PSG were found in the type of plaque configuration which involved all of the three left coronary branches. Plaques located in the left circumflex branch resulted in highly significant changes of the velocity, WSS and PSG (p<0.001) when compared to the other types of plaque configurations. Conclusion: Our analysis provides an insight into the distribution of plaque at the left bifurcation, and corresponding haemodynamic effects, thus, improving our understanding of atherosclerosis.